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Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats



Exodus: Intercity Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/10 /26/Exodus-Inter-City-Blacks-FleeingObama-Democrats)
209 comments 1 minute ago

Outrageous: Labor Department May Delay Jobs Report (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/10/29/BLSMay-Delay-Jobs-Numbers)

296 comments 16 minutes ago

Rasmussen: Romney Projected To Win 279+ Electoral Votes (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/10 /29/Romney-Rasmussen-win-election)


81 comments 0 minutes ago

After his meteoric ascent to the top of the American political arena in the countrys history, we are now in the midst of witnessing one of the most stunning collapses of any man ever to hold the office of President of the United States.
Over the past few weeks we have begun to see the ultimate unraveling of support for the president, with women and youth fleeing from his side. But what is even more surprising and perhaps unimaginable to the president and his faithful media cult is that he is now also losing members of his normally deemed untouchable base of supportpoor, inner-city black Americans.

Bill Clinton, ObamaMedia Already Politicizing Potentially Deadly Hurricane (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/10 /29/Clinton-ObamaMedia-politicizeHurricane)
260 comments 2 minutes ago

Gathering Storm: Time for Dems to Hit Panic Button (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/10/28/timefor-dems-to-hit-panic-button)
745 comments 10 minutes ago


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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


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There is little doubt, due the historic and tremendous pressure on black Americans to support the first African-American President of the United States simply because he is not a white Republican, the President will win the black vote. However, just as his strength and reputation are growing weaker every day, the same is quickly becoming true of the support from the community he claims to be the strongest advocate forthe communityorganized voting bloc on Chicagos south and west sides that many say he has long since abandoned. In the course of an ongoing investigation into the root causes of the rising tide of violence and horrifying murder rate this year in Chicagos most destitute neighborhoods, several video interviews I conducted with black American voters from the community-organized south and west side, reveal a community that is fed up with the status quo--the status quo that keeps these communities ridden with poverty, homelessness, unemployment, dismantled families, and, of course, skyrocketing murder rates. And residents say, it is the black Democratic leadership implementing a liberal agenda that is to blame for the ongoing plight in their community. Community activist Mark Carter says, our issues have not been met on, have not been adhered to, and its almost as if they are just saying even though no one has addressed your issues, just go with em anyway. And we say no. A resident of the Austin community, Jean Ray, says after 40 years of Democratic party control over the black community, the policies "are hurting, and if there were Republicans willing to do the right job in her community, she would vote for them. Paul McKinley, an outspoken Chicago resident and voice against liberal-Chicago-machine politics, Rahm Emanuel, and President Obama, spoke to me directly about the ongoing violence in the black community, explaining, the real cause of violence in the community is caused by narco-terrorism facilitated by Chicagos liberal-sanctuary-city status, in addition to the historically high unemployment rate among black men between of working age, which he claims is never addressed by the President and comes last, if at all, in the liberal agenda. McKinley points to a Univiersity of Wisconsin Milwaukee Race and Male Employment in the Wake of the Great Recession study, which found that for the 40-year time span between 1970 and 2010 the employment rate of black males between 16-64 years old has fallen by 28% to 55% in the countrys 25 largest metropolitan areas. Over these 40 years, he claims his community, the poor-black community, has been controlled and devastated by black Democrats implementing a white-liberal agenda. He specifically

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


points to the Presidents policy of putting issues such as same-sex marriage and amnesty for illegal aliens in front of the struggling black community and curbing violence. McKinley says boldly, There is no Tea Party in my community, there is no Republicans in my community, so they cant blame Republicans, they cant [blame] Tea Parties; I can only blame the democrat-liberal agenda. Many members of the community I spoke with, in fact, agree that very little, if nothing at all, is being done to address the lack of jobs. And according to Vetress Boyce, a black woman who recently ran for alderman in the 24th ward, said hesitantly but specifically, its black leadership that is hindering job growth and failing the community. When asked flat out whether or not black people want jobs, her answer was definitive and clear: the black community needs jobs; we need em, we want em, and it is a matter of life and death to us. In addition, a female black contractor, Tamiko Holt, explained that all the social programs and job training programs that purport to help the community and create a vibrant work force are not only a waste of millions of dollars but are also simply not working. She also explains that once a resident of the community is trained properly for employment, they have to "jump through the hoops of the unions" to get hired. She and others I spoke with claimed the unions are blatantly discriminating against blacks in their community, hiring only whites, Hispanics, and sometimes even illegal aliens before them. Even members of the community who do still support Obama, like Rashida Ali, admit a completely different understanding of the economy than the President does. Rashida explains, most American people, especially people of my ethnicity, they dont understand that people create jobs, not government. The war on women, war on minorities, blacks, immigrants, gays and war anyone else who the left claims can only in their right mind, be and vote for the Democrat Party, highlight a strategy to pit Americans against one another. Most Americans, however, do have conservative values. Even those you might think agree wholeheartedly with the government media are waking up to the liberal agenda, which is not about women, black people, or poor people--its about liberalism. Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. Frederick Douglass


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Maybe Romney should go to Chicago & say hi.

A LIKE REPLY 1 minute ago F


As much as I would like to think this is true, honestly I just can't see it happening to enough bla cks to make any measurable difference. True, unemployment is hightest amongst bla cks, but so many of them have been suckling off the guvmint teat for so long, it is not like it is any skin off their back. Maybe some of them are disenchanted because they have not gotten as much free stuff as they were promised, but I hardly think they would vote for Romney thinking that will change. The Plantation Party has kept them poor and hating whitey for way too long.

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


3 minutes ago A LIKE



These people have been lyed to and promised caviar on the Titanic for fifty years, what they got was the iceberg, now they relize they need to get off if they want to have a better life......Good for them we have plenty of life boats on our side.
A LIKE REPLY 12 minutes ago 1 Like F


The same problems & "solutions" destroyed my home town of Detroit. The Dems not only created the problems with Jim Crow they made it worse when they tried to fix it. Their solution: everybody's Keynesian now, just let the Harvard educated government experts think on it & we will have a solution in no time. Forty years later.
A LIKE REPLY 21 minutes ago 1 Like F


I loved this video. It is so encouraging to hear these people caring about thier country and voting based on thier values not just the democratic party as they were probably raised. Check out K Carl and the Fredrick Douglass Republicans! He has a great booklet that is fabulous to hand out to the minority community on this issue. The booklet lists all of the things that the Democratic Party has done to hurt the black Americans. Keep standing up for what is right and what our country needs to do to survive!
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago 2 Likes F


how do I steal this to pot on my blog anyone know

A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago F


Why not give them the whole thing? The article...the video...and the comments...give them ALL the truths! Highlight the address link in your search engine at the top by left clicking on it until it is highlisted...then right click and copy Then post the link on your blog by right clicking again where you want it...and hit paste!



30 minutes ago

in reply to Aggie95


A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty F


yea I know how to do that but over at Legal Insurrection he has the vid from this site up ....I know how to grab Youtube vids and post them as a vid not a link but for a site like AB ...clueless
A LIKE REPLY 21 minutes ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty F


the vid I mean

A LIKE REPLY 35 minutes ago in reply to Aggie95 F


The leisure class should put their vote where their mouth is.
A LIKE REPLY 42 minutes ago 1 Like F


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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


Liberals,progressives,democrats,socialists. Whatever they call themselves their end goal is the same. Oppress, control and destroy personal liberty. These fellow patriots should start a tea party in Chicago. That would bring change I could believe in.
A LIKE REPLY 55 minutes ago 7 Likes F


The reason these people have clung to the democrat party for so long is mostly because they are much better liars and decievers than Republicans ..Republicans are always fighting with one hand tied behind there back because they wont stoop as low as the democrats....democrats are always more desperate for votes, and they will do almost anything to get them, president Johnsons great society has been a joke, and has caused pain and suffering in these comunities that almost borders on criminal. Your seeing the same thing now with immagration, basicly the democrats are saying '''welcome to America here's your free stuff, now vote democrat''.. They really dont care about them its all about votes..Republicans simlpy cannot compete with that.
A LIKE REPLY 58 minutes ago 5 Likes F


obama may be half black, but he is zero African American

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


In he came...with columns and doves, and enough sugary adoration to kill a diabetic. The four years of reality have changed all that. When even black people turn away from obama, THAT has to be the final level of rejection.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


I have been asking the black community what has Obama done for them since he has been in office, I didn't even see any Obama photo opts with the black community. Most of his photo opts were with the celebrities and the wealthy. The truth is the black community is worse off then they were four years ago. I know my salary got cut by over $4,000 because of furloughs. I think Obama is wrong that all the black community want is a handout. They have pride and they want to work. As far as I've seen, Obama only has his agenda not giving any thought to anyone else's let along the black community. I think he is wrong to think the black community has his back when he has done zero for them besides put more families on welfare and take away their pride. JMO! That was a pretty powerful clip to see how some black community people really feel.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F


Now that's HOPE!

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F


Wow! Is the black community FINALLY waking up?? That would be awesome. Maybe the democrats can't fully count on them this time.



1 hour ago



It's really hard to face that someone you had such faith in has betrayed you.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to NPR Blonde 6 Likes F


Denial is required for voting Romney, Explain to God why you denied him and choose the first non-Christian president, Heaven is going to be a lot less crowded after election day!

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


50LIKE in reply A minutes ago REPLY to An_American_Thinker


Nobody (good or bad) is elected President unless it is God's plan. "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." Romans 12:1 And there is no way Obama (who has set foot in a church maybe twice since he was elected) is christian.
A LIKE REPLY 26 minutes ago in reply to PublicEnemy2u F


Wonder how all the Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Pagan, agnostic, and other non-Christians have felt voting for another faith as president all these years.
A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago in reply to PublicEnemy2u F


Like the minority they are

A LIKE 20 minutes ago in reply to CWCal F


What a bigot you are! You think obamao is christian? Or that boll clinton cared about anything other than himself or his crotch? You are laughable.
A LIKE REPLY 41 minutes ago in reply to PublicEnemy2u 3 Likes F


I'm sure Romney's not Christian, I'm sure Muslims worship the same God I do. I'm sure Mormons worship a God that allows them to become (men only) gods themselves with thier own planets
A LIKE 21 minutes ago in reply to Diogenes F


How long has it taken Russia to recover from their revolution? They haven't, have they! It's the same for this or any other poverty stricken community...Detroit, Erie, now LA. Once you buy into this way of thinking, adopt this way of life, it's like the Hotel California...you can check in, but you can't check out. Ain't gonna happen. Sorry. The Education train has left the station, and these people aren't on board. Their children's children's children will continue to suffer.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Chickens are coming home to roost........

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


GOD bless these 'real'' Americans of black heritage...that have broken their chains of bondage to the Democratzi 'loons' and their black slave owners! Prior to the Civil War...the black comunities were kept in check living in confined areas..with housing provided by the slave owner...with food provided by the slave owner...with clothes provided by the slave owner...and with no education provided by the slave owner. That was done to keep them on the plantation and at the slave owner's beckon call! It remains the same today...but the color of the slave owner...is now black NOT white! NOW...GOD BE PRAISED THAT MORE OF THE INNER CITY PLANTATION SLAVES ARE SEEING THE TRUTH OF WHAT THE DEMOCRATZI 'LOONS' AND THEIR BLACK SLAVE LEADERS HAVE DONE TO KEEP THEM IN POVERTY AND THEIR CHILDREN IN IGNORANCE. THIS IS THE FIRST STEP TO FREEDOM...AND ALL OPPORTUNITIES IN AMERICA ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU AS THEY ARE TO ME...THOUGH YOU MAY BE BLACK AND I MAY BE WHITE. WE ARE AMERICANS...FIRST AND FOREMOST AND NOTHING MORE...AND WE ARE BOTH ENTITLED

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


Well, they ARE people. And people have a way of noticing what's going on from time to time -- even when they are constantly lied to. I suppose these are grounds for cautious hope. But I wouldn't break out the champagne just yet.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


powerful stuff. but you notice that none of those commenting were young males. that's the biggest problem. at least this gives me some hope about obama not getting 2nd term.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


This is so perfect for my 12 year old! She was just asking about Conservatives and Liberals, since we watch the nightly news as social studies-ugh. Anyway, our discussion centered on Reagan and "it's not that liberals don't know anything, it's that they know so much that isn't so". Liberals believe they are more intelligent(I say their just grifters) than others and can care for mass groups(payoff) in return for voting support and a symbiotic relationship if you will- BUT IT'S NOT! The liberals in the power/control side of things (politicians, race-baiters, celebritards,big media) always break their promises while the voters get the shaft year after year-decade after decade. Look at liberal bastions like Detroit, Illinois and California. Ever Google earth Detroit? So it summation, she decided that the liberal philosophy must be flawed because we are in fact all created equally, and that the only color that really matters is green. A+ Little one, greed is good! Get the Government out of the way.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


These are the people that are going to save the Republican party, we need them and they need us, they have have suffered long enough under the lies of the Democrats. God Bless em, Welcome.....I hope we don't let them down.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 7 Likes F


Mr. Romney - when you are voted in as President in the next few days please, please, please make sure your administration does something to help these Americans and I promise you they will crush the democrat party and put their faith and hope back where it belongs...with Freedom, Hope & Charity - the American way!!!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 7 Likes F


This is a redo of a report this summer. Note the green on the trees and the warm weather clothing. Back then I wondered where they got the 'Broke Party' t-shirts. I applaude the sentiment and the apparent sincerity of the people commenting during the video. We'll see where it leads.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


I don't think there is going to be any sort of mass stampede but more likely we are seeing the beginnings of people starting to become more independent in their thinking, a bit more critical of the things they've been told. As people, of all stripes, begin to realize the difference between being helped and being kept I believe we will see more movement away from the Democrat party.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats



What took you people so long to realize that you are being used.....??? This is sad....everyone should want to work, not receive welfare....working and earning your keep builds self-esteem....Out with O bu mm er.....
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Amen!!!!!! Y'all our prayers have been answered. I wouldn't be surprised if this were something repeated all across America. People in Atlanta have woken up slowly to the realization that their schools have been run by incompetent cheaters. I thought I would never, ever ever ever see the day that people up there in CHICAGO of all places, would see the light!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 8 Likes F


"and if there were Republicans willing to do the right job in her community, she would vote for them" You might wish to put 'if" in CAPS because there aren't any.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


The people in those neighborhoods have very short memories. They appreciate the vans that show up delivering food or helping fix houses. But a month later, when they have a few dollars in their pocket and their cellphone is turned back on, they don't remember who got things going for them. They only remember the stereotype that Democrat=Good. Republican=Bad. By helping them, republicans would be hurting their own cause. It's no different than trying to help alcoholics or drug addicts. Those people have to come to you for help in order for the lesson to sink in.
A LIKE REPLY 47 minutes ago in reply to volunteer0987 F


and why is that ...it not through or due to any lack of Republican outreach to that community. When year after year after year the AA community votes democrat at 90 % plus and for obama at 97 % of your goal is to win elections where do you put your resources and efforts ....who do you reach out to and if elected who do you go out of your way to assist
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to volunteer0987 F


go get yoself anotha swallow o koolaid....fool

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to volunteer0987 F


Maybe there is hope for our country after all.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


poor, inner-city black Americans - Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Wash DC to name a few. If this is true, finally someone is waking up. Let me know where I can help. Hope your prayers lead you to vote for Mitt Romney. Just want to be sure that these guys are really trying to help the kids and not just another power group in the city. The Chicago school system is designed by thugs to keep them oppressed -- Obama did not send his girls to these schools, Obama does not send his girls to public school in Wash DC. No, Obama and Dick Durbin worked to keep the vouchers from the Wash DC kids.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 10 Likes F


This is amazing! Awesome video! I have said for years that if people that live in city areas would realize that liberal democrats have created and run the disasters there for decades they would all be voting republican or independent.

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


2 hours ago A LIKE

12 REPLY F Likes


The solution to this is to AID these men in getting good employment and these MEN raising their children, I care not their color, Act adult, get treated as an adult, Dump the drugs and the rhetoric of the gangstas Obama and JJ and Rev Rearend sharpton that claim to help the people need to be dumped too, The chances are out there' STOP acting like you cannot be expected to earn them!!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


i am sure glad I dont live in the city they are having problems now with food and gas, I will always live in the subs, perhaps they should abandon the big cities and let them go to the wolves.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


Heck, we don't want them! ;)

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to tankyou F


I'm proud of these Americans for standing up to the Democratic party. Anytime a Black critic of liberalism makes their voice heard they are immediately labeled as Uncle Toms, traitors, house bleepity bleeps. These people have courage and a backbone. I've known poverty and difficult times but I have never lived in a crime infested inner city and my heart goes out to these people. If you're nervous about putting a Romney sign in your yard or a bumper sticker on your car for fear of vandalism imagine how these people feel living in an area ridden with violence, drugs and murder and still standing up against the majority to voice their disgust with Democrats.



2 hours ago



As a 52 year old white dude. 98% of these idiots embarass and piss me off. I always say: better to be with someone who matches my beliefs than my complexion. Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to 80s_kid_wants_rainbow_back F


A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


Powerful article. There has to be answers. I heard Romney wants to allow fathers to stay in the home under welfare. It is the destruction of the family that is so harmful to raising children. I am voting for RR
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 5 Likes F


President Romney -- as a middle class older white woman I ask nothing for myself. Please help these people.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F


The best way for any President to help anyone is to enable them to help themselve and become self-sufficient: by removing barriers to starting and operating their own businesses. Hand up, not a handout
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to medinadog 3 Likes F


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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


How do you change the culture that has subjected a whole class of people for over 50 years to no longer think or act for themselves. While MLK was cut down in the prime of his movement who were they left with as leaders? Jessie Jackson, and Al Sharpton. They have profited mightily off the backs of those they were supposted to help. I noticed the only people interviewed calling for independence from the democrat machine were women. The African American community needs its own version of the Tea Party. No leaders, no one that will profit off the many. But a concerted effort by the community, acting as a community, to clean up their own mess and offer strong leadership and example. If they continue to wait for someone to come and "free" them, another generation will be lost.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 5 Likes F


You begin with the current generation. You begin with jobs. Support activists in the black community who teach personal responsibility, not victimhood.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to LOVETEA 4 Likes F


Very powerful.... Politics aside... Sickening when you think of all of the money the government wastes!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F


I pray that Romney will appoint honorable people and that money will be used to really help.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to SDjim 4 Likes F


Wow the last:18 seconds really shows the truth about how the black family,with its believe in God, one man one woman marriage, pro life culture DOES NOT mix well with liberalism.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 6 Likes F


For the most part, African Americans are very CONSERVATIVE people. Yet they are told by the demon-crats that republicans(conservatives tend to be republican so they say) want to do them harm and are haters of minorities. If anyone took the time to research the subject of "civil rights" they'd find that during the 50's 60's 70's that republicans were at the fore-front of the struggle. It's was Republican leaders who passed the legislation at the behest of staunch racist demoncrats. Sure some dems joined with Repubs in passing bills and laws but it was Repubs who got it done!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 6 Likes F


Not Black or African, but Red-blooded Americans are speaking up. Bless them for wanting more than Liberalism and Obama's handouts.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 10 Likes F


Did you notice that none of those people called themselves AA? that older lady seemed uncomfortable with any label. She said somebody of my ethnicity. Dang straight ma'am, you are an American. Don't let them put that label on you. Don't let them call you anything you don't want to call it. People her age can remember things that Obama's mother would never had to put up with.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Megatron 4 Likes F


The labels you speak of are not used as much as our current President would like you to believe. Obama has done everything in his power to divide us, and as you can see by this video, thank God, he has not been all that successful.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Sam_Wainwright 3 Likes F


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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats


I really hope the eyes of the black community are opening. I hope they see who really wants to keep them in (political) chains. I would say to black AMERICANS, look around you. I mean really look. Ask why things are how they are in your neighborhoods then change it!!!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 8 Likes F


You mean hatin' on whitey don't work?

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 6 Likes F


Pretty powerful. Please vote for Romney/Ryan! ILLINOIS woman for Romney!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 12 Likes F


Finally! The black community sees the light. I'm not saying Repubs couldn't fix all the problems contained within the black communities, but I am saying they'd do a BETTER job than the Dems. Like Obama and the last 4 years, the Dems have a 40-60 yr track record that proves beyond a doubt that liberal policies FAIL the African American communities!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 13 Likes F


Some are beginning to see the light. Yet, the vast majority remain on the Democrat Plantation.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to albermarle19 8 Likes F


As a side note....Twitter is being used by the inner city gangs to plan their LOOTING Spree as soon as Sandy hits hard enough to make it easy for them to "go Shopping" and also the National Guard will be out in force on Long Island in anticipation of LOOTERS. These kids are saying they want new Ipads, new Phones, and even new Laptops...as well as new clothes, shoes, etc.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F


We don't have that problem here, but if they come into the burbs, they will be dealt with. we don't need the National Guard to protect us, as we are very well equipped to do that all by ourselves.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to seenbetterdaze 4 Likes F


...and many will get a 300 grain peice of copper jacket lead... ...Looters will be shot un less they're in Bloombersg N.Y.City...then just help yourselves!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to seenbetterdaze 1 Like F


good to see people waking up from the demmie dream/nightmare

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 8 Likes F


My friend from Somalia says she doesn't trust Obama and is supporting Romney. She tells her friends that Republicans do care for poor folks. When Democrats and the news portray Republicans as mean and uncaring, she says it isn't true.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 12 Likes F


Push people down long enough they see the only direction is up! Lied to, cheated on and abused by party democrat, the very party that 136 years ago fought a civil war trying to keep people in the chains of slavery. Arise, shake off the shackles of dependency just as you shook off the iron chains of slavery.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 11 Likes F

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

Exodus: Inner City Blacks Fleeing Obama, Democrats



Could it be that the "chains" of the Democrat Party are falling off?
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 13 Likes F


What are you talking about.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


the truth. wake up and get off your ass.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to Tawana 6 Likes F


I remember when the Black working people left our rural farming area for the cities. They would come back "home" during the Holidays, and talk about how much they missed the Farm life, even though it was hard work during the season, they had their families in tact. They were swallowed up by the Big City, Welfare/Food Stamps were a way of life, and single mothers were the "new" way...many of the younger ones had already died from drinking, drugs, and crime. The older generation knew it was the easy, free money from the Gov. that ruined their younger generations. It is disgraceful what the Lib/Progs mentality has done to them and to our Once Great Public Schools, teachers Unions helped do our schools in just as Government expected Nothing from the Black Students even that they should work.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 14 Likes F


"They promote the liberal agenda. What about the black agenda? What about the family agenda? WHAT ABOUT THE AMERICAN AGENDA?!!" Never said any better. Where have these folks been hiding?
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 18 Likes F


Bless You Mark Carter and those speaking out! The Democratic Machine is fully responsible for the socioeconomic condition of the inner city. My husband was raised in the inner city and woe to anyone who dared buck the Machine. The precinct captain threatened my father-in-law when he balked at going back in and voting a second time with a name he gave him to vote under (deceased voter). If he didn't do as he was told, they would condemn his garage. Mark isn't talking in those same terms, but I'm thrilled people are brave enough to speak the truth. Now, REALLY speak truth to power - vote Obama OUT!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 15 Likes F


I hope they understand that Andrew Sullivan now considers them racists
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 14 Likes F

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10/29/2012 3:16 PM

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