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APPLYing HennA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a nisl quam. Duis velit tortor, congue et lobortis ac, vulputate at nisi. Suspendisse sed eros ante, eget pretium dolor. Nam eu metus purus, eget tristique ipsum. Phasellus id nisl ut urna iaculis pretium. Nunc sit amet sapien turpis, et gravida est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc libero arcu, consectetur quis lobortis ut, elementum vitae libero.

This popular mango-seed shape is sometimes also called the Persian pickle. The exact origin of the paisley pattern is unknown, although the pattern can be found in Persian art as early as 200 C.E. This popular mango-seed shape is sometimes also called the Persian pickle. The exact origin of the paisley pattern is unknown, although the pattern can be found in Persian art as early as 200 C.E.

This popular mango-seed shape is sometimes also called the Persian pickle. The exact origin of the paisley pattern is unknown, although the pattern can be found in Persian art as early as 200 C.E.




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