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AMA DocSig Suggested Readings

PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE/ THEORY/THEORY DEVELOPMENT................................................................2 METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................................................................3 GENERAL.............................................................................................................................................................3 STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS.............................................................................................................................3 Texts...................................................................................................................................................................3 Internet Sites......................................................................................................................................................3 Articles...............................................................................................................................................................4 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR.............................................................................................................................................6 INTRODUCTION TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOR METHODS.........................................................................6 MEMORY: (REPETITION/ORGANIZATION)..................................................................................................................6 MEMORY: (LEVELS OF PROCESSING/ENCODING SPECIFICITY/TRANSFER APPROPRIATE PROCESSING).................................6 MEMORY: (SEMANTIC)..........................................................................................................................................6 MEMORY: (SPREAD OF ACTIVATION) .......................................................................................................................6 MEMORY: (CATEGORIES & PROTOTYPES ).................................................................................................................6 MEMORY: (SCHEMAS/SCRIPTS) ..............................................................................................................................7 MEMORY: (TEXT PROCESSING) ...............................................................................................................................7 MEMORY: (IMPLICIT & EXPLICIT) ..........................................................................................................................7 MEMORY: (RECALL/RECALL EFFECTS) ...................................................................................................................7 MEMORY: (MISCELLANEOUS ) ................................................................................................................................7 INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE (EXPERTISE)......................................................................................................7 INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE (PROCESSING & SEARCH): ..................................................................................8 INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE (PROCESSING & CHOICE): ..................................................................................8 DECISION MAKING/JUDGMENT ...................................................................................................................8 SOCIAL COGNITION/SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY .............................................................................................9 AFFECT.................................................................................................................................................................9 ATTITUDES (AND BEHAVIOR) .............................................................................................................................10 ATTITUDES (CHANGE)........................................................................................................................................10 FRAMING EFFECTS.........................................................................................................................................11 CLASSICAL CONDITIONING ........................................................................................................................11 INNOVATIVENESS (BEHAVIORAL PERSPECTIVES)................................................................................................11 PRICING (BEHAVIORAL PERSPECTIVES) ..................................................................................................................11 OTHER ...............................................................................................................................................................12 MARKETING MANAGEMENT/STRATEGY.........................................................................................................12 MARKETING ORGANIZATIONS/MARKETING ORIENTATION..............................................................12 COMPETITION (CONCEPTUAL) ............................................................................................................................13 PIONEER ADVANTAGE...................................................................................................................................13 LATE-MOVER ADVANTAGE ........................................................................................................................14 INCUMBENT REACTION ................................................................................................................................15 NETWORK EXTERNALITIES .........................................................................................................................15 POSITIONING ....................................................................................................................................................15 PRICING .............................................................................................................................................................16 ADVERTISING ..................................................................................................................................................16 MARKETING MIX-PERFORMANCE LINK ..................................................................................................16 NEW PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................................17 BRAND MANAGEMENT (BRAND EQUITY/BRAND EXTENSIONS/PRODUCT-LINE EXTENSIONS & DELETIONS) .............18 SALESFORCE ....................................................................................................................................................19 SATISFACTION .................................................................................................................................................19 SERVICES MARKETING.................................................................................................................................19 VALUE ................................................................................................................................................................20 OTHER ................................................................................................................................................................20 CHANNELS....................................................................................................................................................................20 Page 1 of 25

MODELS.........................................................................................................................................................................22 CHOICE...............................................................................................................................................................22 MARKET STRUCTURE.....................................................................................................................................22 CONJOINT..........................................................................................................................................................23 DIFFUSION........................................................................................................................................................23 CROSS-CATEGORY (MARKET BASKET).............................................................................................................23 PRICING (MODELS).............................................................................................................................................24 OTHER...............................................................................................................................................................24 MISCELLANEOUS & EMERGING TOPICS..........................................................................................................24 E-COMMERCE .................................................................................................................................................24 ALTERNATIVES TO COMPETITION.............................................................................................................25

Philosophy Of Science/ Theory/Theory Development

Anderson, P. (1983), Marketing, Scientific Progress, and Scientific Method, Journal of Marketing, 47 (Fall), 18-31. Bagozzi, R. (1984), A Prospectus for Theory Construction in Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 48 (Winter), 11-29 Barwise, P. (1995), Good Empirical Generalizations, Marketing Science, 14, G29-G35. Costner, ed. (San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass). Hunt, S. (1990), Truth in Marketing Theory and Research, Journal of Marketing, 54 (July), 1-15. Hunt, S. (1992), For Reason and Realism in Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 56 (April), 89-102.

Hunt, S. (1993), Objectivity in Marketing Theory and Research, Journal of Bass, F. and J. Wind (1995), Introduction Marketing, 57 (April), 76-91. to the Special Issue: Empirical Generalizations in Marketing, Marketing Moorthy, K. (1993), Theoretical Science, 14, G1-G5. Modeling in Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 57 (April), 92-106. Deshpande, R. (1983), Paradigms Lost: On Theory and Method in Research in Peter, J. (1992), Realism or Relativism Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 47 for Marketing Theory and Research: A (Fall), 101-110. Comment on Hunts Scientific Realism, Journal of Marketing, 56 (April), 72-79. Ehrenberg, A., (1995), Empirical Generalisations, Theory, and Method, Peter, J. and J. Olson (1983), Is Science Marketing Science, G20-G28. Marketing? Journal of Marketing, 47 (Fall), 111-125. Farley, J., D. Lehmann, and A, Sawyer (1995), Empirical Marketing Zinkhan, G. and R. Hirschheim (1992), Generalization Using Meta-Analysis, Truth in Marketing Theory and Marketing Science, 14, G36-G46. Research: An Alternative Perspective, Journal of Marketing, 56 (April), 80-88. Land, K. (1971), Formal Theory, in Sociological Methodology 1971, H.

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GENERAL Armstrong, J. and S. Overton (1978), "Estimating Non-response Bias in Mail Surveys," Journal of Marketing Research, 14, 396-402. Baron, R. and Kenny, D. (1986), "The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173-1182. Bottomley, P. and P. Green (2000), Testing the Reliability of Weight Elicitation Methods: Direct Rating Versus Point Allocation, Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (November), 508-513. Peter, J. (1979), Reliability: A Review of Psychometric Basics and Recent Marketing Practices, Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (May), 6-24. Peter, J. (1981), Construct Validity: A Review of Basic Issues and Marketing Practices, Journal of Marketing Research,18 (May), 133-145. Peter, J., G. Churchill, and T. Brown (1993), Caution in the Use of Difference Scores in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 19 (March), 655662.

Sawyer, A., J. Lynch, and D. Brinberg (1995), A Bayesian Analysis of the Information Value of Manipulation and Confounding Checks in Theory Tests, Journal of Consumer Research, 21 Churchill, G. (1979), A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing (March), 581-596. Constructs, Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (February), 64-73. STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS Cook, T. and D. Campbell (1976), The Design and Conduct of QuasiExperiments in Field Settings, in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, M. Dunnette ed., (Chicago, IL: Rand McNally). Fern, E. and K. Monroe (1996), EffectSize Estimates: Issues and Problems in Interpretation, Journal of Consumer Research, 23 (September), 89-105. Hutchinson, W., W. Kamakura, and J. Lynch (2000), "Unobserved Heterogeneity as an Alternative Explanation for "Reversal" Effects in Behavioral Research," Journal of Consumer Research, 27,2 (December), 324-345. Perdue, B. and J. Summers (1986), Checking the Success of Manipulations in Marketing Experiments, Journal of Marketing Research, 23 (November), 317-326. Texts Bollen, K. (1989), Structural Equations with Latent Variables, (New York, NY: Wiley). Joreskog, K., and D. Sorbom (1995), LISREL 8 Users Reference Guide, (Chicago, IL: SSI, Inc). Jaccard, J. and C. Wan (1996), LISREL Approaches to Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression, Sage University Papers series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, 07114. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Internet Sites Rigdon, E. and others (1996), The SEMNET FAQ, a World Wide Web site at address http://www.gsu.edu/~mkteer/semfaq.ht ml

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E-mail discussion group SEMNET at http://www.gsu.edu/~mkteer/SEMNET.ht ml Articles Anderson, J. and D. Gerbing (1988), Structural Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach, Psychological Bulletin, 103 (3), 411-23. Browne, M. and R. Cudeck (1992), Alternate Ways of Assessing Model Fit, Sociological Methods and Research, 21 (2) 230-58. Bullock, Harlow, and Mulaik (1994), Causation Issues in Structural Equation Modeling Research, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 1 (August), 253-267. Cliff, N. (1983), Some Cautions Concerning the Application of Causal Modeling Methods, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 18 (January), 11526. Fergusson and Horwood (1984), Life Events and Depression in Women: A Structural Equation Model, Psychological Medicine, 14, 881-89. Fornell, C. and D. Larcker (1981), Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (February), 3950.

Rigdon, E. (1994), Demonstrating the Effects of Unmodeled Random Measurement Error, Structural Equation Modeling, 1, 375-80. Rigdon, E. (1994), Calculating Degrees of Freedom for a Structural Equation Model, Structural Equation Modeling, 1, 274-78. Rigdon, E. (1995), A Necessary and Sufficient Identification Rule for Structural Models Estimated in Practice, Multivariate Behavioral Research. Rigdon, E. (1996), CFI vs. RMSEA: A Comparison of Two Fit Indices for Structural Equation Modeling, Structural Equation Modeling, 3 (4), 369-79. Rigdon, E. (1997), Identificatin of Structural Equation Models with Latent Variables: A Review of Contributions by Bekker, Merckens and Wansbeek, Structural Equation Modeling, 4, (1), 8085. Rigdon, E. (1998), Structural Equation Modeling, in Modern Methods for Business Research, Marcoulides ed., (Mahwah, NJ: LEA). Rindskopf, D. and T. Rose (1988), Some Theory and Applications of Confirmatory Second-Order Factor Analysis, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 23 (January), 51-67.

Stelzl (1986), Changing a Causal Hypothesis Without Changing the Fit: Some Rules for Generating Equivalent Gerbing, D. and J. Anderson (1988), "An Path Models, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 21 (July), 309-31. (Note, Updated Paradigm for Scale Stelzl uses lines between constructs to Development Incorporating indicate the absence of a path between Unidimensionality and Its Assessment," Journal of Marketing Research, 25 (May), them.) 186-92. West, Finch, and Curran (1995), Structural Equation Models with Joreskog, K. (2001), Basic Ideas of Nonnormal Variables: Problems and Factor and Component Analysis, Remedies, in Rick H. Hoyle (ed.), (working paper). Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues and Applications (pp. 56-75).
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Consumer Behavior
INTRODUCTION TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOR METHODS Wind, J., V. Rao, and P. Green (1991), Behavioral Methods, in Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T. Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall). Transfer Appropriate Processing, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 16, 519-533, MEMORY: (Semantic)

Kintsch, W. (1980), Semantic Memory: A Tutorial, in Attention and Performance, 8, R. Nickerson ed., MEMORY: (Repetition/Organization) (Hillsdale, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). Crowder, R (1976), The Effects of Repetition on Memory, in Principles of Smith, E., E. Shoben, and L. Rips (1974), Learning and Memory, (Hillsdale, Structure and Process in Semantic NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). Memory: A Feature Model for Semantic Decisions, Psychological Review, 81, 214-241. Bower, G. (1970), Organizational Factors in Memory, Cognitive Psychology, 1, 18-46. Tulving, E. (1972), Episodic and Semantic Memory, in Organization and Memory, E. Tulving and W. Donaldson MEMORY: (Levels of eds., (New York, NY: Academic Press). Processing/Encoding Specificity/Transfer Appropriate Processing) MEMORY: (Spread of Activation) Craik, F. and R. Lockhart (1972), Levels of Processing: A Framework for Memory Research, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 11, 671-684. Baddeley, A. (1978), The Trouble With Levels: A Reexamination of Craik and Lockharts Framework for Memory Research, Psychological Review, 85, 139-152. Tulving, E. and D. Thomson (1973), Encoding Specificity and Retrieval Processes in Episodic Memory, Psychological Review, 80, 352-373, Tulving, E. (1979), Relation Between Encoding Specificity and Levels of Processing, in Levels of Processing in Human Memory, L. Cermak and F. Craik eds., (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). Morris, C., J. Bransford, and J. Franks (1977), Levels of Processing Versus Collins, A. and E. Loftus (1975), A Spreading Activation Theory of Semantic Processing, Psychological Review, 82 (6), 407-428. Ratcliff, R. and G. McKoon (1981), Does Activation Really Spread? Psychological Review, 88, 454-462. McNamara, T. (1992), Theories of Priming: I. Associative Distance and Lag, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 18, 1173-1190. McNamara, T. (1994), Theories of Priming: II. Types of Primes, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 20, 507-520. MEMORY: (Categories & Prototypes) Barsalou, L. (1985), Ideals, Central Tendency and Frequency of Instantiation as Determinants of Graded Structure in

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Categories, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11, 629-654. Posner, M. and S. Keele (1968), On the Genesis of Abstract Ideas, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77, 353-363. Rosch, E. (1975), Cognitive Representation of Semantic Categories, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 192-233. Smith, E. and D. Medin (1981), The Exemplar View, in Categories and Concepts, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press). MEMORY: (Schemas/Scripts)

MEMORY: (Implicit & Explicit) Neill, W., J. Beck, K. Bottalico, and R. Molloy (1990), Effects of Intentional Versus Incidental Learning on Explicit and Implicit Tests of Memory, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16, 457-463. Richardson-Klavehn, A. and R. Bjork (1988), Measures of Memory, Annual Review of Psychology, 39, 475-543. MEMORY: (Recall/Recall Effects) Burke, R. and T. Srull (1988), Competitive Interference and Consumer Memory for Advertising, Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (June), 55-68.

Alba, J. and L. Hasher (1983), Is Memory Nedungadi, P. (1990), Recall and Schematic? Psychological Bulletin, 93, Consumer Consideration Sets: 203-231. Influencing Choice Without Altering Brand Evaluations, Journal of Consumer Pezdek, K, T. Whetstone, K. Reynolds, N. Research, 17 (December), 263-27. Askari, and T. Dougherty (1989), Memory for Real-World Scenes: The MEMORY: (Miscellaneous) Role of Consistency with Schema Expectation, Journal of Experimental Baddeley, A. (1982), Domains of Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Recollection, Psychological Review, 89, Cognition, 15, 587-595. 708-729. Smith, R. and M. Houston (1985), A Psychometric Assessment of Measures of Scripts in Consumer Memory, Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 214-224. Morris, P. (1992), Prospective Memory: Remembering to Do Things, in Aspects of Memory, Vol. I, M. Gruneberg and P. Morris eds., (New York, NY: Routledge).

Sujan. M. and J. Bettman (1989), The INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE Effects of Brand Positioning Strategies on (Expertise) Consumers Brand and Category Perceptions: Some Insights from Schema Alba, J., J. Hutchinson, and J. Lynch Research, Journal of Marketing (1991), Memory and Decision Making, Research, 26 (November), 454-467. in Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T. Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., MEMORY: (Text Processing) (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall). Kintsch, W. and T. van Dijk (1978), Toward a Model of Text Comprehension and Production, Psychological Review, 85, 363-394. Huffman, C. and M. Houston (1993), Goal Oriented Experiences and the Development of Knowledge, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 190-207. Mitchell, A. and P. Dacin (1996), The Assessment of Alternative Measures of
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Consumer Expertise, Journal of Consumer Research, 23, 219-239. Park, C., D. Mothersbaugh, and L. Feick (1994), Consumer Knowledge and Assessment, Journal of Consumer Research, 21, 71-82. INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE (Processing & Search): Alba, J. and W. Hutchinson, Dimensions of Consumer Expertise, Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (March 1987), 83-95. Alba, J. and W. Hutchinson (2000), Knowledge Calibration: What Consumers Know and What They Think They Know, Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (December), 324-344. Brucks, M. (1985), The Effects of Product Class Knowledge on Information Search Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (June), 1-16. Dickson, P. and A. Sawyer (1990), The Price Knowledge and Search of Supermarket Shoppers, Journal of Marketing, 54, 42-53. Ratchford, B. (2001), The Economics of Consumer Knowledge, Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (March), 397411. Stigler, G. (1961), The Economics of Information, Journal of Political Economy, 69 (June), 213-225. INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE (Processing & Choice): Bettman, J., E. Johnson, and J. Payne (1991), Consumer Decision Making, in Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T. Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall). Dick, A., D. Chakravarti, and G. Biehal (1990), Memory Based Inferences

During Consumer Choice, Journal of Consumer Research, 17, 82-93. Gruert, K. (1996), Automatic and Strategic Processes in Advertising Effects, Journal of Marketing, 60, 88101. Lynch, J., H. Marmorstein, and M. Weigold (1988), Choices from Sets Including Remembered Brands: Use of Recalled Attributes and Prior Overall Evaluations, Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (September), 169-183. Nowlis, S. and I. Simonson (1997), Attribute-Task Compatibility as a Determinant of Consumer Preference Reversals, Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 205-218. DECISION MAKING/JUDGMENT Kahneman, D. and A. Tversky (1979), Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk, Econometrica, 47 (March), 263-291. Thaler, R. (1985), Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice, Marketing Science, 4 (Summer), 199-214. Tversky, A. (1972), Elimination by Aspects: A Theory of Choice, Psychological Review, 79, 281-299. Tversky, A. and D. Kahneman (1973), Availability: A Heuristic for Judging Frequency and Probability, Cognitive Psychology, 5, 207-232. Tversky, A. and D. Kahneman (1974), Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases, Science, 185 (September 27), 1124-1131. Tversky, A. and D. Kahneman (1991), Loss Aversion and Riskless Choice: A Reference Dependent Model, Journal of Economics, 106 (November), 1039-1061. Wilson, T. and J. Schooler (1991), Thinking Too Much: Introspection Can

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Reduce the Quality of Preferences and Decisions, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 181-192. SOCIAL COGNITION/SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Beggan, J. (1992), On the Social Nature of Nonsocial Perception: The Mere Ownership Effect, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62, 229 Folkes, V. (1988), Recent Attribution Research in Consumer Behavior: A Review and New Directions, Journal of Consumer Research, 14, 548-565. Folkes, V. and T. Kiesler (1991), Social Cognition, in Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T. Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall). Prelec, D., B. Wernerfelt, and F. Zettelmeyer (1997), The Role of Inference in Context Effects: Inferring What You Want From What is Available, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 118125. Weiner, B. (2000), Attributional Thoughts About Consumer Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (December), 382-387. AFFECT Batra, R. and M. Ray (1986), Affective Responses Mediating Acceptance of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (September), 234-249. Baumgartner, H., M. Sujan, and D. Padgett (1997), Patterns of Affective Reactions to Advertisements: The Integration of Moment-to-Moment Responses into Overall Judgments, Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 219232.

Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall). Holbrook, M. and E. Hirschman (1982), The Experiential Aspect of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun, Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 132-140. Kahn, B. and A. Isen (1993), The Influence of Positive Affect on Variety Seeking Among Safe, Enjoyable Products, Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (September), 257-270. Lee, A. and B. Sternthal (1999), The Effects of Positive Mood on Memory, Journal of Consumer Research, 26 (September), 115-127. Meloy, M. (2000), Mood-Driven Distortion of Product Information, Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (December), 345-359. Meyers-Levy, J. and D. Maheswaran (1992), Wen Timing Matters: The Influence of Temporal Distance on Consumers Affective and Persuasive Responses, Journal of Consumer Research, 19 (December), 424-433. Richins, M. (1997), Measuring Emotions in the Consumption Experience, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 127-146. Shiv, B. and A. Fedorikhin (1999), Heart and Mind in Conflict: The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making, Journal of Consumer Research, 26 (December), 278-292. Simonson, I. (1992), The Influence of Anticipating Regret and Responsibility on Purchase Decisions, Journal of Consumer Research, 19, 105-118.

Swinyard, W. (1993), The Effects of Mood, Involvement, and Quality of Store Experience on Shopping Intentions, Cohen, J. and C. Areni (1991), Affect, in Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (September), 271-280. Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T.
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Zajonc, R. (1984), On the Primacy of Affect, American Psychologist, 39, 117123. ATTITUDES (and Behavior) Ajzen, I. And T. Madden (1986), Prediction of Goal-Directed Behavior: Attitudes, Intentions, and Perceived Behavioral Control, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 22, 453474. Aronson, E. (1978), The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance: A Current Perspective, in Cognitive Theories in Social Psychology, L. Berkowitz ed., (Academic Press). Cacioppo, J., S. Harkins, and R. Petty (1981), The Nature of Attitudes and Cognitive Responses and Their Relationship to Behavior, Cognitive Responses in Persuasion, R. Petty, T. Ostrom, and T. Brock, eds., (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). Chaiken, S. (1980), Heurstic Versus Systmatic Information Processing and the Use of Source Versus Message Cues in Persuasion, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39 (November), 752756. Fazio, R., M. Powell, and C. Willams (1989), The Role of Attitude Accessibility in the Attitude-to-Behavior Process, Journal of Consumer Research, 16, 280-288. Herr, P. and R. Fazio (1993), The Attitude-to-Behavior Process: Implications for Consumer Behavior, in Advertising, Exposure, Memory, and Choice, A. Mitchell ed., (Hillsdale, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). Mackenzie, S. and R. Spreng (1992), How Does Motivation Moderate the Impact of Central and Peripheral Processing on Brand Attitudes and Intentions, Journal of Consumer Research, 18, 519-29.

Munch, J., G. Boller., and J. Swasy (1993), The Effects of Argument Structure and Affective Tagging on Product Attitude Formation, Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (September), 294-302. Petty, R., J. Cacioppo, and D. Schumann (1983), Central and Peripheral Routes to Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Involvement, Journal of Consumer Research, 10 (Septemeber), 135-146. Tesser, A. and D. Shaffer (1990), Attitudes and Attitude Change, Annual Review of Psychology, 41, 479-523. ATTITUDES (Change) Berger, I. And A. Mitchell (1989), The Effect of Advertising on Attitude Accessibility, Attitude Confidence, and the Attitude-Behavior Relationship, Journal of Consumer Research, 16 (December), 269-279. Block, L. and P. Keller (1995), When to Accentuate the Negative: The Effects of Perceived Efficacy and Message Framing on Intentions to Perform a Health-Related Behavior, Journal of Marketing Research, 32, 192-203. Burnkrant, R. and R. Unnava (1995), Effects of Self-Referencing on Persuasion, Journal of Consumer Research, 22 (June), 17-26. Keller, P. and L. Block (1996), Increasing the Persuasiveness of Fear Appeals: The Effect of Arousal and Elaboration, Journal of Consumer Research, 22, 448-459. Petty, R., R. Unnava, and A. Strathman (1991), Theories of Attitude Change, in Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T. Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall). Sengupta, J., R. Goodstein, and David Boninger (1997), All Cues Are Not Created Equal: Obtaining Attitude

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Persistence Under Low-Involvement Conditions, Journal of Consumer Research, 4, 351-361. Shiv, B., J. Edell, and J. Payne (1997), Factors Affecting the Impact of Negatively and Positively Framed Ad Messages, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 285-294. Zajonc, R. (1968), Attitudinal Effects of Mere Exposure, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9, 1-27. FRAMING EFFECTS Grewel, D., J. Gotlieb, and H. Marmorstein (1994), The Moderating Effects of Message Framing and Source Credibility on the Price-Perceived Risk Relationship, Journal of Consumer Research, 21 (June), 145-153.

Stuart, E., T. Shimp, and R. Engle (1987), Classical Conditioning of Consumer Attitudes: Four Experiments in an Advertising Context, Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (December), 334-349. Janiszewski, C. and L.Warlop (1993), The Influence of Classical Conditioning Procedures on Subsequent Attention to the Conditioned Brand, Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (December), 171-189. INNOVATIVENESS (Behavioral Perspectives) Gatignon, H. and T. Robertson (1991), Innovative Decision Processes, in Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T. Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall).

Manning, K., W. Bearden, and T. Madden Inman, J., A. Peter, and P. Raghubir (1995), Consumer Innovativeness and (1997), Framing the Deal: The Role of Restrictions in Accentuating Deal Value, the Decision Process, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 4, 329-346. Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 6879. Muthukrishnan, A. (1995), Decision Ambiguity and Incumbent Brand Maheswaran, D. and J. Meyers-Levy Advantage, Journal of Consumer (1990), The Influence of Message Framing and Issue Involvement, Journal Research, 22, 98-109. of Marketing Research, 27 (August), 361367. Veryzer, R. and W. Hutchinson (1998), The Influence of Unity and Prototypicality Aesthetic Responses to Puto, C. (1987), The Framing of Buying Decisions, Journal of Consumer Research, New Product Designs, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 374-394. 14 (December), 301-315. Tversky, A. and D. Kahneman (1981), The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice, Science, 211 (January), 453-458. CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Shimp, T. (1991), Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning and Its Implications for Consumer Theory and Research, in Handbook of Consumer Behavior, T. Robertson and H. Kassarjian eds., (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall). PRICING (Behavioral Perspectives) Briesch, R., L. Krishnamurthi, T. Mazumdar, and S. Raj (1997), A Comparative Analysis of Reference Price Models, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 202-214. Dewar, N. and P. Parker (1994), Marketing Universals: Consumers Use of Brand Name, Price, Physical Appearance, and Retailer Reputation as Signals of Product Quality, Journal of Marketing, 58, 81-95.

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Gourville, J. (1998), Pennies-a-Day: The Marmorstein, H., D. Grewal, and R. Fishe Effect of Temporal Framing on (1992), "The Value of Time Spent in Transaction Evaluation, Journal of Price-Comparison Shopping: Survey and Consumer Research, 24, 395-408. Experimental Evidence," Journal of Consumer Research, 19 (June), 52-61. Heath, T., S. Chatterjee, and K. France (1995), Mental Accounting and Changes Schindler, R. and P. Kirby (1997), in Price: The Frame Dependence of Patterns of Rightmost Digits Used in Reference Price, Journal of Consumer Advertised Prices: Implications for NineResearch, 22, 90-97. Ending Effects, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 192-201. Inman, J., L. McAlister, and W. Hoyer (1990), Promotion Signal: Proxy for a Tellis, G. and G. Gaeth (1990), Best Price Cut? Journal of Consumer Value, Price-Seeking, and Price Aversion: Research, 17, 74-81. The Impact of Information and Learning on Consumer Choices, Journal of Marketing, 54, 34-45. Kalyanaram, G. and R. Winer (1995), Empirical Generalizations from Reference Price Research, Marketing OTHER Science, 14, G161-G169. Brinberg, D. and R. Wood (1983), A Lichtenstein, D. and W. Bearden (1989), Resource Exchange Theory Analysis of Contextual Influences on Perceptions of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Merchant-Supplied Reference Prices, Consumer Research, 10 (December), Journal of Consumer Research, 16, 55-66. 330-338. Lichtenstein, D., P. Bloch, and W. Black (1988), Correlates of Price Acceptability, Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (September), 243-252. Ratchford, B (1975), The New Economic Theory of Consumer Behavior: An Interpretive Essay, Journal of Consumer Research, 2, 65-78

Marketing Management/Strategy
MARKETING ORGANIZATIONS/MARKETING ORIENTATION Bagozzi, R. (1975), Marketing as Exchange, Journal of Marketing, 39 (October), 32-39. Day, G. (1994), The Capabilities of Market-Driven Organizations, Journal of Marketing, 58 (October), 37-52. Marketing Strategy Formation, Journal of Marketing, 52 (January), 4-19. Jaworski, B. and A. Kohli (1993), Market Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences, Journal of Marketing, 57 (July), 53-70. Jaworski, B., V. Stathakopoulos, H. Krishnan (1993), Control Combinations in Marketing: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence, Journal of Marketing, 57 (January), 57-69.

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Manchanda, P., A. Ansari, and S. Gupta (1999), The "Shopping Basket": A Model Bass, F. (1995), Empirical for Multicategory Purchase Incidence Generalizations and Marketing Science: A Decisions, Marketing Science, 18, 95Personal View, Marketing Science, 14, 114. G6-G19. Dekimpe, M., P. Parker, and M. Sarvary (2000), Global Diffusion of Technological Innovations: A Coupled-Hazard Approach, Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (February), 47-59. Helsen, K., K. Jedidi, and W. DeSarbo (1993), A New Approach to Country Segmentation Utilizing Multinational Russell, G. and W. Kamakura (1994), Modeling Multiple Category Brand Preference with Household Basket Data, Journal of Retailing, 73 (Winter), 439461. Russell, G. and A. Peterson (2000), Analysis of Cross Category Dependence in Market Basket Selection, Journal of Retailing, 76 (Fall), 367-392.

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PRICING (Models) Briesch, R., A. Krishnamurthi, T. Mazumdar, and S. Raj (1997), A Comparative Analysis of Reference Price Models, Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (September), 202-214. Kalwani, M., C. Yim, H. Rinne, and Y. Sugita (1990), A Price Expectations Model of Customer Brand Choice, Journal of Marketing Research, 27 (August), 251-263. OTHER Carroll, J. and P. Green (1997), Psychometric Methods in Marketing

Research: Part II, Multidimensional Scaling, Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (May), 193-204. Fader, P. and D. Schmittlein (1993), Excess Behavioral Loyalty for HighShare Brands: Deviations from the Dirichlet Model for Repeat Purchasing, Journal of Marketing Research, 30 (November), 478-493. Farley, J. and D. Lehmann (1994), Crossnational Laws and Differences in Market Response, Management Science, 40 (January), 111-122.

Miscellaneous & Emerging Topics

Shopping Environments: The Effects of Interactive Decision Aids, Marketing Alba, J, J. Lynch, B. Weitz, C. Janiszewski, Science, 19 (Winter), 4-21. R. Lutz, A. Sawyer, and S. Wood (1997), Interactive Home Shopping: Consumer, Hoffman, D. and T. Novak (1996), Retailer, and Manufacturer Incentives to Marketing in Hypermedia ComputerParticipate in Electronic Marketplaces, Mediated Environments: Conceptual Journal of Marketing, 61 (July), 38-53. Foundations, Journal of Marketing, 60 (July), 50-68. Bakos, Y. (1997), Reducing Buyer Search Costs: Implications for Electronic Keeney, R. (1999), The Value of Marketplaces, Management Science, 43 Internet Commerce to the Customer, (December), 1676-1692. Management Science, 45, 533-542. Bakos, Y. (2000), Bundling and competition on the Internet, Marketing Science, 19 (Winter), 63-82. Bradlow, E. and D. Schmittlein (2000), The Little Engines that Could: Modeling the Performance of World Wide Web Search Engines, Marketing Science, 19 (Winter), 43-62. Brynjolffson, E. and M. Smith (2000), Frictionless Commerce? Comparison of Internet and Conventional Retailers, Management Science, 46 (April), 563585. Haubl, G. and V. Thrifts (2000), Consumer Decision Making in Online
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Lynch, J. and D. Ariely (2000), Wine Online: Search Costs Affect Competition on Price, Quality and Distribution, Marketing Science, 19 (Winter), 83-103. Lal, R. and M. Sarvary (1999) When and How is the Internet Likely to Decrease Price Competition? Marketing Science, 18, 485-503. Novak, T. , D. Hoffman, and Y. Yung (2000), Measuring the Customer Experience in Online Environments: A Structural Modeling Approach, Marketing Science, 19 (Winter), 22-42.

ALTERNATIVES TO COMPETITION Bucklin, L. and S. Sengupta (1993), Organizing Successful Co-marketing Alliances, Journal of Marketing, 57, (April), 32-46.

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