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EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK: Nov. 18th - Nov.

24th Today 11/18 9:00 am Adult Focus Group 10:30 am Worship 12:30 pm S.O.S. 2:00 pm Ocala Health & Rehab 4:00 pm Laity meeting with Bishop Carter at Gator Wesley Foundation, 1380 W. University Ave., Gainesville 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Monday 11/19 Tuesday 11/20 8:15 am ROMEOs 10:00 am UMW 7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday 11/21 6:00 pm Brownies Thursday 11/22 Happy Thanksgiving - Office Closed Office Closed Friday 11/23 The flowers on the altar are given by Elmo Graff in memory of husband Ed. Last weeks offering: $2,002.00 Attendance: 115

Our Mission Statement

Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving

We are glad you are here!

Choir Director: Lenny Shank Greeter: Thelma Sharbaugh Liturgist: Carole Newlin

Head Usher: Steve Rittmayer Nursery Director: Joy Anderson Administrative Assistant: Carole Newlin

2013 Flower Calendar is now hanging in the Narthex. Sign-up early to make certain the date(s) you want is/are available. If you have any questions, please see Elmo Graff. Sunday Theme for Nov. 25 - Personal Care - items to be donated to Interfaith. Please remember that all items donated to Interfaith must be new & unopened. Suggestions: deodorant, toothpaste, bath soap, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, hand lotion, etc. Advent Breakfast - The UMW will be hosting the Advent Breakfast on Sat. December 1 at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. A sign-up sheet will be at the Connection Station. When you sign-up, please include the number in your group who will be attending. Deadline for reservations is Sun. Nov. 25. If you have any questions, please see Joy Anderson, Hilda Bolomey or Vivian Bathurst. Christmas Child Shoebox - Thanks to your generosity, DHUMC donated 36 shoeboxes to Samaritans Purse. Our boxes will be sent to the Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Gabon, Belize, Ecuador, India, Madagascar and Zimbabwe.

Druid Hills United Methodist Church

1712 S.E. Lake Weir Road Ocala, Florida 34471 352-629-5688 Rev. Daryl W. Allen, pastor Email: druidhillsum@aol.com Pastors blog: www.pastordaryl.blogspot.com

Christ the King Sunday

November 18, 2012

WE OFFER OUR TITHES AND PRAISE Prayer of Blessing and Consecration Offering and Offertory *Peoples Response Doxology WE HEAR GODS WORD PROCLAIMED Holy Week Scripture Lesson Hebrews 10:16-25 (NRSV) Easter Hymn He Lives (vs. 1) Pentecost Scripture Lesson Acts 2:1-13 (NRSV) Christ the King *Hymn *Benediction NT, pg. 57 *Benediction Response UMH 239 Blest Be the Tie That Binds *Congregation standing as you are able. UMH 557 Soon and Very Soon
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)


Worship Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Welcome and Announcements Time of Greeting Prelude and Lighting of the Candles *Prayer *Call to Worship Anthem Majesty, Worship His Majesty Hymn of Promise Advent Scripture Lesson Luke 1:46-55 (NRSV) Christmas *Hymn Silent Night (vs. 1) Epiphany Scripture Lesson Isaiah: 60:1-6 (NRSV) Lent Hymn When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (vs. 1 & 4) WE COME BEFORE GOD IN PRAYER Sharing of Joys and Prayer Concerns Pastoral Prayer Peoples Response The Lords Prayer UMH 895 UMH 298 OT, pg. 690 UMH 176 Chancel Choir

UMH 95

NT, pg. 224

UMH 310

NT, pg. 119

UMH 706

Please remember these people in prayer this week: Geneann Apodaco, Carolyn Bailey, Jason Bonell, Brittany & baby, Eunice Charles, Joyce & John Clayton, Fred Coder, Tiffany Critchfield, Cynthia & Jim Dekersky, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Lisa Faulk, Brad Fuller, Chris Garris, Kendra Gordon, Evalyn Gouge, Heath Graff, Marge & Jack Grieves, Ruth & Jim Griffith, Joey Hager, Tola & Emil Hass, Joanne Heil, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Ariana Hutchinson, Ellen Keller, Tom Klotz, Bonnie & Jim Knepp, Joanne Knepp, Alene Krouse, Flo LaVine, Michael MacPherson, John Martin, Berniece Mason, Sandi Moore, Peggy Sue Munday, Sue & Karen Murray, Lilly Nettles, Keith Norman, Landon Parish, Jenny Piner, Doris Pitts, Kathy Puskar, Jan & Don Ridley, P. R. Rion, Ilene Rittmayer, Wilhelmina Rogers, Joe Scott, Joe Scott, Jr, Floy Smith, Wayne Smith, Jane Stahurski, Adele Stipp, Norma Jean Uher, Diana Whiteman, Eileen Zimmerman

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