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Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2012 General Election

Please answer each question and return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board via email as an attached Word document. The boards email address: Salemed@StatesmanJournal.com Deadline for submitting your questionnaire: 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, or earlier.
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727, dhughes@StatesmanJournal.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Daniel A Farrington Age: 52 Republican State Representative, HD 21 I plan to attend the editorial board meeting scheduled for: 11 am on September 26, 2012. Number of years living in the area you seek to represent: 19 years Do you afrm that you are a full-time resident of that area? Yes City/town of residence: Salem, OR 97302 Family Married to Linda J Farrington, BSN, RN, for 15 years, who is working full time at Salem Hospital Recovery Room. Children: Chelsea (Farrington), 28, married to Andrew Stockner 28 (son in law), both middle school teachers, Andrew is at Mountain View Middle School in Newburg and Chelsea is working at my business since teaching jobs are hard to nd. Whitney Farrington, 26, a medical assistant at Tuality Hospital in Hillsboro. Katelyn Mason, 25, just graduated from UO Law, working for federal court magistrate in Medford. Esther (Mason), 24, a teacher nishing her Masters in School Counseling married to Kevin Harding, 27, who works for Grove Mueller and Swank as a Auditor. Mark Mason, 20, attending UO and attending Oviedo University this fall in Spain. David Mason, 18, starting this fall at Clark Community College and playing baseball. Education: BS Education, OSU 85 Attended, Southern Oregon State College, University of Oregon Newport High School, Newport Oregon, 78 Current occupation and employer: Self- Employed, Owner / President of Sunrise Medical Consultants, LLC Military service: None Employment history: 1973 1974: Agate Beach Golf Course. Clean members clubs and pick up range balls.

1975-1978: Safeway, Newport, OR. Courtesy Clerk and Checker 1979: Morse Brothers, Construction Team, Toledo, Construction Crew 1980-1981: Georgia-Pacic Paper Mill, Toledo. Spare hand on paper machines 1981-1985: Paddock Tavern, Eugene. Bartender 1986-1988: Velco Paints, Eugene. Paint tint and shipping of products 1988-1993: Dutch Girl Ice Cream, Eugene. Pulled orders in Freezer, Route Driver, Marketing S. Oregon 1993-1997: Rock N Rogers Restaurant, Salem. General Manager, grew from one to three restaurants, and started the breakfast menu. 1997-2002: BBV/ Medical Ops Management, Salem. Marketing and General Manager 2002- Present: Sunrise Medical Consultants, Salem/Keizer. President and Owner Community involvement/volunteer history: Member National Federation Of Independent Business (NFIB); 10 Years A Founder of The IMEA, Independent Medical Exam Association Of Oregon, 2005 President of The IMEA, 7 Years Member Salem Chamber Of Commerce; 3 Years Leslie Middle School Skyball Coordinator; 10 Years Salem Basketball Official Association, Middle/High School; 2 Years Member Salem City Club; 1 Year Battle Creek Little League Board Member; 2 Years Leslie Little League Board Member; 3 Years A founder of South Salem Junior Baseball Of Oregon, 2005, & annual Dan Farrington JBO Tournament. President of South Salem JBO; 3 Years, South Salem JBO Board Member At Large; 4 Years Capitol Soccer Club Treasurer, 4 Years. JV coach baseball, 3 Years & football, 1 Year Varsity Assistant baseball coach, 2 Years Boys & Girls Club football; 4 Years Girls basketball coach, second grade through freshman; 15 Years, Boys basketball coach, second grade through eighth grade; 8 Years Little League Baseball; 4 Years Girls Soccer Coach; 11 Years JBO Baseball coach age 4 through 12; 5 Years Please list all public ofces to which youve been elected, and when: None Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public ofce, and when: None Other prior political and government experience: In 2005, I was involved in SB 311. The IMEA, which Im the President of, was involved in many hearings with the MLAC Board. How much your general election campaign will cost: $150,000- $350,000 Key endorsements Oregon Right to Life

Salem Chamber of Commerce Create Jobs PAC Oregon Anti-Crime Alliance Mailing address: Friends of Dan Farrington, P.O. Box 2688, Salem, OR 97308-2688 E-mail address: dan@danfarrington.com Web site URL: www.danfarrington.com Phone: 503-930-5974 Fax: 503-391-6621 Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words but be specic. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing board/organization or had an ethics violation led against you? No Have you ever led for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the details. My ex-wife had a severe eating disorder, which led us to le Medical Bankruptcy in 1992. We were separated at time, as she was also having an affair. We eventually divorced. In 1996, I was personally sued as the General Manager of Rock N Rogers after Jamie Hawley, the owner of Rock N Rogers, instructed our CPA not to pay overtime to the employees. One of the employees for Rock N Rogers led a claim in small claims court. He led it personally against me, although it should have been against the owner, as I had no control in this matter. After I called Jamie, he instructed the CPA to go ahead and cut the overtime check and pay the fee. In June 2002, my former boss at BBV, Medical Ops Management, sued me for taking secret information when I left to start my own company after our verbal agreement regarding a path to ownership was not honored. There was no basis for the claim and he withdrew the lawsuit signing the nal paperwork in January 2003. Why should people vote for you? What separates you from your opponent(s)? My experience in small business, has allowed me to manage budgets, understand harmful regulations, and see rsthand the direction relationship between our local businesses and local economies. I am commi(ed to this community and state, and have a life5me of community service to prove it; Ive dedicated my life to rela5onship building and collabora5on between organiza5ons, schools, and individuals, to reach objec5ves and develop a plan for success. Im not a career poli5cian Im am ac5ve and involved ci5zen with concerns about the future of our state, and a plan to get Oregon working again. My opponent has limited experience in the private sector. He voted for House bill 3508, which favored the early release of violent criminals, and voted in support of over $1 B illion dollars in tax and fee increases so far while in oce. As State R epresenta5ve, I will bring the same common-sense, balanced approach to my leadership and service to House District 21, as Ive brought to being a husband and father, a

coach, a small business owner and ac5ve member of our community. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected? How? Stimulate the Economy. Government does not create jobsbut it can create a climate that encourages job growth and supports our local small businesses that make our economy functional. We need to encourage private sector job growth and put people back to work at the local level so money is staying in our communi5es to help them prosper. W e need to balance the budget with exis5ng revenues, simplifying regula5ons on business, repealing Measure 67 and encourage specic and short term incen5ves for new businesses. Improve our educa-onal opportuni-es for children. Our schools need to be funded rst and they need to be funded early. W e need to raise the bar on the level of educa5on we are providing in our classrooms and work more closely with our teachers to support them. Our schools need stable, long term solu5ons that reinforce the quality of teachers and ecient use of resources. We must invest in early education, as well as continued education after high school. Utilize programs with proven records of success. We need to expand access to higher education and vocational options for our kids. Protect Public S afety and S ocial S ervices. By working together, we can bring our local economy and our community back to life. When our local revenues grow, well be able to fund social services, like public safety and healthcare that our communi5es need. W e need to support and adequately fund all of our public safety needs. W e must keep violent criminals behind bars, and come up with new solu5ons to rehabilita5ng those who are looking to improve their lives aYer crime. What do you see as other important issues? Suppor-ng Agriculture and the E nvironment Protect sustainability of our natural resources. Reform regula5on so that it balances the ability of business to grow with responsible environmental stewardship. Promote Oregon business and take into account regional and interna5onal trade standards and prac5ces. How would you describe your political style? My personal style is characterized by balance and common sense. Im a no-frills kind of guy. I dont play games. I try to get along with everyone but I do not need to please everyone. My approach is to solving problems is: 1. G et all the informa5on--- Listen to all the par5es. R eview the data. Discover the root issue. 2. B uild teamwork & consensuscomplimentary partnerships, work with community supports 3. Plan for the Long term --no B and-Aids or knee jerk reac5ons 4. Apply B alance & Common S ense - B e responsible, accountable, and reasonable. I have a rich background in life & work that brings a broad perspec5ve to nding

solu5ons that work for everyone. How have you prepared yourself for this position? I have prepared myself for this position by raising 6 healthy, productive children, challenging them to be the best they can be. I have worked for many businesses, starting from the entry-level position and moved up the ladder to salesman or representative of the company. Each company I represented has grown under my management. I am the middle-man between doctors, attorneys, insurance companies, and injured workers. I know that I have to communicate clearly and frequently to nd common ground to get them all to work together. As a community leader, I have experience managing many strong personalities with different agendas to get them to work together, to help one another. I have worked to improve every program I have been involved with to expand opportunities for others. I have been President of the IMEA for 7 years now, working with lobbyists, State Senators, State Representatives, and many other organizations, to try to reach a common goal of balance and fairness to each party. What is the largest budget you have handled, and in what capacity? $3.5- 4.0 million; Sunrise Medical Consultants, President/Owner What is the largest number of employees youve supervised, and in what capacity? 53 employees; manager of three Rock N Rogers Restaurants. Currently, I have 21 employees, and contracts with another 10-15 people for various jobs, such as transcription, as well as contracting with 300-350 doctors throughout Washington and Oregon. Who is your role model for this ofce the person/people you would most like to emulate? Politically, Senator Marco Rubio, because he is willing to come to the table with a plan and enough exibility to nd a solution that helps everyone. Personally, my father is my role model and inspiration. He taught me about personal responsibility, how to create and reach goals, a strong work ethic, and a passion for people and my community. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you want to disclose before it comes up in the campaign? Not really! I do not purport to be a perfect man. I have coached and refereed for many years so I am sure I have left some people mad, although most are satised. I have done impulsive things that I wish I could take back, like any adult. Overall, I have spent my adult life trying to help the people around me. I have looked for ways to increase opportunities for my employees, my family, my children and others, to be successful. I was divorced in 1996, and took full custody of my two girls. I married Linda in July of 1997, who was raising four children. We both came from broken relationships and have worked hard to raise our six kids together with an opportunity to break the cycle of divorce and have a

healthy, productive life. 12. As a public ofcial, your views on public issues are relevant to voters and potential constituents. Please indicate whether you support or oppose each of these statewide measures on the Nov. 6 ballot. Measure 77, catastrophic disaster Measure 78, separation of powers Measure 79, real estate transfer taxes Measure 80, marijuana legalization Measure 81, gillnetting ban Measure 82, allows private casinos Measure 83, authorizes Wood Village casino Measure 84, eliminates inheritance tax Measure 85 shifts corporate kicker to K-12 schools Yes Yes Yes No Off the ballot? No No Yes No

Thank you. Again, please submit your questionnaire as an attached Word document to Salemed@StatesmanJournal.com no later than 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012.

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