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As most religions say, God made all His creations equal, special and unique from each other. Different in terms of color, physique and mentality. All creation have their purpose in their existence. A students purpose and goal is to finish his/her studies, in order to proceed to his/her original purpose. To be a good, fateful and productive human being. Absenteeism is defined as the practice or habit of being an absentee, the practice of absenting of ones self from ones country, , state, assignation, duty or responsibility.This is commonly used in the modern world to depict people such as students, employees and workers who are absent or do not attend the agenda or place of agenda which require their presence. The objective of this study is to analyze the facts, determine the cause and effects, and obtain a deeper insight of what absenteeism really is. The information documented here will help future studies on the case as basis and reference for further research, and hopefully help to find a solution to the problem.

Absenteeism in the case of school based students is a common occurrence. This is a serious issue for both public and private schools.Absenteeism leads to the students having bad grades which may then lead to bad consequences, such as repeating, being dropped from class or having bad records that may affect future transactions. Absenteeism can be categorized, but cannot be generalized, for every case is different. Therefore there is no general treatment for people who suffer from this case. The causes of students being absent range from having lack of subject interest, inferiority complex, to having distressful problems at home or with friends. Environmental distractions also serve a role such as establishments near the school area which may attract or persuade students to absent from class. Absenteeism may be classified as a habitual evasion such as voluntary or involuntary, or in most cases, unconsciously aiming to be absent for reasons the student prefers not to tackle. This may manifest as anti-social tendencies or inferiority complex for the part of the absentee. In another case, willful absenceis the voluntary act of absenting. Reasons may be that the student did not received money allowance resulting to his/her refusal to go to school, or , his/her friend may have asked him/her to come with him/her in a different agenda. When this agenda conflicts with the schooling schedule, it

may result to the student picking the deviant choice of coming with his/her friend instead of going to school. The involuntary or occasional absenting reason refers to an unexpected phenomenon such as sudden heavy rain, accidents that lead to injury or unexpected conflict with school schedule and other agendas that require the students presence.This types of case may be resolved by the student or the students parent writing an excuse letter. The objective of teachers, professors and guidance counselors is not only to teach, but also help the students develop their ability of learning, habitually and proficiently. Absenteeism is a negative impact to the students personality and can lead to impairment of the students social norms. In such cases the assistance of the guidance counselor is needed, with the participation of the students parents. Absenteeism is a very negative characteristic to have as an individual and must be cured as soon as symptoms are observed. This is a serious issue for both public and private schools.Absenteeism leads to the students having bad grades which may then lead to bad consequences, such as repeating, being dropped from class or having bad records that may affect future transactions. Absenteeism can be categorized, but cannot be generalized, for every case is different. Therefore there is no general treatment for people who suffer from this case.

Statement of the Problem

To determine the cause and effects of absenteeism in many schools, the following problems were sought for answers: 1)What is the nature and extent of absenteeism? 2)What are the major reasons why students results to absenteeism? 3)What are the common factors absentees share? 4)What influences students to be an absentee? 5) What are the ways to treat and prevent absenteeism in students? 6)What is the students opinion or view of himself as an absentee? 7)What is the effect of absenteeism to the students performance in school?

Related Literature RelatedStudy

Health Issues
One of the common reasons for absence cases in pre-school and elementary schools in the Philippines is connected to health problem issues. Department of Education aims to cut by half the incidence of infectious diseases among pre-school and elementary school students and stop absenteeism by conducting a comprehensive oral care and general hygiene program. The aim is to reduce the infectious disease by 40 to 50 percent, and oral problems by 40 to 50 percent, cases in studentsin both public and private schools throughout the nation. Cases of tooth ache, diarrhea, respiratory ailments and soiltransmitted worm infections are prevalent in early childhood schools, causing absenteeism and in some cases, dropping out for students who suffer from the said problems. The said diseases are socially accepted and are considered normal despite their huge impact on the physical and mental development of children, their school performance and quality of life according to a notable DepEd official.The program aims to aid and educate the population with preventing these diseases

through simple and cost-effective methods, largely focused on proper hygiene and clean living environment.Administrative and teaching personnel will also be educated to be inclined in implementing proper hygiene routines for their students. The project had already partially taken place in mass scale in schools and day care centers in the northern, central and middle regions of the country. Cause of absenteeism also related to health issues also include family members of the student being ill. Although the student himself is not the one who has the problem, he/she is affected by the consequence of the health issues of his/her family members. In foreign school absenteeism cases attributed to health issues, the reasons vary from the countrys geographical or cultural characteristics. In south east Asian tropical countries such as the Philippines, logistical problems hinder students from going to school. Students who live in the mountains or the rural islands have to walk for hourseveryday, just to get to their schools located in the town propers.

Social Issues

Culture and social standards in a nation or area affects a students performance in school. The cases are categorized as the following: Emotional Issues Students who growup in broken homes are most susceptive to absenteeism.The lack of fate in the sanctity of family leads to social rebellion, which manifests as deviant behavior commonly expressed by vandalism, authority problems , social withdrawal, and absenteeism or dropping out. Ethnic Issues Children belonging to certain ethnic groups such as natives from rural provinces, are expected to be slower learners as compared to others. There are certain stereotypes that have been attached to specific races and, children belonging to them, suffer from low selfesteem.

Gender Issues Another social issue in education is differentiation on the basis of sex. Girls have lesser opportunities, compared to boys for studying, in certain sections of the society. Expectations from girls to score high in studies or study further, are less too. However, this does not apply in most parts of the Philippines, but still remains an issue in countries

with government systems based on culture.

Economic Issues 3rd World countries or under developed nations have insufficient number of schools to match the demand of the growing population. In countries like the Philippines, the ratio of 1 is 70, teacher and student ratio is not an exaggeration. This makes it hard for teachers to put even attention to all his/her students and can lead to students tardiness and absenteeism.Some social issues arise due to the economic strata a student belongs to. Students who belong to poor families, go to public schools which are not so well equipped with technology. This automatically puts them at a disadvantage, when compared to the students who go to some good private schools. Cultural Issues Some ethnic minorities who have stuck with their cultural way of living neglect the concept of modern education. This mentality, when indoctrinated to the younger generations, may lead to them not attending school at all. In some nations, immigrant students who have different religion than the mainstream religion of the society he/she is in, may feel out of place, different and have a hard time adjusting. The conflict of principles between the individual and the school administration may cause the student to feel he is in the wrong place.

This may then lead to anti-social behavior, social withdrawal and eventually, absenteeism or dropping out. Ethical Issues Ethical standards in a society or school affects the students attendance of class.In some schools were proper uniform are implemented, this may come in conflict with the social trends, personal preferences, fashion statement and self-imagery of the student. Instead of wearing the implemented dress code, they wear what they see is socially accepted according to their view. And this leads to the student not being allowed to enter the school grounds. Failure to concede, either the student or the school administration, can lead to students not attending their classes at all.


Literature reviews are acknowledged as valuable contributions to advancement of research. When done well, they help researchers sum up where have been and where they need to go next. They identify gaps in knowledge and suggest new directions for future research. That such endeavors are considered useful is reflected in the number published each year. Reviews of research literature are carried out for several reasons. One reason is to assess state of current knowledge. Relatedly, literature reviews assess what is not known-the gaps in knowledge. It is quite common in published literature reviews to find a discussion of what directions ought to be taken by future research on a topic. Such discussions define productive lines of research and promote integration of future findings with current knowledge. A third reason is to advance theory. Good literature reviews make strong statements about validity of theories and stimulate new theoretical most fundamental units in students learning. Learning in a system of group collaboration is one of the best ways in gaining knowledge. It is a teamwork which the framework relies on an individual learning from the others and others learning from that individual. When a student misses a day of school he/she must have lost the

chance to hear others, interpret and analyzing the lessons or joins the interaction within the class. This lost is being rooted to two different courses and varying factors under these courses. The inquiry might be a family situation or an individual problem. Then, under these courses are the factors that contribute to a childs regular truancy. These may be finance concerns, disability, psychotic imbalance, poor school climate, family health, transportation problems, drug and alcohol use, and differing community attitude towards education (Savers, D. etal,2005). College student retention programs tend to focus primarily on students in their first and second year of college as this is the time when the greatest number of students withdraws from postsecondary education (ACT 2004). Such programs vary substantially in design and execution. Examples include: Early alert, assessment, and monitoring

systems to identify students at risk of dropping out for early intervention; Freshman Seminar; and HORIZONS. Organizational Theory practices, designed to create an institutional culture conducive to student retention, are another means of encouraging college student retention. Connection to Health Improving college retention rates may have broad impacts: students who complete college degrees have been found to be less likely to need the support of social services, generate higher tax returns, put less stress on the criminal

A study into learner absenteeism, commissioned by the Department of Education, has found that the prevalence of learner absenteeism in South African schools is between 5% and 15%. The study adopted a simple definition of absenteeism as a situation where a learner is not at school for an entire day. In developed countries, absenteeism rates usually range between 6% and 8%. However, absenteeism rates in African countries have been found to be much higher, sometimes as high as 50%. The study also reported that many school, district and provincial officials reported that learner absenteeism is not as big a problem as teacher absenteeism. The reasons for learner absenteeism generally fall in three broad categories: personal (illness, learning difficulties); socio-economic (transport, lack of parental involvement, dysfunctional families, the impact of HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy), and schoolbased (boredom, punishment for late-coming, bullying and violence in schools). In 2007, the Department of Education commissioned the Community Agency for Social Enquiry (CASE) and Joint Education

Trust (JET) to undertake an investigation into learner absenteeism in South African schools. The aim of the study was to investigate the extent of learner absenteeism in schools, explore the reasons why learners absent themselves from schools, examine the systems that exist to record, monitor and reduce learner absenteeism, and review international and local good practice in recording and monitoring learner absenteeism. The empirical investigation was based on a study of thirty schools throughout the nine provinces, complemented by interviews with officials from district and provincial offices. To complement primary data collection, a detailed local and international literature review was undertaken. The local literature review aimed at assessing the extent of learner absenteeism in South Africa by examining existing large-scale studies on the incidence of learner absenteeism in South Africa. Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said on Tuesday that DepEd recently pilot-tested in Tarlac a comprehensive oral health care and general hygiene program for school children to keep them in school by reducing infectious diseases by 30 to 50 percent and dental problems by 40 to 50 percent.

Lapus said that toothache, diarrhea, respiratory ailments and soil-transmitted worm infections were prevalent in pre-school and school children ?causing absenteeism and dropping-out of school.? It is socially accepted, often neglected when it fact it can be prevented at a low cost," Lapus said in a statement. These diseases are considered ?normal,? despite their huge impact on the physical and mental development of children, their school performance and their quality of life,? he added. Lapus said most of the diseases were caused by hygiene problems and studies by DepEd showed that these diseases could be controlled by ?simple, cost-effective preventive measures implemented on a mass scale in schools and day care centers.? To this end, DepEd partnered with local government units and the private sector for its Essential Health Care Package (EHCP) program, Lapus said. It was introduced in 2008 and the program has benefited some 600,000 children in 20 provinces. When it was first launched in selected schools, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo herself demonstrated proper hand washing to school children, the education chief said.

For school year 2009-2010, the EHCP program of the DepEd?s Health and Nutrition Center had its soft launch in Cristo Rey East Elementary School in Capas, Tarlac, he added. He said participating schools would conduct daily hand washing with soap and water. A nail-cutter will also be made available in classrooms to keep the fingernails groomed. Daily supervised tooth brushing drills using fluoride toothpaste will be done in schools while deworming tablets will be provided by the Department of Health and administered by school health personnel twice a year, according to Lapus. The National Oral Health Survey (NOHS) conducted by the DepEd from November 2005 to February 2006 revealed that nearly all school children had dental caries, with an average of nine decayed teeth in every mouth. Lapus said the school system's well-organized administrative structure and teaching personnel have been tapped to implement health programs ?focusing on the behavior change.? These health improvement measures are intended to increase school attendance, improve school performance and help the government achieve

Schooling was perceived as the key to success for individuals and to the excellence of society(Mitchell, 1993) Free and compulsory education came to England and Wales following the Elementary Education Acts of11 1870 and 1876, although not always on a full time basis. The Education Act of 1918 finally abolished half time schooling, and made elementary education entirely free and compulsory until the end of the term after the child's fourteenth birthday. Nevertheless, in most parts of the United States the problem of illegal absence dates from 1876 (Galloway, 1985). In the 1850s urban schools suffered from an extremely high turnover of students. Many students were needed at home to do many of the chores, especially if they lived on a farm. Other students worked outside of the home to help support the family. Poor attendance was a problem to

teachers and parents well before school attendance became compulsory (Pallister, 1969). Pallister notes that enthusiasm for education varied with the standards of the school; good schools quickly obtaining the support of parents, and similarly bad schools, least in the eyes of parents, quickly losing support. School administrators were immediately faced with new concerns considering that in 1900 only 6 percent of Americans had a diploma (Wise, 1994;Kay, 1991). It is clear that attendance rates varied little between 1904 and 1938, except in 1920 when lower average attendance followed the social upheaval of the First World War. Galloway noted that there is little evidence that attendance rates over the last ten to fifteen years (1970-1985) differ very much from those earlier in the century (Galloway, 1985). Even with the increased12

attendance and the increased graduation rates over the last 100 years, education is relatively the same. A glaring example of this is the release of students for farm work in extremely industrialized society. Our culture has changed but the reasons for excused absences have not changed (Wise, 1994). School attendance was a problem before education became free and compulsory, and based on the researcher's knowledge and experience as an educator, it has continued to be one ever since. The researcher notes that attendance figures can be interpreted in different ways. There is little evidence that school attendance rates have changed noticeably throughout the twentieth century.

Absenteeism is defined as the practice or habit of being an absentee, the practice of absenting of ones self from ones country, , state, assignation, duty or responsibility. The objective of this study is to analyze the facts, determine the cause and effects, and obtain a deeper insight of what absenteeism.This is a serious issue for both public and private schools.Absenteeism leads to the students having bad grades which may then lead to bad consequences, such as repeating, being dropped from class or having bad records that may affect future transactions. Absenteeism can be categorized, but cannot be generalized, for every case is different. Therefore there is no general treatment for people who suffer from this case. This is a serious issue for both public and private schools.Absenteeism leads to the students having bad grades which may then lead to bad consequences, such as repeating, being dropped from class or having bad records that may affect future transactions. Absenteeism can be categorized, but cannot be generalized, for every case is different. Therefore there is no general treatment for people who suffer from this case. A students purpose and goal is to finish his/her studies, in order to proceed to his/her original purpose. To be a good, fateful and

productive human being. The said diseases are socially accepted and are considered normal despite their huge impact on the physical and mental development of children, their school performance and quality of life according to a notable DepEd official.The program aims to aid and educate the population with preventing these diseases through simple and cost-effective methods, largely focused on proper hygiene and clean living environment.Administrative and teaching personnel will also be educated to be inclined in implementing proper hygiene routines for their students. The lack of fate in the sanctity of family leads to social rebellion, which manifests as deviant behavior commonly expressed by vandalism, authority problems , social withdrawal, and absenteeism or dropping out. Another social issue in education is differentiation on the basis of sex. Girls have lesser opportunities, compared to boys for studying, in certain sections of the society. This makes it hard for teachers to put even attention to all his/her students and can lead to students tardiness and absenteeism.Some social issues arise due to the economic strata a student belongs to. One reason is to assess state of current knowledge. Relatedly, literature reviews assess what is not known-the gaps in knowledge. It is quite common in published literature reviews to find a discussion of what directions ought to be taken by future

research on a topic. Such discussions define productive lines of research and promote integration of future findings with current knowledge. A third reason is to advance theory. . Learning in a system of group collaboration is one of the best ways in gaining knowledge. It is a teamwork which the framework relies on an individual learning from the others and others learning from that individual. When a student misses a day of school he/she must have lost the chance to hear others, interpret and analyzing the lessons or joins the interaction within the class. This lost is being rooted to two different courses and varying factors under these courses. The inquiry might be a family situation or an individual problem. The reasons for learner absenteeism generally fall in three broad categories: personal (illness, learning difficulties); socio-economic (transport, lack of parental involvement, dysfunctional families, the impact of HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy), and school-based (boredom, punishment for late-coming, bullying and violence in schools). The local literature review aimed at assessing the extent of learner absenteeism in South Africa by examining existing large-scale studies on the incidence of learner absenteeism in South Africa. absenteeism

According to Josephine Almonte, Busy yourself on your favorite subjects and avoid having barkadas to keep your mind in your studies According to Erissa Tabuena,When the teaching of teacher are sleepy and powerless. According to Avelyn Toya,Because of financial problem. According to Jhoreen Palma, Because of laziness,personal dilemma,Lack of interest,attitude problem and problems inside the family,money manners(financial problem). According to Jun Babera, Things that influences to be an absentee are Firstly, all those things that are notin school like vices,freedom and earthly happiness with there peers.Secondly,fears about things that they cannot do or they didnt do like homeworks,exams,projects etc. And Thirdly, Sometimes they dont like the persons around them while in school like teachers,classmates and threat by others. According to Jethro T.,On a rebel. According to Manny Paloma,To prevent absenteeism in school eat 3x a day and take the vitamins and if you do that you prevent in sick and if you prevent in sick you prevent also in absent in school.

According to Laurel,Elaine, Absenteeeism may results to decreased rating on all of subjects with the most no.of absents done.also,to attendance and attitude.In conclusion it decreases the students overall performance in school.

Absenteeism from school is a serious public health issue for mental health professionals, physicians, and educators. The prevalence of unexcused absences from school exceeds that of major childhood behavior disorders and is a key risk factor for violence, injury, substance use, psychiatric disorders, and economic deprivation. This article involves a contemporary research review on absenteeism prevalence, comorbid physical and psychiatric conditions, classification, contextual risk factors, cross-cultural variables, assessment, intervention, and outcome. Contextual risk factors include homelessness and poverty, teenage pregnancy, school violence and victimization, school climate and connectedness, parental involvement, and family variables, among others. A description of intervention includes medical, clinical, and systemic interventions. Medical professionals, community- and school-based mental health professionals, and educators are encouraged to fully understand the parameters of school absenteeism to develop better, consensual policies regarding definition, classification, assessment, and intervention of youths with problematic school absenteeism. Student absenteeism is a major concern for elementary and secondary school educators. This paper annotates 59 articles and

reports dealing with the causes of, effects of, and solutions to student absenteeism. A brief glossary first defines l4 terms used in the literature. The author then surveys l4 publications on the causes of absenteeism, distinguishing student-level causes, such as personal characteristics or backgrounds, from school- and societal-level causes like school organization, teacher skills, peer pressure, or community values. Seven annotated publications on the effects of absenteeism show that it hurts both students' academic achievement and the school, where it can cause time loss and morale problems. Lastly, the author annotates 38 publications discussing six kinds of solutions to absenteeism, including punitive plans, parental involvement programs, student-centered agreements, counseling approaches, community agency programs, and nontraditional methods like open campuses or special classes. The author concludes that absenteeism has many causes and effects, but that the solutions suggested yield mixed results, depending upon the specific circumstances and the educational philosophy used. Student absenteeism is a major concern for lecturers at institutions of higher learning. Absences create a dead, tiresome, unpleasant classroom environment that makes students who come to class uncomfortable and the lecturer irritable (Marburger 2001).


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