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Unit Four -233- Chapter Eleven

Electromagnetic Induction

After Oersted discovery, where the magnetic field ban be produced by the

effect of electric current. Faraday discovered that electric current can be produced as a

result of breakthrough the magnetic field by a conductor, and that kind of electricity

called electromagnetic induction.

Faradays Experiments:

• In the figure shown the

galvanometer indicates electric

current in the coil when the

magnet pushed inside the coil.

• The galvanometer indicates that the current pass in the opposite direction

when the magnet is pulled from the coil.

• The galvanometer indicates that there is no current if the magnet is

incasing of rest even inside the coil.

Electromagnetic induction:

• It is a phenomenon in which an induced electromotive force and also an

induced current are generated in the coil on plunging a magnet into or

withdrawing a magnet out of a coil.

• The presence of a soft iron core inside a coil concentrates the lines of

magnetic flux that link with the coil. This in turn increases the induced

electromotive force and also the induced current.

Faraday’s law:

• An electromotive force and an electric current are induced in a coil, when

there is change of a magnetic field close to that coil.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -234- Chapter Eleven

• The magnitude of the induced electromotive force is directly proportional

to the rate of change in the magnetic field.

• Also, the induced electromotive force is directly proportional to the

number of turns N.
ε = −N


The negative sign in the above relation indicates that the direction of the

induced electromotive force and thus the direction of the induced current is such that

to oppose the effect producing it.

Faraday’s law statement:

The induced electromotive force generated in a coil by electromagnetic

induction is proportional to the time rate by which the conductor cuts the lines of

magnetic flux and is also proportional to the number of turns of the coil.

Lenz’s law:

To illustrate Lenz’s law, a magnet bar can be pulled and pushed into a coil,

and by using of a galvanometer, the

direction of current can be indicated.

In figure A:

The North pole of the magnet

pushed into the coil, therefore the induced current at the face of the coil close to the

magnet is moved anti-clock-wise forming North pole to resist the change of the

magnetic field resultant by pushing of the magnet bar. (N – N repel).

In figure B:

The North Pole of the magnet pulled from the coil; therefore the induced

current at the face of the coil close to the magnet is moved clock-wise forming South

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -235- Chapter Eleven

Pole to resist the change of the magnetic field resultant by pulling of the magnet bar.

(N – S attract).

In figure C:

The South Pole of the magnet pushed into the coil; therefore the induced

current at the face of the coil close to the magnet is moved clock-wise forming South

Pole to resist the change of the magnetic field resultant by pushing of the magnet bar.

(S – S repel).

In figure D:

The South pole of the magnet pulled from the coil, therefore the induced

current at the face of the coil close to the magnet is moved anti-clock-wise forming

north pole to resist the change of the magnetic field resultant by Pulling of the magnet

bar. (N – S attract).

Lenz’s rule statement:

The direction of the induced current generated by induction is such that to

oppose the change in the magnetic flux producing it.

Direction of the induced current in a straight wire:

If a straight wire carries electric current move in a magnetic field, an induced

electromotive force and induced current follow through the wire in a direction

indicates by Fleming’s right-hand-rule.

Fleming’s right-hand-rule:

Place the thumb, the pointer and the middle finger (with the rest of the

fingers) of the right hand mutually at right angles. If the pointer points in the direction

of the magnetic field and the thumb in the direction of motion then the middle finger

(with the rest of the fingers) will point in the direction of the induced current.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -236- Chapter Eleven

Mutual induction between two coils:

• Induce electromotive force is produced when a coil is placed in a variable

magnetic field, where the coil intercepts the flux line of the magnetic


• The variable magnetic field may be produced due to the motion of

magnet bar or due to passing of electric current in another coil in the


• If the induce electromotive force is produced due to variable magnetic

field resulting from coil of current I, therefore, the induce electromotive

force will be directly proportional to the rate of change of that current.

ε2 ∝
ε 2 = −M

• Where M is the mutual inductance between the two coils.

Mutual inductance coefficient between two coils:


It is the induce electromotive force produced in one coil when the rate of

change of current in another coil in the neighbor equal one ampere per second.


The units of mutual inductance between two coils is volt second / ampere. It

may call Henry.

Factors affected on the mutual inductance between two coils:

1. The existence of an iron core inside the coil.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -237- Chapter Eleven

2. The volume of the coil and the number of its turns.

3. The distance separating them.


The change of magnetic field can be caused as following:

To increase the field:

1. Inserting the primary coil into the

secondary coil.

2. Switch on the key of the primary coil.

3. Decrease the value of the rheostat of

the primary coil.

In this cases the magnetic field changes to

increase its value, and the induced current of the

secondary coil will be in the direction to resist (oppose) the increase of that field.

To decrease the field:

1. Pulling the primary coil out of the secondary coil.

2. Switch off the key of the primary coil.

3. Increase the value of the rheostat of the primary coil.

In this cases the magnetic field changes to decrease its value, and the induced

current of the secondary coil will be in the

direction to resist (oppose) the decrease of that


Self induction of a coil:

• When switching the key on, the neon

lamp will not glow.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -238- Chapter Eleven

• When switching the key off, an electric spark is passed between the two

terminals of the switch,

• If the number of turns of the coil is large, then the neon lamp will glow.

(Required 180 volts).


Switch on:

• The current of the coil will increase due to the electromotive force of the


• The change of current in each turn cause induced current in the

neighborhood turn.

• The induced induction due to all the turns will be to resist the increase the

main current of the coil. So, it will not cause any increase of the

electromotive force, which is not large enough to glow the neon lamp.

Switch off:

• The current of the coil will decrease.

• The change of current in each turn cause induced current in the

neighborhood turn.

• The induced induction due to all the turns will be to resist the decrease of

the main current of the coil. So, it will increase the electromotive force to

be able to glow the neon lamp.

The induction in this case calls self-induction, and the self-induced

electromotive force will be directly proportional to the change of the electric current.

• The negative sign to indicate Lenz law, and the proportional constant (L)

is called self-induction of the coil.

Self induction of a coil:

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -239- Chapter Eleven

E = −L

It is the electromotive force induced in the coil when the current passing

through it changes at a rate equals one ampere per second.


• It is the self-inductance of a coil in which an E.M.F. of one volt is

induced when the current passing through it changes at a rate of one

ampere per second.

• It is equal to volt second / ampere

Factors affect on the self-inductance of a coil:

• The geometry of the coil.

• Number of turns

• Spacing between the turns.

• Magnetic permeability of its core.

Application of self induction:

The most common application of self induction is the function of fluorescent

lamp, and in Ruhmkorff coil, which is used as an ignition coil in internal combustion


Fluorescent lamp:

• It consists of evacuated tube contains amount of inert gas, and its inner

walls painted with florescent material.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -240- Chapter Eleven

• The electric energy stored in a coil outside the lamp in form of magnetic


• The energy discharged in the lamp, casing the atoms of the inert gas gain

to ionize and collide with each other and the walls of the tube.

• As a result of collision the florescent material glows with visible light.

Eddy currents:

• If an alternated current pass through a conductor, it will cause continues

change in the magnetic field.

• The change in the magnetic field through solid conductor produce

induced current.

• The induced current in the solid conductor will be in form of circles and

call eddy current.

• This phenomenon can be used to build the induction furnaces, which are

used in melting metals.

E.M.F. induced in a moving straight wire:

• If straight wire of length (L) moves with velocity (V) in a magnetic field

for interval of time (T), it will cover an area of L ∆X. (where X is The

distance covered by the wire).

∴ ∆φ = B∆A
∴ ∆φ = BL∆X
∆φ BL∆X ∆X
∴ = = BL
∆t ∆t ∆t
∴ = BLV ∆X

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -241- Chapter Eleven

∴ ε = BLV
If the angle between the wire and the flux line is θ

∴ ε = BLV sin θ
Alternating current:

It is a current, which changes periodically its intensity and direction with

time according to a sinusoidal curve.

Alternating current generator:

It is a device which converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy, to

generate Alternating current.


1. A field magnet:

A permanent magnet or an electromagnet

produces it.

2. An armature:

It is consists of a single loop suspended between the poles of the magnet.

3. Slip rings with brushes:

Pair of slip rings are connected one to each end of the loop, and rotate with

the rotation of the loop. The induced current pass through two graphite brushes, each

touches the slip rings.

The mechanism of the generator:

The coil rotates itself between the magnet poles, therefore the velocity prefer
to be angular velocity ω.
V θ 2π
ω= = = = 2π f
r t τ


Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -242- Chapter Eleven

ω: is the angular velocity.

V: is the liner velocity.

F: is the frequency.

Driving of the rule

The induced E.M.F in one-side equals: BLV

But the coil consists of two sides connected in series, therefore:

E = 2BLV

But V = ωr

Therefore; E = 2 BLωr

E = Bω (2Lr)

E = BAω

In case of N turns:

E = BANω


E = B A N ω sin θ
Other forms of the rule:

E = B A N 2πf sin θ
E = B A N 2πf sin (ωt)
E = B A N 2πf sin (2πf t)


• Unit of θ is degree and π = 180 in calculating sin(θ) or sin (ωt)

• Unit of θ is radian and π = 3.14 in calculating (θ) or (ω) out of sin.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -243- Chapter Eleven


• θ is the angle between the magnetic flux line and the direction of motion

of the coil. or it is the angle between the magnetic flux line and the

perpendicular to the coil.

• If θ equals to zero the E.M.F will equals to zero.

• If θ equals 90 the E.M.F will equals to the maximum.

• The instantaneous E.M.F can be calculated from the relation

E = Eo sin θ
I = Io sin θ


• Eo is the maximum E.M.F.

• Io is the maximum current.

Figure A:

The direction of motion of each side

according to the direction of the flux lines is equal to

zero (θ = 0)

E = BA N ω sin 0

E = zero

Figure B:

The direction of motion of each side according

to the direction of the flux lines is equal to 90° (θ = 90)

E = BA N ω sin 90

E = maximum

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -244- Chapter Eleven

Figure C:

The direction of motion of each side

according to the direction of the flux lines is equal to

zero (θ = 0)

E = NBA ω sin 0

E = zero

Figure D:

The direction of motion of each side

according to the direction of the flux lines is equal to

270 (θ = 270)

E = NBA ω sin 270

E = - maximum


The E.M.F can be drawn in a sin curve as following:

θ B


Effective values of the alternating current and voltage:

• To calculate the average value of an AC, it can be calculated as zero

because its value changes from (I) maximum to (–I) maximum.

• For that reason, the average can be calculated by calculate its heat effect.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -245- Chapter Eleven

Effective value of alternating current:

• It is the value of the direct current, which

generates the same rate of thermal effect in

a resistor.
• Ieff = 0.707 Imax.

• Eeff = 0.707 Emax.

Current rectification in the dynamo:

To produce direct current, the two slip rings of the generator must replaced

with commentator which consists of two halves of a hollow metallic cylinder well

insulated from each other, each of the two halves attach to a brush. The two brushes

replaced position each half cycle.

The resultant current will be

in one direction, but the magnitude of

the E.M.F. and the magnitude of the

current will be vary from zero to maximum through each half cycle as shown in the

graph. θ

By using of two coils

perpendicular to each other the

current will be smoother as shown in the figure.

And by using of more than θ

two coil the current can be considered

as if it has a steady value.

The transformer:

• It is a device used to step up or step down the voltage.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -246- Chapter Eleven

• The voltage steps up to decrease the current intensity when the electric

energy transfers for a long distance and that is decrease the heat energy

resultant by the resistance of the wires.

• Its idea depends on the mutual induction.

• It is used only with AC current, because in case of DC there is no change

in the Electro-Magnetic field.


• It consists of two coils wounded around soft iron core.

• The core is made of thin iron sheets

insulated from each other to minimize

the effect of eddy currents.

• When the primary coil connected to a source of AC, the potential

deference between its terminal can be calculated from the relation:

VP = N P
VP ∆φ
N P ∆t

• The potential deference between the terminal of the secondary coil can be

calculated from the relation:

VS = N S
VS ∆φ
N S ∆t

• From the previous relations:

= P

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -247- Chapter Eleven


• In general some of the electric energy is converted into heat energy and

the rest of the percentage is convert into electric energy in the secondary

VS = ( % used in electricity ) VP

The relation between IS & IP:

• Energy is neither created nor destroyed.

• Energy of the primary coil = Energy of the secondary coil.

• V P IP T = V S IS T

• V P IP = V S IS

The loosing of energy in the transformer:

Some of the electric energy will loss in the transformer because of the


• A part of electric energy is converted into thermal energy in the wire.

It is recommended to use metallic wires of least Ohmic resistance.

• A part of the electric energy is converted into thermal energy in the soft

iron core.

It is recommended to use a core of thin insulated sheets of silconic soft

iron which has high specific ohmic resistance to decreases the eddy


Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -248- Chapter Eleven

• Some of the energy is converted into mechanical energy (F = BIL) to

move the molecules of the soft iron.

It is recommended to use core of soft iron due to the easiness with which

its magnetic molecules move.

The efficiency of the transformer:

It is the ratio between the power of the secondary coil to that of the primary


Usage of transformer:

Heat energy is directly proportional to the square of the electric intensity.


W = I2 R T

• Because some of electric energy will convert into heat energy due to the

resistance of the wire therefore it is preferred to use high voltage with

low current during transfer the electric energy for along distance.

• Step up transformer is used at the power station (power plant) to increase

the voltage and decrease the current.

• Step down transformer is used at the distribution regions to decrease the

voltage and increase the current.

• This will decrease the loss of electric energy in form of heat energy

during the transfer.

Comparison between the step up and step down transformer:

Step up transformer Step down transformer
Ns > Np Ns < Np
Vs > Vp Vs < Vp

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -249- Chapter Eleven

Is < I p Is > Ip
Used at the electric generating power Used at zones of energy distribution

The electric motor:

• It is a device to convert the

electric energy into mechanical



• Rectangular coil made of large

number of turns.

• The coil is wounded around a soft iron core to increase the magnetic field


• The core is made of thin laminated discs insulated from each other to

minimize eddy current.

• The coil and the core rotate between the two poles of a strong U-shaped


• The terminals of the coil are connected to two halves of a cylinder made

of copper.

• The current passes to the coil through two brushes in touch with the two

halves of the cylinder.

• The cylinder made of two insulated halves to reverse the direction of

current each half cycle.

• When the angle between the coil and the magnetic flux line is 0°, (the

coil is parallel to the magnetic field) the coil affected by force of

BIANcos 0 and rotate between the two poles of the magnet.

Summary 2008/2009
Unit Four -250- Chapter Eleven

• When the angle between the coil and the magnetic flux line is 90°, (the

coil is perpendicular to the magnetic field) the coil affected by force of

BIANcos 90 which equal to zero and rotate due to its inertia.

Increasing the motor’s power:

• A number of coils may be used with equal angles between their planes to

increase the power of the motor, and the cylinder is spliteed into number

of sections twice the number of coils, each coil connected to two


Uniformity of rotation rate of the electric motor coil:

• The torque reaches its maximum value when the plane of the coil is

parallel to the field, and that increases the angular velocity of the coil.

• When the coil start to rotate the angel between the plane of the coil and

the field will increase form zero to 90° and that causes the angular

velocity to decrease and increase each quarter cycle.

• Although the previous two points but the angular velocity of the coil is

uniform due to the self-induction.

• The induced current will be maximum when the coil is parallel to the

field, then the induced current will decrease gradually by the rotation of

the coil.

• The reverse current generated due to the self-induction of the coil

decrease the total current in the coil when the coil tends to increase its


Summary 2008/2009

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