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Prayer Partner, Some time ago I had an opportunity to sit with a gentleman who served in three wars.

He told me stories of the people he knew from D-Day, in Korea, and in Vietnam. Many times with great pride he told me he was honored to serve, God and country with these men and women. For this man there was a deep connection between what God was doing in his life and in his country. It was this that prompted him step out and just serve, but serve proudly. He spoke affectionately many times about Dick his best friend who died on Omaha beach in 1944. As our time ended and I thought all the tears had been shed he told me that he was glad that Dick had died in D-day. taken aback I asked him why that was? He said, When I look at the news and I remember the names of the guys who died for this country I cannot believe how much we sacriced for so little. My friend died for more than this. Without being overtly political because I do not think that is the churches place or mission in the world, I will say that our country is increasingly moving to a post-Christian and post-God reality. A place where the value of truth and morality has been traded for immorality and idolatry. Therefore, I am committing myself, my heart to praying for the return of this country to a place where those who served and sacriced are proud to have done so. Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Grace and Peace,

1 Chron 7:14-15

40 Days of Prayer for the Election and our Nation

Community Free Church of Mahomet
visit: communityfreechurch.com

Pastor Jason Schifo

When you dont know what to do is the exact point in which you should start to pray.
The Bible teaches that God blesses those nations that keep His standards of justice and righteousness, Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. (Proverbs 15:34 NIV) It also teaches that God will discipline nations that defy His standards. For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined. (Isaiah 60:12 NIV) Ruth Graham recently said, If God does not punish the United States for its immorality, idolatry and departure from His truth then He might have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Our nation has clearly violated many of God's moral standards. The Bible gives examples of individual believers who, convicted over the sins of their nation, confessed those sins to God. Thus, Nehemiah prayed:O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father's house, have committed against you. We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses. (Nehemiah 1:5-7 NIV) When the ancient nation of Judah was returning to the Lord, they prayed: But, our forefathers, became arrogant and stiff-necked, and did not obey your commands. They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them . . . . But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. (Nehemiah 9:16-17 NIV) God commands us to pray for all men everywhere, and especially for our national leaders, with the overarching goal of peace and salvation. I urge, then, rst of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:1-4 NIV) Holy Scripture teaches that Satan binds the hearts and blinds the minds of the lost, and that we should pray for their release from that bondage. if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. (II Timothy 2:25-26 NIV) Jesus taught that we should pray even for our enemies. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (Matthew 5:44 NIV) The Bible teaches that we should not be anxious, but instead that we should present our requests to God with thanksgiving, which results is the experience of God's peace. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV)

Before we pray for others, we should pray for ourselves, that we would be right with God and in fellowship with Him. Ask God to bring to mind any sins in your life and heart. Confess those sins God has brought to your mind and receive His forgiveness and cleansing. When we confess our sin to God, we have assurance He will cleanse us of it. It is His promise; He will not break His Word. (see I John 1:9)

Pray that the churches will be characterized by deep repentance and a return to the Lord. Pray that church leaders may be courageous, wise, and faithful in their proclamation and counsel.

On behalf of our nation confess these sins: The destruction of millions of babies through abortion. The sexual immorality that is common in entertainment and so many relationships. The tolerance and promotion of sexual perversion. The dependency on material things and failure to trust God for physical, economic, and national security. The disregard of God's standards for marriage and family living.

Pray For Our Leaders For Our President.

Ask God that the heart of our President will be open and sensitive to the Lord. Ask God to give him wisdom for the decisions he must make. Ask God to protect him from physical harm and spiritual attack. Ask God to protect his family from all harm.

For his advisors and cabinet.

Ask the Lord to bring those who do not know Him to salvation through Jesus Christ. Ask God to provide spiritual strength and protection to all the advisors. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom as they advise the President. Ask that they be kept safe from harm.

For your Senators and Representatives.

Ask the Lord to work in the hearts of those who do not know Him that they would recognize their need to repent and trust Jesus Christ for salvation. Ask Him to provide spiritual strength and protection for them. Ask the Lord to give each of them wisdom and insight as they consider crucial legislation. Ask Him to keep them safe from the enemy.

Pray For Our Military.

Ask Him to provide spiritual strength and protection. Ask the Lord to bring those who do not know Him to salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord. Ask Him to give them courage and valor. Ask Him to protect them as they enter combat. Ask the Lord to give them peace.

Pray For Our Nation

Pray for the Lord through the Holy Spirit to convict the people of our nation of sin. Ask Him to soften all our hearts and make them open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that God will release those taken captive by Satan and give sight to those who have been spiritually blinded. Ask the Lord for a great harvest. Ask Him to bring revival. Ask our Father to protect us from physical, spiritual, and emotional attack. Ask Him to give a spirit of patience and calm throughout the land.

Pray For Our Churches

Ask God to move His churches to boldly proclaim the gospel to the unsaved. Ask God to help us trust Him alone and His sovereign control over the world. Ask Him to ll us and move us to action with compassion for those who are suffering. Ask the Lord to strengthen the hearts of God's people, giving courage and persistence. Ask Him to help His children experience His peace that passes all understanding, that it would guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Pray For the Islamic World

Pray for the Lord to open the eyes of the Muslim people to the futility and oppression of Islam. Pray that Muslims around the world would see Christ's love in the words and actions of Christians, especially from those who are being persecuted. Ask the Lord to open the doors for evangelism that the Muslim world would hear and respond to the gospel.

Pray For Our Enemies

Ask God to break the spiritual bonds of evil and deception everywhere.

Day One: (Prayer Word: Called) 2 Chronicles 7:14 We have been called by name to be Gods people. He has acknowledged us in His sight. All that He asks from us is the obedience to humble ourselves, to pray, and to seek Him. Pray for a humble and obedient leader for our nation. Day Two: (Prayer Word: Praise) Psalm 67:1-7 Let us praise God for all that He has done. Thank God for the grace that He has had through our seemingly endless history of transgressions. Pray that all the people might praise God; that all the nations would be glad as they x their minds and hearts upon Him alone. Day Three: (Prayer Word: Fix Eyes) Jeremiah 1:10 Thank God today for the nation that He alone has built beneath our feet, the blessings that have come because He chose to plant and build a people here. Pray that we as a nation would turn back towards, and x our gaze on the almighty author and perfecter of our faith. Pray for protection for our nation and those that are praying for its teshuva; its return. Day Four: (Prayer Word: The Rock; Jesus) Psalm 33:12 Is Jesus your rock? Pray today for the heritage of this nation who was made great because our forefathers chose to build upon the Rock which is Jesus. Pray for a leader who will not only look back but will look forward in faith. Day Five: Psalm 2:8 (Prayer Word: Ask) God said in this Psalm to ask Him. Pray that we elect leaders who are strong enough, faithful enough, and have the courage to seek the heart of God. Pray for a leader who will ask. Day Six: Genesis 1:1 (Prayer Word: Seek) In the beginning God began. May we remember that God is the beginning (the author) and the nisher (perfecter) of all that we do. Pray for those who make big decisions for the direction of this country that they would seek . Pray for a leader who will begin always with God. Day Seven: Philippians 1:6 (Prayer Word: Promise) He who began a good work in you will carry it onto completion in Christ Jesus. God has promised that He will carry that good work He alone started as long as we keep Jesus as the center of our life of worship. May we seek Gods face as a nation to bring glory to Him alone and in doing so release all the good work that God has called this nation to. Pray that our elected ofcials will see Gods good work and listen as to how they can carry it on.

Day Eight: (Prayer Word: Acknowledge) 2 Chronicles 7:14 We have each been called by name to be Gods people. He has acknowledged us in His sight and all that He asks for is the obedience to humble ourselves, to pray, and to seek Him fully. Day Nine: (Prayer Word: Perseverance) Genesis 12:3 Abraham gave his everything to follow God. He gave up his birth rite, his known future and his life to do so. Pray to have the courage and perseverance to do the same as a nation. Day Ten: (Prayer Word: The Multitude) Revelation 7:9-10 Pray today for the picture in Revelation where the multitude of many languages, ethnicities, tribes, nations, and people groups stand before the throne of Jesus in worship. Pray for revivals like that of Acts 2 where thousands hear, know, and are sent for the work of the Gospel. Pray that a multitude would be added to these prayers daily. Day Eleven: (Prayer Word: Repent) Proverb 14:34 Spend some time today listing the sins of our nation. Ask the Lord what it is that burdens His heart for our nation. Pray through the list repenting of the sins of omission, intention, and commission that we as a nation are carrying individually, communally, and culturally. Day Twelve: (Prayer Word: Strength) Psalm 34:15-17 Pray for the strength of the righteous to stand rm. Thank God that His promise is that He is attentive and not distant; that He is near and not far. Day Thirteen: (Prayer Word: Sovereign) Proverbs 3:5-6 Take a short walk today and pray through this scripture. Notice as you walk that the path you take winds and turns because the Lord has made it that way. If He chose to make it so the path could straighten in an instant. Nothing escapes the sight, strength, and sovereign arm of the Lord. Day Fourteen: (Prayer Word: Light) Matthew 5:14-16 No matter what we read, see, or hear we must remember Jesus words to us, We are a light to the world; a city on a hill. Remember these words and hold fast to them reminding all we come in contact with today of their power. No white house can eclipse the light house we are called to be in Christ.

Day Fifteen: (Prayer Word: Humility) 2 Chronicles 7:14 The promise of God is that if we humble ourselves and turn to Him alone He will be attentive to our prayers. How powerful and comforting to know that the God of all things is waiting on this one thing: our turned hearts. Pray for that humility today for our nation. Day Sixteen: (Prayer Word: Submission) John 15:12-14 There is nothing greater than when we lay down our own ambitions, desires and hopes to put our hope in something greater. Let us as a nation set our sight on the Lord and turn our hearts towards Him. Day Seventeen: (Prayer Word: Remember) Acts 20:28 Let us remember that all that we have; our freedom, our liberties and our abilities were bought at a price; Christs blood. Never should the church just be a building or a time, but instead a way of living that acknowledges the debt that was paid for at the Cross. Day Eighteen: (Prayer Word: Incessant Prayer) 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Today make your petition, intercession, prayer, and thanksgiving for all people. Pray for those in the highest seats of government and those in the lowest places of society. Pray for a peace that only comes from being near the holiness of God Almighty. May our leaders regain the eyes to see a place of Heavenly inheritance that far outweighs any earthly position of power. Day Nineteen: (Prayer Word: Knowledge) James 1:5 Let us acknowledge that all true knowledge comes from God. Today pray for the boldness for people to seek the wisdom of God in choosing the next leader of our country. Pray that in all things that Gods Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven because He gives generously to those who seek Him. Day Twenty: (Prayer Word: Return) Ephesians 6:10 Pray that we would be a nation that would return (teshuva) to the Lord and stand in the promise of His mighty power. Day Twenty-One: (Prayer Word: Strength and Joy) Nehemiah 8:10 What bring us joy? The Bible says that our greatest strength is found in the joy that the nearness of the holiness of God offers. May we seek His holiness and stand in the joy of the Lord. Pray that we be strong in the right things.

Day Twenty-Two: (Prayer Word: Gods Name) 2 Chronicles 7:14 Did you know that Gods name is upon you? That you and those to your left and right and in seats of power in Washington are temples of the Lord? How have you prayed for them specically today? how can we pray for them as God through the Spirit prays for them? Day Twenty-Three: (Prayer Word: Protection) 2 Thessalonians 3:2-3 Pray that the faithful will be delivered from those whose aim is evil. Pray today for the protection of the Lord for those who stand for morality and against idolatry. Pray for those who are seated in positions of inuence to stand as a pillar of truth. Pray perseverance and strength today for them. Day Twenty-Four: (Prayer Word: Willingness) 1 Kings 3:9 The greatest leaders are willing servants. Pray today that our next leader would know right from wrong, justice from injustice, and truth from lies. Pray that he will a man called to govern a great people back to the greatness of God for his Glory. Day Twenty-Five: (Prayer Word: Healing) Ephesians 4:3 Today pray for the unity of the Holy Spirit through 1 John 1:1-4. Let our greatest strength comes through the bonds of peace and the joy of the Lord that is present in the Spirit. Ask God today where you are united, divided and ultimately for healing in those places. Day Twenty-Six: (Prayer Word: Follow) Proverbs 8:20-21 How today can you walk more fully in the path laid out to you by the Lord? True change comes when we individually, then communally, and ultimately culturally choose to walk the way of righteousness and justice. Pray today for personal changes that will have a powerful impact on you and others today. Day Twenty-Seven: (Prayer Word: Turn) 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 Pray this verse today. Ask God how you might turn towards Him in response to His call. Pray for all those who are far off today. Day Twenty-Eight: (Prayer Word: Nearness) Hebrews 10:19-25 How is your heart today? Are you troubled by much? Let us check our hearts today by giving up that which we cannot hold and drawing near to the Lord. Scripture tells us the nearness of the Lord causes the enemy to ee. Pray for a nearness for our country to the faithfulness of Jesus (Meditate on verse 23).

Day Twenty-Nine: (The Cross) Romans 8:31 Did you know that God is for each and all of us? Scripture says that while we were still sinners God made the great sacrice at the cross because of His great love for each of us. Pray for loves power. Day Thirty: (Prayer Word - No Fear) Psalm 118:6 We live in a time where many, if not all of the messages out there seek to elicit fear and worry. Yet because the Lord is for us we have nothing to fear. Pray today for the peace of heart that the power and presence the Kingdom brings as it comes. Day Thirty-One: (Prayer Word - Revival) 2 Thessalonians 3:1 Pray today for a revival that would spread rapidly amongst the masses with the message of the saving Grace of Jesus. Pray today for all the places that the message needs to go. Pray for the removal of any and all the roadblocks that keep us from joining in spreading Jesus message. Day Thirty-Two: (Prayer Word - Harmony) 1 Peter 3:8 Are you living in harmony with everyone? Why not? Pray today for all the ways that you can be sympathetic, compassion, and humble to all those in your circles. How can we live in such a way that your circle of harmony touches another, forming Gospel communities of harmony that change the world. Pray for these to happen in the highest seats of power of inuence. Day Thirty-Three: (Prayer Word: Listen) 2 Corinthians 6:2 2 Chronicles 7:15 tells us that God is attentive and waiting for our turn towards Him. Praise God today for His promise that as He hears us that His favor and salvation will pour out upon us. Pray for all those in government who have not yet heard or responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May they have ears to hear and hearts to know that Jesus is Lord, God, Savior, and King. Day Thirty-Four: (Prayer Word: Healing) 2 Chronicles 7:14 As we near the elections this week Pray that healing and forgiveness of sin would be our only recourse. Pray that no manmade vision of hope would replace the hope we nd in Christ alone. Pray for the return of the people of God to their position of inheritance as one nation under God. Day Thirty-Five: (Prayer Word: True Leadership) Psalm 119:33-40 Pray this for our President.

Day Thirty-Six: (Prayer Word: Stand Firm) Psalm 27:1-3 There is no fear in the Lord. Stand rm as David did. Position yourself with the Gospel as your light in dark times and your strong hold during ever-present danger. Pray from this position this week. Day Thirty-Seven: (Prayer Word: Authority) Romans 12:30 How peaceful are you today? We must live at peace if we are to govern, guide, and pray today that those in power would see that true peace is dependent upon the choices each of us make. Day Thirty-Eight: (Prayer Word: Wisdom) Jeremiah 33:3 God does not have a deaf ear. God has not grown silent or stood at a distance. The promise of God is that if we seek Him He will share with us unsearchable things. Pray this week that the candidates in the election will ask God for wisdom in all the places they have neglected to survey and search. Pray for the anointed words of truth they desperately need to hear. Day Thirty-Nine: (Prayer Word: Unity) John 17:20-21 On the eve of the elections pray for the unity. Pray this prayer not just for them alone but for all those who are united tonight in prayers of humility and repentance. May this nation know that we can be one just as Jesus and the Father are one. Day Forty: Matthew 6:10 (Prayer Word: Your Will Be Done) Today is election day. Before you go to cast your vote - present your prayers to God. Pray this very prayer of Jesus from Matthew 6:10 Your will be done that He taught the disciples. We give ourselves over fully to the sovereign Will of God almighty to guide our hearts as we trust, understand, obey, and cast aside all fear. Remember today and afrm in your heart Psalm 24:1 The earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord.

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