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Research Paper Assessment

Name: Sandeep Singh Arora Date: 20/07/2012 Student ID: Email: sandeepsingharora@gmail.com

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

Table of Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Understanding the "Chakras" Science. 3. Application of "Chakras" to Coaching. 4. Summary. 5. Appendix A. 6. References. 3 5 11 19 22 23

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching


Introduction We notice that there are people who are bright and intelligent but their life remains chaotic. They appear confident but they never seem to reach their potential. Majority of executives live life chasing success and seek to define their identity through association and achievement. They desire to be part of communities (company, clubs) that give them a feeling of status and identity. This external focus and chasing benchmarks that are determined by society creates tremendous pressure and stress. The body begins to harbour limiting blocks and beliefs that stop them from reaching their full potential. This research paper attempts to use the "Chakra" Science to understand the blocks that limit the experiencing of energy and therefore not allowing a feeling of abundance and prosperity. It is based on the belief that a universal life energy circulates through us and brings us the experience of life. Each one of us is a creative outlet for this energy. It is important that there are clear channels for this divine energy so that it leads to harmony and peace. According to David Pond the "Chakras" store and express the divine energy and any blocks and restrictions to the flow of energy creates emotional and physical imbalances. Coaching as per Peter Ten Hoppen and Fons Trompenaars is to help people "Discover and Realize their full potential." Wikipedia defines life coaching as "helping people identify and achieve their personal goals". The "Chakras"

science gives us insight into the clients limiting blocks and beliefs. It encourages

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

the coach to help the client explore and activate the energy doorways and focus them on specific goals thus allowing them to reach their full potential. This research paper does not attempt to compare the "Chakras" to other systems that help understand behaviour, conscious and subconscious thinking. It's focus is on understanding the "Chakra" Science and explore its application to Coaching.

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

2. Understanding the "Chakras" Science. "Everything that is created in the physical world, must first exist in the world of life energy," says Barbara Ann Brennan. The yoga manuscripts define the

energy as "Shakti" which has the power to give life. We are all part of this energy system and every interaction involves some exchange of energy. In the world that we live, it may be challenging to feel the energy but it is this life energy that vitalizes all parts of our nervous system and impacts functions such as thinking and emotions. The human energy field consists of seven energy centres called Chakras. The concept of Chakras is based on yogic traditions of Hinduism. The word Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit, which by its nature turns and provides motion and energy. There are seven Chakras that are located along the central channel or spine from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The spinning wheels are energy centres, which draw the life energy. Anodea Judith describes the Chakras as centres for the "reception, assimilation, and transmission of life energy". The purpose of the Chakras is to draw in the life energy to keep the spiritual, mental and physical health in balance. The network of energy interconnects our mind, body and emotions and it is through the Chakras that we receive and process our life experiences says Ellen Tadd. They are like seven interconnected energy centres that run our lives. The lower Chakras influence our survival, sexuality and the higher chakras work with our intelligence and intuition. "The body is a vehicle of consciousness, Chakras are the wheels that carry this vehicle through its trials and transformations," says
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

Anodea Judith. Our values, beliefs are stored in the energy systems which shape physical behaviours. Therefore any blocks or reduced energy flow through the Chakras will create imbalances and impact emotional well being. It is not surprising that we often hear the term energy drain which then begins to impact our thinking and behavioural patterns. In the yoga manuscripts the Chakras are visualized as lotus flowers. According to Anodea Judith the lotus flower demonstrates a path of development as it grows from mud (base Chakra rooted in earth) and gives us blooming petals

(enlightenment linked to the crown chakra at the top of the head). Writers have tried to link the seven Chakras to the endocrine glands and to specific nerve centres along the spine. Hindu yoga teachings link the Chakras to a part of a body and require us to open our physical eyes to the subtle form of the energy systems to experience abundance and our greater potential. Chakras receive and transmit life energy to ensure the vitality of the body parts and the overall energy system. Each of the seven Chakras is therefore a part of an overall energy system but has its specific role, need and purpose to fulfill.

The base Chakra is called the ROOT Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and faces downward. It is defined as red energy that defines our right to exist. The original Sanskrit word for this Chakra is "Muladhara". "Mula" means material or money and this Chakra is all about a healthy balance with the material world. The Root Chakra energy is about Survival, Independence and Security. A choked energy flow of the Root Chakra will lead to insecurity, fear
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

and suspicion and could lead to violent behaviour. Living life only based on this Chakra can also reflect in the desire to be ostentatious and demonstrate material things.

The second chakra SACRAL Chakra is located between the base of the spine and the navel. This Chakra is where we find the human talents of creativity,
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

pleasure, sexuality and emotions. The Sanskrit word for this Chakra is Swadhisthana and means the seat of vitality. When this Chakra is open it allows the person to experience deep emotions and express themselves creatively. It allows the person to have a zest for life and to have great relationships. A closed Sacral Chakra leads to guilt and can express itself in shutting people out.

While the second Chakra is all about the right to feelings, the third Chakra called the SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra is about the right to act. It is the energy that affects our will power and desire and is where we find our commitment. The Sanskrit word for the third Chakra located at the navel is "ManiPura" which means

lustrous gem. A person with flowing energy in this chakra will shine like a gem (Mani) and will have a strong sense of self worth and Will Power. According to Peter TenHoopen and Fons Trompenaars the third Chakra determines our will to act and to be disciplined. This is the energy and directive force from where we find our commitment to do things. The SolarPlexus Chakra is the seat of our personal power, respect and self-esteem. Blockage in this Chakra can lead to lack of direction, procrastination and low self-esteem. Overflowing energy can also lead to a very strong Will, which could overpower all the adjacent Chakras and cause imbalances.

The fourth Chakra located at the heart centre is the HEART Chakra and is connected with love, compassion and forgiveness. An open Heart Chakra is critical to feel loved, supported and to trust in people. The energy also gives us
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

the courage to sacrifice for another person. When the Heart Chakra is blocked it leads to heartlessness in thought and action, difficulty in dealing with grief, arrogance, selfishness and incapacity to forgive.

The fifth Chakra located at the throat is called the THROAT Chakra. It's Sanskrit name is Vishuddha, which is made-up of two words "Vish" meaning poison and Shuddha meaning pure. It is about getting rid of the negative thoughts and only communicating pure and positive thoughts. The key aspects of this energy centre are communication and purity. An open Throat Chakra means a pure inner self that allows us to express our values and to do good to others. People with a strong Throat Chakra have a personal magnetism that allows them to communicate and inspire people. The Throat Chakra gets choked by lying. Negative energy in this Chakra leads to loss of vocal power, a need for secrecy and increased tendency to gossip.

The sixth Chakra is located at the centre of the forehead and is called the "THIRD EYE" Chakra. The energy in this Chakra gives us the ability to see beyond the obvious and physical reality. This Chakra is where we find our Intuition, Self Reflection and Self Knowledge. Intuition is the inner voice of our subconscious and in Indian mythology it is known as Gods voice. It is the centre of focus, concentration and wisdom. The flow of energy aids the development of wisdom so that clear decision making becomes natural. A closed Third Eye

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

Chakra will result in narrow mindedness, a closed mindset, clinging to old conventions and lack of vision.

The seventh Chakra located at the top of the head and facing upwards is called the CROWN Chakra. When in bloom this Chakra is like a satellite dish that receives life energy. This Chakra is the bridge to experiencing spiritual connectedness with the universe.

When the seven Chakras mentioned above are able to fully charge, it leads to life experiences that are varied and fulfilling. All the seven Chakras are interconnected and interdependent i.e. a block in the third Chakra can result in low self-esteem, which can impact the energy flow to the higher Chakras, especially the Third Eye Chakra and limit intuition and ability to see things with Clarity. The "Chakra" Science therefore is very useful to understand and resolve limiting blocks, energy flows that can help clients reach their full potential.

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

3. Application of "Chakras" to Coaching. " Your thoughts control the energy flow within and around you". Louis F Tetu in the Seven dimensions of prosperity. If your thoughts are positive and empowering, the Chakras will be open and effective. Negative thoughts such as fear, worry, and doubt create dense energy and slow down or block the Chakras. Knowledge of the Chakra science gives the coach deeper understanding of the blocks and insights into how reopening the energy flows will help the client move forward. Awareness of which is the dominant Chakra and the energy block that is perpetuating this behaviour? Is this behaviour being caused by a block in the lower Chakras that is preventing energy to circulate from below in the Chakra system? In case there is restricted energy flow in the lower Chakras i.e. Sacral Chakra, can the energy flow in from the higher Chakras to create balance in the Chakra system? The negative energy blocks will manifest themselves in the physical parts linked to the specific Chakras. Awareness of this also gives the coach tremendous insight into the source of the block and the path that could lead to the client fulfilling their potential.

An example as observed in a live coaching class will help illustrate this better. (The issue that the client was facing was the emotional pull of giving up her job so that she can spend more time with her daughter. Her job was extremely fulfilling but involved travel and therefore days away from her child. Her husband
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

was a pilot and this meant that he could not provide any support in terms of being there with the child. Her family and husbands questions around not being physically present with the child all the time resulted in the client beginning to doubt that she was a good mother. This emotional turmoil started to impact all her relationships. The coach could sense that there is a block in her lower chakras. The coach asks the client to feel where she experiences the emotion and pain and she talked about feeling the stress in the lower abdomen area. The coach could then get the insight that it is not an issue of capacity to love but more to do with guilt and emotions which are not allowing the client to get clarity i.e. restricted energy flow to the Sacral Chakra. Understanding the need for balancing the energy flow, the coach decided to get the client to use her Third Eye Chakra to get clarity and balance the energy flow to the Sacral Chakra. To activate the Third Eye Chakra the coach asked the client to do some meditation and focus on her breathing. The focus and concentration allows for increased energy flow to the Third Eye Chakra. The coach then asked the client to close her eyes and describe the issue only using her head/ mind. This encouraged her to use the Third Eye Chakra and resulted in new perspective and clarity. Instead of being overwhelmed by the negative emotions and guilt the client talked about how her job allowed her to be a complete person and therefore allowed her to be a good mother. It gave her the insight that she was being a great role model for her daughter. The use of the Third Eye Chakra prevented the client to take a reactionary step of giving up her job. It allowed for energy to flow from the third

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

eye Chakra to the balance the energy flow to the lower Chakra creating greater balance in the Chakra system.)

The example above illustrates how activating the Third Eye Chakra helps the client grow and evolve without getting caught in negative emotions. The use of intuition and wisdom helps bring clarity, positive and empowering thoughts that encourage the flow of energy. The use of the Third Eye Chakra will be the primary focus of managing energy flow within the Chakra System in the coaching environment and moving the client to a path of learning and success.

The section below highlights negative beliefs, behaviours that clients could experience and how the awareness of the Chakras Science gives tremendous insight to understanding the limiting blocks and helping the client to fulfill their potential.

For change to happen it is important that the Base Chakra, the Root Chakra is open and allowing energy flow. If there is no balance in this Chakra then the growth will be without roots i.e. short lived. If a coach senses and observes fear, suspicion and panic towards a situation or change then it is likely that there is restricted energy flow to the Base Chakra. Extreme Stress is also common in such cases. This happens when the client believes that their Survival or Stability is in question. This could happen in the case of a job
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

change or a new role. In this case the coach will need to help the client activate the Third Eye Chakra to rethink if their survival is really under question? "How much is needed for Survival? "What is the likelihood of a person with your qualifications to get another job?" It does sound strange but growth comes from anchoring roots and feeling grounded. Getting the client to understand and accept limitations and boundaries. Encouraging them to invest in creating an environment where there is some safety, where they feel calm and secure (i.e. favourite resting chair). This can help them feel more grounded and ensures energy flow through the base Chakra.

Being Needy, shutting people out, guilt, denying oneself or not being able to experience simple pleasures are all signs of an imbalance in the Sacral Chakra. A client who had left his organization to work as a freelancer started to experience a drop in his creative output. His working out of home where he lived alone resulted in limited interaction with people, limited exchange of feelings, emotions, touch and therefore reduced energy flow to the Sacral Chakra. Encouraging him to go out and meet people and be part of groups had a very positive impact on his work. Blocking emotions on a continuous basis creates imbalances. The flow of emotions cleanses and heals the Sacral Chakra. Encouraging clients to express their feelings through questions i.e. "How does this make you feel", "Can you recall the emotions that you felt when you first held your partners hand?"

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

As a coach we also need to be aware of a dominant Solar Plexus Chakra overflowing, leading to denial and abstinence of pleasures. The coach will then need to help the client to use the intuition and clarity of the Third Eye Chakra to balance and create synergy between the Will of the Solar Plexus and the Feelings of the Sacral chakra.

By awakening our will we can be co-creators of our lives because it is through our will that we take actions that are difficult and challenging, says Ellen Tadd in the Wisdom of Chakras, Tools for Navigating Growth. According to Ellen Tadd, restricted energy flow in the Solar Plexus Chakra results in the biggest issue which is the feeling of inadequacy, low self esteem. When clients feel powerless and controlled. The coach must get the client to recognize and embrace their own inner power by leveraging the intuition and intelligence of the Third Eye. Asking the client to recall a situation where they were powerless, and in their minds imagining a different outcome and experiencing the positive energy of the personal power. Positive Affirmation of situations were the client has made active choices. Reframing that it is not about power over somebody but power within that is important. Overcoming the inertia, getting the client to take action is critical for energy flow in this Chakra.

A person with a healthy Solar Plexus Chakra but a blocked Heart Chakra can be very stubborn and authoritarian. The energy block happens when either Ego dominates the desire to reach out to people or when Rejection has
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

accumulated over years. Rejection causes the energy flow to the Heart Chakra to disintegrate and fade. Using the Sacral Chakra (emotions) to navigate such blocks could result in one getting hurt again. This could lead to the Blocking of the Heart Chakra and therefore a remorseless, ruthless and callous existence. It is important to use the Third Eye Chakra to get Clarity and not Block the third Heart Chakra. Clarity that each situation, rejection is learning that is preventing us from taking the wrong road and not to take others thoughtless, cold hearted behaviour personally. This Clarity from the Third Eye helps energy flow and helps heal the wounds of the Heart, allowing us to live a life of compassion and empathy. However for love, trust, inspiration to radiate outwards and invite people it is important to keep the Ego in check, understand that we play a small part in the larger world. Visualization exercises in which the client surrenders his needs to a community, his family and attempts to focus beyond self can help to open the heart Chakra. Encouraging clients to do Breathing Exercises, traveling, standing in a large group and feeling their energy are all ways to activate the Heart Chakra.

Clients that have an issue expressing themselves, transmitting and receiving thoughts are likely to have blocks in the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is the centre for truth and expression and helps us communicate with the world. Through communication one is extending themselves beyond their physical boundaries and limitations. Unlike the lower Chakras where limitation helps focus on the self, the higher Chakras go beyond the self and are
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

about the boundless spirit. The Third Eye Chakra therefore is critical to build the inner confidence that will allow the client to break free of limitations and physical boundaries, and ensure energy flow to the throat Chakra which will allow the client to express themselves. The Throat Chakra more than any chakra requires repeated energy flow from pure and positive thoughts. Speaking aloud and

repeating positive thoughts, our own values, the word "OM" which stands for God in Sanskrit helps energy flow to the Throat Chakra.

Lack of clarity in difficult situations, sticking to conventions, not willing to see the reality, narrow minded approach are all behaviours that can result from restricted flow to the Third Eye Chakra. Ellen Tadd calls this the Kingpin of the Chakra System as it leads to new thinking and wise decision making. The Third Eye is about accessing things in our brain and being that we normally cannot with our conscious thinking. It is about the intuition that comes from our experiences and beliefs and sits somewhere in our subconscious mind. At times of difficulty, emotional problems, use of the Sacral Energy (Emotions) can make us hypersensitive to the behaviour of others. In difficult situations, the clarity and intuition of the Third Eye brings perspective to others behaviour and helps the client feel more complete and yet compassionate to others. Asking the client to think about a problem from the Head (accessing the Third Eye Chakra energy) vs. Emotions or the Heart is a great way to help them get clarity and new thinking. Activating the Third Eye Chakra is possible through visualization, focus and meditation. Visualization exercises which help create images that can
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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

influence our reality help to activate the Third Eye Chakra and create new insight and thinking. Exercises like Concentrating at a pin in front of you, trying to focus and feel your breath on your upper lips improve energy flow to the Third Eye Chakra. Activating the Third Eye Chakra is important to integrate and harmonize all the Chakras. It allows the client to see life as a growth process and to see potential in self and others.

"I am doing well at work, my employees and peers like me, I have a great relationship with my partner, love my kids and yet I don't feel happy and am not at peace with myself." This is the state of people who have a closed Crown Chakra. When the Crown Chakra is open, there is a light feeling, a glow on the face and the energy enters the body and enlivens the spirit. It creates Knowing, a kind of spiritual intelligence, a higher consciousness of universal principles that help give everything meaning. Why is this happening? Why are these things here? This ensures that all experiences are seen as a larger plan and does not cause any negative thoughts and energy. The opening of the Crown Chakra, the connectedness to universal principles is possible through inspiration, devotion and meditation. Encouraging clients to seek inspiration in a larger purpose that goes beyond self, being devoted to someone or something that is bigger than their immediate realm results in energy flow through the Crown Chakra and leads to sustained happiness and peace.

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

4. Summary The research paper has attempted to understand the Chakra Science and its application to coaching. The second section covers the Chakras, the seven energy centres and how they function as an interdependent energy system. The third section in the research paper covers the Application of the Chakras Science to Coaching and allows us to draw the following conclusions: The Chakra Science allows one to understand the source of the limiting behaviour and beliefs. The Chakras are seven interconnected centres of energy that shape our physical behaviours and our life. Our experiences, beliefs are stored in these energy systems. Therefore blocks and restricted energy flow to the Chakras creates imbalances that leads to negative behaviours and beliefs. The negative energy blocks manifest themselves in the specific physical areas that are linked to the Chakras and awareness of this helps give insight into the possible beliefs behind the behaviour i.e. the stress related to the inability to pursue your passion of cricket could show up as stomach pains and would link to limited energy flow to the Solar Plexus Chakra and suggests a lack of Will and personal power to make the change. The third section in the research paper looked at negative behaviours and beliefs and how they link to the energy flow to the Chakras. This has been captured in tabular form in Appendix A.

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

The understanding of the Chakra Science can be a great asset in the coaching process. Coaching is about helping the clients become more self aware so that they can identify and address their limiting beliefs and behaviours leading to a life that is more effective and fulfilling. The Chakra Science gives coaches a deeper understanding of blocks that cause the limiting beliefs and behaviours and insights into how the client can move forward. By getting the client to use the intuition and clarity of the third Eye Chakra, the coach can ensure energy flow into the Chakra System and can help the client to grow and evolve without becoming caught in negative thoughts and emotions. The use of the Third Eye Chakra to create new thinking and address energy blocks supports the fundamental principle of coaching which is that new thinking from within themselves allows the client to move forward. The Chakra Science should not take over the coaching process, or prevent the coach from being present and authentic. It is knowledge that the coach can possess that gives them insight into the issue that the client is facing. However there are watch outs. The Coach does not necessarily need to communicate all the details about the Chakras to the client. Preconceived notions about the science and yogic traditions could result in the client being negatively inclined to the information. Therefore the paper has stayed away from using colours, yoga asanas, beads and focused on how the Coach can use the

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

information about Chakras within their existing coaching model in order to help the client realize their full potential. The coach must realize that each person is unique and therefore should not try and score the client on each Chakra and compare the same with other clients. The power of this Science is the insight and understanding of energy blocks that are preventing clients from realizing their limitless potential. In addition it provides the coach understanding of how the client can enrich their spiritual identity and find peace and happiness.

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

5. APPENDIX A Linking Chakras to Limiting Beliefs and Behaviours

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The "CHAKRAS" Science and its application to Coaching

6. References Transformational Life Coaching by C. Carter-Scott Wisdom of Chakras, Tools for Navigating Growth by Ellen Tadd The Enlightened Leader (An introduction to the Chakras of Leadership) by Peter ten Hoopen and Fons Trompenaars Seven Dimensions of Prosperity by Louis F. Tetu Wikipedia on Coaching Chakras for Beginners, A Guide to balance your Chakra Energies by David Pond Wheels of Life. A users guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith

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