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Psychology I. Intro A.

Harper Lee's characters in To Kill a Mockingbird all have different and rather clear psychological motivations that drive them all to do things that they normally wouldn't like Boo Radley, Dill, and Scout. II. Boo Radley the boy trapped. A. Boo Radley was a normal person just like everyone else but then he did something bad and as punishment from his parents Nathan Radley, was sentenced to stay indoor, secluded from the rest of the world and read from the bible. B. He is to live strictly as it is depicted in the bible. C. Isn't allowed to go outside and has basically been trapped inside of his house and inside of his mind. D. Rumors have started to form about what has happened to him. III. Boo Radley; the outlet. A. Because he is trapped he feels like he needs to find a way out of the emptiness of his house and the hell boiling inside of his head. B. Wants to make communication with the outside world. C. Decides to use the tree outside of his house, D. He knows that Scout, Jem, and Dill have been nothing but mischievous the whole summer. E, Decides to contact them. IV. The Tree. A. Starts putting things inside of the knothole of the tree outside of his house everyday. B. He knows that Scout and Jem walk by everyday. C. He knows that they'll pick the things up and sooner or later will get the hint about what is going on. D. his loneliness has left him no choice but to peep through a small hole in his window and make contact with the outside world through a third party. V. Dill. A. Driven by the desire to find and take a look at Boo Radley. B. This leads him to do things that he would not normally do. C. Like sneak out, break rules, cause trouble and so on. D. From this he know has become close friends with Scout and Jem, E. Dill becomes especially fond of Scout. VI. Will you marry me. A. Now it is Scout that drives Dill to do the things that he does. B. Like run away from home and risk his life trying just to spend the summer with Scout and Jem, but mostly Scout. B. Writes the proposal note to Scout VII. Scout. A. Is driven by education and the love of learning, B. Everything that she does, she does because she wants to learn. C. That is why she tries to imitate her father Atticus.

VIII. Conclusion, A. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird Lee argues that everyone has a psychological motivation for doing the things that they do. No one is free from it because everyone is driven by some external force that they themselves sometimes don;t even understand.

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