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Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo


Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

Modelo de las Siete Capas

Diagnstico Uno a Uno para averiguar problemas

Problemas de Comunicacin: No lo saba!

Factores de Motivacin Falta de conocimiento: Choque de Principios Diferencias de Personalidad

Diferncias de Gnero

Diferencias Culturales:

No te entiendo Qu me interesa? No s como Est contra mis principios y valores Soy as. Lo tomas o lo dejas

Analiza el modelo de las Siete Capas dentro del trabajo realizado en tu equipo. Para ello: Forma pareja (o en su defecto, un pequeo grupo) con miembros de tu equipo Describe una situacin donde has tenido problemas / dificultades en hacer que un compaero de trabajo haga algo que le has pedido Utilizando el modelo de las Siete Capas y la Diagnosis Uno a Uno, identifica cules son las tres causas ms probables de esa resistencia de tu compaero a hacerlo Pregntale a tu compaero qu hubiera hecho en tu lugar

Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Extraversion Introversion
Preference for drawing energy from outside world of people, activities & things. Let's party! Preference for drawing energy from internal world of ideas, emotions & impressions. Let's read a book!

Preference for taking in data via the five senses. What's practical?

Preference for taking in data via a sixth sense. What's possible?

Preference for deciding using logic and facts. What makes sense?

Preference for deciding using values. What feels right?

Preference for a planned, organized life. Decide & move on.

Preference for a flexible, spontaneous life. Keep your options open.

Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

The four dimensions lead to 16 different styles for thinking, deciding, communicating, & leading
I = Introvert S = Sensing T = Thinking J = Judging E = Extrovert N = INtuition F = Feeling P = Perceiving





Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

Documentacin Adicional:

The 7-stage Model to Manage the Team

Almost all projects start with a honeymoon phase when everything feels great. But as is the case with a honeymoon, this feeling in the project will not last forever. Complicated issues have to be dealt with, unforeseen problems have to be solved, and the team might start to fall apart.

To overcome, but probably even better, to prevent some of this from happening we have included The seven-stage model in the tool-kit. Our suggestion is that you use the model continuously in your learning-team, not just when things are getting tougher.

The model is fairly simply to use: Just ask yourself and the other in the learningteam, for example every second week: Where am I? Where are you?. You will notice that all members in the team start from either stage one or maybe stage two in the model.

In the beginning you might move fast or slow towards the center of the model. BUT what will eventually happen is that some of the members or all in the team move back to earlier stages. Remember this is neither uncommon nor

Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

strange it happens in almost all teams. It can be triggered by a major setback, by someone in the team who realizes that he or she is not clear about the goal with an assignment, or it might be something that is totally our of the control of the project. What we can assure the team of is that you will move forward in the model again, it might take sometime but you are going to end up maybe not in a stage 7-mode but pretty close to it.

What is the matter with you! Dont you understand anything 1to1 Diagnostic1

This tool is primarily developed to be used on an individual or an one-to-one level, but might also be appropriate both in the learning team. The goal is to try to understand anyones behavior. The answer is to be found on one of the steps in the picture.

Source: Kosnik, Blair, Ramfelt, and Pfeifer (1986, 2000) 1 to 1 Diagnosis, to

appear in Global Entrepreneurial Marketing, forthcoming

Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

Imagining that you have a situation where two ore more people in the team are in violent disagreement on how to proceed with defining the assignment, with how to approach a mentor with a tricky question, or which deliverable to focus on. Everyone in the team is well aware of what is going on but no one is sure what the root to the problem is, then it is time to try the 1-to-1 Diagnostic.

We have seven steps to where we can assign the cause of the problem:

1. External Forces I dont have the time, money or authority. This is probably the step where it is almost impossible for the team-members to really do anything to solve the problem. If the team identify that the reason for the disagreement is due to something that is out of the reach for the group our advice is Learn to live with it. It can be a barrier, an obstacle, or a hurdle for the team and it might lead to a situation where the team has to realize that they will not be able to solve their task as they had intended to. If the team cant eliminate their barriers we would suggest that the team try to adjust their expectations with all involved.

2. Principles or Value Crash It is against my principles or values. Principles and values guide our behavior and decision-making. To changes a persons principles or values is probably not a feasible way to try to solve disagreements that can be linked to problems in the learning-team. Instead try to understand different team-members different values, use the clash between different principles and values to something that is of advantage to the learning-team. Maybe the differences can be something to pointed to in the deliverables. Remember: Live and let live! 3. Culture Differences I dont understand you2. Culture can be about different ethnical background, about different land of origin, about where someone grew up, about different educational or professional identity. For the

Tronpenars, Fons and Charles Hampden-Turner (1993, 1995, 1996) Riding the

Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London, England.

Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

learning-teams who work with people from other countries culture differences will probably be more pronounced. But for all teams with members with different educational background some of both the opportunities and the hurdles might be traced to cultural differences.
Try to early on identify culture differences in your team. Tell about yourself, listen to other teammembers. Pick a few examples where you and your team might be different in responding to a situation. Here are a few examples of situations where differences in culture might be present: Individualism-Communitarism: How to present an insight that was made in the project. Is it to be presented as We came to the conclusion or I came to the conclusion? Perception of Time: How important it is to be on time for an internal meeting. Is it OK to be 20 minutes late? Communication-style: How to approach the teaching-team when the team-members are really upset with the information given on the web-site for the course: Direct style: You are doing a crappy job with giving us the right information on time! or Would it be possible, maybe to get some of the information about the course a little bit earlier, we might have a few suggestions?

4. Personality Differences Thats they way I am. Its hard to change. We all have to face the fact that not all people around us think and behave in the same way as we do. Sometimes that can lead to frustration and a lot of argumentative talk where different people try to convince the rest of the team that their way is the right one.
In a team there is of outmost importance that the members realize that they are more or less different. For learning more about that we would like to direct you to the Meyers & Briggs test, tool No. 6, but that is not enough! If there are any personality differences within the team, which we can assure you that it is, the right way to direct the attention is then to as much as possible appreciate and take advantage of the differences among the team members so that the learning-team as a whole do benefit from the variety of personalities, not crumbles and fails because of it. The more the team learn about each others personalities the easier it will be to avoid time-consuming argumentation and the easier it will be to find an efficient way of proceeding with the work.

5. Motivation Factors Whats in it for me?. All teams and all team-members will occasionally experience a lack of motivation. To clearly internally and externally state why different people have chosen to join the team is important. Remember also that what motivates people over time might change. Do a motivation check-in from time to time. Try to customize rewards!

6. Skill Gaps I dont know how. We are almost certain that you in your team are going to be able to identify problems due to lack of specific skills among

Mtodos y Tcnicas de Trabajo Corporativo

the team-members. Remember that is perfectly OK to say I dont know how or I dont know what you are talking about, neither is there a question that is too stupid to ask. A lot of time we have seen that problems that can be understood as having to do with skill gaps can be solved by spending some extra time explaining a concept or try to find another way around a problem.

7. Information Problems I didnt know. Communication is as much about talking as it is about listening. If communication seems to be a problem in a team, try to talk it over one more time, try to explain it in another way, or try another media for doing it. Offer your interpretation of what someone else said and ask if you understood them correctly. Email doesnt always work! 8. Gender3 Men and women behave and communicate differently. Within the projects we do tend to take on different responsibilities in the project. Never underestimate the dimension of gender in a project or anywhere else for that matter. There are no gender-neutral situations4.


Use the 1-to-1 Diagnosis to diagnose before you prescribe. Two different people may diagnose the same situation differently. Always review your proposed solution with another team member or your coach before implementing it. 1-to-1 Diagnosis can be used to solve problems with any relationship

Suggested Reading: Tannen, Deborah (1995) The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard, and Why Harvard Business Review, September-October, Reprint 95510 4 If you would like to learn more about gender differences in social situations please ask Lena Ramfelt (Lenar@it.kth,se) about Trivial Pursuit as a Gender Game TP has been used in earlier courses for helping teams to understand more about how men and women behave different in social situations.

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