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9th/10th Grade English

Course Syllabus
Attention Students
Welcome to your English class. Sometimes starting a new school year can be
overwhelming. Your teachers are giving you an abundance of new information, and it is
difficult to remember everything. As a result, I have provided you with a detailed outline
of this class. Please keep this copy so you can refer to it when you have questions.

Course Outcomes
- Students will learn and use effective study skills, organization skills, and test
taking strategies.
- Students will learn and use effective reading and writing (Power Paragraph & 5
Paragraph Format) strategies that will help them in life and college.
- Students will master the ability of stating their opinions and backing them up with
credible support.
- Students will analyze literature by various authors.
- Students will also learn a variety of literary terms.
- Students will examine literature for its theme and life lessons.
- Students will gain experience in presenting material to the class.
- Students will learn life lessons that will help them in both school and life (These
include: setting goals, working hard, staying dedicated to accomplishing those
goals, remaining responsible and respectful, and dealing with success and failure).

Reading Materials
10th Literature – Timeless Voices
Huck Finn
The Crucible.
Of Mice and Men
A Raisin in the Sun
9th Literature Times Voices, Timeless Themes
To Kill A Mockingbird
Romeo & Juliet

All students must bring the appropriate book and writing utensil each day. All
final copies of essays must be in blue or black ink. Lastly, final copies must be either
typed or on loose-leaf paper. Students will be supplied with a folder that will remain in
the classroom. This folder will hold all pending and finished assignments. It is strongly
encouraged, but not required that each student have a binder and/or a notebook
specifically for this class.
Due Dates / Makeup Quizzes or Tests
All assignments must be handed in on time. Late work is simply not accepted.
However, students will be given one opportunity a semester to turn in an assignment one
day late. This can be seen as a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card”. Once you use it, you cannot
turn in another late assignment. If a student has an excused absence he/she has one day
for every day he or she is absent to make up the work. This rule is also in effect for
quizzes and tests. If a student fails to make up the quiz or test prior to the deadline then
they will receive a zero for that quiz or test. It is the student’s responsibility to check the
bulletin board for missing work.

Rewrites and Retests

Students will not be able to “redo” daily assignments. On occasion, essays can be
rewritten for a better grade. I rarely offer retests. In the event of a retest, students will
always maintain the highest grade of the two tests.

Extra Credit
Students are expected to complete all of the required work. There are no
replacement assignments for those assignments missed by students. There may be
occasional opportunities for extra credit. I sometimes award bonus points to students that
are showing extra effort.

Students are given adequate time to complete most assignments in class, but there
will be occasional homework. These extended learning opportunities should not be seen
as pain and agony. Instead, they should be viewed as a chance to gain more knowledge.
At the same time, I refuse to bombard my students with loads of homework. Completing
the assigned reading at home is absolutely essential if the student wants to be successful
in this class.

Grading Scale
Most assignments are worth 100 points. Assignment value will be adjusted
accordingly based on the required work. Basically, the scale is:
97-100 = A+ 77-79 = C+
94-96 = A 74-76 = C
90-93 = A- 70-73 = C-
87-89 = B+ 67-69 = D+
84-86 = B 64-66 = D
80-83 = B - 60-63 = D-
< 60 = F
Students Assessing Their Progress
Students should keep all of their graded work in their folder. I will do my best to
post their percentages as often as possible.
Passes For Leaving Class
Students will be allowed a total of two passes a semester to leave class to use the
bathroom, go to his or her locker, or for any other reasonable reason. Once the student
uses these two passes, he or she will not be given permission to leave class.

Additional Help
My reason for becoming a teacher was to help students become successful in
school and in life. As a result, I will do whatever it takes to help my students achieve their
goals in my class. I am willing to come to school early and stay late. My only request is
that the student lets me know in advance that they need me to stay late or come in early.
How Parents Can Be Involved
1. I expect my students to keep all their work in a folder, which remains in class.
Although they may take work home to show their parents at anytime, I would like them
to bring the work back afterwards.
2. Please come to Parent/Teacher conferences. I would love to meet you. In my eyes, the
student, his or her parents, and the teacher are all on the same side. We want success for
the student in class and in life.


To The Student:
Please sign below to indicate that you have received this syllabus and will abide
by the requirements listed in it. In addition, your signature serves as verification that you
agree to follow all class procedures. These procedures will help us run our class in an
efficient, professional, and productive manner.
Student’s Printed Name

_________________________________________________ Date__________
Student’s Signature

Dear Parent Or Guardian:

My name is Mr. Dameron and I have the privilege of being your child’s English
teacher. In an effort to keep the lines of communication open, I would like you to read
and examine this syllabus. Please indicate that you have done so by signing below. If you
would like to see a copy of the required class procedures, please notify me and I will send
a copy home. If there are ever any concerns about your son or daughter, please contact
me. My goal is to help your son or daughter become successful, and I know that is
exactly what you want too.

_________________________________________________ Date__________
Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature
Thank you, for your time. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year.

Mr. Dameron

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