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5pioer 5crew

GiuIiano Maino
Creator of the
5pider 5crew
Dr. MaIno maIntaIns a prIvate
orthodontIc practIce In VIcenza,
ItaIy, and Is VIsItIng FroIessor
oI OrthodontIcs at Ferrara and
InsubrIa UnIversIty. He Is an
actIve member oI the AngIe
SocIety oI Furope, the ItaIIan SocIety oI FerIodontoIogy,
AmerIcan AssocIatIon oI OrthodontIsts, ItaIIan SocIety oI
OrthodontIcs, and Furopean OrthodontIc SocIety. Dr.
MaIno Is aIso a Fost Craduate oI CIInIcaI TraInIng In
OrthodontIcs at ßoston UnIversIty.
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1reatment 1ime
Orthodontic Head
The orthodontIc head was desIgned to IacIIItate appIIance (wIres,
sprIngs, etc.) pIacement. There Is a bracket·IIke head IeaturIng
two IntersectIng .022" sIots. The under tIe·wIng area can aIso
IunctIon as another .022" x .025" sIot and Ieatures two
IntersectIng sIots oI .027" In dIameter wIth chamIered InIets to
sImpIIIy InsertIon oI wIres or IIgatures. The smaII head
dImensIon Is desIgned Ior patIent comIort.
TransmucosaI Portion
The Iength oI the transmucosaI portIon Is varIabIe and aIIows Ior
durIng bIo·maIntenance. Short Ior areas oI thInIy attached
gIngIva. Long Ior areas wIth thIck or IreeIy moveabIe tIssues.
The transmucosaI portIon Is poIIshed wIth a specIaI treatment
to heIp avoId soIt tIssue IrrItatIon and make cIeanIng easIer
to accompIIsh.
Intrabony Portion
makIng It easy to pIace whIIe ensurIng maxImum stabIIIty and
avoIdIng bone stress.
SpIder Screw K1 1.5mm and SpIder Screw K2 1.9mm,
conIcaI thread, are seII·drIIIIng and seII·tappIng whIch makes
pre·drIIIIng beIore InsertIon unnecessary dependent upon bone
structure. ThIs makes the SpIder Screw K1 and SpIder Screw K2
easy to pIace whIIe reducIng the rIsk oI root damage.
High OuaIity MateriaIs
× Crade 5 tItanIum constructIon
× NIckeI·Iree Ior sensItIve patIents
CIinicaI Cases
Intrusion Posterior Areas
Direct Anchorage Uprighting and MoIar Intrusion
Lover MoIar Protraction Indirect Anchorage
MoIar Uprighting and Intrusion
CIass II Correction
Before Before During During After After
Before Before During During During During After After
After After During During Before Before
Before Before During During After After
Before Before Before Before During During During During After After After After
The 5pider 5crev 5ystem
The SpIder Screw's geometry Is a resuIt oI careIuI desIgn In every
sIngIe detaII. In Iact, the SpIder Screw has obtaIned two InternatIonaI
patents sInce Its InceptIon, due to Its InnovatIve characterIstIcs: the
sImuItaneous presence oI the externaI and InternaI rectanguIar sIots and
round InternaI sIots.
The SpIder Screw's desIgn Is extremeIy versatIIe, due to Its smaII
dImensIons and unIque desIgn. It Is easIIy pIaced In eIther the maxIIIa or
mandIbIe, even where access Is IImIted and bone quaIIty Is Iess than
and K2 SpIder Screw systems.
anchorage optIons capabIe oI ImmedIate IoadIng. ImmedIate IoadIng
Is possIbIe because the SpIder Screw Is a non·osteoIntegrabIe ImpIant
and consequentIy Iorce can be appIIed ImmedIateIy aIter pIacement. The
appIIed Iorce can range Irom 50 to 300 grams dependIng on screw
choIce, bone quaIIty, and the desIred orthodontIc movement.
The SpIder Screw Is an anchorage devIce that can be used durIng every
phase oI orthodontIc treatment and Is suItabIe Ior symmetrIc
or asymmetrIc anchorage. The SpIder Screw assIsts In the success oI
orthodontIc treatment, both In aduIts and adoIescents, by reducIng
treatment tImes wIthout patIent compIIance.
The SpIder Screw package IncIudes three removabIe IabeIs
contaInIng Important InIormatIon (devIce name, reIerence code,
Iot number, etc.) whIch Is to be appIIed to the patIent's record card
Ior traceabIIIty. Our sterIIe packagIng ensures the SpIder Screws
vaIuabIe processIng tIme. The screws have been cIeaned,
decontamInated and sterIIIzed vIa gamma radIatIon, sImpIy
use sterIIe handIIng protocoI.
K1 5eries
The SpIder Screw · K1 Is seII·drIIIIng and seII·
tappIng. Due to the desIgn oI the conIcaI
thread, drIIIIng Is eIImInated In most areas oI
the mouth. In areas oI hIgh bone densIty, It
may be necessary to utIIIze the 1.1mm drIII
provIded to penetrate the cortIcaI pIate.
K2 5eries
The SpIder Screw · K2 Is seII·drIIIIng and seII·
tappIng. Due to the desIgn oI the conIcaI
thread, drIIIIng Is eIImInated In most areas oI
the mouth. In areas oI hIgh bone densIty, It
may be necessary to utIIIze the 1.2mm drIII
provIded to penetrate the cortIcaI pIate.
5hort Neck - 1.0mm
ltem # Length
Long Neck - Z.0mm
ltem # Length
5hort Neck - 1.0mm
ltem # Length
7.0mm SCR·1907
5.0mm SCR·1905
Long Neck - Z.0mm
ltem # Length
7.0mm SCL·1907
5.0mm SCL·1905
3.4mm d¡nm¢I¢ì h¢nd
1.5mm d¡nm¢I¢ì body
3.4mm d¡nm¢I¢ì h¢nd
1.9mm d¡nm¢I¢ì body
3.4mm d¡nm¢I¢ì h¢nd
1.5mm d¡nm¢I¢ì body
3.4mm d¡nm¢I¢ì h¢nd
1.9mm d¡nm¢I¢ì body
5eI!-Ligating K1 PIus 5eries
The SpIder Screw SeII·LIgatIng TAD · K1 Is seII·drIIIIng and seII·tappIng. Due to the desIgn oI
the conIcaI thread, drIIIIng Is eIImInated In most areas oI the mouth. In areas oI hIgh bone
densIty, It may be necessary to utIIIze the 1.1mm drIII provIded to penetrate the cortIcaI pIate.
The IockIng head Is coIor coded pInk Ior easy IdentIIIcatIon.
5eI!-Ligating K2 PIus 5eries
The SpIder Screw SeII·LIgatIng TAD · K2 Is seII·drIIIIng and seII·tappIng. Due to the desIgn oI the
conIcaI thread, drIIIIng Is eIImInated In most areas oI the mouth. In areas oI hIgh bone
densIty, It may be necessary to utIIIze the 1.2mm drIII provIded to penetrate the cortIcaI pIate.
The IockIng head Is coIor coded green Ior easy IdentIIIcatIon.
5pioer 5crew

lndividual K1& KZ 5crews
Fnrkng¢d sI¢ì¡I¢
lndividual 5elf·Ligating
K1 & KZ Plus 5eries 5crews
Fnrkng¢d sI¢ì¡I¢
Long Neck - Z.0mm
ltem # Length
3.9mm d¡nm¢I¢ì h¢nd
1.5mm d¡nm¢I¢ì body
Long Neck - Z.0mm
ltem # Length
7.0mm SXL·1907
5.0mm SXL·1905
3.9mm d¡nm¢I¢ì h¢nd
1.9mm d¡nm¢I¢ì body
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Long collared neck
Head slot fits wires
up to .018" x .0ZZ"
5elf·drilling and self·tapping
with no pre·drilling required
Asymmetrical threads
for easy placement
and stability
The locking head
is color coded for
easy identification
1he Most Innovative
hew Product AA0
AnnuaI Session!
© 2U12 OìIho T¢rhnoIogy, Inr. 5p¡d¢ì 5rì¢w ¡s n ì¢g¡sI¢ì¢d Iìnd¢mnìk oj OìIho T¢rhnoIogy Inr. 5p¡d¢ì5rì¢w 5¢Ij-L¡gnI¡ng TAD ¡s pnI¢nI¢d ¡n Ih¢ £uìop¢nn Un¡on nnd Un¡I¢d 5InI¢s.

CoIor Coded Head for
Easy Product 5eIection
OptionaI Items
Contra Angle
Pick·Up Driver Long · 5XL
Item #: DFO·3425
5elf·Ligating TAD Key
Item #: DXL·2820
Handle Driver · 5XL
Item #: DSO·3424
5crew Driver Body
Wide Handle
Item #: DSX·1690RC
Optional Round Replacement End
for 5crew Driver Body D5X·1690N·5
Item #: RCX·2545
Wide and Round End Handles
provIde easIer, more ergonomIc grIp
Ior Iarger hands
Creat Ior Larger
Hands or Ior a
Firmer Crip
× 1x 1.1mm x ß.Umm dì¡II - K1
× 1x 1.3mm x 9.Umm dì¡II - K2
× 1x F¡rk-up dì¡v¢ì shnjI - sxI
× 1x ConIìn nngI¢ p¡rk-up dì¡v¢ì shoìI - sxI
× 1x 5¢Ij-I¡gnI¡ng TAD k¢y
× 1x HnndI¢ dì¡v¢ì - sxI
× 1x 5rì¢w dì¡v¢ì body
× 1x Oìgnn¡z¢ì
FntIre KIt Can ße SterIIIzed
× AuIorInvnbI¢ up Io 273` F7134` C
× H¢nI 5I¢ì¡I¡znbI¢ up Io 35b` F71ßU` C
× Ch¢m¡rInvnbI¢ up Io 297` F7132` C
5pider 5crew 5elf·Ligating 5tarter Kit
Item #: CSS·6008
8.0mm Drill · K1
Item #: FSC·1108·S
1.1mm x ß.Umm
9.0mm Drill · KZ
Item #: FSC·1309
1.3mm x 9.Umm
Contra Angle
Pick·Up Driver 5hort · 5XL
Item #: DFO·3420
5crew Driver Body
Item #: DSX·1690N·S
Pick·Up Driver 5haft · 5XL
Item #: DSF·5652S
Replacement Organizer
Item #: CSS·6000
1 Year Warranty on lnstruments
5pider 5crev 5eI!-Ligating TAD 5tarter Kit
OptionaI Items
IncIuded in 5tarter Kit
1 Year Warranty on lnstruments
ßuIIt·In mIIIImeter
scaIe ensures
correct SpIder
Screw seIectIon
Torque 5crew Driver Body
Item #: DST·1600·S
9.0mm Drill · KZ
Item #: FSC·1309
1.3mm x 9.Umm
Contra Angle Cross Driver
Item #: DFX·2830·S
Handle Driver
Item #: DFH·2824·S
5pider 5crew 5tarter Kit
Item #: CSS·4008
Replacement Organizer · K1. KZ
Item #: CSS·4000
8.0mm Drill · K1
Item #: FSC·1108·S
1.1mm x ß.Umm
10.0mm Drill
Item #: FSC·1210·S
1.2mm x 1U.Umm
Contra Angle Pick·Up Driver
Item #: DFO·2820·S
Pick·Up Driver 5haft
Item #: DSF·5052N·S
Cross Driver 5haft
Item #: DSX·2852N·S
Handle Driver
Item #: DSO·2824·S
Contra Angle Pick·Up Driver
Item #: DFO·2827
× 1x 1.1mm x ß.Umm dì¡II - K1
× 1x 1.2mm x 1U.Umm dì¡II
× 1x F¡rk-up dì¡v¢ì shnjI
× 1x Cìoss dì¡v¢ì shnjI
× 1x ConIìn nngI¢ p¡rk-up dì¡v¢ì
× 1x HnndI¢ dì¡v¢ì
× 1x 5rì¢w dì¡v¢ì body
× 1x Oìgnn¡z¢ì
FntIre KIt Can ße SterIIIzed
× AuIorInvnbI¢ up Io 273` F7134` C
× H¢nI 5I¢ì¡I¡znbI¢ up Io 35b` F71ßU` C
× Ch¢m¡rInvnbI¢ up Io 297` F7132` C
5crew Driver Body
Item #: DSX·1690N·S
Right 5ide
Left 5ide
5pider 5crew Demo Typodont
Item #: C50·801
teeth to vIsuaIIze SpIder Screw pIacement. The
perIect treatment aId Ior case presentatIon.
Comes compIeteIy IIgated wIth ßIonIc" ßracket
System, 3x SpIder Screws (1x SeII·LIgatIng K1 FIus
and 2x K1), 2x TAD CoII SprIngs, 2x SpIIt Curved
Hooks, 4x TruFase" MInI ßuccaI Tubes to sImuIate
a Iew oI the many versatIIe treatment optIons the
FrecIsIon craIted wIth a cIear IIexIbase and rooted teeth to
vIsuaIIze SpIder Screw pIacement, the perIect treatment aId Ior
case presentatIon. Comes wIth 1x K1 SpIder Screw (SCR·1506)
pIaced between roots oI LL6 and LL7.
5pider 5crev
Demo Typodont
the head oI mInIscrews. TruFIex TAD coII
sprIngs deIIver consIstent Iorce IeveIs and
remaIn actIve untII the sprIng Is IuIIy cIosed.
CIosed CoiI 5prings
May we also suggest...
CrimpabIe Hooks vith
5pIit Archvire Opening
5ee page 79

For our compIete IIne oI typodonts
see page 43
For our compIete IIne oI
SpIder Screws see page 87
× FasIIy connect auxIIIary and custom attachments to archwIre
× FerIect Ior aII orthodontIc anchorage systems
× DIverse TAD technIque use
× HIgh quaIIty staInIess steeI
Item #: 100310
2.Umm I¢ngIh, .U22 sIoI,
1U p¢ì pnrk
Item #: 100300
3.Umm I¢ngIh, .U22 sIoI,
1U p¢ì pnrk
5pider 5crew Mini Typodont
Item #: C50·099
5pider 5crev - Mini Typodont
See page 66

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