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Letter from the Editor...1 Black Nationalism and Gay Rights Don't Mix, Talia Young...

2 What Have We Learned From the Trayvon Martin Tragedy?, Rhonda Lewis...3 Asili Tiba with Elijah Bilel...5 Sistas: Hit Those Weights!, Duane Wright...7 Beauty Q&A with Moniq Love...8 Feeding Our Families, Rhonda Lewis...9 The Black Food Security Crisis, Chinedu Nwoke...10 Our Facebook Alternative, Mike Wilson...11 Black Money with Terel Johnson...13 Business Spotlight...15

Greetings Black Nation, I'm going to keep this letter short, but I have to thank everyone who contributed articles to Abibifahodie this month. I also want to thank those of you who reached out to support our efforts when the concept for the journal was first announced. I hope that you continue to support us as we all work to grow Abibifahodie into something even greater. Our next issue will be released on July 1, 2012 and will contain a variety of interviews from Black nationalist leaders and activists, as well as the introduction of our our Black in Business section, which will feature Black entrepreneurs who are working for the good of the people along with tips on how we can all break free from the beast and create our own livelihoods. As always, feel free to email us if you have any comments or questions; we welcome all feedback. Peace & Love, Rhonda Lewis Chief Editor of Abibifahodie & National Media Director of the Black Beret Liberation Movement

2 Black Nationalism and Gay Rights Don't Mix by Talia Young

Anytime that Obama, the Black preachers and Black celebrities get together to promote an issue, it's a sign that the Black nation really needs to be on the opposite side of it. That is certainly the case with the President's recent decision to push gay marriage, but the troubling thing is that this agenda is obviously targeting Black people. Where are the people of other colors publicly defending the gay movement? Why is it always Black preachers called on to shove the agenda down the throats of their congregations? The answer likely lies in this being yet another tool to weaken and eventually eradicate the Black nation. We've got to be in our right Black minds when it comes to this problem. You cannot be a Black nationalist and advocate the gay lifestyle as natural or normal. Let me say that again: you cannot be a Black nationalist and advocate the gay lifestyle as natural or normal. As Black nationalists and Pan-Afrikanists, we have no obligation to the homosexual community. We should not accept the idea that being gay is natural or normal, nor should we allow the gay agenda to seep further into the Black nation. The reason why is simple: homosexuality does nothing to empower Black people. It does not improve the Black nation, further degrades the Black family and lends to Black genocide. Period. The next time someone tries to tell you that your position on homosexuality is wrong, ask them How does homosexuality benefit Black people? , and watch the person who is chastising you go silent. We must not be guilted into thinking that the gay struggle is our struggle, when it clearly isn't. Now I don't have to say this to most of you, but best believe there are brothers and sisters among us who are still on the fence as to whether to be against, neutral or supportive when it comes to the gay rights agenda. This is a problem that is mostly seen in Black women, and we've got to stop it. You're telling yourselves and our babies that this mess is ok, and then wonder where you went wrong when they end up gay. Even the so-called experts have admitted that some people are socialized to be gay and aren't

3 born that way, and that exposing children to the gay lifestyle before they can comprehend what it is about can result in confusion regarding gender roles. It is also imperative that we take our children out of the public and charter systems because it is quickly becoming law in several states, most notably California and Massachusetts, that children be taught about homosexuality. These new curricula basically indoctrinate the children to think that being gay is the same as being straight in that there is nothing wrong with it. If you think the number of confused Black folks walking around right now is ridiculous, just wait a few years until the effects of these new curricula really become apparent. Our babies don't need to learn anything about gays, they just need to learn the right way to live. Teach them that the Black family is created and nurtured by the Black man and woman. Encourage your sons to be responsible and seek out good Black wives, and validate your daughters so that they grow up knowing that the only husband suitable for them is a strong Black man. Since it's getting harder to keep images of homosexuality away from our kids, if they happen to ask you why some people are living the wrong way, let them know that such persons are confused degenerates who are not interested in the preservation of their race, and let that be that. Don't let the beast's media, politicians, including those in Black face, and celebrities get to you, and don't be influenced by people who have been tricked into accepting the mess that is going on. Staying strong in our resolve on this matter is the only way that we can reclaim our community from the grasps of the gay agenda.

What Have We Learned From the Trayvon Martin Tragedy? by Rhonda Lewis

It has been months since that fateful day in February when Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Florida teenager, was murdered. But to answer the question posed by the title of this article, I argue that Black folks have learned nothing. We haven't learned that the justice system provides us with no justice. We haven't learned that Black lives are seen as less valuable than all others in this country. And we haven't learned that making corporations richer by buying the very products we're protesting, calling on Black leaders propped up why the white media and marching won't do much for us. We

4 also haven't learned that separation and self-determination, as opposed to integration and assimilation, are they keys to preventing tragedies such as the one endured by Trayvon's family. Alan Blueford, Kendrec McDade, Ervin Jefferson, Rekia Boyd, Michael Haynes, Wendell Allen and Ramarley Graham are several of the names of unarmed Black men, women and children that were murdered and not in incidences of Black-on-Black violence -- after Trayvon was killed. In many of these cases, the murderer was a police officer. One has to wonder how many incidents we have not heard about, since it is rare for news of a Black death to get much media attention. To solve this problem, we would do well to first and foremost stop calling on Al Sharpton every time we have a problem. He's been on the scene for well over 30 years and things have only gotten worse. That's not to say he is to blame for the genocide that is occurring in this country against Black people, but he surely hasn't helped the situation by calling for us to be docile as brothers and sisters are being shot dead in the streets. Anytime that someone encourages Black folks to hold hands, especially with people of other races, and sing We Shall Overcome, you know they're not calling for Black liberation. The second thing we need to do is stop relying on the justice system; it was not meant for us, and will never work for us. Sure, some people have their cases tried in courts and the family receives some sort of compensation or peace of mind in the end, but none of that deters people from killing us. They do it because American society has deemed Black lives to be expendable and worthy of destruction. They do it because the very system we so often try to work within was built to work against us. We've got to start taking these matters into our own hands and fighting back. The reason that you don't see Latinos, Asians and Arabs being murdered in large numbers by white folks is they believe in nationalism and they believe in taking independent action when one of their people is done wrong. Africans in America need to adopt that same mindset and stop these beasts. It's been over 500 years and they are still committing the same savage acts upon our people; when do we finally get tired of it and break the cycle?

This month, our health and wellness expert, Elijah Bilel, explains why most people have it wrong when it comes to protein, and expounds upon the importance of using plant-based sources to get the protein we need.

The Protein Myth

When it comes to the topic of protein, there are many questions that need to be asked. It is often said in the media that if you wish to gain muscle, you must get a large amount of protein. This sets the foundation for the biggest untrue concept in the fitness world, that you must eat meat in order to get the protein needed to achieve your goals. This concept is not thought out as we can look at nature and see this is not true. There are many animals that have mass on them and do not eat meat. Animals such as the elephant, hippo, and Rhinoceros have a lot of mass but do not eat meat. Horses, Bulls, dear and many others animals are strong and do not consume meat. Many people talk about protein but do not know what it really is. Protein is 22 amino acids. Most do not know protein from plants have all 22 amino acids, while the meat people eat does not have all 22 amino acids. In order to get all 22 amino acids from the meat that youre eating, you would have to eat the entire animal. This is true because in nature, the protein gotten from the meat is just a food chain effect. It all starts with a herbivore eating plants and getting all the nutrients needed including protein ( amino acids). When a carnivore

6 comes and kills a herbivore or omnivore for food, the carnivore consumes all of its preys flesh, getting all 22 amino acids. Seeing as how most will not be willing to eat the entire animal of what they are consuming; by definition they are not getting protein. It is a misconception in itself that protein is used to build muscle. Protein is not used to repair damaged muscle, sugars are. It is glucose that the body needs to repair tissue. The body will take protein and break it down a few steps to get the glucose. If the body does not have the full protein (22 amino acids), the body will not be able to get the full glucose need to repair damaged tissue which will result in the loss of muscle. This is why people, who wish to gain muscle, but eat nothing but meat can start getting smaller when on a workout schedule. The only way to gain muscle from only eating meat is to eat a lot of meat to increase your chance of taking in more amino acids that the body can use to get glucose from. This can be done but comes at the price of putting unnecessary strain and work on the liver which can shorten your lifespan. If one wants to gain mass without compromising their health, they must get at least some of their protein from plant sources.

Copyright Asili Tiba, All Rights Reserved For more helpful tips and information, check out Elijah Bilel's blog, Eat Like an Aboriginal.

7 Sistas: Hit Those Weights! by Duane Wright

I see this every time I'm at the gym: Black women running on a treadmill or using the elliptical. What I hardly ever see is Black women doing any sort of resistance or strength training. Black women, hear this: if you want to truly get in shape and reach an optimal level of health and fitness, you must strength train. No, you will not bulk up or look manly as a result, but you will achieve a more slender, shapely figure. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, which will equate to you being able to lose and keep off the pounds more quickly. But don't simply think of strength training as a way to lose weight, it's more about transforming your body. Have you ever wondered why when you diet by cutting calories alone that your clothes don't seem to fit much differently? That's because you're not doing anything to truly change your figure for the better. When you start strength training, you will find that your pants get loser, your dress size goes down, your arms will get toned and your legs will become more sleek. To get started, do at least 45 minutes of strength training at least three days per week, and cardio, such as running, walking or taking a dance class, at least two days per week. For your upper body and core, consider lifting dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells and using resistance toning bands. There are resistance bands available for the lower body as well, but you can simply use your body's weight instead and do squats (which are excellent for the butt too) and lunges. Always get help from someone who is knowledgeable about exercise if you don't know the proper form to use; lifting weights or even doing squats the wrong way can create soreness and pain. Once you get your form down and get into a regular routine, you will notice great improvement in your health and appearance, sooner than you might think.

Q: I already know relaxers are bad and don't use them, but I still wear weaves sometimes. I just don't feel like doing my hair every single day and think it does my hair good because it provides a break from styling, and I don't always know what to do with my natural hair anyway. But is it still possible to be a Black nationalist and wear weaves on occasion? - Amani, Florida

A: This is what I honestly think. Lack of weave and relaxers does not a Black nationalist make. Everyone who thinks Black women should be forbidden from wearing hairpieces or even going within 10 feet of a flat iron should go have a seat. Take a look at all the sistas walking around with fros and natural hairstyles, who haunt those Black hair forums like ghosts, swear by only putting organic products in their hair, yet are still walking around calling themselves the girlfriends and wives of men who aren't Black. If not putting on a lacefront or having some Remi sewn in automatically made one conscious or a revolutionary, we'd see evidence of that; it doesn't. The short answer to your question is yes, you can still be a Black nationalist with a weave in your head. What some people fail to understand is that weaves, wigs and the like can actually help keep Black women from going back to relaxers. When you become anguished about how to handle your real hair it's tempting to slather on some of that creamy crack, but you'll do yourself a favor by slapping a wig on your head instead. Until you get to the point where you can comfortably manage your natural hair without frustration, using faux hair really is better than subjecting your body to the toxins in relaxers. If you want to, use a texture of hair that's closer to your natural one. And for the love of all that is Black, please don't walk around with any blonde or other ridiculous colors that's a whole other issue for another day, but again, don't do it. All that said, if you're going to wear weaves, try to buy your hair from a Black owned beauty supply store. If there aren't any near where you live, look online. If we're going to be wearing weaves,

9 the least we can do is put money in the pockets of our people instead of the Koreans. Moniq Love is a natural hair stylist and makeup artist with 11 years of experience in the beauty industry. Have Black beauty questions? Contact us and we'll answer them in our next issue.

Feeding Our Families by Rhonda Lewis

One thing which I find truly troubling is the number of Black women who do not know how to feed their families. Before the pseudo-feminists try to come at me, let me say that if a Black man is a single father, then yes, he needs to know how to feed his family just as we do. But we're not supposed to be striving for that, we're supposed to be working towards building whole families. And yes, technically, all Black men should know how to cook in case something happens to the woman in the family, but it isn't their job to do so when a woman is around. The fact is, fewer and fewer Black women are practicing the art of healthful, homemade cooking, and we need to reverse this trend. My better half's favorite treat is pecan pie but I could never serve that man a pre-made one, and not because he'd complain or refuse it. Pecan pie isn't exactly healthy to begin with, but it's not destructive when eaten in moderation and made with whole ingredients; I can't even pronounce the chemicals in pre-made pies, and there's no telling what havoc they wreak on the body. Cooking is a way for us to show the people in our lives how much we value them, and there's no love in serving artificial food. More importantly, how do we expect our daughters to grow up into women with domestic prowess if all they see us serving is frozen waffles for breakfast and boxed lasagna with bagged garlic bread for dinner? Whenever I happen to be wasting time on Facebook and see pictures posted by female acquaintances proudly showing off the meals they've prepared for the evening, I cringe. Not only do they not see the problem with what they are doing, but they seem proud of what they're eating. Pork chops, mac 'n cheese from a box and canned green beans are not what I consider a meal. That's artificial food they're putting on the table. If you're going to eat macaroni and cheese, learn how to

10 make it from scratch, and if you're going to have canned green beans in your house, save them for emergencies and aim to put fresh vegetables in front of your family on a normal night. What I will do is give those sistas credit for at least trying to eat at home, because we also have a lot of Black women who resort to mostly eating fast food. Ladies, we've got to stop the foolishness. Lack of time isn't an excuse, as our very survival depends upon us eating correctly. Our children's health, our health and the health of our men is failing in large part due to what we consume. Start by taking small steps and replacing the pre-made foods in your pantry. Learn to make your cornbread from scratch instead of using the box mix; make your children's breakfast by cooking whole oats topped with fresh fruit, instead of serving them artificially flavored, sugar-laden packets of instant oatmeal; make your own spaghetti sauce instead of using the jarred version. Eventually, cooking from scratch will come naturally and it won't seem like a chore at all. Once you start making your food from scratch not only will you notice that it tastes better, but you'll find it to be cheaper in most cases as well. If need be, prepare your meals in advance and stick them in the freezer for the days when you're pressed for time. There is a plethora of free recipes, cookbooks and instructional videos available on the Internet for those who feel they simply don't know where to start. Lack of knowledge isn't an excuse either and this is one area where we cannot wait to make a change

The Black Food Security Crisis by Chinedu Nwoke

Food security is a topic that is foreign to most of our people, but it is of the utmost importance. Essentially, food security not only measures how many people have access to and the ability to buy food, but how much of that food is actually in their control. Black folks, sadly, have very little food security. Think about it: if a disaster happened and left us with no access to the grocery store, most of us would be out of luck and in serious trouble. The majority of Black people don't have a three to six month supply of food and water, and don't have access to a produce-bearing garden, source of safe, fresh fish or farm animals that can be eaten if need be. We really need to address this crisis. Since it's not feasible for every Black family to have their own backyard garden, community

11 gardening is a possible solution. I propose that we need to start an initiative whereby community gardens are set up in Black neighborhoods across the socioeconomic spectrum for the purpose of not only supplying food now, but being a source of sustenance in the event of an emergency. Black folks spend trillions of dollars each year and spend time on all manner of fruitless (pardon the pun) pursuits. It is definitely worth it for us to pool together our resources and ensure we can feed ourselves in the hardest of times, and even during an economic downturn such as the one we're experiencing now. I watched a show on TV not too long ago called Survival Preppers, which basically details the efforts of several white families who are preparing for various doomsday scenarios. The one thing they all had in common was that they had a huge abundance of food stocked up or they had a system in place where they were growing enough of their own food to keep them and their neighbors fed. We've got to start thinking like we're all survival preppers, because in Amerikkka we're constantly in survival mode. If we haven't learned anything else, we should know by now that we cannot depend on anyone to come to our aid when we need it the most, especially not the government. We can't sit around thinking that some benevolent white folks will come save us. We have the intellect, ability and buying power to start ensuring our food security right now, and that's exactly what we need to do.

Our Facebook Alternative by Mike Wilson

I can't stand Facebook, and never made an account on that website. Seriously. Although I think the opportunity to stay in touch with friends and family is great, there's just something about it that never sat right with me. Missing out on the social media experience didn't bother me that much, although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least tempted to be apart of the fray from time to time. Now that there's an alternative to Facebook that was made by a Black man for his people, I've jumped on the bandwagon. Africland is a social media website for Black people around the world to

12 connect and build with each other. Word to the wise: it's full of conscious people, so you won't be inundated with Eurocentric images, posts and the like. Check it out for yourself and support the Facebook exodus by signing up on Africland. If you all jumped to support a white boy, and ultimately helped make him rich, you can surely support a brother with good intentions who won't sell your information for a quick buck. I'm just saying.


In the first of a series of upcoming articles about Black economics, Terel explains how we can begin to break free from the vicious cycle of high unemployment and underemployment that Black Americans face.

Unemployment and Black Economics

Don't be fooled. Any time that you see unemployment numbers in the media, it does not pertain to us. The actual unemployment of Black people is well over 20%, and that's due to a variety of reasons. We're typically the last hired and the first fired. Black men with college degrees are less likely to land a job than white men with high school diplomas. Black women find it exceedingly difficult to enter full-time careers, and instead are often underemployed in the service industry, regardless what level of education they have attained. The solution to this problem sounds simple, but it hasn't been easy to put into practice: Black folks need to build our own businesses wherein we hire our own people. For this to happen, of course, that means the Black nation needs to keep its dollars circulating among us by being conscious enough to buy from a Black-owned business whenever possible. When you decide to go out to eat, go to a Black-owned restaurant. If you need to have your lawn mowed, find a Black landscaper on Craigslist. Go to Black bookstores to help them stay in business and feed the minds of our people, as opposed to a large chain bookstore that won't employ a Black person, let alone be owned by one. It seems like buying Black should be easy, but we simply don't do it en masse. One of the most common excuses that I hear from brothers and sisters who hesitate to buy Black is that Black businesses don't provide good service. That's not only an ignorant generalization, but it begs the question: Do businesses owned by other folks treat you well? When you go to that white-owned restaurant, do you have to ask for your drink to be refilled and do the waiters treat you in

14 a less than hospitable manner? Probably so. When you go to the Asian-owned beauty store are you followed around or eyed carefully? In all likelihood, yes. That's not to say all Black businesspersons offer excellent customer service all of the time, but lack of perfect service is no excuse not to keep money within our community. Without Black dollars most Black businesses fail, point blank. The other solution to the problem of alleviating Black unemployment, creating Black businesses, is a more valid hurdle to solving our economic problems. Black people can rarely get business loans although we shouldn't be going to the beast for money anyway and it is harder for us to come by the resources and support needed to successfully launch a new business venture. My solution to this problem is starting small and being very resourceful. For instance, if you want to start a restaurant, start by catering, which typically calls for much less regulation, paperwork and start-up costs. As your catering operation grows, along with your reputation for providing good food and service, you can save the money needed to sustain a full restaurant. Another alternative would be opening a food cart in a busy area of town. Similarly, if you want to open a clothing store but can't afford to rent a spot in a shopping center, try a mall kiosk to start with, or forgo the brick-and-mortar route and launch your business online. I know a brother who wanted to start a transportation company, but he didn't have the funds needed to buy a fleet of vehicles. So he took a different route and opened a delivery service for various businesses in his area. He approached restaurants, dry cleaners and florists asking them if they would be willing to expand their pool of customers by offering delivery via his services. He gets to make money not only from each delivery but in tips as well, and it was a draw for the businesses he contracts with since they didn't have to pay any upfront costs and had nothing to lose. The brother didn't get rich off his idea, but he's making enough money to pay all of his family's bills and no longer has to work for anyone else. He's also contracted with two other brothers to help him make his deliveries, which is providing them with an income as well. That is how you create opportunities for yourself and your people, and that is what we need to do to improve our economic situation.


Here are a few Black-owned companies that we feel are worthy of recommendation. Check them out, patronize them if you can, and by all means, spread the word about these Black businesses. Cooperative economics is key to the preservation of the Black nation.

Dhealthstore Western medicine has failed us, and the Black nation needs to look towards natural therapies rooted in traditional healing wisdom and herbology. Dhealthstore, founded by natural health expert Djehuty Ma'at-Ra, is an affordable alternative to the toxins offered by Eurocentric drug stores.

DNBE Apparel Black power embodied in fashion? Sounds good to us. DNBE Apparel offers a wide variety of tees for Black men, women and children that make a positive statement.

Reality Speaks Bookstore We all need to stay up on reading so that we can constantly gain knowledge and insight. Reality Speaks bookstore offers a great selection of books and media for the Black home library. They also have an impressive selection of Blackcentered DVDs.

16 Abibifahodie is the official publication of the Black Beret Liberation Movement. To learn more about the organization or to contact national headquarters, please visit www.BlackBeret.weebly.com

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