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Mental Illness 1

Choose the most appropriate answers : 1) AE 2) CD 3)AD 4)BE 5)C 6)ACDE Vocabulary : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Mental Health Disorder : trouble Psychiatric Involve : impliquer Disturbance : un trouble, un drangement Emotion Behavior Illness Decade : une dcennie Institution : un tablissement psychiatrique Effective : efficace Antipsychotic : neuroleptique Deinstitutionalization : dsalination, rinsertion Emphasis : laccent (mis sur) View : considrer Research Improve : (s)amliorer Worsen : empirer, rendre pire Dramatically : de manire spectaculaire Prevent(sb from V-ing) : empecher x de faire Chronic(ally) : chronique Ever : tt moment, jusqu prsent, jamais Ally : alli, un partenaire Family doctor Rehabilitate : rduquer, rinsrer Likely to : tre enclin Restrained : retenir, interner Discharge : librer, laisser sortir, remettre en libert Partial hospital Day treatment=day care : un service de traitement ambulatoire Setting : cadre Expensive : coteux, cher Fewer : moins nombreux Staff : le personnel

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

Group therapy : thrapie de groupe Halfway house : un appartement caritatif, une maison communautaire Share (of) : (sa) part de No longer Institutionalize : interner, placer dans un tablissement Will : la volont, le gr de quelquun Homeless Civil right Provide : fournir, offrir Needed : ncessaire, dont qqn a besoin

What do the following words refer to ? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. They refers to mentally ill people. These settings refers to partial hospital programs and day treatment centers. Its refers ton the deinstitutionalization movement. Their refers to mentally ill people. Many refers to mentally ill people. They refers to the legal measures. It refers to the situation of mentally ill people who are homeless ( ??? dsole mais sa question est dbile !) H. Whom refers to the mentally ill patients. ( ?? ou the legal measures) True or false ? I. Deinstitutionalization relies on family therapy and rehabilitation as alternatives to drug therapy. False. It is true that deinstitutionalization relies on family therapy and rehabilitation, but it is not an alternative to drug therapy. In contrary, it has been made possible thanks to the developpement of effective antipsychotic drugs. II. Non-compliance is a major obstacle in deinstitutionalization. True. Mentally ill people who are not a danger to themselves or society can no longer be treated against their will. Besides, it is difficult to provide needed treatment to many patients, because many became homeless. III. Not all mentally ill patients have benefited from the deinstitutionalization movement. True. Deinstitutionalization movement has a lot of benefits : mentally ill people are rehabilitated in their family, their community. However, some of them who are less lucky, become homeless and never succed to integrate society. Questions : 1. How the deinstitutionalization movement had been realized ? What are its objectives ? The deinsitutionalization movement has been made possible thanks to the use of effective antipsychotic drugs. So the mentally ill patient can sleep at home or in halfway house, instead of the institution. Basically, the emphasis is on rehabilitation into their family and community . Family therapy techniques have been developped to prevent reinstitutionalization. Patients family and family doctor are involved in order to rehabilitate the patient into his community. The objective is for mentally ill people to have a normal life as much as possible, and to improve their illness. 2. What are the advantages of partial hospital programs and day treatment centers ?

Thanks to partial hospital programs and day treatment centers, patients are less likely to be isolated and restrained than in the past. Since they participate to group therapy and they take medication, they are able to sleep at home or in halfway houses. Moreover, these settings are less expensive, because it requires fewer staff. 3. What problems the deinstitutionalization movement has caused ? Some mentally ill people who are irrational dont want to take their medication but they can no longer be institutionalized against their will as long as they are not dangerous for themselves and the society (because of antipsychotic), so they became homless. Thus this movement has made it more difficult to treat many patient.

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