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CLIP Name:

Name: Alex Hopkins_January

00:00 MVI_2639 01:00 02:00




06:00 07:00





A: Well, pretty good. Uh no ones been picking on me anymore and Ive got like 30 friends now. Since Im high on the popularity scale. Im like you know in the thousands. 730 something like that. 720. Ive gone to like a thousand and like 200. And theres like 2000 kids. I start out awesome. Everybody will like me. Well, what characteristics do you mean? Well, last year I was bullied and well picked on but sometimes I was playing around with people and then they hurt me but thats just playing around. Next year, 7th grade Im not getting picked on anymore. And I dont know what happened. I think Im just cooler than last I guess. I either dress cooler or act cooler and I get more friends. So then they stopped picking on me. Well, I know one kid that got beat up by somebody and then hes had a bruised eye and then his eyes all purple and black. His names Brandon I knew him since 3rd grade. I actually saw the fight too. I was there when the fight happened. This brown kid he looked like an athlete. Hes not in my PE Class. He might be. Cause he looks just like him. A guy in my PE class looks just like him. He had a purple shirt on with grey sleeves. You know how- I think I have one in my closet. I well I dont have it in my closet right now. You know how its short sleeves and then it turns into long sleeves. He had one of those shirts on. He had purple and grey. I can describe how the fight went too. Can I? Well, I dont know. He said- he said a couple bad words. Youre an a-hole and stuff like that. I dont know what happened. He so I dont know what happened. Yeah, I knew him in 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade, and 6th grade and now 7th grade. So like 5 or 4 years. He looked pretty mad aand he looked pretty mad at Brandon. I asked if he was okay. He said fine. He just walked away. I didnt actually get a chance. I walked in the middle of the fight. When I walked in I saw he punched him in the face and then he stepped on him the chest when he knocked him over. He tripped him and then stepped on him. And when Brandon got up he punched him in the eye and thats when he got the bruised eyes. And then he tripped him again and then he stomped on him and then he kicked his head and stuff like that. Before. Yeah. Two girls did to. But that was it. Cause two girls were around at their lockers and I was just there in the hall next to the connecting hall. And I was just going to my science class and I just saw that happen. I just saw the fight and I asked if he was okay. Bullying between girls? No I havent. Girls Ive always been friends. Theyve always seemed to talk a lot. Ive never no I havent. No. Well I think boys have anger issues. And girls just kinda work it out somehow. I dont know. They probably dont do it in public. They probably do it at their homes,, if theyre like vicious. Second step. It helps them learn how to handle situations. I dont like It helps them get not get bullied cause stop them from getting bullied cause there was this one video where we learned about 3 skills. Social skills, academic skills, and mathematics skills is the other one. And it showed this one kid and he was using his academic skills to stop bullying and it didnt work. So social skills is the skill to stop bullying I guess. Uhh... Im just listening to them I got no. I know what Im saying no to. I still heard you.










A: No I dont. Ive never heard of a box that you put in a slip of paper to report it. Ive heard of the office giving you a paper of what happened. What you saw. But you never put it in a box. You send it back to the office. Helps people get bullied? Who do get bullied? I dont know anybody. People just kinda let this happen at my school. I just saw that fight. I asked if he was okay. Including me. I just kinda let it happen too. I dont tell anybody. I dont know why. Something just makes me not want to tell anybody. I dont know cause. We cause incase the bully person. Because youre scared of the other person. Hurt them or something. I dont know why other people dont tell. Including me. I dont tell. I just did to Yeah. They say that, but Ive never thought of not being called a snitch would hurt me in any way. Sometimes theyre really not. Sometimes they dont do anything. Like when I was being bullied they made me fill out that sheet of paper. And they didnt do anything about that. They just talked to us at the end of the year. 3 days before the end of the year and said they couldnt do anything about. Cause it was too late. They wait til the last minute. Sometimes they talk to them. And sometimes that doesnt seem to help. Thats what they did to me too. They just talked to him. And you know me glasses got taken off before Christmas break? But somebody said he threw them off the bus but the bus driver found them the next day so I assume he just put them under the seat. But that was the only thing of what he did to me that was sort of in the state of bullying. Yeah. That was Teddy. Hes the normal one. He punched someone in the jaw and broke it. I dont know who it was but he said it was during PE. Yeah he is. But he I dont know, cause hes in 8th grade. He might be nice to people now. No. But that was last year. No, cause people would just try to help me out. They tell me what happened. I didnt ride in the bus that morning after he took my glasses. They told me that the bus driver had found my glasses so, they were just trying to help me out and tell me where and what happened to my glasses. Where they were. Yeah so basically. No not really. Three people. Thomas Alex and Nick. Yeah. Yeah. I dont know. He last year he got in big trouble for popping that kids jaw but he still kept bullying after that. I dont know what happened this year. When the year started for like I waited for like a week a week and half for someone to start bullying me and no one did so I was like alright I wont get bullied anymore! So then he doesnt bully me ever since the glasses thing. Yeah.




A: Yeah. But I need to raise my grades up though. My grades are bad. Oh yeah. Yeah. I often do that a lot. Sometimes I dont want to answer so I dont raise my hand because sometimes its kinda boring cause it takes forever. Yeah. Somebody. Somebody replaces my number. Someone who is like. Someone who is like I was 720 and so someone who is like 400 or 500 takes my place and then theyre 720 so it just goes like 2 or 3 hundred down the popularity scale so somebody replaces and goes up.




02:00 03:00







A: When I go up somebody takes my place and the rest just stay down. Its just that one person goes up if theyre lucky enough. They go in my place. So like 400 to 700 is like 300 jump so that would be a big jump for them. Last year? I thought this was my number last year. 6th grade. Around 400 or something like that. Yeah. Well it wasnt that kind of bad bullying but it like depends on the number of bullies you face. The number of people who dont like you or whatever so I was in the 400s or something. I started out as a 400 but usually you start as 100 and you go up but I was pretty popular in elementary school so I got a start at 400. Well I got a start at like 200. I get like a 100 jump start but then I got 400 and thats what I stayed toward the end of the year. Well, I I never thought of that. Well I guess Im Well Im popular I guess. Cause once you get in the 1000s youre pretty popular and I have more friends which is good because I have a lot of people who can save me from certain things that I dont want to happen. Like if I get in trouble and I really dont want detention they can save me. And sometimes that affects them but they dont care. As long as they save me I dont care. Its like they sacrifice themselves for me. Best friend? Well Id say thats the one who always hangs out with me. Which I have like 3 people. Boys and girls who are my friends? Oh. Two people are guys. Ones a girl. Usually we try to get to our own table as fast as possible, because the round table is the place to be because it has only a few seats and you get to sit in a group like all by yourself. Winter? Well I think this year were going to get 25 inches of snow. I thought we got like 23 inches. Didnt we get like 23 inches? Oh. As long as I get to play in it. I have to shovel it though. That stinks. Well, that depends if theyre a winter person or a summer person or a spring person or whatever. Im a summer person. Im not really a winter person but I like to play in the snow a lot and theres activities I can do in snow and stuff. But some people are winter people because the 2 hour delayed starts and stuff and they have no school and stuff and they get more breaks. Mainly just in school. Sometimes like they ride past my house and stuff and I say hi and theyre always going places and stuff so I never see them. Well I dont know what they did. No I really dont. cause he explained me that he wouldnt throw $200 $300 glasses out the window. Hes not that kind of person. Thats what he said. He apologized and I said okay. And we moved on. Yes. Well, it sounded like it. I felt. It was nice to know it was an accident and he didnt mean to cause he said somebodys foot kicked my glasses under the seat and he was reaching down to like put them under the seat but somebody kicked them under the seat so then he couldnt grab them again to give them back to me so he said sorry and apologized. It was nice to know. No not really. I can see without them. I can swim without them too. Yeah. Well last time they said I couldnt watch tv without them but I found out. I thought I did. I couldnt but I could. And so yeah. It wasnt a disaster without them. Like five centimeters away from it.



A: Parents for sale. Buy one get one free. Coolest outfit? If I had all my shirts in my closet I could show you.



Maybe its in the dirty clothes. Maybe Ive already worn it. I think this is a cool overshirt that I have. Yeah I was wearing that yesterday. See? Ill put it on. Yeah. Looking cool is part of being cool because people think youre cool and they want to be your friend. Yeah. No. And no. Well, some parts you have to be a smart mouth cause some kids are making comebacks at you and so you have to be a smart mouth so. Yeah. No not really. Sure part of it. I dont really think thats a BIG reason I get picked on. You dont really ha-



A:I dont even have them in the dirty clothes, but these are some new pants I got from Christmas. I like dark pants. Since 6th week of school? Oh ok, so. You mean go from what I rised to to what I rised to to what I rised to? 1200. No theres 2000 kids in my school. Yeah there is.


00:00 01:00

02:00 03:00

04:00 05:00 06:00


08:00 09:00

A: And my number isOk. Were in the first week of January and my number is 1200. Yes. Well What? Well, Ive ok this is how I became more popular. I talked to some girls. I got a girlfriend. And I look cool I act cool and smell cool. And so I got more friends and my popularity went up and so yeah. Sometimes I sit by her at lunch but mainly she just comes at the last table so usually I sit with my friends. You want me to describe her or what? Okay. She has brown hair, blue eyes. Well hazel blue. And she her name is Tori and she she likes to read a lot and shes more of a spring person I guess. I dont know why. Cause she likes gardening with her grandma. And so and uh she likes to be in sports. Well, involved in sports. She likes to be involved in sports. Like when everybodys in PE she likes to Shes uh kinda tough like if she gets hurt she doesnt like cry about it. Shes kinda tough. Shes smart. When I dumped my first two girlfriends. First I hadWell Shes I havent. This is the. Ive known her since 6 th grade and now 7th grade. Now shes in a class of mine. Shes in geography and science and uhh yeah. Thats it. Ok repeat that please? Yeah. Ok. Ok. So I went up. 30 people like . Like 30 people started. 20 people started liking me and 10 or 8 people stopped bullying me and oh sorry. Uhh Ill just sit on my hands. 6 or 8 people stopped bullying me and is this during 6th grade? Oh ok. Since 720? I would be ok like everybody stopped bullying me and uhh. I dont know how many people that is. I forgot. Is that ok? Ok And then like 20 people started liking me so then I got to 750 and then I got to 800 and then I got 820. And then 880 and then I got 900 and then I got 950. And then I got 1000 and then I got 1200. Yeah. I kinda feel happy. A solid gold award. Straight As at on 8th grade when Im out of middle school.

Like what do you mean?


Oh. Uhh Well no Im not actually sure yet. Get to the top. Yeah.



A: Life is full of frustrations and challenges. Eventually they all move out. Uhh like challenges you face, they all eventually get fixed. Oh wow. And thats about the momma. K.

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