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Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi 3 Kislev 5773, November 17, 2012 Andrew Markowitz, Assistant Rabbi
Erev Shabbat Candle-lighting: 4:19 PM Mincha: 4:24 PM Daf Yomi Shabbos 45, 7:30AM Shacharit 7:45/ 8:30/ 9:00AM Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:13 AM The Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh Shiur will be at 3:00 PM in the shul. Chevy Glassberg will be speaking about "A Thing or Two about Twins: the Divergent Paths of Yaakov and Eisav." Michele Blatt is sponsoring the shiur in memory of Riva Blatt Weinstein A"H . Pre Mincha Shiur w/ Rabbi Yudin Gemorrah Makkos 3:20 PM Mincha: 4:05 PM Dvar Torah at Seudah Shlishit w/ Dr. Mitchel Ashkanazy Shabbos Ends: 5:31 PM

Parsha: Artscroll: p124 The Living Torah: p116 Hertz: p93 / Haftorah: Artscroll: p1137 The Living Torah: p1071 Hertz: p102
Kiddush: Simcha Kiddush : sponsored by Malvina & Michael Abraizov in honor of our shul members who helped the sick fulfill the mitzvah of listening to shofar, Marilyn and Michael Bodner in honor of 90th birthdays of Michael's mother Ann Bodner and Marilyn's mother Rhoda Schneider, Sharon and Michael Glass on the birth of their granddaughter Daniella Leba born to Sarit and Brian Glass, Denise & Leonard nd Schrieber in honor of Aharons and Zacharys 22 Birthdays, Sheila and Irving Weinberg in honor of the engagement of their granddaughter Sarah Kusnitz to Jonathan Foux. Carol & Peter Weissmann on the birth of their granddaughter,Hadar Mazel, born to Odeliah & Dovid Weissmann Seudah Shlishit : follows mincha Mazal Tov to: Elaine Adler on the birth of a grandson born to her children Leya and Danny Hakim Elaine Adler on her son Aris obtaining Smicha from the Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva Welcome to: Eliezer and Shira Schnall who are visiting Fair Lawn this Shabbos Eliav and Zahava Dinewitz who are visiting Fair Lawn this Shabbos Thank You to: Michele and Jake Blatt for dedicating Torah Tuesday on Thursday on (11/15) to commemorate the yahrzeit of Riva Blatt Weinstein AH. Abe/ Leo Bowski for dedicating Torah Tuesday on (11/13) to commemorate the yahrzeit of Shlomo ben Avraham Yitzchack, Saul Bowski AH. Libby and Harold Wahl thank Rabbi Yudin, the November to Remember Committee and the Shomrei Torah family for a truly memorable November to Remember Veterans Tribute evening. The Baal Kriah Upstairs M. Tamarov Young Couples- J. Jarashow Refuah Shelaimah to: Faiga bas Yita Rivka, Selma Gelman (Shulamit bat Guta), Evelyne Hait (Esther Frimmet bat Raizel), Ceil Heller (Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah), Regina Klepfisz (Rivka bat Tzipporah Sima), Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Zvi Yerachmel ben Shaindel, Lola Weisfeld (Leah Devorah bat Priba Tziral), Yitzchak ben Yita, Talya bat Yehudit Shlomit & Avichai ben Rivka. Groups, for girls ages 4-8, this Shabbos afternoon, Parshas Toldos, November 17 3:15 to 4:15PM. Fun, Games, Snacks and much more!

at the Belizons - 33-01 Berdan Ave. - from

In Our Shul: Next Shabbat, Parashat Vayeitzei, November 24 the upstairs Minyan will resume its start at 8:45 AM. Topics on Tuesdays with Rabbi Markowitz will be hosted this week by Rachel Safran (17-18 Chandler Drive) at 8PM on November 20.
This weeks shiur will be given by Mira Stokar

Rabbi Belizon's shiur on Tuesday November 20 at 9:15PM - "Is Thanksgiving November 22 or May 15th Shomrei Torah is sponsoring a Car Raffle for a Brand New Hyundai Sonata GLS. Only 360 raffles will be sold. The date of the Raffle drawing has been changed and will now be on Purim night Motzei Shabbos February 23, 2013. Look for the updated raffle books in the US mail. The raffle books // tickets you previously received and purchased are still valid. For more information or questions, please contact our Chairperson Esther Silvestri at 201 741-5341 Rabbi Benjamin Blech Professor of Talmud, Yeshiva University will be here Nov 30-Dec 1 as a Scholar in Residence. Please join us for Friday Night Dinner with Rabbi Blech. The cost is $25 per person for members or guests, $75 per family. Please contact Moshe Zharnest at Mzharnest@gmail.com or 201-562-5043 by Tuesday November 27th for dinner reservation and for sponsorships. If enough interest is expressed, babysitting will be available during the shiur. Exciting Shiurim Over Shabbat, Shiur following dinner, Shabbos Morning, Pre-Mincha and at Seudah Shlishit Please Join Us!
Thank you for attending and/or sponsoring Saturday nights Torah Tuesday function A November to Remember..Your support enables Torah Tuesday to present programs as the one presented Saturday night. A number of people have asked if the film could possibly be shown again. If you are interested please let Mendy Aron know at torahtuesday@yahoo.com.


The 10PM Weekday Maariv Minyan is being suspended pending commitment from 10 individuals to attend.

Making a purchase on Amazon.com? Help Shomrei Torah earn money just by connecting to Amazon.com through the Shomrei Torah website! Visit http://shomrei-torah.org/groups/amazon/ just a click away!
Please note the following Simcha Kiddushim dates Dec 15, Jan 12, 2013, Feb 9, Mar 9, April 13, May 11, June 15 - Graduation Kiddush.To sponsor a Simcha Kiddush, please contact Alla Kavesh 201-703-9721 alkavesh@gmail.com or Lina Fleyshmakher 201-703-2381 lfleyshmakher@Langan.com .

To sponsor a Seudah Shlishit please call Esther Silvestri at 201 741-5341 or at zeesysilvestri@gmail.com.
Please remember not to park in the Mikvah spots when coming to the 9:00/ 10:00 PM maariv minyanim. When leaving shul after 9:00/ 10:00 PM maariv please do not exit shul from back entrance. This request applies to both men and women, and is made out of consideration for the privacy of women arriving at and leaving the mikva.

In Our Nursery: Registration for 2013-14 school year and summer is now open Expanded day care hours(7:00-6:30 p.m.) and after school club program now available. LSNS enjoyed a schoolwide Parsha Experience again this week, when all classes got together to make and enjoy lentil soup and then watch as Yaakov receives the Bracha from Yitchak instead of Eisav! Next week, we plan to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast together, with each class contributing a dish! In Our Community: Minyan at Daughters of Miriam, Sunday morning Nov 18. meet at the shul 8:15AM, davening 8:45AM followed by breakfast and bikur cholim. Minyan help is needed. Shabbat Orchim: Rabbi Mordechai Machlis in Yerushalayim extends a Shabbat Orchim every week to 50-100 guests for Shabbos meals. To help him to continue this wonderful mitzvah, please consider contributing to Rabbi Machlis through the ST. Charity Fund. Please make checks payable to Shomrei Torah Charity fund and in footnote say it is for Rabbi Machlis. Please join us at the Yeshivat He'Atid Open House on Tuesday November 20th at 8 PM at Congregation Rinat Yisrael, 389 West Englewood Ave. in Teaneck. Come and gain an understanding of how our unique and innovative educational model works. Meet our administration and faculty, learn about the quality education you are going to receive for our very affordable tuition, and hear why the entire community is so excited about Yeshivat He'Atid. To RSVP please go to http://tinyurl.com/YHOpenHouse. For more information or to schedule a tour please call Ora Kornbluth at 201-374-2272. Shiurim Sefer Yehoshua at YIFL. Rabbi Reisman Motzei Shabbos 7:30PM, Rabbi Schaffer Mon 7:55PM, Rabbi Frand on Parsha Hashavuah Thursday 9PM. SUN Nov 18 4 Kislev MON Nov 19 5 Kislev 5:50AM 9:14AM 5:45/6:30/ 7:45AM 4:20PM 12:05PM 4:50/9:00PM TUES Nov 20 6 Kislev 5:51AM 9:14AM 5:55/6:30/ 7:45AM 4:20PM 12:05PM 4:50/9:00PM WED Nov 21 7 Kislev 5:52AM 9:15AM 5:55/6:30/ 7:45AM 4:20PM 12:06PM 4:50/9:00PM THURS Nov 22 8 Kislev Thanksgiving 5:53AM 9:16AM 6:30/7:00/8:00 9:00AM 2PM/ 4:20PM 12:06PM 4:50/9:00PM FRI Nov 23 9 Kislev 5:54AM 9:17AM 5:55/6:30/ 7:45AM Candlelighting: 4:14PM Mincha 4:19PM SHABBOS Nov 24 10 Kislev Shabbat Vayeitzei 5:55AM 9:18AM 7:45/8:45/ 9:00AM Mincha: 4:00PM Shabbat Ends: 5:27PM


Earliest Tallis & Tephilin: 5:49AM SOF ZMAN K SHEMA: 9:13AM 6:30/7:00/ 8:00/ Shacharit 9:00AM Mincha: 2PM/4:20PM (Earliest) Maariv 4:50/9:00PM


SUN 11/18 7:45AM

MON 11/19 8:00PM w/ Zvi Loewy 7:30AM

TUES 11/20 8:00PM w/Ely Lenik 7:30AM 9-11AM TORAH TUESDAY 8:00PM Womens shiur w/ Rabbi Markowitz at the home of Rachel Safran Shiur by Mira Stokar Beis Medrash 8:15-10PM Rosh Beis Medrash Shiur 9:15PM - 10PM

WED 11/21 8:00PM w/ Ari Mayefsky 7:30AM 9-11AM Womens Shiur w/Rabbi Yudin 8:15PM Mens shiur w/ Rabbi Markowitz 9:15PM: Rabbi Yudins Gemara Shiur Beis Medrash 8:1510PM

THURS 11/22 8:00 PM w/ Rabbi Yaakov Langsner 7:30AM 9-11AM: Torah Tuesday on Thursday Beis Medrash 8:15-10PM Parsha Chumash and Rashi w/ Rabbi Yudin

FRI 11/23

SHABBOS 11/24 8:00 AM




MONDAYS: 9-11:00AM: Torah Tuesday on Monday 7:30PM Ladies Tehillim 8-9PM: Basics in Judaism w/Rabbi Yudin Beis Medrash 8:15-10PM

Rabbis Shiur 3:15PM

Pachim KTanim from Rabbi Yudin : In honor of Parashas Toldos:

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