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Michaels PSR Parent Handbook


Parents, Welcome to the St. Michaels PSR program. This handbook is intended to provide you with the philosophy, mission, policies, and procedures of our PSR program. It is our hope, with your help, that we will provide a positive learning environment for your child, and ensure his/her safety. Our PSR program is a ministry of St. Michaels Parish and our goal is to help nurture the faith development of our children as they grow in their love of God and Catholic identity. This ministry extends not only to the children enrolled in the PSR, but to their families as well. It is in the family (the Domestic Church) that children come to experience faith as a lived response to the presence of God in their lives. It is their experience of every day family life where children come to see and emulate a relationship with God, with Mary, the Saints and with the Church. Our PSR program is here to help, not replace, the role of the parent in the home. Parents are the first and primary teachers of the faith to their children, and the home is the first and foremost experience of Church. Your involvement in your childs faith is essential and you are always welcome to be present with your child at any PSR function. Therefore, it is our intention at St. Michaels to provide the child and family with resources and opportunities for faith development, and an open door for parents/guardians to be involved in the classroom. We encourage you to be in conversation with the catechists and D.R.E.s, and to be intentionally involved in your childs faith development. We are pleased to offer this opportunity to the families of our parish community. We welcome all in Christ.

D.R.E. and Catechist Contact Information: D.R.E. (Directors of Religious Education) Janel Scales - 1-620-724-0032 Barbara Duling 1-620-238-0638

If you need to contact someone regarding your child during PSR classes please try the St. Michaels Hall first and if you cant reach us, please call either Barb Duling or Janel Scales on their cell phone numbers listed.

1st Grade Teacher: Kandell Amershek -238-0744 2nd Grade Teacher: Janel Scales 724-0032 3rd Grade Teacher: Mary Brake 249-3962 4th Grade Teacher: Rick Duling 724-4402 5th Grade Teacher: Barb Duling 238-0638 St. Michaels Rectory: 724-8717 St. Michaels Hall: 724-4319

Admissions: St. Michaels PSR program is open to all registered families of our parish whose children attend public schools or are home schooled. Our PSR is structured for 1st thru 5th grade. We meet on Wednesdays from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. A parish volunteer will be the catechist. Student Registration: All children participating in our PSR must turn in a completed Student Registration Form prior to the childs attendance and participation in PSR classes. Full registration included turning in: 1. An updated family membership form (provided by the office) 2. An emergency contact and permission form. 3. For children preparing for First Penance and First Communion, we will need a copy of their Baptism Record. Attendance: Regular attendance is recorded at every session. Complications and illnesses do arise, but frequent absence makes it difficult for children to follow the material and for catechists to come to know your child. Please contact the classroom Catechist with attendance issues so arrangements can be made to make up missed lessons.

Service Projects: Every grade has been asked to organize one Act of Kindness to be accomplished during our PSR year. The catechists will be working with your children to come up with a project. Please support your children and class in this activity. It may be something very simple, such as sending a letter or card to shut-ins, or it may be more challenging. It will be left up to the students and your Catechist to make this decision. Emergencies: In case of an accident or serious illness, 911 will be contacted immediately, and then the childs parent/guardian will be notified. If a parent cannot be reached, we will contact the individuals listed next on your emergency contact registration form. Please be sure to provide cell phone numbers that would apply. If your contact information changes during the school year, please notify one of the D.R.Es.

Drop off and Pick up: As in the past, all Elementary students will be escorted across the street to the hall for PSR. We do ask that parents show up by 5:00 to pick up your children. Our Catechists are volunteering their time and out of respect it would be nice if they can be able to leave after class instead of waiting on children to be picked up.

Winter Weather Policy: If there is a school cancellation due to weather, then PSR classes will be cancelled. If weather becomes severe during PSR classes, we will take shelter in the Haderlein Elementary basement. Discipline Policy: If there is a behavior problem in the classroom, the student will be asked to stop. If they continue to misbehave then Father will be asked to talk to them. If misbehavior continues, then the parent will be contacted and possibly asked to pick child up from class to hopefully help child understand the importance of being respectful in class.

Music: During each class time students will be taken to choir practice in the church. Please try to attend the PSR masses that we have scheduled on Sundays, so that your child can participate. The students are responsible for the singing, gifts, readings, petitions, and serving during these masses. Please pray for our PSR teachers and students; that they will grow closer to God during this PSR year.

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