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There is no other season like Awtuhm. The expectations are endless. Where else can you have summer days, spring rains, winter wows and yes of course Awtuhm gaze. It is a wonderment in deed. Creation does everything during the period of Awtuhm. The announcement is clear: Winter is coming! That means the end of time as well as the beginning of a new time. No, you cant beat Awtuhm. Like last year, I can not only feel but hear, hear-t, if you dont forget to cross your Ts. This one is for you Anthony, all the way from the heavens. The Almighty is two for two. But, what else would perfect be? Although I am not worthy of such attention, last year lifted my heart more than I deserved, snow on my birthday. But, never turn back a blessing. Play it again Sam. Strike me a tune Mr. Marley. What is that is in store for this year to come? Some didnt make it. That was their choice however. Sometimes you have to stand up and do the right thing and be accounted for, and not by mere mortals of mankind. Cheer me on with the blowing of the wind, God created that. Dont forget the rain, make it rain, not like in the strip club, the real deal. Move the crowd. Throw your hands in the air. But, dont wave them like you just dont care. It is time to know when you have had enough. Those arms of which the hands are attached are just to short. You know the rest. What do they think about? Maybe they think.I will make it. When in all honesty, they are not making anything, except fools of themselves. They leave it all behind, just as the fallen before them. Yet, they are blind to the obvious. Discrimination, Racism, Bigotry, Biasness, Fraud, Corruption, and so forth, they are all part of the deception that leads them into the storms of life. It only looks like smooth sailing. When it is all said and done, I will have questions enough for all. I worry not that they will be able to answer. If they cant answer and solve the problem of the day. They will not be able to answer once the dark has finally captured them. Yet still, I would like to hear the answer, and dont worry about the crossing of the hear-t, there is not T, they will find too late, they are the tin men. The Sandman cometh, they cant make that, nor the earth, nor the trees, nor the creepy things upon the earth nor in it, nor the beast of the fields. So, lets give a shout out to My Creator. I would have said The, but we are not all cut from the same cloth, and are definitely not of the same ilk. Where two or more shall gather for the sake of righteousness, My Creator Will be in the mist. Thank God For God, and Thank God for holding the skies, and earth and the waters that are in them. Bless The Almighty forever, commanding Angels to move as His Will on my Birthday. Let the heavens rejoice and make a joyful sound unto Creation. For The Almighty Creator is worthy to be Praised. TIATIOG U>2|c|<U . .

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