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Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2001, pp. 444—450.

Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii,

Vol. 37, No. 4, 2001, pp. 338—343.
Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Verkhovtseva, Filina, Pukhov.


Evolutionary Role of Iron in Metabolism of Prokaryotes

and in Biogeochemical Processes1
Yu. V. Verkhovtseva*, Ya. Yu. Filina**, and D. E. Pukhov**
* Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia
** Demidov State University, Yaroslavl, Russia
Received April 12, 2000

Abstract—The paper reviews data summarizing points of view about the “conceptual” role of iron
in the appearance and evolutionary formation of the Earth and its biosphere. Partici pation of iron
and its compounds in the appearance and development of processes of anaero- and aerobiosis as
fundamental “blocks” of metabolism is presented as a hierarchical scheme. Magnetically arrayed
iron compounds, in which the element is both in the Fe(II) and in the Fe(III) state, are considered
a connecting link between the hierarchical levels. It is shown that the energy transformation Fe(II) ↔
Fe(III) is an oxidation–reduction energy core of the most important metabolic iron complexes and
of processes of biogenesis both at the cellular level and in biogeosystems.

IMPORTANCE OF IRON IN FORMATION The subsequent accumulation of oxygen in at-

OF BIOSPHERE ON THE EARTH mosphere (due to oxygenic photosynthesis by cy-
anobacteria) was accompanied by its binding by
According to modern concepts of some geolo- Fe(II) iron oxide and conversion to Fe(III).
gists, geochemists, biochemists, and microbiol- With the accumulation of free oxygen in the Earth
ogists, the whole evolution of the Earth and pos- atmosphere a shift to the next oxygenic stage of
sibility of origin of life on it depended essentially life evolution, iron was included in metabolic
on the ratio of Fe and FeO in the Earth crust [1– pathways both in the Fe(II), and in Fe(III)
4], i.e., on the ratio of amounts of metallic iron state. The importance of such compounds is due
and Fe(II), which in the primordial Earth mat- to ability of their “iron–oxide” core to accept
ter amounted to 13 and 24%, respectively. In or release electrons in the course of transforma-
the early Earth history these iron forms were the tion Fe(II) ↔ Fe(III), which, thereby, is the
main absorbents of oxygen formed at photolysis energy center. Partici pation in diverse oxidation–
of water, the metallic iron amount decreasing in reduction reactions determines the essential im-
the process of its transformation into the Fe(II) portance of iron complexes both at the level of
state. In the arising anoxygenic prokaryotic life metabolic transformations in the cell, and in bio-
(about 4 bln years ago) the iron was used in the geochemical processes. These levels are consid-
form of Fe(II) compounds (for example, FeS- ered below in a greater detail.
proteins and ferredoxin (EC as electron
carriers in strict heterotrophic anaerobic fermen-
tators [5]. 1 The paper is published as a matter of discussion.

0022-0930/01/3704-0444$25.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”



TRANSFORMATIONS AT THE CELLULAR chrome c oxidase (EC, are involved in
LEVEL the most important energy processes of anaerobi-
osis, fermentation evolutionary more recent pho-
The iron occupies a special place among 12 tosynthesis in eubacteria. The same enzymes pro-
macroelements necessary for the life activity of vide anaerobic nitrogen fixation. The iron-con-
both prokaryotic, and eukaryotic organisms at a taining enzymes are also necessary in anaerobic
relatively high (> 10–4 M) concentration. The respiration: “nitrate” and “sulfate”: nitrate reduc-
significant role of iron in metabolism is due to its tase (EC and nitrite reductase (EC
peculiarity as a transient element that can easily, and hydrogenase, respectively. Besides,
change its oxidation degree, Fe(II) or Fe(III). there are processes of biogenesis of iron compounds
It allows iron to coordinate various electron do- at the anaerobic stage of life, i.e., extra- and in-
nors (coordination ligands) and to partici pate in tracellular formation of iron minerals with par-
various oxidation–reduction processes. Ligands tici pation of bacteria. More than 10 such biom-
form various surrounding of the core, which de- inerals have been described [8]. Of a special in-
termines formation of iron complexes, particu- terest is the ferrimagnetic mineral magnetite
larly, of iron-containing proteins, in nature. (FeO2 • Fe2O3) that is composed both of Fe(II),
Owing to the wide occurrence, as well as to their and of Fe(III), i.e., at the biochemical level the
properties, these compounds were included in gradient (microaerobic) conditions occur, under
fundamental processes of metabolism in organ- which the energy balance in relation to the iron
isms: in DNA synthesis (ribonucleoside di phos- mineral formation is determined by the ratio
phate reductase (EC and ribonucleoside Fe(II) : Fe(III). The problem of the biomineral-
tri phosphate reductase (EC, in photo- ization process and the magnetite biogenesis is con-
synthesis, respiration, nitrogen fixation, and some sidered below in a greater detail.
others [6]. At present, more than 20 of such In the oxygen atmosphere, spectrum of iron
metabolically important biocomplexes have been complexes partici pating in metabolism of prokary-
known. As compared with other metals (Mg, otes was extended, while Fe-enzymes of anaero-
Ca, Co, Cu, Zn, Mo) forming metallobiomol- bic stage of the biosphere development were pre-
ecules in organisms, only iron forms such diver- served. By their example it is possible to follow
sity of biocomplexes [7]. “the evolution itself that looks like a gradual com-
In the scheme I we have tried to present the plication, whose previous stage is included in the
main stages of evolution of biosphere, anaerobic subsequent one as a necessary constituent” [9].
and aerobic, and to specify fundamental process- Thus, the aerobic transport chain was composed
es of life activity of prokaryotes and the protein of iron-containing dehydrogenases: succinate de-
iron complexes that determine the occurrence of hydrogenase (EC, NADH dehydroge-
these processes. nase (EC, formiate dehydrogenase (EC
Considering evolutionary development of, and cytochromes. The defense from
prokaryotes, bacteria and cyanobacteria, that reaction oxygen compounds was required, so such
prevail on the Earth during more than 3 bln years iron complexes as superoxide dismutase (EC
and are “test objects of the Nature” in its search, xanthine oxidase (EC, cata-
for optimal biochemical pathways of metabolism, lase (EC, peroxidase (EC were
a direct partici pation of iron compounds can be “selected” in the process of evolution to perform
noted in this natural selection of metabolism. In- this task. Cofactor of the above-listed enzymes is
deed, protein complexes of iron partici pate in all iron with the (III) oxidation state, whose revers-
fundamental processes of the life activity both at ible reduction to Fe(II) determines their func-
anaerobic, and at aerobic stages of evolution of tioning. Besides, catalase and peroxidase contain
biosphere (scheme I). iron in the heme structure.
Thus, such “ancient” protein complexes of The oxygen stage of the nitrogen cycle, apart
iron, as FeS-proteins, ferredoxin, rubredoxin (EC from Fe-enzymes partici pating in anaerobic ni-





trogen fixation, includes leghemoglobin (EC tite and goethite [14]. These formations are of, providing oxygen binding and defense of sea origin, their age is 3.2–1.9 bln years [15].
the nitrogenase complex of symbiotic nitrogen fix- Other crystalline iron reserves are bog iron ores,
ers from its reaction action. As a whole, at this ”red stratas”—continental or marginal deposits,
period there is an extension of spectrum of iron- in which fine grains of silicon dioxide are covered
containing enzymes with the heme structure that by iron oxides [15], and also hydrothermal de-
has begun to be the main structure for Fe-com- posits formed as a result of volcanic and mag-
plexes in eukaryotes in the process of evolution. matic activity, and iron–manganese deposits of
Thus, in the evolutionary hierarchy of iron- lakes and oceans, but all of them are quantita-
containing compounds, which we have proposed tively less than BIFs.
(scheme I), in fundamental “blocks” of metabo- The biogeochemical iron cycle in nature is a
lism, it is possible to trace a transition from Fe(II)- complex of the global “slow” geochemical cycle
compounds in anaerobic processes to Fe(III)-com- and minor biological turnovers performed with
plexes in aerobic ones, whose fine energy balance partici pation of living organisms, mainly micro-
is associated with the Fe(II) : Fe(III) ratio and organisms. The main part of iron in the modern
determines the cell biochemical state. We con- geosphere is in the oxidized state that is stable for
sider the hierarchy of iron compounds as a rise this element under the most predominant aerobic
of their rank owing to internal rearrangements, conditions with the neutral and low-alkaline re-
particularly due to involvement of other ligands action. Therefore, the global iron cycle is a slow
in the complexes at change of the degree of the geological cycle characterized by disposals, meta-
metal oxidation. morphoses, volcanism, weathering, and other
When considering the iron cycle at the bio- physical-chemical mechanisms of transformation
geochemical level, there seems reasonable the and transport.
concept of importance of the ratio of the iron However, there are in the nature such condi-
concentration and the (II) and (III) oxidation tions, in which the iron cycle proceeds rather
states as an ecological factor that determines buffer fast. These are reductive or partly anaerobic
capability in microzones at the phase boundary, zones, in which reduction of iron and its mobili-
under the so-called gradient conditions [10, 11] zation is observed. The examples of such zones
forming geochemical barriers. These barriers are are bottoms of eutrophized and stratified lakes,
peculiar “sites” of the earth crust, which have seasonal anaerobic ponds, partly anaerobic de-
been used by Nature to model geochemical con- posits of the marine and freshwater origin, moors,
ditions (“situations”) with specific physical-chem- etc.
ical characteristics that provide a local concen- In performance of stages of the “fast” iron cy-
tration of some compounds: these are ecological cle, the determining role is played by microor-
habitation areas that are the most favorable for ganisms interacting with iron of geological depos-
biogenesis. its at gradient geochemical barriers. Such micro-
organisms are believed to be the main partici pants
BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLE OF IRON of the BIFs formation [16].
Taking into account biochemical transforma-
Iron occupies the second place among metals tions of iron at the cellular level and biogeochem-
and the fourth among elements by the per cent ical processes of global geological cycle, the par-
contents (4.65%) in the earth crust. Iron is an tici pation of bacteria in the iron turnover may be
important bioelement, its per cent contents in presented as follows (Scheme II). A link between
the living matter amounts to 1 × 10–2%. the cellular and biogeochemical levels are Fe(III)-
The richest in natural iron deposits are the pre- compounds that predominate in nature and are
Cambrian oxidized sediments, known as blended low soluble at ðÍ > 3.0. Thus, concentration of
irons formations (BIFs) that concentrate about Fe(III) ions of hydroxides in water amounts to
28% of the earth crust iron. They represent alter- around 10–17 M [19]. Prokaryotes have devel-
nating layers of siliceous rock containing magne- oped various mechanisms of the iron transport and



Scheme II. Partici pation of bacteria in iron cycle [16–18]

Få(II) –Få(III)-complexes absorbed by cell

(hydroxides, bacterioferritin, ferrihydrite, Siderophoric binding O
(iron-containing enzymes) H
pyrrhothine, magnetite, gragite) C
Clearing at dying Clearing at dying C E
Fe(III)-compounds: L
oxides, hydroxides etc.
(neutral conditions of medium) Fe(II), Fe(III)
Precipitation B
and sedimentation metabolism
Fe(III)-minerals, Fe(II) Fe(III) Fe3O4 Få(III) E R
FeOOH, Fe2O3, Fe(OH)3 dissolution deposition O O
Reduction Oxidation production Fe-reduction Fe-oxidation
(neutral H E
Gragite (low pH S
Fe3S4 conditions of medium) E
production M S
of medium)

FeS Få(II), A
Buried minerals deposition H2SO4 L
S-oxidizing bacteria

Disposal and diagenesis

absorption to provide their metabolic needs in iron ganisms partici pate indirectly in transformation of
[20]. Many microorganisms are able to release iron compounds due to a release of mucus, for-
siderophores into the environment; these form mation of capsules and changes of extracellular
complexes at interaction with iron ions (sidero- ðÍ in the process of metabolism. This results in
phoric binding). By such a way the transport of a passive deposition of several iron-containing
iron into the bacterial cell is the most favorable. minerals on the cell surface and in the environ-
The Fe-ion absorbed as a result of the specific ment [21]. At the biogeochemical level, of sig-
transport is used in basic processes of metabolism nificance are processes of preci pitation, sedimen-
and in biogenesis (in some species). After dying, tation, and Fe(II)/Fe(III) metabolism in micro-
the cell and the iron-containing complexes formed bial biocenoses. The closure of the biogeochemi-
by the cell enter the environment and are involved cal cycle is provided by the Fe(II) oxidation and
in the biogeochemical cycle. Besides, microor- Fe(III) reduction, the disposal and diagenesis



being possible). On biogeochemical barriers (gra- CONCLUSION

dients of alkaline-acidic and oxidation–reduction
potentials), a partial reduction of Fe(III) with The exposed above allows stating the key role
formation of magnetite is possible. In some cas- of iron in the appearance and evolutionary devel-
es, in such compounds there is an isomorphous opment of the Earth and its biosphere. The role
substitution of oxygen by sulfur with formation of of this element may be expressed as the following
pyrrhothine (Fe1–xS, where õ varies from 0 up hierarchical chain of historical transformation:
to 0.2) and gragite (Fe3S4). All these minerals metallic Fe (Earth core and mantle) → metallic
have strong magnetism [22]. Fe and FeO oxide in primordial regolith and vol-
It is to be reminded that when considering bio- canic ashes (a catalyst of synthesis of organic com-
chemical processes of transformation of iron at pounds) → Fe/Fe(II)-relation, where oxidation
the cellular level, we also should note the extra- occurs at binding of O2 formed at photolysis of
and intracellular formation of magnetite, pyrroth- water → Fe(II)/Fe(III)-relation, where oxida-
ine, gragite, and some other minerals (scheme I). tion of Fe(II) in Fe(III) occurs by binding of O2
Apparently, there are common mechanisms of formed as a result of oxygenic photosynthesis by
biogenesis of such minerals at the cellular level, cyanobacteria → Fe(II) ↔ Fe(III) energy trans-
and also as a result of interaction of abiogenic formation that is the oxidation–reduction energy
and biogenic pathways of formation of these min- “core” of the most important metabolic iron com-
erals at the level of biogeochemical transforma- plexes and processes of biogenesis both at the cel-
tions. Comparing energy values (∆G0) of the dy- lular level and in biogeosystems, which has de-
namic system of magnetite formation with partic- termined the princi pal role of iron in nature. As
i pation of bacteria under anaerobic conditions a connecting link between these levels, magneti-
(1) and during weathering (2), a much higher cally arrayed minerals of iron may be considered,
efficiency of the first process can be noticed: in which the element exists both in the Fe(II)
and in the Fe(III) state.
(∆G0), kJ/mol
ÑÍ3ÑÎΖ + 24 Fe(OH)3 =
8 Fe3O4 + ÍÑÎ3– + 37 H2O (–712) [ 23 ], (1) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Fe2O3 + H2O + 2 e– = The work is supported by the program “Univer-
2 Fe3O4 + 2 OH– (–442) [24]. (2) sities of Russia” (project no. 1169).
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