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Horry F. Bull 4th Period Biology 10/4/12 Election Election Day is approaching ever so quickly.

The excitement that overcame me 4 years ago on this stage in an attempt to take up the role of President has quickly turned to that of defending it. Is this my chance to gain 4 more years to do what I need to do, or is this the end of the line for me? The state in which the United Cells of America (UCA, UC, The Cells or America) has been left in when I took office was going to take more than just 4 years to fix and improve; however, a single formidable opponent stood on my quest for such reforms. If Im going to save this tissuerather, this organ (possibly going so far as this organism), then my mission today is clear: Defeat Chromneyplast in the Presidential Debate! President Mitochondriobama, your opening statement, if you would, the moderator asks emotionlessly, as if this day was just another day to him, completely disregarding my obvious nerves getting to me. Deep in thought from just a few seconds ago, it caught me offguard, but times ticking, so I say the first things that came to mind, since this was only just the opening statements: As my campaign has pushed even before the previous Presidential Election, the only way this tissue will make any progress is by implementing fierce changes to suit the UCs current state of affairs, most urgently in the energy economy and the organelles energy taxes. At the rate this tissue was going before I took office, it was not going to be long before it would collapse without a single ATP of energy to continue any process. Now, though, things have changed. My campaignthe Mitochondriobama campaignhas made much progress in lowering the pressure of our difficult situation in producing enough oxygen, carbon dioxide, and thus also energy for the organelles that compose of our 50 cells. Simply put, if we continue on my planif I am given the right to push this progress even furtherthen well have a great chance of making this tissue into something greater than any sort of former glory its ever had! Im sure I hit most of the main points of my argument, even though this wasnt exactly planned out, so I take a sigh of relief afterwards without anyone realizing. Thank you, President, says the moderator soon after with emotion to convince anyone he didnt actually feel gratitude. Now, its time for your opening statement, Governor Chromneyplast. With a smug expression that contrasted my nervousness, my opponent starts, Dont be fooled by the presidents throwing around of the word, progress, as if hes actually made any. If you actually take a serious look at statistical changes that have occurred over his term, youd agree with me in saying that things havent improved, if not gotten much worse! Due to his outrageous spending, energy is being depleted at such a rate that we will actually collapse without a single ATP if he were to continue, yet hes not making nearly enough oxygen or carbon dioxide to replace it; however, it is still highly likely that about 47% of you all will vote for him anyway, as you did with the previous administration, though everyone seems to regret that decision soon afterwards. Should you other 53% give me the opportunity to change all that, youll have my word that even the lower energy-income organelles will find the UCA to be comfortable to function, be replicated, and eventually die in peaceinstead of struggling every day to scavenge the energy to just get by.

The eternity of waiting ends, and I feel like millions of icy cold glares were sent piercing straight at me, and all I could do is stand while keeping a straight face focused on my notes, my opponent, the moderator, or the audience. Chromneyplast has it easier in comparison. Besides having plenty of evidence as the offensive (much more than me, since he hasnt made many major decisions like me) from my term as President, hes easily part of a higher energy-income class considering his greater supply of sunlight (perpetual) and carbon dioxide (abundant, thanks to me) around to make great amounts of energy. Thus, his influence on others of higher class, which can influence much of those under them, can even match my influence as President of the UCA! Thats definitely a great feat to have accomplished. I see, the platonic moderator says. That concludes opening statements. Lets move on to the largest point in both of your opening statements: The energy economy. While I start panicking considering this sensitive topic is the greatest trump card against me, my opponent seems to acknowledge this, and his arrogance is practically beaming. What are your plans on improving the common, yet serious, financial situation many organelles are facingwhat will you do to give more energy to the workers of our 50 cells in this tissue? President Mitochondriobama, youre up. In the same manner as earlier, I wing it, making sure to touch some of the points in my notes: It is needless to say that we are in a very tough energy crisis. Were rapidly reaching our limit in energy spending, and even then, I dont want to burden the organelles with higher energy taxes. If you give me the time, if you give me the oxygen, and if you give me the glucose, then I can assure you the stable prosperity of this tissue with my Cellular Respiration Act; however, the higher energy-income plant cells are taking advantage of this act, using the carbon dioxide that I have made, but ultimately not producing enough oxygen for me or anyone else to create an equal and fair relationship. Because of this selfishness, we are forced to moderate the respiration, in fear that well completely lose enough oxygen and thus no energy at all. In spite of all this, though, Governor Chromneyplast, a member of these selfish plant cells, has the gall to force the rest of us in animal cells to provide more carbon dioxide so they could continue living luxuriously while we struggle to just survive! Let me ask you, people of the United Cells of America, this: Is it not enough that, under Chromneyplasts Photosynthesis Act, hell effectively be stealing our products even though they already have an infinite supply of water and sunlight to do their own work? Either way, do you think that the very little oxygen given back is enough? I had attempted to agitate my opponent in an effort to make him lose his smugness, but it appears it was to no availhe remains still with that arrogant smile, as if he has much more to say against me. How do you respond and what are your own plans? asks the moderator to Chromneyplast soon after I finish. He looks straight at me with daggers in his eyes as he says, Youre putting words in my mouth, President Mitochondriobama. My Photosynthesis Act effectively creates both things required for you in animal cells: Glucose and oxygen. Without us, your little Cellular Respiration Act would be worthless and essentially without any energy to survive. If you provide us of the capable plant cells with of the carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight we need, well supply you with oxygen and glucose to make ATP and our payment of carbon dioxide. You organelles of America simply cannot trust this person, who has been doing nothing more than waste the energy for actively importing much what we already have a lot of and exporting much of what we need, to produce the energy you all need with his Cellular Respiration Act!

Ever since he opened his big mouth, Ive been sweating bullets that no doubt make me look bad to the organelles. It seems like the end for me, even though all my intentions were pure and nothing more than wholehearted attempts in getting this tissue back to a decent state. Im still sure that my Cellular Respiration Act is of major importance to the progress to stability, but its very difficult to deny my opponents Act as well. Maybe his attitude is just rubbing me the wrong way. Its quite possible that he just thinks that my plans cant stand as they are, so he has no choice but to step in, yet his arent exactly perfect themselves. So what can I do? I need to unite the organelles of the UCA, an epiphany comes, by uniting with Governor Chromneyplast and his plans! As the expression on my face drastically changes from hopeless to bright and excited with an idea, the moderator continues on, noting that I may have thought of something, and says, President Mitochondriobama, any final statements on what was just said? With confidence not present just two moments earlier, my voice valiantly proclaims, Indeed. In light of both of our arguments about our acts and such plans, I move to do something never done in the history of our tissue! Now my opponent and audience look intrigued (with the moderator showing possible hints of it, but nothing notably different from his usual stoic expression). This is my chance! Now to get to the point! I move to, I continue, using the pause as a dramatic emphasis on its significance, join forces with Chromneyplast as Presidents of the United Cells of America! The organelles had their eyes wide and were speechless, not believing what they heard. They then turned their gaze to Chromneyplast to see his reaction. His smug face disappeared and was also speechless, but the displeased look on him was frozen, telling that he wasnt exactly happy with such a random statement. He turns to me and immediately bursts out, Oh yeah?! And what makes you believe we should, pray tell? Let me guess: If I cant beat him, join him. Youre very pathetic, President Mitochondriobama. Let me explain myself, Governor Chromneyplast. We both have deep interests in boosting energy production in this tissue for it to function and prosper. If this is to be believed, then our acts are definitely co-dependentmy Cellular Respiration Act calls for the use of oxygen and glucose, which we cannot get anywhere besides from your Photosynthesis Act since it provides exactly such things. On the other side, your Photosynthesis Act can get an infinite amount of sunlight at any given time, but requires the carbon dioxide, the ATP energy, and even water that are produced from my Cellular Respiration Act! By increasing photosynthesis, then cellular respiration can increase, and wed all have a much greater amount of ATP energy to function, reproduce, and die comfortably without the worry of running short on energy. Wed be efficiently solving our energy crisis, but only if we all joined forces! Stunned and stupefied by the explanation, Chromneyplast cant utter a single sound. The moderator didnt change expression, but I believe by his silence, hes also amazed, in his own way at least. I fear that I may have gone over my head with this idea, but then I hear a voice from the other end of the stage. I have no objections to that idea, says my opponentrather, new partner. If the organelles of this tissue agree with the move, I have no argument to oppose it. Months later, after all legal aspects of the new pursuit are resolved, Inauguration Day came. As my second term and President Chromneyplasts first begin, we also begin the first steps in truly changing the future of the United Cells of America for the better

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