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Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community The 40plus community

In 1966, promoting an aggressive demographic policy, the communist regime issued a decree that outlawed contraception and abortions. For the entire Romanian society, this was a drama with disastrous results. More than 15.000 women died and many were left physically and psychically wounded, following their empirical attempts to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Suddenly passing from a rather libertine period, when pregnancy termination was legal and family planning was possible for all couples, the state set a new dimension of the family. The sexual and reproductive behaviours changed, and the effects were seen in the dynamic of the couple formation. Following this decree, 2 million Romanians were born in communist Romania, forming the most numerous generation I also belong to. Were not only many, but also special: we were born, raised and have need educated in communism, and in 1989, Romanias stepping towards democracy coincided with our stepping towards maturity we became adults. We built freedom, adapted to it, carrying along the frustrations of an unhealthy and totalitarian society. We are considered historys paradox and revenge, since we, the ones born on the systems command, have actually dethroned it and were now concretizing Romanias integration in the EU. Were now 40 and around us, on all levels social, economic, professional, familial, personal changes occur at an amazing speed, generating tensions, uncertainties and fears. The society we live in undergoes continuous transformations and we need all our resources to find a balance in managing our roles of responsible adults, in charge of our lives, but also of the welfare of our families. The dizzying rhythm and the diversity of live challenges ask for viable and quick answers. Were sometimes overwhelmed by the speed of the events, and other times were simply stuck in the process. For me, the age of 40 got a certain meaning only when I reached it. I used to think that my life had entered a smooth trajectory; I no longer had any special expectations, I had become blas, I was a married woman, I had a son and a good job. The divorce and, later one, the loss of my job were

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community two of the major transformations that came over me, threw me into analysis and into re-settling life. I was intensely living the economic crises, trying to also manage my own middle age crisis. I realized that there were changes I hadnt been generating, even if I perhaps had wished for them, but had not yet had the courage. Its pretty strange to admit that these two hits I took proved beneficial, that they ended up leading me towards something I had previously yearned for, even without knowing. I had been brought up as a woman destined to have a job, get married, have children, and then dedicate her life to them and the family. Not only I was told so, but I had also seen this in people older than me, so I seriously integrated these moral values that came from the family and the society. Why hadnt I, back then, understood what was happening to me? Why had I not tried to change something, anything? Because, caught up in my own lifes whirlwind, I had no time to talk to myself, to understand what I actually wanted. I had chosen to become stuck in a cultural and social conserve. I had taken on a role of responsible adult and I had become a frustrated one. I had not realized, back then, that I was giving up my own identity. I had lots of roles, but all of them were dominated by the adult role, an overdeveloped one, and, as I later saw, un-personalized, a clich I had taken on and had assumed through education, based on the fact that I was associating it with the role of mature woman. I had lost two very important roles the employee and the woman-lover, so I felt lost, I needed to make sense of who I was anymore, what I wanted and where I wanted to go. What might I have needed, in order to go further? Till then, how did I manage to live? What had I done well and wanted to keep, what did I want to have and couldnt get? It was a difficult moment. It took a while before I understood that I was my own resource and that I could enhance this resource if only I understood what was happening to me and if I managed to stay around other people. These were the headlines of the context that brought me to the sociodrama group, where I started an interesting journey, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but that offered me a lot of answers. I had the chance to experiment new roles, to exploit fears, concerns, both mine and the groups, or I simply enjoyed people and the experience each of them brought to the group. Its interesting to see

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community how many people had feelings similar to yours, to connect to the groups energy and to get charged up with it. Such a group offers support, understanding, respect, a new perspective, courage, honesty, friendship, joy, communication, reciprocity, trust... these are all human qualities that make you want to experiment, to understand, to accept, to learn from mistakes, to enjoy the results. And my life started changing for the better. I started being more cheerful, more relaxed, wiser, more spontaneous, and more creative. I realised that I need to stay like this. I like being like this. And then I thought: but would it actually be beneficial for me? How could I share this wellbeing with others? What do I do so that others, like me, get a chance to recover their energy and joy of living? And so, I got the idea of building a community. Everyones stories become our stories in a group with similar concerns, interests, beliefs and life norms. All the activities associated with this community are planned, aimed at and subordinated to a purpose: to train creativity via practicing spontaneity. To anyone, regardless of age, these two are un-drainable resources. Once activates, one can enjoy the lifes journey, whose events are no longer surprising, there are no more blockages and the answers one needs come quicker. We, the 40 years old generation, find ourselves, unlike the younger ones, quite challenged by the need to navigate this period. We are the segment in which the divorce rate is the highest, comparing it to the other age groups; and, for us, if the two partners survive as a couple; they have to constantly fight routine and lack of interest. Were the ones for who, in case of a job lost due to the latest economic hardships, its a lot harder to get another one, as offers are a lot less in number for people who are specialised. We are the ones responsible for the emotional and financial welfare of our families. Both us and our children suffer a rather hard time they face the peak of their puberty, we face the middle age crisis. So we started wishing for change. If some of us search for a new perspective, more interesting, more colourful, more joyful, others look for balance. I am convinced that, for many of us, this community is the answer to improving their quality of life, because everything that happens here supports the activation of valuable resources, using: the groups energy, the common stories, humour, everyones spontaneity, creativity through drawings, improvisation or theatre.

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community I started with the Forty-Shop. It is a workshop addressed to the 40plus group, where the two of us (Anabela and I) are the trainers and the objectives are to socialize / do some networking, to discover something about oneself and to have fun. If, in Anabelas presence, people feel more comfortable to explore deeper realms, since she is perceives as a warm, empathetic and understanding trainer, I am perceived as a partner-innaughtiness , and with me people became extremely available for play and exposure. If she manages to offer comfort and a rhythm that promotes introspection and analysis, with me, people quickly give themselves permission to talk about intimate things. If Anabela offered them acceptance, I offer partnership. Thus, based upon the theme, but also upon each of our abilities, we take turns in creating different, complementary experiences that maintain the level of energy and involvement. The themes we took on varied from childhood dreams and play, the journey of a lifetime, anger management, to the mechanisms of intimate interactions in adults. Now, during the last sessions, we all were a lot braver, daredevils both in term of choosing and approaching the themes but also as far as disclosure and involvement were concerned. This proves that the group grows, and functions following a satisfactory recipe that brings on new members. Usually, out of the workshops 3 hours, we reserve 45 minutes for warm-up, a crucial stage in managing group dynamics and energy levels, since this is an open group and we have newcomers all the time. Sometimes, the degree of exposure is quite high, so we need the group members to quickly make acquaintance with and get used to one another and the proposed theme. From the introductory exercises, we move to energizers and we finish warming-up with sociometric choices (step in, spectrograms) that offer a mirror of the group, in relation to the theme. Usually, the theme is known beforehand and the interest towards it already declared, by the sheer presence in the room, we follow the intensity of these states, the duration of exposure to the theme and/or their relative positioning towards the theme. The main activity, staging the theme, involves the whole group. Based upon its size (that varies along with the interest towards the theme) we can start from working in dyads or trios and/or directly from a scene that would involve everyone. For instance, during the Good Sex FortyShop we started from trios that segregated men from women, because we thought it was interesting

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community to see whether there will be any gander-based differences of perception and approach. There were certain small differences, but it was interesting to build a mirror of the needs, wishes and also of the mechanisms of interaction between sexually-active adults. During the Forty-Shop on the importance of money, the entire group built a country on stage, a country called Abnormalia, and defined its political, social, and economic characteristics, while each person took on a role in the life of this imaginary country someone was an emperor, another person, a doctor, and we also had a wizard and a hunter. It was surprising to see that each of us could easily accept a life without money, since we all rejoiced at the chance to enjoy the simple things in life. Among the instruments we used there were role-reversal, double, mirror, role classic tools of psychodrama and sociodrama that the group is already familiar with. We did have a harder time in the beginning, but now, since some of the participants have been with us from the very beginning, the explaining and the use of the tools has become much simpler. So far, during our thematic meetings, we looked for the optimal manner of staging and I am positive we managed to find it. We managed to experience: As well as in any other sociodrama session, after warm up and staging comes sharing (integration). Each participant shares from both her/his role and from the associations (s)he made with events in her/his life. Now is the time for everyone to put their thoughts in order, chances for role-learning increase, and the group cohesion becomes stronger the group members see that they are not alone in that matter, they find support, a new perspective but also some hope that they will manage to find solutions to properly face their real-life issues. Even when were exploring a serious theme, every time, during the closing of the Forty Shop, we have a playful moment. It is our way of parting ways, it is the moment to have fun and get 5 Social atom when we explored childhood wishes forum theatre when we looked for anger management resources playback theatre especially for the warm-ups and role preparation.

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community energized. So far, in order to keep training spontaneity, we chose improvisation theatre exercises. The practice of various roles and the creating on stories following recipes that work and prompt laugher every time encourage the participants to be at ease, to act in line with their feelings, and moves them to a positive state. Along the way, they will take on this joy in everyday life also, and learn to see challenges in a more detached manner. The way we organized the workshop and the themes we selected would allow us to access all tools and scenic representations of the action methods, but sometimes we either did not have enough self confidence, or we feared we might lose control. Our role of trainers of the 40plus group evolved and only now, a year later, I can say we really start to elaborate on our role. It is interesting to see how the group becomes more of a community now that we strengthened our roles as trainers, have more energy and enthusiasm, have become more courageous and more creative. The effects of our evolution have also been noticed by the group, who started growing and wish to spend more time together. Heres the time to propose more ways of interaction. Even if theys be structured, build and organized differently, theyll share a common purpose: to train creativity via group activities. After analysis our abilities and competencies, we selected 3 more types of workshops: FortyShop-ul in colors A sociodrama closed group Living newspaper

The coloured FortShop-ul shall be structured just like a regular workshop warm-up, staging and sharing. This time, personal moods and feeling will be brought to light by drawing. It is very important that we use colors, during warm-up, apart from the introductory and group bonding exercises, so that colours could be easily accessed and naturally chosen, without any technical, specific criteria. Using a special technique and unusual materials that will allow them lots of freedom in choosing shapes and colours, the participants will create a small work of art, away from the classic rules of drawing. Once the drawing finished, well stage the mood it sets / transmits. Initially, I thought that

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community participants could role-reverse and put their thoughts in order from this position, but I realized that it was a lot more important to let the entire group participate and play a role. We can build statues, playback, or merely let the group create a scene that they associate with each drawing. Also, I think its important for the author to witness the staging of her/his work. This way, (s)he will manage to disengage and her/his perception will be improved by the groups, a good reason for analysis and introspection. Another significant benefit of this approach will be the chance to create an anchor. I gladly think about the fact that one of the drawings will create a positive mindset that the author will constantly be able to easily access, once the work of art is taken home and hanged on the wall. The closed group will target especially people who undergo a harder time and who need, first and foremost, support, analysis and an understanding of the context they wish to overcome. If up until now we targeted whomever wanted to join us in order to explore a certain theme, this time, the group will be closed and its members will commit to participating for a certain given period. In this case, cohesion is increased and kept at a high level, since the groups main role is to offer support. This is the case where sociodrama will promote healing. Each of us is interested in subjects that can offer things similar to the ones in our life, with our concerns. Were also the generation that follows the economic, social and political news in an attempt to understand whats happening and what the effects are on us. Were socially involved and the interest for medias different topics is remarkable and consistent. Since 40plus represents a generation with similar life paths and common stories, the Living newspaper story could prove a great success. The only functionally-validated product we offered to the 40plus community is the Forty-Shop, but we have 3 more types of workshops in the pipeline. Were certain that theyll also be successful, once we finish organizing them and we start promoting them. We no longer are a simple group and weve grown, and the variety of our products will help the group in growing further. In October, 40 plus celebrated 1 year of existence, theres already a community. I picture it as a baby that has just learned to walk and who enthusiastically explores, discovers, learns, grows. Just like this baby, in order to continue to evolve we need curiosity, joy, spontaneity, creativity. Once

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community these values are activated, our journey through life will become a leisure expedition, and each event, a source of knowledge.

Sources and references: Wiener, R. Creative Training Boal, A. Games for actors and non-actors Garcia, A. Healing with Action Methods on the World Stage

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community Comunitatea 40plus In 1966, promovand o politica demografica agresiva, regimul comunist a emis un decret care a interzis contraceptia si intreruperile de sarcina. Pentru intreaga societate romaneasca a fost o drama cu consecinte dezastruoase. Au murit peste 15.000 de femei iar multe dintre ele au ramas cu rani fizice sau psihice, dupa incercarea lor, cu metode empirice, sa scape de o sarcina nedorita. Trecand de la o perioada libertina, cand intreruperile de sarcina era posibile si planningul familial era la dispozitia cuplului, statul a stabilit o noua dimensiune a familiei. S-a schimbat comportamentul sexual si reproductiv, efectele vazandu-se in dinamica constituirii cuplurilor. In urma acestui decret, 2 milioane de romani s-au nascut in Romania comunista, devenind astfel cea mai numeroasa generatie, din care fac si eu parte. Nu suntem doar numerosi, suntem si speciali: ne-am nascut, am crescut si am fost educati in comunism, iar in 1989, pasul Romaniei catre democratie a coincis cu pasul nostru catre varsta maturitatii, noi devenind adulti. Am construit libertatea, ne-am adaptat la ea, avand in bagaj frustrarile unei societati nesanatoase si totalitariste. Suntem considerati paradoxul si razbunarea istoriei, noi fiind cei care ne-am nascut la comanda sistemului, l-am rasturnat si acum concretizam integrarea in Uniunea Europeana. Acum am ajuns la 40 de ani si in jurul nostru, pe toate planurile social, economic, profesional, familial, personal schimbarile se produc cu o viteza uimitoare, generand tensiuni, nesigurante si temeri. Societatea in care traim este intr-o continua transformare si avem nevoie de toate resursele pentru a gasi un echilibru in gestionarea rolurilor noastre de adulti responsabili de vietile noastre dar si de bunastarea familiilor noastre. Ritmul ametitor si diversitatea cu care primim provocari de la viata ne cer raspunsuri viabile si rapide. Uneori suntem depasiti de viteza evenimentelor, alteori ramanem blocati in proces. Pentru mine, varsta de 40 de ani a capatat o semnificatie aparte doar atunci cand am ajuns la ea. Credeam ca viata mea a intrat pe un fagas lin, nu mai aveam asteptari speciale, ma blazasem: eram o femeie casatorita, aveam un copil, o slujba buna. Divortul si apoi pierderea slujbei au fost doua transformari in planuri majore ale vietii care au venit peste mine, m-au aruncat in analiza si reasezarea vietii. Traiam cu intensitate criza economica, incercand sa gestionez si criza varstei de mijloc. Mi-am dat seama ca erau schimbari pe care nu le-am generat eu, chiar daca as fi vrut sa le

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community fac, dar inca nu avusesem curajul. Este destul de straniu sa recunosc ca cele doua lovituri mi-au fost benefice, ca m-au dus spre ceva spre care tanjeam fara sa fi stiut inainte. Am fost crescuta ca o femeie care va avea o meserie, se va casatori, va face copii, apoi isi va dedica viata lor si familiei. Nu numai ca asa mi s-a spus, dar asa am vazut la cei mai mari decat mine, asa ca mi-am insusit cu seriozitate aceste valori morale ce veneau din familie si din societate. De ce eu, cea de atunci, nu am inteles ce este cu mine? De ce nu am incercat sa schimb ceva? Pentru ca, prinsa in mersul vietii, nu am avut timp sa stau de vorba cu mine, sa inteleg ce-mi doresc eu. Alesesem sa raman blocata intr-o conserva sociala si culturala. Imi asumasem un rol de adult responsabil si devenisem unul frustrat. Nu realizasem atunci ca renuntam la propria identitate. Aveam o multime de roluri, dar toate erau dominate de rolul de adult, un rol supradezvoltat si, asa cum am vazut, nepersonalizat, un cliseu preluat si asumat prin educatie si asociat de mine rolului de femeie matura. Imi pierdusem doua roluri foarte importante cel de angajat si cel de femeie-iubita, asa ca, ma simteam pierduta, am avut nevoie sa-mi dau seama cine mai sunt, ce imi doresc si incotro vreau sa ma indrept. De ce as avut nevoie ca sa pot merge mai departe? Pana atunci cum reusisem sa traiesc? Ce facusem bine si vroiam sa pastrez, ce imi doream sa am si nu avusesem? Era un moment greu. A durat ceva pana am priceput ca eu sunt propria mea resursa si ca pot sa o potentez daca inteleg ce mi se intampla si daca raman in preajma altor oameni. Cam acesta era contextul care m-a adus in grupul de sociodrama, unde am inceput o calatorie interesanta, uneori vesela, alteori trista, dar care mie mi-a oferit o multime de raspunsuri. Am avut ocazia sa experimentez roluri noi, sa explorez temeri, preocupari ale mele si ale grupului sau m-am bucurat pur si simplu de oameni si de experienta pe care o aducea fiecare in grup. Este interesant sa vezi cati oameni au avut trairi asemeni tie, sa te conectezi la energia grupului si sa te incarci cu ea. Un asemenea grup iti ofera suport, intelegere, respect, o noua perspectiva, curaj, sinceritate, prietenie, bucurie, comunicare, reciprocitate, incredere Calitati umane care te fac sa vrei sa experimentezi, sa intelegi, sa accepti, sa inveti din greseli, sa te bucuri de rezultate. Si viata mea a inceput sa se schimbe in bine. Am inceput sa fiu mult mai vesela, mai relaxata, mai inteleapta, mai spontana, mai creativa. Mi-am dat seama ca am nevoie sa raman asa. Imi place sa fiu asa. Si-atunci m-am gandit: Oare doar pentru mine ar fi benefic? Cum as putea sa impart si cu altii aceasta stare de bine? Cum sa fac ca si altii asemeni mie sa-si recupereze energia si bucuria de viata?... Si asa mi-a incoltit in


Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community minte ideea de a construi o comunitate. Povestile fiecaruia dintre noi devin povestile noastre intrun grup cu acelasi preocupari, interese, credinte si norme de viata. Toate activitatile asociate acestei comunitati sunt gandite, menite si subordonate unui scop antrenarea creativitatii exersand spontaneitatea. Pentru oricine, indiferent de varsta, acestea doua reprezinta resurse care sunt inepuizabile. Odata activate, poti sa te bucuri de expeditia vietii, evenimentele ei nu te mai surprind, nu te mai blochezi, iti gasesti mult mai repede raspunsurile de care ai nevoie. Noi, generatia de peste 40 de ani, mai mult decat cei tineri, suntem solicitati de traversarea acestei perioade. Noi suntem cei pentru care rata divorturilor, comparativ cu celelate categorii de varsta, este cea mai mare, iar daca cei doi rezista in cuplu, ei se lupta cu rutina si dezinteresul. Noi suntem cei care, daca am pierdut o slujba din cauza evolutiei economice actuale - reusim mult mai greu sa ne revenim, ofertele fiind reduse pentru cei specializati. Noi suntem cei responsabili pentru bunastarea emotionala si financiara a familiilor noastre. Atat noi, cat si copiii nostri, trecem printr-o perioada destul de grea ei sunt in plina pubertate, noi traversam criza varstei de mijloc. Fiind adesea blocati in clisee, orice modificare a contextului ne-ar dezechilibra. Si am inceput sa ne dorim schimbarea. Daca unii dintre noi cauta o noua perspectiva, mai interesanta, mai colorata, mai vesela, unii isi cauta echilibrul. Sunt convinsa ca, pentru multi dintre noi, aceasta comunitate reprezinta raspunsul pentru imbunatatirea calitatii vietii, intrucat tot ce se intampla aici se subordoneaza activarii de resurse valoroase folosind: energia grupului, povestile comune, umorul, spontaneitatea fiecaruia, creativitatea prin desen, improvizatie sau teatru. Am inceput cu FortyShop-ul. Este un workshop adresat grupului 40plus, unde noi doua (Anabela si cu mine) suntem traineri iar obiectivele lui sunt socializarea, descoperirea unui lucru despre sine si distractia. Daca alaturi de Anabela, oamenii sa simt mult mai confortabil sa exploreze zone mai profunde, ea fiind perceputa ca un trainer cald, empatic si intelegator, eu sunt perceputa ca un partener de sotii, iar oamenii devin foarte disponibili catre joaca si expunere. Daca ea reuseste sa le ofere un confort si un ritm care te indeamna la introspectie si analiza, cu mine, foarte repede isi permit sa vorbeasca deschis lucruri intime. Daca Anabela le oferea acceptare, eu le ofer parteneriat. Asa ca, in functie de tema, dar si de abilitatile fiecareia dintre noi doua, cream pe rand experiente diferite, care se completeaza pastrand nivelul de energie si de implicare. Temele accesate au fost de la jocurile si visele din copilarie, calatorii de vis, anger management, pana la modul de interactiune intima a adultilor. Acum, la ultimele teme, toti am fost mult mai curajosi,


Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community mai indrazneti, atat in alegerea si abordarea lor dar si in dezvaluire si implicare, dovedindu-ne ca acest grup creste, functioneaza dupa o reteta care ne-a adus satisfactii dar si noi membri. De obicei, din cele 3 ore ale workshp-ului, 45 de minute sunt rezervate incalzirii, o etapa foarte importanta in gestionarea dinamicii de grup si a nivelului de energie, intrucat este un grup deschis si de fiecare data sunt si membri noi. Uneori, gradul de expunere este foarte mare, asa ca avem nevoie ca membrii grupului sa se cunoasca si sa se acomodeze repede unii la ceilalti, dar si la tema propusa. De la exercitiile de cunoastere, trecem la energizere si terminam incalzirea cu alegerile sociometrice (step-in, spectograme) care ne ofera o oglinda a grupului in legatura cu tema. De obicei, tema fiind cunoscuta si interesul pentru ea declarat (prin prezenta in sala), urmarim intensitatea starilor, durata expunerii la ea sau pozitionarea lor in legatura cu aceasta. Activitatea principala, punerea in scena a temei, implica intregul grup. In functie de marimea lui (care variaza in functie de interesul manifestat fata de tema) putem porni de la lucrul in grupuri mici de 2 sau 3 membri sau direct de la o scena in care vor fi implicati toti. De exemplu, la FortyShop-ul despre calitatea sexului am plecat de la grupuri de 3, in care barbatii erau in grupuri separate de cele formate din femei, intrucat ni s-a parut interesant de vazut daca vor aparea diferente de gen in perceptie si abordare. Diferentele au fost mici, dar a fost interesant sa construim o glinda a nevoilor, dorintelor, dar si a mecanismelor de interactiune a adultilor cu o viata sexuala activa. La Fortyshop-ul despre importanta banilor, tot grupul a construit pe scena o tara, care s-a chemat Abnormalia, careia i-au definit caracteristicile politice, sociale, economice, fiecare asumandu-si un rol in viata acestei tari imaginare unul a fost imparat, altul medic, unul a fost vrajitor, altul vanator. A fost surprinzator ca fiecare dintre noi ar fi putut accepta o viata fara bani, perspectiva de a se bucura de lucrurile simple din viata bucurandu-i pe toti. Ca instrumente am folosit ceea ce psihodrama si sociodrama ne-au oferit inversiune de rol, dublu, oglinda, preluarea rolului, acum grupul fiind deja familiarizat cu acestea. Daca inceputul a fost destul de greu, acum cand unii dintre participantii la grup sunt alaturi de noi inca de la start, explicarea si folosirea uneltelor specifice metodelor de actiune a devenit mult mai simpla. Pana acum, in intalnirile noastre, in functie de tema, am cautat varianta optima de punere in scena si sunt convinsa ca am reusit sa o gasim. Am reusit sa experimentam: atomul social atunci cand ne-am explorat dorintele copilariei forum theatre cand am cautat metode de gestionare a furiei


Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community playback theatre mai ales pentru incalzirea in tema si in rol

Ca in orice sesiune de sociodrama, dupa incalzire si punere in scena, urmeaza sharing-ul, respectiv integrarea. Fiecare impartaseste din rolul sau dar si din asocierea pe care a facut-o cu un eveniment din viata sa. Acum este momentul in care fiecare poate sa-si puna gandurile in ordine, cresc sansele ca participantii sa invete din rolul respectiv, iar coeziunea grupului de intareste membrii grupului vad ca nu sunt singuri in acea problema, gasesc suport, o noua perspectiva dar si o speranta ca vor reusi sa gaseasca solutii pentru a face fata cu bine problemelor din realitate. Chiar daca exploram o tema serioasa, de fiecare data, in incheierea FortyShop-ului noi avem si un moment de joaca. Este modul in care ne despartim, este momentul in care ne distram, ne energizam. Pana acum, ca sa ramanem in registrul antrenarii spontaneitatii, am ales exercitii din teatrul de improvizatie. Exersarea diferitelor roluri si crearea de povesti dupa niste retete care functioneaza si starnesc rasul de fiecare data, ii incurajeaza pe participanti sa fie in largul lor, sa se comporte asa cum simt, le da o stare de bine. Pe parcurs, ei vor prelua aceasta bucurie si in viata de zi cu zi si vor privi provocarile ei cu mai multa detasare. Felul in care este organizat woorkshop-ul si temele abordate ne-ar permite sa accesam toate uneltele si reprezentarile scenice specifice metodelor de actiune dar, uneori, nu am avut destula incredere in noi si ne-am temut ca am putea pierde controlul. Rolul nostru de traineri ai grupului 40plus a evoluat si abia acum, un an mai tarziu, pot sa spun ca incepem cu adevarat sa ne elaboram rolul. Este interesant de vazut cum grupul devine comunitate, acum cand noi ne-am intarit rolurile de traineri, avem mai multa energie si entuziasm, am devenit mai curajoase, mai creative. Efectele evolutiei noastre au fost remarcate si de grup, care a inceput sa creasca si sa-si doreasca mai mult timp impreuna. Iata ca a sosit momentul sa propunem mai multe modalitati de interactiune. Chiar daca vor fi structurate, construite si organizate diferit, scopul va fi acelasi antrenarea creativitatii in activitati de grup. Dupa ce am facut o analiza a abilitatilor si competentelor noastre, ne-am oprit la inca 3 variante de workshop-uri: FortyShop-ul in culori Grupul inchis de sociodrama Living newspaper

FortShop-ul in culori va fi structurat asemeni unui workshop obisnuit - incalzire, punere in scena si sharing. De aceasta data, modalitatea prin care vor aduce la lumina stari si emotii proprii 13

Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community va fi desenul. Este foarte important, ca in partea de incalzire, pe langa exercitiile de cunoastere si de acomodare la grup, sa folosim si culorile, astfel incat ele sa fie accesate cu usurinta iar alegerea lor sa se intample natural, fara criterii tehnice specifice. Folosind o tehnica speciala si materiale inedite, care permit participantului foarte multa libertate in alegerea formelor si a culorilor, participantii vor crea o mica opera de arta, unde regulile clasice ale desenului nu exista. Odata finalizata lucrarea se va pune in scena starea pe care o transmite aceasta. Initial m-am gandit ca participantii ar putea intra in inversiune de rol si ar putea sa-si puna gandurile in ordine din acea pozitie, insa mi-am data seama ca este mult mai important ca intreg grupul sa participe. Putem sa realizam statui, playback sau pur si simplu sa lasam grupul sa creeze o scena pe care ei o asociaza cu lucrarea respectiva. De asemenea, mi se pare important ca autorul sa fie spectator la punerea in scena a propriei lucrari. Asa, el va reusi detasarea iar perceptia lui va fi imbunatatita de cea a grupului, un bun motiv de analiza si introspectie. Un alt mare beneficiu al acestei abordari cred ca va fi posibilitatea de a crea o ancora. Ma gandesc cu bucurie ca una dintre lucrari va aduce pe scena o stare de bine pe care autorul, odata ce o va aduce acasa si o va pune pe perete, o va putea accesa de cate ori va fi nevoie. Grupul inchis se va adresa, in special, celor care traverseaza o perioada mai grea si au nevoie in primul rand de suport, de o analiza si intelegere a contextului peste care doresc sa treaca. Daca pana acum ne adresam oricui doreste sa vina sa exploreze o tema anume, de aceasta data, grupul este inchis iar membrii lui isi asuma participarea la grup pe o durata determinata de timp. Aici coeziunea este crescuta si pastrata la un nivel inalt, rolul de suport al acestui grup fiind preponderent. Aici este locul unde sociodrama va functiona, mai ales, prin calitatile ei de vindecare. Pe fiecare dintre noi ne intereseaza subiecte in care putem gasi lucruri asemanatoare cu ceea ce ni se intampla noua, cu ceea ce ne preocupa. Totodata noi suntem generatia care urmareste stirile din plan economic, social sau politic, in incercarea de a intelege ce se intampla, cu ce fel de efecte asupra noastra. Suntem implicati in viata sociala iar interesul pentru diversele subiecte din media sunt remarcabile si consistente. Intrucat 40plus reprezinta o generatie, care are o evolutie asemanatoare, cu povesti comune ar putea face din worshop-ul de living newspaper un mare succes. Singurul produs verificat ca functionalitate si oferit de noi comunitatii 40plus este FortyShop-ul, insa mai avem 3 alte categorii de workshp-uri care asteapta sa fie concretizate.


Brindusa Balasas essay The 40plus community Suntem sigure ca vor fi un succes, odata ce vor finaliza organizarea si vom incepe promovarea lor. Nu mai suntem un simplu grup si am crescut, iar varietatea produselor va face ca ea sa creasca in continuare. In luna octombrie 40plus a implinit 1 an, deja a devenit comunitate. Mi-o imaginez ca pe un copilas care tocmai a invatat sa mearga si cu entuziasm exploreaza, descopera, invata, creste. Asemeni lui, pentru a ne continua evolutia avem nevoie de curiozitate, bucurie, spontaneitate, creativitate. Odata aceste valori activate, calatoria noastra prin viata va deveni o expeditie de placere iar fiecare eveniment, o sursa de cunoastere.

Bibliografie Wiener, R. Creative Training Boal, A. Games for actors and non-actors Garcia, A. Healing with Action Methods on the World Stage Antonina Garcia, Eva Leveton Healing with Action Methods on the World Stage in Healing Colectiv Trauma Using Sociodrama and Drama therapy, Springer Publishing Company, New York, 2010

Datele sunt: Creative Training Sociodrama and Team-building Ron Wiener London and Philadelphia Jessica Kingsley Publishers 1997


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