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Domain Name Service (DNS) Server Configuration

Figure 1. Issue the command sudo apt-get install bind9 dnsutils bind9-doc to install packages needed for configuring dns and enter your password.

Figure 4. Uncomment the forwarders. Since we are using Google's Public DNS servers, we can replace with Google's DNS server IPs and but you can replace (A) with another server provided by your ISP.

Figure 2. Enter Y to continue.

Figure 3. Edit the named.conf.options file using vi or other editor by issuing sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options.

Figure 5. Type the following codes. Replace: (A) with your chosen dns domain, (C) with the first 3 octet of your dns IP address but in reverse. In my case, my dns IP was thats why I came up with 1.168.192 ignoring the fourth octet. Watch out for the (B) and (D) well gonna make this file in the next step.

Figure 6. Issue sudo cp /etc/bind/db.local /etc/bind/db.dnsserver.test to copy the file db.local to db.dnsserver.test(my choice file name). You can replace dnsserver.test with your dns internal domain.

Figure 8. Now, edit the db.dnsserver,test file issue the command sudo vi /etc/bind/db.192.

Figure 7. Issue sudo cp /etc/bind/db.127 /etc/bind/db.192 to copy the file db.127 to db.192(my choice file name). You can replace 192 with the first octet of your dns IP address.

Figure 9. Replace: (A) & (C) with your dns FQDN, (B) with the email of the person who will manage the DNS, but replace @ with dot(.).

Figure 10. Heres our configuration for db.dnsserver.test We have ubuntuftp server that we mapped with address using A record. Replace (A) with the hostname and (B) with the IP address of the domain.

Figure 11. Replace: (A) & (C) with your dns FQDN, (B) with the email of the person who will manage the DNS, but replace @ with dot(.). Remove (D).

Figure 8. Now, edit the db.192 file issue the command sudo vi /etc/bind/db.192

Figure 12. Heres our configuration for db.192. For the ubuntuftp the 11 is the fourth octet of its IP address ( IN is defining it as an Internet address. PTR is a pointer record. This defines what name will be called when an IP address is looked up.

Figure 13. Restart the bind9 for the dns configurations to take effect with the command /etc/init.d/bind9 restart.

Figure 15. Replace the dhcp with static and configure the correct IP, netmask, and gateway. (A) replace with your dns server IP address. (B) replace with your dns FQDN.

For the Network of the DNS

Figure 16. Restart the Networking to up the interfaces.


Figure 14. edit the network with the command sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces.

Figure 16. Issue the nslookup ubuntuft. You should see the same output.

Figure 17. Type dig ubuntuftp.dnsserver.test.

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