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Difference between the Subversion and Team Foundation Server 2010 (OR) Difference between TFS and SVN

S.No 1 Subversion Team Foundation Server 2010

Check-Out : Get Latest : Download the latest version of all Download the latest version of all the the files. files. Update: Updates a file to the latest version. This does nothing if you already have the latest version or a newer version than what is found on the server. N/A Get Latest: Updates a file to the latest version. This does nothing if you already have the latest version or a newer version than what is found on the server. Check-Out: Communicate to TFS that you desire to edit a file or folder and set it to writeable within your local filesystem.

Commit: Check-In: Uploads any new changes to files Uploads any new changes to files you you have edited to the Server. have edited to the Server. Revision: The Unit of versioning. Each time you Check-in, that Check-in is given a unique Changeset ID. Changeset: The Unit of versioning. Each time you Check-in, that Check-in is given a unique Changeset ID.

Copy: Branch: A folder that contains a copy of A folder that contains a copy of the the Main source tree. Main source tree. Revert : Rollback: Used to undo changes from a Used to undo changes from Changeset inside the Repository. Changeset inside the Repository. Diff : Used to analyze differences between the a file or folder found in your Workspace and that same file or folder found in the Repository. Blame: Downloads every version of a file and goes line-by-line creating an output file showing the changeset, date, and user who last edited each line of code. a

Compare : Used to analyze differences between the a file or folder found in your Workspace and that same file or folder found in the Repository. Annotate: Downloads every version of a file and goes line-by-line creating an output file showing the changeset, date, and user who last edited each line of code.


Log : Details a timeline of Changeset and which updated that particular file. N/A

History: each Details a timeline of each Changeset user and which user updated that particular file. Workspace: A container that maps your Working Folder found on your Local Machine to the Team Foundation Server Repository. Includes details like Name, Owner, and Computer.


Summary: 1. Both TFS and SVN uses the same name Add to place a File or Folder into the Repository. 2. Both TFS and SVN uses the same name Delete to mark a File or Folder as Deleted on the Server. The file is still there, but it will not be downloaded or uploaded at the next Get or Check-in command. And, further updates on difference between questions and answers, please visit my blog @ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.in/

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