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Waiting For Jaejoong by Alaana Fair

Chapter 1: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Note: This is not epilogue compliant, but Harry's kids do exist. :-) Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong - Part 1

If anyone had seen Harry Potter sitting in the middle of a room in the Department of Mysteries reading the Daily Prophet, they might have thought him quite mad. Harry laughed, thinking that perhaps they would be right. He continued to read the paper as though he were spending a lazy Sunday afternoon at the park. His calm was not interrupted by the loud ticking that surrounded him, nor by the hundreds of golden pendulums that swung back and forth in a hypnotising rhythm. He looked, to anyone who might happen to glance his way, fully engrossed in the article in front of him. In truth, his mind could not be farther from the gossip that was printed in small, inky letters. His attention was on one thing and one thing only: the memory of a trembling, frightened boy with ashen skin, sunken eyes, and stringy white-blonde hair. Harry glanced up to check the time and caught his reflection in one of the sparkling clock faces. He winced slightly, realising how much he'd changed over the years. His hair was the same messy black, but, thanks to Voldemort, a few strands of grey had already begun to crop up around his temples. His eyes, while still the same bright green, were starting to show tiny lines when he smiled. Harry never thought of himself as old twenty-seven, after all, was still young, even by Muggle standards, and he was in far better shape than he had been ten years ago. His skinny body had "filled out rather nicely" as Hermione often teased. He wondered, if this was the year the boy appeared, what Jaejoong might think of him. The clocks chimed the second hour with a chorus of sounds and Harry folded his paper neatly. He stood, laying it on the chair, waving his wand to dispel them both. He shoved his hands into his robe pockets, looking much more relaxed than he felt. In one minute he would know whether


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he would be here again next year or not. He held his breath, mentally counting down the seconds until, at the count of one, a boy appeared in front of him with a frightened gasp. "Hello, Jaejoong. It's been a long time." The boy's eyes widened in fear and he fumbled with the Time-Turner in his hand with trembling fingers. Harry reached out a hand to hold them steady. "Don't, Jaejoong. I'm not here to take you in. I won't hurt you." The boy stiffened, standing dead still but for the shiver of fear that shook his body. The sockets of his blood-shot eyes swelled with tears. "What..." he croaked, swallowing loudly. "What are you going to do with me?" he asked, hands trembling more violently. Harry laughed, feeling both relief and trepidation. "That's a long story, but first I'm going to take you home. You look like you could do with a good meal and a bit of rest." The boy blinked, looking down at his hands where Harry was prying the Time-Turner from his fingers. "What year is it?" "Two thousand seven," Harry answered. Jaejoong looked up, eyes wide and scrutinizing. "You look old, Potter," he drawled. Harry remembered the tone all too well and the sound of his name was so familiar coming from those thin lips. "I suppose I am, at least to you." Harry pulled his Invisibility Cloak from his robe pocket. "I said I wouldn't hurt you, Jaejoong, but there are people who will if they find you here. I need you to trust me. Do you think you can do that?" Jaejoong hesitated as if weighing his options. "You testified for me at my trial." Harry nodded, his face falling. "For all the good it did, yeah. But the Ministry wanted blood and they didn't care whose blood it was." "But why? Why did you?" "I knew a lot more than you thought I did then, and I know even more now. Let's just say it was my fucked up Gryffindor morals and leave it at that, shall we?" Harry shifted his Invisibility Cloak to his left hand and held out his right. Jaejoong sneered at the hand and Harry chuckled. "Seventeen years too late, I know. But I need you to trust me on this." The internal struggle in Jaejoong's eyes would have been comical had so much not been at stake. "Years have a way of changing ones perspective," Harry added. "I would think the threat of life in Azkaban would do the same."


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Harry could almost see Jaejoong swallowing his pride when he held out his right hand and took Harry's in a feeble shake. "Good." Harry wrapped the Invisibility Cloak around Jaejoong's shoulders. "I'll need you to be absolutely quiet and stay close enough for me to touch if I need to." Jaejoong arched a white brow and smirked, his fear and uncertainty momentarily masked behind a mocking glare. "Why, Potter, aren't I a bit young for you?" Harry pulled the hood over the boy's head and he disappeared completely. "Come on, brat. Let's get you out of here." ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 2: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 2

"You can take off the cloak now," Harry said with some amusement once they had Apparated safely to Grimmauld Place. Jaejoong was clinging to him for dear life and Harry had an immediate flashback to rescuing him from the Fiendfyre all those years ago; of his terrified screams and the nails that had dug painfully into his chest and stomach. Jaejoong didn't let go and Harry could feel him quaking, his emaciated body spasming in remembered fear. Harry wasn't sure how long Jaejoong had been imprisoned before his trial; and before that, Merlin only knew what torture he'd had to endure at the hands of Voldemort after their escape from Jaejoong Manor. It had all been years ago to Harry, but for Jaejoong it had been mere months, hours even. Harry pulled the hood of the cloak away from Jaejoong's face and the young man pressed closer against him, tears streaming down his face. Whether they were tears of exhaustion or relief, Harry couldn't be sure. The arms wrapped so tightly around him were almost skeletal. The sharp chin and cheekbone dug unto his shoulder like knives. "Jaejoong, it's okay. You need food and rest. You're so exhausted you probably won't even


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remember this in the morning." Jaejoong looked up into Harry's eyes and sniffled, relaxing his arms ever so slightly. "Merlin, I hope not," he mumbled, and his pale cheeks coloured a rosy pink. Harry pried the arms away from his waist and called Kreacher to bring a light lunch. The distraction gave Jaejoong enough time to pull himself together, and while they waited he paced, looking around the room. He ran his hand over everything he could touch as if to assure himself it was all real. The deep wine-coloured velvet sofa, the hard walnut of the side tables, the cold marble of the fireplace mantel: nothing escaped his scrutiny. He picked up nick-knacks and examined them, turning them over curiously in his hands, occasionally cocking his head sideways as if to divine some deep unspoken meaning from each object. "So, you married the She-weasel, then?" Jaejoong asked, looking at a photo encased by the ornate silver frame that Hermione had given him as a wedding gift. The two people looking out at him smiled with such joy that Harry had to wonder where the love between he and Ginny had gone. "Yeah," Harry answered blandly. "Where is she? I bet she'll be none too thrilled to see me." "Er, well, we'll have to talk about that later. After you've eaten and rested." Jaejoong turned and shot Harry an incredulous look. "She doesn't know I'm here, does she?" Harry shook his head. "She's away. Quidditch. She plays for the Moutohora Macaws in New Zealand." "Oh," Jaejoong said absently as he continued to the next photo. "She always did seem the fiercely independent type. Good for you, I suppose." Harry looked up, surprised. "What do you mean?" Jaejoong shrugged. "You never seemed one to like the girls fawning all over you, that's all." Picking up another photo, he asked, "These are your kids?" Harry grinned widely. "Yeah. James, Albus, and Lily." "The middle one looks just like you. It's rather weird. I never pictured you with kids." "I'm twenty-seven, Jaejoong. What did you expect?" Jaejoong shrugged again and continued his inspection of the room. "Where are they?" "At Molly's. Ginny's mum. She usually keeps them during the day when I'm working."


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Jaejoong glanced up curiously. "What do you do?" Harry hesitated and was grateful that Kreacher appeared before he had time to answer. "Lunch is served, Master Harry," the aged house-elf said with a low bow, making Jaejoong arch his brow. "Thanks, Kreacher. Can you prepare Master Regulus' old room for our guest? He'll be with us indefinitely." Kreacher looked as if he might argue, but Disapparated without a word. ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 3: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 3

Jaejoong devoured his food as though he actually had been starving and Harry felt a pang of guilt for not offering him something to eat earlier. They ate mostly in silence, Harry unable to believe this was the same Jaejoong that had been so prim and proper at Hogwarts. After Jaejoong had eaten his fill, which consisted of two sandwiches, a large bowl of soup, and several servings of pudding, Harry lead him up several flights of stairs to what would be his bedroom for the foreseeable future. Harry hadn't realised when he'd had the room redecorated that he'd chosen the colours with Jaejoong in mind, but when the boy looked around and smiled, he realised he probably had. "Slytherin green, Potter? How very thoughtful of you." Harry shrugged. "It used to belong to my Godfather's brother. He was a Slytherin too." Jaejoong glanced around the room, looking delighted. "Most of the decorations are Black family heirlooms. I thought you might appreciate that."


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"I'm surprised Ginger let you keep any of this stuff." Harry chuckled dryly, thinking of all the heated arguments they'd had about precisely that. He didn't feel the need to discuss that issue though. "There are pyjamas in the top drawer and a change of clothes in the wardrobe. They might be a bit baggy. You're thinner than I remembered." He crossed the room, opening a door on the farthest side. "The bathroom is through here. I'd imagine a shower would feel nice about now. I'll wake you for dinner. We might be having guests." Harry turned to leave and felt a weak grip on his wrist. He turned back to find Jaejoong starring at him. "Thank you," Jaejoong said quietly. "Not just for this, but for ... you know." Harry laid a hand on the boy's shoulder and squeezed. "Don't make me regret it, okay?" Jaejoong winced slightly and let go of Harry's arm. He gathered the pyjamas from the drawer and headed to the bathroom, looking back over his shoulder before leaving the room. "I won't. I promise." Harry smiled. For the first time in ten years he felt he'd done the right thing. ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 4: Waiting For Jaejoong Since the last chapter was a bit of a tease, and I don't want hilda_kitty to send Voldemort after me, I thought I should post this ASAP. :-D Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 4

Harry had decided a shower sounded good too and had barely made it back downstairs before he heard the swish of the Floo opening. "Harry," he heard Hermione's anxious call. "Harry, are you back?" "Yeah, I'm here," he answered as he turned the corner into the sitting room.


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"Is he" "Yes. He's in his room resting. He looked ... tired," Harry finished. Hermione nodded, sweeping off her warm cloak and tossing it onto the back of a chair. "Other than tired, how is he?" Harry shook his head, falling onto the sofa as if exhausted. "He looks worse than I remembered. Thin and frail, almost ... I don't even know how to describe it. He ate like he hadn't had a decent meal in a lifetime." "He probably feels as though he hadn't. You know how they treated the prisoners they were holding for trial." Hermione's expression was a combination of disgust and anguish. "I still can't believe Kingsley allowed it. What is it about positions of power that seem to corrupt even the most honourable of men?" Harry's response was halted by another swish of the Floo as Luna stepped into the room. "Well?" she asked dreamily. "Has my long lost cousin arrived?" Harry couldn't help but smile. "Yes, Luna, but he doesn't know he's supposed to be your cousin yet. I think I'll let you share that bit of information. Hermione, can you" "Yes, yes. I'll go take care of it and owl it to you." Hermione grabbed her cloak again to pull it back on. "Are you sure he speaks fluent French? Otherwise this plan is for shit." "His mother would know, don't you think?" "I suppose so. But I still don't know how much you can trust Narcissa Kim." "Hermione, he's her son. She's already proven the lengths she would go to protect him. I have no doubt that she was telling the truth." "Oh, I think she's a lovely woman," Luna piped in. "Simply lovely." Hermione rolled her eyes, but a slight grin graced her full lips. "All right then. I should be able to get his new credentials by the time he wakes up. Luna, you should probably notify his mother." "Yes, of course. But first I think Harry should go check that my cousin is sleeping soundly," Luna said with an odd expression, even for Luna. Harry gave her a quizzical look, but he'd learned over the years not to question Luna's instinct, and when he walked into Jaejoong's room, he understood why. Jaejoong had forgone the pyjama top and as Harry got closer, he could see marks etched into the boy's chest. It made him nauseous just to see. Not just cuts and gashes, but words had been carved into his skin like he was some beast to be branded. Only these weren't words of ownership, and that made his stomach churn


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even more profusely. They were words of hate, carved not by Voldemort or his minions, but by the very same people Harry had died to protect. They looked raw and jagged, like they'd tried to heal but had been reopened, not allowed to. What kind of monster could do such a thing to a seventeen-year-old boy? The answer that came to him was Death Eaters, but he knew that Ministry guards had made these marks, people charged with the care of prisoners. No wonder Jaejoong had been so frightened to go back after his trial. No wonder he'd risked his life to try to escape. Dying would have been preferable. Harry battled with himself, wanting desperately to leave the room and find a loo to throw up in, but something held him in place, forced his feet to move across the room to Jaejoong's bed for a closer examination. His arms sported fingerprint-sized bruises from shoulder to elbow. Nothing on his face or forearms to give evidence of his torture to outsiders, everything well hidden, covered by the hideous prison robes Jaejoong had been forced to wear. He'd seen plenty of blood and injuries over his lifetime. He'd seen innocent boys killed just for being in the wrong place, and innocent men slaughtered before his eyes. Jaejoong was in no way innocent, but for some reason this affected him in a way he would never have imagined. He wanted to promise Jaejoong that if he held up his end of the bargain, no one would ever hurt him again, but he wasn't so sure that it was a promise he could keep. He backed out of the room, closing the door quietly and went downstairs to fetch Luna. "That bad?" Luna asked when she saw Harry's expression. "How did you know?" Luna shrugged, taking out her Healers bag. "Where do you think they ended up after they'd been tortured to insanity, Harry? St Mungo's mental ward is full of prisoners that had the audacity to live through the horror until their release date." "Why didn't you warn me?" "Would it have made it any easier to see?" Harry shook his head. Nothing would have made it easier and the anger that he thought he'd dealt with years ago welled up in him as fresh as an open wound. "Can you heal him?" "The body, yes, probably. The mind and soul will be much more difficult." Harry turned to Hermione whose hand had flown to her mouth. Harry's guilt threatened to rip his insides to pieces. Had he known how the prisoners were treated earlier, he would have stopped it. He'd resigned his post as Auror as soon as he'd found out, but it had taken years and by that time much of the damage had been done. He realised now he'd never really known the extent of that damage. "You couldn't have stopped it, Harry. You did what you could, we all did."


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Harry nodded, wanting to believe it was true, but unable to voice his agreement aloud. ~~~~ "He'll be fine," Luna said when she re-entered the sitting room. "The wounds were spelled to reopen when he slept. I'm guessing he looked like he hadn't slept in months?" Harry nodded, still horrified at the thought of someone being so cruel. "Well, this is why. He probably tried to resist sleep until exhaustion made it necessary. He'll be a bit surprised when he awakes." "Bastards," Harry growled, pacing the room. "Maybe he can tell us who did it." "And what would you do, Harry? Without alerting them that Jaejoong is here?" "There are ways, Luna. If these people haven't been dealt with already, they will be, I can assure you. Legal or otherwise." "I agree, Harry, and I'll help you," Hermione added unexpectedly. "But first we need to deal with Jaejoong, don't you think?" Harry sighed, realising he'd been sighing a lot over the last few hours. He had no idea how Jaejoong would react to their plan, whether he would even consider taking on a new identity or not. If Harry remembered correctly, being a Kim was so ingrained into Jaejoong that he imagined it would be a difficult thing to give up. They'd all agreed that it was a necessity though. There was no way to get his name cleared -- that had been painfully obvious. Narcissa seemed to think Jaejoong would accept the terms, but Harry was afraid that was a bit of wishful thinking. ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 5: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 5


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"Good evening." Harry started, spilling Scotch down his shirt in the process. "I guess you haven't changed that much in ten years," Jaejoong chided with an arrogant snort. Harry stood, wiping the mess from his front. He stared at Jaejoong, seeing only the wounds he knew to be healing under his neatly pressed shirt. He couldn't help but wonder what other wounds his clothes hid. Had the guards limited themselves to Jaejoong's chest, or did his back and legs sport angry red slashes as well? Did they stop at physical torture, or had they done worse. Harry wanted to ask, wanted to hear the lengths they'd gone to to see their prisoner put in his place; wanted to feel the pain as if it were his own, as if by hearing it, he could make it go away. "You look better. Did you sleep okay?" Jaejoong's eyes darted around the room, then back to Harry. "You healed me," he said quietly. Harry shook his head. "No, not me. Luna" and at that precise moment the Ravenclaw stepped from the Floo with timing that only Luna could manage. "Luna healed you," Harry finished. Jaejoong turned to the intruder, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Lovegood?" he asked, looking from Luna to Harry as if he was waiting for someone to tell him the joke was over. "Hello, Jaejoong. It's good to see you again. How are you feeling?" Luna asked, smiling as if this conversation were an everyday occurrence. "Why are you helping me?" Jaejoong directed his question to the starry-eyed blonde watching him with curiosity. "I tortured you," he added softly, hoping, perhaps, that they wouldn't hear. "You saved me," Luna corrected, moving closer to Jaejoong, looking as though she wanted to hug him but stopping herself before she did. "Your awful aunt wanted to feed me to Greyback with his afternoon tea, and you stopped her." "So I could torture you myself," Jaejoong refuted weakly. "Yes, that's what you said. It was very clever of you, knowing your father would give you anything you asked. But you're not very good at the Cruciatus Curse, Jaejoong. You have to mean it, remember?" "I ... I did," he said quietly, his head bowed in shame. "No," Luna corrected, her voice carrying a wispy lilt as though it were half breeze. "You didn't mean it. I could tell. I could see it in your eyes, Jaejoong. Your pain was as great as mine. You may have wanted to mean it, but you didn't."


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"Because I was a coward, not because I wanted to help you," Jaejoong argued feebly. "You believe what you wish, it matters not. You saved me from a fate worse than death. You saved my friends by not confirming their identities. You may not have consciously done it, but your subconscious is no less a part of you. Now it's time for us to return the favour." Jaejoong's questioning gaze turned from Luna to Harry. "Crabbe would have killed me in the Room of Requirement had you not stopped him," Harry added quietly. "You may not have realised it, but I think your loyalties had shifted somewhere along the line." "My loyalties were never to the Dark Lord, they have always been to my family." Harry was almost grateful to see the defiant, self-satisfied gleam in Jaejoong's eye as he said it. "Your mother will be happy to hear that." The young man's eyes widened hopefully. "My parents ... are they" Harry sat on the sofa and motioned for Jaejoong to do the same, knowing this would be difficult for the boy. "Your father is in St Mungo's. He's alive, but ... well, he's not in the best of health. Your mother is fine though. Saving my life was enough to keep her out of Azkaban. She's still watched closely by the Ministry, but we'll be able to bring her here to see you eventually." "I just came from the Manor," Luna added. "She's beside herself with joy that you're here and safe. She visits your father regularly and will be able to give you an update on him when you see her." "You were at the Manor?" Jaejoong asked, surprise momentarily overriding his worry for his father. Luna chuckled. "A lot has changed, Jaejoong. Narcissa and I are good friends. Harry and I have both spent much time with her over the last ten years planning for your return." Jaejoong ran his fingers through his long blonde hair, resting his elbows on his knees. "I still don't quite understand why I'm here. What do you want from me?" "We'll explain everything at dinner. I'm guessing you're hungry again?" "I could eat." Jaejoong's lips quirked up into what could almost qualify as a grin. Luna and Harry both laughed. "Come on then, and Luna will tell you all about my brilliant plan to explain your presence here." "You? Have a brilliant plan?"


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They settled around the kitchen table as Harry answered. "I have a plan, but you're not going to like it." After dishing up a large helping of steak and kidney pie, Jaejoong looked at Harry and rolled his eyes. "I'm quite sure I won't like it, Potter, but out with it. It's not like I really have a choice." Harry put down his fork and looked Jaejoong straight in the eyes. "You have a choice, Jaejoong. You can leave now and take your chances that the Ministry won't catch you. I'm not holding you here against your will, you know." "I know," Jaejoong said quietly. "I didn't mean it like that. I have nowhere else to go. I don't have a choice but to do as you say if I want to survive. It seems to be the one thing I have the most experience with." Harry swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. He didn't like being compared to Voldemort or Junki, but he understood that Jaejoong had not meant it maliciously. It was a simple fact. A fact that the boy had lived with his entire life and seemed destined to repeat now. "I won't ask you to do anything that you truly don't want to do. If you don't like my plan, we'll come up with another one. You're not here for some twisted sense of revenge and you're not here to be taken advantage of. I want to help you, however hard that is for you to believe." Jaejoong stared into his eyes and Harry had the overwhelming feeling that the boy could see straight through to his soul. "As much as you irritated me, as much as I hated what you stood for all through Hogwarts, I've come to understand that you had little choice. That in the end, you did what you needed to do to keep your family safe. I respect that more than you realise." Jaejoong finally seemed to be adjusting to the fact that they didn't hate him. "So what is your brilliant plan?" Harry handed Jaejoong the envelope Hermione had owled earlier and looked to Luna, hoping it wouldn't sound quite as silly coming from her. "You're one of my distant cousins, Antoine Moreau. You have applied to enter into an apprenticeship in paediatric care at St Mungo's, but there are no openings at this time. Until one becomes available, you have agreed to stay with Harry and assist him with his children while studying independently under my supervision." Jaejoong's laugh was almost maniacal. "You want me to be your bloody nanny, Potter?" "That's the brilliance of the plan, Jaejoong," Luna insisted. "Who would ever suspect Kim Jaejoong of being interested in paediatric Healing? And beyond that, he would never stoop to caring for children, especially not Harry Potter's children." "Jaejoong," Harry added. "You'll have a disguise, but we will only be able to change so much. Your mother says you speak fluent French and Luna has family in France. We've been able to falsify all the documents and unless someone suspects you and does a very deep and very thorough search, you'll be fine. But we have to make it as far from something you would


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normally do as possible." Jaejoong shook his head, his laughter fading into acceptance. "Well, I guess it beats being a house-elf, but I find it hard to believe you'd trust me with your own flesh and blood." "Yeah, well, I'm taking a few weeks off work so I can be around while you adjust to your new life. During that time, you'll just have to convince me, won't you?" Harry stood, crossing the room to a cabinet, which he unlocked with the wave of his hand. He pulled out a long slender box that had been locked away for over ten years. "I suppose it would help if you had a wand." Jaejoong pushed back from the table, moving in what seemed to Harry like a trance. "Is that...?" "Yeah. Your wand." Jaejoong opened the box reverently, his hand trembling again as he reached inside to retrieve the hawthorn wand. As soon as his fingers touched it, red sparks flared from the end and Jaejoong gasped, his eyes once again swelling with unshed tears. "I..." He looked again into Harry's eyes, the depth of emotion showing in the silver almost overwhelming. "Thank you," he whispered, his face showing immense gratitude. "I'll do my best," he said, swallowing hard. "I won't fail this time." ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 6: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 6

It took Jaejoong a week to settle in: to get to the point where he didn't jump at every noise and seemed to actually relax a bit. Harry had decided to continue sending the kids to the Burrow for the first week to give Jaejoong some time to get used to the house and learn where everything was. He was relatively quiet; spending a lot of time in the Library studying the books Luna had


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left on France and the notes about her family, of which he was now supposed to be a part. Harry was pleased to find Jaejoong's personality consisted of much more than the scowls and glares he'd received at Hogwarts. He spent a lot of time briefing him on what had changed in the past ten years and Jaejoong was an eager listener, soaking up information and gossip as if it were his lifeblood. Harry supposed, in a way, it was. If he was going to fit into modern day society and be accepted, he'd be expected to know the last ten years as if he'd lived through them. What Harry had never expected though, was Jaejoong's apparent need for human contact, or how Jaejoong's constant touch would affect him. When he asked Luna about it, she had said that after being denied such a basic human need for months in Azkaban, it was perfectly normal for him to crave touch. She had warned Harry not to make a big deal of it or to make Jaejoong feel like he was unwanted, as this was simply part of the healing process. Then she had grinned and said she envied Harry's position. "I think that's enough of Modern History 101 for the day, Jaejoong. I'm famished, how about lunch?" "You keep feeding me like I'm a lamb you're fattening up to slaughter," Jaejoong teased. Harry laughed. "You haven't complained before now. I never realised you had such a ferocious appetite." "Mmm ... I didn't before, but living on bread and water for months makes you appreciate certain things. Actually though, I'm rather tired." As Jaejoong said it, he leaned his head on Harry's shoulder and closed his eyes. "I'm not a bloody pillow," Harry joked, shrugging his shoulder to try to dislodge the boy. "You should be," Jaejoong said, laughing. "You're rather comfortable." Jaejoong readjusted until his head rested in Harry's lap and Harry felt a surge of panic shoot through his veins. It felt irresistibly good to have the blonde nestled next to him. Too good, in fact. "You're as bad as the kids, you know that?" "Mmm," Jaejoong said wistfully, with a teasing smirk on his lips, "they're smart kids." "Jaejoong." The boy didn't answer and within minutes his breathing was slow and even. Harry kept reminding himself that Jaejoong was just a kid himself, well, legally he was an adult, but he still seemed like a kid. He couldn't resist running his fingers lightly through the shoulder-length blonde hair, though. With the glamour, it was more golden than white, more like Luna's, only still straight and softer than anything Harry had ever felt. He resisted the urge to let his hand trail down the slim arms, instead, he leaned his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort and refusing to feel guilty over it. ~~~~


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"Jaejoong?" "Shh," Jaejoong answered, his finger to his lips. He rose from the rocking chair in the nursery with a sleeping Lily in his arms, placing her gently into her cot. He motioned Harry out of the room and followed, closing the door quietly behind him. "She has colic, Potter. There are potions that will help. I can make them if you get me the ingredients." Harry stood, gaping. The last two weeks had been quite possibly the most bizarre time of Harry's life. Once the kids were home fulltime, Jaejoong had thrown himself into caring for them with the same ferocity he had for everything else, and they had taken to him with a similar enthusiasm. If Harry hadn't known who the blonde-haired boy was, he would have never believed it was Kim Jaejoong. Harry had spent the hours while the kids napped quizzing Jaejoong on where Luna's family lived in France, her relatives, her family history, anything and everything Luna had told them he might be asked. Jaejoong's mind was as sharp as any Harry had ever known and he memorized facts as if he was born to it. It helped that he was already familiar with the wizarding district of Paris and had spent time vacationing along the French Riviera as a child. Jaejoong had yet to get up in the middle of the night to tend to Lily's frequent cries, though, and when Harry had opened his eyes at five o'clock and realised he'd not heard her cry he had panicked. She had been a difficult baby since birth, and Harry couldn't remember a night when he had not had to get up to soothe her back to sleep. "You ... got up with her?" Jaejoong rolled his eyes, leading them down to the kitchen where he filled a kettle with water for tea. "It's my job, is it not?" "During the day, but" Jaejoong waved him away. "If you're going back to work today, I thought you might need a full night's sleep for a change. Besides, she seems to like me more than you anyway," he added with a cheeky grin. Harry laughed, thinking there might be an ounce of truth to it. Jaejoong, or Antoine, as the kids knew him, seemed to be a natural. Who would have ever guessed? Jaejoong prepared two cups of tea, placing one in front of Harry as he sat in the chair next to him. "So, you are going back to work today, right?" "I ... yeah, I think I should. Are you sure you'll be all right?" Jaejoong waved him off again. "Of course I'll be all right, Harry. They're kids, not Hippogriffs."


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"How do you know it's colic?" "Unlike you, I apparently know how to read." He picked a book up from the table and tossed it to Harry. "101 Common Childhood Illnesses. Perhaps you should look at a few of these books sometime, you might learn something." Harry blushed. "James and Al were such easy babies. I thought she was just a temperamental girl." "Yeah, well, girls do tend to be a royal pain in the arse, don't they?" Harry chewed his lip nervously wondering if the time was right to do this. "You seemed to get along with Parkinson well enough." "Pansy was like a sister. She was the only person I knew who was more arrogant than I was. I do miss her though." Harry stood, rounding the table to the locked cabinet where he'd stored Jaejoong's wand, pulling out a large shoebox-sized container. He set it in front of Jaejoong on the table. Jaejoong looked up curiously. "They're the letters that were sent to you in Azkaban." Jaejoong's curiosity turned to surprise. "Why would anyone send letters to Azkaban?" "The Ministry never admitted you'd escaped. Only a few people know that you never made it to Azkaban that day." Jaejoong gawped. "But ... how did you know? Come to think of it, how did you know when I would come back?" Harry smiled. "How much do you remember about that day?" A shiver ran up and down Jaejoong's body. "I don't ... it's all a bit hazy. I remember the trial and all the terrible things they said I did." Jaejoong looked up from the box that he'd been staring at, imploring Harry with his eyes. "I hadn't done all those things. I did some of them, but ... I swear I didn't" "I know. The Death Eaters were so eager to give up information to save their own arses most of the witnesses lied through their teeth. The Ministry wanted to use you as an example so they didn't try very hard to get at the truth." Jaejoong nodded, staring again at his hands on the lid of the box. "The guards were dragging me away from the courtroom, I was ... I hadn't expected to be sentenced to life in Azkaban and I


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think I was probably in shock. I could barely walk and the guard's fingers were digging into my arms and pulling me around like I was a ragdoll or something." Jaejoong paused, running his hands over his biceps as if to confirm the bruises were gone. "But then they just ... let go. I fell to the ground and when they didn't kick me, or try to pick me up, I just ... I don't know where I got the strength, but I saw a door and I just stood up and ran as fast as I could until I ended up in that room with all the clocks. I knew what they were, I'd seen Time-Turners in books, but I didn't know how they worked exactly, how many turns, so I just guessed." Jaejoong paused again, the memory suddenly making much more sense. He looked up at Harry in astonished realisation. "You were there. You hexed the guards and followed me under that cloak of yours. You saw me disappear." Harry simply nodded. "You saved me, again," Jaejoong said with awe in his voice. "Why?" "It doesn't matter why, and I didn't save you, I just gave you the opportunity to save yourself." Jaejoong looked at the box of letters in front of him again, as if he needed something solid and real to focus on. "How did you get these?" Harry grinned, letting his own pride show. "You know how Voldemort made his name taboo?" Jaejoong nodded and shivered, whether at the use of the name or the memory of the man, Harry wasn't sure. "It's a variation of the same spell. Anything addressed to you automatically comes to me. I knew every time anyone mentioned your name. That's how I know exactly who in the Ministry is aware of your disappearance." "Is that why you got a job as an Unspeakable?" Harry shrugged. "I was an Auror until I found out what they were doing to the prisoners. I couldn't be a part of it, so the Department of Mysteries seemed like a logical choice. It would give me access when I needed it." "Fuck, Harry. You've been planning this from the time I disappeared. Why? Why did you care?" Harry shrugged again. "Dumbledore thought you deserved a second chance." "Bloody hell, Harry." Jaejoong was shaking his head, but he was smiling at Harry in a way he never had before. "You really do have a saving people thing, don't you?" "Yeah, I think I do," Harry answered, laughing. Jaejoong was looking at him so softly, so affectionately, that his heart was pounding and Harry wondered if his motives might not have been a little less altruistic than he'd thought. Jaejoong


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took his hand and squeezed. "Thank you," he said softly and leaned in to kiss Harry lightly on the cheek. His lips burned into Harry's skin like a brand and Harry had a fleeting urge to thread his hands into that blonde hair and hold him there, but then he heard tiny feet pattering on the steps. "Sounds like the wards are awake. Should I call Kreacher for breakfast?" "Yeah," Harry said faintly. "I should ... go get ready for work." Jaejoong nodded, smiling again in a way that made Harry's heart pound even faster. He Apparated to his bedroom wondering what in the hell had got into him. ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 7: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 7

The next morning a broomstick was thrown into the mechanism of Harry's well-laid plan and it had fiery red hair. "Ginny, what are you doing here?" She glanced over at him, a scowl marring her otherwise pretty face. "Well, that's a lovely way to greet your wife," she said sarcastically. "Sorry. I just ... didn't know you were coming. Has something happened?" "Does something need to happen for me to come home to surprise my husband and children?" Harry tried not to glare at her, but he hated it when she wouldn't answer his questions and he knew she only did it to antagonize him. "No, it doesn't have to, but that's usually how it works. Who got injured this time?" Ginny sighed, bringing her toast and tea to the table. "Johnson and Marro, the idiots. You'd think


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they'd know how to dodge a Bludger by now." Harry considered whether it would look suspicious if he went back upstairs to warn Jaejoong and decided it probably would. He crossed to the counter to make himself a cup of tea. "So how long will you be home?" He could feel her gaze boring into his back, but took extra time making his tea so he wouldn't have to look at her. "Just today. They'll be out of hospital by this evening and practice will resume in earnest tomorrow. We've a chance at the Cup if they can manage to get their act together." "Oh," Harry said, trying to feign interest. "Well, that's good, eh?" "Mum tells me you have a house guest helping to take care of the kids. Odd that you never bothered to owl me about it, don't you think?" Harry turned to face her, having delayed the inevitable long enough. "He's a cousin of Luna's studying to be a Pediatric Healer. I offered him a job and a place to stay since there's plenty of room. I didn't think it necessary to get your permission." "I'm sure you didn't," Ginny said flatly, her voice dripping with accusation. "Ginny, look, I'm not going to argue with you about this. He's been very helpful and he's staying. I don't see why you care seeing as you're hardly ever home." Ginny waved her wand and her dishes flew into the sink with a crash. "Fine. I'm going up to see the children. Are they still sleeping?" "Yes, please don't wake them." Ginny left the room without acknowledging Harry's words and he threw his cup full of tea into the sink, glass shattering at the impact. As soon as the sound of Ginny's footsteps had disappeared into the boys room, he headed upstairs to warn Jaejoong. "Antoine," Harry called softly as he knocked, but there was no answer. He cracked open the door and peered in, calling his assumed name again just in case Ginny were to hear him, "Antoine? Are you awake?" Jaejoong exited the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his thin hips, water still dripping from his blonde hair. "Harry." Jaejoong started in the doorway. "What are you doing in here?" "Sorry," Harry said quickly. "I..." he couldn't seem to remember why he'd come in. The tiny rivulets of water snaking down Jaejoong's chest and shoulders seemed to temporarily block out


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anything else. He looked so much healthier than he had just weeks ago. He'd gained weight in all the right places, the bruises were gone, and the cuts had healed completely. An assortment of scars still decorated his chest, but they didn't distract from the beauty of it. Jaejoong quirked an eyebrow upward and smirked playfully. "See something you like, Potter?" Harry's head jerked up to meet Jaejoong's eyes and his face burned with embarrassment. "Sorry," he said again. "I just ... you seem to have healed well." Jaejoong sauntered closer, a look of sheer joy on his face. "Would you care to give me a closer inspection?" he asked silkily. Harry swallowed audibly, making Jaejoong's smirk turn into a grin. "You would, wouldn't you?" he teased, moving close enough to whisper into Harry's ear. "You can, you know. I wouldn't mind." Fuck, Harry thought, his hormones raging as they'd not done in years. Fuck, he would like to. He'd like to throw that lithe body onto the bed and inspect every fucking inch, first with his hands, then with his tongue. He'd like to feel Jaejoong shiver underneath him, hear his name ripped from those pale, thin lips in a moment of ecstasy. He felt Jaejoong's hand snake into his robe, his fingers burning Harry's skin, and he wanted more. Wanted to tear away his clothes and pull Jaejoong to him so that every part of them touched, searing them together with the heat of raw passion. He wasn't sure where he got the strength to back away, stumble more like it, but he could only think it must be his unrelenting Gryffindor courage. "Ginny's here." The words came out, but Harry had no memory of forming them. It was as if his mouth was somehow disconnected from the rest of his body, which only wanted to move back into Jaejoong's personal space and press him against the wall until he begged Harry to let him suck his cock. "You should get dressed," he heard himself say from somewhere far away. "And make sure the glamour is strong. If she recognizes you, she'll..." Harry didn't even want to contemplate what Ginny would do if she recognized Jaejoong. He turned around and hurried out the door before his courage disappeared. The meeting between Jaejoong and Ginny was awkward at best. Jaejoong wasn't exactly polite, but he wasn't rude either, which was more than Harry had expected. He could tell Ginny was suspicious, but he was quite sure it had less to do with Jaejoong's identity than with Harry's motives for having him there. It hadn't taken Ginny long to figure out that Harry was just as attracted to men as to women, and her favourite pastime was accusing him of being unfaithful. At first it had been completely unfounded. He'd married her. He'd loved her. He'd never even considered being unfaithful to her. Just because he liked to fantasize about men, didn't mean he had to go out and fuck them behind her back. Then came the accusations, the fights, the frigid block of ice that became their bed. Harry was grateful when she'd left the Holyhead Harpies and signed with the Moutohora Macaws. He should have been sad to see her go. Should have been unhappy that she'd be so far


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away, but in reality he was beside himself with relief. But still, it wasn't until hed found out about her extracurricular activities while she was away that hed allowed himself to be unfaithful. Hed told himself it was only fair. If she was fucking every player on the pitch, why shouldn't he finally get a bit of action? It had been completely unfulfilling, and he'd stopped almost as soon as he'd started. He should have been proud to know he couldn't be that dishonest, but it didn't make him feel any better late at night, in an empty, lonely bed, wanking himself raw. "Fuck, how do you put up with her?" Jaejoong asked as soon as she'd Flooed out. Harry's self-deprecating laugh held no humour. "Seriously, Harry? Why do you put up with her? She's a hag at best." "She's the mother of my children, Jaejoong. It's not as easy as tossing her out on her arse." "Sure it is. She's never here, right? Luna even said..." Jaejoong stopped suddenly as if he was about to give out vital information that should never be shared. Harry raised both eyebrows in anticipation. "Luna said what?" "Nothing," Jaejoong said brusquely, rising from the table to clear the dinner plates. Harry caught his wrist as he reached for Harry's plate. "Luna said what?" he repeated firmly. "Oh, hell," Jaejoong said, sitting down in the chair next to Harry. "She told me about Lily. About what the bitch did." Harry grimaced. "What exactly did she tell you?" "I think you know," Jaejoong retorted. "What did she tell you, Jaejoong?" "That she ignored the Healers warning about not playing Quidditch and that was why Lily was born pre-term. The child could have died! How could you let her do that for a fucking game?" Harry let go of Jaejoong's wrist and let his face fall into his hands. "I wouldn't have if I'd known," he said quietly. "I didn't find out until after ... until it was too late." Even Harry could hear the pain in his voice. The hatred toward the mother of his child for what she had risked. Jaejoong was right, he should divorce her and get it over with, but the press would have a field day, and he wasn't in the mood for being an eligible bachelor again. As long as Ginny was away, everything was fine. "Harry," Jaejoong said softly, "don't you want more out of your life than a sham of a marriage? Don't you want someone who will appreciate and respect you? Someone who will share your life instead of going off and doing Merlin knows what behind your back? Don't you think you


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deserve that after everything you've done?" When Harry looked up, the softness in Jaejoong's eyes made him see all sorts of possibilities. Made him believe that there might be someone who could do that, who could be that for him. Only, as hard as it was to believe in the possibility, it was harder to believe that the one person he wanted that from was sitting right in front of him. ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 8: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 8

The next few weeks Harry found himself leaving work earlier and earlier and rushing home to laughing children and a smiling Jaejoong. The skinny, frightened boy was gone completely and a healthy, cheerful, often teasing young man had replaced him. Harry had begun to wonder if there wasn't more truth to Ginny's accusations than he would admit, because he couldn't help but think Jaejoong looked down right delectable. He seriously wondered, at times, if he was losing his mind, but he didn't really care. Lily was sleeping through the night, thanks to Jaejoong's potion, the kids had never been happier and, Harry admitted, neither had he. Jaejoong was constantly telling him about some new potion that he'd read about or a new technique to treat a certain illness. He had admitted that he'd always found Healing fascinating and he took his new identity very seriously. But on the other hand, he teased Harry endlessly about one thing or another and Harry enjoyed the banter immensely. He'd never realised how solemn and empty his home had felt before. When he walked through the door that evening, he could smell dinner already on. The sound of laughter was floating down the hall and he could just make out James begging, "Again, Antoine, again!" with a delighted excitement in his voice. He paused in the doorway of the sitting room, watching as various coloured dragons flew out of Jaejoong's wand. They would circle in the air, diving and swooping at the boys who would toddle away from them laughing, and then turn to try to catch the dragons as they retreated. Al would charge and then fall flat on his nappy-clad bottom, reaching up to Jaejoong who would hold out his hand for Al to grab. The boy would hold on long enough to get his balance and then take off at a full run again. Jaejoong laughed and called out words of encouragement, looking happier than Harry had ever seen him.


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"A-hem," Harry cleared his throat loudly and James ran toward him. "Daddy, come look! Antoine's making dwagons!" he cried out, tugging on Harry's hand to drag him into the room. "I don't know, James," Jaejoong said seriously. "Your father's good at catching dragons. Rumour has it, he even rode one once." James and Al's mouths both fell open and their eyes grew impossibly wide. "Really, Daddy? Did you really?" Harry looked at Jaejoong who was grinning, his eyes sparkling with something that drew Harry to him against his will. He stopped, close enough to touch, and picked James up in his arms. "Yes, James, I did. But it was a long time ago." "When you were young, like Antoine?" James asked innocently. Harry looked at Jaejoong, his heart falling to his stomach. "Yeah," he said, his eyes never leaving Jaejoongs, "when I was young like Antoine." He sat James down and left the room, unsure why his heart felt achy and raw. ~~~~~ "Harry?" Harry ignored the knock on his bedroom door, hoping Jaejoong would go away if he pretended not to hear. "I know you're in there." Harry could hear the scowl, but before he could respond, the door clicked open and Jaejoong strode determinedly into the room. "What did I say?" he asked sharply. "Nothing." Harry looked away, turning his whole body away from Jaejoong's piercing stare to gaze out the window. There was a long moment of silence before Harry heard the creak of the door closing. ~~TBC~~ Back to Index Chapter 9: Waiting For Jaejoong Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent.


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Author's Note: Written for Slashfest from grey_hunter's prompt. Thank you mirrorwakes for the amazing beta job! *smooches* Also many thanks to decynthus, raphsody606, glorafin, tiger_iris & stitchesandlace for their endless resources on France and French names and to my lovely friend romaine24 for her help and encouragement! Waiting For Jaejoong Part 9

The next week limped by so slowly that Harry thought he might scream. Jaejoong's behaviour toward the kids hadn't changed, but the friendship that seemed to have knitted itself into every fibre of Harry's life had disappeared, leaving Harry feeling like a threadbare and worn-out Weasley jumper. Jaejoong still sat with the family for dinner, but his conversations with Harry were clipped at best. Harry wanted to explain, but he had no idea how to even begin. Sorry, Jaejoong, but the reminder that you're ten years younger than me has put quite the crimp in my fantasies didn't seem to be something Jaejoong would take kindly to. He missed how Jaejoong would smile at him across the dinner table and how he would curl up next to him by the fire after the kids were in bed and ask about his day. He missed the look of joy on Jaejoong's face when he would come home from work and how eagerly he would talk about what the kids had done during the day. About Lily's new tooth or how he'd taken the kids to the park or how he was teaching James to play chess. He'd not seen Jaejoong out of his glamour in over a week either, and he realised he missed that too. As much as he had adjusted to Antoine being a part of their lives, he missed Jaejoong. He missed his white-blonde hair and his slate-grey eyes and his pointed, arrogant chin. Before this week, Jaejoong had insisted he only wear the glamour when the kids were around or when visitors were expected. He'd said he didn't want to lose sight of who he was and where he'd come from. Harry had argued at first, but Jaejoong had a way of manipulating things to his advantage and Harry had finally acquiesced. When Harry finally realised he couldn't avoid talking to Jaejoong any longer, he'd owled him from work, asking if it was all right if he came home during the kid's naptime so they could talk. He had laughed when the owl returned straight away with a note that simply said, "It's about damn time." He wasn't sure what to expect when he stepped out of the Floo, but he certainly hadn't expected to find Jaejoong pressed up against the fireplace in the sitting room without his glamour while Ginny pointed a wand viciously at his throat. "Ginny! What the hell are you doing?" "What the hell am I doing? I think I should be asking you that question!" "Ginny, put the wand down." "I will not," she sneered. "Who is he, Harry, and what is he doing here?"


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"Ginny" "Who is he, Harry? I knew you were obsessed with Jaejoong, but this is rich, even for you. Did you give him Polyjuice, or did you actually go out and find some Jaejoong look-a-like to be your little boy toy? " Harry couldn't process what she was saying; he was too busy focusing on Jaejoong's eyes, wide with fear and full of pain from the wand digging into his throat. "Ginny, put the wand away," Harry said calmly. "I'll explain everything. It's not what you think." Ginny didn't move and Harry was two seconds away from hexing her into oblivion. "Where are the kids?" he asked Jaejoong, careful not to say his name. Jaejoong couldn't speak but his eyes went to the stairs, confirming that they were upstairs napping as they should be. Harry breathed a sigh of relief, pulled out his wand and whispered, "Imperio." Ginny's eyes went blank and her wand fell away from Jaejoong's throat. She handed it to Harry and sat blankly on the sofa. Harry rushed toward Jaejoong, wrapping his arms around the tense boy. "Are you okay?" "I am now," he whispered, clinging to Harry's robe and burying his face into the dark tresses of Harry's hair. It took a few minutes for Jaejoong to calm down enough to speak again, and when he finally looked up, unshed tears made his eyes seem glassy and vulnerable. "What she said, about you being obsessed with me, is it true?" Harry looked away but couldn't bring himself to release Jaejoong. "I don't know," he said quietly. "I just wanted to help you, and then ... you were so ... but you're just a kid and I'm" "Harry." Jaejoong's tone was firm but amused. "I'm not a kid." Harry looked at the beautiful young man in his arms and had to admit that Jaejoong was right. He swept the back of his fingers over Jaejoong's cheek, unable to resist him any longer. "It doesn't matter that we grew up together, the fact remains that now I'm ten years older than you, Jaejoong. I have three kids and a wife. It's not right." Jaejoong smirked. "You want to kiss me, don't you?" "Fuck, Jaejoong, I want to do a lot more than kiss you," his voice was thick with emotion, confusion, need, want. Damn, he'd never wanted anyone so much. Jaejoong smiled, releasing Harry's robes and threading his fingers into black, messy hair. His body pressed against Harry's, aligning perfectly to elicit a tiny whimper from Harry's lips.


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"I love your kids, I love the tiny grey hairs at your temples, I love that you're old enough to look out for me." Jaejoong leaned in and touched his lips to Harry's and Harry didn't have the strength to stop him, the soft lips were too warm, the tongue too eager, the hands too comfortable. Harry let his restraint waiver and crash at his feet, freeing his hands to run down Jaejoong's slender back, tracing every bump and knob, up his sides where ribs still protruded ever so slightly, around shoulders that shivered underneath his fingertips. Harry wanted to memorize it all. The feel, the taste, the smell, it was overwhelming and satisfying and left him aching for more, all at the same time. Jaejoong pulled away, and even though their bodies still touched from thigh to chest, Harry still felt bereft at the loss of those heated lips. "I love that you know who I am, who I've always been, and yet you've accepted me as part of your life," Jaejoong continued as if they hadn't just shared the most perfect moment in Harry's entire life. Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, pulling him into a hug, and Harry encased the nimble body, wanting to pick him up and carry him upstairs to do unimaginable things to him. "We need to do something about the wife though," Jaejoong whispered teasingly into Harry's ear. Harry felt euphoric. He felt as though he were free for the first time in ages; free to make decisions based on what he wanted, what he so desperately needed. He laughed, burying his face in Jaejoong's hair, letting the scent and silkiness wash over him like a soft summer rain. "What do you suggest?" he asked mischievously. Jaejoong leaned back again, gazing at Harry with a look of pure innocence. "You're the one with all the brilliant plans." ~Finis~

Waiting For Harry by Alaana Fair

This story archived at The Hex Files - http://www.thehexfiles.net/viewstory.php?sid=14782 Index Chapter 1: Waiting For Harry Chapter 2: Waiting For Harry Chapter 3: Waiting For Harry


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Chapter 4: Waiting For Harry Chapter 5: Waiting For Harry Chapter 6: Waiting For Harry Chapter 7: Waiting For Harry Chapter 8: Waiting For Harry Chapter 9: Waiting For Harry

Chapter 1: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same names, but they are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta!

"You really Imperiused her?" Hermione's eyes were wide but not accusing. For that, Harry was grateful. He dragged his fingers through his dishevelled hair and sighed heavily. He still couldn't believe he'd done it. "Yeah. I ... she had her wand at Jaejoong's throat and all I could think about was him getting hurt. I guess I went a bit mad for a minute and it just happened." "It could have been worse, you know. At least you didn't hurt her." Harry had been thinking about that for the last few days. If he hadn't been worried about Jaejoong getting hurt in the crossfire, there's no telling what he would have done. He liked to think he wouldn't have hurt her, at least not seriously, but after everything she'd done, he couldn't be sure. That, more than anything else, made Harry uneasy. He shook his head, trying to dispel the feeling of dread that came over him whenever he thought about it. "I used an Unforgivable on my own wife. Then erased her memory and sent her away like nothing had ever happened. How could I have done that?" "Harry." Hermione rested a hand on his knee and gave it an encouraging squeeze. "After everything she's put you through? I'm not saying it was right, but under the circumstances, I can see how it happened." She removed her hand and rung it nervously. "Besides," she added quietly, "we've done worse." Harry looked at her sadly, regretting for the hundredth time that this post-Voldemort world had not turned out to be the Utopia they'd once hoped for. He scrubbed his face, trying to make sense


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of the crazy circus his life had become. Things seemed to be spiralling out of control, and he wasn't sure how to get them back in order. "That doesn't make it okay, Hermione. There's a difference between fighting the bad guys and" "Protecting those you love? It's not always as clear-cut as we thought when we were children. I assumed you knew that by now." Harry opened his mouth to argue, even though she was right. "How is Jaejoong, anyway?" she asked, wisely changing the subject. "He didn't seem too shaken when I talked to him yesterday." "Jaejoong's ... he's fine." Just the mere thought of Jaejoong made Harry's heart race. "He calls it a gallant act of heroism, and pretends to swoon like a fair maiden whenever I mention it." Hermione burst out laughing. "Why does that not surprise me?" The tension in Harry's neck eased ever so slightly. He couldn't help but grin. Jaejoong did have a way of putting things into perspective. His own, somewhat tainted perspective, granted, but it did help ease Harry's guilt. "How are things going between the two of you?" He should have known the question was coming; Hermione had never been one to skirt around a subject. Harry chuckled, wondering how he could possibly answer the damn question without blushing. "They're fine," he tried. The truth was, Jaejoong was everything Harry had ever wanted. Their first kiss had been more glorious than Harry had dreamt it would be, and for a moment, things had seemed so clear. So easy. But reality had set in and Harry realised none of this would be easy, and there was a very big part of him that felt sure it would end with someone's heart broken. He glanced up to see Hermione staring at him. "He wants a relationship. A real relationship." "And what do you want?" "I want" Harry knew exactly what he wanted, but he also knew that getting what you wanted and doing what was right were often two very different things. "What I want doesn't matter. He's seventeen, Hermione. He has no idea what he's asking." "Harry, when you were seventeen" "When I was seventeen I was doing my damnedest just to stay alive. This is different." "You were barely nineteen when you got married, if you'll remember." "That's just my point. I had no idea what I really wanted. I didn't even know who I was. I rushed into a career that I thought I wanted, Ginny and I got married, and before I had time to even think I had a son on the way. I don't regret my kids, but fuck, it would have been nice to sort myself out before I had my whole life planned. I won't let him repeat my mistake."


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"So, you're afraid he'll wake up in five years and decide he wants something else?" she asked, a world of understanding in her brown eyes. "Yeah, something like that," Harry mumbled, mostly to himself. Thankfully, Hermione didn't push the issue. If anyone could appreciate his concern, she could. "How is Ron, anyway? Have you heard from him lately?" Her laugh was amazingly not bitter. "He's still in Romania with Charlie. Apparently five years isn't long enough to sort himself out." "I'm sorry." He pulled her into a warm hug. How she could still care for the prat after he'd left her at the altar was beyond him. But then again, was he any better, putting up with Ginny's antics for all these years? "We're a pathetic pair, aren't we?" she mumbled against his shoulder. Harry smiled into her bushy hair. "At least we have each other. And one day we'll overturn the Ministry and rule the world, right?" Hermione laughed. A genuine laugh that reminded Harry of days long past. ~TBC~

Back to Index Chapter 2: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same names, but they are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta!

Hermione had only been gone for a few minutes when the front door opened and the sound of laughter erupted from the hallway. Harry couldn't help but smile. He could never remember being as happy, yet frustrated. It would be easy to give in to all that Jaejoong so freely offered; however, even though Harry's morals had been stretched farther in the last ten years than he would have ever imagined they could, he still had his limitations. "You, little man, are in dire need of a bath." Jaejoong's tone was stern, but Harry knew him well


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enough by now that he could detect the note of amusement lacing his words. "Me too! I love baffs!" "I'm not sure if a bath will be sufficient for you, Al. I think perhaps we should use the hose on you." "No! I wan baff! Baff! Baff!" Harry turned the corner and bit his tongue to keep from laughing. "You wouldn't be quite so jolly if you didn't have Kreacher around to Scourgify the floors." Jaejoong scowled, but his eyes twinkled. "Care to explain why my children look like they've been rolling in the mud?" "Because they have been," Jaejoong answered, ruffling James' hair as he spoke. "Al decided feeding the ducks wasn't nearly as fun as chasing them, and then proceeded to do a fabulous impersonation of a piglet." "Oink, oink, oink!" James piped in, looking rather affronted at being left out of the mischief making. Al joined in as they both dissolved into a chorus of raucous giggles. "You two should be careful or Kreacher might bake you up for dinner." Both boys roared even louder. Harry had almost forgotten how infectious their laughter could be. Lily stirred in Jaejoong's arms and nuzzled against his neck, as she so often did. Harry wondered if the smell of Jaejoong's skin alone didn't comfort her in some way. "The little princess appears to need a nappy change. Would you do the honours while I get the boys into the bath?" Harry worried that Lily would cry if he took her from her favourite spot, but she lifted her head instead and smiled, reaching her arms out to Harry as if he'd offered her a favourite toy. Jaejoong handed her over with the precision of one who had been around children all his life. It still never failed to surprise Harry. "Hello, my angel," he whispered as Lily curled into his arms. "Did you have as much fun with the ducks as your brothers?" Jaejoong chuckled. "She slept the entire time. I think we should get her a fountain for her room. It would help her relax." Harry didn't miss the use of we instead of you and it warmed him and saddened him in equal measure. Luckily, Jaejoong rushed the boys up the stairs before Harry had a chance to contemplate it further. He followed, smiling as Jaejoong playfully swatted James on the bum for trailing his muddy hand along the walls.


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Nappy changes had never been one of Harry's favourite pastimes. Kreacher had scowled at him for the first year of James' life because he refused to let the elf take care of the more menial child rearing tasks. It had been the first of many sources of tension between him and Ginny. She never understood Harry's insistence that they be the primary caregivers for their children. Ginny had viewed basic childcare as a chore, but Harry had always seen it as something more than nappy changes and baths. It was a way for him to give his children something he'd never had. To ensure they felt loved and secure. To let them know that he would always be there for them. In all the months Jaejoong had been caring for them, he'd never once asked Kreacher to change a nappy. ~~~~~~~~~~~

"As the sun fell below the horizon, Sir Luckless emerged from the waters with the glory of triumph upon him, and flung himself in his rusted armour at the feet of Amata, who was the kindest and most beautiful woman he had ever beheld. Flushed with success, he begged for her hand and her heart, and Amata, no less delighted, realised that she had found a man worthy of them. The three witches and the knight set off down the hill together, arm in arm, and all four led long and happy lives, and none of them ever knew or suspected that the Fountain's waters carried no enchantment at all." "She's a bit young for Beedle the Bard, don't you think?" Harry looked up from the story to find Jaejoong leaning against the doorframe, a slight smile on his lips. "I didn't hear you come down." Harry shifted Lily on his lap and allowed her to shuffle through the pages of the book. "Obviously. You were very caught up in the story. My father always hated that one. He said it was... oh, how did he phrase it? An abomination, or something to that effect." "And what do you think?" Harry wondered if they were actually talking about the story, or something much more important. Jaejoong sat next to him on the sofa and brushed Lily's hair away from her eyes. "I think they lived happily ever after. That's what's really important, isn't it?" Harry wasn't sure why the answer pleased him so much. "I suppose it is," he answered. "Are the boys napping?" "They practically fell asleep in the bath. I don't remember having that much energy when I was little. They must get it from you." Jaejoong leaned against Harry and rested his head on Harry's shoulder. The gesture was no different from what he'd been doing since he'd first arrived, but it seemed to be so much ... more now. Jaejoong's simple touches made Harry's heart race in ways he'd never known possible. But there was always a voice in the back of his mind reminding him to be cautious. He was no longer the seventeen-year-old boy who rushed in where angels feared to tread. He'd learnt that lesson the hard way.


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"An owl came for you while you were out." Jaejoong lifted his head and looked at Harry as if to see if he was joking. "Really?" Harry motioned towards the thick yellow envelope that lay on the coffee table in front of them. "I think it's from Luna." Harry pretended he didn't miss the weight against his shoulder when Jaejoong moved forward to pick up the envelope. He tore into it as if it were a Christmas present, and his smile widened as he scanned the words on the page. "Do you know what it is?" Harry nodded. "I suspect there will be a number of people you know there. And I'm rather sure Luna will invite her friend Narcissa to her birthday party, don't you think?" Jaejoong read the invitation over again as though he needed time for the true meaning of the words to sink in. He suddenly looked even younger than he was. "Thank you." The words were barely a whisper, but they seemed to reverberate through Harry's mind. He could only imagine how Jaejoong might be feeling. "You'll have to be careful, but you should at least be able to get some time alone with her. I'm sorry it's taken so long. I know you" Jaejoong lifted a finger to Harry's lips to quiet him. "Please don't apologize. You've done more for me than" Jaejoong bit his bottom lip as if to stop himself from saying something he would regret. Lily tossed her book to the floor and lifted her pudgy hand to rest it against Jaejoong's cheek. "Anty!" She beamed up at him with her bright blue eyes and Jaejoong's mouth fell open in surprise. "I always suspected no would be her first word," Harry said honestly. "I much prefer it this way." "Da." She turned her gaze to Harry and giggled. His eyes meet Jaejoong's and they both smiled. ~TBC~

Back to Index Chapter 3: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same names, but they are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from


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Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta!

Harry stared down at the impeccably dressed man and gaped. Jaejoong had been looking forward to this night for weeks; how could he possibly change his mind now? "What do you mean?" Harry asked, assuming he'd misunderstood. "I can't go." Jaejoong looked up at him, the grey in Antoine's blue eyes showing through more than usual. "I can't leave her with Kreacher." Jaejoong looked back down at the child nestled on his lap and brushed the back of his hand against her cheek. "Not like this, Harry. I can't." Lily had been acting strange for days. Luna had done every test imaginable, but had concluded that she was in perfect health. Even so, she'd been waking several times a night again, clinging to anyone who would hold her. Harry had been worried, but he trusted Luna enough to know that if Lily was in any danger Luna would tell him. Jaejoong, on the other hand, had rummaged through every book he had in an attempt to sort it out. Harry squatted next to them, his hand resting lightly on Lily's back. "Jaejoong, she's fine. Luna said it's just a phase, remember? Growing pains, or something like that." Jaejoong shook his head in adamant disagreement. "She's scared." Harry felt his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Why would she be scared?" Harry watched as Jaejoong worried his bottom lip with his teeth before he finally spoke. "When I was little, I'd go through these... learning spurts. Mother always teased me, saying my brain seemed to expand overnight." Jaejoong looked up at Harry, his eyes sad. "It used to scare me. I'd never admit it, not even when I was tiny, but Mother always knew. She'd sit with me at night until I fell asleep and she'd be in my room before I awoke. She never left me until my brain, or whatever it was, had a chance to adjust." "You think because she's started to talk?" "It's not just talking, Harry." Jaejoong grinned and lifted the little girl from his lap to stand her on the floor. She wobbled for a minute before she turned to Harry and took a step forward, falling against his knees. Harry looked up at Jaejoong, his smile so wide he thought it might split his face in two. "She's walking?" Jaejoong nodded. "This morning, just after you left for work. Al had stolen her stuffed dragon and she just scooted up off the floor and barrelled into him, snatching it back before she'd even realised what she's done."


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Harry couldn't believe it. "The boys didn't walk until... Merlin, it took them forever." "Well, they didn't have two older brothers to keep up with, now did they?" Harry stood, lifting Lily into the air to swing her in a circle. It made perfect sense, but he still couldn't believe his baby was walking. "So, little princess, you're growing up, are you?" Lily giggled, grabbing onto Harry's robe and scrunching her face against his neck. He looked over her tiny shoulder to see Jaejoong smiling up at him with the same pride that Harry felt. Harry held one hand out to Jaejoong in an invitation. "If we can't leave her here, then we'll take her with us. I'm not letting you miss the opportunity to see your mum." Jaejoong took Harry's hand and stood, wrapping his free hand around Harry's waist as he placed a kiss on the top of Lily's head. "Thank you," Jaejoong whispered, and Harry felt the words, like a tangible thing, wrap around his heart. ~~~ By the time Harry stepped from the Floo into Luna's living room, Lily was sound asleep on his shoulder. He felt sure they could have left her with Kreacher for the few hours they'd be at the party, but he'd learnt by now not to question Jaejoong's instincts when it came to the kids. The boy was rarely wrong, if ever. It was something that still mystified Harry, but he knew he could depend on it. He excused himself quickly so as not to let the noise coming from the adjoining rooms rouse her. He snuck into Luna's guest room to lay Lily in the middle of the large four-poster bed. She looked like an angel with her curls encircling her head like a crimson halo. Harry waved his wand to fashion a barrier around her so she couldn't scoot off and go wandering about the place, and added a monitoring charm just in case she awoke. He returned to the party to find Jaejoong surrounded by people he didn't recognize. A part of him bristled. He was so accustomed to having Jaejoong all to himself that it was a bit of a shock to see him socializing, especially with handsome men who looked to be much closer to Jaejoong's age than he was. Harry recognized jealousy when felt it, and clamped down on the urge to grab Jaejoong's arm and sweep him away. As if Jaejoong felt his presence, the boy turned to him and smiled, waving him over. "Harry, this is Adrien Pelletier," Jaejoong said as Harry approached. "He apparently grew up not far from where I did." Jaejoong laughed, full of a confidence Harry was sure Jaejoong didn't feel. "He swears we met once at a Quafflepunchers-Harpies game but I've assured him I wouldn't be caught dead cheering for the Quafflepunchers." "Nice to meet you, Mr Potter." The man shook Harry's hand, clearly not interested in him at all. Harry wanted to strangle him. "Antoine," Adrien purred as he turned his attention back to Jaejoong, "if you ever change your mind, I'd be more than happy to escort you to a game. We


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have a full season box with the best view in the stadium." Jaejoong smiled at the man, but his jaw twitched, a sign Harry recognized immediately as annoyance. "I'm sure it would be lovely," Jaejoong said politely. "But between training with my dear cousin and caring for the Potter children, I have very little time for such frivolous pursuits." Instead of taking the obvious hint, the man continued on, unwavering. "Yes, Luna's mentioned what a studious student you are. Still, it must get" Adrien glanced at Harry looking anything but apologetic, "tiresome." Harry's blood boiled in a way it hadn't in years. He clenched his hands into fists to keep from hexing the man where he stood. Jaejoong lifted his wine glass to his lips, and as he did so, Harry felt a comforting brush of skin against his hand. "Actually, it's rather invigorating," Jaejoong countered after swallowing the sip of wine. "I consider myself extremely lucky to have the opportunities I've had. Even more so since I enjoy every minute of it." "I hate to break up what I'm sure is a stimulating conversation between brilliant minds," Luna interrupted, "but there's someone I've been dying to introduce Antoine to." Luna hooked her arm in Jaejoong's and nudged him. "Harry, I'm sure Narcissa would be delighted to see you again as well. It's been ages, hasn't it? If you'll excuse us, Adrien" Luna didn't wait for an answer before sweeping Jaejoong away, fully expecting Harry to follow. "Who was that man?" Harry asked as soon as he caught up with Luna. Before Luna could answer, Jaejoong snorted. "He's a right arse, that's who." Luna simply laughed. "That he is, but his father is my superior at St Mungo's, so it would have been improper for me not to invite him. I see he's taken quite an interest in my young cousin, hasn't he Harry?" Harry chose to glare instead of answering. Luna appeared not to notice, but Jaejoong quirked a curious brow in his direction and smirked. The smirk seemed oddly out of place on Antoine's face. He thought he'd come to terms with Jaejoong's glamour, but at times like this, he wasn't so sure. "Narcissa's on the balcony," Luna whispered. "I thought it best if you saw her alone at first. She may be a master at masking her emotions, but I didn't think it a good idea to risk it." Luna pulled open the heavy glass door that led outside, looking up at Harry as she did so. "Stay with him, Harry. He'll need you." Luna was gone before Harry had a chance to absorb her words, but the minute Jaejoong saw his mother, Harry understood. "Mother?" Jaejoong's voice cracked as he said the words. Harry had to grab his elbow to keep him steady.


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"You don't have long," Harry whispered as he waved his wand to drop Jaejoong's glamour. He was afraid he was pushing their luck by doing so, but Narcissa had the right to see her son as he was instead of who he was pretending to be. The moment the glamour dropped, Narcissa's mask fell along with it. "Jaejoong." Narcissa moved more quickly than Harry could have imagined, wrapping her son in her arms as tears rolled down her elegant face. Harry averted his eyes, feeling as though he was prying on a moment too personal to witness. "I'm here, Mother. I'm safe." Narcissa's sobs almost drowned out Jaejoong's words. Harry had come to terms with Narcissa long ago. He knew that she'd accepted and regretted many of the mistakes she'd made in the past. But he'd never truly felt pity for her until now. He wondered how he'd feel in her place. How he'd feel if one of his kids had been in Jaejoong's place. He felt a raw ache in his gut. Harry started to move away to give mother and son at least a semblance of privacy, but Jaejoong's hand shot out instantly to grab him. He squeezed Harry's hand tightly as Narcissa's tears soaked his robe. When Jaejoong finally pulled away from his mother, he looked more peaceful than Harry had ever seen him. He shook his head and smiled down at her. "Don't cry, Mother. You'll ruin your makeup." Narcissa straightened, smiling weakly. "I've missed you." Jaejoong looked to Harry, his eyes sad but determined. "The glamour." Harry hated to do it, but he knew Jaejoong was right. It wasn't worth the risk. He waved his wand and Jaejoong's pointed features faded away. "We should get back. I'm sorry." Narcissa shook her head, lightly touching the palm of her hand against Harry's cheek. "Don't be sorry, Harry. You've done more than" Her voice cracked and she breathed in heavily, tears returning to pool in her eyes. "We were so wrong about you." "I'll take care of him, Narcissa." Harry wasn't sure why he'd felt the need to say it, he just knew it was the truth. "We should" Harry looked to Jaejoong and nodded his head toward the door apologetically. He knew Jaejoong wanted to stay with his mother, but any other catching up needed to be done covertly under the camouflage of friendly conversation. "Take Mother in," Jaejoong said, releasing Harry's hand. "I just need a few moments." Narcissa seemed to understand, hooking her arm in Harry's and leading him to the door without a second glance. ~~~


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"Well?" Hermione asked as soon as she managed to corner Harry alone. "Are they okay?" Harry nodded. He didn't even remember Hermione arriving. "As okay as they can be, I guess." He gripped the glass in his hand so tightly he was surprised it didn't shatter. "This really sucks, Hermione. How can they? She's his mother for Merlin's sake. How do we expect him to just... pretend she's not?" "It's the best we can do, under the circumstances. We knew that going in." "I know. But then it was all theory and speculation. This" he nodded to the other side of the room where Jaejoong and Narcissa appeared to be mere acquaintances carrying on a polite conversation. "This isn't fair. Not to either of them." "Harry." Hermione laid a warm hand on Harry's forearm, likely to draw his attention away from Jaejoong. "If the roles were reversed, which would you choose, this or life in Azkaban?" Harry knew she was right, but that didn't make it fair. Of course, he should have learnt by now that life was anything but. ~~~ It was late when Harry felt the heat against his wrist from Lily's alarm. He pushed the door to the guest room open, not at all surprised to see Jaejoong sitting on the edge of the bed in the dark with Lily in his arms. She was whimpering softly, as if she'd been awakened suddenly by a bad dream. "Is she all right?" Harry asked quietly. Jaejoong turned his head toward Harry's voice and nodded. "She will be. Just a bad dream, I think. I can take her home if you want to stay a bit longer. I'm pretty tired as it is." Harry moved closer and sat next to them. Jaejoong looked more than tired. He looked downright exhausted. "Are you okay?" he asked, his hand moving to Jaejoong's forearm without thought. Jaejoong glanced down at Harry's hand, a slight smile curving his lips. When his eyes lifted and met Harry's they looked completely grey. "The glamour." Harry panicked, raising his wand. "It's okay," Jaejoong said quickly, his hand resting on Harry's wand. Jaejoong blinked and his eyes were blue again. Harry wondered if he'd imagined it. "I can change parts of the glamour now without changing it all. I've been practicing. I know you like them better grey. What do you think?" Harry tried very hard to remember why he kept pushing Jaejoong away, because really, all he wanted to do was pull him closer. But then the clouds drifted across the sky allowing the moonlight to shine in and illuminate Jaejoong's youthful smile and he remembered. He felt his shoulders stiffen. "I think I should get you home before you drop."


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Jaejoong's smile faltered and Harry pretended not to notice. ~TBC~ Back to Index Chapter 4: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same name, but that's just because I like the names! They are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta!

"You finally did it?" Hermione looked both proud and concerned, which, for her, was a worrisome combination. Harry nodded, his head falling into his hands. "I spoke with my solicitor after work. I've opened up a can of worms, haven't I?" "You've done what you should have done the day after Lily was born. There was no way you and Ginny could ever get past what she did. I think you both knew that." "I did, I just... how do you think she'll react?" Harry already knew the answer to that question, but he hoped against hope Hermione would lie to him. "She'll be furious." Sometimes he hated that he had such honest friends. "Where's Jaejoong tonight?" Though he was grateful they knew when to change the subject, even if they changed it to one even less appealing. "Out." Hermione hummed, but thankfully didn't push. Things had been tense again since Luna's birthday party. Jaejoong had made several advances and Harry had rebuffed him as kindly as he could. He had a feeling Jaejoong thought it was an easy thing to do, but Harry had died a bit more every time.


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The advances stopped several weeks ago, with Jaejoong spending more and more time out after the kids were in bed. Harry had no idea where he went or what he did. Jaejoong didn't volunteer the information and Harry didn't ask. He thought it was better that way. When Jaejoong finally did come home, it seemed he went out of his way to pick a fight and ended up stomping off to his room, slamming the door behind him. "It'll get better, Harry. You know it will." Harry wasn't so sure. ~~~ Harry started awake, grabbing his glasses from the side table as he pushed the covers away and listened intently to see which child was awake at three in the morning. The sound he heard was definitely not that of a child. He tiptoed down the stairs, wand raised, only to find Jaejoong burrowing through the icebox. Harry hadn't heard him come home, but then again, he was arriving later and later recently. "What are you doing?" Jaejoong turned, a bit wobbly on his feet. One hand held a half-empty bottle of Vodka while the other grasped the countertop, probably to keep him from toppling over. "Hungry," he answered as he twisted and almost fell to the ground. Harry caught him just in time. "Fuck, Jaejoong. You can't" Harry half lifted, half dragged the boy into the living room and deposited him onto the sofa. His glamour was so weak Harry could see right through it. "You'll end up in Azkaban if you don't stop this. Is that what you want?" Jaejoong looked up at him from the sofa, his eyes red-rimmed and lifeless. He shrugged, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "What do you care?" Something in Harry snapped. He gritted his teeth, words grinding out like gravel between them. "I care." "Could have fooled me." Harry waved his wand, perhaps a bit too forcefully, and Jaejoong jolted. Sobriety Charms weren't pretty, but sometimes they were necessary. Harry had been dreading this conversation for weeks, but if they were going to have it out, then the least Jaejoong could do was be bloody well sober. "Okay, out with it," Harry demanded. Jaejoong glared and it wasn't the Jaejoong he knew, the one who'd come into his empty house and turned it into a home. This was the Jaejoong he had once despised. The one he'd convinced


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himself had never really existed. "What is your problem, Jaejoong?" Harry grimaced, but there was no backing down now. If Jaejoong wanted a fight, he'd damn well get one. Jaejoong's jaw tightened as he sat up straighter, his eyes flashing. "You're obviously the one in charge here, Potter, so why don't you tell me?" Harry wanted to hex him, but something in Jaejoong's eyes stopped him dead. He knew pain when he saw it. Knew what it felt like to have little control over your own life. He hadn't wanted that for Jaejoong. He'd wanted to keep him safe. To keep him from being hurt. "Jaejoong, you know that's not true." "It's not? Well it sure as hell looks that way from where I'm sitting." "Listen to yourself. You're acting like a petulant brat, which only serves to prove my point." "You had a point? Forgive me for not noticing. It seems to happen so rarely these days." "Now you're just being a little shit." Jaejoong sighed, the fight suddenly draining out of him, bringing back the Jaejoong Harry had grown to love. "What do you expect from me, Harry? You treat me like I'm some fragile piece of glass. I'm not, all right. I may not have lived as many years as you have, but I'm not a child and I don't like being treated like one. All I want" "I know what you want, and I want that too. God, how can you possibly think I don't?" "Because you act like you don't!" Jaejoong let his head fall to his hands, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I don't want to talk about it anymore," he said quietly. "We need to talk about " "No, we don't. Because the conversation always ends the same way. You'll always be ten years older. I can't control that. What do you want me to do?" "Look, can we just wait until the divorce is final and then we can... I know you're not a kid, all right. I know that. But I also know what it's like to be young and have the whole world ahead of you. I... there was so much about myself that I didn't know when I was your age and I just" "Want to protect me from myself. I know. But you don't have to. I know what I want. As irrational as it seems, I want you. That's not going to change." Harry closed his eyes. He wanted to believe it. God, how he wanted to believe it. "Besides, she's not going to give you the divorce; you said so yourself. She'll fight you for as


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long as she can." "My solicitor" "Said it could take years," Jaejoong interrupted. Harry's eyes narrowed, wondering how Jaejoong knew that little piece of information. "I was listening in on your meeting this morning. You had to know I would." Harry couldn't help but laugh. Of course; he should have known. "He also said she was threatening to take the kids," Jaejoong continued. His jaw was set, and he looked much older than his seventeen years. "I won't let that happen." "There's nothing you can do." "I've spent my entire life being helpless, even if I didn't realise it at the time." Jaejoong sat up straighter, his shoulders square and his jaw set in determination. "I don't want to feel that way anymore. If I can do something to help, I will." "I'll deal with Ginny." Harry wasn't sure how, but he knew he'd come up with something. "She'll come around," he added, as much for himself as for Jaejoong. "And how long do we wait?" Harry didn't have an answer for that. Jaejoong was right; it could take years. Ginny was hell-bent on keeping the name Mrs Harry Potter, even if she no longer wanted the man attached to it. Jaejoong grimaced and pushed himself off the sofa, storming from the room as he always did after they had these conversations. This time though, Harry wasn't going to let him brood himself to sleep. He made himself a cup of tea and gave Jaejoong ten minutes to calm down before he followed. "Damn it, Jaejoong" Harry stopped immediately in the doorway, his mouth going bone dry. Fuck, but Jaejoong was beautiful. All pale satin skin, crystal grey eyes, and stark blond hair. The boy had no idea how hard it was for Harry to stick to his moral high ground and refuse to have sex with him right now. He cared about Jaejoong though, and Harry wasn't going to let him rush into a relationship until he'd had the time to fully understand what it meant. He and Ginny had made that mistake, and he wasn't going to let Jaejoong repeat it. "You really should learn to knock." Jaejoong looked up, grey eyes barely peeking through long pale lashes. He arched his back slightly, making his hard cock bob. "I'm sorry, I ... I'll go." Jaejoong smirked when Harry stood frozen, his words the exact opposite of what Jaejoong knew he'd do. Jaejoong's eyes softened and he held out a hand. A gesture Harry found impossible to resist. He sat on the bed, unable to stop his hands from roaming Jaejoong's bare torso. He couldn't breathe.


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He'd never wanted something so much in his life and yet he knew it would be wrong. No, Jaejoong was definitely not a child, but he'd been through so much that he'd also never really had a chance to grow up. To make his own decisions and decide for himself what he wanted out of his life. He deserved that chance, as much as Harry hated to think about what it might mean. "Kiss me. Please, Harry. Just... a kiss." The deep yearning in Harry's chest flared to life and he couldn't have said no if his life had depended on it. He'd meant for it to be a simple kiss, but the minute Jaejoong's lips touched his, a floodgate opened and Harry couldn't get enough. Jaejoong whimpered, one leg coming off the bed to wrap around Harry's clothed body just as Jaejoong's arms pulled him down onto the bed. There was nothing Harry could do, nothing he wanted to do, except hold Jaejoong, touch him, show him he did care. But if he really cared, he'd stop, and he didn't think he was strong enough to do that. "Oh, fuck, Harry" Jaejoong's body stiffened as he cried out, his hand pumping his cock as streams of white coated his chest and Harry's pyjama bottoms. The look on Jaejoong's face was one Harry knew he would fantasise about for months. So open and vulnerable, flushed and innocent, so young. Harry tried to pull away, but Jaejoong's fingers dug into his shirt. "Don't leave. Just ... please stay. Just for tonight?" Harry fought against his desires with every ounce of decency he had, but in the end, the need in Jaejoong's eyes won out over any logic Harry could come up with. He pulled the covers up, wrapping Jaejoong's naked body, before curling around him. A contented sigh whispered through the room, and Harry wasn't sure if it had been his or Jaejoong's. "This doesn't change anything," Harry whispered feebly, wishing like hell it would. "I know," Jaejoong mumbled against his throat. The resignation in Jaejoong's tone hurt Harry more than it should have. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against Jaejoong's forehead. "I ... care about you. You know that, right?" Jaejoong lifted his face to meet Harry's eyes. "I do," he answered. "The feelings mutual." ~~~ Harry awoke in Jaejoong's bed alone. The smell of breakfast wafted up from the kitchen, and he could make out the faint sound of children's laughter. It all seemed so very domestic and it gave him a warm feeling in his gut. He made his way to the shower, glancing at the clock on the way. He'd likely be late again, but he couldn't be arsed to care. By the time he made it down to breakfast, the kids had eaten and were sitting on the floor of the living room playing happily with Antoine. It no longer felt strange to say goodnight to one man and wake up to another. Jaejoong and Antoine had successfully merged into one, and Harry


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realised with a jolt that he loved them both. "Daddy!" James bounced up and flung himself into Harry's arms. "Antoine says Luna's coming to play with us today!" "Oh, is she? Well that will be fun." Harry glanced at Jaejoong, curious. "I have a few things I need to do and Luna agreed to sit with them for a while. I hope you don't mind." "Of course I don't. She's welcome anytime; you know that. And you can have visitors over whenever you want. This is your home too, you know." Jaejoong's smile almost took Harry's breath away. They'd been arguing so much lately he'd almost forgotten how that smile made him feel. It reawakened his need to make Ginny see sense regarding the divorce. He'd owl his solicitor as soon as he got to work to see if there was anything that could be done. A loud wail echoed through the room and Jaejoong promptly waved his wand to silence it. "The littlest midget is awake again," he said as he pushed himself up off the floor. "She was in a foul mood when she got up at five this morning. I think she misses seeing you before you head off. Can you stay until I bring her down?" Harry had the urge to pull Jaejoong into his arms and kiss him again, but he didn't dare. His resolve was close to crumbling as it was. "Sure. I've got a few minutes." Jaejoong beamed. He brushed against Harry on his way to the stairs, linking their fingers together as he passed. "Why don't you come help me?" he asked softly. Harry knew it was the wrong thing to do. Knew that without the buffer of James and Al's watchful eyes he'd falter, but Jaejoong looked so sincere that Harry couldn't refuse him. "James, keep an eye on your brother for us, would you? We'll be right back." James looked up from the picture book he'd been reading and smiled a huge, toothy grin. "Want me to read you a story, Al?" he asked. Al glanced from his stuffed dragons to the book, as if he were analysing his choices. "Otay," he finally answered, scooting close to his brother and staring at the book in anticipation. "That one's a Slytherin," Jaejoong whispered. "I hope you realise that." Harry chuckled as headed for the stairs, thinking that Jaejoong was probably right. Lily's eyes lit up as soon as Jaejoong walked through the door, her little arms flying up in the air as she squealed nonsensical gibberish with a Da and Anty thrown in. Jaejoong picked her up and blew tiny raspberries against her neck, making her giggle wildly. "Daddy's come to say goodbye


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to you. What do you think of that?" Harry swallowed heavily. It was so obvious that Jaejoong cared for all three of the kids, but he and Lily seemed to have a special bond. It made Harry's heart swell and ache in equal measure. If Jaejoong ever decided he was ready to move on, Harry wouldn't be the only one left heartbroken. "You really love her, don't you?" he asked quietly. Jaejoong smiled softly at Lily before tilting his face upward. "I love you all, Harry. Haven't you figured that out by now?" Harry leaned forward, pressing his lips to Lily's chubby cheek. She giggled and buried her head against Jaejoong's chest. It took all of Harry's strength not to wrap them both in his arms and hold them forever. Instead, he shifted, placing a gentle kiss on Jaejoong's forehead. We love you too, he thought, later wishing he'd said it aloud. ~TBC~ Back to Index Chapter 5: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same name, but that's just because I like the names! They are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta! Harry sat across from his solicitor feeling as though he might throw up. He stared at the contents that had spilled from the file and now covered the entire surface of the broad mahogany desk. He'd received the urgent owl shortly after arriving at work. It simply said, Meet me at my office as soon as you can. Harry had never expected this, though. "I know it's a lot to take in, Mr Potter, but it's exactly what we needed." The man gave Harry an understanding smile. "Her solicitor received the same file. He was livid at the implications, but he'll have no choice but encourage her to agree to your very generous terms. If any of this makes its way to the Prophet it would ruin her." "I never wanted that," Harry said honestly. He no longer loved Ginny he wondered now if he ever really had but he'd never wanted to ruin her life. He just wanted to be free to move on with his own. "I know," the man across from him said solemnly. "And that's what makes you a very


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remarkable young man. Most people in your position" the man waved his hand at the photos strewn across his desk "most people faced with this would be out for blood." "How could you possibly dig up?" "I didn't," the man answered, looking completely bewildered. "The package arrived via courier owl just before I owled you. There was no signature or return request." Harry thought it odd, but decided he would worry about the file's origins later. He swallowed against the bile rising up in his throat as he stared at the photos of his wife in the arms of strangers. She looked young. Younger than Harry could remember being. He picked up one of the photos, staring at the writing on the back. 20 January 2002 was written in neat block letters. It was the year after James had been born. Harry hadn't found out about Ginny's affairs until Al was almost two, and by then she'd been pregnant with Lily already. He had no idea it had been going on for so long. He ran his finger along the letters that spelled out Jonathan Barker, Barkeep, Victoria Paris Hotel. Every photo had similar annotations: 18 August 2004, Barty Brunson, Beater, Kenmare Kestrels; 3 March 2003, Johan Starns, Auror, Spanish Ministry for Magic, Madrid. Harry picked up another, his mouth falling open in surprise. "This was taken two weeks ago." "Yes." The man nodded. "We're thinking it must be someone on her team, someone who knows her schedule and travels with her. I sent them out for authentication and there's no doubt they're all real. They may not all be admissible if it came to a trial, but a complete list of names and addresses was included. If we needed to, we could call each and every one of them to testify." It made no sense. Why would anyone on Ginny's team keep such a detailed list of her sex life? And why wouldn't they have told Harry about it before now? And even more disturbing, how would they have known to send them to Harry's solicitor? It had to be someone Ginny knew. Someone she trusted enough to confide in. "Mr Potter, I've a meeting with her solicitor in one hour. I need to know if you'd like to change your terms." Harry took one more look at the dozens of photos and decided he didn't really care who it was or why they'd done it, he was just grateful that they had. He pushed away from the desk with more force than was probably necessary. He hadn't believed Ginny could hurt him any more than she already had, but he'd been wrong. "Yeah, I have one," he finally answered. "I want full custody of the kids. She can see them whenever she wants, but only at the Burrow and only under the supervision of Molly Weasley." Harry stood and headed toward the door, but paused once he got there. "And Solicitor Jorgensen?" "Yes, Mr Potter?" Harry turned, feeling like himself for the first time in a very long time. "Make sure she signs the damn thing or I can guarantee her she'll regret the day she ever heard the name Harry Potter."


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~~~ Harry felt gutted. He'd planned to go back to work after his meeting, but all he wanted to do was go home to a nice cold drink, his kids, and... Jaejoong. God, he needed Jaejoong. It no longer seemed to matter that he was seventeen or that he would likely end up leaving as soon as he was old enough to know what he wanted. Harry had now and sometimes, the present was all that mattered. He made it as far as the street before he changed his mind. He couldn't go home yet. Not until he knew for sure if Ginny would sign the divorce papers. If he was going to cave in to his desires, the least he could do was wait until he was a free man. He owed Jaejoong that much. There was also something niggling at the base of his brain. Something he should know, but couldn't quite put his finger on. He headed back to the Ministry, but instead of the Department of Mysteries, he took the elevator to the Department of Muggle Affairs, hoping Hermione was available. ~~~ "Tell me again what was on the back of the photos." Hermione had that look in her eye. The one that said she was puzzling out a particularly nasty problem. "I told you already. Dates, names, places" "Did the handwriting look anything like this?" She opened a desk drawer and pulled out a photo, handing it to Harry, face down. The block script was the same. Dates, names, places. Harry flipped the photo over to see Kingsley Shacklebolt shaking hands with a man he didn't recognize. "Yeah. Exactly. What is this?" "A similar package arrived on my desk a few hours ago. There's a list with names, most of which line up precisely with a secret file I've been keeping. People in the Ministry I've suspected of... less than honourable behaviour. Minister Shacklebolt's at the top of the list. I haven't had the chance to look at them all, seeing as there are eyes and ears everywhere at the Ministry, but from what I can tell so far" "That's... you mean whoever sent those photos of Ginny" "Also has it in for half the Ministry. I've been racking my brain all morning to sort out who it could be, but now" she frowned, looking worried. "Where's Jaejoong?" "I don't know." Harry's heart quickened as he put two and two together. There was only one common link. "This morning when I left he said he was going out. Luna's watching the kids." "Where's the Time-Turner?"


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"It's locked in my school chest... along with my Invisibility Cloak. Fuck, Hermione if he gets himself caught" "Well, he hadn't been as of a few hours ago or these" Hermione took the photo from Harry's hand and grinned "would have never been delivered." Harry grabbed his coat from the chair where he'd thrown it when he arrived. "I'm going home." He needed to make sure Jaejoong was okay. He also needed to give him one hell of a scolding. Stupid, foolish, arrogant boy. "I'm coming with you," Hermione said quickly, following in his wake. ~~~ Harry stepped out of the Floo with barely enough time to move out of the way before Hermione joined him. Luna was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in one hand and a magazine in the other. She didn't look at all surprised to see them. "Where's Jaejoong?" Harry and Hermione asked in unison. Luna looked around as if she hadn't noticed he was gone. "Not back yet, apparently. I'm sure he won't be long though. This came for you while you were out. Congratulations." Harry looked at the unopened envelope she handed him. "What do you mean, congratulations?" "It's from your solicitor isn't it? I just had a feeling it would be good news." Harry tore open the envelope and pulled out the letter, reading it slowly to make sure he understood every word. "Well?" Luna asked. Harry turned to Hermione, unsure of how he felt. "She signed the papers. It's official." Luna looked at him with confusion. "I thought you'd be happier." "I... when did Jaejoong leave?" Luna shrugged, taking a long sip of tea. "A few hours ago, I suppose. He said he wouldn't be long." "And the kids?" "I just put them down for their naps. Would you care for some tea?"


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Harry shot another look in Hermione's direction, ignoring Luna's question in favour of barrelling up the stairs to check his chest. The Time-Turner was gone, as was his Invisibility Cloak. Harry sank to the floor and slammed his fist into the chest, pain shooting through his arm from what was likely several broken fingers. If Jaejoong didn't show up in the next fifteen minutes, he was going to kill the bloody bastard. "Harry?" Luna stepped into the room and scowled at the now swelling hand. "You really shouldn't attack inanimate objects." She waved her wand and the pain went away, the swelling slowly diminishing. "You knew what he was doing and you let him do it. Why?" Luna sat on the floor next to him, crossing her legs like a child on a playroom floor. "Because it was something he needed to do, and it wasn't my job to stop him." "Luna, he could have been killed! Might still be... why would you" "For the same reason I flew on a Thestral with you to the Ministry of Magic all those years ago, Harry. I had faith in you then, and I have faith in Jaejoong now." Harry stared at her. "This is different." "Is it?" she asked. "Do you remember how you felt when you wanted to join the Order and everyone said you were too young? They wanted to protect you, to keep you safe, because they loved you. But you wanted to fight for the same reasons. You and Jaejoong really are so very much alike, Harry." She patted his knee before standing. "Would you like some tea while you think?" Ravenclaws. Harry would never understand them, but he'd learned long ago not to argue with them. "Thanks, Luna. Actually, I think I would." She beamed before turning to head back down the stairs. Fuck it all if she weren't right. Now all he could do was wait. And hope to God Jaejoong made it back to him. Again. ~TBC~ Back to Index Chapter 6: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same name, but that's just because I like the names! They are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and


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total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta! Harry wasn't sure how long he'd sat in the floor drinking tea. His school chest was digging into his back and he felt a cramp forming in his left calf, but he couldn't seem to move. He could imagine Jaejoong leaning over to pull the Time-Tuner out of the chest, examining it closely to decide how many turns it would take. Five fucking years, possibly longer. What had he been doing in those years? What if... fuck. Harry had wanted him to have a chance to grow up, but not like this. The door to the bedroom creaked open and Harry looked up, expecting to see Luna with more tea. He stood up so quickly his head spun when he saw Antoine standing in the doorway. "So you know." He stood there, shifting from one foot to the other as though he wanted to step over the threshold but wasn't sure if he was allowed to. "I was hoping to get back before you found out but I... ran into a bit of a delay in southern Spain." "Jaejoong." Harry's voice cracked as though he'd not used it in months. Jaejoong's eyes fluttered closed, his lower lip clasped tightly between his teeth. His glamour fell away without him even raising his wand. "I haven't heard that name in a long time. I've missed it." Harry had been expecting Jaejoong to look older, but he hadn't expected him to look... different. He wore a button down shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the middle of his forearms while the tails hug messily around loose fitting, faded denims. His feet were covered by dragon hide boots, the toes scuffed and worn. A knapsack hung haphazardly over his shoulder, the threadbare and tattered strap accentuating a broad chest and strong arms. The familiar blond hair was longer, and while it didn't look unkempt, it looked messier, as though he'd been flying for hours. His usually smooth and flawless skin looked weathered. There was a tiny scar peeking out from the edge of one eyebrow and another crisscrossing the back of his left hand. Harry's feet seemed to carry him across the room without thought. He wanted to reach out and touch Jaejoong, but he didn't dare. Not yet. "I should be furious with you right now." "I know," Jaejoong said as he moved forward, taking Harry's hand without hesitation. Harry could feel his warm breath whisper across his cheek as he spoke. "Merlin, Harry, I've missed you." He didn't give Harry a chance to respond before his lips covered Harry's, the knapsack falling to the floor with a thud as his fingers twisted into Harry's hair. Harry was more than a little surprised. Jaejoong had always made his thoughts abundantly clear about what he wanted, but he'd never been quite so forceful before. But then again, this wasn't the same Jaejoong who'd fallen asleep in his arms the previous night. Not really. "Wait," Harry mumbled against his lips, pulling away slightly. Jaejoong stiffened as though Harry had stupefied him. Harry studied the grey eyes, searching for answers. "Why'd you do it?" he finally asked.


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Jaejoong tried to take a step back, but Harry held him tightly. He wasn't sure how he felt about what Jaejoong had done, but was sure about one thing. He wasn't about to let Jaejoong get away again. The look in Jaejoong's eyes softened and he relaxed into Harry's arms. "You were right," he answered. "I did need to grow up. Not for the same reasons you thought, but... for once in my life I needed to take control of my own situation. I knew what I wanted, and I knew it wouldn't change, no matter how old or young I was. It was worth fighting for, and this was the best way I could think of to do it." "It worked." Harry smiled at the way Jaejoong's eyes lit up. "At least... well, the part involving Ginny, anyway. She signed the divorce papers a few hours ago." At the mention of her name, Jaejoong scowled. "I really hate that bitch." Harry could only imagine. If he'd had to follow her around for years, knowing what Jaejoong knew, he'd hate her too. Harry opened his mouth to ask about those years, to ask what the other photos had been about, but Jaejoong's warm finger on his lips stopped him. "Later," Jaejoong said, smiling. "Hermione already warned me there would be a full interrogation and that I wasn't to speak of it unless she was present." He paused for a moment, his hand curling around the back of Harry's neck to pull him in for another kiss. It didnt last nearly long enough. When Jaejoong pulled away again, there was an odd twinkle in his eyes. "Besides, there's someone I really want you to meet before your kids wake up." Jaejoong took his hand to lead him down the stairs. There was a sense of strength and confidence in Jaejoong that hadn't been there before, and Harry ached to know where it had come from. As they passed the children's bedrooms Jaejoong paused, his eyes lingering on the doorknob to Lily's room. Harry recognized the expression; it was the same look he'd had just before walking onto Luna's balcony to see Narcissa. "You missed them, didn't you?" "I did," Jaejoong answered. "You have no idea" Jaejoong's voice cracked and when he faced Harry something flashed in his eyes that made hate seem like a gentle bunny in comparison. "I was there when she" Jaejoong gritted his teeth, his words sounding like they were coming from someone else entirely. "I shouldn't have been. If there was one redeeming quality about the bitch it was that she never fucked around when she was carrying your child, but I needed to be there. Just to make sure Lily pulled through all right." Their shoulders touched, and Harry couldn't be sure if it was because Jaejoong was leaning into him or if he was leaning against Jaejoong. He suspected a bit of both. "She's fine, Jaejoong. She may have come into this world weak and helpless, but she's not anymore. I think she's the strongest of them all." Harry had pushed that day far to the back of his mind, but he couldn't help but think about it now. When Lily was born she'd been so tiny she could fit into the palm of his hand. Ginny had been just over six months pregnant when the Bludger had knocked her from her broom. She'd promised Harry she wouldn't play. Told him she just wanted to be with the team for moral support. He hadn't found out until much later that she'd asked to be put into the game after the


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alternate Seeker was injured. The Mediwizard had told them both that Lily would never make it, that she was born too early, but Harry had refused to believe them. He'd raised bloody hell until they'd finally Flooed in a specialist. "If I'd only been there a little bit sooner" Harry stopped mid-sentence, his heart racing. "It was you, wasn't it?" he asked, not expecting an answer. It all made sense now. "Someone owled me that Ginny had been injured, but... the owl arrived half an hour before she'd fallen, otherwise I would have never made it in time." "I thought you deserved to be there when your child was born. You'd never told me... you never talked about it, but Luna had told me what happened. I didn't know exactly when though, or I would have owled earlier." "Fuck, Jaejoong." Harry lost it; there was no other way to explain it. By the time he even realised what he was doing Jaejoong was pressed against the wall, trapped by Harry's body, and Harry's mouth was on his, practically forcing his tongue past Jaejoong's lips. He tried to stop, tried to slow his racing heart, but Jaejoong was kissing him back with equal intensity, his fingers digging into Harry's scalp and tugging wildly at his hair. Harry didn't want to stop. He never wanted to stop. "Master," someone squeaked up from Harry's knees. Jaejoong whimpered as he pulled away, letting his head fall forward onto Harry's shoulder. Harry could feel both their hearts pounding against his chest, the blood rushing through his veins like hot lava. "Please, Fennel," Jaejoong said hoarsely, "for all things holy, not now." "But" Harry looked down to see a tiny house-elf wringing its hands wildly. "It be Young Master, Master. He be stirring now, and you be telling Fennel to be getting you if Young Master be waking. Fennel is to be doing what Master is to be asking, but if Master" "Okay!" Harry felt the hot puff of Jaejoong's laugh against his neck. "Thank you, Fennel," he said, lifting his head to look into Harry's eyes. His hair was rumpled; his eyes heavy and so dark and sexy Harry could hardly stand it. He bit his lip to stop himself from kissing Jaejoong again. "I'm sorry," Jaejoong said softly. "Promise me we can finish this later." Harry couldn't speak, so he just nodded. Jaejoong nudged Harry backwards to free himself from the wall, taking Harry's hand again and tugging him down the stairs to follow the strange little house-elf. "You have a house-elf now?" Harry asked when he finally found his voice. They'd just made it to the last step when Jaejoong shook his head. "No, I don't. But he does." Harry followed Jaejoong's line of sight to the sofa where a tiny boy with blond hair was just rousing from sleep. The boy sat up, looking out of sorts for a moment before his eyes settled on Jaejoong. His face broke into a huge smile and he lifted his arms up in Jaejoong's direction. "Daddy!" he said, and Jaejoong smiled.


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~TBC~ Back to Index Chapter 7: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same name, but that's just because I like the names! They are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta! Harry's mind whirled. Jaejoong had a son? The boy appeared to be about the same age as Al, with wide blue eyes and a head full of tousled, wavy blond hair. Harry looked around the room to see Hermione and Luna hovering near the fireplace, watching for his reaction. It was obvious that Hermione was as shocked as he was, but Luna seemed unfazed by any of it. Jaejoong released Harry's hand and strode to the sofa, picking the boy up with an ease that only came from familiarity. "Well, hello there, little man. Did you have a good nap?" The boy looked around as if he were sizing up his situation. "Where are we this time?" he finally asked. Then, lowering his voice to a whisper, "Why are these people staring at me?" "We're finally home, Sungwoong." Jaejoong chuckled, shifting the boy higher on his hip as he turned to face Hermione and Luna. "And I suspect they're staring because they're surprised to see you." "It's not polite to stare," the boy admonished, his expression mimicking one Harry had seen on Jaejoong's face a hundred times. Jaejoong simply laughed again. He looked happier than Harry had ever seen him. "Sungwoong, these two lovely ladies are Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood," he said as he took a step toward to the fireplace. Sungwoong clung to Jaejoong's neck with one arm, but held his other little hand out to Hermione for a handshake. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Miss Granger," he said more politely than Harry could imagine any of his kids being at any age. "Dad says you're very smart." Hermione shook his hand, her eyes softening. "I'm very pleased to meet you, too, Sungwoong." Her eyes darted to Jaejoong's, full of a million questions. Before she had the chance to say more, though, the boy held his hand out to Luna.


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"Dad says you're very kind," Sungwoong said, almost shyly as Luna took his hand. "It's good to meet you, Sungwoong," Luna said, smiling. "You're dad has taught you well." "He says first impressions are important. That you never get a do-over for them." Jaejoong cleared his throat loudly drawing the boy's attention. "Well, that is what you say," the boy said firmly, his little lip sticking out to form an adorable pout. Jaejoong ruffled his hair as he turned toward Harry. "I'll bet you can guess who this is, can't you?" The boy studied Harry for a moment before his face broke into a wide grin. "Harry Potter!" he said proudly, as if he'd won a contest. Harry took a step closer to shake the boy's hand, but instead of extending one hand, Sungwoong loosened his grip on Jaejoong's neck and held both hands out. Harry shot a confused glance at Jaejoong, who shrugged as he lifted Sungwoong off his hip and into Harry's arms. The boy wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's neck. "Dad talks about you all the time," he said quietly into Harry's ear. "Thank you for saving his life. I wouldn't be here if you hadn't." Harry was speechless. Thankfully, Jaejoong saved him from what was sure to be embarrassing babble. "I'll bet your hungry, aren't you? Why don't you let Kreacher show you and Fennel where the kitchen is? I'll bet there are sweets to be found." At the word sweets, Sungwoong let go of Harry's neck and scrambled down to the floor. "Fennel, sweets!" he yelled excitedly, grabbing the house-elf's hand as though they were siblings. The little elf eyed Kreacher suspiciously. "It's all right, Fennel. Kreacher's a friend." Jaejoong's tone was gentle, as if he were talking to a small child instead of a house-elf. Harry wasn't sure what to make of it. Fennel nodded, gripping Sungwoong' hand as she followed Kreacher down the stairs towards the kitchen. Jaejoong watched them go before turning to Harry, looking suddenly exhausted. "It's not what you think," he said as he dropped to the sofa. Hermione and Harry both started talking at once, until Jaejoong held up one hand to stop them. "I suppose there's no chance of me taking a nice hot bath first is there?" "No," Harry and Hermione both answered. "Fine, but would you at least sit? I'm not really accustomed to people hovering over me anymore."


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Luna was first to sit next to Jaejoong on the sofa, patting his knee. "I warned you'd they be like this," she said. Jaejoong covered her hand with his own and gave it a squeeze, something unspoken passing between them. Harry took the chair opposite them and glared. "Don't blame her, Harry. If she hadn't helped, I would have likely turned up in your living room six years ago, which, in hindsight, would have been a very big mistake." Hermione took the chair across from Harry, looking as though she were biting her tongue to keep from asking questions. "Sungwoong?" Harry asked, unsure of how to phrase the question he needed an answer to. Thankfully, Jaejoong understood without him needing to ask. "He's not mine. Well... he is now, but not by blood." Jaejoong gave Harry a pointed look. "I don't do girls, Harry. Never have, never will." "But how" "His parents are both dead," Jaejoong answered. He took a deep breath and leaned his head back against the sofa, closing his eyes. "I should really start at the beginning, or none of it will make any sense." Harry waited patiently while Jaejoong appeared to be finding his bearings. When he finally opened his eyes, they looked more focused and intense than Harry had ever seen them. "When I left here I went to France. Luna's family had a guesthouse there that was rarely used and she thought it would be a good place to use as a home base, so to speak. I only planned to go back a couple of years, just enough time to get enough dirt on Ginny to force her hand, but TimeTurners are tricky things. Apparently the farther back you go, the less accurate they are." "Six years?" Harry asked, still unable to believe what Jaejoong had done, what he'd risked. "Give or take a few months, yes." Harry opened his mouth to ask something else, but Jaejoong held up his hand again to stop him. "It'll be easier on all of us if you ask questions afterwards, don't you think?" Harry wanted to argue, but Jaejoong was right. "There was a vault at Gringotts I could access. Goblins don't care who you are or what your business is as long as you have the correct key, and my mother was clever enough to slip it to me when I saw her at Luna's birthday party. I withdrew enough money to last me for a few years, which turned out to be not nearly enough, but that's a story for a different day." Jaejoong pursed his lips as though he'd tasted something vile, but continued anyway. "I already knew I'd be taking the photos, so while I was there I made arrangements for them to be automatically deposited into


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the vault. I left strict instructions for the Goblins to deliver them today, whether I made it back or not." Harry took in a sharp breath, realising for the first time that Jaejoong had understood the risk he'd been taking. Harry had assumed that in the foolishness of youth, he'd not even considered the possibility of failure. Jaejoong looked at Harry, his fingers absently playing with his shirttail. "I wasn't planning on screwing up, but if I had... I wanted to make sure you'd be happy. If not with me, then at least with someone else. You deserved that much." Harry swallowed against the lump forming in his throat. "Once I had everything set up and had purchased the proper equipment, I followed Ginny's team and... well, that part you've probably sorted out by now. I'd really rather not go into details." "But," Hermione jumped in, looking as though she'd been sitting on her hands, "the photos you sent me... they didn't have anything to do with Ginny." Jaejoong fidgeted, as though he weren't prepared to tell this part of the story. "That was... a fortunate side-effect. It's amazing what conversations you overhear when you're invisible." "Jaejoong," Hermione said sadly, "I haven't looked at everything you sent, but... you know it probably won't be enough to clear your name, don't you?" Jaejoong laughed. It was harsh and angry and not at all the laugh Harry was accustomed to hearing. "That has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Sungwoong," he finally answered. Hermione and Harry shared a confused glance before he explained. "At first it was just... well, having a bit of blackmail information on certain people can never go amiss, right? And I needed something to keep me occupied while" Jaejoong glanced briefly at Harry before he looked down and began studying his own hands, "while Ginny was otherwise occupied." In other words, While Ginny was home with Harry and they were playing the happily married couple. Harry remembered those days. Six years ago he'd thought he and Ginny were happy. Hell, four years ago he'd thought they were happy. He'd had no idea. If Jaejoong's feelings for Harry were even remotely close to what Harry thought they were... "I'm sorry." It wasn't nearly enough, but it was all he had to offer. Jaejoong shrugged. "Nothing to be sorry about. You didn't know." But Harry could tell it had hurt. He could imagine Jaejoong, covered by the Invisibility Cloak, following Ginny. Seeing her with Harry, holding hands, or even worse, watching as he and


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Ginny shopped in Diagon Alley at Christmastime while Jaejoong had to go to some seedy hotel room to spend his own Christmas alone. "But then, it all changed." Jaejoong sat up, his whole demeanour shifting. "Do you remember Daphne and Astoria Greengrass?" Harry remembered them both from school, but more than anything he remembered the photos in the Prophet from when they'd died. "What happened to their family was awful," Hermione gave voice to Harry's thoughts. "The Aurors never found out who did it." Jaejoong scowled in the same way he had when he'd first mentioned Ginny. "That's because they weren't looking in the fucking mirror. Do you have the photos I sent?" Hermione reached into her purse and pulled out a large envelope, handing it to Jaejoong. "It wasn't a Death Eater re-enactment, as the Prophet reported. It was murder, pure and simple." Jaejoong shuffled through the file until he found the photo he was searching for, handing it to Hermione. "The family was being blackmailed into supporting the Ministry, both financially and publically. When they finally refused to cooperate and threatened to go public, they were executed." "You mean" Hermione passed the photo to Harry with a trembling hand. The photo was blurry, but Harry could make out the profile of his old boss, Gawain Robards, against the backdrop of a burning house. He recognized the house from the front page of the Prophet, although it had been partially burned to the ground then. It was the Greengrass family home the home where the entire family had supposedly been killed by Death Eater wannabes several years ago. "By the time I got there it was too late. Daphne, Astoria, their husbands, their parents, their entire family... they were all dead. As I was leaving, I heard a high-pitched cry coming from a tiny hallway closet" Jaejoong's voice cracked and he paused, unable to go on. "Sungwoong," Luna finished for him. Jaejoong nodded, and after a moment regained his composure. "He was no more than a month old. Fennel had been ordered to take him to safety, but she was only a child herself and wasn't able to Apparate him outside the family home. She hid him, hoping they wouldn't be found. Once I got them out of the house, Fennel explained what had happened the best she could. Her parents died defending the family." Jaejoong raised his eyes to meet Harry's, barely contained tears pooling along his lower lids. "I took them both with me. Sungwoong was born Sungwoong Greengrass-Fenton, but in every way that counts, he's mine. We became a family. A very strange little family, but... a family, nonetheless. It was presumptuous of me to assume they could stay here" "Jaejoong" Harry pushed up from his chair to sit next to Jaejoong, wrapping the man in his


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arms. "Shut up," Harry said hoarsely, blinking away his own tears. "I told you, this is your home too. Anyone you love is welcome." Jaejoong shuddered, his breath coming in short, uneven bursts. Harry looked over Jaejoong's shoulder to see that Luna and Hermione both had tears rolling down their cheeks. When his eyes met Hermione's there was more than sadness, there was anger. Anger the likes of which he'd not seen from her in a very long time. Harry knew exactly how she felt. "I need to know everything you know, Jaejoong." Hermione wiped furiously at her tears as she dumped the envelope's contents onto the coffee table. "I'll need to see your memories, too. There may be people you wouldn't recognize, pieces of the puzzle you wouldn't have known to put together. We'll make them pay for what they did if it's the very last thing I do." Jaejoong sniffled and sat back, giving Hermione a small smile. "I knew you'd know what to do with them. That's why I had them sent to you." Hermione nodded, a look of sheer determination on her face. Harry could tell she was eager to get started, but he thought, as important as it was, that Jaejoong needed some time home to regain his footing. "Tomorrow, Hermione." "But Harry, this is what we needed years ago when we were trying to" "I know," he said, taking Jaejoong's hand and twining their fingers together, "but I think Jaejoong deserves that hot bath now, and the kids will be up soon. I'm sure he'd like to spend some time with them, and Sungwoong needs to get settled" "He and Fennel can have my room if you need" "We have plenty of room, Jaejoong. The one next to yours is empty and I'm sure Kreacher would be happy to give it a good dusting. That way Sungwoong could be close if he needed you." Jaejoong nodded, looking a bit disappointed. The disappointment faded when he heard footsteps barrelling up the stairs. Sungwoong rounded the corner, his lips, chin, and the tip of his nose all covered in chocolate. "They have yummy sweets, Dad. I think I'll like it here!" Jaejoong laughed as Sungwoong climbed onto his lap. He didn't seem the least bit irritated at the chocolate sauce that ended up smeared all over his shoulder. ~TBC~ Back to Index Chapter 8: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and


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above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same name, but that's just because I like the names! They are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Also, you'll remember from Waiting for Jaejoong that Ginny is a complete and total bitch nasty piece of work in this, right? Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta! Harry sat at the edge of Jaejoong's bed and watched him sleep. The sun shining in through the window turned his hair almost golden. The kids had woken from their naps shortly after Hermione and Luna left the previous night, so it had been well past supper when Jaejoong had finally been able to enjoy his hot bath. Harry had found him sound asleep in the tub half an hour later. It had taken a bit of doing to rouse him. Sungwoong' introduction to the kids had been an immediate success. James and Al had begged Sungwoong to sleep in their room, but Sungwoong had been adamant that he wouldn't leave Fennel alone. The two really were more like siblings than anything else, a fact that had Kreacher completely bewildered. Harry had never met a house-elf child before. Obviously he knew there were children, but they seemed to be kept out of sight until they were old enough to serve. It was obvious that Jaejoong cared for the little elf, and that she considered him part of the family as much as she did Sungwoong. Jaejoong's reunion with Lily was... Harry couldn't even think of the proper words for it. It was almost like Lily had known that Jaejoong had been gone for so long, or maybe it had been the competition for his attention between her and Sungwoong, but she clung to him for most of the evening until she had finally fallen asleep in his arms. Whatever had caused it, Jaejoong didn't seem to mind. Harry found it interesting that it didn't faze Sungwoong at all when Jaejoong's glamour was on. When Harry had asked, Jaejoong explained that it was impossible to keep the glamour on permanently, so Sungwoong had grown up with him switching between the two identities. It was all he'd ever known. Jaejoong's eyes fluttered open, and he looked confused for a moment before his eyes settled on Harry. "Oh." His voice was still rough from sleep. "It wasn't a dream then. I really am home." Harry stretched out on the bed, his head resting on the pillow next to Jaejoong's. "You fell asleep in the bath. You don't remember me hauling you out to put you to bed?" The eyebrow with the tiny scar arched empirically as he studied Harry's fully clothed body. "You put me to bed naked and didn't stay?" Harry laughed, reaching beneath the covers to run his hand along the smooth skin of Jaejoong's back. "Hardest damn thing I've ever had to do, but I really wanted to wait until you were awake before I molested you."


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"I wouldn't have stayed asleep for long, I'm sure." "You were tired. And I wasn't sure" Harry hesitated. He wanted Jaejoong so badly, but they hadn't had much of a chance to talk about things yet. Yes, he was older now; that had never been more obvious than when Harry had seen him stark naked in the tub. And he obviously still wanted Harry, but... there was still so much he didn't know. Jaejoong chuckled. "Do I have to spell it out for you? If you don't molest me soon, I'll be forced to hex you." "The kids are with Fennel and Kreacher having breakfast." Harry moved his hand farther down, resting it on Jaejoong's hip, his heart hammering in his chest. Jaejoong whimpered, reaching out to pull Harry in for a kiss. It was slow and tender, full of so many things that hadnt yet been said. Things Harry wanted to say, but didn't know how. When Jaejoong finally pulled away, he looked... contemplative. "It seems like a lifetime ago that you kissed me in this bed." Harry scooted closer, sweeping away the stray wisp of hair that had fallen over one of Jaejoong's eyes. "Hermione's called an Order meeting for this afternoon. You don't have to be there, but if you want...we have a lot to sort out." "You and I have a few things to sort out, too, don't you think?" "I don't want to push, but... I was thinking maybe the kids could go visit Molly for a few hours this morning and you and I could... talk." "Talk?" Harry chuckled. He wouldn't be opposed to more than talking. Not anymore. "Well, I thought we could start with talking, anyway. Do you think Sungwoong would be okay to go with them?" Jaejoong grinned. "As long as Fennel went, he'd be fine. The two of them are practically inseparable, if you haven't noticed. Although" Jaejoong twisted onto his back, his head falling onto the pillow as he stared up at the ceiling, "I hadn't really thought about how I would explain him to anyone other than you." "Luna's working on that as we speak. She'll come up with something." Jaejoong turned his head, his cheek resting on his pillow. "You're not mad at her, are you?" Harry had to think about that for a moment. He wasn't mad, but... "If anything had happened to you I would have never forgiven her." "Come here," Jaejoong said quietly, tugging at the covers Harry was lying on top of. When


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Harry stood, Jaejoong held the covers up in invitation. Harry didn't need to be asked twice. He shucked his trousers and pants with record speed, pulling his jumper over his head before climbing under the covers. Jaejoong was in his arms instantly, the warmth of his skin seeping into every fibre of Harry's body. "This was what kept me going, you know." Jaejoong whispered into his ear. "The memory of you lying next to me, the strong beat of your heart, the sound of your breathing as you slept that night. I kept playing it over and over in my head, and whenever I thought I was ready to give up, the thought of doing thisof touching your skin, of feeling your naked body next to meit forced me to get up every morning and keep going." Harry wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to give Jaejoong everything, but he wasn't even sure where to start. "We don't have much time" "It won't take long, trust me." Jaejoong chuckled, his cheeks turning a rosy red. Harry pushed the covers back, running his hands along Jaejoong's collarbone. There was another scar along his right shoulder and Harry traced it with his finger, wondering again what had happened to Jaejoong over the last six years. Instead of asking, he leaned forward and kissed it softly, trailing his tongue along it from top to bottom as if he could somehow erase it from Jaejoong's ivory skin. There were other scars too: the almost invisible ones along Jaejoong's chest that Harry, himself, had caused a lifetime ago; a thick red one along Jaejoong's hip that looked like a recent addition; a long thin one running along Jaejoong's left thigh. Harry kissed them all, chasing away whatever pain might have come with them. Jaejoong grasped Harry's biceps and shoulders, his hands settling in Harry's hair, gripping tightly. "Fuck, Harry," Jaejoong whined as he bucked up, his cock searching for friction. "You're still a bloody evil tease, aren't you." Harry chuckled, his breath hot against the inside of Jaejoong's thigh. "I'm not the one who's changed, remember?" "If you don't touch my cock in the next five seconds I'll hex your bollocks to Siberia, then we'll talk about who's changed." Harry laughed again, thinking Jaejoong hadn't changed all that much either. He wrapped one hand around Jaejoong's cock, his tongue lapping teasingly at the tip. Jaejoong bucked again, his cock slipping past Harry's lips. It was an exquisite feeling, having Jaejoong's cock in his mouth, Jaejoong's fingers tearing wildly at his hair, Jaejoong's voice chanting Harry, Harry, ohfuckinggods, Harry. It was almost enough to make him forget how his own cock was aching to be touched. Almost, but not quite. Jaejoong whimpered when Harry pulled away, a number of expletives flying from his mouth. Harry looked up to see Jaejoong had lifted his head, his eyes burning into Harry like daggers. "Shh," Harry whispered, crawling up Jaejoong's body until their cocks bumped together. "Oh." The word came out as a puff of air. "Yeah, that's... oh, fuck yeah." Jaejoong's head fell back to his pillow and his right hand left Harry's hair, meeting Harry's as it wrapped around their


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cocks. Harry propped himself up, hovering over Jaejoong until his head was tugged down into a rough, messy kiss. That was all it took. Harry arched as his orgasm tore through him. He assumed, by the way Jaejoong's grip tightened in his hair, then relaxed and fell away moments later, that Jaejoong had done the same. He fell boneless onto Jaejoong before remembering himself and rolling off so as not to crush him. They lay there for long minutes, their panting the only noise in the quiet room. Jaejoong finally broke the silence, twisting his neck to look at Harry. "That was definitely worth waiting for," he said, smirking. Harry didn't have the energy to voice it, but he totally agreed. ~TBC~

Chapter 9: Waiting For Harry Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I receive no monetary gain from this story. I make no claim to any of the characters and mean no offence by any actions they take. All characters are fictional, and above the age of consent. Warnings: Not epilogue compliant. The kids have the same name, but that's just because I like the names! They are not really the epilogue kids, although they do bear a remarkable resemblance. Author's Note: Written for my wonderful friend Rom for her generous donation to Marriage Equality. Thank you to the lovely Sesheta_66 for beta! The lamps in the living room were still burning when Harry stepped through the Floo. He shrugged out of his Auror robe and tossed it onto the sofa, kicking off his shoes and leaving them where they landed. He was bone tired, and not at all sure he could make it to the bedroom before falling over from fatigue. The sofa looked inviting, but the thought of Jaejoong's wrath if he awoke to find Harry missing forced him to trudge up the stairs. Jaejoong lay curled up under the covers with several books spread haphazardly over the bed. The lamp on the bedside table flickered unevenly and cast ghostlike shadows on his pale face. The dark circles under Jaejoong's eyes mirrored Harry's own. The last five years hadn't been easy on either of them. Harry prayed that was about to change. He undressed as quietly as he could, but experience had taught him how impossible it was to sneak into bed without waking Jaejoong. As if on cue, Jaejoong rolled onto his back, squinting his eyes against the light. "You're late." The words were followed by a wide yawn. "What time is it?" "Around three. I tried not to wake you." Jaejoong sat up in bed taking in Harry's dishevelled appearance. His eyes darted to the gash


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across Harry's cheek before settling on his bloodstained jumper. "What?" Harry sat on the edge of the bed, fighting gravity to keep from falling against his pillow. "It's done." "Robards?" "In custody. Along with five other Aurors and about twenty high-ranking Ministry officials." Harry propped his elbows on his knees, resting his head in his hands. It had not happened the way they'd planned. He'd re-joined the Auror department five years ago to be the eyes and ears of the Order. Hermione had pieced together as much of Jaejoong's information as she could, but there were missing pieces to the puzzle and it had been Harry's job to find them. He'd been so damn close to having them all. "There was a leak. We don't know who yet. Jefferson and Abels both managed to get Portkeys out of the country before we realised it." Harry felt the bed shift as Jaejoong scooted closer. Warm arms wrapped around Harry's waist and he could feel Jaejoong's strength seeping into him. "Kingsley?" "When I left he was in front of the Wizengamot testifying under Veritaserum. I couldn't listen to any more of it. He" Harry took a deep breath. He wanted to sleep for a month. "He claims he had no knowledge of what Robards was doing. I just... I don't know. He's submitted his resignation, at least. They'll appoint an interim Minister until there can be a proper vote. They asked me to do it. I told them to go fuck themselves." Jaejoong chuckled behind him. "A bit more eloquently than that, I hope." "Not by much," Harry said as Jaejoong tugged at the hem of his jumper. Harry raised his arms over his head like an obedient child. Jaejoong tossed the jumper to the floor and nudged Harry onto the bed. He turned to face Jaejoong and edged the conversation towards something more pleasant. "How's the revising going?" Jaejoong snorted, but thankfully he took the hint. "I could pass the damn Healer's exam with my eyes closed. I don't know why they insisted I take three months off to prepare. Idiots." Jaejoong's fingers made quick work of Harry's trouser buttons but he felt himself drifting off to sleep. "Lift," Jaejoong demanded. Harry used the last of his energy to lift his arse off the bed so Jaejoong could pull his trousers the rest of the way off. The last thing he remembered was the coolness of silk sheets and the warmth of Jaejoong's arms as he let the exhaustion take him. ~~~ "Well?" Hermione held a champagne glass loosely between her fingers, her normally unruly hair twisted back into an attractive braid. "This is supposed to be a celebration. You don't look happy." Harry glanced from Hermione to across the room where Antoine was talking animatedly with Narcissa. He wondered when he'd be able to accept that the world would never be perfect. "I am.


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I just wish... I don't know." "It doesn't bother him, you know. I think he rather likes being someone else." She placed a hand on Harry's arm to gain his attention, and he reluctantly met her eyes. "We knew it would be like this, Harry. He's accepted it. Why can't you?" Harry didn't know. The kids had accepted it years ago, even if Jaejoong did have to charm them to keep the secret from accidently slipping out. He simply shrugged. "Has he decided what he's going to do yet?" Hermione asked, tactfully changing the subject. "St Mungo's would be lucky to have him." Jaejoong had passed his Healer's exams with flying colours and now had no fewer than five offers of employment waiting on his desk at home. Harry shook his head. "He can't make up his mind. He's thinking of starting his own practice. James will be off to Hogwarts next year, so we've talked about finding a place in Hogsmeade." "And you're okay with that? Moving, I mean?" Harry smiled as Jaejoong snatched two glasses of champagne from a floating tray and headed in Harry's direction. As sappy as it sounded, he'd be happy anywhere as long as he had Jaejoong and the kids. "Yeah, I think it'd be nice. The kids love Hogsmeade, and since I'm home with them now, there's really nothing keeping us here." Jaejoong was smiling when he reached them. Harry wondered how many glasses of champagne he'd had already. He handed Harry one glass and tipped his own up in a toast. "Here's to a new era of transparent government," he said flatly. "You sound sceptical." Hermione frowned. Jaejoong shrugged, taking an abnormally large sip of champagne. "It was a lovely speech. I only hope he can follow through. Politics has a way of stripping away every shred of decency from the human soul." Harry chuckled. Jaejoong still had a way with words. "Aren't you the eternal optimist." He turned towards Harry, Antoine's lips morphing into a very Jaejoong-like smirk. "You have met me, have you not? Optimism is your department, not mine. Besides, if he turns into a deranged lunatic and hurts Luna I'll be forced to break both his knees before I bury him alive, Minister or not." Harry laughed. "Speak of the devil," he said as he looked over Jaejoong's shoulder to see Luna and her husband heading in their direction. "Harry," Neville said as he held out his right hand. "Thanks for coming."


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Neville's grip was strong, his eyes soft, yet determined. Harry had no doubt that he'd make an excellent Minister. "Antoine was just commenting on your speech. Well done, Neville." Neville looked at Jaejoong and chuckled. "I'm not sure I want to know what kind of remark it was, but I'll assume the best." Luna giggled and gave Jaejoong a friendly hug. Neville had commented on more than one occasion that the two of them acted more like siblings than cousins. Jaejoong had given Luna permission to tell Neville the truth about him, but she'd refused, reiterating Harry's feelings that the fewer people who knew, the better. "Are you sure you won't consider my offer, Harry? The Auror Department is still struggling to recover and they could use your help. I can't think of a better Department Head." Harry shook his head. He'd given his resignation as soon as the dust had settled. He couldn't, in good conscience, remain in a position of upholding the law when he had his own secrets to protect. "No, Neville. I'm done with fighting bad guys. Besides, I've got the kids to tend to full time now that my nanny has decided Healing is a more worthwhile endeavour Ow." Harry grinned as he rubbed his arm where Jaejoong had punched him. "Arse." Jaejoong's scowl couldn't fully mask his grin. Neville smiled at them indulgently. "Then I suppose I should give you this." Neville reached into his robe pocket and pulled out an envelope with the Minister's official seal. "My first order of business," he said. "I thought it might be of some interest to you. You can do with it what you will." Harry slipped his finger beneath the flap and popped open the seal. He read it twice before handing it to Jaejoong. Jaejoong read it, his astonished eyes lifting to meet Harry's before they both turned to Luna. "She didn't say anything," Neville said quietly. "You're not the only one who knew him in school, Harry. He's not that different." He turned to Jaejoong, one hand lifting to rest on Jaejoong's shoulder. "I reviewed your file and found the majority of accusations to be unfounded and unsubstantiated. Taking into consideration all you've done for the Order over the last... well, ten years I suppose, I think granting a full pardon was the least I could do." "I..." Jaejoong looked from Neville to Harry, and then to Luna, who didn't look at all surprised. Neville laughed. "Speechless? I never thought I'd be able to do that. Perhaps there is some truth to what Luna tells me all the time." "What's that?" Hermione asked, apparently unable to resist the temptation of knowledge. Neville turned to Luna and smiled softly, affection pouring off him like raindrops. "That if I want, I can accomplish great things." Jaejoong looked at the parchment once more before folding it neatly and tucking it into Harry's


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front pocket. "Thank you, Neville. I... it means a lot to me, but if it's all the same to you" Jaejoong reached down to take Harry's hand, twining their fingers together. "I think I'm happy with the way things are." He looked at Harry and when he smiled, something inside Harry fell into place. "It's nice being judged entirely on my merits instead of my name. Someday, maybe... but not now. Is that all right with you?" Harry thought back to the day Jaejoong had reappeared in his life. He'd told Jaejoong then that this was his choice. He saw no reason for that to change. He gave Jaejoong's hand a squeeze and smiled back. ~~~ "This is a bit ridiculous, don't you think?" Lily rolled her eyes as she hefted her snowy owl off the cart. "It's her first year at Hogwarts. Of course she wants to ride the train," Harry answered. "She lives at Hogwarts, Harry." "Yes," Lily interjected, "and it's bad enough that I'll have one dad as a professor and the other as the school Healer. Can't I be normal for just one day?" Harry and Jaejoong exchanged a glance and both grinned. Lily Luna Potter was many things, but normal had never been one of them. "Oh, don't give me that look, either of you." She stood on her tiptoes so she could give them both a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. If having three older brothers has taught me anything, it's how to take care of myself. I'll see you at the welcoming feast, yeah?" "Fine," Jaejoong said reluctantly. Lily sat her owl down by her feet and wrapped her arms around Jaejoong's waist. "I love you too." Jaejoong leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head. "Go, brat, before I change my mind."



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