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Add ing e ff or ts fo r th e di sa ster ri sk re duct io n and the s tren gt hen in g of s ust ai na bl e t erri tor ia l de ve lop me nt


National Argentina School of Technology and Applied Sciences - Instituto de Monitoreo y Control de la Degradacin GeoambientalIMCoDeG
Co-organizers Working Group on Geologic Hazard and Territorial Sustainability (GH&TS) Geo-science for Environmental Management (GEM) - International Union on Geological Sciences (IUGS) Working Group Geomorphological Hazard (IAGeomhaz) - International Association of

Organizers University of Catamarca

Create a common meeting space between the academic sector and the government agencies so as to raise awareness within the community and the decision-makers about the disaster risk as a main issue that involves everybody, in order to optimize the actions that each area carries out, settling the subject matter in society as well as in the public agenda with the purpose to achieve a sustainable territorial development.


ADDRESSEES The Researcher Team of the actor-associations related to the subject area, which analyze the causes and effects of the disaster risks and their impact on society, intends to join the different and multiple actors, and, to this end, calls for participation to the scientific academic sector, government agencies, private and public companies, legislative actors, Civil organizations, educational institutions, health areas and the whole community.

Objectives 1. Build a comprehensive view of the relation among territorial development, sustainability, democratization, reduction and resilience of disaster risk. 2. Foster a debate and spreading scope for applied researches and methodologies, related to disaster risk. 3. Understand the real threat for the development of peoples and the safe life of the communities. 4. Raise awareness in governmental agencies and decision- makers about the need to consider as a first-priority measure the reduction of disaster risk and the adjustment to climate change, fostering policies and actions in the sustainable development process. 5. Involve the academic- scientific sector providing the appropriate setting for the discussion and dissemination of the results concerning the origin and evolution of disaster risks. 6. Draw attention and raise awareness of the private sector and the whole community, about the need to understand the existence of the risk and the role that each sector plays before it. 7. Tackle the prevention of disaster risk from the educational sector, as a compounding factor of knowledge, through its assessment and description, and the spreading of precautionary measures. 8. Encourage the building of relationships among the high- risk population, the academic-scientific sector of the universities and governments, posing joint actions of precaution and mitigation of its effects on society.

During the first week in October the detailed information of preCongress courses will be available for all the interested participants.


SIMPOSIA 1. Public policy and its relation in the management and reduction of risks. 2. The disaster risks and the territorial sustainability. 3. Legislation and disaster risks. 4. Training on civil protection for new actors. 5. Territorial planning before the risk. 6. Infrastructures and disaster risks. 7. New technologies on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) before the disaster risks. 8. Early warning system and response faced with the event of disaster risks. 9. The disaster risks and the climate change. 10. The academic research and the disaster risks. 11. The educational sector and the disaster risk precaution. 12. The health system in the presence of emergencies and disasters 13. The rebuilding and resilience faced with disaster risks. 14. Tangible cultural heritage and disaster risk

Led by the members of IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences) GEM (Geo-science for Environmental Management), a group of lectures dealing with several aspects of geological risks.


a- INSTITUTIONAL With the involvement of Technicians of different management agencies 1. Territorial Planning before Disaster risk 2. GPS operation b -EDUCATIONAL With the involvement of actors from the Educational Sector (Headmasters, Teachers, Administrative and Assistant staff) 1. 2. 3. 4. The response before seismic risk from the educational system Nano-science and the nano-technology. Impacts and risks Approaching the geology to school How to manage in educational institutions before a risk and-or natural disaster

Two post-congress trips will take place: 1. To San Francisco Pass, international border between Argentina, across Catamarca Province, and Chile, where several places will be appreciated: first, the Fiambal Valley, Mount Pissis location and paradigm of the desertification processes and strong eolic activity, which turn it into a natural laboratory for the study of eolic processes. Going further, on the way to the Chile border, the periglacial and glacial environment of the Province of Catamarca. 2. Antofagasta de la Sierra, an icon of the volcanic geology located in the Northwest region of Argentina, with a landscape of majestic volcano-type volcanoes and the different pulses of volcanic effusion.

Guidelines for the presentation of full papers and abstracts Either papers in abstract pattern and/or full papers can be presented equally, which will be published in separate proceedings. Abstracts The guidelines for presentation of abstracts are available in the congress webpage. Abstract Format (.pdf- Adobe Reader Documents) - Download The acceptance of the paper in abstract format allows its presentation orally or as a poster, once it has been accepted for such purpose. The acceptance of full papers allows for the presentation of a conference paper. Full papers The guidelines for presentation are available in the webpage http://ciride.unca.edu.ar/resumenes.php, so as to be downloaded under 4 formats Full paper Format (.pdf- Adobe Reader Documents) - Download Full paper Format (.doc-Microsoft Word 91/2003) - Download Full paper Format (.docx-Microsoft Word 2007) - Download Full paper Format (.odt- Open Office Document) - Download In all cases, e-mail to: comision .ciride@tecno.unca.edu.ar SPECIFICALLY NOTING THE SIMPOSIUM IN WHICH IT WILL BE PRESENTED

10/30/2012 - Abstract submission deadline 12/15/2012 Formal notice to authors of the acceptance of their abstracts 11/16/2012 Full paper submission deadline 02/01/2013 Formal notice to authors of the acceptance of their full papers The registration for presenters can be carried out once the author has received the formal notice that the paper has been assessed and accepted (he/she will have to enter the Paper Code in the registration form having previously registered). Each paper already accepted can only have one presenter. The participants can register when they wish to do so from June 2012 onwards, filling the data required in the registration form for Participants and Presenters (Registartion sub-menu) in http://ciride.unca.edu.ar. The students will register at the Congress opening day, before the beginning of the workshops.

Date April 2013 AR$ 1000 AR$ 800 AR$ 400 u$s 1000 u$s 800 u$s 400

Dates Country Category October 2012 AR$ 600 AR$ 400 AR$ 200 u$s 600 u$s 400 u$s 200 December 2012 AR$ 800 AR$ 600 AR$ 300 u$s 800 u$s 600 u$s 300 Country

April 2012 AR$ 600


Presenter Argentina Participant Student Presenter Other countries Participant Student

Teachers from the Province of Catamarca

Option: three (3) Educational workshops

Fecha Abril 2012 AR$ 400
Institutions of the Province of Catamarca


The registration of the Scientific Level includes: Congress material, schedule and Congress report, welcome Cocktail, Attendance Certificate It does not include the ticket of the main dinner Paying one (1) registration, two (2) papers can be presented For + 4-person groups of the same institution, a 20% discount will be done if payment is carried out before December 21st.

each Person and for each workshop three (3) Persons and for each workshop

AR$ 1000


AUTHORIZED CONGRESS TRAVEL AGENCY The complete registration for CIRiDe will be effective through the payment of the corresponding fee; if not, the registration will be cancelled. The payment can be done in the following ways: * In cash, in the Congress Venue Predio Ferial - San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca. Argentina By bank deposit, Data for Bank deposit: Holder: Facultad de Tecnologa y Ciencias Aplicadas Entity: Banco de la Nacin Argentina Type: Current Account in Pesos Account Number: 4660080571 Bank Branch: San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca CUIT: 30641870931 CBU:0110466420046600805719 IMPORTANT: once the registration payment has been done you have to send an e-mail with the pay receipt deposit already scanned to comisin.ciride@tecno.unca.edu.ar CONTACT Contact E-mails: comisin.ciride@tecno.unca.edu.ar


The agency will contact you to work out and make sure and safe your trip from and to your residence place and your stay in San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca-Argentina Main Office: Galeria Raiden - Local N5 Sarmiento N 581/9 Phone/Fax: +54 90383-4429450 / Cell phone: +54 93834500864 San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca (CP. 4700) http://www.catamarcaviajesytur.com.ar/home.htm Or through the Congress website: http://ciride.unca.edu.ar

website: http://ciride.unca.edu.ar

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