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Something about (sesuatu yang nenarik dari) her story touched Michael and me so deeply that we decided to do a six-month

experiment and tithe a full 10% of all money we received to people, places and institutions from which we received spiritual food. Our lives have grown exponentially since that day, and nearly four years later we are still happily tithing and enjoying unlimited prosperity, abundance and faith. And then, this past month at my live event, Big Mission, Big Sales, Big Life, we had the chance to see this in action again. Every paycheck I got, I diligently wrote out my tithe checks and put them in the mail. Amazingly, even though I was making just about half of what I used to earn, there was always money left over after I paid the bills. Now having faith that my abundance came from God, I actually started tithing to the amount I wanted to earn in the future. Three years in a row, my raises matched 10x my tithes for the previous year. Within 6 years, I was making 7x what I used to earn at the job I was fired from. Eleven years later, I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to making sure I tithe 10% of my gross income. My current tithe on a biweekly basis is $600. Over the holiday season, I was tithing in advance of my paychecks and as the end of the year approached, I was busy matching up my Quicken reports labeled "tithing" to my gross salary just to make sure that I made good on (memenuhi) my commitment to God for the 2006 calendar year. On Friday, December 29th, I reviewed my checking account online to make sure my paycheck had been deposited. It had, but I also had a separate line item deposit from my company which said "Cash Transaction" for $6,000. As I sat staring at my computer screen, a huge smile crossed my face as I said "thank you, God, because, as promised, you returned to me 10x my original tithe of $600." I quickly wrote out $600 in tithe checks (one of which I mailed to your ministry) and then waited to see how this abundance had manifested into reality. In today's mail, I received a letter from my company's payroll department, informing me that they had apparently shorted me $6,000 on a bonus check paid a few months back and that as a result of the audit, they had deposited the $6,000 in my checking account. They apologized for their mistake. Try as I may (saya menyesal), I cannot find any mistakes in any of my prior bonus payments, especially one totaling $6,000. Income doubles! - God has blessed me greatly since I began tithing. I have doubled my income over the past year, have less bills and a multitude of other

blessings. Best of all, my mental attitude has been affected in a very positive manner. When my husband and I first learned of the prospering power of tithing, we didn't have enough to eat, and bills had piled up. In the face of this financial strain (kesulitan), we started tithing 10 percent of every dollar we received. Then, fabulous things started to happen. My husband went into (memulai) partnership with two other realtors (makelar property). A piece of property that we owned, and had tried to sell for a long time, quickly sold. We stand to (bersiap untuk) make $75,000* this year. The day I sent the tithe, my husband heard about a good-paying job and two days later he got it. He started right after we returned from our vacation. Also, I am going on an interview and will soon be starting back to work. I have been faithfully tithing for several months now, and I am seeing quite a change of attitude in my home. I have been able to pay off (melunasi) all my bills because of a big increase in money. And, there is money left over! The people I work with are more positive and I am enjoying my work more. It has made a difference since I started tithing and instead of saying, I am poor, I am declaring, "God is my source and there are not limitations in me or in my life." My life has certainly improved since I began tithing, and I am most grateful. If people who are hurting, financially, would only learn to tithe, I am sure they would experience more prosperity in every area of their lives, as I have (seperti yang sudah kualami).

I have seen the difference in my finances. Since i have started tithing, i have been blessed more abundantly than ever before in my life! I don't understand how it can even work, but I've seen it work. How and why are mysteries. The last year has been absolutely incredible in so many ways, not the least of which (yang terutama) is my annual household income has increased by more than 30%. I havent found a get rich scheme. I havent sold anything substantial. I didnt just graduate from college. I have begun tithing to my church and it has dramatically changed my life. Tithing can literally increase your income.

Over these last two months I have been witness to Gods direct financial intervention in my life. To me it is both a blessing and a miracle. Before tithing I always seemed to be living paycheck to paycheck (sound familiar?), seemed to be slowly getting into (terlibat masalah) more credit card debt, all while being unable to save much of anything. Why was this happening? My wife & I dont have any kids. We dont buy new cars. We dont buy expensive toys. We dont blow a lot of our money on frivolous purchasesso why was this happening to us? Before I was giving my tithe:

I was living paycheck to paycheck I waited until the due date of my bills before I paid them Every single month I seemed to incur random expenses that consumed all my extra money and even pushed me more into debt Always broke even on my tax return or owed money to the government Bank fees: be they credit card over the limit, over-drawn checking account, late payments feesyou name it I paid it A guilty conscience A heavy heart

Now that Im tithing, though no increase in salary this has been my experience just the tip of the iceberg :

Im able to save at least $200 every month I pay every bill the day it comes in the mail Random expenses have not been a part of my life for the last few months For the first time since we filed taxes Married Filing Jointly, my wife & I are receiving a sizable return of over $1,200 No more bank fees A clear conscience and a happy countenance A peace that passes all understanding Philippians 4:7

I was knocked back off my chair a 22% payrise! I asked my boss what this was in aid of? and his words were "I don't know Elma, it came from above". Those were his exact words! My boss meant that it came from his boss's boss,

but I KNEW, it really did come from above, not from the higher bosses, but from God! After all God is the ultimate boss! It took our entire savings account to start it up. However, I knew the Lord would take care of us. I always was amazed at the wonderful tithing success stories on the "700 Club" television show and I wanted to start the business off right (dengan segera=immediately), so I began to tithe all income 10% beginning before my shop opened. For the first 3 months, we tithed all the shop sales and my husband's sales. I prayed that the business would grow quickly as we needed the income. I prayed it would take off in 3 months. Miraculously, the third month open, the newspaper gave us a FREE front page article!! God made it happen, no doubt in my mind, the huge photo and writeup (review) was supposed to have gone out in a magazine, but due to something with the photo, it didn't work for the magazineso they put us on the front page of our small-town paper!! Sales and consignors poured in to our shop that month. Sales were a record high. I've been tithing and seeding for nearly two years now, and keeping a money magnet for about a year. I not only realised that I can't afford not to tithe, but also became aware of the many many blessings and miracles that have been present in my life since I began tithing, that I hadn't necessarily equated (menghubungkan) at the time with tithing. I think the biggest thing that has happened has been a change in my consciousness. I somehow feel lifted, taken care of, and not concerned or all that attached to money when I am tithing. Things seem to flow, I always have enough, and I feel continuously blessed. I am not sure why but due to the unexpected increase in the stock price I felt something in me to tithe 10% ($4,000) to my local church. The results during that year were phenomenal. Sales were popping up everywhere. Never a week went by without me closing a deal. I was top salesman in my branch, runner up for rookie of the year in my company and finished in the top 10 of all sale people in the company. I even qualified for an overseas sales convention to Mexico. One time I had a choice between tithing $1200 or missing an important bill that could affect my business significantly. I put God first and the next day got a letter from my accountants saying the tax man owed me $14,000 (wow). Doors are opening up all over the place. When I was not tithing I was struggling

to get clients. Since I am tithing I have miraculously gotten access to over 20 of the most significant banks and finance houses in my industry. Now, everytime I do finances, I can see the increase and it is amazing. No debt, only an increasing and growing income and an increase in faith and love towards my God. I try to share my story with others and many shrug off (mengabaikan) what I have to say now, as I did my husband at the beginning, but I really wish they could feel and see what I have since we have increased. I wouldn't have believed it if it didn't happen to me personally, so I want to share my story JUST IN CASE someone is (sitting) on the fence (masih ragu) wondering whether tithing will work for them or not. FOUR DAYS AGO I found your tithing site and decided to donate 10% of what was in my bank account. Mind you (kalo dipikir2), I am unemployed and did not have much in there (and rent due soon, etc.), but I donated $57 anyway feeling in my heart it was the right thing to do. Okay - this is now FOUR DAYS LATER and in the mail today I received a check for $475 from one of my credit cards which has been mistakenly (dg sembarangan) charging me some strange fee for YEARS and is now refunding (mgblkn uang) it to me with a grand apology!! Nothing like this has ever happened to me! So, needless to say I am tithing $47.50 the second my check clears! And it FEELS good...especially during a time when I am feeling helpless (hopeless) about my financial situation. Amazing! Tithe and then forget about it and feel good that you gave back..you will soon see the miracle for yourself! WAIT! I sent my success story too quickly for I did not finish opening the rest of my mail!!! The next letter I opened was one from a previous employer telling me I still had some shares they had forgotten about, and if I sign their form they will send me a check for $1500.00! Amazing. I am so blessed. My wife and I did odd jobs (pekerjaan kasar) as I searched for new employment (pekerjaan), but each month as we drew up (mencatat) our budget, we could not see how we would make it, Shawn says. At times (kadang-kadang=sometimes) it was tempting to use our tithing for bills or groceries, but we trusted in the Lord and submitted the tithing to our bishop instead. And each month the Lord provided for us in ways we had not foreseen, whether through an allotment from the bishops storehouse, a timely gift from a relative, or an unexpected refund. Shawn eventually secured a new job and could again support his growing family. After receiving

so many blessings, the McCauslands determined to continue to pay their tithing, increase their fast offering, and seek (try) to be wise stewards of their resources. With their finances again stable, the McCauslands continue to remember the help the Lord gave them in trying times. The Hopkinses needed expensive medical treatments to have children, and they learned that paying tithing brings blessings that can last forever.The cost of the medication was well outside our means, Trish Hopkins says. We fasted, prayed, and continued to pay a full tithe. That money could have gone toward the medications, but we knew we would be blessed for paying our tithing.When the time came to purchase the medications, the Lord made good on (memenuhijanji=fulfil) His promise of blessings. Though we couldnt explain it, we found we had more money in our bank account than we had thought. We were truly blessed by paying our tithing. I remember the first tithe I sent out, it was to an author of inspirational material. Experienced tithers seem to adhere to (menganut) the practice of tithing 10% of their gross income each month, however, my first tithe was only 1% of my monthly income. I was absolutely amazed and still am today as to how easily MONEY BEGAN TO FLOW TO ME WHEN I STARTED TITHING. I have received anonymous financial gifts...thousands. The government sent me an unexpected check to reimburse me for attorney fraud. I've been approved for loans when I thought I'd have no prayer of success. Someone wrote me to tell me that there was unclaimed money waiting for me in some bank that I had forgotten about (kelupaan) over 20 years ago. I sold my business and made thousands more than I had anticipated. My house sold for MORE than my asking price. I sold a second home when everyone else in the neighborhood couldn't sell. I learned more secrets about how to buy real estate for pennies on the dollar (dengan harga lebih murah). I was given one financial tip after the next (ssdh itu) to increase my personal wealth. Successful business ideas began to flow to me and from me like water out of a tap. My life began to open up to success and I completed many projects more easily than ever before. One of my first tithes was 10% of my food stamp allotment. Then methodically over the months that followed, my life began to change dramatically. I became gainfully (dengan beruntung) employed, bought a car and moved into a safe environment. What seemed like an act of desperation back then has become the foundation of my enduring faith in the givingness of the Universe.

As time went on, I discovered that even though I did not know exactly how it was happening, I did not experience having less money. Sometimes (not always) I even experienced having more. It was amazing! It was the first time I had consciously experienced that money, like time, could be elastic. One day I decided to really "go for it" and commit to giving 10%. Once again it felt wonderful and scary. Once again, as time went on, I often experienced having more, rather than less. At first these stories, as well as my own experiences, drove the intellectual part of my mind crazy. Having begun my college education as a mathematics major, I always wanted to "figure out; from a logical point of view, how this could be. It seemed like magic. I later came to realize that this was just one of many ways in which I was trying to understand the spiritual whole by adding up the material parts, trying to understand spiritual principles while thinking from my "ego" mind. Sometimes I go weeks (melewati) without income (long story behind this) so I decided that, each week that I did not receive income, I would put away $5 to give on Sunday mornings. THAT'S RIGHT.. JUST $5. Just two weeks later, I received an unexpected gift of $200!! So the next week, I tithed $25. A teacher at OW approached me, handed me a card, and said "merry Christmas!" and walked away... inside, $100. I continued my tithing/offering. Three days ago I got a card from a few of the people who work at my dad's office, inside was $120!!!! And you know what, even if I didn't get those 3 unexpected gifts, I would still tithe. I receive the gift of joy EVERY time I tithe. I was blessed with a new job. We then decided to make a commitment to God that no matter what; we would tithe on everything that came into our home. Birthday money, anything - 10% would be taken out. We also committed to giving towards Campus Development and volunteering at our campus. By March, my husband was able to start his own business. During 2006 we paid all of our bills, our previous bankruptcy was dismissed, and we were blessed beyond imagine to give a significant amount in tithes and offerings. But I trust in God in my tithing, even if he force me to stop giving tithes to the church, because I know my tithes belong to God and I must not steal from God. I earned only RM 500 a month with 2 small children to feed and take care of. I was thrown out of the house and ended up as single mother having to sleep on the floor in my parents house besides the dogs. But God is always good to me. Every time I pray and ask Him for food or money, instantly in 2 minutes food

will come to my door and money will come to my hand. There was one time when 2 church members gave me RM200 to help me in my finances, but I gave back to God all the money that I received just to thank God for taking care of me. After a few hours I received RM1500 in my bank. Today, I am earning more than RM 20,000 a month. Started my feeding ministry in the Philippines. With 19 acres of land fully paid, 4 cars and 1 house. From poor to riches. Not only that, God even turned me from a single mother...now I am married to a loving man who loves me and my children and believing in God and His goodness. After working for more than 30 years, my boss asked me to meet with him. I expected that my sales territory may be increased as the company was beginning to cut back on (memotong) expenses (/expndtur). I had always ranked in the top 25% of producers, most times in the top 10. When we met, I was informed that indeed, the company was cutting back and my job as regional sales manager was one of the cutbacks (pengurangan produksi). Here I am, recently relocated far from home and without a job for the first time in my life. My wife and I moved back home and I started looking for another job. One month, two months, three months pass and I still am unemployed. More than 150 resumes had received only one response and that was a "no thank you." In desperation, I cried out to God, "God, if you will only help me find a job, so I can support my family, I will gladly give you 10% of my pay." About 7 days later, I get a call from one of my previous competitors. I became Sales Manger for that company, making 20% more than I had in my previous employment. Tithing was a simple decision. Four years ago my doctor told I would have stop working, but I believed in paying my tithes. While I was working, I would always cash my check and ask the teller for an extra envelope and right there I would take my tithes out (because I knew this was God's money). I am giving this testimony because when I was not able to pay tithes because I had no income coming in, the Lord took care of my every need----roof over (menauni) my head, bills got paid, food on the table, clothes on my back, and He never missed a beat (enggn). At our church one Sunday a month we do something called miracle seed Sunday. All monies collected during that time goes to pay the mortgage on the church down. I had five dollars to my name. God told me to put it in, and I did knowing that was all that I had. I put the five in the basket. After returning

home that afternoon I was looking through a drawer and found 80 dollars. I thank God for this blessing in my life. After starting tithing my financial situation changed totally and my marriage was restored. We decided to tithe our car payment, which happened to be the same amount as we needed to give, so we did. Well, we put it in God's hands and really didn't know what was going to happen. In two days after we placed the check in the offering plate, God came through (mmberi pertolongan)! We received a check in the mail from our car company that we had overpaid a month's car payment several months back. Not only was it enough to make our car payment, we had $4.00 left over! God is so good. We have not missed a tithe gift to God since. It is His money and He will bless you for showing Him that you are trusting enough in Him to give it. I would like to testify how faithful God is when you tithe and trust in Him concerning your finances. Years ago I began to learn about tithing and faith. I was barely making minimum wages at my job. I wanted to start tithing anyway not because I would receive in return but because it was something that I feel God wanted me to do. I tithed on what little I had and told God that I am leaving my job situation in His hands from now on. What I am about to tell you is the absolute truth. I just want others in the world to know how great God is, how true to His Word He is and just how much He wants to bless His children. Since that day many years ago when I tithed that little bit and stepped out in faith God has blessed me beyond what I ever imagined (diluar dugaan) or could begin to describe to you. I have tithed every single week since that day on all the money that I make "BEFORE" taxes. I also give towards special needs that I see or feel in my heart to give to that is in addition to what I tithe on. Because I left my job situation in His hands, I have never had to look for a job as God has always sent one to me and each job went higher up in pay. I now live in a brand new house that I paid in full with cash AND I did not have to pay for it with the money I made working! God had guided me and shown me what I needed to do to pay for my house free and clear (tanpa agunan=encumbrance). I believe that my house was a gift from God for my faithfulness in tithing! I also have a brand new automobile that I paid cash for and never want for anything. I owe no man but to love him. I am normally a very private person when it comes to my finances but I feel that it is very important to tell others just how great God

is and that if you abide in His Word and trust Him, He will not let you down. He is faithful and will do what He says. God truly wants to bless His children. Today I do not hesitate (doubt) to give and dont even have to think about if I have the money available or not. It really feels good to help others when there is a need. Give tithing a try and watch the blessings come back to you. You cant out give God and it will come back to you many times over (berkali2 lipat)!" I worked for months on my computer in my darkened office. My conclusion was, sure enough (ckp meyakinkan), that when people get richer, they tend to give more money away. But I also came up with the following counterintuitive findingthat when people give more money away, they tend to prosper. Specifically, heres what I found: Say you have two identical familiessame religion, same race, same number of kids, same town, same level of educationeverythings the same, except that one family gives $100 more to charity than the second family. Then the giving family will earn on average $375 more in income than the non-giving familyand thats statistically attributable to (diakibatkan oleh) the gift. Now I was perplexed. The data completely contradicted the theory that Id always worked under. So I did what college professors always do in this case: I got rid of the data. I got new software. I looked for new data. I recrunched (memanipulasi ulang) the numbers. But I kept coming up with the same thing. The more I ran the numbers, the more I kept getting this crazy result. But still I refused to believe it. In desperation I finally went to a colleague who specialized in the psychology of charitable giving. Im getting this result I cant understand, I told him. It doesnt make sense. Its like the hand of God or something on the economy, and I cant believe its true. So here we were, financially strapped (kekurangan), my wife stressed to the max, we were running out of money before running out of month. I couldn't function - but God is a merciful God, and ALWAYS keeps his promises. During all of our struggles, we faithfully tithed on what income we had and even gave a tenth of the gifts of cash we received, and just as he promised, God began blessing us in countless ways. A little over a year ago I began doing some contract legal work for a lawyer that I trusted. A few months later I began working with him. The day after I started, my wife quit her job and a short time later was offered another one out of the blue making nearly the same money she was making. She loves it and her stress is zero. The office that I had bought is rented to a guy who wants to buy it... Many, many blessings began and

continue to flow our way. I'm not making market value for my skills and experience BUT between the two of us we can now pay our bills without incurring any further debt; it's paycheck to paycheck but we are making it. My depression has lifted the future looks very promising and life is really good. We haven't finished the house yet but we will in due time (God's timing) but we didn't lose it!!! During all this time we didn't starve, we didn't divorce, we didn't lose anything. Looking back even though we struggled a lot, we really didn't suffer. We had and continue to have our health and our family. We will actually see some real money from the development - most of the money will go to pay the taxes on the paper income but the first 10% goes to God. And even in the hard times when a few extra dollars would have helped, we really didn't miss what we were giving back to God. We still don't and that is the cool thing about tithing, you won't miss the money. Understand what your tithing obligations to God are and follow them. Follow God's instructions even when you think you can't afford it. He will be true to His word. (But be careful, you need to understand that this isn't the lottery where you give ten and get back a hundred. The blessings may not be financial.) Teach your children about tithing. We do. I want to encourage those of you who don't tithe to pray about it and then take the plunge. Be obedient and faithful and God will keep his word and bless you more than you will be able to describe. Several years ago I was having a difficult time financially. Business was slow, I had some big medical bills and I'd not been as careful with my money as I needed to be. It was November, and I didn't know how I was going to make it through the end of the year, so I called my friend Anna to ask her advice. She had a good head for money. I tearfully explained my predicament (in-,keadaan sulit). She listened quietly. She was kind and sympathetic, completely understanding. She did not judge or scold. "You want my advice?" she asked, when I had finished telling her my sad story. "Well, sure," I replied, "that's why I called you.""Tithe," she said simply. I couldn't believe my ears. "You don't understand," I objected. "I just told you: I don't have any money coming in, I've got all these bills piled up, and I don't know how I'm going to meet the mortgage next month. I can't tithe -- I have nothing to tithe with!" "Well, you asked my advice, and I'm giving it to you," she said matter-of-factly. "All I have to share with you is my own experience. If you start to tithe, you shift your relationship with God. It is an act of faith in which you essentially say, 'I know I will be taken care of, so I can give this money back to God.' It works for me and it works for lots of other people I know, too." I knew in my heart of hearts that

Anna was right. Tithing was something I had wanted to do for a long time, but I was afraid -- afraid I would not have enough money to meet my needs, afraid to give away 10 percent of my income, afraid of financial insecurity. I had heard other people talk about tithing in the past, and being a spiritual person, I liked the idea -- but my fear always got the better of me. "Here's what I'd suggest," Anna continued, "Why don't you call Naomi and ask her what her experience has been with tithing. Call Steve too, and see what he has to say. Then decide if it's right for you." I thanked Anna for her advice, and immediately dialed Naomi's number. She was more than happy to tell me about her experience with tithing. She had been in similar financial straits (kesulitan) a few years earlier, and Anna had given her the same advice she'd given me. Reluctantly, Naomi agreed to do it. She started by tithing to a 12-step community of which she was a member, because Anna had instructed her to "give to the spiritual community that nurtures you." Naomi took a check to the office of this 12-step program every time she got paid (she was self-employed in the real estate business). "The first time I tithed," Naomi told me, "I sold a $400,000 house the very next week! I made a great commission. I'm sure it was a direct result of my tithing." After a while, Anna suggested that Naomi start tithing to her local synagogue, since she had been born and raised Jewish. "I'm not going to do that," Naomi protested. "I lost my faith years ago, and I'm not going to give them any money." Anna nudged Naomi, "Just try it. Do it a few times. See what happens." So the next time Naomi received got paid, she drove to the synagogue and gave them a check. Before long, the rabbi invited her to come to a special event at the synagogue. She went. She met a few people she liked, and she started going to more events. Her heart began softening toward the Jewish faith she had rejected, and over time she gradually felt more and more a part of this community. Finally, Naomi became an official member of the temple. About this time, her young nephew turned 13 and it was time for him to have his bar mitzvah. She knew that her sister didn't have much money, so Naomi offered to pay for the bar mitzvah. Naomi had been estranged from her sister, but she loved her nephew very much, and she wanted to do this for him. Over the months of planning the ceremony and the party, Naomi and her sister gradually worked through their differences and were reconciled. The bar mitzvah was a wonderful day for the whole family. In short, Naomi's commitment to tithe 10 percent of whatever she earned transformed her life. Tithing did more than put her on sound financial ground; it brought her back to her Jewish faith, it strengthened the bond between her and her nephew and it

reunited her with her sister. She was living a life of miracles. If I had any doubt about the efficacy (kemanjuran) of tithing, it disappeared in listening to Naomi's story. Tithing means acknowledging that no matter how little one has, there are always other people who are worse off. Tithing means saying to God, "I trust that You will provide for me, and I am willing to give back 10 percent to do Your work in the world." Tithing lifts the burden of fear from my heart and replaces it with trust. Tithing to a spiritual organization that gives me spiritual sustenance (makanan) is the best way of saying thanks for all that I have received. I once heard Jack Canfield (co-author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series) talk about tithing and its role in his life. He said, "Both my coauthor and I have been tithing for many years and we think it's an important part of our business success. But I have to tell you, it was a lot easier to write those checks when they were smaller. It's kind of hard these days to write tithing checks for $100,000, or more!" I laughed when he said that. Now, there's a problem I'd love to have! I've been tithing for several years now, ever since the phone conversations I had with Anna and Naomi. I don't sell real estate, and I haven't had the success of "Chicken Soup" authors, but my finances have stabilized somewhat and the peace of mind I feel is priceless. Tithing shifted my relationship to God from one of a fearful child pleading for God's protection to one of a willing partner with God in doing His work in the world. Most important, tithing gives me freedom from want and freedom from fear.

My husband and I have been tithing for eight years now together. I have tithed off and on during the years that I had been attending church. I had seen some things in the very beginning of my tithing years as far as blessings go, but as the years passed there was a stagnancy that I had about tithing. I think that a lot of the blessings from tithing were not there (exist) due to lack of improper teachings about tithing and therefore, I had not been confessing the word over my life. When my husband and I began tithing, we saw the supernatural provision (persediaan), but nothing much past provision. We were not living debt free, or seeing other blessings, in fact, it just felt like a job or a duty and something we had to do to keep the locusts away. I was at a point that I just didnt want to give my hard earned money away any more. My husband didnt agree with me, but in order to be on the same page and avoid an argument, we stopped giving. When the pasor began to teach us what an honor it is to give and how to speak the word over our lives and declare the blessings of

Abraham over our lives, something ignited in my spirit. I wanted to start to give again. We had gotten ourselves into quite a bit of debt and made very difficult for us to give, because we were barely paying our bills. After paying our bills, sometimes, we had no money for the grocery store, just basic milk and eggs kind of shopping. There was definitely lack!! When Pastor Tracy said that lack is a curse, something inside of me got angry at the enemy, and I realized the lies that I had been listening to and I chose to change my thinking and take action. My husband and I agreed to start to tithe again and to speak over (ngobrol intim) our finances, our marriage, our children, our jobs, and our entire lives. Pastor Sarah said that if we said over and over that Jesus redeemed me from the curse of the law and the blessings of Abraham are mine, we would see the blessings. The first month that we started to tithe, we could only give very small amounts and even those amounts were on faith alone. We were faithful in doing so until the tithe actually became a tithe equaling the ten percent. The first month my business increased almost double!!! Since then, it has increased the following month by an extra ten percent and the following an additional 40%!! We gave him ten and he gave us back 40!! He is amazing!! I had a credit card credit my card back almost $500 and we received a rebate check for $1300. My air conditioner went out on my car and was supposed to cost over $1500. The company paid $850 toward fixing the car and we paid the remaining $650 of which was paid from the rebate check, so really we paid nothing and came out ahead $650!!! This is just the big stuff, but on a daily basis, I am finding the favor of God on my life even at the grocery store or when out shopping for clothes. I have customers who now give me things every week that I take care of them. My children, even in their errors are finding favor with their authority figures. My husband and I, who always were fighting, are now getting along so much better and there is a new love kindled between us. I honestly felt very little good feelings toward him, and Im sure he was very discouraged about how I treated him due to those feelings being absent and he in turn, felt very bad toward me. I wasnt too sure that we were even going to make it, BUT GOD! Every time I come to church and hear the teachings, I am reminded of who I am in Christ and of the authority that he has given to me and I am reminded to use it. We are definitely experiencing Deuteronomy 28:2 where the blessings overtake you and come upon you if you obey the voice of the Lord. There are so many things that have happened recently that I dont even have time to tell about. I knew the law of tithing and obeying God, but his grace and mercy and knowing that even if you dont tithe or even obey for that

matter, he still loves us and that makes me WANT to give for the purpose of souls coming into the kingdom to receive the things that he is giving to me and my family!!!

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