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Six paragraphs are not nearly enough to capture the intricacies and nuances of the transfer of power, in different

places and to different people. What were some of the problems the new African governments faced in the post-independence period? What is the political economy of decline? How does Gordon discuss this issue? What are the prospects for democracy in Africa today? Use examples.
Subject: Transfer of power Reply Quote Set Flag

The New African Government faced a lot of problems in the post-independence period. As Gordon states on pg 57, Over time, more than fifty independent African States emerged and each came with its own set of government structures (including monarchies, dictatorships, military regimes, and civilian governments. Some of these governments and nationalism movements caused Africans to war with each other and further divided the continent as opposed to putting it back uniting them. As Gordon states on pg 67, with the overarching bond of opposition to colonial oppression weakened or removed, intraparty and interparty conflicts emerged. This was one of the biggest struggles that Africa had following their independence. Another problem that Africa faced following their independence were the bleak economic circumstances that surrounded Africa. Since the Africans were exposed to colonial power before hand, they had high expectations on what the African leaders should provide. They wanted drinkable water, food, and an education for their children. The reality was that most of the African states had an under-developed internal structure and were heavily reliant on Europe for their goods. The concept of the political economy of decline is something new that I have never heard of before. From what I take from Gordons writing, I believe that it occurs when a countrys main income is spent on maintaining the government as opposed to the people ect. Gordon explains it, by presenting the fact that civil service in Africa grew at a rate of 7percent per year in the 1960s. He goes on to say that in the 1970s, more than 60 percent of African employees were government officials. Because these officials had to be paid, the nations money went to that, as opposed to getting the natural resources and goods they needed to actually develop the country thus making them poorer. From page 92-95, Gordon describes the opportunities that these African states have towards democracy today. He says that with the independent newspapers and radio stations that people now have access to and with the increase level of literacy that many African States share, there are countless ways that Africa can move forward into being more democratically sound.

What do you think Gordon means by an African Renaissance? What does renaissance mean? Can you think of any examples (or find any in the newspaper, check YouTube, etc) of such a renaissance?

Is this term appropriate to recent African history?

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