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Courage I. Intro. A.

Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird is a quintessential example of courage and justice in hard times, especially through the characters Atticus, Jem, and Tom Robinson. II. Atticus and courage. A. Shows courage when he is chosen to defend Tom Robinson even though he knows he will lose. B. He knows that the word of a white girl will always be more believable than that of a black male. C. Gives Tom Robinson his best work and nothing but his best work to make sure that he does everything in his power to set Tom Robinson free. D. Goes against everyone to do what is right. III. Atticus teaching morale. A. Even though he knows that Scout and jem are about to go through some tough times in their school because of the case he decided to take, he still pulls through. B. He has faith in his parenting and knows that he has done the right thing in raising Scout and Jem the way he has. C. Knows that Scout and Jem will always do the right thing no matter what. IV. Atticus the best shot in town. A. Atticus shots the rabid dog before it goes crazy and runs into town wreaking havoc. B. Intentionally hides the fact that he is a good shot from his Scout and Jem to protect. C. He knows that knowing how to shoot a rifle isn't the only way to protect the ones you love. D. Atticus has faith in his pride and in himself and knows that he won't ever need to use a gun in order to protect his family. V. Jem and Mrs. Dubose A. Takes responsibility for his own actions. B. Has a lot of self control and courage to go into Mrs. Dubose's house and read to her even after she has offended Atticus. C. Isn't rude to Mrs. Dubose, does what he is told and doesn't complain all to much. D. Learns from the experience about the type of person that Mrs. Dubose really is. E. It takes courage to put yourself in the skin of another person and walk around and look at the world the same way they do. VI. Tom Robinson and true courage. A. Is going against all of Maycomb and doesn't break or budge. B. Doesn't act rude when he knows Mayella is lying to all of the people in court. C. Doesn't show any signs of weakness when he is put on trial and his verdict is given. D. Accepts his fate even though he knows that justice has not been justly served. E. Died a courageous person, but was killed like as if he lived his life a coward. VII. Conclusion. A. Harper Lee's shows in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird that courage doesn't discriminate and can come in many shapes, genders, and races. That courage is not limited to the white that courage is only for those who are willing to risk everything to have it.

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