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Pioneer review

Includes Tax
A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981.
Number 12
Volume 107
November 15, 2012
Market Report
Winter Wheat, 12 Pro ..........$8.30
Any Pro .............................$7.30
Milo .......................................$6.49
Sunflower Seeds................$21.50
Pearson 40
years with
PHS wins
Eut ou'rc in our hcarts. Thank ou for our
busincss. Hopc ou havc much to bc thankful
for this Thanksgiving.
From all of os at
Tbe Pioneer Review & Profit
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Haakon County saw a voter
turnout of 80.52 percent for the
general election held Tuesday, No-
vember 6. This was the second
highest percentage in South
Dakota, beaten only by Jones
Countys 82.93 percent.
Officially, Haakon County has a
population of 1,937 people. Of
those, 1,376 are active, registered
voters. In the general election,
1,108 of those people cast ballots.
Though the Barack Obama and
Joe Biden presidential ticket won
the national election, Haakon
County voted for the Mitt Romney
and Paul Ryan ticket by a land-
slide. In the local states attorney
race, Gay Tollefson collected 550
votes, compared to Ralph Kem-
nitzs 514. Fred Koester won the
sheriffs seat with 905 votes, com-
pared to William Morrisons 173.
The majority of voters in South
Dakota decided to change the dis-
tribution from the cement plant
trust fund, overriding what
Haakon County voters wanted.
Haakon County voters were part
of the majority in all other deci-
sions for candidates, amendments,
initiated measures and referred
Midland voters, by a three to one
margin, decided to renew the
towns off-sale and on-sale licenses.
The election cost Haakon County
a total of $4,854.76. This includes
the printing of ballots, program-
ming the cards for the Automark
and M100 voting machines and
wages for the election workers.
There were 22 workers covering
the six different precincts for the 12
hours that the polls were open.
Though the two precincts with vot-
ing locations in the courthouse did
not require rent, the other four did.
The Midland Fire Hall, Deep Creek
Church, Milesville Hall and
Philips Bad River Senior Citizens
Center each received $35 for rent
for the election.
General election results now official
The 73 Saloons annual wild game feed was held Friday, November 9, the
evening before the opening of West River deer season. This years crowd was the
largest so far, probably because people were hearing how good it was, said
LouAnn Reckling, the main cook of the crew that annually provides the various
dishes. The smorgasbord fare included turkey, pheasant shish kebabs, elk casse-
role, and other selections, though this year there was no turtle soup.
Annual wild game feed
by Nancy Haigh
The Haakon County commission-
ers, at their November 8 meeting,
lifted the burn ban implemented
last summer.
The board urged residents to still
take caution when burning as con-
ditions are still extremely dry.
Commissioner Rita OConnell
announced that she will step down
from the commission. She will be
moving out of her district. The com-
mission requests that anyone who
may wish to fill the seat from Dis-
trict 3 please call them.
Director of Equalization Toni
Rhodes gave an update on growth
figures for the county. She also ex-
plained how the city of Philips new
taxing ordinance affects the
countys growth figures. Basically,
any structure built within the citys
limits can only be taxed on 20 per-
cent of its value for the first year,
working up to 100 percent at five
years time. Two new structures,
one home and one business, are af-
Rhodes noted that Sage Informa-
tion Services, Glen Ellen, Calif.,
has responded back regarding the
commissions decision to not pro-
vide the company with the public
information from the equalization
office. The commission, and
Haakon County residents, stated
that the company could come and
copy the material themselves if so
desired, but they did not feel that
Rhodes needed to spend county
time copying and mailing the infor-
The companys letter stated that
according to law if a company re-
quests the information via elec-
tronic means, the county must send
it in that manner. The commission
requested Rhodes speak with
Haakon County States Attorney
Gay Tollefson regarding the laws.
The company is seeking all infor-
mation about land in the county
which includes, the property as-
sessment, legal description, num-
ber of acres, buildings and owners
Kenny Neville, highway superin-
tendent, discussed residing and
new windows for the trailer at the
Robbs Flat location. Different sid-
ing options were discussed and
Neville will get quotes on some of
Neville was given the go-ahead
to advertise for an employee. He
noted that two men are planning to
retire next year, one in May and
one in September.
Neville noted that his depart-
ment is putting in new culverts and
graveling short stretches of roads.
A supplemental hearing was ap-
proved to add $18,000 to the jail
fund and $5,000 to the mentally ill
The board approved Treasurer
Patti Rhodes request to use 2012
funds to purchase a computer for
her office. The purchase was bud-
geted for in the 2013 budget, but
Rhodes said she had enough funds
to purchase one this year, and then
purchase another computer in 2013
for the deputy treasurer. The com-
mission approved the request.
The board approved the October
2, 2012 meeting minutes and the
warrants for the past month. They
approved for county employees to
have Friday, November 23 and De-
cember 24 off as administrative
leave. Governor Dennis Daugaard
had approved these for state em-
ployees and the county follows suit.
The board tabled discussion and
action on the rescinding of Resolu-
tion #2008-03. The resolution out-
lined the county putting in ap-
proaches and not driveways.
Haakon County Auditor Pat Free-
man stated that a state auditor
told her it should be rescinded as
the county should not provide even
the approaches.
The board approved Virgil Smith
and a weed board member to at-
tend a meeting in Pierre, Novem-
ber 8. By having two people attend,
the county is eligible for grant dol-
The board approved a raffle re-
quest by Mike Moses for a Gem
Theatre fundraiser. The approval
in contingent on Moses providing
papers regarding the theaters non-
profit status.
The commission also sat as the
general election canvass board.
They went over the total votes in
each precinct and approved the
The board entered into executive
session Thursday morning for ap-
proximately 90 minutes to conduct
deputy sheriff interviews. No ac-
tion was taken following the ses-
The commission discussed the
countys revised personnel hand-
book for three and one-half hours
with Marlene Knutson, director of
the Central South Dakota En-
hancement District. The board ap-
proved the handbook which will
take effect January 2013.
Burn ban lifted for county; OConnell resigns
Over 3,000 head single consignment
of yearlings sold Tuesday!
by Karlee Barnes
Murdo Coyote
The Murdo Area Chamber of
Commerce partnered with South
Central Resource Conservation
and Development to sponsor a pub-
lic meeting November 5 to discuss
inadequate housing in small com-
A panel of speakers from federal,
state and local agencies with hous-
ing programs presented informa-
tion and insights on what com- mu-
nities can do to overcome current
housing issues. They also discussed
ways to encourage com- munity im-
provement through programs such
as Paint South Dakota.
The meeting was well attended
by business people, contractors and
members of the community, as well
as residents from surrounding com-
munities. Speakers included Mark
Lauseng executive director for
the South Dakota Housing Devel-
opment Authority, Roger Jacobs
field office director for Housing and
Urban Development, Greg Hender-
son executive director for Plan-
ning and Development District III,
Marlene Knutson executive direc-
tor for Central South Dakota En-
hancement District, Paula Corco-
ran loan specialist from Rural
Development, Bill Hanson Rural
Housing Collaborative, and Joy
McCracken NeighborWorks
Dakota Home Resources and
Dakota Land Trust.
Lauseng presented housing pro-
grams offered through the South
Dakota Housing Development Au-
thority. He spoke about the First-
Time Homebuyer Program, the
Community Home Improvement
Program (CHIP, the HOME Invest-
ment Partnerships Program and
the Governors House Program, as
well as the possibility of a housing
needs study.
These programs are all available
to applicants who meet certain
qualifications set by each program.
All of the programs are designed to
provide safe, affordable housing op-
portunities to low-income or low-to-
moderate income applicants.
More information can be found
about each program by calling 1-
800-540-4241 or visiting the South
Dakota Housing Development Au-
thoritys website, www.sdhda.org.
Jacobs told about programs of-
fered through HUD, which can be
found at www.hud.gov, and he ad-
dressed the Housing Opportunity
According to a fact sheet with
data compiled by the South Dakota
Housing Development Authority, a
Housing Opportunity Fund will be
a new state fund with revenue ded-
icated to enable South Dakota com-
munities to create and preserve
homes affordable to hardworking
families, veterans, persons with
disabilities, seniors and others. Ja-
Solving inadequate housing in communities
Members of the Philip community attended the housing meeting in Murdo.
Photo by Karlee Barnes
continued on page 8
cobs said that South Dakota is one
of three states that currently has
no housing trust fund.
The need for a Housing Oppor-
tunity Fund was outlined with sup-
porting facts. One in seven South
Dakotans fall below the poverty
rate. Also, rents are more than
many South Dakotans can afford.
According to the fact sheet, the av-
erage HUD fair market rent for a
two-bedroom apartment in South
Dakota is $556 per month.
Other facts supporting the need
for the fund include rental housing
markets are tight as evidenced by
low vacancy rates, demand for
housing exceeds assistance avail-
able, there is a shortage in funding
to develop affordable housing,
vouchers are underutilized, some
South Dakotans are lacking decent
and safe housing, South Dakotans
are struggling to maintain a roof
over their head.
An in-depth review of these facts
can be requested through the
South Dakota Housing Develop-
ment Authority.
Henderson spoke of Prairieland
Housing Development. PHD is a
non-profit organization whose
main goal is to support the devel-
opment of affordable housing in the
region. More information can be
found at www.districtiii.org. Hen-
derson gave insights including
learn to manage expectations and
dont over-reach housing. He cau-
tioned developers to be aware of
their market, and to get commit-
The Lazy 3 Livestock Ranch of Billings, Mont., brought over
3,000 head of yearling steers and heifers to Philip this past
week and sold Tuesday morning, November 13. The total head
count was 3,052, consisting of both steers and heifers with the
average weight per head of 887 lbs. They brought a little over
$1.40/lb. totaling $1,244 per head. This one consignment sale
grossed over $3,798,000.
Trucks started bringing in the cattle Friday before the Tues-
day sale, with 45 trucks delivering cattle to the yards. Philip
Livestock Auction sold these yearlings along with other year-
lings and calves during the regular sale that totaled over 7,500
Read the complete report of representative sales for this
week on the back page of The Pioneer Review.
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The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
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Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
Opinion / Community
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 2
Pioneer review
Philip, SD U.S.P.S. 433-780
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson,
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of
Haakon County, the towns of Philip and Mid-
land, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Pioneer Review office is located at 221 E. Oak
Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516;
FAX: (605) 859-2410;
e-mail: ads@pioneer-review.com
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications,
Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be
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DEADLINES: Display & Classified
Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/
Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Thursday: Clear. High of 46F. Winds
from the NW at 5 to 10 mph shift-
ing to the NNE in the afternoon.
Thursday Night: Partly cloudy. Fog
overnight. Low of 23F with a windchill as
low as 16F. Winds from the SSE at 5 to 15
Friday: Partly cloudy. High of 55F.
Breezy. Winds from the
South at 10 to 20 mph.
Friday Night: Partly cloudy.
Fog overnight. Low of 27F.
Winds from the SW at 5 to 10
mph shifting to the NW after midnight.
Saturday: Clear. High
of 54F. Winds less
than 5 mph.
Saturday Night:
Clear. Fog overnight.
Low of 27F. Winds less than 5
Sunday: Clear. High of 52F.
Winds from the SSE at 5 to
10 mph.
Sunday Night: Clear. Fog
overnight. Low of 30F with a
windchill as low as 21F. Winds from the
SSW at 10 to 15 mph.
Get your complete &
up-to-the minute
local forecast:
Monday: Partly cloudy. High
of 57F. Winds from the
South at 10 to 15 mph.
Monday Night: Mostly
cloudy. Fog overnight.
Low of 30F. Winds less than
5 mph.
A thankful life ... by Del Bartels
In 1620, after four months at sea, the people on the Mayflower
sighted land. Far north of the Virginia colony, they were forced by
weather to harbor a harsh winter. The non-separatist passengers de-
clared that since they were not at their contractual destination, they
could act as free agents. For self-preservation, the men drafted the
Mayflower Compact, which submitted the entire colony to majority
rule. When the new common house burned to the ground, the ship was
the only shelter. Then a sickness hit. Of the original approximately 102
Mayflower passengers, about half survived the first year. Come warmer
weather, encounters with various Indian tribes resulted in a treaty of
friendship. At summer's end, when the harvest was in, the two groups
combined the colonists English harvest home and the Indians har-
vest time traditions. Though it is likely that this mutual time of thanks-
giving was earlier in the season, it was the seed that grew to become
our Thanksgiving celebrated in late November.
In everything give thanks is a Biblical lesson that is sometimes far
from easy. After tremendous hardship and loss, thankfulness is not at
the forefront of ones thoughts. One definition of a compromise a com-
pact or treaty is where neither side is completely happy. The pilgrims
had tremendous loss and they had to repeatedly hold off on their sepa-
ratist ways. Still, they and the people they came into contact with
paused to give thanks.
In 2012, America is still fighting an economy that is, at best, sluggish,
with an almost eight percent unemployment rate. A current devastat-
ing drought is rearing its ugly head at next years growing season. Local
food pantries are straining. The stock market is wobbling. Then, there
are other hardships felt on a more personal level. Some families must
deal with breakups, financial downsizing, illnesses, or maybe even a
death in the family.
Still, to give thanks is a lesson. The various colonial settlements, such
as founded by the pilgrims, learned to take, and to share, responsibility
in what we now call a democratic government. Separatism has its place,
but working with others to improve society as a whole can be called an
American trait. A hard life may be softened just a little bit by struggling
through it day by day with a thankful heart.
As the traditional turkey is set on the table, the family around it can
relish that they are together. As people sit at a community table be-
cause, come November 22, they will not be surrounded by family, then
they can be grateful for friends and acquaintances. As families pray,
with an empty chair at the table, they can be comforted that the chair
was filled for a while by a loved one. The traditional picture is of a huge
family laughing around a table full of bounty that includes an overly
huge stuffed turkey. The real picture is of family, and of friends, coming
together to be thankful for each other.
Lookin Around by Syd Iwan
Do you suffer from anatidaepho-
bia? That is the fear that some-
where, somehow, a duck is always
watching you. Actually this is more
a made-up fear by humorist Gary
Larson in his Far Side comics that
an actual one, but probably some-
where, somehow, there is a person
who worries about being spied on
by ducks.
Rationally speaking, there isnt
all that much to be afraid of when
it comes to ducks. They seldom go
on the attack, and how dangerous
can the awkward things be with
flat feet and blunt bills? Now geese
are a different story. Ive been bit-
ten on the rear by a gander once or
twice, and that can hurt. In other
words, keep an eye on geese but
dont fuss that much about ducks.
There are a lot of phobias out
there, however, that have been
classified and are real excessive,
irrational, and persistent fears as
Websters dictionary puts it. One of
the most common might be acro-
phobia, which is the fear of
heights. Luckily, I dont have it
and could happily climb to the top
of the water tower to take aerial
pictures of Myrts auction sale
since she wanted it visually
recorded. I did learn that you
shouldnt look up and see clouds
floating over since that gives you
the nasty feeling that the tower is
falling over backwards. Looking
down is fine with me but not up.
On the other hand, wife Corinne
seldom climbs up over one or two
steps on a stepladder. Heights
dont do a thing for her. Even pic-
tures of someone up high give her
pause. Neither is it a good idea to
hold hands with her while watch-
ing a movie where someone is dan-
gling in space or up too high. See-
ing such things will make her
hands sweat. On the ranch, I found
that repairing windmills is not a
job for a lot of guys. It makes them
really nervous to work on some-
thing too far above ground level, if
you can even get them to climb up
there in the first place.
Claustrophobia is another com-
mon problem which troubles those
who dislike confined spaces. I have
a bit of that. Actually, Im okay in
a small space if there is no one else
there with me. Neither do I care
much for crowds or even sitting on
a couch with people on both sides.
On the other hand, I certainly
dont suffer from autophobia which
is nervousness caused by being
alone. I can exist for days or weeks
by myself with no problem at all. If
you live on a ranch in the middle of
nowhere, this is fortunate. Its too
many people that bother me and
not too few.
Now there are quite a few things
that are a danger and need to be
watched. Snakes, prairie fires, spi-
ders and bats come to mind. I dont
go into a panic with any of those,
but I dont like them much. I am
not so afraid of snakes, though,
that I cant run and find a hoe or
other implement to remove their
heads. Nevertheless, I dont run
through tall grass or pick up a log
without kicking it first. This habit
came in very handy indeed one day
when I went to pick up a stump
that was supporting the tongue of
a hay rake. I kicked it over only to
find a rattlesnake below it. The
thought of putting my fingers
under there without looking
strongly reinforced my habit of
kicking or shifting first and picking
up second. The same applies to
feed sacks on the floor where spi-
ders and other crawly things like
to hide.
I do come down with a bit of
ablutophobia in the winter which
has to do with bathing or washing.
The reason is acarophobia which is
about itching. If I bathe every day,
I also itch every day. Washing up
is fine, but daily showers are not.
This is only a problem in cold
weather and not warm. Neither do
I suffer from ataxophobia which is
fear of disorder or untidiness. Ask
Corinne if you dont believe me.
She has a bit of that condition but
has learned to put up with my
messes without too much distress.
Finally we come to luposlipapho-
bia which is the fear of being pur-
sued by timber wolves around a
kitchen table while wearing socks
on a newly waxed floor. As you
might guess, this is another hu-
morists invention. Socks on a
newly waxed floor are actually
kind of fun since you can take a
run and slide across until your
mother tells you to quit. The tim-
ber-wolf part not so much.
Actually, I am basically saved
from excessive fear by trusting in
my heavenly father. He looks after
me and keeps me out of trouble as
he promises to do and has done re-
peatedly. He says not to worry
about anything but to pray about
everything. I try to do that and
highly recommend it. Being a
fraidy cat isnt much fun. I can live
without it.
Rush Funeral Homes main
chapel is moving from 203 W. Pine
Street to its new site at 165 East
Highway 14, in Philip. An open
house will be held Sunday, Novem-
ber 18, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The new location was once the
Park-Inn Cafe and gas station, be-
fore it became a Kingdom Hall for
the Jehovah Witnesses. The new
building is 4,917 square feet, with
a 36x36 garage. It is Occupational
Safety and Health Administration
compliant; including the air ex-
change unit in the embalming
room set to exchange the air 14
times per hour. The layout of the
viewing room is for easier visiting
of the attendees. Funeral services
will still be held in churches or
other family chosen places.
As part of the open house, there
will be on display a replica of the
coffin used to show President Abra-
ham Lincoln during his lying in
state. It is one of five replicas made
10 years ago by the Batesville Cas-
ket Company of Indiana. The coffin
was designed using the only known
surviving 1865 photograph of the
coffin. The distinction between a
coffin and a casket is that a coffin
has six sides (diamond shaped) and
a casket has four sides.
Four of the five coffin replicas
travel the nation for display at fu-
neral homes, and the fifth remains
as part of the permanent collection
at the Abraham Lincoln Presiden-
tial Library and Museum in
Springfield, Ill.
Lincolns coffin was the most
elaborate of that time. It was con-
structed of solid walnut, lined with
lead and completely covered in ex-
pensive black cloth. It was six feet,
six inches long and decorated with
sterling silver handles and studs
extending the entire length of its
sides. Though it appears austere
compared to modern caskets, the
original was custom made for the
president and featured a remov-
able two-part top. The replica does
not contain a lead lining.
Historically, the coffin played
prominently in a plot by thieves to
steal the presidents body. In 1876,
when a counterfeiting rings top en-
graver was imprisoned, his gang
decided to break into the tomb and
steal the body, planning to hold it
for a ransom of $200,000 in gold
and the freedom of the engraver.
The plot was foiled when lawmen
made their move as the coffin was
being removed from the tomb.
In 1900, Lincolns son, Robert,
was afraid that more attempts to
steal the body would be made. A se-
lect few viewed the body one last
time, to ensure that previous at-
tempts to steal the body had not
been successful. Lincolns appear-
ance had not changed much since
that of his original burial in 1865.
Lincoln was then permanently
buried, with the coffin placed in a
cage 10 feet deep and encased in
4,000 pounds of concrete.
It is estimated that one million
people viewed Lincolns body from
the time of his death until his bur-
ial. The funeral was the largest in
the world, until President John F.
Kennedys death in 1963.
It could be said that Lincolns
death triggered the beginning of
the modern day funeral service. He
was the first public figure to be em-
balmed and put on view for al-
most three weeks. The embalming
technique used was primarily used
on soldiers who died during the
Civil War and needed to be trans-
ported home for burial. People at
the time thought embalming was a
barbaric violation of the body, but
Lincolns funeral changed that per-
ception. His public viewing intro-
duced the population to the bene-
fits of embalming. Mourners were
able to see the late president for 20
days and embalming made it possi-
Rush Funeral Home open house to
display replica of Lincolns coffin
A variety of local vendors gathered in the K-gees building, Thursday, November
8, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to show their wares for the beginning of the
Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. Prize drawings and refreshments
were available. The vendors included Arbonne, Do Terra, Dragonfly Framed Art,
Miche Bags, Norwex, Pampered Chef, Princess House, Scentsy, Signature Home-
styles, Thirty-One Gifts, Tupperware and Usborne Books. Photo by Del Bartels
Holiday open house
Forty and Eight flag presentation
On Thursday, November 8, members of the Voyager #522
Pierre and Philip Forty and Eight, an elite group derived from
members of the American Legion, presented individual flags
to the students in Jayne Gottslebens first grade class in
preparation for Veterans Day. The Forty and Eight represen-
tatives explained what Veterans Day is for. They demon-
strated the proper procedure for folding a full-sized American
flag, then the students repeatedly practiced folding the flag.
Each first grade student in the school district received their
own smaller American flag. Shown, back row, from left: Ron
Millage, Phil Pearson and Marvin Denke. Third row: Cohen
Reckling, Stratton Morehart, Adam Kanable, Colden Kramer,
Tukker Boe, Ryker Peterson and Kash Slovek. Second row:
Wakely Burns, Kade Fitzgerald, Rainee Snyder, Dymond Lurz,
Brit Morrison and Jess Jones. Front: Tara Schofield, Lane
Kuchenbecker, Leah Staben, Kiara Perkins and Hana
Crowser. Not pictured: Sarah Huston.
Photos by Del Bartels
Dear Editor,
About eight or nine months ago,
some neanderthal shotgunned
some rural mailboxes. Ours was
one of them.
I had a good friend, the talented
and semi-honorable Donnie Ehlers,
make us a new one. Steel. Looked
good. Kind of stood out and marked
the corner. Made me reminisce
about back in the day of 11 Mile
Boyd told me tonight when he
came home that someone had flat-
tened it. Laid it out. Whoever you
are, when you get done dragging
your knuckles, you need to stop out
for a Come to Jesus meeting.
Jeannie Waara
Philip, S.D.
Letter to the Editor
2012 Ag Horizons Conference
It is time again for the 2012 Ag
Horizons Conference which is set
to take place November 27 and 28
in Pierre. The Ag Horizons Confer-
ence will focus this year on
Weathering Change in agricul-
Ag Horizons is an annual event
which is hosted by South Dakota
Wheat Inc., The SD Pulse Grow-
ers, The SD Oilseeds Council, The
SD No-Till Association, The SD
Crop Improvement Association
and The SD Seed Trade Associa-
tion. The broad range of involve-
ment by different producer and
commodity groups makes the con-
ference appealing to producers and
industry members alike. Confer-
ence highlights will include pre-
sentations covering future trends
for wheat breeding, market strate-
gies, weather outlook, as well as
cover a range of crop production is-
sues. Certified crop advisor credits
will be available.
In addition, a number of the
above mentioned groups hold an-
nual meetings at the Ag Horizons
Conference. The SD Wheat Inc.,
the SD Seed Trade and the SD
Pulse Growers, Inc will each hold
annual business meetings on
Tuesday, November 27, at 4 p.m. A
conference agenda will soon be
available at www.iGrow.org.
The conference is being held at
the Ramkota River Convention
Center in Pierre, which is located
at 920 West Sioux Ave. Check-in is
set to start at 8 a.m. on November
27 with the program beginning at
9 a.m. Registration is available at
iGrow.org: http://igrow.org/cata-
Soil Health Information Day
The 2012 Soil Health Informa-
tion Day features some of the area
and nations favorite no-till
speakers. The event will be held on
Tuesday, December 11, at the
Davison County Fairgrounds Com-
plex, 3200 West Havens Street,
Mitchell. The day starts with na-
tionally recognized soil expert Ray
Archuleta, NRCS conservation
agronomist, Greensboro, N.C.
Rays topic is Healthy Soils Make
Healthy Profits.
Attendees will also hear presen-
tations covering the Biology of
Soil Compaction, Residue, Soil
Structure and Cover Crops, and
Catch and Release Nutrients.
Registration includes a noon
meal. Contact your Regional Ex-
tension Center, http://igrow.org/
about/our-experts/ for the meeting
brochure and registration form.
Certified crop advisor credits
will be available. For more infor-
mation e-mail: ruth.beck@sd-
state.edu or jason.miller@sd.usda.
gov or call (605) 773-8122. This
contact information is also avail-
able at http://www.sdnotill.com/.
For information on soil health
online, visit the Soil Health Infor-
mation Center: http://www.nrcs.
11/27-28: Ag Horizons Confer-
ence, Pierre
12/11: Soil Health Info Day-
Davison County Extension Com-
plex, Mitchell
Extension News
by Bob Fanning
Field Specialist, Winner
Regional Extension Center
Rural Living
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 3
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Most beef producers understand
that when the weather gets colder
their cows need more energy to
maintain their body condition.
So, when do cows start experi-
encing cold stress and then how
much more energy do they need?
South Dakota State University Ex-
tension Cow/calf Field Specialist
Warren Rusche said there are a
few things to consider when it
comes to cold stress.
We need to factor in both the ac-
tual temperature and the wind
speed to determine the effective
temperature, Rusche said, refer-
encing Table 1. You can see wind
speed can dramatically lower the
effective temperature the cattle ex-
perience. Any kind of available pro-
tection, whether natural or man
made, can be very valuable in re-
ducing the amount of wind chill
Table 1
Wind chill temperature
Wind, air temperature
0 mph -10 0 10 20 30
5 mph -16 -6 3 13 23
10 mph -21 -11 -1 8 1
20 mph -30 -20 -10 0 9
30 mph -46 -36 -27 -16 -6
Rusche said the second consider-
ation is, just exactly when does a
cow begin to feel cold stress?
The point of cold stress, or lower
critical temperature, depends in
large part on the amount of insula-
tion provided by the hair coat, he
said, referencing Table 2. Insula-
tion value changes depending on
the thickness of the haircoat and
whether it is dry or wet.
Table 2
Lower critical temperatures
Coat condition Critical temps
Wet or summer coat 59
Dry, Fall coat 45
Dry, winter coat 32
Dry, heavy winter coat 18
As a general rule, Rusche said,
for every degree that the effective
temperature is below the lower
critical temperature, the cows en-
ergy needs increase by one percent.
For instance if the effective tem-
perature is 17 degrees, the energy
needs of a cow with a dry winter
coat are about 15 percent higher
than they would be under more
moderate conditions. That energy
requirement jumps up to about 40
percent higher under those condi-
tions if the hair coat is completely
wet or matted down with mud, he
One of the ways, Rusche said,
the cow responds to cold stress is
by increasing voluntary feed in-
take. The animals entire metabo-
lism system increases in activity.
Also, the passage rate of roughages
through the rumen and digestive
tract increases. These changes trig-
ger an increase in the cows ap-
petite and voluntary intake, he
Some observed changes in intake
based on temperature are shown in
the Table 3.
Table 3
Daily dry matter intake
of beef cows based
on temperatures
Degrees Intake ratio
<5 116
5-22 107
22-41 105
41-59 103
59-77 102
77-95 90
>95 65
Some management considera-
tions cattle producers need to keep
in mind regarding changes in feed
intake in response to cold stress
and the cows need for more energy
Make sure that water is avail-
able. If water availability is re-
stricted, feed intake will be re-
duced. If the feed availability is
limited either by snow cover or ac-
cess to hay feeders, the cattle may
not have the opportunity to eat as
much as their appetite would dic-
tate. Be careful providing larger
amounts of high concentrate feeds.
Rapid diet changes could cause sig-
nificant digestive upsets.
Its important to remember that
cattle can adapt to short term
weather changes relatively well
without a significant impact on
performance. A cow can deal with
a few cold, miserable days without
suffering long-term effects,
Rusche said. However, ignoring
the energy costs of long-term cold
stress greatly increases the risk of
problems down the road during
calving and subsequent rebreeding
He added that any steps that we
can take to lower the cold stress the
cows have to contend with, such as
providing wind and weather pro-
tection, help reduce her mainte-
nance requirements.
Cold stress affects cows
ALL types!
Brent Peters
WTire Tanks
Located in
Kadoka, SD
Home: (605) 837-2945
Cell: (605) 381-5568
Excavation work of
For only the second time in 2012,
the statewide monthly average
temperature was cooler than aver-
age in October. Statewide, nearly
all locations were also drier than
average, according to latest reports
from the National Weather Service
observers and the High Plains Re-
gional Climate Center in Lincoln,
There was very little drought re-
lief to speak of, said Laura Ed-
wards, South Dakota State Univer-
sity Extension climate field special-
ist. Harvest of corn, soybeans and
sunflowers is pretty much com-
plete, which is a positive impact
from drought, but winter wheat is
continuing to struggle with the
lack of moisture.
Only two climate observing loca-
tions were warmer than average in
October, Hot Springs and Ardmore,
both in Fall River County. Else-
where, the mercury fell as much as
five degrees below average. Wess-
ington Springs, Forestburg and
Flandreau were among those that
reported the largest differences
from average.
A three-county area in the north-
east was wetter than average, but
that is an anomaly from the rest of
South Dakota. There was a big
rain event around October 20 and
21 that brought over three inches
of rain to the Webster and Waubay
area, said Edwards. That is the
second time this year where Day
County received much more rain-
fall than the surrounding area. The
other occurrence was in July, dur-
ing the peak of the summer
One positive note going forward
is the updated climate outlook for
November. The latest map, re-
leased November 1, puts northern
South Dakota in an area of higher
chances of wetter than average
There have been a lot of fluctu-
ations this fall in the outlook maps,
but a wetter pattern may be set-
tling in, at least for the next couple
of weeks, said Edwards.
The remaining two-thirds of the
state is forecast to have equal
chances of below average, above av-
erage and near average precipita-
Temperature projections for the
next month appear to continue the
warm trend that we have seen for
most of the year. All of the state is
projected to have higher chances of
warmer than average tempera-
tures in November.
Edwards said there may be some
short term relief of drought condi-
tions this month. She added that
she is looking towards November
with reserved optimism.
I'm ever the optimist, but each
passing dry month is making it
more difficult to keep that opti-
mism, said Edwards.
Climate update: October in
review and a look forward
The South Dakota Department
of Revenue, Division of Motor Ve-
hicles, has awarded six new site lo-
cations in South Dakota to place
motor vehicle registration self-ser-
vice terminals (SST).
The 24-hour SST is a fully auto-
mated vehicle registration renewal
station and dispenses license plate
renewal tags on the spot.
The real convenience is that ve-
hicle owners from any county can
use the terminal with the proper
identification, said Division of
Motor Vehicles Director Deb
Hillmer. We are excited for the op-
portunity to install self-service ter-
minals in other areas of South
Dakota. The terminals already op-
erating have been well received. I
believe the additional locations will
experience the same success.
The six new site locations are the
Rushmore Mall in Rapid City,
Kesslers in Aberdeen, County Fair
Food Store in Mitchell, and at the
Hy-Vee Food Stores in Watertown,
Brookings and Yankton. The ma-
chines are expected to be installed
and operational in early 2013.
There are four self-service termi-
nals currently operating in South
Dakota. The SSTs are available in
Sioux Falls at the Get-N-Go and
the Hy-Vee Food Store, in Rapid
City at the Public Safety Building,
and at the Department of Revenue,
Pierre Office.
A vehicle owner can navigate
through the easy touch screen
(voice assistance available) with a
valid South Dakota drivers license;
South Dakota identification card;
or if a company, the information
provided on its renewal notice.
Once the payment has been sub-
mitted and the transaction is com-
plete, the license renewal tags and
vehicle registration are dispensed
directly from the machine.
The SST allows vehicle owners to
register up to 90 days prior and 30
days after the expiration of their
current license tags. A two dollar
convenience fee per vehicle is as-
sessed. Acceptable forms of pay-
ment include electronic check,
credit cards (MasterCard or Dis-
cover only), or ATM/debit cards
supported by Pulse, Star, NYCE
and Accel.
Motor vehicle registration
self-service terminal sites
Hit & Miss
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 4
by Vivian Hansen vivivi224@yahoo.com
or betty@pioneer-review.com
Elderly Meals
Thursday, Nov. 15: BBQ Meat-
balls, Red Mashed Potatoes, Gar-
den Veggies, Roll, Tropical Fruit.
Friday, Nov. 16: Chili Day and
Piglets in a Blanket, Gelatin Jew-
Monday, Nov. 19: BBQ Meat-
loaf, Cheesy Potatoes, Fried Corn,
Roll, Fruit Salad.
Tuesday., Nov. 20: Enchiladas,
Borracho Beans, Tortilla Chips,
Panna Cotta.
Wednesday, Nov. 21: Chicken
Monterey, Mashed Potatoes, Key
West Veggies, Roll, Harvest Cake.
Saturday, November 3, 2012, for
residents of Somerset Court, Jessie
Whitley and Mike Finn reenacted
their wedding. (Jessie works at
Somerset Court and is much appre-
ciated.) A good crowd assembled. A
reception followed, with Jessie and
Mike greeting guests at the door.
There was a lot of hugging going
on. Cake and drinks were served.
The newlyweds plan to save up
their wedding gift money for a trip
to Ireland. Best wishes, Jessie and
Saturday, my son, Wayne, and
my daughter-in-law, Gwynn, came
over for lunch. Gwynn wanted to
show me a pair of lovely little old
quilts, all elaborately hand
stitched. Such tiny, even stitches.
We believe the cream-colored fabric
is parachute silk. It seems there
were no family members left to
claim them. Thank you, Gwynn.
Gwynn also has offered to take me
to some bazaars and to a Christ-
mas house trip along with Barbara
Hansen. And Gwynn would let me
come along on Tuesday, November
13, to meet with project warmth
and arrange items to put into the
boots for troops that Gwynns quilt-
ing group have made. It will soon
be time to send the Christmas
stockings that go overseas to ser-
vicemen and women.
Eileen Tenold had company over
the weekend, her friend, David
Oacek, Lemmon. David would like
to build a fountain in his dooryard
like the one at Somerset Court.
My granddaughter, Gwen Mor-
gan, Woodbridge, Va., wrote on a
pretty Halloween card, I remem-
ber all those pumpkin carvings.
Well, I do too, Gwen, and so many
other things we did when you were
a little kid. And now you are a
grandma! And our little Teagan,
this year, dressed as a bunny for
Sunday, November 4, 2012,
Rapid City Journal had a good
write-up by Andrea Cook about
Midland, in their hometowns sec-
tion. Midland was started in 1890,
and still has many of the basic ne-
cessities for a town, such as a grade
school, a grain elevator, a bank, a
building center/hardware, gas sta-
tion (which carries limited gro-
ceries), a museum, and a bar and
grill. Probably the most unusual
feature is the Stroppel Hotel, which
is now known as Lava Water Hotel
with its 120 degree hot baths. The
water comes from 1,784 feet deep
and is said to be therapeutic. One
can arrange for a massage. The
baths are two large tanks where
one can sit or float around. What a
bargin for only $4, the last I heard.
On Sunday morning, Eileen
Tenold played hymns before lunch
and I sang along. Floy and I were
walking laps up on third floor, and
we agreed that we were thankful to
have an even surface where we can
walk. Nine laps equal a mile. We
keep charts for our own satisfac-
On Sunday, the fireplace was lit
as it was chilly and windy out. (As
usual, I felt pain when the front
went through.)
On Sunday, at Somerset Court,
we had roast turkey, mashed pota-
toes and gravy, carrots and peas
and pumpkin pie. My husband,
Virgil, always declared that pump-
kin pie and carrot cake were veg-
etables. At 2:00 we had church
with Terry. Thanks, Terry, Steve
and Jack. Steve, (I dont know his
surname, but he teaches at Rapid
City Christian and he sometimes
comes and talks to us. He read us
a verse which he said was about
elections.) God puts officers in their
positions and also removes them.
God causes day and night and we
trust that. We also wonder about
tsunamis and global warming. Is
God a little sorry he made humans?
We can try to see good in our mis-
fortunes, for each may be an oppor-
Sunday evening, M.R. Hansen
took me along to Clay Hansens.
Wayne and Gwynn Hansen, and
Brett and T.J. Knowles were there
too. Thanks for the supper, Clay,
and thanks to M.R. and to Wayne
and Gwynn for rides.
Novemver 3, Michael and Linda
Monette, son and daughter-in-law
of Kenneth Monette, visited him at
Somerset Court from November 2
to November 5. They are from Dal-
las, Texas. Their daughter from
Dallas shows Arabian horses. She
will be here to visit Ken over
Clay Hansen entertained a group
of pheasant hunters at David K.
and Janet Hansens over the week-
end. They were Brett Pickens and
son T.J., about 13, and M.R. and
Frank Hansen. As Brett writes:
T.J. Pickens, Rio Rancho, N.M.,
learned about pheasant hunting
with the help of his dad, Brett, and
Jeremy Hand and his two wonder-
ful dogs, Penny and Fenway.
November 5 at Somerset Court,
we had crafts with Amy. We made
scratch-off autumn leaves, very col-
orful. Violet, Eileen, Mildred and
helper Kay, Fred, Agnes, Addie,
Marg S., Mary Lou and Vivian
made the leaves. Thank you, Amy.
Marlyn Murphy (sometimes
called Morey) of Sturgis and for-
merly of Philip, visited at Somerset
Court Monday. She said to tell
Jack Humke hello from Morey. She
sends a hug to Opal Winjum, who
used to live at Somerset Court but
now lives at Westhills Village. She
also said to tell Irene Arbach hello
and she met up with Anne Brink
and Mildred Young. Marlyn asked
about my kids, Wayne and Delores,
as she had taught them in the fifth
grade in Philip. She had my daugh-
ter, Cecile Marie, for piano lessons
too. Marlyn asked about Phil and
Irene Hansen, who had lived in
Philip, but now live in Colorado
Springs. Marlyns husband (called
Murph) was the Philip High School
ag/shop teacher for many years.
Myrna Pokorney returned to
Somerset Court from a trip to
Yankton for several family get-to-
Tuesday, November 6, Somerset
Court provided a bus to take resi-
dents to the First Assembly of God
Church out south of town to vote.
We are thankful to have that ride.
It was a nice day. The churchs
flower beds are bright in the sum-
mer time, and are still beautiful in
the winter with red foliage bushes,
big stones and dried flower bushes
with seed pods on them.
Kammi Trullinger, our Somerset
Court receptionist, brought her
mother, Connie Stecher, in to have
breakfast with us Tuesday morn-
In honor of voting day at Somer-
set Court the sandwich of the day
was fried baloney.
A new Somerset Court resident,
Joyce Herron, is in apartment 220.
She had lived in Custer and Hill
At Tuesday bingo, with Shawn
calling numbers, winner were
Mary Klauct, Irene Cox, Amys
gramps, Ina, Connie, twice, Mary
Lou, Anne and Mildred. For snack
and chat the treats were a big as-
sortment of two kinds of cheese,
two kinds of crackers, and two big
slices of interesting salami.
After bingo, Marjorie Gaffin,
Marjoleen Self, Marilyn Butts and
Vivian played a little pool. M.R.
Hansen came along and we left to
play scrabble. We tied with scores
of 266.
Sharon Keen who is Somerset
Courts beauty shop lady is offering
treats just outside of the beauty
shop to residents Wednesday after-
noon, November 7. Thank you,
Happy birthday to my grand-
daughter, Sheridan Hansen, No-
vember 9.
Have you checked your flash-
lights lately? We have been so
lucky not to have had an electrical
outage for a long time, We forget
that battery powered lights can be
very useful.
Wednesday, November 7, at
Somerset Court, we had resident
council. Shawn presided. Staff was
represented by Jason from mainte-
nacance, John from dining, Libby
from personnel, Ryan our director,
Jeri at the front office and Becky
the head nurse. Residents present
were Dwight Mann, Irene McK-
night, Fr. Dahms, Edna Wulff,
Anne Brink, Connie Stevens,
Blanche Harmon, Betty McClellan,
Don Stensgaard, Irene Arbach,
Betty Downen, Violet Jenison,
Addie Rorvig, Floy Olson, Dutch
Stevens, Charlie Hathaway, Fred
Smith, Fred Ross, Mary Lou Peters
and Vivian Hansen. Shawn re-
viewed some highlights of the Som-
erset Court November calendar:
November 9 music with Skeeter
Boyer, 11-13 Dr. Conrad, 11-14,
Thanksgiving dinner with Sandy,
Shawn and Susan, 11-16, rockin
with Roxie with a social hour to fol-
low, 11-20, bingo with the Boys
Club, 11-21, women who care, 11-
22, Thanksgiving dinner. We may
invite guests to this dinner. We will
have box lunches in the evening.
November 27, doughnut shop trip,
and 11-30, stair climbing practice.
There will be staff to assist. Those
who participate will receive big
Somerset bucks.
Director Ryan requested that we
wear our safety buttons at all
times. We are also requested to re-
port at once, anything that troubles
us, such as late meds or possibly
when there is a problem with some-
thing in an apartment. Residents
will kindly try to adapt to occa-
sional irregularities, such as when
a staff member is absent and oth-
ers have to assume that members
Chuck and Bonni McCauley
came to conduct Bible study on
Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon,
Sharon Keen, our beautician gave
us a belated Halloween party. Her
parents and her daughter and two
girlfriends were here to bring us
punch and plates of home-baked
goodies. Thank you, Sharon.
Marjorie Gaffin, Marilyn Butts,
Marge Self, and Vivian Hansen
played a litte pool. When M.R.
Hansen came to play scrabble,
Sandy took over for Vivian. Thank
you, Sandy.
Sacred Heart Church Basement Philip
Sunday, Nov. 18th
Games start at 3 p.m.
Lunch Available.
Sponsored by Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Philip
November 16-17-18-19:
Taken 2(PG-13)
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
Gem Theatre
859-2000 Philip
November 23-24-25-26:
Here Comes the Boom (PG)
November 30-December 1-2-3:
Wreck It Ralph (PG)
December 7-8-9-10: The Twilight
Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
Saturday, November 24th
after the PVFD BBQ Fundraiser @ Fire Hall
Parade starts at 6:30 p.m.
The Hospital Auxiliary will be serving FREE hot chocolate!!
Join in Philips annual
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From us to all of you, we'd like to extend
our gratitude and well wishes.
May you have a
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The Trodition
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May you
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and truly be
Youre invited to an
Open House on Sunday, November 18th
from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Rush Funeral Homes new location:
165 E. Hwy. 14 in Philip (east of the bowling alley)
Come see an exact replica of Abraham Lincolns casket on display during the open house!
ill be served!
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip ~ Wall ~ Kadoka
Church & Community Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 5
Philip 859-2664 sacred@gwtc.net
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass: 10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m. (Feb., April, June, Aug.,
Oct., Dec.)
Sun day Mass: 11:00 a.m. (Jan., Mar., May, July,
Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
E-MAIL: prfrezil@gmail.com
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting
monthly. One meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the other
meets on the second Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at
the Senechal Apts. lobby.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru
Feb.); 6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services: 1:00 p.m.
Pastor Andy Blye
843-2143 facebook.com/midlandobc
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
859-2841 garyaw@aol.com
Worship Service: 9:00 a.m.
Children's Church: 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail: chez@gwtc.net
Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m.
1st Wednesday Every Month:
Contemporary Worship, 7:00 p.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
E-mail: chez@gwtc.net
Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
Bul wc scak lhc wsdom ol
God n a myslcry. cvcn lhc
hddcn wsdom. whch God
ordancd bclorc lhc world
unlo our glory: Whch nonc
ol lhc rnccs ol lhs world
kncw: lor had lhcy known l.
lhcy would nol havc cruclcd
lhc Iord ol glory.
1 Cornlhans 2:7-8 (KlV)
lmugne beng so gnorunt vou cruced the Son o Cod. Lnbeevube,
but to those vho do not knov Hm, Cod s totuv ncomprehensbe.
1hev do not huve the Hov Sprt to cruck the code. ut ve do, und
through the Hov Sprt, Cod opens our mnds to the 1ruth.
This space for rent! Call
859-2516 to have your
message placed here!
continued on page 10
Come & meet
John Edward Sandal
son of Todd & Jennifer Sandal
Friday, November 23rd
from 4 to 7 p.m. at the
Don & Tami Ravellette home
north of Philip
Kathleen Walsh McEntee___________
Kathleen Kit Walsh McEntee,
age 91, of Puyallup, Wa., formally
of Philip and Wall, S.D., passed
away November 8, 2012, at home
in the Willow Garden retirement
Kit was born August 19, 1921, at
Ash Creek, S.D., the daughter of
WJ Bill and Mary Mayme Fen-
nell Wilson. The Wilson family
moved to Philip in 1938, operating
the Philip Dairy. Kit graduated
from Mount Marty High School in
Yankton in 1941. She worked at
the Cedar Pass Lodge and then for
a dentist in Norfolk, Neb., for two
years after high school.
Kit was united in marriage to
WJ Bill Walsh at Philip in 1942.
For a portion of the Second World
War, Kit worked for Douglas Air-
craft Company in Long Beach,
Calif. Bill and Kit bought and op-
erated the Midway and B&M cafes
in Philip for a number of years.
They moved to Murdo in 1948 and
to Wall in 1952. They owned and
operated the Walsh Funeral Home
until 1968, moving to the Wash-
ington area at that time. Bill
passed away in 1972.
Kit lived in Puyallup, Wa., area
for 43 years. She married Robert
Mac McEntee 1976. They spent
some time in Atlanta, Ga., and Kit
moved back to Puyallup when Mac
passed away in 1985.
Kit was a long time member of
the All Saints Catholic Church in
She is survived by three chil-
dren, Dennis Walsh and his wife,
Susan, (Todd and Tara) of Miami,
Fla., Dan Walsh and his wife,
Jeanne, (Jason and Ryan) of Mar-
tinsburg, W.Va., and Colleen
Walsh Lipscomb and her husband,
Brad, (Tamora and Scott) of Rock
Mart, Ga.; six grandchildren; 10
great-grandchildren; sisters-in-
law, Peg Wilson (Bill), Tiny Wilson
(Kenny), Pat Walsh and Audra
Cole; and many nieces and
In addition to her husbands, Bill
and Robert Mac, Kit was pre-
ceded in death by her parents, Bill
and Mayme Wilson; sister, Mary
Smith; and five brothers, Ambrose
Joe, Jim, Bill, Frank and Kenny.
Mass of Christian burial was
celebrated Tuesday, November 13,
at the All Saints Catholic Church
in Puyallup.
Memorials may be made to
Franciscan Hospice, 2901 Bridge-
port Way W, University Place, WA
Arrangements were under the
direction of Hill Funeral Home in
Its been a long time since our
last Library Shelf column, but the
library continues to be busy. Weve
recently added several new books,
among them How to Spell Hoar
With an H by Darrell Hoar, a
long time cattle buyer at Philip
Livestock Auction. If you want to
read a great history of the live-
stock business in South Dakota
and are familiar with Darrells
sense of humor, you will truly
enjoy his book.
We will soon be receiving our
next bi-monthly shipment of large
print books, both fiction and non-
fiction titles. Our standing order
for new large print, courtesy of
the prize we won from Sisters in
Crime last December, continues
to come in at two new books a
month, as do our new early chap-
ter book and teen titles. Weve
also added a lot of new fiction ti-
tles in the last couple months due
to a generous donation of hard-
cover books from the Mikkelsen
Library at Augustana College in
Sioux Falls. Stop in and browse
these or our South Dakota collec-
tion when you can.
Mark your calendars for the an-
nual Scholastic Book Fair which
will be held from November 13-16
in the courthouse community
room. Call the library at 859-2442
for more information and watch
for posters around town with
times and dates for the book fair.
Remember that our hours are
now Monday through Thursday,
from 10:00 to 5:00.
Juanita Goodsell__________________
Juanita (Snell) Goodsell, 82,
passed away November 8, 2012, at
the David M. Dorsett Home in
Spearfish, S.D.
Memorial services were held
Tuesday, November 13, at Nemo
Community Church in Nemo.
Juanita was born February 21,
1930, in Wall, the second of five
children of George and Johanna
(Bastian) Snell. She grew up in the
Quinn, Pedro and Cottonwood
areas. She went to grade school at
the Miller Country School. Her
transportation was her horse. She
attended high school in Quinn, liv-
ing in the boarding house.
While in high school, she met
the love of her life, Carrol W. Good-
sell. They were married August 23,
1947, in Gillette, Wyo. To this
union six children were born.
Carrol talked Juanita into mov-
ing to the Black Hills in 1953.
Juanita spent the early years of
their marriage being a wife and
mother. In the late 1960s, she
started working outside the home.
The majority of her career was in
the medical field starting out as a
nurses aide, retiring February
2010 as a ward secretary.
Juanita is survived by her chil-
dren, Carrol D. (Jan) Goodsell,
Spearfish, Gerald Goodsell, Ar-
vada, Colo., Janice (Gary) Kaberna,
Nemo; Jeanette (John) Rebman,
Sheridan, Mont., and Carlene
(Greg) Brownlow, Deadwood; 10
grandchildren, five great-grand-
children and three brothers, Sam,
Paul and Kenneth Snell.
She was preceded in death by
her husband; a brother; a son, Ken-
neth; a grandchild; and a great-
Arrangements were in the care
of Fidler-Isburg Funeral Chapels &
Crematory Services, Spearfish. On-
line condolences may be written to
Marilyn F. Gillaspie______________
Marilyn F. Gillaspie, age 68, of
Midland, S.D., died Friday, Novem-
ber 9, 2012, at her home in Mid-
Marilyn Wiedower was born Au-
gust 25, 1944, in San Diego, Calif.,
the daughter of Joseph and Odelia
(Muller) Wiedower. She grew up in
San Diego and graduated from the
Academy of Our Lady of Peace
High School.
After a successful career manag-
ing doctor offices, she married Con-
rad Gillaspie, becoming a Navy
wife, moving from Idaho Falls to
Northern California as Conrads
deployments changed. They finally
settled in Hot Springs, where she
put her organizational skills and
creative talents into establishing
and running the very successful
Rocking G Bed n Breakfast.
In September 1999, Conrad and
Marilyn moved to Midland. There
she served her church as Eucharist
minister and loved nothing more
than to quietly work her magic
with knitting needles or cross-
stitch creating works of art and
After Conrads death on Febru-
ary 2, 2000, Marilyn continued to
make her home in Midland, where
she has since resided.
She will be missed by her family
which includes four sons, Mark
Leighton of Rapid City, Matthew
Leighton of Lewistown, Mont.,
Timothy Gillaspie of Santa Rosa,
Calif., and John D. Gillaspie of
Kingman, Ariz.; one daughter,
Connie M. Fergerson and her hus-
band, Paul, of Lennox; several
grandchildren; one brother, Gre-
gory Wiedower and his wife, Rhio,
of Gig Harbor, Wash.; four sisters,
Teresita Connor and her husband,
Pat, of Paynes Creek, Calif., Sister
Veronique Wiedower, CSC of South
Bend, Ind., Margaret Wiedower of
El Cajon, Calif., and Rebecca
Gilbert and her husband, Douglas,
of El Cajon; her stepmother, Patri-
cia Wiedower of El Cajon, Calif.;
and a host of other relatives and
In addition to her husband, Mar-
ilyn was preceded in death by her
parents and a sister, Madeline
A rosary service will be held at
9:30 a.m. on Saturday, November
17, at St. William Catholic Church
in Midland.
Mass of Christian burial will be
celebrated at 10:00 a.m. Saturday,
November 17, at St. William
Catholic Church in Midland, with
Father Kevin Achbach as cele-
Interment will be at the Midland
Arrangements are with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at www.rushfuneralhome.com
Philip Motor, Inc.
Philip, SD
(800) 859-5557
2007 Mercury Montego
Premier, Local Trade, One Owner
Heated Leather, 27 MPG
Give Tyler a call today!
84 Years Ago
November 1, 1928
Thats One On Bill, a comedy in
three acts will be given at the Ma-
rietta High School, Thursday
evening, November 8th, at 8 o-
clock. A basket social and dance
will be given after the play.
Tostin Johnson will have charge
of the Standard Oil bulk station in
Philip, being chosen last week to
fill the vacancy caused by the death
of Homer D. West. Mr. Johnson has
been employed as assistant at the
local bulk station for the past five
years and is well acquainted with
the work from every angle and may
be depended upon to give the best
Local News Warren Wils-
bacher and Miss Sylvia Maurer
both of Milesville were united in
marriage October 23.
75 Years Ago
November 4, 1937
Mrs. Angeline ONeil was named
by the board of education Monday
night as the new dean of girls at
the high school dormitory.
The boys of the Philip commu-
nity deserve to be complimented, in
the opinion of Paul Ratigan, chief
of police, for the manner in which
they respected property on Hal-
loween. He said there was re-
markedly little vandalism and
practically none of the usual litter-
ing of main street.
Edward Griffin, 13 year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Griffin, is
death on rattlesnake. In two days
he killed 42 rattlers on his fathers
ranch, and has the rattles to prove
his story.
Mrs. Grace Fairchild returned
Tuesday of last week after an ab-
sence of more than two months,
during which she visited her son,
Jasper, in Puerto Amuelles, Repub-
lic of Panama. Though Mrs.
Fairchild had an interesting trip,
she was hardly pleased with the
tropical climate of Panama and is
overjoyed to get back to western
South Dakota. Jasper Fairchild is
overseer of a large banana planta-
tion. On her return to the farm
home northwest of Philip, Mrs.
Fairchild was surprised to find that
her son, Wayne, had installed a
wind power electric plant while she
was away.
Hartley News We extend con-
gratulations to Mary Wilson and
Jimmy Smith who were married
last Thursday. They were former
Marietta high school students.
Billsburg News Raymond
Radway and Harry ONeal left
Sunday of last week for California.
They drove through in a car and ex-
pect to find work where Harrys
uncle, Fred Hulett, is located.
Blast from the Past
From the archives of the Pioneer Review
You re invited!
Wedding ReceptionOpenHouse
celebrating the recent marriage of
Taylor Holman
& Cody Espinoza
onSaturday, November 24th
4:00to 7:00p.m.
at the HolmanResidence, Philip, SD
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 6
Contact Sonia Nemec 843-2564
e-mail: home_maker_sonia@hotmail.com
Midland News
Midland School Lunch
Wed., November 14: Community
meal of turkey, mashed potatoes
and gravy, stuffing, bun and
Thurs., Nov. 15: Shepards pie,
bun, fruit and milk.
Mon., Nov. 19: Runzas, veggie,
fruit, and milk.
Tues., Nov. 20: Sausage gravy and
biscuits, veggie, fruit, and milk.
Wed., Nov. 21: Spaghetti, bread-
stick, veggie, fruit and milk.
Thurs., Nov. 22: no school.
Mon., Nov. 26: Italian dunkers,
marinara meat sauce, veggie, fruit
and milk.
Tues., Nov. 27: Oven fried chicken,
mashed potatoes and gravy, bun,
fruit and milk.
Wed., Nov. 28: Turkey noodle
soup, bun, veggie, fruit and milk.
Thurs., Nov. 29: Hamburgers,
french fries, fruit and milk.
We got some of that much
needed moisture in the form of
snow. Saturday started out okay,
but, as the day progressed, it began
to snow and then the winds really
picked up. Snow was flying. And it
was cold. And, it was icy under-
The Legion had their annual
Veterans Day soup supper that
night at the Midland Legion Hall.
They were pleased with the crowd
they had, considering the weather
conditions. It was a good night for
a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup
or chili, Jerry had chicken noodle
and I had chili, they both tasted
good. Besides soup, there were
sandwiches, caramel rolls, popcorn
balls and all kinds of bars. So, if
you went away hungry it was your
own fault.
May we never forget those who
have served, are continuing to
serve and those who lost their lives
in the service of their country!
Freedom is not free. And may we as
a nation continue to put our trust
in God, asking for His guidance in
the uncertainty of just where this
journey we are on may take us. Im
a firm believer that when we think
we have all the answers, or when
our focus is on what we want or
what we think we need, we lose
sight of what matters, whats im-
portant, we lose sight of Gods plan.
May we continue to pray for posi-
tive leadership for our country, our
nation, for America!
Our daughter, Charlene, called
from Bismarck, N.D., saying they
woke up to black ice Saturday
morning. It began to snow later in
the day, and when all was said and
done, they had no less then seven
and a half inches of wet snow. She
told of folks to the north reporting
they had 18 inches of snow.
Ross and Amiee Block recently
went to Indianapolis, Ind. Their
three kids stayed with grandpa and
grandma, Gary and Jody Block.
They visited with Aimees sister,
Lindsey and Ryan Deterding and
Ila. Ross and Lindsey also took
part in running a half-marathon
while in Indianapolis. Congratula-
tions, Ross and Lindsey! Good job!
Better be careful, that running can
get a grip on a person and you find
yourself off on another run.
Andrea Cook with the Rapid City
Journal wrote some articles of
small towns and country schools
recently. The town of Midland and
the Deep Creek School were among
them. For any of us who have gone
to country schools or lived in small
towns, we know times have
changed both.
Clint and Prerry Saucerman and
Clints mom, Wilma, were in Rapid
City Thursday for doctor appoint-
ments. They also enjoyed a visit
with Clint and Prerrys son, Tel
and Ellie Nemec and family, hav-
ing lunch with them. It is the sea-
son for deer hunting.
Prerry reports they have had
hunters at their place. With the
weather we had on Saturday, I
couldnt help but think that all
those hunters in Midland this
weekend sure must enjoy the sport
of hunting. I wouldnt be out look-
ing for deer with that cold wind
and snow. But, never having been
a hunter, I wouldnt be out no mat-
ter what the conditions. And isnt it
a good thing everyone isnt the
same? It would be a rather dull
world, dont you think?
Karel Reiman had hunters come
to the ranch Friday. Her son,
Mark, came from Kadoka, having a
chance to visit with those hunters.
Bob List and Marvin Guthmiller,
both of Yankton, filled their limit
just before the snow started Satur-
day. Bob is a brother-in-law of
Karels; he was married to Lorraine
Reiman. Lorraine was a sister to
Karels late husband, Lloyd
Reiman. Bob and Lorraine made it
a yearly event coming to the
Reiman ranch for hunting. Lor-
raine passed away some years ago,
but Bob continues to come as he en-
joys the sport of hunting. Karel,
Mark, Bob and Marvin came to
Midland Saturday evening for the
Legion veterans soup supper. All
attended church at St. Peters
Lutheran Church Sunday morning
and enjoyed dinner together before
Bob and Marvin headed home after
a successful hunt and enjoyable
Ivan Schanzenbach has a house
full of company. His sister, Joan
and Farrell Parks, Blue Water,
N.M., and their daughter, Pam
Sims, Albuquerque, N.M., and Kirk
and Jennifer Parks and four chil-
dren, Utah, arrived Sunday. Joan,
Farrell and Pam spent Saturday
night at Valentine, Neb., as road
conditions were icy, so decided to
spend the night and head out for
Ivans the next day. Chris Parks,
his wife and five children, also of
Utah, started out for South
Dakota, but, due to road conditions
they turned around and went back
home. Chris decided to take a flight
to Rapid City, arriving Tuesday,
rented a car and headed to Ivans.
Joan, Farrell and Pam are staying
with Ivan and Kirk and his family
rented a motel room at Pierre, com-
ing out during the day and visiting
with everyone. With Joan and Far-
rells family living quite a distance
from them, they look forward to
that time of visiting with their kids
and families, as well as with Ivan.
We wish to express our sincere
sympathies to the family of Mari-
lyn Gillaspie, who passed away on
Friday at the age of 68. Marilyn
and her late husband, Conrad
Gillapie, moved to Midland some
years ago. After Conrads death,
Marilyn continued to live in Mid-
land where she enjoyed sewing,
knitting and cross-stitch. She did
beautiful work! Her Catholic faith
was of deep importance to Marilyn.
Our prayers to the family!
I was glad to get an update from
Micaela on her mom, Alice Venner!
From the sounds of things, the
weeks visit of Alices brother and
sisters was a great time of visiting,
reminiscing and relaxing. Micaela
reports her mom is losing more
weight, takes more naps, and tires
more easily. Alice and Larry con-
tinue to live life, enjoying visits
from family and friends, taking
each day as it comes, and thankful
for those little blessings that come
their way. Our prayers continue to
be with Larry and Alice and their
families. Thanks Micaela for the
updates, they mean a lot to folks.
Senior Citizens Meeting
The senior citizens met at the
Senior Center November 5 with
nine members present. President
Kandus Woitte called the meeting
to order and led in the flag salute.
The minutes of the October meet-
ing were read and approved. The
treasurers report was given.
George Anderson moved to accept
the report. Beth Flom seconded the
motion and it passed.
The bulletin board was done, one
card was sent, and maintenance
set up the tables and chairs for the
annual Pioneers of Stanley County
Historical Society/Pioneer Museum
joint meeting.
We discussed whether to have
the soup supper at Christmas in
Midland. Beth Flom made a motion
to do it, George Stroppel seconded
it, and it carried. Beth announced
that the Second Century was hav-
ing a supper meeting at the caf
Friday night, November 9. Every-
one welcome!
Meeting adjourned.
Mickey Woitte, Secretary
Bad River Club
November 2, 2012 beautiful fall
day! Even Mother Nature gave us
a break from the wind. Janice
Bierle, Betty Sinkey, Kathy Tolton,
Wilma Saucerman, Emily Sam-
mons and Verona Evans arrived at
the home of our hostess, Isabelle
Sampson. We were hoping Maxine
Stirling could be with us too, but,
she just isnt able as yet. Hopefully
she can join us at our Christmas
luncheon on December 7. During
roll call, we talked about our plans
for Thanksgiving, and no one had
made definite plans as yet.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, Is-
abelle read a poem she had written.
She also read a poem by an un-
known author, reminding us of the
many blessings we take for
granted. Blessings which can only
come from our Lord each and every
day! A Thanksgiving food quiz
brought many a chuckle. Creed and
flag salute followed. Emily guessed
the Price is Right game. She said
Ronnie would be glad she had won.
At times he is called to dish duty
and had mentioned it was time to
discard the old and get some new
dish towels. Maybe now he will
offer to do the dishes more. You
In keeping with Halloween, our
hostess chose pumpkins as her
theme and pumpkins of various
shapes and sizes surrounded the
centerpiece. As a special treat,
Betty Block made plastic canvas
pumpkins attached to a clothes pin
to be given as a souvenir of the day.
These were placed at each table
setting to match the napkins. All
too soon, the afternoon sun began
to drop lower in the western sky
signaling the time to bring the fun-
filled afternoon to a close. Remem-
ber Christmas noon luncheon will
be December 7. Emily and Verona
Evans will be co-hostesses.
Club reporter, Isabella Sampson
I wasnt able to find some folks at
home and some of those I did said
they didnt have anything news
worthy for this week. Many are
busy with hunters, selling calves
and getting ready for winter.
A while back, Jerry and I went
for a drive, something we enjoy
doing, winding up at Wall Drug.
Having a bite to eat, we decided to
take a drive towards Creighton.
Karel (Eisenbraun) Reiman lived
and grew up on a farm in the
Creighton area with her folks, Ed-
mund and Goldie Eisenbraun, her
brother, Ed, and her sister, Paula.
As we were driving along we knew
we were on the Creighton Road be-
cause the road sign said, so, but we
werent sure how far it was to
Creighton, and we also wondered if
a person could get to Highway 34
from that road. Deciding to stop at
a farm house, we had a nice visit
with a fine young fellow by the
name of Josh Geigle. He knew
Karel and her family very well, at-
tended the same church, and told
how members of their families vis-
ited back and forth over those
years. He said Creighton was about
three miles from his place. The lit-
tle store at Creighton was no
longer going he said, and had faded
from the color red to pink and he
told that a person could see the
church up on the hill from that
store. He said to get to Highway 34
you would have to go in a round-
about way about 50 miles, so we de-
cided not to do that. He told us
rather than going back to Wall, we
could take the Kelly Hill Road; it
would take us to Quinn and High-
way 14.
Continuing to visit with Josh we
learned that he knew Thor Roseth,
from their college days at Brook-
ings. It is a small world. That is a
fact. We thanked him for the fine
visit and the information and
headed off for Creighton. We found
the store and the church on the
hill. If the grass had been green, it
would have been a beautiful set-
ting. When we got home, I called
Karel telling her of our adventure.
She of course knew Josh, and said
at one time her parents lived in
and ran that store for a time. She
worked there for a year after fin-
ishing high school and before she
went off to college to become a
teacher. Her mom was postmaster
in that store for 23 years.
I asked Karel about the
Creighton Community Hall we had
seen along the road. She remem-
bers going to many dances at that
hall, dancing to Buddy Meredith
and his cowboy band. Her mom
was a member of the Creighton
Bees Extension Club and Karel re-
members the club ladies served a
good lunch around midnight, which
was a money maker for their exten-
sion club. They also had school
plays etc. in the community hall. A
lot of good memories for folks!
Jerry and I headed for Mitchell
Sunday morning! The roads were
fine until we got to Presho, where
we hit icy conditions. As we contin-
ued driving, the ice became heavier
making us thankful for four-wheel
drive. By the time we got to Cham-
berlain road conditions were much
improved and were fine the rest of
the way to Mitchell.
Stephanies parents, Josef and
Barbara Van Oorschot, Kevelaer,
Germany, arrived at Mitchell No-
vember 5 for a visit with Christo-
pher and Stephanie and little
Laura. Josef had not seen his only
grandchild, as he was unable to
come when Barbara came for three
weeks after Laura was born. We
had a good visit, Josef knows Eng-
lish well, Barbara not quite so
much. Josef was doing some work
on Christopher and Stephanies
house, which they much appreci-
ate. It kept him and Barbara busy
while they were at work. Josef and
Barbara will be heading back to
Germany Thursday, November 15.
It is going to be hard for Barbara to
leave that grandbaby! She and her
mom are planning on coming for a
visit to Mitchell in April.
Thankful for the moisture we
have gotten, I wish you a good
Is It tIMe?
get your septic tank
pumped before winter!
Also certified to inspect tanks.
Call Marty Gartner
685-3218 or 859-2621
Were overowing with best wishes
and gratitude for our
customers, friends and neighbors
and wish each of you a very
wuq uAunAeqonq woiauqr
Ernies Building Center, LLC
Tyler & Angel
Nemec & family
Roy Hunt
J0aa0 aea te a|| ef
ea- cateme-.
Nemec Construction
Randy &Holly Nemec
Thank you
to everyone
who has
come through
our doors
and many
this holiday!
Pat VoIImer
z. !z1zz z/ 1z.
Mav thcv bring vou
chccr and givc vou a
rcason to ccIcbratc
this spcciaI timc of
Happv Thanksgiving
from aII of us at
MidIand food & fucI
Happv Thanksgiving
from aII of us at
MidIand food & fucI
While traveling from Clinton,
Illinois, to, and homesteading land
in, Haakon County, South Dakota.
These are the complete and
unedited entries, typed from the
original rain and time worn notes
in the leaves of the, 1907 diary of
Bernard Murphy. They were writ-
ten while he and his wife, Viola,
were homesteading land in sections
10 and 11, Township 5 North,
Range 19 East of the Black Hills
Meridian, near what was then Ma-
rietta in Stanley County but which
is now known as the Milesville area
in Haakon County.
The names of the persons men-
tioned frequently in the diary are
identified as follows: Viola wife of
Bernard Murphy; Bert, J.D. Dib-
ble, brother of Viola; Jose Dibble,
sister of Viola; Laura Gambrel,
half-sister of Viola; Sarah Eliza-
beth Gambrel, Violas mother; John
Murphy of Clinton, Illinois,
Bernards brother.
February 25, 1907 At Clinton,
Illinois. Paid Gulliford Brothers
$22.65 for 108# of bacon shipped
from Chicago to Pierre, South
Feb. 28 Started for South
Dakota at 1 p.m. via I.C.R.R. by
way of Cherokee, Sioux Falls and
March 1 Arrived Sioux Falls at
10 a.m. Put up at Cataract Hotel
until 5:50 p.m. and left for Salem,
S.D., arriving at 7:35 p.m. Left for
Huron at 9:40 p.m.
March 2 Left Huron for Pierre
at 10:05 a.m. Arrived at 3 p.m.
Went to the Grand Pacific and
stayed over night.
March 3 Changed from Grand
Pacific to the Riverview Hotel. Nice
warm day.
March 4 Crossed Missouri
River to Fort Pierre and back-part
way on row boat and part way on
ice. Dangerous trip. Bought gro-
ceries in Fort Pierre of Dorothy
Brothers. Amount of bill $35.
Freight on same to Midland $1.
Bought stove and hardware and
freight on same $17.25. Bought
lumber of Keyser and Robertson
$63. Ferrying boxes and trunks
and drayage at Pierre $2.25. Pas-
senger ferry $1.
March 5 Crossed Missouri
River on ice to Fort Pierre. Bought
1000# of oats $16, 200# speltz
$2.80, garden seeds $1.30. Hauling
$2. Weather cold and threatening.
March 6 Left Ft. Pierre for
Midland by freighter at 9:30 a.m.
Arrived at 3:30 p.m. Stopped at
Bastions Hotel. Put in a day trying
to find a freighter. Weather driz-
zling and later turned to snow.
March 7 Light skift of snow on
ground in a.m. Clear and cold.
Freighter wants $60 or 2 a pound
to haul me to Marietta. Hired man
to take the load to Marietta leaving
March 8 for $1 pet cwt. and ex-
penses. Paid board and room for
Viola and I at Bastions $5.
March 8 Viola and I started for
Marietta in one of Gallager Broth-
ers surreys at 1:45 p.m. Made Put-
names Road Ranch 15 miles at 6
p.m. Frank Reed started from Mid-
land at 1:30 p.m. with 3000# of
freight and a four horse team.
Turned rainy and later to snow.
Very cold and raw. Paid Putnam
hotel and horses $3.
March 9 Left Putnams
rained soaked at dinner at 14
miles away. Ate supper and stayed
overnight at Kertzmans miles
away. Snow and sleet all day.
March 10 Left Kertzmans at
9:15 a.m. and drove to claim arriv-
ing at 11:30 a.m. Paid Kertzman
for board, hotel and horse feed
$2.25. Paid driver for 2 days driv-
ing out and 1 3/4 days back total
amount $17.50. Expenses for
driver on return trip $2.50. Dis-
tance Kertzmans to Dibbles shack
10 miles. Total expense of 50 mile
trip $26.25. Cleared up nice.
March 11 Went for a load of
wood 5 miles to Cheyenne River.
Load of house hold good sent from
Midland on afternoon of March 8
delivered Monday, March 11, at
1:30 p.m. Paid $30 and expenses
both ways $11.50. Shot at some
grouse. Engaged Reed to haul some
March 12 Went for wood in
p.m. Shot 2 grouse with target rifle
at 150 feet. Hustled home on ac-
count of snow. Bought some pota-
toes of Parker.
March 13 Light snow in a.m.
Postponed going for wood on ac-
count of threating blizzard. Went to
Council Bear brakes for wood in
p.m. Got a big load. Bought a quar-
ter of beef from Miss Hanrahan at
7 per pound. Mr. Howser and
Newbar, homesteaders, over at
night for visit.
(to be continued )
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 7
continued on page 10
(continued from last week)
They say 90 days after fog, rain
will come. Vi Moody reports that it
was pea soup fog in Rapid City
Thursday and part of Friday. Don
and Vi drove to Sturgis later that
afternoon. Earlier, they were vis-
ited by tenant Susan and gave her
another quick look through the
house and gave some hobby items
of interest to her and exchange of
autumn gifts tradition during Hal-
loween and covering Thanksgiving
also. Don and Vi are getting ready
to remodel the entire kitchen in
their home at Rapid with new cab-
inets, sink, stove, dishwasher, and
refrigerator. Boy that's going to be
fun but they can't get it done be-
fore the holidays anyway, so it is in
in the planning stages and is fun
getting ideas. Computers do all
that work anymore, for measure-
ments, color choices and all! Vi
says these carpenters need inside
jobs for the winter so boring Janu-
ary and bookeeping will fill that
Bill and I were still in sunny
Mesa, Ariz., Thursday. Bill rested
the better part of the day. I visited
Joyce Houle and she showed me
where Hugh and Joann Hart were
located in the RV resort there in
Apache Junction. We located them
under the shade of their mo-
torhome awning enjoying the com-
pany of Tim and Ann Triek also
from Rapid City. Both couples are
fulltime warriors of the road, or as
I sometimes call those with RVs
turtles, meaning they carry their
house with them. Had a short visit
there before taking Joyce home.
Bill and I visited with Gib and
Delma Hanna in the evening and
were gifted with some ice cream
since Gib said they were giving up
their usual evening treat. Now, Bill
and I will be tempted.
Kinsey and George Gittings were
in Rapid City Friday where George
was given the okay by his doctor to
go back to work. Sandee Gittings
brother, John Boheman, Sioux
Falls, arrived at the George Git-
tings home Friday evening to do
some archery deer hunting in the
area, he returned home Sunday
Bruce Hagen, Olastee, Fla., and
Will and Acacia Owen, Tulsa,
Okla., spent Friday night at the
George and Sandee Gittings. They
were taking a large unit from
Kansas to Canada and their truck
broke down. They enjoyed the
steak-out and bingo in town that
Thanks to all for your generosity
in ordering wreaths and swags
from the Civil Air Patrol. A miss-
dial by me got me the Pioneer Re-
view and Kelly, who had already
placed an order. Only in Philip can
you miss-dial and talk for an hour
with a friend. (Didn't talk that
long, but enjoyed the encounter.)
Friday found us on the road early
in the morning, but the GPS was
taking us on a slow road. We saw a
lot of arid land as we traveled
along, and I snapped a few pic-
tures. We got into a campground in
Gallup, N.M., but floundered
around in the dark before we actu-
ally got parked and had supper. It
was a cold night there. Used the
washing machine that night, but
was awakened by the water pump
running. Saturday morning, we
discovered a water line had come
loose and we lost all the water out
of the holding tank. Thankful we
found a place that had just the part
needed, Bill got it fixed and we
were on the road to Albuquerque,
N.M. Grateful we weren't involved
in an accident on I-40 that backed
up traffic for about two hours. We
arrived in Albuquerque after noon
and Bill's cousin, Jean and Joe
Montoya picked us up from the
campground we found, and toured
us around Rio Rancho showing us
where her son's office was, then we
all went out for lunch where we
were joined by their daughter and
family, Trinity and Andy Arellano
and two children, Chuck and
Ranee Wilkins and son, Christo-
pher. We then visited their daugh-
ter, Chris, and family. What a
home she has. She and her daugh-
ter had just finished making 200
sandwiches for the homeless that
their church will deliver Sunday. A
busy family. We visited at Jean
and Joe's home, then it was back to
the campground to settle in for the
night. It got cold. Why are we head-
ing north?
Good day of traveling Sunday
and we arrived at a campground
just before Cheyenne, Wyo. It was
a buffalo ranch, so supper was a
serving of buffalo. It was getting
cold there. You know when the
campground warns about frozen
pipes you're way too far north!
(this weeks news)
The sun is glistening off the new
fallen snow. Drifts lay swirled
where the wind decided to build
them, across the ditch, by the
wooden post, where bushes are. I
appreciate the blowing snow, it
seems to seal off all the air leaks in
our north addition, at least tem-
Thank you veterans for your
service as well as the families who
support them.
Monday, we arrived home from
our journeys. We came up through
Nebraska after breaking camp in
Cheyenne, Wyo., that morning. It
was cold enough there, so we hus-
tled to get on the road, the GPS di-
rected us home through Nebraska
and saved about 100 miles. We ar-
rived home early enough to get
leaves that were all grouped by the
wind bagged and ready for the
dump. Also, the post office was ex-
tremely glad to get a little room
when our three boxes of mail were
brought home.
Tony Harty had coffee out Mon-
day morning and stopped by to wel-
come us home when he spotted the
motorhome. We were glad to get
home before the wind came up that
night. Bill said we traveled 3,500
miles (now he needs to check be-
cause he thinks it was more like
4,500 miles), visited 75 family and
friends and went through 11
states, all in 40 days. Oops, I did
make an error in relationship, it
was actually Bill's cousin we vis-
ited in Phoenix, Tony Riley. Bill's
uncle, Max, said Bill is like a
brother, (which would have made
Tony a nephew), but not in reality.
Several guys helped George Git-
tings and Kinsey Gittings get the
calves to the sale Tuesday morn-
ing. Kinsey left that afternoon to go
to Iowa for a few days.
Tuesday, Bill and I went to
Rapid City to get medical supplies.
Our favorite eating places seem to
have bowling alleys attached. Don
Keyser was league bowling when
we had dinner and we spotted
Jerry Morgan there, too. We
stopped in New Underwood for a
visit with Dean Parsons, Jim Mori-
arity and Dave Schofield. It took a
little bit to run Jim down, he was
taking physical therapy. They have
a very comfortable place there and
the fellows said the food is good.
Beth and Zane Jeffries also came
by to visit Dean.
Tony Harty was excited to get
the news Tuesday that he has a
new great, great-niece, named Wil-
low Rain Frink. The proud parents
are E.J. and Theresa Frink,
Chadron, Neb. It was election day
and he voted, then went out for cof-
fee and picked up the mail, and
checked on the Hairs' place. L.D.
and Shirley came to Kadoka later
in the day and gathered their mail
from Tony and got some other
things they needed.
It was a nice day Wednesday and
I drove the Haakon County Prairie
Transportation van to Philip for
several folks to keep appointments.
Bill exercised the 1962 Thunder-
bird by taking it to Philip for cards
in the afternoon. He also visited
with Jan Hewitt. Time to park our
home on wheels, so I cleaned the
carpet and Bill figured out how the
dishwasher works. Thankful we
didn't really use it because the
drain hose was disconnected and
water would have run all over in
the compartment.
Tony Harty had a quiet day
Wednesday with coffee out, got his
mail, then did some cooking.
George Gittings went to Midland
Wednesday afternoon on business.
Don and Vi Moody finished their
business at their Rapid Valley
place. They went to Sturgis Thurs-
day for well lids and other ranch
business and returned to the ranch
Friday evening and stopped by for
a visit with their camping friends,
Bob and Kathy Norton, Chester,
who were hooked into electricity at
the first house and enjoyed pre-
deer hunting plans and pet sched-
ules to avoid any conflicts on that
detail. The grouse running around
the Moody ranch were about as
populated as the deer and when
these birds appeared near the front
yard evergreens the morning of the
opening deer hunt, Mandy and
Mindy, (border collies) pulled off a
circus act running in all directions
and birds flying in all directions. Vi
said she didn't know if the birds
were having more fun than the
puppies or the other way around.
When we arrived at the local cafe
for breakfast Thursday morning,
we enjoyed a visit with Larry
Christopherson, Sioux Falls, who
was in the area hunting. He had
visited at the Dale O'Connell home
the day before. There was a Veter-
ans Day program that morning at
the auditorium here in Kadoka.
Those attending from this report-
ing area were Tony Harty and my-
self, I picked up Phyllis Word and
we met Muree Struble. Very nice
program and the guest speaker
was outstanding. Bill and I fin-
ished cleaning the motorhome and
winterized it. We still wonder why
we are back in the cold! Tony came
by for a visit in the afternoon and
began reading the book put to-
gether by Roy Stout, given to me by
my cousin, Marilyn Mizer. He re-
members many of the places Roy
wrote about. Tony also called later
in the evening to tell us the football
game between Harding County and
Colombe was being televised and
he had a great-nephew, Reese
Jensen, playing for Harding
County. Harding County won the
Friday after coffee and getting
the mail, Tony Harty went to Mar-
tin to help the Knights of Colum-
bus with their annual smoker feed.
He said they cooked up 250 pounds
of Rocky Mountain oysters and also
provided deep fried potatoes, roast
beef and roast pork. There was a
good crowd on hand to enjoy the
feed, but it was foggy both ways of
travel with some rain.
Don and Vi Moody did ranch
things while their friends, Bob and
Kathy Norton, cooked up goodies in
their camper. Their kids and
grandkids arrived in Kadoka Fri-
day evening at a local motel in
preparation for the big day Satur-
day - which turned into near bliz-
zard conditions with cold blowing
snow and sometimes enough re-
duced visibility to cause a few di-
rection confusions out and about.
Cell phones were insurance and fa-
miliar landmarks were guides. Not
all licenses got filled, but everyone
had a fun time.
Sympathy is extended to the
family of former neighbor Jeanette
Gebes, who passed away recently
in Batavia, Ill. Jeanette and Hank
and girls used to live just down the
road from us. Her brother-in-law,
George Gebes, was one my folks
visited on their honeymoon in Sep-
tember, 1938.
Cathy Fiedler reported that they
had a nice week in the Sturgis
area, Wednesday being the most
beautiful day getting to 72. Fog
moved in Thursday night into Fri-
day. Friday evening rain turned
into snow Saturday and then
everything froze, but only about a
inch of snow fell. Very cold and
windy for the weekend. Now that
we set the scene for the weather,
you have to imagine the dedication
shown by Eric Hanson, son-in-law
to Ralph and Cathy Fiedler, who
got himself a 4x5 whitetail buck
deer Saturday morning near
Spearfish with a bow and arrow.
Eric loves to hunt archery. He got
a very nice deer but it was a cold
Daniel Jordan came home with
Grandma Sandee Gittings Friday
afternoon to spend the night. He
got to stay again Saturday night
due to the weather. Greg Wolbrink
and Rob Maher, Sioux Falls, and
Greg Kastner, Brookings, arrived
at Gittings Friday morning for
deer hunting. Steve Glaser, Katie
Fickhoff, Nate Glaser, all of Sioux
Falls, and Justin Unruh, Davis, ar-
rived Friday afternoon.
Saturday morning, there was
rain collected in all the little in-
dents and enough coming down to
have the wipers on going to break-
fast. We now know it can rain. The
South Dakota Pilot's Association
was holding their quarterly meet-
ing in Philip at the bowling alley
and I got a call from President
John Barney who was doing a road
check early on. At that time we
were not getting any snow, but a
report from another pilot in the
Nemo area let me know they were
already into snow mode and she
would not be attending. Being a
hearty bunch, we had 10 members
in attendance, President John Bar-
ney, Secretary Dianna Torson,
Brookings, Steve Hamilton, execu-
tive, Yankton, George Bittner,
Mitchell, Dwayne LaFave, De
Smet, Sunny Stephens, Rapid City,
Betwixt Places News
by Marsha Sumpter 837-2048 bilmar@gwtc.net
$|0h 0| I0 W|h |h |H|I||$ hh0I
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Enter Today
for Your Chance
To Win!!
May the spirit
of thanks and
the blessings
of plenty be
yours this day
and always.
Tire & Repair
Aaron & Angie
At ths tme o 1hunksgvng ve
puuse to count our bessngs.
1he reedom o ths greut
countrv n vhch ve ve.
lts opportuntv or uchevement.
1he rendshp und condence
vou huve shovn n us.
lor u o these thngs ve ure deepv gruteu.
Jappa J0aa0a|e|aa!
Arneson & lroutek
Aucton Servces

with vour familv this Thanksgiving

!z.z.z 1z. 1.z.
(.1z. !zz1z/.1.zz
Jim & Barb & familv
Family & friends are a wonderful part of the
Thanksgiving holiday. We are thankful for all the
wonderful people we`ve had the pleasure to serve!
Happv 1hanksgiving!
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 8
50 years old are ye ....
Are you kidding me!!!
Yes it is a fact,
Laurie is turning
So lets
look back!
Laurie Mann
a Happy Birthday on
Saturday, Nov. 17th
Love from her Family & Friends
).~ )-a
).s~=s ~-x-so...xo
We know we have a lot to be thankful for, and you have a
lot to do with it! So to all our kind neighbors, we extend our
best wishes for a joyous Thanksgiving holiday filled with lots
of good food, good friends and good times.
We reaIIy enjoyed every minute of serving you.
Happy Thankgiving.
Konst Machine &WeIding
Jeff, Lori, Jade &Jaslyn Konst
Rudy, Jim & Jace
Rock N
Roll Lanes
859-2430 Philip
Swiss Bacon Chicken
Fillet with Fries
Honey Stung Chicken
Mashed Potatoes,Salad Bar & Dessert
- Suloon
Motel West
Doug & JoAnn WesL
& EmpIovees
Hope LIe IoIIduv
gIves vou pIenLv Lo
gobbIe ubouL!
Philip League Bowling
Rock N Roll Lanes
Sunday-Friday, 12 to 6 p.m. Saturday, 12 p.m. to closing
The kitchen is open we have orders to go!!
859-2430 Philip
Monday Night Mixed
Shads Towing...........................27-13
Handrahan Const .....................20-20
Dakota Bar................................16-24
Badlands Auto....................13.5-26.5
Wendell Buxcel .....................257/596
Bryan Buxcel ....6-7-10 & 3-10 splits;
.....................................236 clean/558
Marlis Petersen.....................207/521
Gail Reutter ..........................192/504
Jim Kujawa...........................201/553
Jason Petersen ....................5-7 split;
.....................................212 clean/581
Andrew Reckling...................208/583
Ronnie Coyle................205 clean/545
Trina Brown .......................202 clean
Vickie Petersen 2-7 & 3-6-7-10 splits
.....................................193 clean/490
Maralynn Burns....................197/476
Carl Brown ..................193 clean/540
Arlene Kujawa ......................184/476
Tena Slovek .........4-7-10 & 2-7 splits
Shirley Parsons ....................2-7 split
Tuesday Nite Mens Early
Peoples Mkt................................20-4
Kennedy Imp...............................15-9
Philip Motor..............................13-11
Georges Welding ......................12-12
G&A Trenching.........................10-14
Kadoka Tree Service.............9.5-14.5
Bear Auto....................................9-15
Philip Health Service ...........8.5-15.5
Cory Boyd ............248, 245 clean/684
Earl Park ...8-10 split; 255 clean/598
Bill Bainbridge ....8-10 & 3-10 splits;
.............................225 clean, 206/583
Steve Varner .........................236/580
Tony Gould ..........3-10 split; 215/559
Jim Larson ............................201/548
Fred Foland..................................543
Ronnie Williams...........................538
Matt Schofield ...................3-10 split;
.....................................202 clean/535
Pat Birkimer ....6-7-10 split; 210/508
Bill Stone......................................502
Alvin Pearson .......................5-7 split
Norm Buxcel .............5-7 & 4-5 splits
Johnny Wilson...................2-5-7 split
Wednesday Morning Coffee
Cutting Edge...............................34-6
Bowling Belles ..........................21-19
Jolly Ranchers ..........................19-21
State Farm Ins..........................19-21
Christy Park..........................193/474
Sandra OConnor ..181, 149, 148/478
Charlene Kjerstad........................181
Jen Schriever..............3-10 split; 152
Joy Neville............................4-5 split
Judy Papousek .............3-10 split x 2
Deanna Fees.......................3-10 split
Debbie Gartner.....................6-5 split
Shirley Parsons ....................7-8 split
Wednesday Nite Early
Dakota Bar................................23-13
Chiefies Chicks ..................21.5-14.5
Wall Food Center......................19-17
Morrisons Haying ..............17.5-18.5
Hildebrand Concrete ..........16.5-19.5
First National Bank .................16-20
Dorothys Catering ...................16-20
Just Tammys......................14.5-21.5
Shar Moses............................175/492
Kalie Kjerstad..............................316
Alicia Heathershaw.....................155
Marlis Petersen............................181
Amy Morrison ..............................472
Sandee Gittings ......3-10 & 4-5 splits
Debbie Gartner.....................5-6 split
Kathy Gittings......................5-6 split
MaryLynn Crary.............2-5-10 split
Thursday Mens
A&M Laundry.............................20-4
Dakota Bar..................................15-9
OConnell Const ........................13-11
McDonnell Farms .....................11-13
WEE BADD...............................11-13
Coyles SuperValu.....................10-14
West River Pioneer Tanks .........9-15
The Steakhouse ..........................7-17
Don Carley.............5-7 split; 219/523
Brian Pearson......3-10 split; 253/636
Greg Arthur...........................233/586
Mark Foland.................................200
John Heltzel ..........................200/549
Andrew Reckling...............3-10 split;
.....................................224 clean/580
Cory Boyd ....................221 clean/585
Rick Coyle .............................204/577
Jack Heinz.............................205/565
Bryan Buxcel ..............5-10 split; 206
Nathan Kjerstad..........3-10 split x 2;
.....................................195 clean/543
Wendell Buxcel...................197 clean
Haven Hildedbrand....3-10 split; 202
Ronnie Coyle.......................5-10 split
Jason Petersen .............3-10 split x 2
Conrad Kjerstad.................3-10 split
Matt Reckling.....................3-10 split
Friday Nite Mixed
Cristis Crew...............................33-7
King Pins.............................23.5-16.5
Randys Spray Service..............22-14
Roys Repair ........................19.5-20.5
Lee and the Ladies ...................16-20
The Ghost Team...........................0-0
Ed Morrison ..........................211/552
Cristi Ferguson.....................183/518
Cory Boyd..............................203/525
Duane Hand.................................533
Bart Guptill ........................192 clean
Jerry Iron Moccasin .............5-6 split
Randy Boyd ........................3-10 split
Angel Nemec.........................2-7 split
ment before starting any project.
Knutson went in to greater detail
about the Governors House Pro-
gram. There have been a lot of
changes with this program in the
last one and one half years, said
Knutson. One new feature is that
school districts can purchase Gov-
ernors Homes for employees. They
can use this as a recruitment
method for new teachers. Qualifi-
cations include the school must
own the house and put it on school
property, the town has to have a
population of 2,500 people or less,
and it has to be used in a rural
school district. No school district
has taken advantage of this so far.
According to a brochure designed
by the South Dakota Housing De-
velopment Authority, the price of a
Governors House is $35,500, which
includes the price of the house,
transportation to the buyers lot
and placement on the foundation or
basement. For households with two
or fewer individuals, combined in-
come cannot exceed $42,280, and
for households with three or more
individuals, combined income can-
not exceed $48,320.
During a question and answer
time, Dave Geisler, Murdo, asked,
if the school district bought a Gov-
ernors House, could they sell it to
a teacher. Knutson responded that
the school district could, with per-
mission from the South Dakota
Housing District. Henderson ex-
plained that a modified Governors
House Program is available for
schools, healthcare providers and
medical facilities.
Terry Van Dam, Murdo, asked
about requirements on compara-
bles. Currently, the comparables,
or lack thereof, in the community
make it difficult to obtain a loan.
Lauseng answered that he hears
this question everywhere, and
right now, he has no answers.
Corcoran spoke of Direct Pro-
gram Funding and Single Family
Home Ownership Guaranteed
Loans (section 504). Section 504 is
a low income grant and loan pro-
gram that helps very low income
homeowners remove health and
safety hazards, or helps such
homeowners repair their homes.
Hanson, Centerville, explained
what his small community did to
overcome their housing issues.
They performed a community as-
sessment in 2004, finding that
housing was the biggest issue.
McCracken said NeighborWorks
is a non-profit housing program de-
veloped to help applicants pur-
chase, maintain and stay in a
home. The target market is west-
ern South Dakota. More informa-
tion is can be found at www.neigh
Denny Moore, Murdo, asked the
panel if there were any programs
available for middle income fami-
lies and individuals. Lauseng said,
Not really. There are programs for
first time home buyers. The First
Time Homebuyer Program income
requirement for Jones County is
$60,400 or less for a family of two
or less, with a purchase limit of
The panel urged to get the resi-
dents involved. They also sug-
gested encouraging community
pride, as many community im-
provement projects will take man
Inadequate housing in small communities
continued from page 1
Members of the Philip American Legion Auxiliary presented dictionaries to the school districts third graders, Monday afternoon,
November 12. The auxiliary does this every year during National Education Week, which is November 11-17, 2012. Kay Ainslie
is a former teacher, with 36 years of experience, 32 of those in Philip and four in Haakon County country schools. Ainslie and
Gayle Rush explained about the auxiliarys purpose. Women are eligible for membership in the auxiliary if they are themselves
a veteran or if they fall into one of the following categories: wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter,
grandmother or great-grandmother of an active duty service member or veteran. Step-relatives in the categories above are also
eligible. Each dictionary had the students name written on the first page. You get to keep these forever. They are yours, said
class instructor Jessica Wheeler. If you go to the back, there are all sorts of things back there for you to use. The dictionaries
include charts and information on measurements, sign language, braille, the planets and some history. Pictured are Wheelers
third grade class. Back row, from left, are Ainslie, Jenna Engbarth, Katie Butler, Sawyer Smith, Ryan Hindman-Hopkins, Allison
Williams and Rush. Second row: Reese Henrie, Reghan Bloomquist, Copper Lurz, Eathan Martin and Alec Crowser. Front:
McCoy Peterson, Autumn Rosie Womak, Ethan Ferguson, Addison Johnson and Brin Heltzel. Not pictured is Ethan Burnett.
Photo by Del Bartels
Auxiliary dictionaries for students
by Del Bartels
The Philip Area AARP/Retired
Teachers Association hosted local
businessman Mark Buchholz as its
guest speaker during its Monday,
October 29, meeting.
Using a related joke to start his
speech, Buchholz said that he de-
cided to stay in Philip because he
never made enough to leave town.
He then explained that staying in
a small town, or returning to one,
is arguably the best way to make
ones career and ones life.
A 1980 high school graduate, he
originally planned to go into teach-
ing field. But, having a short tem-
per and not being able to tolerate
lying and certain other traits, he
figured teaching may not be his
field. Early on he witnessed the
working conditions of oil drilling
and the waste of drugs.
Back working on the Kennedy
ranch, while driving a tractor his
brain kicked in and he knew he
had to be around more people.
He knew that the implement
company would not hire a 20-year-
old with no experience, but he got
a stack of books for study and
somehow began work. The mid-
1980s were a time of high interest
rates and drought ... a time of chal-
lenge, and he learned the basics in
a time of need. During those first
years, he also started a family.
Tough times.
Youre looking, even though
youre in Philip, said Buchholz of
different interviews and opportuni-
ties. In 1990, he bought the land he
lives on now. In 1994, he started
B&B Sales. In the early 2000s, he
experienced some business growth
spurts and never looked back.
Once you get entrenched in the
community, its harder to leave,
said Buchholz.
In August of 2008, he experi-
enced a crop that was hailed out,
some dead animals, and business
partner Denny Kennedy left work
and did not return for a year and a
half. People in the community gave
encouragement for him to carry on.
It was killing me, said Buchholz,
but we werent going down the
road. He visited with his employ-
ees and was determined to stay in
Everybodys definition of being
successful is different, said Buch-
holz, who quoted Websters Dic-
tionary ... the outcome of effort ....
Buchholz added his own slant, If
you had ambition to try, even if it
doesnt work out ....
Why did I stay in Philip? No
matter where one is, someone is
challenging you, even yourself. In
the big city you can get lost in the
grind, said Buchholz.
He referred to a Philip commu-
nity discussion on the book Hal-
lowing out the Middle. I took per-
sonal offense to that book. I felt we
were rated as losers. No formal ed-
ucation, just work ethics if that
makes me a loser, so be it, said
If you enjoy your occupation, its
not a job. Health, family and
friends what else do you need,
said Buchholz. He admitted that
you shouldnt miss college, espe-
cially the social aspect, but, we
dont want to brand kids that there
is only the big city and bright
In local AARP business, individ-
ual yearly dues of five dollars are
due at the next meeting, Monday,
January 28, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in
the Bad River Senior Citizens Cen-
ter. At that meeting, the local vol-
unteer of the year will be recog-
nized. It was reported that the
Country Cupboard food pantry is in
need of donations; any kind of non-
perishable food at this time is wel-
The Youve Earned a Say pro-
gram from the South Dakota AARP
completed its 66 county tour,
recording what people had to say
about Medicare and Social Secu-
rity. The input has been sent to the
national office and will be sent to
officials in Washington, D.C. A
local presentation of the informa-
tion will be given in Rapid City,
November 16.
Lobby Day will be January 29,
2013. A bus will come though
Philip to pick up and take inter-
ested citizens to Pierre for the day
to meet with legislators.
AARP guest speaker Buchholz
Complaints that two state
boards violated the open meetings
law were dismissed by the South
Dakota Open Meetings Commis-
sion on Monday, October 29, in
Sioux Falls.
The commission heard separate
complaints against the State Board
of Medical Osteopathic Examiners
and the State Board of Massage
Therapy related to public meetings
those boards held earlier this year.
A third case heard by open meet-
ings commission resulted in a pub-
lic reprimand against the Union
County Weed Board. The weed
board did not dispute that it failed
to provide adequate public notice of
its May 29 meeting. State law re-
quires that public boards must post
a meeting agenda at least 24 hours
before it meets.
The commission is made up of
five states attorneys. If the com-
mission finds that a state or local
board has violated the open meet-
ings law, it can issue a public rep-
In other business, the commis-
sion elected Aurora County States
Attorney John Steele as its new
chairman, replacing Bon Homme
County States Attorney Lisa Roth-
schadl. Steele has served a term as
commission president previously.
The commission will meet again
December 10.
Open meetings commission acts on complaints
Make your opinion known
write a letter to the editor!
Fax signed copy to 859-2410
or e-mail with your
phone number to: news-
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 9
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Philip first at academic challenge
The Philip High School team, shown above, won the first
round of the eight-school academic challenge. They then
won the double-elimination quiz bowl round, undefeated.
Shown above, back row, from left: Josh Quinn, Chase Wright,
Paul Guptill, Brody Jones, Ryan Van Tassel, Colter King, Seth
Haigh and Blake Martinez. Middle row: Tristen Rush, Rachel
Parsons, Keegan Burnett, Jordyn Dekker, Tate DeJong, Brian
Pfeifle, Nick Hamill, Garrett Snook and Damian Bartels.
Front: Gavin Brucklacher, Nelson Holman, Katie Haigh, Jane
Poss, Madison Hand, Kelsie Kroetch, Brooke Nelson, Cas-
sidy Schnabel and Carl Poss. At right, Philips quiz bowl team
members, back row, from left: Holman, C. Poss and Kroetch.
Front: Brucklacher and Hamill. Courtesy photos
An academic challenge contest was held in Fort
Pierre, Wednesday, November 7. First place went to
the team from Philip High School.
Schools competing were Philip, Stanley County,
Jones County, St. Francis, Winner, Todd County,
Kadoka Area and White River.
The first round of competition consisted of individual
subject tests. Each school could enter two students in
each subject. The tests were timed,
with the quicker-finished test win-
ning any tie. The resulting scores
of this written test round deter-
mined the seeding for the quiz bowl
tournament. As a team, Philip won
the written test round, earning 74
points compared to the second
place score of 55 points, thus was
the top-seeded school for the next
A five-student team from each
school then competed in the dou-
ble-elimination quiz bowl rounds.
Philip finished the day undefeated
in the quiz bowl.
The two students testing in each
subject were determined by in-
structors of those classes. Deb
Snook and Kim Bouman, math in-
structors, were the advisors for the
Philip team. Each team member
received a T-shirt that read My
teacher says Im special. PHS aca-
demic challenge. Those students
placing in the top five in each sub-
ject earned trophies. The quiz bowl
team also brought home a winners
Algebra I: Damian Bartels 3rd,
Keegan Burnett 4
Geometry: Jane Poss 4th
Algebra II: Nelson Holman 2nd
Pre-calculus: Gavin Bruck-
lacher 2nd
Calculus/advanced math: Cas-
sidy Schnabel 2nd, Carl Poss
Physical science: Jane Poss
3rd, Garrett Snook 5th
Biology: Rachel Parsons 1st
Physics: Carl Poss 2nd, Ryan
Van Tassel 3rd
Health/physical education: Paul
Guptill 3rd
World history: Rachel Parsons
United States history: Seth
Haigh 2nd, Nick Hamill 3rd
United States government: Carl
Poss 4th
English ninth grade: Jane Poss
English 10th grade: Rachel Par-
sons 1st
English 11th grade: Seth
Haigh 2nd, Nick Hamill 3rd
Art: Brooke Nelson 1st, Brian
Pfeifle 2nd.
The Philip FFA participated in
the Rushmore Leadership Round-
up, Wednesday, November 7, at the
South Dakota School of Mines and
Technology in Rapid City.
Eight schools participated in the
Rushmore Leadership Round-up.
Great job by the younger con-
testants, said Doug Hauk, Philip
FFA advisor. Lots of kids gone to
the academic challenge. We had
younger kids step up. It was a won-
derful warm up for districts.
Job interview: Peyton DeJong
1st place, Justina Cvach 2nd
Creed speaking: Grady Carley
tie for 5th
Ag sales team: Ben Stangle,
Brock Hanson, Blake Puhlman and
Wyatt Schaak 3rd, Courtney
Bartlett, Hanna Hostulter, Jade
Berry and Avery Johnson 4th
Extemporaneous speaking:
Gavin Snook 2nd
Ag broadcasting: Thomas Doolit-
tle 3rd, Bailey Anders 4th
Individual sales: Stangle 5th,
Bartlett 9th, and Berry 10th.
The event had been discontinued
several years ago, but was restab-
lished this year. Hopefully, Farm
Credit Services will keep sponsor-
ing the event, said Hauk. Farm
Credit Services donated all the
FFA handbooks in District V.
Philip FFA in leadership round-up
Shown, from left: Farm Credit Services branch manager Doug Theel, Gavin
Snook, Thomas Doolittle, Bailey Anders and FCS member Krista Hofer. FCS pur-
chased FFA 2012 handbooks for all FFA District V chapters.
Back row, from left: Grady Carley, Wyatt Schaack, Ben Stangle, Avery Johnson, Blake Puhlman, Bailey Anders, Jade Berry
and Justina Cvach. Front: Peyton DeJong, Hanna Hostutler, Brock Hanson, Thomas Doolittle, Gavin Snook and Courtney
Bartlett. Courtesy photos
Both the Mighty Mite and Junior Pee Wee divisions of the Eagles played their last
games of the 2012 season at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
football field, Sunday, November 4. The superbowl game was a loss for the
Mighty Mite Eagles, 12-18, to the Vikings. The Junior Pee Wee Eagles also lost,
6-8, to the Rams. Shown is Mighty Mite Burk Blasias (#75) taking the ball wide
with the two lead blockers, Stratton Moreheart (#3) and Gabriel Fauske (#16).
Youth football finale
Running through December 7,
the Medical Open Enrollment pe-
riod is an opportunity for those on
Medicare to decide whether they
need to change their plan or pre-
scription drug coverage.
A program called Senior Health
Information and Insurance Educa-
tion (SHIINE) helps seniors with
their Medicare benefits. To contact
a SHIINE representative, South
Dakotans can call 1-800-536-8197.
Medicare open
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 10
Thank You
Thank you to the voters of
Haakon County for re-electing me as
your states attorney.
I look forward to another four years!!
Gay Klima Tollefson
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And vou`re uL LIe Lop oI our IIsL.
TIunks Ior vour busIness und
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Here`s to a gobblin` good time at this festive time of year!
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Wall, SD
Our best
wishes for a
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dr. Ron & Laurie Mann
& Staff
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As purt o the 1hunksgvng trudton,
ve're countng our bessngs und ure truv
thunku or vour vuued putronuge.
Here's hopng vou huve u vonderu
hoduv compete vth u the trmmngs
thut muke t so specu.
Happv Thanksgiving!!
Brant's fIcctric
runt & Lee Sundu
Lunce & le Sundu, rod & Curter
City of Philip
Residential Holiday
Garbage Collection Schedule
City of Philip residents are advised
that residential garbage
collection will take place on
novembeR 21, 2012
due to the
Thanksgiving Holiday.
On Thursday, November 8, Scotchman Industries, Inc., celebrated the 40th an-
niversary of Alvin Pearson being with the company. Pearson started at Scotch-
man, November 13, 1972, having come there from a position with Cenex. Over
the years he has been a welder and worked assembling the Model 314 iron-
worker. He then moved to the parts room, and then into customer service. His
current position is inside sales manager. Courtesy photo
Forty-year celebration
Tim Modde (son-in-law to Marion
Nelson) soon-to-be living in Hill
City, now from Littleton, Colo., Lee
Vaughan, Philip, Vern VanderMay
and Marsha Sumpter, Kadoka.
Phyllis Word rode to Philip with
me and enjoyed lunch with
Blanche Dolezal at the Silver- leaf
and visited and played scrabble
until the meeting was over. Roads
were getting a little snow packed
and slippery in spots as we came
Tony Harty had coffee and
breakfast out Saturday before com-
ing by our place to visit. Good thing
he stopped, Bill was almost late for
going to the card room, he was nap-
ping. Tony used the day to make
some phone calls and checked on
how people were. He visited his
niece, Kathy Brown, in the after-
Sympathy is extended to the
family of Howard (Flash) McGrath.
Bill and I enjoyed many a dance
with Flash and Elinor. Midland
was the place to be when ballroom
dancing came back in the 1980s.
Jessica Gittings came out to the
George Gittings' Sunday afternoon
to get some stuff and Daniel re-
turned home with her.
Sunday morning dawned bright
and sunny with a brisk wind and
we got to see how much snow had
accumulated. The temp was 11,
but felt like a minus 6. The sun on
the new fallen snow was deceptive,
and made you think it was warmer
than it actually was. Lutheran
church services were canceled be-
cause the roads were bad from the
direction the pastor was coming.
Bill and I went to Philip for lunch
and found a few icy spots along the
way. Bill got in a little farmer time
visiting with Terry Buchert and
Rose and Loren Kiel joined our
table for some visiting. Nice to see
so many friends.
Sunday found Tony Harty hav-
ing to clear away some snow to get
into his car. He visited with Dale
Koehn before attending church and
then went out for lunch before vis-
iting here at our place to give me
his news.
Don and Vi Moody and Kathy
and Bob Norton shopped in Philip
Monday (Veterans Day holiday)
and toured the town and enjoyed
reading the Lasting Legacy names
of all the pioneers of past, present,
and future, they drove by the
Philip schools and sports fields by
the American Legion and had a
nice carry-in bayroom picnic dinner
and said their goodbyes to friends,
Bob and Kathy, who left for their
winter home in Cottonwood, Ariz.,
early Tuesday mornong.
We are thankful to have the priv-
ilege to live in a democracy, to be
free to exercise our right to vote,
and are thankful to honor our
friends and family members who
have served in the military or are
now serving. Do not take lightly
this thing called freedom.
The measure of power is hon-
esty. Hugh Prather
Betwixt Places News
(continued from page 7)
Butte View News Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin McClure are the proud
parents of a new baby girl born Oc-
tober 29.
We congratulate Margerite Far-
rell on being one of the junior play-
cast, also Francis Kawi.
Moenville News Thelma Fos-
heim, the oldest daughter of Pete
Fosheim, fell from a hay rack last
week and fractured a bone near her
wrist. The break seemingly not se-
vere they deemed it unneccessary
for a doctors care and it is getting
along fine with home treatment.
The Manila Times Willis
Drew, Sr., for the second time now,
has tried to commit suicide, though
it was purely accidental both times,
when last week for the second time,
he was chopping wood under the
clothesline to try to keep the home
fires burning, when the axe caught
on the line and knocked him on the
head, nearly putting his lights out.
We think Willie is a very good na-
tured guy or there would be no
clothesline left for the third trial.
John Weiss attended the pie so-
cial and program at the Manila
school house Friday night, and be-
lieve it or not, he bought a pair of
ladies feet, too, for thats how each
man bought a pie. It was hard to
tell whose feet they were getting as
every ladys foot was masked
some in grape baskets, some in
paper sacks, some in mens shoes,
while one pair had a boys cap on
one and a paper sack on the other.
This caused quite a bit of grum-
bling from the men but just the
same they bought them and paid a
good price, too, and everyone had a
very nice time.
Grindstone News Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Knutson have a 7 1/2
pound son, born to them October
24, at Elk Point, their old home.
Mrs. Palmer returned Saturday
from Humboldt, where she visited
her daughter, Cecil, and family.
She also visited Vivian, who is at-
tending school at Dakota Wesleyan
in Mitchell. She likes her school
work very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Keyser,
now living in the Hills, have a baby
Guests at little Alma Huletts
fifth birthday dinner Sunday in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and
Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Hazen, and
Jane and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs.
Gib Peterson, Bill Andrews and Ed
An Oldtimer Talks I have
often wondered how we pulled
throught the first winter. Lacking
fuel we burned twisted hay and be-
cause a drought literally burned
gardens and crops to a crisp we had
little to eat in the house. Father
built a sod shanty and all we had to
live on that winter was a bag of
wheat. We used to grind it in the
little coffee mill for flour and
mother used to boil the whole ker-
nel just like rice. It is a mystery to
me where father got that bag of
wheat. But we all pulled through.
50 Years Ago
November 1, 1982
Midland News Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Nemec Jr. returned home
Wednesday with their new baby
boy, born at the Quinn hospital Oc-
tober 17. He weighed 6 pounds and
13 ounces and was named Terry
Grindstone News Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Odom are grandpar-
ents to a daughter born to Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Burns in Texas. The
baby weighed 5 lbs. and 11 oz. and
has been named Mitzi Gail.
25 Years Ago
November 5, 1987
Frances Getz has taken over as
postmaster of the Philip Post Of-
fice, replacing Peggy Livermont
who has recently transferred to
Valentine, NE.
Getz is a native of Kadoka and
has been employed by the Kadoka
Post Office for the past 22 years, of
which six years she was postmas-
Getz is married to Bob and has
three children, Scott, Roger and
A fast-paced fire swept through
a hay yard at the Kennedy ranch
feedlot one mile northeast of Philip
Saturday evening, October 31.
Ground hay, whether a spark
through the grinder or moisture
built up inside the stack, caused
the pile to smolder and quickly ig-
nite other bales. Heavy winds
blowing west caused extreme heat
and firefighters could not reach the
sparks with water. Many fast-act-
ing individuals were responsible
for saving approximately 1/4 of the
hay stacked in the yard. The fire
department battled the fire for ap-
proximately 11 hours.
Blast from the Past
(continued from page 5)
Mark these dates on your calen-
der: January 18, 19 and 20, 2013.
The two-act musical comedy, "The
Royal Bachelor" will be presented
that weekend at the Milesville
Dave Christy was the special
speaker at the Hardingrove
Church's Harvest Festival Sunday
evening. Dave lives in Rhode Is-
land and is a retired pastor and
currently a Christian counselor. He
comes to the Philip area every year
during deer hunting season. This
Sunday, the 18th, he will be speak-
ing at the church during 8:00 a.m.
services. All are invited to come
hear Dave speak.
Vonda Hamill and her in-laws,
Fred and Priscilla Romkema,
Spearfish, were in New York a few
days with plans for some of them to
be in the marathon. They couldn't
leave Thursday, the first, from
Rapid City because of the fog, so
they tried again Friday. Because of
mechanical difficulty, they sat on
the runway for three hours, finally
taking off. By then they had missed
their connection in Minneapolis.
After re-booking they reached New
York late on Friday, at the same
time they found out the marathon
was cancelled. Then Vonda got the
flu. But they did get in on the im-
promptu mini-marathon in Central
Park with 11,000 runners, includ-
ing Priscilla. They also saw the
broadway play "War Horse." So, al-
though things didn't go as planned,
they had a good time, returning
home Monday, the fifth.
Three Philip High School stu-
dents from Milesville were among
those who competed in the Aca-
demic Olympics held at the Stanley
Co. High School in Ft. Pierre last
Wednesday. Josh Quinn, Nick
Hamill and Rachel Parsons did
well and helped Philip High School
win the contest. Nick tied for sec-
ond and third in American history
and English. Rachel got first place
in biology and English and fourth
place in world history. Congratula-
tions, kids!
Leo Patton made a trip to see the
doctor Thursday after cutting his
finger. He came home with several
Most of my news this week is re-
lated to deer hunting. Many have
had hunters for the weekend and
Brennen Parsons and two
friends were at Byron and Peggy's
for the weekend.
At Leo and Joan Pattons were
the Jim Stangles, Bob, April and
Kaitlyn Knight, George Ainslie,
Cheryl Brehend, and Gary
Weekend guests at Miles and
Erin Hovlands were James and
Preston Gyles.
Davis Schofield, Jeff Clelland,
Jeff and Crystal Schofield and
boys, Bryan, Landon, Chase and
Connor, Bruce and Sean Dunker
and Steve Jonas were at Donnie
and Bobette Schofields.
Weekend guests at Lee and Deb-
bie Neville's were Luke and Eric
Neville and a friend, and George
and Liz Jackson, Newell.
Hunting at Phil and Karen Car-
leys were Karen's cousins, Betty
Ward and Tenelle Johnson, Wis-
consin, and some friends from
Hugh Harty's kids and families
spent the weekend with him and
Ann. Paul, Moneik and Mikaela
Stephens, Jim, Adele, Molly and
Owen Harty and Ed Harty enjoyed
the time hunting.
Tyler Olivier and friend Stacy
Lewis were weekend guests at
Bryan and Sharon Olivier's.
Several local young folks were
home for the long weekend, includ-
ing Abby Carley and son Wace,
Tanner Radway, Dusti Berry, and
Jennifer Stangle.
Supper guests at Jim and Linda
Stangle's Friday night were Sonny
Stangle and Jim's sisters and
brothers and their families.
Milesville News
by Janice Parsons 544-3315
continued on page 15
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 11
All Walker Refuse
Walker Refuse will be
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I can find
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David Burnett,
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Power Everything, Economical
Nice Clean Car!
Greetings from cool, overcast,
wind still, snowy northeast
Haakon County! There is no snow
in the air, but we have a nice cov-
ering of snow on the ground,
thanks to the snow showers this
weekend. I expect that our warmer
temperatures later this week will
melt the snow, but for now it is
kind of pretty to look at. I have no
idea how much snow we got, but it
blew around quite a bit, filling
ditches and settling into drifts.
Last weekend, while the cold wind
was blowing and the visibility was
reduced, I was trying to recall
those horrendously hot days we en-
dured last summer trying to re-
member why I thought snow and
cold might be a good idea. But the
snow is moisture, which we desper-
ately need, and the snow cover re-
duces the fire danger, which is
wonderful. I was even able to burn
my garbage without standing
guard over the burning barrel!
West River deer season opened
last weekend, so there was quite a
bit of activity in the area. There
were many unfamiliar vehicles on
the roads, bearing hunters with or-
ange caps and vests, plenty of guns,
and all the warm clothes they could
find. It sounds like many of the
hunters were successful in their
quest, which is a good thing. The
deer season is designed to help
manage the deer population, and
the management is critical espe-
cially this year when there is very
little food available to sustain the
deer through the winter months.
I have been waiting for more in-
clement weather, thinking I might
have better luck reaching our
neighbors for the news. That hasn't
been the case, however. I guess
everyone is just busy! Oh well,
there is always next week.
Nels and Dorothy Paulson were
in Pierre Saturday. They brought
home a new door and window for
their house, but Dorothy wasn't
sure when it would be installed.
Dorothy said they had four inches
of snow at their place over the
weekend. Sunday, their friend,
Clint Habek, and his sons were out
doing some deer hunting. The
Paulsons have known Clint for
years, as the Habek family was in-
volved in BB gun competitions dur-
ing the years when Nels and
Dorothy were involved with the
Kirley team. Dorothy said there
was no church Sunday due to bad
Lola Roseth was a member of the
election board last Tuesday. Duane
and Lola's son, Rhett, was home
over the weekend, enjoying some
deer hunting.
Gene Hudson also served on the
election board last week. Wednes-
day, Dick and Gene went to Pierre
and had supper with Rose Elmore
and her daughter, Connie. The El-
mores used to do custom harvest-
ing in the area many years ago.
Rose lives in Alva, Okla., and is
doing very well, even continuing to
manage her own farm there. She
was in the area to attend a grand-
son's wedding. Thursday, Gene was
the substitute teacher at Deep
Creek School, because the teacher,
Theresa Deuchar, had the flu. Fri-
day, Dick, Gene, daughter Connie
Johnson and grandson Noah
headed to Columbus, Neb., to visit
their daughter, Debbie, and family.
Saturday, Gene and Connie at-
tended a women's retreat that Deb-
bie was conducting near Columbus,
and Dick and Noah spent the day
visiting Dick's brother, Donald. I'm
glad to report that Donald is living
in his own home and doing well.
The Hudsons attended church in
Columbus, where their son-in-law,
Cory, is the preacher, and then re-
turned to South Dakota later on
Sunday. Gene said the roads were
fine, and they didn't run into much
snow until they were nearly home.
Grandson Wyatt Johnson was
home from his studies at South
Dakota State University, taking
advantage of the three-day week-
end. One more interesting side-
bar the chickens at the
Hudson/Johnson place are still on
Julian and Coreen Roseth had
three of their grandchildren on
Monday night and Tuesday, be-
cause their mother, Kristin Martin,
was busy with a flu clinic at the
Philip courthouse. Their father,
Vance, picked the kids up Tuesday
after he got off work. Friday,
Kristin and kids came to the ranch
in preparation for deer hunting,
and Nick Roseth arrived Friday
evening also. Julian and Coreen
had all six of their grandchildren
Saturday evening while the par-
ents were in Philip celebrating
Adam Roseth's birthday. Happy be-
lated birthday, Adam! When I
talked to Coreen Monday, she said
the house seemed a little quiet
after all the activity over the week-
Lee and Mary Briggs seem to be
taking turns being sick this past
week. Lee was the first to be under
the weather, and Mary got sick
Wednesday. She spent a miserable
few days at home, and finally went
to the emergency room Sunday.
She has bronchitis, but hopefully
the medications will have her feel-
ing better real soon. Their grand-
son, Chancey Riggle, and a couple
of his friends were at the ranch
doing some deer hunting over the
weekend, and it sounds like the
young men were successful.
Shirley Halligan was in town
Wednesday, attending an altar
guild meeting and decorating the
altar for fall. Frank and Shirley
Halligan were in Faith Friday to
help their grandson, Krece, cele-
brate his fifth birthday. They
stayed and watched grandson Jerin
play basketball before heading
home in the fog.
Polly Bruce served on the elec-
tion board last Tuesday, and she
said there was a very good voter
turnout in our area. When I talked
to Polly Monday, she was enjoying
the bright sunshine and the crisp
weather and pristine snow. She
had to shovel some of the pristine
stuff off her step in order for the
door to open easily. Thursday, Bill
and Polly had a visit from their
nephew, Aaron Greenwood,
LaCrosse, Wis., and their niece,
Erica Bruns, and her baby from
Pierre. Both Aaron and Erica spent
a lot of time at the ranch in their
younger years. Friday, the Bruces
shipped some cull cows to market.
Saturday, their son, Andy, plus one
of Andy's co-workers and his
daughter came to the ranch to deer
hunt, spending the night with
Vince and Katie Bruce. Polly said
that Vince and Ted Schofield are
building a barn for Steve Hed-
man the project just got started
this past week. Polly also said that
the fire bar number rang at their
house Monday, announcing a
planned burn of the buildings at
the old Max Hjelbanja (I'm not sure
of the spelling) place north of
Highway 14, east of Hayes. I un-
derstand the reasons for doing
away with old fallen down struc-
tures, but I still hate to see them
Max and Joyce Jones went to
Rapid City Thursday to keep a doc-
tor's appointment. They had to go
to Murdo first to take care of an au-
tomotive issue, and they stopped in
Kadoka for lunch. While at the
restaurant in Kadoka, they got to
visit with one of my favorite peo-
ple my mother, Letoy Brown.
Max got a good report from his doc-
tor, and the stitches were removed
from his ear hope things continue
to heal well. Saturday, Joyce was
in Pierre to meet with a fellow
Eastern Star member. Joyce also
spent some time at the Zonta Craft
Fair. Later in the day, she treated
their four grandchildren to a
movie, complete with popcorn, pop,
and all the trimmings. It is an an-
nual event, and grandma and the
kids all enjoy it. However, Joyce
said the cost of the movie and trim-
mings was over $80, which was
kind of a shock to me. First of all,
we seldom go to movies, so I'm not
familiar with the prices. But I re-
member as a kid, it cost me 35
cents for a movie ticket and a bag
of popcorn guess that kind of
dates me, doesn't it?
Ray and Nancy Neuhauser at-
tended the bake sale and steak
supper at the Pierre senior center
Saturday. Nancy said the streets
were very slippery on the way
Marge Briggs submitted the fol-
lowing weather data for October,
2012: The high temperature for the
month was 85 on the second, and
we had two days of 80 or above
and eight days of 70 temperatures
or above. The lowest maximum
temperature for the month was 37
on the 26th. The low temperature
for the month was 17 on the sixth,
and we had 13 days of 32 or below.
Precipitation for the month was
.27, with normal being .99, leav-
ing us .72 below normal, which is
63.77 percent of normal for the
month. Precipitation to date for
2012 is 10.12. Normal precipita-
tion for our area is 15.88, leaving
us 5.76 below normal for the year.
We have had a busy week here at
Neuhauser ranch. I was in Pierre
Wednesday to stock up on groceries
and get an oil change. Friday, our
daughter, Jennifer, and her hus-
band, Ross Tschetter, arrived in
preparation for deer hunting.
Chelsea's fianc, Mike Hoy, arrived
Friday also this was his first deer
hunting experience, and he was
thrilled to shoot a nice buck. Hunt-
ing commenced Saturday morning
with less than stellar weather con-
ditions. Our son, Scott, his wife,
Corry, and their children, Marisa
and Austin, arrived Saturday to
spend the weekend. We had a
house full of fun, food, and laughter
all weekend long it was great.
The grandkids love coming to the
ranch, seeing the animals, riding in
the tractors, and all the other activ-
ities associated with country life.
Scott, Corry and kids left Sunday
afternoon. Jen headed back to her
home Monday, as did Mike, and
Ross left Tuesday. More hunters
started arriving Monday evening,
and it sounds like this will be a
busy place for the next couple of
Today, I am grateful for a warm,
comfortable house. When the first
snow and cold of the season ar-
rives, my thoughts go to those who
have no home or warm, safe place
for their family. I always wonder
just how they survive the brutal
conditions we sometimes experi-
ence. Thank goodness for homeless
shelters and soup kitchens that
help sustain the less fortunate. I
am also reminded to gather the
coats and gloves and any other
clothing that we no longer use and
donate them perhaps they can
help keep someone else warm.
I hope you will all get out and
make this a wonderful week! And
to those of you who will be hunting,
please stay safe!
Moenville News
by Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
by James E. Koutz
National Commander of
the American Legion
When people think of veterans,
they often think of warriors, but
Hurricane Sandy offers just the lat-
est reminder of the significant hu-
manitarian and oftentimes life sav-
ing work performed by our veterans
on a daily basis.
As Sandy was still wreaking dev-
astation on the East Coast, Air
Force Reserve and Air National
Guard members mobilized on the
opposite coast at March Air Reserve
Base in California to trek nearly
3,000 miles to assist their fellow
Americans. The Navy sent large
deck amphibious ships off the shores
of New York and New Jersey, where
Marines, soldiers and Coast
Guardsmen were busy rescuing
storm victims, rebuilding ravaged
areas and providing food and fuel.
Memorial Day is appropriately set
aside to honor our fallen war veter-
ans those who made the supreme
sacrifice for this great country. Un-
fortunately, we are unable to per-
sonally show our appreciation to
these heroes. Veterans Day, how-
ever, is intended to honor all of our
military veterans, including the
nearly 23 million living men and
women who are still among us.
Sometimes all that is needed is a
simple thank you directed at the
veteran or the family member for
his or her sacrifice.
Part of that sacrifice too often in-
cludes unemployment or underem-
ployment when the veterans mili-
tary service is over.
Companies should understand
that it is smart business to hire vet-
erans, and when members of the
Guard and Reserves deploy, it is
Americas business to ensure that
their civilian careers do not suffer.
We must not forget the unique
health care needs of women veter-
ans. There are more than 1.2 million
women in America today who have
worn the uniform. Women play a
pivotal role in our mission in
Afghanistan. The Department of
Veterans Affairs must adequately
treat breast and cervical cancer as
well as trauma that may have re-
sulted from domestic violence, sex-
ual harassment and assault.
We must always remember those
veterans who have given their lives
for us long after they stopped wear-
ing their military uniforms. While
their service obligations may have
expired, their love of country en-
dured. Chances are that if you sur-
veyed your local police or fire de-
partment, you would find that a dis-
proportionately high amount of its
members are veterans.
Men like Navy veteran and
Boston firefighter Paul J. Cahill,
who sacrificed his life when a
restaurant roof collapsed while he
was fighting a fire in West Roxbury
on August 29, 2007. Or Washington
state trooper and U.S. Army veteran
Tony Radulescu who was killed Feb-
ruary 23, 2012, when he was shot
during a traffic stop in Kitsap
When an emergency hits, there is
a good chance that it is a veteran
who is first to respond. Whether its
a school teacher, construction
worker or first responder, military
veterans take their missions seri-
On September 12 of this year 11
years and one day after the worst
terrorist attack ever inflicted on
American soil two Navy SEAL vet-
erans made the supreme sacrifice
while protecting their fellow Ameri-
cans who were under attack at the
U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya.
Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods
knew the meaning of service. In an
open letter to Glenn Doherty, SEAL
Team 3 Comrade Brandon Webb
wrote in The New York Times: I
still cant believe you punched out
early on me, but glad to hear from
the guys that you fought like a hero
no surprise there ... You should
know, your efforts resulted in the
rescue of over 20 Department of
State personnel. They are alive
today because of yours and Tys
heroic action.
Tyrone Woods was described by
his mother as a stellar SEAL who
thrived on adrenaline, excitement
and danger. In addition to his
grieving mother, Ty is survived by
his wife, an infant daughter, two
teenage sons and countless friends.
And its important to remember
not only the price that is paid by so
many veterans to maintain our free-
dom, but the price paid by their
heartbroken families as well. Jour-
nalist Abigail Pesta, who is the sis-
ter of Glen Doherty, wrote, Today
we held his funeral in his hometown
of Winchester. During the proces-
sion from the funeral home to the
church, the streets were lined with
hundreds of people. Schools were let
out; there were bands playing ....
People were holding signs. We have
seen such a show of support, from
both the town that we grew up in
and the nation that we live in. We
feel so much love.
Scenes similar to what occurred
in Winchester, Mass., have taken
place in many other cities and towns
across America. We revere these he-
roes because they revered us their
families, their neighbors, their fel-
low citizens. A country is only as
good as the people in it. And a land
that could produce such heroes is
truly a land worth serving.
While fewer than 10 percent of
Americans can claim the honorable
title U.S. military veteran, this
special group often provides the
vital services that enable our com-
munities to function.
We must heed the words of our
first commander-in-chief, General
George Washington who said in
1798, The willingness with which
our young people will fight in any
war, no matter how justified, shall
be directly proportional as to how
they perceive the veterans of earlier
wars were treated and appreciated
by their country.
Born of their extraordinary ac-
complishments comes our extraordi-
nary debt. And for those accomplish-
ments and for their dedication, we
must always be grateful.
Every day is Veterans Day
Whooping cough cases are on the
rise and a state health official is urg-
ing parents to make sure their chil-
dren are immunized.
Nationally, 48 states and Wash-
ington D.C. have reported increases
in whooping cough, also known as
pertussis, through September. In
South Dakota, cases are up 87 per-
cent over the five-year median, with
56 cases reported as of October 3.
Most of those cases are in school-age
children and result from an out-
break in a school setting. Neighbor-
ing Minnesota reports nearly 4,000
pertussis cases, the most since 1943,
while Iowa reports more than 1,100
cases this year.
Pertussis causes uncontrollable
coughing, rib fractures, pneumonia,
loss of consciousness and even
death, said Colleen Winter, director
of Health and Medical Services, De-
partment of Health. Very young
children are at highest risk, with
two-thirds of kids under age one
who get it needing hospitalization.
The department provides free per-
tussis vaccine for children, with
doses recommended at two months,
four months, six months, 15-18
months, and four to six years. Chil-
dren need the complete series to be
fully protected. A booster dose is
also recommended at 11-12 years as
immunity begins to wane. The de-
partment provides that booster dose
free as well.
Winter said the booster dose pro-
tects middle school students from
the disease and increases the ring of
protection around vulnerable in-
fants. Because whooping cough is
highly contagious and spreads eas-
ily in the school setting, immunizing
the older age group also helps de-
crease the likelihood of outbreaks.
Parents can contact their usual
vaccine provider to request the vac-
cine. Some schools will also be
scheduling clinics to offer the
whooping cough vaccine along with
the seasonal flu vaccine.
The vaccine the state provides is
Tdap, which also includes tetanus
and diphtheria. The vaccine is free
but some providers may charge an
administration fee.
Whooping cough cases rise
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 12
7/-- ,-~ /- ,-~ -r---
As Thanksgiving time grows ever near,
we`d like to thank you!
/-, 7/----
Lurz PIumbing C&D Storage
C&D FIood & Smoke Restoration
Dustin, Carrie, Cylver, Copper, Dymond & Christopher
Kenneth &Janet and employees
(. ..z z .zzz z/
1z/z1z zz. 11..zu
1z zz. zz. z11.
We wiII be cIosed
Thanksgiving Day.
Ronnie & Dawn CoyIe & EmpIoyees
Cn ths duv o thunks
\e're countng our bessngs und
extendng our gruttude to evervone
ve huve served ths veur.
\e upprecute vour support.
Huppv 1hunksgvng!
lhp & ludoku
Wlth bcst wlshcs to all our ncluhbors. assoclatcs. customcrs and
lrlcnds. Jhank vou lor ulvlnu us so much to cclcbratc thls vcar.
Wlshlnu vou salc travcls & salc tummlcs!
/zzz z/z /zz.1z 1z zz/z.
Glvc thanks lor vour
manv blcsslnus.
lh|l|c lcallh crv|cc-. lnc.

The Steakhouse & Lounge

Don & Debbie Carley & Employees
All the best of
everything today
and in the days
to follow.
Wlthln everyone a
Bappy Ihanktlvln|
50% off FaII Decorations
Watch for our Christmas sale flyer! Coming soon!
Ingram Hardware
Downtown Philip
I\'ss's; 0| Y:s A| I\ssss;':'s;
ln thinking about that first Thanksgiving, wc'rc
rcmindcd of how so much dcpcndcd on thc
gcncrositv of kind ncighbors Iikc vou.
Wc couIdn't havc madc it without vour support.
Ns,,+ I\sss:s|-|ss ss1 ass+ |\sss:l
Kemnitz Law Office & Staff
~, co~co |o~||
~nn |~ccno
io ~oon,
,ooc o~n, co~on
o ,vo |~n/.
First National
)oo ~c,
'n~ & )on,
This year we saw the welcome
return of over 500 South Dakota
National Guardsmen who had de-
ployed in support of Operation En-
during Freedom and Operation
New Dawn.
These men and women join the
more than 72,000 veterans who call
South Dakota home. Residents in
communities across the state
turned out to show their support in
welcome home parades and cere-
This Veterans Day, communities
will again gather together to honor
those who have served in our coun-
trys military. As we celebrate this
holiday, we not only honor the re-
cently returned National Guard
veterans, but all those who have
worn our nations uniform and sac-
rificed so much in service to our
With the recent passing of Sena-
tor George McGovern, were re-
minded again of the valor of the
Greatest Generation. As a young
pilot, George flew 35 B-24 Libera-
tor missions over Europe. When his
plane was struck by enemy fire, he
adeptly crash-landed it, earning
the Distinguished Flying Cross and
the Air Medal.
While his actions were certainly
heroic they were not unique. There
were countless men and women
like him who bravely answered the
call to serve, placing themselves
into harms way and enduring
unimaginable hardships. More
World War II veterans die every
day, but their contributions to our
countrys history will never be for-
A common characteristic among
veterans across the generations is
humility. I cant tell you the num-
ber of times Ive thanked a veteran
for their service and their response
has been, Im no hero; I was just
doing my job. When they make
these humble remarks, these men
and women arent acknowledging
that their work is something that
in the past decade only one half of
one percent of the population was
willing to do. They arent recogniz-
ing that their job pulls them away
from their families and puts them
in dangerous situations, all so that
we may live safely in America and
the freedoms we hold dear may be
preserved. If there was ever reason
to be a little boastful, this would be
the time.
With this modest attitude, our
veterans may not ask for extra ben-
efits, attention or praise, but they
are deserving of all that and more.
Honoring our veterans by Senator Tim Johnson (D-S.D.)
2 c. whole milk
1 c. sugar
4 large eggs
3 T. unsalted butter. melted
1/4 t. ground cinnamon
1/8 t. salt
7 slices crustless white bread. cut into
3/4-inch cubes
1 large Granny Smith apple. peeled.
and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
2/3 c. raisins
Additional ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 F. Butter 11 x 7-
inch glass baking dish. Whisk Iirst 6
ingredients in large bowl to blend. Fold
in bread. apple and raisins. Pour batter
into prepared dish. Bake pudding 30
minutes. Sprinkle with additional
cinnamon. Bake pudding until top is
golden and center is set. about 35
minutes longer. Spoon pudding into
88l0 F000l86
80l 0l80f
Nl18 6l86l8
8 c. apple cider
4 whole cloves
4 cinnamon sticks
1 c. ginger brandy
Combine cider. cloves
and cinnamon sticks in a
large saucepan. Simmer Ior
20 minutes; strain out
spices and stir in ginger
brandy. Serve very hot in
heavy mugs.
1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. plus 3 T. Ilour
1/2 t. black pepper
1 t. minced sage
4 c. low sodium chicken
In a medium saucepan. melt
butter over low heat. Add
pepper and all the Ilour.
Whisk constantly Ior about 3
minutes. Slowly add chicken
broth; whisk constantly over
medium-low heat until
bubbly and thickened (about
3 minutes).
Add sage and serve.
While drivers across the state
are packing their winter travel sur-
vival kits and getting their vehicles
in top shape, the men and women
of the South Dakota Department of
Transportation are preparing for
the upcoming winter season by way
of a little friendly competition.
On October 10, snowplow drivers
for the SDDOT took turns driving
through an obstacle course as part
of the state snowfighters ROADeo
in Pierre.
In the competition, drivers ma-
neuvered the plows around obsta-
cles that simulated parked cars,
sharp turns and other real-world
situations. The winner was deter-
mined by the total points earned
for completing the obstacle course
as well as a timed truck inspection
to find four pre-determined defi-
This years title went to John
Huber from the Menno shop, unit
292 in the Yankton area. Second
place went to Jay Boldt, Isabel
shop, unit 372 in the Mobridge
area, and third place was awarded
to Chad Hintz, Selby shop, unit 371
in the Pierre area.
A snowfighter ROADeo was held
in each of the four regions earlier
this fall. The top drivers then went
to Pierre to compete for the state
title. The ROADeos also include
training sessions and safety
classes, from properly loading a
truck to equipment inspection, to
employee health screenings.
As winter months approach, the
state transportation department
reminds drivers to be aware of
snowplows on the road and giving
them plenty of room to operate.
The plows are providing an im-
portant public service and are
clearing the roads as quickly as
possible, said Darin Bergquist,
SDDOT secretary. For the safety
of the public and our drivers,
please dont crowd the plow.
Bergquist said plows travel
about 25 mph and drivers should
be patient if they find themselves
behind one. Snowplow operators
need to concentrate on their task
and the road conditions in front of
them, so they may not spot a vehi-
cle trying to pass, he said. Blow-
ing snow around the trucks may re-
duce visibility, so drivers shouldnt
pass unless they can be sure the
oncoming roadway is clear of vehi-
cles and drifts.
Bergquist also reminds drivers to
check road conditions before head-
ing out. Road conditions, weather
reports and forecasts are available
online by visiting www.safetrav-
elusa.com/sd or by dialing 511.
States snowplow drivers
test winter driving skills
Legal NoticesDeadline: Fridays at Noon
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 13
Notice of Meeting
The annual meeting of the Tri-County
Predator District will be held Tuesday,
December 4, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at The
Steakhouse in Philip, S.D.
[Published November 15, 22 & 29, 2012,
at the total approximate cost of $8.45]
Notice is hereby given that the records
and books of account of the City of Philip,
South Dakota, have been audited by
Wohlenberg Ritzman & Co., LLC, Certi-
fied Public Accountants of Madison,
South Dakota, for the year ended De-
cember 31, 2011. A detailed report
thereon is filed with the City of Philip and
the Department of Legislative Audit in
Pierre, South Dakota, for public inspec-
This notice is published in compliance
with the provisions of SDCL 4-11-12.
[Published November 8 & 15, 2012, at
the total approximate cost of $16.90]
Proceedings of the
City of Philip
November 5, 2012
A regular meeting of the Philip City Coun-
cil was held on Monday, November 5,
2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community
Room of the Haakon Co. Courthouse.
Present were Mayor Michael Vetter, Fi-
nance Officer Monna Van Lint, Council
Members greg Arthur, Jennifer Henrie,
Jason Harry, Trisha Larson, and Marion
Matt. Also present were Deputy Finance
Officer Brittany Smith, Public Works Di-
rector Matt Reckling, Police Officer David
Butler, Rod Senn with Kadrmas, Lee &
Jackson Engineers, Del Bartels with the
Pioneer Review, Mike & Lori Seager, Jay
Baxter, Scott Brech, Keven Morehart,
Nick Konst, Beau Ravellette, Bart Banks
& Brian Hammerstrom with Dakota Mill &
grain; and later, Council Member Marty
gartner, Attorney gay Tollefson, Eric
Heltzel, Rod Knutson, Crystal Martinez,
Neal Eisenbraun, Jim Bouman, Barry
Knutson and Elke Baxter.
Absent: none.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Harry to approve the agenda as pre-
sented. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Henrie to approve the minutes of the last
two meetings (10/01 & 10/23) as pub-
lished in the Pioneer Review. Motion car-
Motion was then made by Matt, sec-
onded by Arthur to approve the payment
of the bills from the appropriated funds.
It was noted that the claim from Meier-
henry Sargent LLP for the Sewer SRF
Bond Counsel will be paid from the
sewer surcharge collections per the SD
Dept. of Environment and Natural Re-
sources approval. Motion carried.
Gross Salaries Oct. 31, 2012: Adm. -
$2,879.06; Police - $5,908.92; Sewer -
$4,799.59; Water - $7,370.13
AFLAC, Employee Supplemental Ins.-
EFTPS, S.S., Medicare, Withholding-
SDRS, Employee Retirement-
Airport Improv. Projects:
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, Inc., MIRL
Const/Adm Eng. thru
MIRL Const/Adm Eng. thru
Muth Electric, MIRL Pay Req. #1
Wood/Walden Ave. Improv. Project:
Meierhenry Sargent LLP, Sewer SRF
Bond Counsel Fee...............7,500.00
Petty Cash, Plat Copies/Postage 09-
10/12 .........................................11.65
SPN & Assoc., Survey Eng. N. Wood
Ave. 10/12.........................1,046.90
Sp. Assess. Eng. Mtg
This Month's Bills:
AT&T, Cell Phone 09-10/12 ..........82.30
Best Western Ramkota Pierre, SDML
Conf. Lodging 10/12 ............367.96
Brants Electric, Pool Lighting Upgrades
Cenex Harvest States, Fuel
D&T Auto Parts, Supplies
Dakotacare Health Ins., Employee
Health Premium 11/12 ....10,598.24
Delta Dental Ins., Employee Dental
Premium 11/12.....................660.10
1st Natl Bank - Philip, Utility Postage
10/12 .......................................117.75
1st Natl Bank S.F., SRF Loan #02
Pay #168 11/12.................2,163.90
SRF Loan #03 Pay #71
11/12 ....................................2,223.41
Fitzgerald Oil Co., Fuel/LP -
golden West, Telephone/Internet 09-
grossenburg Implement, Inc., 2240 JD
Tractor Repairs 10/12 .......2,588.40
Haakon Co. Treasurer, Office Rent
11/12 .........................................60.00
Hauk, JNai, Cust. Deposit Refund
11/12 .......................................100.00
Heartland Waste Mgmt, Inc., 375 Resi-
dential Collection 10/12 ....4,087.50
Holiday Inn Spearfish, AR15 Conf
Lodging 10/12......................104.00
Ingram Hardware, Supplies
M.g. Oil Co., Fuel/Supplies
McLeods Printing, Supplies
Moses Building Center, Pool
Repairs/Supplies 09-10/12 ..1,098.86
Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc., Water Re-
sale 11/12...............................57.46
Petty Cash, Supplies/Postage
Philip geo-Thermal, Fire Dept. Dues
Philip Motor, Inc., Parts/Freight
Philip Standard, Fuel/Supplies
Pioneer Review, Publishing
Quill, Supplies 10/12 .................52.98
Safety Benefits, Inc., Reckling Conf.
Reg. 11/12..............................65.00
SD Dept. of Revenue, Sales Tax
Payable 10/12......................487.30
Water Coliform Testing 10/12....13.00
SD Federal Property Agency, Fire Dept.
Supplies 09/12.......................32.00
SD Municipal League, Smith Election
School Reg. 11/12..................20.00
SD One Call, Locates 07-09/12....12.60
SPN & Assoc., DM&g & CP Data
Eval./Hearing .......................4,889.30
Tollefson, gay, Attorney Retainer
11/12 .......................................200.00
USDA, RD Loan Pay #95
11/12 ....................................3,069.00
USTI, UBS Quick Start/
Van Lint, Monna, SDML Conf. Mileage
Reimb 10/12 ..........................56.32
VISA UMB Bank, Travel/Fuel -
West Central Electric, Electric Services
West River International, Inc., Fire
Dept. Freight 09/12..............172.50
WR/LJ Rural Water, 3,578,000 gals.
Contract Min. 10/12 ..........2,500.00
Airport Water 10/12................42.50
South Shop Water 10/12........22.50
Wohlenberg, Ritzman & Co., LLC,
FY2011 Final Audit...............1,825.00
Total Expenditures
11/05/12 .........................$209,292.15
Old Business:
Council reviewed the updated lease
agreement with Haakon County for office
rent, noting that the recommended cor-
rections have been made. The lease in-
cludes office and storage space for both
the Finance Office and Police Dept.
Following review, motion was made by
Harry, seconded by Arthur to approve the
2013 Lease Agreement with Haakon
County. Motion carried.
FO Van Lint advised the Council that she
has been in contact with City Attorney
Tollefson regarding the Haakon Co. Re-
gional Railroad Authority. It was noted
that Attorney Tollefson has agreed to
serve as the agent for the authority. In
addition, the Town of Midland has also
agreed to be on the board and therefore
it will be a seven person board; two from
each governmental entity and one at-
large member. FO Van Lint will be draft-
ing a new agreement for Tollefson's re-
view prior to presenting to each entity for
By general consensus of the Council, the
Haakon Co. Regional Railroad Authority
action was tabled until a draft agreement
is presented.
PWD Reckling updated the Council on
the needed repairs to the Lift Station Wet
Well. He reported that a meeting was
held with the Citys Engineers,
Water/Sewer Committee, and Mayor Vet-
ter on Oct. 23, 2012.
Mayor Vetter reported that the wet well is
in need of repairs, but at this time they
are unaware of the extremity of the
needed repairs. The PWD and Citys en-
gineer are working together to locate a
company that is willing to laser test or
enter the well to assess its condition in
more detail. He stressed that entering
the wet well is very dangerous due to the
gases and in turn, it is difficult to find
companies that perform this type of work.
Once more information is available, it will
be presented to the Council.
New Business:
Street Improvement Projects:
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Matt to approve addendum number one
to the engineering agreement with SPN
& Assoc. for the bidding/negotiation and
construction phase of the street surfacing
improvements on Pine St. and Wray Ave.
in the amount of $7,600. Motion carried
with all members voting aye.
Motion was then made by gartner, sec-
onded by Arthur to authorize Mayor Vet-
ter and FO Van Lint to establish a time
and place for the advertisement and bid
opening for the Wood/Walden Ave. Im-
provement project with the City Engi-
neers. Motion carried.
Rod Senn, Airport Engineer with Kadr-
mas, Lee and Jackson (KLJ), addressed
the Council with airport improvement up-
Mr. Senn reported that the Medium Inten-
sity Runway Lighting (MIRL) Design proj-
ect is substantially completed and the air-
port was reopened on Friday, November
2nd, 2012. Those items remaining to be
completed include the control panel,
radio control panel and beacon. The con-
tractor, Muth Electric, has requested a
time extension to install these remaining
items due to product shipment delays
that are out of the control of Muth.
He estimates that the control panels and
the beacon foundation will be installed in
the next week. The beacon is not ex-
pected to arrive until the end of Novem-
ber and therefore, in visiting with the Air-
port Committee, they have recom-
mended a time extension of December
31, 2012, to complete the remaining
Motion was made by Henrie, seconded
by gartner to approve the requested time
extension from Muth Electric, Inc. due to
shipment delays until December 31,
2012. Motion carried.
Mr. Senn then reviewed MIRL project
Change Order #01 in the amount of
($3,017.80) which saved the City money
by allowing the contractor to plow in the
PVC conduit in place of the trenching
method noted in the project specifica-
tions. This was initially approved by the
Airport Committee during the precon-
struction meeting.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Harry to approve Change Order #01.
Mr. Senn went on to recommend renova-
tions to the electrical system by adding a
second safety devise to allow more field
operations. This is estimated at
$1,362.00 of which the City will only be
responsible for paying 2% of that cost,
approximately $27.00. If the Council is in
agreement with this additional equip-
ment, he would recommend including the
work with Change Order #02 which will
also include the project extension dead-
line already motioned to be approved.
Following discussion, Matt amended his
original motion for Change Order #01 to
also include approving the additional
second safety devise in Change Order
#02. gartner seconded the motion and
motion carried with all members voting
Motion was then made by Harry, sec-
onded by Arthur to approve the MIRL
project pay request #01 in the amount of
$129,546.22 to Muth Electric, Inc. Motion
carried with all members voting aye.
Council also reviewed the project status
updates for the Land Acquisition and En-
vironmental Assessment (LA/EA).
Mr. Senn proceeded with an analysis of
the Airport Committees recommendation
for the 2013 Airport Capital Improvement
Plan (ACIP). He noted that annually, the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
and SD Dept. of Transportation, Office of
Aeronautics, require the City to prioritize
future capital improvement projects at
the airport. This assists both entities as
well as the City in establishing that the
needs and funding sources are cohesive.
Mr. Senn stressed that this is only a plan
to project future improvements and the
following recommendations have been
made by the Airport Committee. A pro-
posed improvement for designing and
constructing in 2013 and 2014, respec-
tively, includes a runway, apron and taxi-
way rehabilitation as well as access road
pavement. In addition, a hangar building,
fueling system upgrade, and a parallel
taxiway are proposed for future years be-
yond 2014.
A motion was made by gartner, sec-
onded by Henrie to approve the Airport
Committees 2013 ACIP recommenda-
tions as presented and authorize KLJ to
submit the plan the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration and the SD DOT on behalf
of the City. Motion carried.
At 7:30 p.m., as previously advertised,
Mayor Vetter announced that it was time
to open bids for the Airport Farm ground
Lease for 2013 to 2017. It was noted that
the lease was re-bid following identical
bids being received during the initial bid
opening in October. Mayor Vetter called
for any bids from the floor. With none
forthcoming, the following bids were
Robert Berry - $7,070 annually
Ed Morrison, Morrison Family
Farms, LLC - $6,502 annually
Michael Noteboom - $7,250
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Arthur to approve the high bid of $7,250
from Michael Noteboom for the 2013-
2017 Airport Farm ground Lease. Motion
Dakota Mill & grain (DMg) Expansion
Mayor Vetter gave an overview of the
public hearing held on Oct. 23, 2012. He
noted that a great deal of information
was reviewed from three separate engi-
neers, DMg representatives, and com-
munity members.
Since the public hearing, a signed peti-
tion by forty-two concerned citizens was
presented to the Finance Office on Oct.
30, 2012, by Mike Seager. The petition
requests further investigation into DMgs
proposed expansion plans and the
Canadian Pacific (CP) trestle bridge -
more specifically, further exploration of
the possibility of moving the siding to the
south side of the CP mainline. DMg has
responded to the petition and a copy of
their response is on file in the Finance
Mayor Vetter expressed his appreciation
to Council Member Arthur for taking the
time to meet with some of the concerned
property owners listed on the petition as
well as the other council members on an
individual basis. The recommendation
that resulted from these meetings, in
which the property owners agreed would
be suitable, has also been reviewed with
Bart Banks, DMg Attorney.
Mayor Vetter went on to explain that the
recommendation includes that of displac-
ing the fill dirt around the trestle bridge
that has built up over the years, widening
the holding basin. DMg could then utilize
this displacement dirt in constructing
their rail siding which DMg seemed re-
ceptive to, but in the same sense, this
work would have to be approved by the
US Army Corps of Engineers and CP.
Mr. Banks spoke on behalf of the recom-
mendation, noting that there is a fine line
in regard to the amount of work that is al-
lowed around the trestle bridge, from that
of the private landowners to the Army
Corp of Engineers. If the displacing of
soil is done on private property, they
have to obtain permission from the
landowners, but if they enter the river
channel area, more stringent regulations
would have to be followed. This would
hinge on first obtaining a Section 404
permit from the Army Corp of Engineers.
Either way, they are willing to pursue this
Mayor Vetter then presented the two
plats that have been presented by DMg
for approval at tonights meeting. The
first plat is for that area on the south side
of the railroad tracks and is as follows:
Dakota Mill & grain Lot 1, being a replat
of Railroad Right of Way, Mobile Outlot
No. 1, Lot 2, and unplatted parcels lying
in the NE Section 23, T1N, R20E, BHM
band 2; and, Dakota Mill & grain Lot 2,
being a replat of Railroad Right of Way,
Lot 1 of Conagra Subdivision, Outlot A
and Lot 1, Lots 1 and 2, a portion of Out-
lot B and an unplatted parcel, lying in the
NW, Section 24, T1N, R20E, BHM,
City of Philip, Haakon County, South
Dakota. The second plat is for the rail
siding area on the north side of the main
rail line and is as follows: Lot 1, Railroad
First Addition in the NE of Section 23
and NW of Section 24, T1N, R20E,
BHM, City of Philip, Haakon County,
South Dakota.
Barry Knutson questioned what the plats
entail and allow. Mayor Vetter advised
that a plat is developed following a sur-
vey of the land, showing the physical lay-
out of a property. A plat approval does
not warrant any more than a recognition
of the land size, location, and legal de-
Jay Baxter addressed the Council, noting
that DMgs proposed rail siding is lo-
cated in the flood plain area and is also
located within close proximity of the
Schools Barium Treatment ponds/facil-
ity. He is concerned with the possible im-
pact that the siding could have on the fa-
cility as it is a vital resource to the entire
community. In his review of the area, he
measured the distance from the railroad
property to the ponds and reported that
from the center of the main rail line there
is 100 feet and only 22 feet from the rail-
road fence line.
Mayor Vetter questioned if Baxter has el-
evation data available for the ponds. Ac-
cording to Baxter, he is unaware of the
elevation of the ponds as well as the sta-
bility of its containment cell. He stressed
that DMgs rail siding may endanger the
ponds considering the flooding concerns
in the area and its close proximity.
Mr. Knutson questioned the regulation of
the ponds and why they were built in their
current location. In addition, has this
been considered in developing DMg's
proposed rail siding?
Mayor Vetter confirmed that the SD Dept.
of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) who regulates these types of fa-
cilities was contacted at the beginning of
DMgs project. No concerns were voiced
relative to the ponds in relation to the rail
siding construction. In addition, the City
needs to use the best available data for
the elevations in determining if there is a
valid concern relating to the ponds. In his
review of the area, it appeared that the
top of pond containment was level with
that of railroad tracks.
Keven Morehart, Haakon School Super-
intendent, confirmed Mr. Vetters visual
analysis of the ponds elevation with that
of the railroad. He also reported that the
schools treatment facility is inspected
annually by the DENR and no concerns
for its stabilization have been reported at
this time.
Mr. Baxter confirmed that he has also
visited with Midwest Cooperatives
DENR representative in Rapid City and
according to his source; this has not
been reviewed as they do not have any
regulations to follow in this respect. He
noted that he has also visited with the en-
gineering firm that originally designed the
barium treatment facility and also plans
to visit in more detail with the school
Mayor Vetter mentioned that if the City
refuses the proposed plats, we are refus-
ing the entire DMg project. Is this some-
thing the community is in favor of?
Mr. Knuston noted that he is not in favor
of the City allowing DMg to proceed with
their project at this time. More in depth
research needs to be done as to the po-
tential effects it could have in the area
and to the property owners. He gave the
example of the Citys Pine St. project not-
ing that during the construction, his prop-
erty incurred a broken window and the
front steps were cracked. In trying to rec-
tify the problem, the contractors failed to
take responsibility so he questioned what
will happen in the instance that damage
is incurred to properties with DMgs rail
siding project, during and following con-
Council Member Henrie requested clari-
fication from Mr. Banks, DMg Attorney,
as to project plans for the rail siding. Will
the west end of the new siding be ta-
pered down to avoid water pooling in the
Mr. Banks advised that the plans were
reviewed in detail during the public hear-
ing and according to the engineers, the
rail siding will not cause any more flood-
ing concerns than already exist in the
area. He noted that the project will stay
within the railroad right-of-way and the
displacing of dirt will take place further
west of the proposed siding. The plans
include clearing the area, filling, and in-
stalling tracks on the north 50 feet of rail-
road right-of-way that they are in the
process of purchasing from CP railroad.
This area is the property included in the
plat of Lot 1, Railroad First Addition. He
also noted that the siding will end ap-
proximately 100 feet from the trestle
bridge, allowing sufficient drainage of the
water in the area.
Mr. Baxter stressed that DMgs pro-
posed rail siding is for 28 rail cars and
questioned what will happen in the future
when it needs to be expanded or another
rail line is needed. He mentioned that he
is experienced with the railroad industry
and more expansion of the rail lines is
evident. So in his opinion, this is only the
beginning. With that, he would recom-
mend that the Council look toward the fu-
ture and consider what will happen if
more rail lines and/or sidings are war-
ranted in this area.
Council Member Arthur questioned the
concern of the barium treatment ponds
as during his visits with the citizens over
the weekend, he was under the impres-
sion that opening that area around the
trestle would be satisfactory. In addition,
he noted that the rail cars on the siding
will move slower than that of the main rail
line and in his opinion, the vibrations
from the rail line will not increase.
Mr. Knutson mentioned that if DMg is
going to pursue displacing and grading
the area around the trestle, why not look
further into building the siding on the
south side of the rail line? He also ques-
tioned why the residences that will be af-
fected are not being contacted; noting
that Eric Heltzel was not aware of this
project and it will be in his backyard. He
also asked what the City and community
will gain from this project. Will it be more
than that of the potential hazards it may
cause to the area?
Mayor Vetter questioned Mr. Knutson as
to his main concern as he feels the City
has taken due diligence with regard to
this project as concerns from the public
have been heard and considered. In ad-
dition the City and three separate engi-
neers have reviewed the project plans in
detail. He noted that in construction;
standards have to be met utilizing the
best available data. In this instance, all
three engineers have confirmed that
DMgs project meets those standards.
Eric Heltzel spoke on behalf of his prop-
erty, confirming that he does not read the
newspaper and was advised this past
weekend of the project by Mike Seager
and Jay Baxter. He explained that they
(Heltzels) were well aware of their prop-
erty being within close proximity of the
railroad when it was purchased. They
have surveyed their property in the past
they built an addition on their house. The
proposed rail siding will only be 20 feet
away if it is constructed. In addition, he
expressed concern for the culvert that is
within close proximity to his property as
it does not promote the flow of water.
Council Member gartner reminded
everyone that the property DMg is pro-
posing to build their rail siding on is
owned by the railroad.
Mike Seager voiced concern for DMgs
proposal to build in front of an existing
problem which is that of restricting the
water flow that occurred when the rail-
road filled in a portion of the trestle
bridge. Mr. Baxter confirmed that state-
ment, mentioning that this is a truly sen-
sitive area and the potential ramifications
from installing the rail siding need to be
considered before it is allowed.
Mr. Banks noted that their project has
been proven by the engineers that it will
not have any impact on the flooding in
the area and in essence, they hope it will
improve the drainage in the area. The hy-
draulic study completed on the trestle
bridge was mentioned, confirming that it
is in compliance with the industry stan-
dards. Again, he expressed frustration as
in his opinion; the DMg project is on hold
because of a problem that is not their re-
Mayor Vetter then questioned what Mr.
Baxter sees from his position that would
satisfy him in order for this project to be
Mr. Baxter stated that he would like to
see DMg take the initiative to install a
culvert in the low area. He feels that this
would show that the DMg is investing not
only with their expansion, but in the com-
munity. The estimated additional invest-
ment of $100,000 culvert would be seen
as a promising investment considering
our communitys standards. He stressed
that this may not be the ultimate answer,
but it would make him feel more confi-
dent as a homeowner in the area.
Mayor Vetter then thanked the commu-
nity members for their concerns, noting
that they assist the Council in making an
informed decision. He then redirected the
Council to take action on the plats that
have been presented by DMg.
Motion was made by Larson, seconded
by Matt to approve the plat of Dakota Mill
& grain Lot 1 located in the NE, Sec-
tion 23, T1N, R20E, BHM; and, Dakota
Mill & grain Lot 2, located in the NW,
Section 24, T1N, R20E, BHM. Both lo-
cated within the City of Philip, Haakon
County, South Dakota, a replat of those
areas as detailed above and authorize
signatures thereon once all other parties
involved have signed off on the approved
plat. Motion carried with all members vot-
ing aye.
Motion was then made by Larson, sec-
onded by Henrie to approve Lot 1, Rail-
road First Addition, located in the NE of
Section 23, and NW of Section 24,
T1N, R20E, BHM, City of Philip, Haakon
County, South Dakota, and authorize sig-
natures thereon following Canadian Pa-
cifics approval. Motion carried with all
members voting aye.
Council went on to review the building
and flood plain development permits pre-
sented by DMg for Phase I, grading and
leveling of that area south of the main rail
line where recent demolition of the struc-
tures took place.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Larson to approve the building and flood
plain development permit as presented
for Phase I, grading and leveling. Motion
carried with all members voting aye.
Council then reviewed the building and
flood plain development permits pre-
sented by DMg for Phase II, constructing
the rail siding in that area north of the
main rail line. Since DMg will be pursu-
ing additional options for improving the
drainage around the trestle bridge from
the landowners, CP, and Army Corp of
Engineers, the permits shall be tabled
until more information is available.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Matt to table the building and flood plain
development permits as presented until
additional information for displacing soil
from around the trestle bridge area is
available. Motion carried with all mem-
bers voting aye.
A building permit presented by Mike and
Debbie Miller for a propane tank, line and
furnace was reviewed.
Building Committee Member gartner re-
ported that the tank has already been in-
stalled on the north side of Mr. Millers
house, but is violation of the Citys
adopted Uniform Fire Code, Article 82,
Section 8204.3 which requires propane
tanks of this size to be located at least
ten feet from any structure, sidewalks
and property lines.
gartner visited with Mr. Miller about the
propane tank regulations and the Build-
ing Committees concerns for the place-
ment of his tank. According to Mr. Miller,
the tank was installed under the regula-
tions provided by Dean Fitzgerald with
Fitzgerald Oil Co. This included that of in-
stalling it at least ten feet away from an
ignition source. For the record, the instal-
lation was not completed by Fitzgerald,
but by Scott Miller with Hansens Heating
and Cooling.
Council Member Matt questioned who
would be liable for any damages result-
ing from this tank location should the City
knowingly allow Mr. Millers tank place-
ment even though it is against the fire
City Attorney Tollefson briefed the Coun-
cil on a previous correspondence with
the State Fire Marshall regarding
propane tanks in violation of the fire
code. In her opinion, the City would be li-
able for any damages if they approve the
tank installation permit when it does not
follow the adopted code.
It was questioned about the tanks that
have been installed in the past that do
not meet the code requirements. Tollef-
son recommended the City move for-
ward with the installations and be
adamant about requiring that the code
regulations are followed. She also sug-
gested providing the propane suppliers
with a copy of the Citys fire code.
Following discussion, motion was made
by Henrie, seconded by Arthur to deny
Mike and Debbie Millers permit as pre-
sented, require the tank be removed
from its current location, and resubmit a
building permit for the installation that
complies with the fire code. Motion car-
Council then went on to review the re-
maining filed building permits as pre-
sented: Joyce Hart remove & replace
shed; Philip Custom Meats 10x20
portable freezer unit; Sacred Heart
Catholic Church replace sanitary sewer
connection in street; and, Keith Slovek
amend & renew deck permit approved on
The building committee reported that
Philip Custom Meats freezer unit will be
placed on the south side of their main
structure with a plan to incorporate it as
part of the structure in the future. Also,
according to City policy, the Sacred Heart
Catholic Church will be required to with-
stand the cost of the repair to the street
area that was disturbed during their
sewer line repair.
Following review, motion was made by
Arthur, seconded by gartner to approve
the above building permits as presented
with the understanding that the Sacred
Heart Catholic Church will repair the
street as noted above. Motion carried.
(Council Member Matt abstained from
the vote relating to the Catholic Church
stating conflict of interest.)
Council was asked to make a determina-
tion as to whether or not the costs in-
curred relative to a Special Meeting
hosted on October 26, 2012, for the sole
purpose of approving a building permit
presented by Dale and Tami Morrison for
the construction of the future D & T Auto
Parts Store at 408 N. Larimer Avenue
should be assessed back to the parties
requesting the meeting. FO Van Lint
noted that the costs to conduct this public
meeting and as established by current
City policies are as follows: $50.00 per
Council Member per meeting and $85.00
per meeting for the Mayor. In addition,
the Administrative time at $16.61 (Fi-
nance Officer's time at a minimum of one
hour) and the cost to publish the Special
Meeting minutes in the City's official
newspaper of $77.33.
A synopsis of the permits received and
correspondence with Morrison regarding
his construction plans over the past few
months were reviewed. It was noted the
Mr. Morrison was advised that he may be
assessed for the costs of hosting the
special meeting due to the fact that this
meeting was called solely to approve his
most recent permit at his insistence that
construction could not be held off until
after November 5, the date that the per-
mit was originally scheduled to be heard.
Mr. Morrison did mention that he did not
feel there would have been any problem
with approving his permit if it were not for
his neighbors, Don Ravellettes, access
and drainage concerns. It was stressed
that the main concern with Mr. Morrisons
permit(s) and plans are that he has
changed them on at least three separate
occasions either verbally or in writing and
that the City has a responsibility to en-
sure that his construction plans are in
compliance with the Citys adopted ordi-
nances and building code.
Following discussion, motion was made
by gartner, seconded by Larson to as-
sess the Oct. 26, 2012, special meeting
costs to Mr. Morrison as outlined above,
for a total amount of $478.94. Motion car-
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Henrie to approve the 2013 Dental Insur-
ance premiums increase of 4.4% for sin-
gle and family coverage per month, ef-
fective Jan. 2013. Motion carried.
continued on page 14
Legal NoticesDeadline: Fridays at Noon
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 14
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Council reviewed a request from the
Haakon Co. Historical Society for the
City to cover the general liability insur-
ance coverage of a park area that they
are planning to develop on their property
north of the Senechal Apartment build-
ing. It was noted that they are still in the
planning phase of the park and are also
considering expanding their property if
the City would be willing to cover the lia-
bility insurance on the park.
DFO Smith stated that according to our
insurance agent, the City would either
have to own this property or have a lease
agreement with the Historical Society in
order to cover the property under the
Citys general liability insurance. It was
noted that they are still awaiting a quote
for this coverage.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Arthur to table the Historical Societys re-
quest until a more detailed plan and in-
surance costs are available. Motion car-
grossenburg Implement has requested
the Councils permission to host a wine
tasting on Nov. 20, 2012, from 5 to 8:00
p.m. The Finance Office has confirmed
with the SD Dept. of Revenue, Special
Tax Division that this type of event is at
the discretion of the local government,
granted that it is not a regular occurrence
nor does not include the exchange of
money. These types of events are limited
to offering samples of malt beverage and
Following review, motion was made by
Arthur, seconded by gartner to approve
grossenburg Implements request to
host a wine tasting on Nov. 20, 2012,
from 5 to 8:00 p.m. Motion carried.
Council then reviewed a request from
Dale Morrison for West Central Electric
to install a City financed street light on
the existing luminary-ready pole located
on the north side of his property at 408
N. Larimer Ave., approximately 50 feet
east of the west property line.
It was reported that the City currently has
122 street light poles that have the light
wattage that Mr. Morrison is requesting.
Each of these lights cost the City approx-
imately $160.00 per year.
FO Van Lint advised the Council that she
has visited with Jim Nickelson, West
Central Electrics Foreman, regarding
this request. According to Mr. Nickelson,
the existing service line to this property
will have to be rerouted and upgraded to
accommodate Mr. Morrisons new con-
struction plans and he is uncertain at this
time if the pole will stay in its current lo-
cation. In addition, Mr. Morrison is able to
install and pay for his own light should he
Council Member Henrie questioned
about past instances of requests for
street lights by businesses. It was noted
that during the last seventeen years,
there have been two separate requests
of which both were denied.
Mayor Vetter expressed concern for illu-
minating a business property. He
stressed that the Citys street lights are
for lighting the City streets and improving
the safety of the community. It was also
mentioned that the area in and along the
streets in which the light is being re-
quested has sufficient street lighting in-
stalled that are effectively illuminating the
area; some of these lights are owned by
the City while others are owned by the
local property owners.
Motion was made by gartner, seconded
by Harry to deny Mr. Morrisons request
for the installation of this street light at the
City's expense. In addition, Mr. Morrison
is allowed to install a light at his own ex-
pense, with the understanding that all
fees associated with the installation and
any monthly utility charges would be at
his sole expense. Motion carried with all
members voting aye.
Departmental Reports:
The quarterly Administrative report was
reviewed with FO Monna Van Lint.
Council reviewed the FY2011 audit re-
port as prepared by Wohlenberg, Ritz-
man & Co.
FO Van Lint noted that one deficiency
was reported and relates to the lack of
segregation of duties. This has been and
will continue to be reported as the City is
incapable of hiring an individual to per-
form each duty in the Finance Office.
She also noted that the audit report has
been approved by the SD Dept. of Leg-
islative Audit and asked that any ques-
tions relative to the report be directed to
the Finance Office.
Council Member Matt congratulated the
Finance Office staff for a great job on a
clean audit as he has reviewed many au-
dits over the years that have been less
than favorable.
Following review, motion was made by
gartner, seconded by Matt to approve
the Citys fiscal year 2011 audit report.
Motion carried.
Council reviewed the year-to-date rev-
enues and expenditures, balance sheet,
and investment report. The year-to-date
sales tax revenues were reported at
$348,341.65 as compared to the 2011
total revenues of $330,195.81.
Council also reviewed the City's Deposi-
tory Disclosure for the account balances
ending October 31, 2012, as follows.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Henrie to approve Resolution #2012-17,
Supplemental Appropriations, Contin-
gency Transfer. This contingency is nec-
essary in order to cover the unexpected
engineering expenses related to the re-
view of the Dakota Mill & grain/Canadian
Pacific plans and specifications. Motion
carried with all members voting aye.
WHEREAS, it appears that
there will be insufficient funds
in the 2012 general Fund
Budget to carry out the indis-
pensible functions of govern-
ment. It is proposed that the
following Supplemental Appro-
priation be and hereby is pro-
posed to be adopted to cover
the engineering fees incurred
during the evaluation of data
and attendance of public hear-
ing related to the Dakota Mill &
grain proposed expansion
plan and concerns related to
the Canadian Pacific Railroad
trestle bridge.
FROM: 101-41400-41150
Contingency - $4,900.00
TO: 101-46500-42220 Eco-
nomic Develop. Engineering -
Dated this 5th day of Novem-
ber 2012.
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/ Monna Van Lint, Finance
(Published: November 15,
$330.00, providing almost half of the
$669.43 of the expense incurred for a
new vest for Officer Butler.
The monthly Street Dept. report was re-
PWD Reckling presented the Council
with an option to lease a 6000 series
John Deere tractor from grossenburg
Implement through the John Deere
Lease program. He reported that the
lease option is being offered free of
charge for a term of eight months (March
31 to November 1) and includes the
maintenance of the tractor being pro-
vided by John Deere. In turn, the City
would be obligated to no more than 250
hours of use on the tractor and maintain
insurance coverage on the tractor.
Reckling noted that the tractor would be
very beneficial to the City; pulling the ro-
tary mower and oil distributor, to name a
It was questioned how much it would
cost should the City use more than the
allotted 250 hours? Reckling advised that
he was unaware of the overage costs,
but does not anticipate using over the al-
lotted time. (For the record, any use
above the 250 hours is billed at $10 per
hour. This was confirmed with Joe Wiotte
with grossenburg Implement following
the meeting.)
Motion was made by gartner, seconded
by Matt to pursue the John Deere tractor
lease program with grossenburg Imple-
ment as presented. Motion carried.
PWD Reckling then advised the Council
that the State will be surplusing a tandem
axle truck and plow from their Philip site
The quarterly Airport report was reviewed
which included the year-to-day fuel rev-
enues of $10,704.92.
The monthly Police Dept. report was pre-
sented and reviewed with Officer Butler.
The City has been awarded a grant from
the Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2012
Bulletproof Vest grant in the amount of
in the near future. The purchase of this
truck was appropriated for in 2012 and
would ask the Councils approval to pur-
chase the truck and issue payment con-
tingent upon it being within the $25,000
Arthur questioned which of the City
Street personnel are licensed to drive the
truck as it will require a Commercial Dri-
vers License (CDL). PWD Reckling re-
ported that Peterson and Coyle have
their CDL licenses and that he, person-
ally, is in need of obtaining his.
Following discussion, motion was made
by Henrie, seconded by gartner to ap-
prove the truck purchase and authorize
the payment of said truck contingent
upon it being within the appropriated
amount and the Mayors approval. Mo-
tion carried.
The monthly Water Dept. report was re-
viewed, noting the October water loss
was roughly 11%. PWD Reckling ad-
vised that they are monitoring different
properties that have reported a concern
with their water use.
Council reviewed the following L/P
Propane bids received:
Oct. 17, 2012
Fitzgerald Oil Company..........$1.21/gal.
Midwest Cooperatives ............$1.25/gal.
golden West Telecommunications will be
completing a fiber system project in 2013
which is expected to occur in the rural
Philip area.
Public Comments:
In Other Business:
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
gartner to authorize PWD Recklings at-
tendance at the 2012 Safety Loss Train-
ing in Pierre on Nov. 14-15, 2012. Motion
Council reviewed a request to authorize
DFO Smiths attendance at election
school in December in which Larson
asked for clarification as to what the elec-
tion school entails.
FO Van Lint informed the Council that
each December the Secretary of States
Office hosts a combined election school
for municipalities and schools. This train-
ing covers all aspects of running the
election, from the notices, materials, and
any changes to election laws. She noted
that she and Smith rotate attendance
each year for this school.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Henrie to authorize DFO Smiths atten-
dance at the 2012 Election School in
Rapid City on Dec. 5, 2012. Motion car-
The Rubble Site hours have changed to
the winter months schedule, Nov. 1,
The City offices will be closed on Nov.
12, 22 & 23, 2012, in observance of the
legal holidays.
Personnel Evaluations need to be com-
pleted and filed with the Finance Office
by Nov. 30, 2012.
The next Regular Council Meeting will be
held on Monday, Dec. 3rd, 2012, at 7:00
p.m. in the Community Rm.
With no further business to come before
the Council, Mayor Vetter declared the
meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/ Brittany Smith,
Deputy Finance Officer
[Published November 15, 2012, at the
total approximate cost of $580.35]
City Council Proceedings
continued from page 13
Feb. 29, 2012 Oct. 31, 2012
Checking Account 10,561.18 11,074.89
Petty Cash (Finance Office) 50.00 50.00
Savings/Cash Mgmt. Acct. 488.005.48 561,722.44
CD #27909 73,000.00 73,000.00
Assigned Cash 188,000.00 183,000.00
Assigned Cash - R. Site 59,502.92 59,904.92
819,119.58 888,752.25
Checking Account 3,102.67 3,120.72
Savings/Cash Mgmt. Acct. 314,939.40 384,178.15
CD #27910 40,000.00 40,000.00
Assigned Cash 87,863.00 87,863.00
Restricted Cash - Rural Dev. Loan 37,000.00 37,000.00
482,905.07 552,161.87
Checking Account 7.48 13.23
Savings/Cash Mgmt. Acct. 302,243.54 328,643.76
CD #27911 2,000.00 2,000.00
CD #27979 10,000.00 10,000.00
Assigned Cash 91,400.00 80,400.00
Restricted Cash - Surcharge - SRF -- 24,279.55
405,651.02 445,336.54
Checking Account 31.17 18.61
Savings/Cash Mgmt. Acct. 58,560.87 63,603.59
CD #27982 20,000.00 20,000.00
Assigned Cash 21,150.00 21,150.00
99,742.04 104,772.20
Total Checking 13,702.50 14,227.45
Total Petty Cash 50.00 50.00
Total Savings/Cash Mgmt. Acct. 1,163,749.29 1,338,147.94
Total Certificates of Deposit 145,000.00 145,000.00
Total Assigned/Restricted Cash 484,915.92 493,597.47
TOTAL CASH 1,807,417.71 1,991,022.86
JUST ONE TIME! Kyle Whipps was not an at risk student, nor
were his friends. They were the cream of the crop: A students, top
athletes and musicians, whom no one would suspect were living
dangerously. His mother, Penny, shares the compelling story of her
sons overdose and death and sends out a plea for kids to intervene
when they see a friend headed down the wrong path. See Just One
time at Philip High School on Thursday, November 15, at 2:40 p.m.
in the Fine Arts Gym. Parents welcome.
Scholastic Book Fair in the community room of the courthouse from
November 13-16. Hours are from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-
mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-
review. com. We will run your event notice the two issues
prior to your event at no charge.
.! !h1: !1) o]
hu)I:n1:1)n CII)u!1o),
ou) !hounh!: !u)) n)u!]uII\
!o \ou +1!h +u)) u)r1u!1o)'
3B's Heating
& Cooling
T)1u), u!h), T)orI,
T)1r & u\Io) u):o)
Newly remodeled 4-bedroom home on (2) lots
New high-efficiency electric A/C, heating pump & propane furnace
New roof, siding, windows & doors
New on demand hot water heating system
New propane fireplace New carpet & painting
Established Yard Established Playground Very nice large back deck
2 blocks from school
Large 2-vehicle garage with room for workshop
This is a very nice family home that one could begin living in right away!
Would consider a contract for deed to qualified buyer!
For Sale by Owner
404 N. Larimer Philip, SD
Don & Tami Ravellette (605) 859-2969
(605) 685-5147 Cell
(605) 859-2516 Work
Classifieds 859-2516
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 15
(serious inquires only). Call Rus-
sell Spaid 605-280-1067.
bouillet Rams. Yearling or
Lambs. Big, Hardy, Fine Fleeces.
Call evenings: 605-466-2370.
representing Golden Eagle Log
Homes, building in eastern, cen-
tral, northwestern South &
North Dakota. Scott Connell,
605-530-2672, Craig Connell,
605-264-5650, www.goldenea-
statewide for only $150.00. Put
the South Dakota Statewide
Classifieds Network to work for
you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call
this newspaper 605-859-
2516 or 800-658-3697 for de-
$1500.00 SIGN-ON BONUS!
EXP. OTR Drivers, TBI,
33/34, $375 mo., health ins.,
credit, 03 safety bonus, Call
Joe for details, 800.456.1024,
joe@tbitruck. com.
BONUS. New Pay Program!
*Earn up to 50 cpm *Home
Weekly *2500+ miles, 95% no-
tarp. Must be Canadian eligible
(888) 691-5705.
fully managed properties in the
Black Hills, great condition and
locations. Would make good ex-
change properties. Call Todd
Young, SDRE broker, 605-645-
* * * * * * *
FOR SALE: 2001 GMC Sonoma,
approx. 147K miles, dependable,
good tires, $5,000. 441-1364.
FOR SALE: 1979 Chevrolet Sil-
verado 30, dually with Duralist
DSS 30, 25 bucket lift. $1,800.
441-9669, Wall. WP11-tfn
FOR SALE: 1998 Ford Expedi-
tion XLT 4x4, cloth seats, power
windows, locks & seats, good
tires. Call 685-8155. PR10-tfn
INC., PHILIP: Rock, Sand,
Gravel (screened or crushed). We
can deliver. Dams, dugouts,
building sites. Our 37th year.
Glenn or Trace, 859-2020.
Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland.
ATV application. ALSO: prairie
dogs. Call Bill at 669-2298.
CRETE: ALL types of concrete
work. Rich, Colleen and Haven
Hildebrand. Toll-free: 1-877-
867-4185; Office: 837-2621;
Rich, cell: 431-2226; Haven,
cell: 490-2926; Jerry, cell: 488-
0291. K36-tfn
For all your rural water hook-
ups, waterline and tank installa-
tion and any kind of backhoe
work, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,
Midland. PR20-52tp
will do all types of trenching,
ditching and directional boring
work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee
or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig cell: 390-
8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604;
wrex@gwtc.net K50-tfn
FOR SALE: 320 acres of crop-
land, 14 miles north of Midland.
NE1/4 Sec. 3, NW1/4 Sec. 2,
3N24E. Call 222-6261.
WANTED: Summer pasture for
up to 100 pair within 50 miles of
New Underwood. 754-6166.
FOR SALE: 2012 grass hay,
local delivery included, semi-
load lots, no mold or weeds,
large rounds put up right. Call
Rob, 390-5535; Charles, 390-
5506. P47-4tc
Get ready for fall hauling! 12-
ply, 235/85/16R. $160,
mounted. Les Body Shop, 859-
2744, Philip. P40-tfn
MOVING SALE: Must downsize!
Forty years collection of house-
hold items. Some furniture, an-
tiques, collectibles, variety of
adult clothing (some name
brand), sizes vary, 0-5 and 10-
12, small appliances and much
more! Friday Nov. 16, 5:00 -
7:30 p.m. and Saturday Nov. 17,
10 a.m. - noon. Glenn & Rita O'-
Connell residence 615 N Wood
Ave., just north of the WR/L-J
building. PR11-2tc
HELP WANTED: Full and part-
time positions available. Will
train. Stop in to apply at Philip
Custom Meats, 501 E. Pine St.,
Philip. PR12-2tc
Mill & Grain is looking for driv-
ers. Late model equipment.
Clean driving record. Doubles,
Triples and overnight stays re-
quired, in the South Dakota
area. Competitive pay with ben-
efits. Stop by any of our 10 loca-
tions and pick up an application
or e-mail resume to jackh@
dakotamill.com. E.O.E.
COOK WANTED: Good Samari-
tan Society, New Underwood,
Part-time for 4-8:30 p.m. shift.
Contact: Lorraine, 754-6489 or
apply online www.good-sam.
Days Inn, Wall. Possibly perma-
nent year-round position, start-
ing immediately. Contact
Theresa, 279-2000. PW46-tfn
FOR SALE: White porcelain
daybed, complete; and a china
hutch. Call Diane Walker, 859-
2901, Philip. P49-2tc
FOR SALE: Several nice used
refrigerators with warranties.
Dels, I-90 Exit 63, Box Elder.
390-9810. WP9-4tp
FOR SALE: Rope horse halters
with 10 lead rope, $15 each.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
FOR SALE: Several nice used
refrigerators with warranties.
Dels, I-90 Exit 63, Box Elder.
390-9810. P46-4tp
CEPTED ON 2003 John Deere
1590 no-till drill, 15 working
width, 7-1/2 spacing, grass
seeder, agitator, fertilizer box,
dolly wheel. Bids for the drill will
be accepted by East Pennington
Conservation District until Jan-
uary 1, 2013, at 24 Creighton
Road in Wall, SD, or they can be
mailed to: PO Box 308, Wall, SD
57790. Please call 279-2519 for
information or viewing of the
drill. We reserve the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
color television. Call 859-2184
or 441-3024. P49-2tp
WANTED: Old Indian items,
beadwork, quillwork, old guns,
old painted buffalo hides, old
photographs. Cash paid. Call
748-2289 or 515-3802. F46-4tc
FOR SALE: 1-year-old female
7/8 Mountain Cur, 1/8 Airedale
cross dog. Bred for a coyote
hunting and/or trap line dog.
Very friendly. Blonde color and
wire-haired, about 50 lbs. Rea-
son for selling: have too many
dogs. $50. Call 462-6390,
evenings after 7 p.m. PR12-2tc
FOR SALE: Multiple houses at
multiple prices. Call Jim Coats,
685-3990 if interested, Wall.
St. in Philip, 2 bedrooms, full
basement, great view off back
deck. Call 859-2783 or 859-
3249 or 567-3515 to view.
HOUSE FOR SALE: 307 Myrtle
Ave Philip. 3 bedroom 1.5 bath,
central air, fuel oil heat and
wood stove. Open concept,
stainless steel fridge and stove.
washer and dryer included.
Hardwood laminate floors, sepa-
rate dining room. Mostly fin-
ished basement. Ceiling fans
throughout. New windows and
roof. Fenced in, large backyard
with cover patio and storage
shed. Can email photos. Call
859-2470 or (785) 259-4207.
rooms, 2 baths, attached 2-car
garage, large lot. Call 859-2403,
Philip. PR10-tfn
RENT IN WALL: Call Stan, 381-
2861 or 279-2861. WP5-tfn
APARTMENTS: Spacious one
bedroom units, all utilities in-
cluded. Young or old. Need
rental assistance or not, we can
house you. Just call 1-800-481-
6904 or stop in the lobby and
pick up an application. Gateway
Apartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn
PLEASE READ your classified
ad the first week it runs. If you
see an error, we will gladly re-
run your ad correctly. We accept
responsibility for the first in-
correct insertion only. Ravel-
lette Publications, Inc. requests
all classifieds and cards of
thanks be paid for when or-
dered. A $2.00 billing charge will
be added if ad is not paid at the
time the order is placed. All
phone numbers are with an
area code of 605, unless other-
wise indicated.
The Philip Volunteer Fire De-
partment would like to thank Bill
Gottsleben and Bill McDaniel for
the donation lamb, which was
rollover auctioned.
* * * *
Thank you to everyone who
supported our Komen SD Race
for the Cure team by attending
the Dig Pink volleyball night, pur-
chasing pink things to wear and
baked goods. Thanks also to
those who donated to our walk-
ing taco fundraiser. It is very
much appreciated!
Every dollar brings us one step
closer to a cure!
Valarie Schulz & family
Thank you so much for the
wonderful grand prize I won that
was donated by Essence,
Serendipity, Tease and One Fine
Day (you know I definitely need
it)! Philip Health Services radiol-
ogy department is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
and so thoughtful. What an excel-
lent idea for Breast Cancer
Awareness Month.
Doreen Vetter
Thank you to everyone for the
thoughts, prayers, cards, visits
and food and going to the Pizza
Ranch and Legion in Ft. Pierre to
help celebrate with us Sharons
life. She will be missed by all.
The families of
Sharon Ellwein
Thank you very much for the
awesome grand prize I won at
the Holiday Open House! It is so
nice to have such wonderful
products available in our rural
Lacey Clements
Thank you to Philip Health
Services radiology department
for the prizes we won in your
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
drawing. It is very much appreci-
Kelly Penticoff
& Brittney Drury
guarantee. Rosters due Novem-
ber 21. For information:
the Rosholt, Centennial, August
16-18th 2013. For more infor-
mation call 605-537-4426 ask
for Mary.
tal is looking for a Dental Assis-
tant to join a dedicated team of
professionals aimed at improv-
ing oral health and keeping kids
across the state of South Dakota
smiling. The position will work
directly out of a 40-foot-long,
state-of-the-art mobile dental
unit. Responsibilities will in-
clude: providing chair side assis-
tance, taking x-rays, patient
charting, and equipment sterili-
zation. Position is based out of
Pierre. Extensive travel is re-
quired (75% of the time M-F).
Person must have graduated
from an accredited dental assist-
ing education program or have
at least one year of experience
working in the dental assisting
field. Current CPR & x-ray certi-
fications are required. Excellent
salary and benefits package.
Email cover letter, resume and
professional references to sum-
or for more information please
contact Summer Sporrer at 605-
AGENTS - A+ Rating, Great Pay,
.Lifetime Renewals. Offer great
training! Call today. Tucker
Tonkel 605-645-7502.
DEPT. has opening for Mechanic
and Equipment operators. Good
Benefits. Applications are avail-
able at Courthouse in Bison, SD
or call 605-244-5629.
petitive wages, benefits, training,
profit sharing, opportunities for
growth, great culture and inno-
vation. $1,500 Sign on Bonus
available for Service Techni-
cians. To browse opportunities
go to www.rdoequipment.com.
Must apply online. EEO.
2009 POLARIS 850XP 4x4. 50K
miles, Green. $5500.00 or OBO.
Call evenings: 605-466-2650.
NOW IS THE chance to buy a
well established & successful
business in the State Capitol of
S.D. The Longbranch is for SALE
The Pioneer Review
Business & Professional Directory
Family Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
Quality Air-Entrained Concrete
Call toll-free 1-888-839-2621
Richard Hildebrand
837-2621 Kadoka, SD
Rent This Space
3 month min.
happy, loving home, beautiful
life for your precious newborn
baby. Expenses paid. Married
couple Walt/Gina. Call for info:
The Cougar Classic Basketball
Tournament in Rapid City is De-
cember 1 & 2. Open to girls and
boys teams grades 4-8. Registra-
tion is $135/team, three game
Complete Auto Body Repairing
glass Installation Painting Sandblasting
Toll-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 Philip, SD
imum for first 20 words; 10 per
word thereafter; included in the
Pioneer Review, the Profit, & The
Pennington Co. Courant, as well
as on our website: www.pioneer-
Tributes, Etc. $6.00 minimum
for first 20 words; 10 per word
thereafter. Each name and initial
must be counted separately. In-
cluded in the Pioneer Review and
the Profit.
minimum for first 20 words; 10
per word thereafter. Each name
and initial must be counted sep-
arately. Printed only in the Pio-
neer Review.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for
bookkeeping and billing on all
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 per
column inch, included in the Pi-
oneer Review and the Profit.
$5.55 per column inch for the Pi-
oneer Review only.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate ad-
vertised in this newspaper is subject to the
Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which
makes it illegal to advertise any preference,
or discrimination on race, color, religion,
sex, or national origin, or any intention to
make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is a vi-
olation of the law. Our readers are informed
that all dwellings advertised in this newspa-
per are available on an equal opportunity
2 Bedrooms Available
2 Bedrooms Available
(washer/dryer hook-ups)
Apartments carpeted throughout,
appliances furnished,
laundry facilities available.
For application
& information:
1113 Sherman St.
Sturgis, SD 57785
605-347-3077 or
Job Opening
Haakon School district 27-1
Haakon School district is accepting applications for a
Special Education Paraprofessional at the
Milesville Rural Attendance Center.
Must be highly qualified or able to become highly qualified.
Position will be open until filled. Applications are available in the
Business Office or online at www.philip.k12.sd.us.
Direct any questions to
Mr. Keven Morehart at 605-859-2679. EOE employer.
For all your
Philip, SD
S. HWY ?3 - SS9-2100 - PHILIP
Eden Pure Heaters
Wood Pellets
DeWALT Tools
Storage Sheds
Gates & Fencing Supplies
Skid Loader Rental
Pole Barn Packages
House Packages
Calf Shelters
We offer .
& new CoIormatch System for
aII your painting needs!
Call today
for your
free estimate!! Shop our large selection of power tools!
Sunday evening, Jennifer Stan-
gle's friends, Shelby Schofield and
college friends, Colt Mayer and
John Taylor, visited at Jim and
Kayla Bastian and daughter Kai-
dyn, Pierre, spent the weekend
with Kayla's parents, Boyd and
Kara Parsons.
On both Saturday and Sunday
mornings, Karyl Sandal helped
with the hunters breakfast spon-
sored by the ambulance volunteers.
Last Thursday, Paul Staben and
Virgil Smith were in Pierre attend-
ing a Weed Board meeting.
Joining Bart and me for supper
in Philip Friday night were Bryan
and Sharon Olivier, Tyler Olivier
and friend, Stacy, Earl, Jodi,
Rachel and Sarah Parsons, and
Mike and Melody Parsons, Bailey
Bays, and Carter and Landon Par-
sons. Melody recently received her
masters degree in nursing, so we
were celebrating with her.
The weather Saturday looked a
little like winter with snow and
strong winds. Friday's fog had
lifted by early Saturday morning,
so the hunters could find their
deer. Several I've talked to have
been sucessful.
(continued from page 10)
Ad deadline:
11:00 a.m.
Pioneer Review
EmaiI: info@phiIipIivestock.com
(605i 685.5826
Midland (605i 567.3385
JEFF LONG, FIeIdman/AuctIoneer
Fcd Owl (605i 985.5486
Ccll. (605i 515.0186
Fcva (605i 866.4670
Milcsvillc (605i 544.3316
Yard Foreman
(605i 441.1984
Siurgis (605i 347.0151
Wasia (605i 685.4862
(60S) SS9:2S??
lkllll ll\lI|K 1||IlK
lkllll. |Ik 01KI1
Upoom1ng Co111e So1es:
10:00 A.M. BRED CATTLE: 12:00 P.M. (MT).
HEFF; CLV. 3-1
DLK; CLV. 3-20
CHAF; CLV. 3-15 FOF 60
CLV. 3-1
HFFS (1050-100=i; DFED. DLK; CLV. 3-10 FOF 30 DAYS; 18 DLK
DLK; CLV. 3-25
VIEW SALES LIVE ON THE INTERNET! Go to: www.pbIIIpIIvestock.com. UpcomIng saIes & consIgnments can be
vIewed on tbe Internet at www.pbIIIpIIvestock.com, or on tbe DTN: CIIck on SALE BARNS NORTH CENTRAL
PLA |s now qua||f|ed to hand|e th|rd party ver|f|ed
NhT6 catt|e [Non-hormona| Treated 6att|e}.
Reep suppor11ng R-CALF USA! R-CALF USA 1s our vo1oe 1n
governmen1 1o represen1 U.S. oo111e produoers 1n 1rode
morKe11ng 1ssues. ]o1n 1odog & e1p moKe o d1]]erenoe!
PhiIip Livestock Auction, in conjunction with Superior Livestock
Auction, wiII be offering video saIe as an additionaI service to our
consignors, with questions about the video pIease caII,
Jerry Roseth at 605:685:5820.
PhiIip, SD
DLK; CLV. 3-1
We od o b1g run o] oo111e ]or our speo1o1
ere Tuesdog, Nov. JS1, se111ng SDtJ
eod. B1g oroud o] bugers, morKe1 oo11ve,
bu1 so]1er on 1e ]1esg t ue1g1 oo1ves
ond s1rong on 1e geor11ngs.
1558 .....................DLK & DWF SPAY HFFS 918= ......$139.40
735 .......................DLK & DWF SPAY HFFS 839= ......$141.10
346.......................FED & FWF SPAY HFFS 888= ......$141.50
180................................CHAF SPAY HFFS 893= ......$141.50
18............................................DLK STFS 805= ......$151.00
24...................................DLK OPEN HFFS 731= ......$142.25
8.....................................DLK OPEN HFFS 897= ......$136.00
11..................................FED & DLK STFS 892= ......$140.25
12 .................................HEFF OPEN HFFS 813= ......$133.75
22...............................X DFED SPAY HFFS 705= ......$138.00
22 .................................HEFF OPEN HFFS 732= ......$132.00
3.....................................FED OPEN HFFS 917= ......$133.50
15.........................DLK & DWF OPEN HFFS 859= ......$130.50
5...........................FED & DLK OPEN HFFS 1068= ....$119.50
96 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 506= ......$171.75
91 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 516= ......$171.00
24 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 413= ......$190.50
100 ...............................DLK & DWF STFS 582= ......$164.25
175...............................DLK & DWF HFFS 523= ......$156.50
66.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 426= ......$158.00
100................................FED & DLK STFS 521= ......$170.75
41..................................FED & DLK STFS 438= ......$187.50
112...............................DLK & DWF HFFS 514= ......$170.50
52............................................DLK STFS 408= ......$190.00
10............................................DLK STFS 334= ......$209.00
18 ...........................................DLK HFFS 302= ......$186.00
86 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 510= ......$171.50
8..............................................DLK STFS 416= ......$184.00
100................................FED & DLK STFS 436= ......$187.00
10..................................FED & DLK STFS 342= ......$220.00
49............................................DLK STFS 521= ......$172.50
20............................................DLK STFS 436= ......$179.00
26 ...........................................DLK HFFS 460= ......$154.00
13 ...........................................DLK HFFS 401= ......$163.00
53 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 473= ......$180.25
109 ...............................DLK & DWF STFS 578= ......$163.75
105...............................DLK & DWF HFFS 554= ......$157.00
50 ...............................CHAF & DLK HFFS 459= ......$153.00
65 ...........................................DLK HFFS 574= ......$157.25
10 ...........................................DLK HFFS 467= ......$164.00
60............................................DLK STFS 531= ......$168.50
30............................................DLK STFS 419= ......$189.00
61.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 448= ......$155.50
11 ...........................................DLK HFFS 348= ......$175.00
40............................................DLK STFS 513= ......$171.25
23..................................FED & DLK STFS 370= ......$206.00
20.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 394= ......$162.00
24 ...........................................DLK HFFS 474= ......$151.00
36............................................DLK STFS 547= ......$169.75
97..........................................CHAF STFS 590= ......$164.00
96 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 544= ......$163.00
48..........................................CHAF STFS 503= ......$169.50
39 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 434= ......$190.00
101 .......................................CHAF HFFS 576= ......$146.75
100..............................CHAF & DLK HFFS 536= ......$153.25
118..............................CHAF & DLK HFFS 461= ......$156.50
37 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 559= ......$169.50
32.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 506= ......$149.00
40............................................DLK STFS 526= ......$170.50
27 ...........................................DLK HFFS 538= ......$146.00
80............................................DLK STFS 481= ......$179.00
38............................................DLK STFS 363= ......$209.00
48 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 518= ......$170.75
12 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 461= ......$167.00
28.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 484= ......$146.00
45............................................DLK STFS 493= ......$173.00
25............................................DLK STFS 396= ......$186.00
13 ...........................................DLK HFFS 385= ......$173.50
105................................FED & DLK STFS 537= ......$163.50
116................................FED & DLK STFS 473= ......$171.00
29..................................FED & DLK STFS 375= ......$185.00
34............................................DLK STFS 548= ......$169.50
17............................................DLK STFS 509= ......$170.50
5...................................DLK & DWF HFFS 442= ......$153.00
20 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 595= ......$161.00
8 .............................................DLK HFFS 566= ......$147.00
11............................................DLK STFS 515= ......$167.00
5..............................................DLK STFS 446= ......$185.00
28 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 698= ......$151.00
16 ...........................................DLK HFFS 669= ......$138.75
54 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 618= ......$153.00
20 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 483= ......$169.00
24.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 531= ......$150.00
21.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 465= ......$152.00
25..................................FED & DLK STFS 613= ......$147.50
20 .................................FED & DLK HFFS 575= ......$138.75
13 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 699= ......$141.00
9 ...................................DLK & DWF STFS 615= ......$150.00
25 ...........................................DLK HFFS 615= ......$138.50
20............................................DLK STFS 591= ......$154.25
8....................................FED & DLK STFS 499= ......$162.00
30............................................DLK STFS 604= ......$153.25
28 ...........................................DLK HFFS 554= ......$144.00
26 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 560= ......$161.00
19.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 540= ......$145.00
35............................................DLK STFS 569= ......$148.00
19............................................DLK STFS 482= ......$161.00
27 ...........................................DLK HFFS 514= ......$142.00
33 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 586= ......$159.00
13 .................................DLK & DWF STFS 482= ......$166.00
19..................................FED & DLK STFS 406= ......$171.50
36.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 451= ......$146.00
14.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 376= ......$163.50
37..................................FED & DLK STFS 604= ......$151.50
11..................................FED & DLK STFS 523= ......$162.00
30................................CHAF & DLK STFS 609= ......$155.00
7..................................CHAF & DLK STFS 496= ......$169.00
25 ...............................CHAF & DLK HFFS 577= ......$143.50
7 ...........................................CHAF HFFS 479= ......$155.00
15..................................FED & DLK STFS 620= ......$145.00
5..............................................DLK STFS 529= ......$161.00
7 .............................................DLK HFFS 494= ......$141.00
34..................................FED & DLK STFS 638= ......$150.50
13..................................FED & DLK STFS 540= ......$151.00
17.................................DLK & DWF HFFS 583= ......$143.00
9...................................FED & DLK HFFS 483= ......$145.00
9....................................FED & DLK STFS 633= ......$147.50
8 .............................................DLK HFFS 603= ......$139.25
23............................................DLK STFS 395= ......$194.00
17 ...........................................DLK HFFS 404= ......$167.00
18 .................................FED & DLK HFFS 457= ......$154.00
6...................................FED & DLK HFFS 380= ......$164.50
10............................................DLK STFS 574= ......$153.00
5..............................................DLK STFS 606= ......$156.00
18..................................FED & DLK STFS 480= ......$160.00
5....................................FED & DLK STFS 416= ......$173.00
Thursday, November 15, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 16
Be watching
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Lowline Sale
* * *
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Ranch Sale
* * *
Longhorn Sale
Lunch Specials:
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* * *
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Several blizzards and ice storms
during recent winters demonstrate
how a major winter storm can af-
fect everyone in a large area.
Heavy snow, freezing precipitation,
strong winds, and cold tempera-
tures blocked roads, caused power
outages, and prevented delivery of
essential supplies and services;
sometimes for several weeks.
As another winter season ap-
proaches, the National Weather
Service encourages people to prac-
tice safety guidelines to survive
dangerous winter storms and pre-
pare for extreme conditions by tak-
ing the following steps:
Check your vehicles battery,
antifreeze, wipers and windshield
washer, ignition, thermostat and
Put a winter survival kit in
each vehicle. It should contain a
windshield scraper, jumper cables,
tool kit, tow chain or rope, tire
chains, bag of sand or cat litter,
shovel, flashlight with extra batter-
ies, warm boots and a blanket. For
longer trips add extra clothes,
sleeping bags, a portable radio,
first aid kit, high-calorie nonper-
ishable food, matches and candles,
and large coffee cans for sanitary
purposes or burning candles.
Keep an adequate supply of fuel
for your home or get an alternative
heating source. Learn how to oper-
ate stoves, fireplaces, and space
heaters safely and have proper
ventilation to use them.
Add insulation to your home;
caulk and weather-strip doors and
window sills; install storm win-
dows or cover windows with plas-
Have emergency supplies at
home: a flashlight, candles,
matches, a battery-powered radio,
extra batteries, and a first-aid kit.
Monitor Internet websites,
NOAA Weather Radio, local radio
or television stations, or cable TV
systems for forecasts and informa-
tion about impending storms.
People should also know the
terms used to describe hazardous
winter weather and what actions to
take for each situation:
A winter storm watch means a
dangerous winter storm is possible.
Watches are issued to give people
time to prepare for hazardous con-
ditions before they develop.
Postpone trips or take a different
route. Put a survival kit in your ve-
hicle. Tell someone your schedule
and route; call them when you ar-
rive at your destination. If possible,
travel in daylight and use major
highways. Keep your fuel tank as
full as possible to avoid ice in the
tank and lines.
At home; have high energy food
or food that requires no cooking,
one gallon of water per day for each
person, and enough fuel for the du-
ration of the storm. Dont forget
special items for your family such
as prescription medicine, baby for-
mula and diapers, and pet food.
If you live in a remote area, con-
sider having elderly or ill family,
friends and neighbors stay some-
place where heat and electric
power are available.
Winter storm and blizzard warn-
ings are issued when a dangerous
storm is imminent. Do not travel
unless it is an extreme emergency.
You are safer to stay where you are
rather than risk getting stranded
along a highway. If you have no
heat, close off unneeded rooms and
wear extra clothes. Do not operate
power generators indoors.
Wind chill warning and advi-
sories emphasize the increased risk
of frostbite and hypothermia dur-
ing cold and windy conditions. Stay
inside as much as possible. If you
go outdoors, wear several layers of
loose-fitting, lightweight clothing
and water repellent outer gar-
ments. Cover all parts of your body,
especially your head, face and
hands. When working outdoors, do
not overexert yourself. Remove
damp clothing as soon as possible
to avoid becoming chilled.
More information on preparing
for winter weather is available
from your county emergency man-
agement office, the Rapid City Na-
tional Weather Service at
http://weather.gov/RapidCity, and
the South Dakota bReady web-
site http://www.breadysd.com/.
Prepare for winter weather
by Norris Preston
past national vice-commander
the American Legion
The title of the event left no
doubt as to its subject matter.
Veterans Jobs, Jobs, Jobs head-
lined the 24th annual veterans
braintrust gathering September 21
in Washington, D.C. American Le-
gion Economic Division Deputy Di-
rector Mark Walker represented
the legion on a 12-member discus-
sion panel.
The four hour examination of
veterans employment issues was
staged as part of the 42nd annual
legislative conference and hosted
by United States Representatives
Corrine Brown, Sanford Bishop, Jr.
and Charles Rangel.
After opening remarks and intro-
ductions by the members of Con-
gress, three military leaders ad-
dressed the assembly, Army Vice
Chief of Staff General Lloyd Austin
Ill, Marine Corps Staff Director
Lieutenant General Willie
Williams and Coast Guard Pacific
Area Commander Vice Admiral
Manson K. Brown.
Austin, former commanding gen-
eral of the United States forces in
Iraq, set the tone by saying, Our
challenge is to continue to find
ways that we may better assist our
separating or retiring servicemem-
bers. They represent the very best
of America. They are highly disci-
plined, principled, mission-focused
and often mature beyond their
years. They have learned a tremen-
dous amount over the course of
these wars about the value of hard
work and teamwork and, ulti-
mately, leadership. And theyve put
these skills into practice in some of
the most challenging environments
of earth.
Brown reiterated the clarion call
for veterans employment, noting
the importance of translatable mil-
itary to civilian skills. He too noted
that veterans of the Coast Guard
have little difficulty finding civilian
employment as compared with vet-
erans of other services. This is be-
cause, he postulated, Coast Guard
members experiences in such dis-
ciplines as search and rescue and
law enforcement are readily recog-
nized with interpretation by civil-
ian employers.
The others panelists included the
vice president of Veterans Pro-
grams at the United States Cham-
ber of Commerce with whom the
Legion is collaborating in a ongoing
series of veterans job fairs, the
chief executive officer of the Cham-
ber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO
Veterans Council, the Office of Per-
sonnel Management. Representa-
tives from private industry, includ-
ing Home Depot and the Walt Dis-
ney company, as well as other vet-
erans advocates, rounded out the
dozen panelists.
Walker recalled the discussion as
fruitful, saying, it was agreed
upon that the fight to create a more
favorable employment market for
veterans should be one of all hands
on deck.
Of Interest to Veterans
Veterans Employment

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