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Exclusive remedies = masuri reparatorii Limitation period = perioade de prescriptie Allotment = dezmembrare Nominative shares = actiuni nominative Defendants

legal standing = calitate procesuala pasiva) Claimants legal standing (calitate procesuala activa) Legal standing = calitate procesuala Pursue remedies at law = cai de atac Respondent = parat Creation and elimination of positions = a crea si a desfiinta posturi Take over = receptiona Place into default = pune in intarziere Damages = daune Be borne by = a fi suportat de Holding = detinere Flaw = defectiune Servicing = service In breach of = fara respectarea Compensation = despagubiri Ensure = asigura For valuable consideration = cu titlu oneros Grant ones consent Subrogated in = subrogate in

Under = in baza By way of exception from = prin exceptie de la In this respect = in acest sens On a case by case basis = dupa caz Unemployment agency = agentia pentru ocuparea fortei de munca Submit = transmite By reference to = fata de Principal = capital Proxy = imputernicit Discharge of liability = descarcare de raspundere Required = impus In due time = in timp util Transfer = cedare As of = de la Leasing period = perioada de leasing Constitute rights over = a constitui drepturi asupra Chassis = sasiu In detail = in detaliu Advance = avans Consideration = reflectare In connection to = accesoriu Fee = comision Mention made with the office = notarii la oficiu

If the case = daca este cazul Import = import Early repayment = rambursare anticipata On the due date = la scadenta Invoicing date = data facturarii Cashing in = incasare Together with = impreuna cu Companys creditors = creditori sociali Under = in baza Outstanding = exigibil, scadent Computed on = calculate la Total = total amount Place in default = a pune in intarziere By way of exception from = prin exceptie de la Spouse =sot/sotie In this respect = in acest sens Dupa caz = on a case by case basis Unemployment agency = agentia pentru ocuparea fortei de munca Submit = a transmite Delay the payment = a inregistra intarzieri la plata Determine = stabili By reference to = fata de, in raport cu Means = modalitate

Principal = capital Still to be repaid = ramas de achitat Discharge of liability = descarcare de raspundere Proxy = imputernicit Post-warranty = post garantie Registration with = impunere la Take over = a receptiona Claim = reclamatii Resolve = reglementa Acknowledge = a lua act de Use = folosire Debts arising under this Agreement = debitele generate prin prezentul contract Damages = daune Irrespective of whether = indiferent daca Borne by = sunt in sarcina Holding = detinere Flaw = defectiune Servicing = service Directed = formulat Instruction = indicatie, instructiune Consent = acord Disapprove = a refuza In breach of = fara respectarea

Compensation = despagubiri Ensure = a asigura Upon request = la simpla solicitare Timely = la timp Grant its consent = si-a dat acordul With immediate effect = in mod automat For valuable consideration = cu titlu oneros As guarantee = cu titlu de Warrant against sth. = a garanta de Subrogated in = subrogate in Insuring sth = asigurarea With VAT = cu TVA Imputable = imputabil Costs of repairing = costurile repararii Complete = a reintregi Be covered by = a fi in sarcina Due = restant = outstanding Impose under the law = impuse prin lege Events of default = neindeplinirea obligatiilor Good standing = bonitate Hereunder = prin prezentul Cheques = file CEC Regardless sth. = indifferent de

Upon occurrence = in cazul producerii Without placing sb in default and without any other prior formality or court intervention Re-enter into possession of = a reintra in posesia = repossession Covering = acoperire Immovable asset = bun imobil Applicable = in materie Force execution = urmarire si executare silita Preventive measure = masura asiguratorie Sequester = sechestru Consumers protection = protectia consumatorului A intervene = conclude Electricitate = electricity La instalare = at the time of installation Boxa = storage room Cu cel putin = at least Damages = daune Defectiuni = defects Necesitati reale = actual requirements Assume = a prelua Exploata = use Sunt in sarcina = are the responsibility of Ceda = assign Instraina = alienate

Exculpatory reason = cauza exoneratoare Stabilire = designation Se supune = is governed by Dezacord = dispute Se vor adresa = adjudicate the dispute before Commission = fee Incepand cu = as of Compensation = despagubire Be covered by = a fi in sarcina = be borne by Place in default = a pune in intarziere Applicable = in materie Representative = imputernicit Topic = subiect Dezmembrare = discarding Casare = stripping Settlement = decontare Shall be given full effect = vor produce efecte depline Threatened = potential Belong to = revine in sarcina Restated Articles of Association = Act Constitutiv reformulat Specific = exact Include but are not limited to = include, dar fara limitare la Terms of business = termenii de afaceri

There is a likelihood = este pe punctual de a To post bond = a plati o cautiune Breadth of scope = intinderea obiectului Replicate = a reproduce Derivative creations = opere derivate Placement under interdiction = punere sub interdictie Period of notice = perioada preavizului Fault = culpa Operate = actiona Binding upon = obligatoriu pentru Governing law = legea aplicabila Delivered in person = predat personal Consistency = conformitate Security interest in movable property = garantie reala mobiliara Security guarantor = garant real Equivalent in RON of the amount of . at the exchange right Related = afectat Take over the possession upon = luarea in posesie e Set up a guarantee = a constitui o garantie Proxy = mandatar Is a writ of execution = constituie titlu executoriu Electronic Archive of Security Interest in Movable Property = Arhiva Electronica de Garantii Reale Mobiliare In whose area = in circumscriptia carora

To the fullest extent possible = pana la concurenta maxima posibila Ex officio = din oficiu Factual = faptic Print-out = listare Top management = persoane din conducere Bear the responsibility = a-si asuma responsabilitatea Misuse of position = abuz in serviciu Notice = sesizare Bring to sbs notice = a reclama Deadlock = blocaj decizional Equity payment = contributii la capitalul social Automatically = de drept In default = in culpa Enforcement = executare silita Turn-key = la cheie Public land = domeniu public Termination = reziliere Kind regards = cu respect Key accounts = clienti strategici Quite a while = destul de mult Deed of easement = act de servitude Merger deed = act de alipire Give rise to = a da nastere

Sub-division deed = act de dezmembrare Rulaje = transaction Antrepozitar = warehouse operator General constructor = antreprenor general Construction agreement = contract de antrepriza Refrigeration room = camara frigorifica Contractor = executant Misuse of position = abuz in functie Notice = sesizare Bring to somebodys knowledge = reclama Questioning = interogare Writ of summons to enjoinder other parties = cerere de chemate in judecata a altor persoane Lawsuit = actiune Enjoindering of other parties = chemare in judecata a altor persoane Guaranty claim = cerere de chemare in garantie Motivare = reasoning provided for Chemat in garantie = requested guarantor Interogatoriu = deposition Punere in drepturi = license Expiry of the statute of limitations = prescriptia dreptului la actiune Urgent = prioritar Extinctive statutory period = prescriptie extinctiva

Be expired = a fi prescris Statutory period/statute of limitation period = termen de prescriptie Merits = fond Addressed by = vizat Deem = retine Calculated as a procentage of = calculat in procent de Mentioned = expus Documentary = justificativ Made against = in contradictoriu Legal costs = cheltuieli de judecata Collect royalties = incasa drepturi de autor Head of investigation = raportor Indicia = indicii Submit to the investigation = supune investigatiei Dawn-raid = inspectie inopinata Undertaking = agent economic Investigation = investigatie Motivated opinion = opinie motivata Security guard = agent de paza Guarding booth = cabina de paza Watch tower = foisor Make available to = a asigura si pune la dispozitia Be in possession of = a fi in proprietatea

Curtain wall = perete cortina Manifest error = eroare evidenta If applicable = in masura in care acestea exista As the case may be = dupa caz Expiration = expirare In order for sb. To Sign = semn Poster = afis Icon = pictograma Sticker = stick-er Attached hereto as = care reprezinta The party in default = partea in culpa Damaged = care sufere un prejudiciu Inappropriate = necorespunzator Injury to = vatamare Penalty of 1% per day of delay = penalitate de 1% pe zi Computed on = calculata la As of = incepand cu Confirmation translation = confirmare de trimitere Exclusivity clause = clauza de exclusivitate Fulfill the agreement = executarea contractului Certificate = inscris doveditor Outstanding = scadent

By law = de drept Addendum(a) = act additional Be an integral part of = face parte integranta din In whole or in part = partial sau total Invalid = invalid Unenforceable = lipsit de efecte Provision which comes as close as possible to the original intent of the Parties and to the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision Intention not to extend the term =intentia de reziliere Termination = reziliere Breach = incalcare With no further formalities or court intervention (in Romanian, pact comisoriu de grad IV) With no further formalities or court intervention being required, on the date when the operation permit of the Provider is no longer valid Unilaterally, by any of the Parties (in Romanian, denunare unilateral), at any time during the term of the Agreement, by giving the other Party a 30-calendar day written notice Specifically granted for such purpose = acordat in acest sens Concerned offence = infractiune reclamata Hold harmless from = apara Leniency policy = politica de clementa Guarding = paza Meaning ascribe to them = intelesul atribuit/conferit Deed = fapta Offence = infractiune

Cause damage to = cauza prejudicii Site = obiectiv Environment = zona Workstation = post Location = amplasare Facilities = aranjamente Liaising = contact Valuables = valori Legal relationship = raport juridic Manner of taking action = modul de actiune Insurance poliy = asigurare Proceeds = beneficiu Be compensated = a se indestula Ensure, secure = asigura Formation = dispozitiv Time sheet = pontaj Services performed = prestatii During a month = in luna Scope of services = Amploarea si obiectul serviciilor For the execution of the services under this agreement = pentru derularea acestui contract Fee = tarif Flat fee = suma fixa Services rendered during public holidays = servicii prestate in timpul zilelor de sarbatoare

Within maximum 3 days = in termen de maxim In advance = in prealabil Term = durata, perioada To not extend the term = a inceta Render the services = a executa serviciile Performance of this agreement = valabilitate Breach in the system = slabirea sistemului Theft = sustragere Pertaining to = apartinand Firefighting units = unitati de pompieri Notify = sesiza In a timely manner = in timp util In terms of = din punct de vedere al Observance of = respectarea Agreed upon = convenit As applicable = dupa caz Raise objections to = formula obiectii la Approve = insusi Prepare = intocmi

Principal=capital initial Partners equity=capital al asociatilor

Mortgagee= creditor ipotecar Mortgagor = garant ipotecar Judicial trustee = administrator judiciar Insolvency judge = judecator sindic Surrender = returna Automatically = de drept Rental fee = chiria Trial balance = balanta Balance sheet/cash flow sheet/income sheet = bilant Movement = rulaj Cash voucher = bon fiscal Retail premises=spatiu commercial Loan investment agreement = contract de credit pentru investitii The purpose of is= scopul . Projects to be undertaken = proiecte care se vor derula Approval= aviz Make a pledge = institui o garantie Pledge = garantie reala imobiliara Pledge agreement = contract de garantie reala imobiliara Statics = fizica statica For the avoidance of doubt = pentru evitarea oricarui dubiu Blended rent = chirie combinata Actual surface = suprafata efectiva

Deliverables and performances = livrari si executiile Prohibit = impiedica Secure= garanta Monetary obligations = obligatii pecuniare Hold the proceeds thereof as cash security = retina sumele rezultate ca garantie in numerar Contractor = contractor Material = semnificativ Mandatory zoning rules = reguli de urbanism imperative Require = impune Annual leave = concediu de odihna Legal expenses = cheltuieli de judecata Prime rate = rata dobanzii practicata Margin = marja Creditors table = tabelul creantelor Securities = garantii Possessory liens = drepturi de retentie Use documents = proba cu inscrisuri Evidences = docuemnte utile cauzei Undertake = asuma Agreed by = insusit de Provided under the law = admis de lege Hearing date = termen Procedural documents = acte de procedura = legal proceedings documentation

Endorsement = viza Summon = cita Warn = pune in vedere Petent = claimant, plaintiff Shortcomings = lipsuri Introductory claim= cerere introductiva Invoke = invoca Extinctive prescription = extinctie prescriptiva Certain, quantifiable and due receivables = certe, lichide si exigibile Adresa = letter Invedera = draw the attention Observa = note Conventional representation mandate = mandate de reprezentare conventionala Statute of limitations delay = curs prescriptie extinctiva Commencement of a new delay = curgerea unei noi prescriptii Executare silita = coerced Authenticated documents = acte autentice Jurisprudence = jurisprudenta Accepted by law = admis de lege Directiona = communicate Charging sb. additional costs = fara costuri suplimentare in sarcina Assurance = asigurare Irregularities = neregularitati

Functionality = functionalitatea Alleged = presupus Submit to the file of the case = depune la dosarul cauzei Motion of non-performance of the agreement = exceptia de neexecutare a contractului Temei juridic = legal grounds Nefondat = unfounded Raise the exception, invoke a motion = invoca o exceptie Unproved = nedovedit Synalagmatic agreement = contract sinalagmatic A intocmi un process verbal = draw up a minutes Neintemeiat = ungrounded Cauza = case A pronunta o hotarare = render a decision Attorney-at-law = avocat Attorney-in fact= imputernicit In temeiul = pursuant to A formula si depune = submit Statement of defence = intampinare Contradictory to = in contradictoriu cu Cauza = case Payment request = somatie de plata Dismissal = respingerea Raise a motion = invoca o exeptie

Acceptance = admiterea De facto = de fapt De drept = de jure Motion regarding the applicability of the statute of limitations concerning the right of action = exceptia prescrierii dreptului material la actiune Limitations term = termen de prescriptie Post = a depune la posta To remain bound by = a fi tinuta de Notwithstanding = fara a tine cont de Batch = transa Supersede = inlocui Become effective = a produce efecte Entry into force = a intra in vigoare Discharge from liability = descarcare de gestiune Encumber = afecta Competence = atributie Authorized representative = imputernicit Enter into = a incheia Liability = raspundere Release of mortgage on = radierea ipotecii, ridicare a ipotecii asupra Of any kind = de orice natura Execution = semnare Withholding = retinere

As the case may be = dupa caz Counterclaim = alta prestatie Applicable law = legea in vigoare Discharge of debt = iertare a unei datorii Demotion = retrograde in functie Secondment = detasare Secondees = detasati Second = detasa Detachment = delegare Legal enactments = acte normative Voluntary allotment agreement = contract de partaj voluntar deed of termination = act de reziliere construction agreement = contract de antrepriza managing contractor = antreprenor general open balance = sold initial construction management agreement = contract de antrepriza generala By law = in drept Discharge from further performance of their obligation = exonerare de la indeplinirea obligatiilor Registered on the dockets of = inregistrata pe rol Claim of waiver = cerere de renuntare Recourse and remedy rights = optiuni de remediere si dezdaunare Notarial attestation = incheiere notariala With a view to = in vederea

The Company Law = Legea Societatilor Comerciale Carrying out the relation = a desfasura relatia Counterclaim = intampinare Contract de Societate si Statutul Societatii = Articles of Association aduce la indeplinire o hotarare = implement ensure=a asigura certain, liquid and due debt = datorie certa, lichida si exigibila with the observamce of = cu respectare automatically = de drept Guidelines = linii directoare occupy a space = a umple un spatiu breach of contract = incalcare a contractului fault = culpa sub marca = bearing the trademark intampina dificultati = face difficulties raise debt = atrage imprumuturi indulgence = perioada de gratie presenter = vorbitor bylaws = statut it is agreed = s-a convenit issues = aspecte deschise to be in a position = a fi in pozitia housekeeping = de ordine interna

cross-colateralized = garantat incrucisat equity = fond fit-out = amenajare arrear = restanta parental guarantees = fidejusiuni accounts = situatii financiare balance sheet = situatie financiara go to court = a ajunge in instanta massive issue = problema majora damages for fonds lost on default of = pagube suferite in urma neindeplinirii obligatiilor si rezilierii contractului service charged deposits = garantii depozit pentru chiria aditionala unreliable = nefiind fiabil at a lower rent = desi a facut-o la o chirie mai mica settlement fee= taxa de tranzactionare administration = de ordine interna invalidity = neaplicarea hereby = prin prezentul termination = incetarea a company duly organized and functioning under the laws of = o societate nfiinat i funcionnd valabil potrivit legislaiei claim = aciune n pretenii with the following count = avnd urmtoarele capete de cerere summons = cerere de chemare n judecat

judicial expenses = cheltuieli de judecat to be pending = se afl pe rol trial court = judectorie hearing date = termen de judecat terminate the litigation = a stinge litigiu by settlement = pe cale amiabila under the provisions = n temeiul dispoziiilor section et sequitur from the= art. i urmtoarele civil code = cod civil civil procedure code = cod de procedura civila of any other kind = de orice alt natur settlement = tranzacie acknowledge = a lua act render a decision = pronuna o hotrre settlement decision = hotrre de expedient establish = consfini to that end = n acest sens incur the expenses = suporta cheltuielile void ex office = nul de drept prove = a face dovada attorney-in-fact = mputernicit execute = ncheia associates notary office= biroul notarilor asociai

the authentication of the present document has been requested = s-a cerut autentificarea urmtorului nscris facility agreement = contract de mprumut addendum = act adiional under the following terms and condition = n urmtorii termeni i condiii maturity = scaden interest reserve account = cont pentru dobnd hearing = edin corporate and personal taxation = impozitarea persoanelor fizice i juridice grey area = interpretabil undergo revision and amendment = suferi revizuire i modificri deductibility of expenses = deducerea cheltuielilor fixed assets = active fixe withholding taxes = impozite cu reinere la surs double taxation = dubla impunere on a broad spectrum = ntr-o gam variat VAT reverse charge = taxare invers a TVA VAT refund = returnare TVA litigation = litigiu offset of taxes =decontarea impozitelor tax computation = calculul obligaiilor fiscale turnover tax = impozit pe cifra de afaceri state visit = vizit oficial

board of directors = consiliu de administraie the undersigned = subsemnatul with the corporate name registered with the = avnd denumirea rezervat financial statement = situaie financiar execute = semna, ndeplini empowered representative = mputernicit tract = tarla voluntary allotment agreement = contract de partaj voluntary plot = lot parcel =parcel maintenence clause = clauz de ntreinere donation agreement = contract de donaie inheritance certificate = certificate de motenitor pursuant to = n baza registered = intabulat for valuable consideration = cu titlu oneros notification = sesizare miscellaneous = diverse severability = character independent construe = interpreta adjudicate = soluiona to deem null = lovi de nulitatate receivable assignment contract = cesiune de crean

loan assignment and novation agreement = contract de cesiune i novaie assignor = cedent assignee = cesionar borrower = debitor cedat account-receivable = crean at no price = n mod gratuit full force = efecte depline prepayment = plata anticipat books and accounts = register contabile full and unencumbered = n totalitate claim defense, offset or counterclaim = formula o pretenie, compensare sau ntmpinare indemnity = despgubire borrower acceptance = acordul debitorului agree = a-i da acordul, a agrea repayment = rambursare governing law = legea aplicabil dispute resolution = soluionarea litigiilor provide a service = a furniza un serviciu the claim was abandoned = aciunea n justiie a fost retras abandonement clause = clauz de abandon aggregate = sum total immovable property = bunuri incorporale tangible or intangible property = bunuri corporale i incorporale

hereinafter referred as attorney = denumit n continuare mputernicit empower = a mputernici become chargeable = devine exigibil action = proces consequence = efect warrant contract = contract de mandat usufruct contract = contract de comodat bailment contract = contract de depozit life annuity = renta viagera exhibit = anex forestry lands = terenuri forestiere affiliate = afiliat total area = suprafa total outside de city limits = extravilan cadastral measurement
Standard Real Estate Due Diligence Checklist and Questionnaire municipal authority

pending restitution claim pending = outstanding upon sbs request deal-breaking issues through restitution stemming = aa cum rezult, apare retrievable documents

of adjudication ordinance partitioning deed mortgage foreclosure bona fide buyer undo, reverse or annul the transaction under oath and the sanction of criminal penalties fill a request commence court action operation permit = autorizaie de funcionare certify and attest = adeveri i atest annexed hereto = anexat la prezenta bailiwick = jurispridena lieutenant governor = guvernator adjunct entrance = scar release of his duties = descrcare de activitate release of duties = descrcare de gestiune apt. = ap. as further amended = cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare land registry office = oficiu de cadastru si publicitate imobiliara within file = in dosarul land registry excerpt = extras de carte funciara plot of land = lot de teren surface area = in suprafata

in accordance with = in baza purchase price = pret de cumparare free of any encumbrance = liber de sarcini rightful = de drept division of ownership right = dezmembraminte ale dreptului de proprietate usufruct = drept de usufruct easement = drept de folosinta pre-emption right = drept de preemtiune right of options = drept de preferinta claim = cerere de revendicare sewerage = canalizare undertake an obligation = a indeplini obligatiile enter into = a incheia cancellation = reziliere adjudicate = solutiona notary taxes = taxe notariale related to = afferent assignment = cesiune individual = persoana fizica legal person = persoana juridica police department = sectie de politie take all actions = a lua toate masurile fulfill a resolution = indeplini hotararea

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