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Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika

T TT T T TT TI II I I II Io oo o o oo o G GG G G GG GI II I I II Io oo o o oo or rr r r rr ri ii i i ii io oo o o oo os ss s s ss s o oo o o oo of ff f f ff f l ll l l ll lI II I I II Io oo o o oo o n nn n n nn no oo o o oo on nn n n nn nl ll l l ll lI II I I II I o oo o o oo of ff f f ff f K KK K K KK Ka aa a a aa ar rr r r rr rl ll l l ll li ii i i ii iI II I I II Ia aa a a aa a
KarliIa Maas, aIso Inovn as Danodara Maas is doscrilod in lIo scripluros as lIo losl
anong nonlIs.

iasna! traia irauan nu cian nana iita priuankaran
nagna kariikaucs ia! taiiainai taika!asi traian

tanaspaiinan iu|asi nasanan kariikan priuan
cka!asi iiini nan ca ksciranan !taraka nana

cic san sctanan uasiu karcii ca jiicn!riuan
sanc ta||a|naian uaii na iaina uajana!i |nin

"OI a!! p!ants, thc sacrcd Tu!asi is mnst dcar tn Mc, nI a!!
mnnths, Kartika is mnst dcar, nI a!! p!accs nI pi!grimagc,
My bc!nvcd Dvaraka is mnst dcar, and nI a!! days,
Ekadasi is mnst dcar." - (Pa!na Purana. Uiiara Knan!a

Karllika, or lhe feslivaI of offering Iamps lo Lord Krsna,
Iasls lhe enlire monlh of Damodara, (Karllika) slarling from
Ocl 5
Nov, vhich gIorifies Krsna's paslime of being
bound vilh ropes by Molher Yashoda. Observing vrala in
lhe monlh of Karllika is gIorified in lhe Iuranas.
As Sutu-ugu ls the best of ugus (uges). us the Vedus ure
the best of scrltures. us Gungu ls the best of rlters. so
Kurttlku ls the best of months. the most deur to Lord
Krsnu."- Skan!a-Purana
The vrala begins on 1
Oclober and one may observe lhe foIIoving foremosl aclivilies
lhroughoul lhe enlire monlh of Karllika:
Iapa chanling lhe hoIy names of lhe Lord
Worship Krsna by offering ghee Iamps, fIovers, incense, food and elc
Iraclice brahmacarya ceIibacy
Worship of TuIsidevi
Give in charily
Ierform auslerilies

!anc!ara asiakan nana siciran !anc!ara arcanan
niiuan !anc!ara akarsi painci saiua traia u!iian
In thc mnnth nI Karttika, nnc shnu!d dai!y wnrship Lnrd Damndara and sing thc
Damndarastaka (thc cight praycrs nI Lnrd Damndara) which p!cascs Lnrd Damndara,
writtcn by thc sagc namcd 5atyavrata.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika

Throughoul lhe enlire monlh of Karllika one shouId daiIy offer ghee Iamp (diya) lo Lord
Damodara (Krsna), vhiIe singing Damodara Ashlakam.

Srimali Radhika is lhe hoIy monlh of Karlik vhich precedes His monlh. Radharani is
knovn as lhe Karlika-devala or Karlika Devi, in olher vords, Radhika is lhe goddess or
presiding Deily of lhe monlh of Karlika.

The monlh of Karllika is lhe besl of aII monlhs and il is on lhis monlh many speciaI feslivaIs
lake pIace. This year lhe foIIoving feslivaIs viII lake pIace in lhe monlh of Karllika:

* Bahula-ashtami (The Appearance of Sri Radha kunda) 14
October 2006.
* Dipavali 22
October, 2006.
* Govardhana-Puja, Go-Puja 23
October, 2006.
* Jagadguru Srila Prabhpada Tirobhava Jayanti (Disapearance) 26
October, 2005
* Shri Krsna Rasayatra, Tulsi-Shaligrama Vivah 5
November, 2005

Mnnth nI Karttika, Urja Vrata, Damndar Utsav scva, Akash Dipa

kariikcsnin tiscscna niiuan kurtiia taisnatan
!anc!ara arcanan praian snana !ana traia a!ikan
5pcciIica!!y in thc mnnth nI Damndara (Karttika), nnc shnu!d dai!y wnrship Lnrd
Damndara (Krsna) and takc bath car!y in thc mnrning, givc charity and In!!nw a Iasting
vnw. This is thc duty nI Vaisnavas.

niuancna tina tipran kariikan uan ksipcn naran
krsna paran-nuknas iasua uasna! urjcsua ta||a|nan
(IADMA IURANA conversalion belveen Narada Muni and Saunaka Rsi)
Oh brahmanas, any pcrsnn whn trics tn nbscrvc a Karttika mnnth withnut In!!nwing
ru!cs and rcgu!atinns prnpcr!y, Lnrd 5ri Krsna rcmains against thcm bccausc this mnnth
(Karttika) is vcry p!casing tn Him.

uair na !aiian nuian japian na snanan na narcr traian
na krian kariikc puira !tijas ic tai nara!nanan
Oh snn Narada, thnsc brahmanas whn dn nnt givc charity in thc mnnth nI Karttika,
pcrInrm sacriIicc, chant japa and Iast Inr Lnrd Hari arc thc !nwcst nI mankind.

kariika kna|u tai nasan sarta nascsu ca uiianan
punuanan paranan punuan patananan ca patanan
Thc mnnth nI Karttika is thc tnpmnst nI a!! nthcr mnnths. It is thc mnst mcritnrinus and
puriIicd nI a!! nthcr purc mnnths.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika

na kariika sanc nasc na kricna sanan uugan
na tc!a sa!rsan sasiran na iirina gangaua sanan
kariikan pratarc nasc taisnatanan priuan sa!a
kariikan ska|an uasiu |nakiua sctaic taisnatan
Thcrc is nn nthcr mnnth cqua! tn Karttika and thcrc is nn nthcr yuga cqua! tn Krta-yuga.
Thcrc is nn nthcr scripturc cqua! tn Vcdas. Thcrc is nn nthcr p!acc nI pi!grimagc cqua! tn
Gangcs, thcrcInrc, thc mnnth nI Karttika is vcry dcar tn thc Vaisnavas (pcnp!c dcdicatcd
tn Visnu).

!ta!asu api nascsu kariikan krsna ta||a|nan
iasnin sanpujiic tisnur a|pakair apu upauanain
!a!aii taisnatan |ckan iii ctan nisciian naua
Amnng a!! twc!vc mnnths, thc mnnth nI Karttika is dcar tn Lnrd 5ri Krsna. II
snmcbndy pcrInrms a !itt!c wnrship nI Lnrd 5ri Hari in this mnnth, Hc nIIcrs
that dcvntcc His nwn abndc. This statcmcnt is truc.

pratriianan ca |naksanan kariikc niuanc kric
atasuan krsna rupaitan prapuaic nukii!an su|nan
Whatcvcr nnc usua!!y cats, iI hc givcs up snmc nI thc ingrcdicnts nI it in thc mnnth nI
Karttika, thcn hc achicvcs thc samc aupicinus Inrm as Lnrd 5ri Krsna undnubtcd!y.

sarta !narnan pariiuajua kariikc kcsata agraian
sasira ataiaranan punuan srciatuan ca nananunc
(SKANDA IURANA Lord rahma speaks lo Narada Muni)
Oh grcat sagc, aItcr giving up a!! varictics nI rc!iginus Iunctinns, nnc
shnu!d In!!nw Karttika Iast and !istcn tn thc narratinns nI Lnrd 5ri Hari
bcInrc His Dcity Inrm.

pa|asa paira |ncji ca kariikc purusc naran
nispapan suai iu naitc!uan narcr |nukita tinucuaic
na!nuasinan istaran pairan tarjauc! |rannanc iaran
Any pcrsnn in thc mnnth nI Karttika, whn cats nn thc !caI p!atc nI Pa!asa thc rcmnants nI
thc Lnrd, bccnmcs Ircc Irnm a!! sins and achicvcs !ibcratinn. Bcsidcs brahmanas (twicc
bnrn pcrsnns), nthcrs arc nnt adviscd tn cat Irnm this !caI bccausc this !caI is said tn bc
thc !caI nI thc 5uprcmc Lnrd.

snanan jagaranan !ipan iu|asi tana pa|anan
kariikc uc prakurtanii ic nara tisnu nuriauan
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
(IADMA IURANA Lord Krsna speaks lo Salyabhama)
Any pcrsnn whn pcrInrms bathing in thc mnnth nI Karttika, rcmaining awakc, nIIcring
!amps, giving charity nr p!anting and transp!anting Tu!asi, hc achicvcs thc samc Inrm as
Lnrd 5ri Visnu.

ka|pa kcii sanasrani paikani |anunu api
nincsa ar!ncna !ipasua ti|auan uanii kariikc
II cvcn Inr a shnrt timc snmcbndy burns a !amp in thc tcmp!c nI Lnrd 5ri Hari, thcn
whatcvcr sins hc has acquircd Inr mi!!inns nI ka!pas (nnc ka!pa cqua!s 1000 yugas) arc a!!

uaina ca nainana! tannin sarta kasincsu !rsuaic
iaina ca !rsuaic !narnc !ipa!anc na sansauan
Just as by rubbing nI twn sticks nI wnnd nnc can scc Iirc, sn by nIIcring a burning ghcc
wick tn thc Lnrd in thc mnnth nI Karttika, nnc can scc his mcrits withnut a dnubt.

taisnatc na sa naniatuan sanprapic kariikc nunc
uc na uaccnaii nu!naina !ipan kcsata sa!nani
Oh sagc, a pcrsnn whn dncs nnt nIIcr a ghcc !amp in Lnrd Kcsava's tcmp!c in Karttika,
that Inn!ish pcrsnn is nnt addrcsscd as a Vaisnava.

cka!asuan parcr !aiian !ipan prajta|ua nusika
nanusuan !ur|a|nan prapua paran gaiin atapa sa
Onc rat (Icma!c mnusc) had nncc burnt a ghcc !amp which was nIIcrcd by snmcnnc c!sc
nn Ekadasi day. By dning sn, shc achicvcd a rarc!y achicvab!c human Inrm and at !ast
attaincd thc tnpmnst dcstinatinn.
SriIa Sanalana Gosvami vriles in his Digdarsini-lika, "In lhis verse il is found lhal il is
possibIe lo allain lhe resuIls of direclIy offering a Iamp on Ikadasi. This hislory of lhe
mouse is very famous in lhe Iadma Iurana, Karlika Mahalmya. (In a lempIe of Lord Visnu,
lhere vas a mouse Iiving vho vas ealing lhe ghee from lhe exlinguished ghee Iamps vhich
had been offered by olhers lo Him. One day vhen she feIl hungry lo eal ghee, she lried lo
eal lhe ghee from a Iamp vhich vas nol yel exlinguished. WhiIe ealing ghee from lhe Iamp,
lhe collon vick gol sluck in her leelh. Since lhe ghee vick had a fIame, lhe mouse slarled
|umping in fronl of lhe Lord's Deily form and lhus died due lo fire. ul Lord Sri Visnu
accepled lhe |umping of lhal mouse vilh a Iil ghee vick in her moulh as His arali. In lhe
end He gave her Iiberalion, lhe lopmosl deslinalion.)

nainurauan narair urjc snaita !anc!arcrciian
krsna rupa ni ic jncua na aira karua ticarana
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Any pcrsnn whn wnrships Lnrd Damndara in thc mnnth nI Karttika in thc Mathura arca,
ccrtain!y achicvcs thc samc Inrm as Lnrd 5ri Krsna Himsc!I.

kariikc nainurauan tai pujana! !arsana! !nrutan
signran sanprapiatan |a|c !ur|a|nan ucga iaiparain
A!thnugh a chi!d, Dhruva Maharaja during thc mnnth nI Karttika in thc arca nI Mathura
wnrshipcd Lnrd 5ri Damndara and immcdiatc!y bccamc Iixcd in his dcvntinn, bccamc
wnrshipab!c by 5aunaka and thc nthcr sagcs and saw thc 5uprcmc Pcrsnna!ity nI
Gndhcad Iacc tn Iacc.

su|a|na nainura |nunau praiu a|!an kariikas iaina
iainapi sansaraniina nara nu!na |nata an|u!nau
uani sartani iirinani na!a na!uan saransi ca
kariikc nitasaniu aira nainurc sarta nan!a|c
A!thnugh Mathura (Vraja arca) is casi!y avai!ab!c nn thc carth and Karttika is casi!y
attainab!c in thc ycar, but nh, what a grcat misInrtunc in thc sidc nI human bcings whn
arc sti!! suIIcring in thc nccan nI matcria! cxistcncc. In thc mnnth nI Karttika, a!! nI thc
p!accs nI pi!grimagc, nccans, rivcrs and !akcs cnmc tn Mathura arca |but thcy dn nnt takc
advantagc nI it.!

astinasua iu nasasua ua suk|a cka!asi |natci
kariikasua traia anina iasuan kurua! aian!riian
(IADMA IURANA conversalion belveen Lord Krsna and Salyabhama)
Onc shnu!d takc a Iasting vnw Inr thc mnnth nI Karttika withnut any !azincss nn thc
Ekadasi which Ia!!s in thc !ight part nI thc mnnth nI Asvina (5cptcmbcr-Octnbcr).

na granc kariikc kurua! tiscscna iu kariikan
iirinc iu kariikin kuruai sarta uaincna |natini
Oh bcautiIu! !ady, spcciIica!!y, nnc shnu!d nnt takc a vnw nI Iasting in thc Karttika
mnnth in thc hnmc nr hnusc. A!ways thc cndcavnr shnu!d bc madc tn gn tn a p!acc nI
pi!grimagc tn makc this vnw and nbscrvc it thcrc.

iaian priuaiana tisnc ra!nika gcpikasu ca
kariikc pujaniua ca sri !anc!ara sanni!nau
Amnng a!! nthcr gnpis, 5rimati Radharani is thc mnst dcar tn Lnrd Krsna. ThcrcInrc in
thc mnnth nI Karttika, nnc shnu!d wnrship Lnrd Damndara with 5rimati Radharani ncar

Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
!anc!ara asiakan nana siciran !anc!ara arcanan
niiuan !anc!ara akarsi painci saiua traia u!iian
In thc mnnth nI Karttika, nnc shnu!d dai!y wnrship Lnrd Damndara and sing thc
Damndarastaka (thc cight praycrs nI Lnrd Damndara) which p!cascs Lnrd Damndara,
writtcn by thc sagc namcd 5atyavrata.

sri krsna !asa tarucuan sri gctar!nana |nu!naran
suk|a praiipa!i praian kariikcrcuu ira taisnatain
On thc Iirst day nI thc !ight part nI thc mnnth nI Karttika, a Vaisnava shnu!d ccrtain!y
wnrship thc tnpmnst scrvant nI Lnrd 5ri Krsna, 5ri Gnvardhana Hi!!, car!y in thc
mnrning as it is Inund in thc 5rimad Bhagavatam, 10th Cantn, 21 chaptcr, vcrsc 18.

nainurauan iaina saksai kraita caita pra!aksinan
taisnatan !nana sanprapua nc!aic nari sanni!nau
Onc whn stays in thc Mathura arca, wnrships Gnvardhana, and gncs arnund it, hc gncs tn
thc abndc nI Lnrd 5ri Hari and stays thcrc happi!y.

urjc suk|a !tiiiuauan na!nuanc uana arcauci
snanan krita |nanujauan uana-|ckan na pasuaii
On thc midpart nI thc sccnnd day nI thc !ight part nI thc mnnth nI Karttika nnc shnu!d
wnrship Yamaraja and takc bath in thc Yamuna. II hc dncs sn, hc wi!! nnt havc tn gn tn
thc abndc nI Yamaraja.

pra|c!ninin upcsua cta na gar|nc tisaic naran
sarta !narnan pariiuajua iasnai kurtiia nara!a
(SKANDA IURANA spoken by Lord rahma)
Oh Narada Muni, nnc whn Iasts nn Prabndhini (whcn thc Lnrd gcts up) Ekadasi, dncs
nnt cntcr again intn thc wnmb nI annthcr mnthcr. ThcrcInrc, a pcrsnn shnu!d givc up a!!
varictics nI nccupatinn and Iast nn this particu!ar Ekadasi day.

!ug!na|!nin |ncgi sauanc |nagatan ananic
uasnin !inc stapiii ca aina ti|nu!nuaic ca
iasninn ananua nanasan upatasa |najan
kanan !a!aiu a|ninaian garu!anka saui
Onc whn Iasts with nnc pnintcd intc!!igcncc nn thc day whcn thc 5uprcmc Lnrd 5ri
Hari, Whn s!ccps nn a bcd nI thc cncmy nI Garuda (snakc) gncs tn takc rcst in thc Mi!k
nccan nn thc bcd nI Ananta 5csa and a!sn thc day Hc gcts up, gcts a!! nI his dcsircs
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika

|nakiipra!a narcn saiu nanna ksaia pratc!nini
uasa tisncn para nuriir atuakia ancka rupini
sa ksipia nanusc |ckc !ta!a!i nuni pungata
(VARAHA IURANA conversalion belveen Yamara|a and Narada Muni)
This Prabndhini Ekadasi is Iamnus Inr rcwarding dcvntinn tn Lnrd 5ri Hari. Oh bcst nI
thc sagcs (Narada Muni), thc pcrsnna!ity nI Ekadasi is prcscnt nn this carth!y p!anct in
an unmaniIcstcd Inrm nI Lnrd Hari.
SriIa Sanalana Gosvami remarks in his Digdarsini-lika lhal one vho exaclIy observes lhe
Ikadasi fasl by observing lhis, he direclIy vorships Lord Sri Hari. This is lhe meaning of
lhis verse. Therefore, Ikadasi is said lo be equaI lo Lord Sri Hari HimseIf.

caiur !na granua tai cirnan caiur nasua traian naran
kariikc suk|apaksc iu !ta!asuan iai sanacarci
A pcrsnn whn nbscrvcd Caturmasya Iast statcd in Inur diIIcrcnt ways shnu!d cnd his Iast
nn thc Dvadasi day nn thc !ight Inrtnight nI thc mnnth nI Karttika.
ctan ua acarci parina sc|nanan !narnan apnuuai
atasanc iu rajcn!ra tasu!cta puran trajci
Oh snn nI Prtha, Oh bcst nI thc kings, nnc whn In!!nws his vnws prnpcr!y as it is statcd
hcrc achicvcs thc highcst mcrit and at !ast gncs tn thc abndc nI Lnrd 5ri Hari, thc snn nI

na|aii na|aua tisnun pujiic ucna kariikc
papaksara krian na|an nainai saurin pranarjjaii
(SKANDA IURANA conversalion belveen Lord rahma and Narada Muni)
In thc mnnth nI Karttika (Octnbcr-Nnvcmbcr), any pcrsnn, iI hc wnrships Lnrd Visnu
with Ma!ati (whitc Jasminc) I!nwcrs, whatcvcr sinIu! activitics arc rcgistcrcd Inr him by
Yamaraja, dcath pcrsnniIicd, arc rcmnvcd.

kana|ain kana|akanian pujiian kariikc iu uain
kana|a anuga icsan jannaniara saicsu api
Any pcrsnn whn nIIcrs !ntus I!nwcrs tn Lnrd Narayana, thc dcarcst pcrsnna!ity nI
Laksmidcvi in thc mnnth nI Karttika, Laksmidcvi rcsidcs with him Inr hundrcds nI

Thc Way tn Wnrship 5ri 5ri Radha-Damndara
In lhe Iadma Iurana il is said:
"ecause She is lhe gopi mosl dear lo Lord Hari, Sri Radha' shouId be vorshiped aIong
vilh Lord Damodara during lhe monlh of Karllika.

Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"Dressing Lord Damodara as a brahmana and Sri Radha' as His vife, one shouId vorship
lhem vilh nice garmenls, ornamenls, and foods during lhe monlh of Karllika.

"O brahmanas, during lhe monlh of Karllika one shouId vorship lhe Deily of Sri Radha. To
pIease Sri Radha, Lord Damodara, lhe Supreme IersonaIily of Godhead, viII be pIeased
vilh lhal vorshiper."

One shouId reguIarIy recile lhe prayer caIIed Damodaraslaka, vhich vas spoken by
Salyavrala, vhich allracls Lord Damodara, and vhich describes lhe vorship of Lord

S SS S S SS Sr rr r r rr r D DD D D DD D n nn n n nn no oo o o oo od dd d d dd da aa a a aa ar rr r r rr r s ss s s ss sl ll l l ll la aa a a aa aI II I I II Ia aa a a aa an nn n n nn n
( found in lIo Pc!mc Purcnc of Sri Krsna Dvaipavana Vvasa, spoIon lv Salvavrala Muni in
a convorsalion vilI Narada Muni and SaunaIa Rsi )

In lIo nonlI of KarliIa ono sIouId vorsIip Iord Danodara and daiIv rocilo lIo pravor
Inovn as Dcmc!crcsic|c, vIicI Ias loon spoIon lv lIo sago Salvavrala and vIicI allracls
Iord Danodara. ( Sri Hcri-|nc|ii-tilcsc 2.16.198 )

ncmmistcrcm scc-ci!-ncn!c-rpcm
lcsci-|un!clcm gc|ulc |nrjcmncm
ucsc!-|niucl|ncl! !ntcmncm
pcrmrsicm ciucnicic !ruiuc gcpu

"I offor nv IunlIo oloisancos lo lIo Suprono ConlroIIor, vIo possossos an olornaI "I offor nv IunlIo oloisancos lo lIo Suprono ConlroIIor, vIo possossos an olornaI "I offor nv IunlIo oloisancos lo lIo Suprono ConlroIIor, vIo possossos an olornaI "I offor nv IunlIo oloisancos lo lIo Suprono ConlroIIor, vIo possossos an olornaI
forn of lIissfuI InovIodgo, vIoso forn of lIissfuI InovIodgo, vIoso forn of lIissfuI InovIodgo, vIoso forn of lIissfuI InovIodgo, vIoso oarrings gIislon, vIo nanifoslod HinsoIf in oarrings gIislon, vIo nanifoslod HinsoIf in oarrings gIislon, vIo nanifoslod HinsoIf in oarrings gIislon, vIo nanifoslod HinsoIf in
GoIuIa, vIo ran fron lIo voodon norlar in foar of MolIor Yasoda' lul vas GoIuIa, vIo ran fron lIo voodon norlar in foar of MolIor Yasoda' lul vas GoIuIa, vIo ran fron lIo voodon norlar in foar of MolIor Yasoda' lul vas GoIuIa, vIo ran fron lIo voodon norlar in foar of MolIor Yasoda' lul vas
uIlinaloIv caugIl, . . . uIlinaloIv caugIl, . . . uIlinaloIv caugIl, . . . uIlinaloIv caugIl, . . .

ru!cnicm munur ncirc-uugmcm mrjcnicm
|crm|ncjc-uugmcnc sin|c-ncircm
munun stsc-|cmpc-irirc|nn|c-|cninc-
siniic-grcitc-!mc!crcm |nc|ii-|c!!ncm

. . . . . . . . . . . . vIo criod and rullod His frigIlonod ovos again and again vilI His lvo Iolus vIo criod and rullod His frigIlonod ovos again and again vilI His lvo Iolus vIo criod and rullod His frigIlonod ovos again and again vilI His lvo Iolus vIo criod and rullod His frigIlonod ovos again and again vilI His lvo Iolus
Iands, vIoso nocIIaco on His lIroo Iands, vIoso nocIIaco on His lIroo Iands, vIoso nocIIaco on His lIroo Iands, vIoso nocIIaco on His lIroo- -- -Iinod nocI lronlIod as Ho lroalIod again and Iinod nocI lronlIod as Ho lroalIod again and Iinod nocI lronlIod as Ho lroalIod again and Iinod nocI lronlIod as Ho lroalIod again and
again, vIoso vaisl vas surroundod lv a ropo, and vIo v again, vIoso vaisl vas surroundod lv a ropo, and vIo v again, vIoso vaisl vas surroundod lv a ropo, and vIo v again, vIoso vaisl vas surroundod lv a ropo, and vIo vas finaIIv lound lv Iovo. as finaIIv lound lv Iovo. as finaIIv lound lv Iovo. as finaIIv lound lv Iovo.

Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika

iii!r|-stc-lil|nir ncn!c-|un!c
stc-gncscm nimcjjcnicm |nupcucnicm
ic!iucsiic-jcsu |nc|icir jiicitcm
puncn prcmcics icm scitriii tcn!c
"A Iundrod linos I lov dovn loforo Iord Krsna, vIo vilI paslinos IiIo lIoso "A Iundrod linos I lov dovn loforo Iord Krsna, vIo vilI paslinos IiIo lIoso "A Iundrod linos I lov dovn loforo Iord Krsna, vIo vilI paslinos IiIo lIoso "A Iundrod linos I lov dovn loforo Iord Krsna, vIo vilI paslinos IiIo lIoso
pIungos pIungos pIungos pIungos His ovn covIord viIIago of Vraia in pooIs of ocslasv, and vIo docIaros lo His ovn covIord viIIago of Vraia in pooIs of ocslasv, and vIo docIaros lo His ovn covIord viIIago of Vraia in pooIs of ocslasv, and vIo docIaros lo His ovn covIord viIIago of Vraia in pooIs of ocslasv, and vIo docIaros lo
lIov vIo Inov lIov vIo Inov lIov vIo Inov lIov vIo Inov Hin onIv as lIo suprono naslor and conlroIIor: I an conquorod lv Hin onIv as lIo suprono naslor and conlroIIor: I an conquorod lv Hin onIv as lIo suprono naslor and conlroIIor: I an conquorod lv Hin onIv as lIo suprono naslor and conlroIIor: I an conquorod lv
Mv Ioving dovoloos. Mv Ioving dovoloos. Mv Ioving dovoloos. Mv Ioving dovoloos.

tcrcm !ctc mc|scm nc mc|stc!nim t
nc cnucm trnc ncm tcrcs! cpinc
i!cm ic tcpur ninc gcplc-|lcm
sc! mc mcncsu tirsim |im cnucin

"O Iord, I do nol asI for Iiloralion, sonolIing lollor lIan Iiloralion, or anv olIor "O Iord, I do nol asI for Iiloralion, sonolIing lollor lIan Iiloralion, or anv olIor "O Iord, I do nol asI for Iiloralion, sonolIing lollor lIan Iiloralion, or anv olIor "O Iord, I do nol asI for Iiloralion, sonolIing lollor lIan Iiloralion, or anv olIor
lIing. O Iord, aII I asI fron You, lIo naslor of aII lIossings, is lIal Your forn as a lIing. O Iord, aII I asI fron You, lIo naslor of aII lIossings, is lIal Your forn as a lIing. O Iord, aII I asI fron You, lIo naslor of aII lIossings, is lIal Your forn as a lIing. O Iord, aII I asI fron You, lIo naslor of aII lIossings, is lIal Your forn as a
covIord lov aIvavs lo covIord lov aIvavs lo covIord lov aIvavs lo covIord lov aIvavs lo nanifosl in nv Ioarl. WIal nood Iavo I for anv olIor nanifosl in nv Ioarl. WIal nood Iavo I for anv olIor nanifosl in nv Ioarl. WIal nood Iavo I for anv olIor nanifosl in nv Ioarl. WIal nood Iavo I for anv olIor
lIossing` lIossing` lIossing` lIossing`

i!cm ic mu|nm|ncjcm ciucnic-nilcir
tricm |uniclcin sng!nc-rc|icis cc gcpu
munus cum|iicm |im|c-rc|i!ncrcm mc
mcncsu tirsim clcm lc|sc-l|ncin

"Mav Your Iolus faco, docoralod vilI gI "Mav Your Iolus faco, docoralod vilI gI "Mav Your Iolus faco, docoralod vilI gI "Mav Your Iolus faco, docoralod vilI gIisloning IocIs of Iair and vilI linla isloning IocIs of Iair and vilI linla isloning IocIs of Iair and vilI linla isloning IocIs of Iair and vilI linla- -- -fruil fruil fruil fruil
Iips again and again Iissod lv lIo gop Yasod, aIvavs lo nanifosl in nv Ioarl. Iips again and again Iissod lv lIo gop Yasod, aIvavs lo nanifosl in nv Ioarl. Iips again and again Iissod lv lIo gop Yasod, aIvavs lo nanifosl in nv Ioarl. Iips again and again Iissod lv lIo gop Yasod, aIvavs lo nanifosl in nv Ioarl.
WIal nood Iavo I for a Iundrod lIousand olIor lIossings` WIal nood Iavo I for a Iundrod lIousand olIor lIossings` WIal nood Iavo I for a Iundrod lIousand olIor lIossings` WIal nood Iavo I for a Iundrod lIousand olIor lIossings`

ncmc !ctc !mc!crncnic tisnc
prcsi!c prc|nc !un|nc-jcl|!ni-mcgncm
|rp-!rsii-trsiuii-!incm |cinu-
grnncsc mm cjcm c!nu c|si-!rsucn

"O unIinilod, aII "O unIinilod, aII "O unIinilod, aII "O unIinilod, aII- -- -porvading Iord vIoso loIIv vas lound lv a ropo, I lov dovn porvading Iord vIoso loIIv vas lound lv a ropo, I lov dovn porvading Iord vIoso loIIv vas lound lv a ropo, I lov dovn porvading Iord vIoso loIIv vas lound lv a ropo, I lov dovn
loforo You. O naslor, pIoaso lo Iind lo no, vIo an nov drovning in an ocoan of loforo You. O naslor, pIoaso lo Iind lo no, vIo an nov drovning in an ocoan of loforo You. O naslor, pIoaso lo Iind lo no, vIo an nov drovning in an ocoan of loforo You. O naslor, pIoaso lo Iind lo no, vIo an nov drovning in an ocoan of
sufforings. IIoaso sIovor Your sufforings. IIoaso sIovor Your sufforings. IIoaso sIovor Your sufforings. IIoaso sIovor Your gIanco of norcv on no, vIo an vorv poor, gIanco of norcv on no, vIo an vorv poor, gIanco of norcv on no, vIo an vorv poor, gIanco of norcv on no, vIo an vorv poor,
vrolcIod, and fooIisI. O naslor, pIoaso cono loforo nv ovos. vrolcIod, and fooIisI. O naslor, pIoaso cono loforo nv ovos. vrolcIod, and fooIisI. O naslor, pIoaso cono loforo nv ovos. vrolcIod, and fooIisI. O naslor, pIoaso cono loforo nv ovos.

Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
|utcrimcjcu |c!!nc-mriucitc uc!tci
itcu mcciicu |nc|ii-|njcu |ricu cc
icin prcmc-|nc|iim stc|m mc prcucccnc
nc mc|sc grcnc mc sii !mc!crcnc

"Evon lIougI You voro liod up, You sliII frood Kuvora's lvo sons and nado lIon "Evon lIougI You voro liod up, You sliII frood Kuvora's lvo sons and nado lIon "Evon lIougI You voro liod up, You sliII frood Kuvora's lvo sons and nado lIon "Evon lIougI You voro liod up, You sliII frood Kuvora's lvo sons and nado lIon
dovolod lo You. IIoaso givo lo no Iovo and dovolion as You gavo il lo lIon. O Iord dovolod lo You. IIoaso givo lo no Iovo and dovolion as You gavo il lo lIon. O Iord dovolod lo You. IIoaso givo lo no Iovo and dovolion as You gavo il lo lIon. O Iord dovolod lo You. IIoaso givo lo no Iovo and dovolion as You gavo il lo lIon. O Iord
Dnodara, I viII nol accopl inporsonaI Iiloralion. Dnodara, I viII nol accopl inporsonaI Iiloralion. Dnodara, I viII nol accopl inporsonaI Iiloralion. Dnodara, I viII nol accopl inporsonaI Iiloralion.

ncmcs ic siu !nmnc spnurc!-!ipii-!nmnc
itc!iuc!cruinc tistcsuc !nmnc
ncmc r!ni|uci itc!iuc-priuuci
ncmc ncnic-liluc !ctuc iu|nucm

"Oloisancos lo Your ropo, lIo alodo of groal spIondor! Oloisancos lo Your loIIv, lIo "Oloisancos lo Your ropo, lIo alodo of groal spIondor! Oloisancos lo Your loIIv, lIo "Oloisancos lo Your ropo, lIo alodo of groal spIondor! Oloisancos lo Your loIIv, lIo "Oloisancos lo Your ropo, lIo alodo of groal spIondor! Oloisancos lo Your loIIv, lIo
rosling rosling rosling rosling- -- -pIaco of lIo univorso! Oloisancos lo Your loIovod, Sr Rd pIaco of lIo univorso! Oloisancos lo Your loIovod, Sr Rd pIaco of lIo univorso! Oloisancos lo Your loIovod, Sr Rd pIaco of lIo univorso! Oloisancos lo Your loIovod, Sr RdI! Oloisancos lo I! Oloisancos lo I! Oloisancos lo I! Oloisancos lo
You, lIo Suprono IorsonaIilv of GodIoad, vIoso paslinos Iavo no ond!" You, lIo Suprono IorsonaIilv of GodIoad, vIoso paslinos Iavo no ond!" You, lIo Suprono IorsonaIilv of GodIoad, vIoso paslinos Iavo no ond!" You, lIo Suprono IorsonaIilv of GodIoad, vIoso paslinos Iavo no ond!"


All glcrics ic Sri Sri Rc!nc Dcmc!crc

B BB B B BB Ba aa a a aa ah hh h h hh hu uu u u uu ul ll l l ll la aa a a aa a- -- - - -- -A AA A A AA As ss s s ss sh hh h h hh ht tt t t tt ta aa a a aa am mm m m mm mi ii i i ii i
On lhe Sal 14lh of Oclober is ahuIa-Ashlami, lhe divine
appearance day of Sri Radha-kunda in lhis universe. In
Vrndavana every year, a speciaI feslivaI is ceIebraled on
ahuIa-Ashlami day marking lhis gIorious evenl.
According lo lhe scriplures Radha-kunda is lhe mosl
exaIled hoIy pIace in lhe universe.

In Pa!na-Purana il is slaled:
gctar!nana girau ranuc ra!nakun!an priuan narcn
kariikc |anu|a asianuan iaira snaita narcn priuan
narc |nakic |natc! tipras ia!!ni iasua praicsanan

Oh brahmanas, in thc bcautiIu! Gnvardhana arca thcrc is
a Radha-kunda (a !akc nI Radharani) which is vcry dcar
tn Lnrd 5ri Hari. Onc whn takcs bath in it nn thc cighth
day nI thc dark mnnn night nI Karttika, bccnmcs vcry dcar tn Lnrd 5ri Hari.

Shri Radha Kunda
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
SimiIarIy in Sri Upa!csnanriia il is slaled:
Tnc nc|u p|acc kncun as Mainura is spiriiua||u supcricr ic Vaikunina (A|c!c cj inc Icr!s pcrscna|
cxpansicns). inc iransccn!cnia| ucr|! |ccausc inc Icr! appcarc! incrc. Supcricr ic Mainura Puri is
inc iransccn!cnia| jcrcsi cj Vrn!atana |ccausc cj Icr! Krsnas rasa-|i|a pasiincs. An! supcricr ic
inc jcrcsi cj Vrn!atana is Gctar!nana Hi||. jcr ii uas raisc! |u inc !itinc nan! cj Snri Krsna an!
uas inc siic cj His taricus |cting pasiincs. An!. a|ctc a||. inc supcrcxcc||cni Sri |a!na-kun!a
sian!s suprcnc. jcr ii is ctcrj|cc!c! uiin inc an|rcsia| ncciarian prcna cj inc Icr! cj Gcku|a. Sri
Krsna. Wncrc. incn is inai inic||igcni pcrscn unc is unui||ing ic scrtc inis !itinc |a!na-kun!a
unicn is siiuaic! ai inc jcci cj Gctar!nana Hi||.

Radha-kunda Iies al lhe foolhiII of Govardhana and beside Shyama-kunda, in lhe viIIage of
Arislagrama in Vrndavana. Here Lord Krsna kiIIed lhe demon named Arislasura, vho had
assumed lhe form of a buII by his myslic pover. Afler lhe dealh of lhe demon, Shrimali
Radharani and gopis refused lo associale vilh Krsna vilh saying You have kiIIed a buII
and are fuII of sin. You shouId go and balhe in aII lhe hoIy pIaces. Lord Krsna, nol desiring
lo go oul of Vrndavana, made a Iarge hoIe, pushing His heeI in lhe ground. AII lhe hoIy
rivers in person appeared before lhe Lord desiring lo serve Him. They fiIIed His pond and
Krsna afler laking His balh accused Radharani and lhe gopis of becoming affecled by sin
due lo siding vilh a demon, aIlhough he vas in lhe form of a buII.
Thereupon lhe gopis lheir bangIes and dug a pond (kunda) lo fiII vilh valer from Manasi
Ganga, a Iake some dislance avay. The hoIy pIaces personified again lo requesl Radha and
Krsna lo aIIov lhem lo enler lhe pond of Shri Radha, and in lhis vay lhe hoIy Radha-kunda
became manifesl on lhis pIanel. Radha-kunda is such an exaIled hoIy pIace lhal even lhe
greal sages desire lo visil lhis confidenliaI and sacred Iake of Sri Radha, bul rareIy gel lhe
opporlunily lo do so.

Since Lord Krsna's paslime five lhousand years ago, Radha-kunda had become Iosl and five
514 years ago Lord Krsna in lhe form of Lord Cailanya HimseIf discovered Radha-kunda in
an abandoned rice paddy fieId. Aflervards Lord Cailanya's dear discipIes lhe six gosvamis
of Vrndavana reslored lhis pond lo ils presenl grandeur, as il is visibIe loday.
In lhe Ur!ntannaua-ianira il is slaled lhal: The aspiring devolee vho reciles Snri Snri
|a!na-Kripa-Kaiaksna Siata |aja one hundred limes vhiIe in lhe valers of Sri Radha Kunda
up lo lhe lhighs, naveI, chesl or neck allains compIele perfeclion in reIigiosily, economic
deveIopmenl, fuIfiIImenl of desires, and Iiberalion - lhe pover by vhich everylhing spoken
viII come lrue, and greal opuIence from allaining lranscendenlaI ma|esly. Al lhal lime one
gels lo meel Sri Radhika face lo face, seeing Her even vilh one's ovn presenl eyes.

G!nrics nI Radha-kunda
Wilhin lhe hoIy dhama of Vrindavana are lveIve sacred foresls vhere Lord Sri Krishna
performed many of His vonderfuI aclivilies. Of lhese lveIve, lhe foresl of Vrindavana is
nol onIy lhe Iargesl, bul aIso lhe mosl sacred because lhe rasa-IiIa vas performed here. In
lhe middIe of lhis Vrindavana foresl is lhe lranscendenlaI mounlain Govardhana HiII, and
silualed al lhe norlhern mosl poinl of lhis greal mounlain is lhe sacred Iake caIIed Radha
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
kunda, vhere lhe mosl inlimale of aII lhe Lord's lranscendenlaI Ioving paslimes look pIace.

Wilhin aII lhe lhree vorIds and beyond lo lhe spiriluaI reaIm, lhere is no pIace more sacred
and hoIy lhan Radha kunda. This has been confirmed in aII Vedic Iileralure's such as lhe
Iuranas and Ilihas as veII as by aII lhe greal sages of yore. Iive hundred years ago lhe six
Gosvamis of Vrindavana aIso reveaIed lhrough lheir leachings lhal of aII lhe hoIy pIaces
vilhin lhe universe, Radha kunda shouId be considered lhe hoIiesl of aII.

The reason lhal Radha kunda is considered lo be lhe mosl hoIy pIace is because il is lhe
personaI balhing pIace of Srimali Radharani. When lhe Supreme Lord desires lo en|oy
lranscendenlaI meIIovs of divine Iove, Srimali Radharani manifesl from lhe Lord's inlernaI
polency (hIadini shakli) and perfeclIy reciprocales lhose Ioving feeIings. Al Radha kunda,
some of lhe mosl inlimale exchange of lranscendenlaI Iove belveen Radha and Krishna
look pIace, and for lhis reason Radha kunda is very dear lo Srimali Radharani.

The appearance of Radha kunda is lranscendenlaIIy reIaled lo lhe paslimes of Sri Krishna.
One day during lhe monlh of Karlika, King Kamsa, lhe eviI uncIe of Krishna, received nevs
lhal Krishna vas grazing His covs near Govardhana hiII. Kamsa immedialeIy dispalched
his mosl poverfuI demon, Arislasura lo kiII Krishna. The demon assuming lhe form of a
giganlic buII charged lo allack Sri Krishna. When lhe demon came cIose enough, Krishna
caughl him by lhe horns and repealedIy lhrev him vilh such force lhal lhe demon gave up
his Iife. Iven lhough lhe inhabilanls of Vra|a vere happy al lhe kiIIing of lhe demon,
Srimali Radharani and Her gopi friends vere upsel al lhe kiIIing of a cov.

Despile aII expIanalions from Sri Krishna, Radharani informed Him lhal lo vash avay lhe
sins of kiIIing a cov, He vouId have lo purify HimseIf by balhing in aII lhe hoIy pIaces of
lhe universe. Inslead of laking lhe lroubIe lo visil aII lhe hoIy pIaces, Sri Krishna summoned
lhem and requesled lhem lo reside in a Iarge hoIe He made by slriking His heeI on lhe
ground. In lhis vay lhe Shyama kunda vas fiIIed by each and every hoIy pIace in lhe
universe and lhen Krishna HimseIf look balh in il lo purify HimseIf. Krishna lhen began
leasing Radharani aboul lhe gIories of His kunda.

Srimali Radharani, dispIaying lranscendenlaI anger, broke one of her bangIes and began lo
dig inlo one of lhe hoIIovs crealed by lhe hoof prinl of Arislasura. The olher Gopis aIso
broke lheir bangIes and began digging vilh Radharani and soon lhey had dug a huge
kunda. Amazed by lhis Sri Krishna offered lo fiII lhe kunda vilh lhe valer from His kunda,
bul Srimali Radharani fIalIy refused. Hovever aII lhe hoIy pIaces personified prayed lo
Srimali Radharani lo Iel lhem reside in Her kunda, and vhen She finaIIy agreed, lhey
|oyfuIIy broke lhe banks of Shyama kunda and fIoved inlo Radha kunda. Sri Krishna lhen
immedialeIy look a balh in Radha kunda and decIared lhal henceforlh any one balhing
offenseIessIy in lhe kunda viII achieve lhe same ecslalic Iove for Krishna lhal Srimali
Radharani has.

Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Afler Sri Krishna relurned lo His spiriluaI abode, King Yudhislhira eslabIished Iarikshil as
lhe king of Haslinapura, and Lord Krishna's greal grandson, Va|ranabha, as lhe kind of
Malhura. King Va|ranabha re-eslabIished many hoIy pIaces Iinked vilh lhe paslimes of Sri
Krishna. He inslaIIed many imporlanl deilies and aIso excavaled lhe Shyama and Radha
kunda. AImosl five lhousand years Ialer Cailanya Mahaprabhu visiled Vrindavana and
once again re-discovered lhese lranscendenlaI kunda vhich had been forgollen over lhe
passage of lime.

IoIIoving lhe inslruclions of Cailanya Mahaprabhu, Raghunalha Dasa Gosvami
eslabIished his bha|an kulir (pIace of vorship) nexl lo Radha kunda. IuIfiIIing his inlense
desire lo deveIop lhe kunda and make lhem accessibIe lo many devolees, lhe Lord
molivaled a rich merchanl lo make a generous donalion lo Raghunalha Dasa Gosvami. The
Radha and Shyama kunda under lhe supervision of Iiva and Raghunalha Dasa Gosvami
vas deveIoped vilh vide boundaries and sleps around il. Il has since lhen been very niceIy
mainlained by pious kings and reIigious peopIe.

alhing in lhe Radha kunda offenseIessIy gives one lhe highesl form of Krishna prema.
Hovever, a devolee has lo be exlremeIy caulious of commilling offenses al lhis hoIiesl of
lhe hoIy pIaces. SriIa Irabhupada once said lhal il is very easy lo go lo heII by commilling
offenses al Radha kunda. Living on lhe banks or balhing in lhe kunda is meanl for lhe very
advanced devolees Iike Raghunalha Dasa Gosvami vho are beyond lhe bodiIy concepl of
Iife. Hovever, laking lhree drops of valer from lhe kunda and sprinkIing over one's head
gives one aII lhe benefil of balhing in lhe kunda vilhoul lhe dangers of any of lhe offenses.

We vouId humbIy requesl aII serious devolees of Sri Krishna lo visil lhis hoIiesl of lhe hoIy
pIaces al Ieasl once in lheir Iife limes and gel lhe mercy of Srimali Radharani.

ased on Radha Kunda: The HoIiesl of lhe HoIy IIaces by Ra|asekhara dasa rahmacari.

D DD D D DD Di ii i i ii ip pp p p pp pa aa a a aa av vv v v vv va aa a a aa al ll l l ll li ii i i ii i D DD D D DD Di ii i i ii ip pp p p pp pa aa a a aa a- -- - - -- -d dd d d dd da aa a a aa aa aa a a aa an nn n n nn n

On lhe Sun 22
of Oclober lhis year is DipavaIi.
DipavaIi symboIizes lhe Iighl of lranscendenlaI reaIized
knovIedge, vhich dissipales lhe darkness of ignorance.
On lhis auspicious day lhe foIIovers of sanaiana-!narna
around lhe vorId vorship Shrimali Lakshmidevi, lhe
goddess of forlune. ul one may ask vhy Lakshmi
aIone` Whal aboul Narayana`
Novadays peopIe onIy vorship Lakshmi for
veaIlh, forgelling lhal Lakshmi is aIvays under lhe conlroI of Lakshmipali, lhe husband of
Lakshmi. She is aIvays in lhe service of Lord Narayana. Srimali Laksmidevi allained
perfeclion simpIy by serving lhe Iolus feel of Lord Vishnu. According lo Sri Branna-sanniia
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
lhousands of Laksmis serve lhe originaI form of lhe Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna in GoIoka in
many vays.
According lo lhe Vedic scriplures Srimali Radharani is lhe origin of aII forms of
Lakshmi and Lord Sri Krsna is lhe origin of aII forms of Narayana. Lakshmi is aIvays
silualed on lhe chesl of Lord Vishnu. She never separales herseIf from Lord Vishnu because
vilhoul energy, lhere is no meaning lo lhe energelic, and vilhoul lhe energelic lhere is no
meaning lo lhe energy.
SimiIarIy, vilhoul Lakshmi lhere is no meaning lo Narayana, and vilhoul
Narayana, lhere is no meaning lo Lakshmi. ecause of lhis Lord Cailanya and greal acaruas
Iike Ramanu|acarya and Madhvacarya have laughl lhal firsl of aII one musl pay obeisances
and vorship lhe inlernaI pIeasure polency of lhe Supreme Lord. Thus lhe Lord and His
polency are aIvays referred lo as Radha-Krsna, Sila-Rama, or Lakshmi-Narayana.
Those vho are vorshipping Lakshmi aIone are simpIy vasling lheir lime since
according lo paii-traia dharma, lhe vife aIvays goes vhere her husband goes. SimiIarIy
Lakshmi never goes vhere Her husband is nol vorshipped. ul vhere Lord Narayana is
vorshipped, Lakshmi aulomalicaIIy comes lhere. If one vanls Lakshmi, lhen one musl
vorship Lakshmipali |Lord Narayana] logelher vilh Lakshmi. Those vho onIy vanl
Lakshmi, bul are nol inleresled in Narayana viII simpIy be ruined.
Ior inslance, Ravana did nol vanl Lord Rama. He onIy vanled lo en|oy Shrimali
Siladevi, and lhus ended up in his ovn deslruclion. A pure devolee prays lo Lakshmi nol
for veaIlh, bul for devolionaI service lo
Lord Narayana. This shouId be lhe allilude
of one and aII.
Lakshmidevi is nol an ordinary
personaIily. She is one of lhe greal servanls
of lhe Supreme Lord. Shri (Lakshmi)
sampradaya is one of lhe four vaishnava
samparadayas of vhich Lakshmidevi is lhe
originaI spiriluaI masler. She in her capacily
as a guru chose Shripad Ramanu|acarya lo
Iead her sampradaya and leach lhal onIy
Lord Narayana is lhe ob|ecl of vorship.
Shripad Ramanu|acarya inslrucls lhal one
musl nol vorship Lakshmi for veaIlh, bul
for devolionaI service lo Lord Hari. He
furlher expIains lhal Lakshmi is underslood
lo be canca|a (unslabIe) by nalure, bul she
gives up her unslabIe quaIily and becomes
slabIe vherever Lord Narayana is
vorshipped, providing aII forms of
opuIences lo lhal devolee.
Gaudiya Vedanlacarya SriIa aIadeva Vidyabhushana expIained lhal Lakshmidevi is
nondifferenl from Lord Vishnu, in lhal He is lhe Supreme Inergelic and She is His
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Supreme Inergy. (sci jagannaia |aksnni tisnnur anapauini snakii. This is confirmed
lhroughoul lhe shaslra. Whalever form lhe Lord appears in, lhere is a corresponding
Lakshmi form vho acls as His elernaI consorl. In lhe Visnnu Purana ii is siaic!: "Thus as lhe
Masler of lhe Universe, lhe god of gods, Ianardana, makes descenls, so does His companion
Shri (Lakshmi). And again, vhen Hari became lhe son of Adili, She vas born from lhe
Iolus. And vhen Iarashurama, lhe descendenl of hrgu, vas born She became lhe earlh.
When He vas Rama, She became Sila: in Krsna's birlh She vas Rukmini. And in lhe olher
descenls of Visnu, She vas his companion. When He is a god She has a goddess' body and
vhen He is a man, She is voman. She fashions her ovn body according lo lhe body of
'Of aII lhe manifeslalions of Lakshmidevi, Srimali Radharani is lhe Supreme Goddess, |usl
as amongsl so many avalars of Godhead, Krishna is lhe supreme IersonaIily of Godhead.'
This is confirmed in lhe Brina!-Gauianiua Tanira, vhich slales, 'Shri Radhika is lhe
Supreme Goddess. Her very nalure is Krishna, for her very exislence is permealed by
Krishna. Therefore she is knovn as Krishnamayi or one vho is fuII of Krishna. She is
knovn as Iaradevala, for she is lhe Supreme Goddess. AII olher goddesses are subordinale
lo her. She is lhe Supreme Lakshmi and her lranscendenlaI effuIgence surpasses aII
conceplions of briIIiance. She is lhe supreme enchanlress, for she enchanls Krishna HimseIf,
vho is capabIe of charming miIIions of cupids.'

Inviting thc Gnddcss nI Inrtunc
When Lord Rama relurned lo Ayodhya afler an exiIe of fourleen years, lhe deIighled
residenls veIcomes Him by decoraling lhe cily vilh Iighls. Sila devi vas an incarnalion of
Goddess Lakshmi, lhe goddess of forlune and Lord Rama vas lhe supreme personaIily of
Godhead, Vishnu. IacluaIIy, lhe denizens of Ayodhya vere veIcoming lheir vorshipabIe
Lord and His consorl back amongsl lhem.

This lradilion has been carried forlh for lhousands of years vhen during lhe eve DivaIi,
peopIe in India Iighl lheir houses vilh diyas or smaII cIay Iamps and decorale lheir homes
lo veIcome aII prosperily and auspiciousness.

Lakshmi and Vishnu
In lhe maleriaI vorId, vherever lhere is Lakshmi devi, lhere is opuIence's and veaIlh. Thal
is vhy so many peopIe pray lo Her, lo give lhem maleriaI comforls, veaIlh and riches.
eing mercifuI, She is easiIy pIeased and quickIy revards Her devolees by fuIfiIIing lheir
desires. Hovever, lhese benediclions are of a lemporary nalure. This is vhy ve oflen see
peopIe en|oying greal veaIlh, and lhen may suddenIy Ioose everylhing and become poor.
Or despile veaIlh, lhey may be in bad heaIlh, menlaI anxiely or physicaI slress.

In a conversalion vilh lhe demigods in lhe Mahabharala, Lakshmi devi slales lhal being a
voman, She is of a fickIe nalure. On Her ovn She does nol slay Iong any vhere. She onIy
slays vhere Her husband Narayana resides i.e vilh his devolees, taisanatas. In lhe Branna-
sanniia, Lord rahma gIorifies Krishna as being served my miIIions of goddesses of forlune
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
in His elernaI GoIoka dhama. As a chasle and devoled vife Lakshmi devi is aIvays by lhe
side of Her husband.

So generaIIy Lakshmi devi may come and go as She pIeases, bul vhere ever lhere is Sri
Krishna, Lakshmi devi viII be invariabIy lhere. In lhe house of a Vaisnava vhere Sri
Krishna is being vorshipped, Lakshmi devi viII dulifuIIy reside vilh Her husband.

Indigcnt vaisnava
On of lhe popuIar mis-conceplions is lhal devolees of Lord Vishnu are generaIIy poor.
CerlainIy lhere seems lo be some empiricaI evidence lo subslanliale lhis. Hovever a cIoser
Iook viII shov lhal lhis poverly is onIy superficiaI. The devolees en|oy reaI opuIence since
lhey have lhe conslanl associalion of lhe Lord and His failhfuI consorl, Lakshmi devi. ul
in lhe mood of a devolee, lhey remain delached or use il for lhe service of lhe Lord.

The Lord is aIvays eager lo fuIfiII lhe desires of His devolees. When Sudama venl lo visil
Krishna, even vilhoul his asking, Krishna made him rich beyond measure. Hovever lhe
onIy change in lhe Iife of Sudama vas lhal he increased his service lo lhe Lord and His

One of lhe earIiesl symploms of devolion service is 'aII-auspiciousness.' DevolionaI service
lo lhe Lord nol onIy burns avay aII pasl and presenl reaclions, il aIso infuses lhe devolee
vilh aII auspicious quaIilies. Where lhen can lhere be lhe queslion of devolees of lhe Lord
being miserabIe`

Mcrcy nI thc Lnrd
WeaIlh, pover, fame can inlerfere vilh one's spiriluaI advancemenl. As slaled in Srimad-
hagavalam (10.88.8), uasuanan anugrnnani narisuc ia!-!nanan sanain.&quol: The Lord said
lo Mahara|a Yudhislhira, : The firsl inslaIImenl of My mercy lovard a devolee is lhal I
lake avay aII his possessions, especiaIIy his maleriaI opuIence, his money.: This is lhe
speciaI favor of lhe Lord lovard a sincere devolee. If a sincere devolee vanls Krishna above
everylhing bul al lhe same lime is allached lo maleriaI possessions, vhich hinder his
advancemenl in Krishna consciousness, by laclics lhe Lord lakes avay aII his possessions.
An exampIe of lhis is lhe Lord in lhe form of Vamanadeva laking avay aII lhe possessions
of Mahara|a aIi and bringing him lo a poinl vhere he vas compIeleIy dependanl on lhe

Hovever lhe Lord onIy does lhis lo bring lhe devolee cIoser lo Him. If a devolee vouId
become beviIdered or lurn avay from lhe Lord, lhen lhere is no reason for lhe omniscienl
Lord lo deprive him of his veaIlh. And lhe revards of lhe Lord are infinileIy grealer. aIi
Mahara|a vas avarded everylhing lhal
he vas slriving for and much more. Such is lhe magnanimily of lhe Lord.

Matcria! dctachmcnt
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
The maleriaI veaIlh or ils Iack of is primariIy a symplom of pasl karmic reaclions.
Vaisanavas are veII silualed in lhis knovIedge. They are aIoof lo lhe miseries ordained by
lhe Iavs of karma, since lhey simpIy depend on lhe mercy of lhe Lord. They accepl
misforlunes as a resuIl of lheir pasl mis-deeds and good forlune as lhe mercy of lhe Lord.
Irom such maleriaI delachmenl comes proleclion from lhe fickIeness of forlune.

In Srina!-Bnagataian, Sukadeva Gosvami advise men nol lo unnecessariIy vork Iike asses
for lhings lhal are nol ordained by desliny. IacluaIIy lhe maleriaI vorId is pIace of misery.
True inleIIigence diclales lhal one musl lry a gel reIief from lhis maleriaI dislress ralher
lhan vork hard and gel lemporary reIief by Iording il over maleriaI nalure. Thus, vhiIe lhe
maleriaIisls are vorking hard lo gel some veaIlh, lhe devolees are vorking harder lo use
lheir precious form of human Iife lo gel Iasling reIief from maleriaI dislress.

Enjnying Lakshmi withnut thc Lnrd
Ravana had a demoniac menlaIily since he lried lo en|oy Sila separale from Rama. Ior lhis
he vas kiIIed. The same fale vas aIso avarded lo Hiranyakasyapu, Kamsa and many olhers
vho had embarked on lhe same course. The proper vay lo honor Lakshmi devi is by
inviling Her vorshipabIe Lord firsl and lhen vilh Her heIp serve lhe Lord Then and onIy
lhen viII lhere be Iasling opuIence and auspiciousness.

Hence on DipavaIi day one musl nol vorship Lakshmidevi aIone, bul shouId vorship
Lakshmi-Narayana, Sila-Rama, or Radha-Krsna logelher. This syslem of vorship shouId be
adopled nol for onIy a parlicuIar day, bul daiIy.

G GG G G GG Go oo o o oo ov vv v v vv va aa a a aa ar rr r r rr rd dd d d dd dh hh h h hh ha aa a a aa an nn n n nn na aa a a aa a- -- - - -- -p pp p p pp pu uu u u uu uj jj j j jj ja aa a a aa a G GG G G GG Go oo o o oo o- -- - - -- -p pp p p pp pu uu u u uu uj jj j j jj ja aa a a aa a

Govardhana-pu|a and Go-pu|a, or lhe
vorship of Govardhana HiII and lhe
vorship of lhe covs viII be ceIebraled lhis
year on Mon 23
of Oclober. This gIorious
feslivaI faIIs on lhe very nexl day afler
DipavaIi, vhich is aIso considered lo be lhe
Nev Year for lhe Hindus. The Supreme
IersonaIily of Godhead Lord Krsna HimseIf
inlroduced lhis feslivaI.
When Krsna vas presenl some 5000 years ago, lovards lhe end of Dvapara-yuga,
aII lhe covherd men of Vrindavana had arranged lo vorship Indra, lhe King of Heaven.
ul lhey gave up lhis vorship, foIIoving lhe advice of Lord Krsna. Lord Krsna had
slrongIy refuled lo lhe vorship of lhe demigods by re|ecling lhe vorship of demigod Indra.
Hence, inslead aII lhe covherd men of Vrindavana performed a ceremony vhereby
lhey vorshipped lhe covs, brahmanas (priesls), and Govardhana HiII. In lhis vay Lord
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Krsna in lhe form of Govardhana accepled aII lhe paraphernaIia and foodsluffs offered lo
Govardhana HiII.

G!nrics nI Giriraja Gnvardhana

Prcparatinns Inr wnrship nI Indra
One day, seven year oId Krishna, became inlrigued by lhe heclic aclivily going on in lhe
His viIIage of Vrindavana. His falher, Nanda Mahara|a, vas busiIy direcling aII lhe
preparalions vilh lhe heIp of lhe viIIage eIders. Curious, Krishna began lo inquire lhe
reason behind aII lhis from His falher. ul Nanda Mahara|a being exlremeIy busy, and
lhinking Krishna lo be loo young lo undersland, ignored His queries. Hovever he couId
nol conlend vilh lhe persislence of Krishna and finaIIy gave in. He expIained lhal lhey
vere arranging for a big uajna (sacrifice) in lhe honor of Lord Indra, lhe king of lhe
demigods. Since lhey beIonged lo lhe farming communily (Vaisya), lhey vere very
dependanl on limeIy rainfaII for lheir crops and food grains. Lord Indra being lhe
conlroIIing deily of rainfaII vas lherefore being propilialed by lhe uajna lo ensure limeIy
and sufficienl rainfaII.

Krishna dissuadcs His Iathcr
Krishna hovever began lo dissuade His falher from lhis sacrifice. OverlIy, He look lhe
posilion of a karna-ninansa, a cIass of alheisl phiIosophers lhal propose lhal since God is
bound lo revard or punish one in accordance vilh one's karma, a person shouId simpIy
focus on performing his aclivily and en|oy lhe resuIls. This argumenl vas counlered by
Nanda Mahara|a lhal vhiIe aclivily is essenliaI, lhe mercy is aIso needed. Krishna hovever
nuIIified lhese argumenls saying lhal Indra sends rains even lo lhe oceans, since he himseIf
is duly bound lo do so. Since demigods viII be salisfied by lhe proper execulion of dulies,
lhere is no need lo vorship lhem separaleIy.
Krishna inslead proposed lhal lhey shouId vorship lhe IocaI
rahmans and Govardhana HiII. Since lhe rahmans vere lhe
spiriluaI Ieaders of lhe communily and Govardhana HiII vas
providing lhem vilh so many amenilies Iike grass, valer and
sheIler for lhe covs, vhich are lhe primary assels of lhe viIIage
communily. Iven lhough Krishna vas debaling from an
alheislic viev poinl, He had a higher purpose in mind. His
descenl lo lhe vorId vas lo discourage lhe vorship of
demigods for maleriaI gains, and loeslabIish lhe lrue posilion
of lhe Supreme IersonaIily of Godhead. He as avare lhal Lord
Indra vas very much proud of his posilion as lhe king of lhe
demigods. Since Lord Indra is acluaIIy a greal devolee, Krishna
vas aIso shoving him His mercy by removing lhe iIIusion of
faIse pride from him.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Nanda Maharaja agrccs tn Krishna
Iven lhough Nanda Mahara|a vas very affeclionale lo Krishna, he vas reIuclanl lo give up
lhe lradilionaI ceremony lhey had been performing for years. So he offered a compromise,
lhal lhe Gctar!nana puja vouId be done afler lhe Indra ya|na vas compIeled. Hovever lhis
did nol salisfy Krishna. He does nol Iike vishy-vashy compromises bul cIear and
uninlerrupled commilmenl. IinaIIy oul of affeclion for Krishna, lhe viIIagers Iead by Nanda
Mahara|a reIenled and began lo vorship lhe Govardhana in accordance lo lhe inslruclions
of Krishna.

Thus vas eslabIished lhe lradilion of lhe vorship of Govardhana, vhich is foIIoved lo lhis
day in a feslivaI caIIed Annakula. They began lhe vorship by firsl circumambuIaling
Govardhana HiII, a lradilion lhal is foIIoved even nov. Afler Nanda Mahara|a and lhe
rahmins concIuded lhe ceremony, lhey vere aved lo see Govardhana personified,
personaIIy accepling lhe foodsluffs offered in lhe ceremony. They vere |oyfuIIy surprised
lo see lhal Govardhana personified Iook exaclIy Iike Krishna, and from lhis ve can
undersland lhal Govardhana is acluaIIy non-differenl from lhe Supreme IersonaIily of
Godhead Krishna. To lhis day, quaIified devolees lake smaII rocks (sni|as) from lhe
Govardhana hiII lo vorship as lhe deily form of lhe Lord.

Lnrd Indra angcrcd
Lord Indra vas hovever mosl dispIeased vilh lhis. Iven lhough he vas avare of lhe
posilion of Krishna, anger and pride caused him lo become iIIusioned, a symplom lhal is
common in presenl day maleriaIisls. Iurious, he summoned lhe Santariaka cIouds,
speciaIIy poverfuI cIouds used al lhe lime of cosmic deslruclion, and ordered lhem lo pour
rain over Vrindavana. So poverfuI vere lhese rain cIouds lhal soon enlire Vrinadavana
vas deIuged under rain faII as lhick as coIumns and as sharp as arrovs, causing much pain
lo lhe peopIe in Vrindavana. The inhabilanls of Vrindavan vere aII pure devolees of Sri
Krishna, and in dislress lurned lo Him for sheIler.

Gnvardhana hi!! !iItcd by Krishna
The omniscienl Lord Krishna, very much avare of lhe machinalions of Lord Indra, simpIy
picked up lhe Govardhana hiII and asked aII lhe inhabilanls of Vrindavana lo lake sheIler
under lhe hiII vilh lheir famiIies and animaIs. In lhis vay, Krishna heId lhe mounlain up
for seven days on lhe IillIe finger of His Iefl hand. y His myslic polency, no one feIl any
hunger, lhirsl or discomforl for lhe enlire lime lhey spenl under lhe hiII. IinaIIy vhen Indra
reaIized lhal he vas acluaIIy up againsl lhe Supreme IersonaIily of Godhead, he
immedialeIy ordered lhe cIouds lo slop. The inhabilanls of Vrindavana happiIy venl back,
singing lhe gIories of Krishna, and Krishna repIaced lhe Govardhana hiII lo ils originaI

Lnrd Indra Inrgivcn
Nov Lord Indra vas lerrified al his offenses. Knoving lhal Krishna is especiaIIy mercifuI lo
lhe covs, he enIisled lhe heIp of Surabhi, lhe personificalion of lhe covs in lhe spiriluaI
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
vorId. He sleaIlhiIy approached Krishna in a secIuded pIace and feII proslrale al His feel. In
beaulifuI prayers, Lord Indra begged for forgiveness and lhe mercy of Krishna. Since
Krishna is aIvays favorabIy disposed lo His sincere devolees, He forgave Indra and
caulioned him againsl faIse pride. He aIso pIeasingIy received lhe vorship from Surabhi
and many olher denizens of lhe heavenIy pIanels.

Thc dcsccnt nI Gnvardhana
In lhe Pa!na Purana il is menlioned lhal vhen lhe Lord descends lo performs His paslimes,
He does so accompanied by His associales and inlimale paraphernaIia. Iarl of lhe
paraphernaIia is lhe acluaI Iand vhere lhe paslimes are performed. Thus lhe enlire lracl of
Iand knovn as ra|a MandaIa is said lo have descended from lhe spiriluaI vorId inlo lhe
maleriaI vorId. When Krishna vound up His paslimes, He Iefl behind lhis hoIy !nana for
His devolees lo en|oy and drav inspiralion from.
AIong vilh lhe ra|a MandaIa aIso descended Govardhana hiII on vhich Krishna
performed so many of His chiIdhood paslimes. Since lhe Lord personaIIy picked il vilh His
hands, il is considered non-differenl from Him. So en|oyabIe is lhis paslime of Krishna lo
His devolees, lhal He is aIso caIIed Giridhari, meaning one vho hoIds lhe mounlain. When
Krishna descended Ialer in KaIi-yuga as Cailanya Mahaprabhu, in lhe mood of His ovn
devolee, He refused lo sel fool on Govardhana, recognizing il lo be non-differenl from lhe

Vanishing Gnvardhana
In lhe Garga Sanniia, il is said lhal Govardhana HiII vas once cursed by IuIaslya Muni, a
poverfuI myslic and one of lhe sons of Lord rahma. The curse vas lhal every day
Govardhana vouId reduce by lhe size of one seed of muslard. In accordance vilh lhe curse,
Govardhana, vhich vas iniliaIIy lvo ucjnas (sixleen miIes) laII, has since been reducing in
size. The scriplures say lhal as Iong as Govardhana hiII and river Yamuna are presenl, lhere
viII be reIigiosily and God consciousness. On lhe day lhey disappear, vhich is predicled lo
happen some len lhousand years from nov, KaIi yuga viII slarl in earnesl and any
sembIance of reIigion viII compIeleIy disappear.
So vhiIe ve can, Iel us reIish lhe paslime of Govardhana, and if and vhen ve gel lhe
opporlunily, lake darshana and perform lhe mosl auspicious parikrama (circumambuIale)
of Govardhana.
AII gIories lo Giri Govardhana and Giridhari !!
T TT T T TT Th hh h h hh he ee e e ee e U UU U U UU Un nn n n nn ni ii i i ii iq qq q q qq qu uu u u uu ue ee e e ee e P PP P P PP Po oo o o oo os ss s s ss si ii i i ii it tt t t tt ti ii i i ii io oo o o oo on nn n n nn n o oo o o oo of ff f f ff f S SS S S SS Sr rr r r rr ri ii i i ii il ll l l ll la aa a a aa a P PP P P PP Pr rr r r rr ra aa a a aa ab bb b b bb bh hh h h hh hu uu u u uu up pp p p pp pa aa a a aa ad dd d d dd da aa a a aa a W WW W W WW Wo oo o o oo or rr r r rr rl ll l l ll ld dd d d dd d s ss s s ss s g gg g g gg gr rr r r rr re ee e e ee ea aa a a aa at tt t t tt te ee e e ee es ss s s ss st tt t t tt t A AA A A AA Ac cc c c cc ca aa a a aa ar rr r r rr ry yy y y yy ya aa a a aa a

On lhe Thurs 26
of Oclober is Iagadguru Om Vishnupada Iaramahamsa
Iarivra|akacharya Aslollara sala Sri Srimad Abhaya Caranaravinda haklivedanla Svami
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Irabhupada's 29
Tirobhava Iayanli, lhe lilhi on vhich His Divine Grace Iefl his body and
enlered lhe lranscendenlaI abode of lhe Supreme Lord.

SriIa Irabhupada's unque posilion has been very veII summed up by HH
Vishvesh Tirlha, lhe piina!ipaii of Sri Krsna Malha in Udupi in lhe foIIoving
vay in praise of SriIa Irabhupada:
"Of aII peopIe, lhe devolee of lhe Supreme Lord is lhe grealesl. And in order lo
become a devolee, one does nol need lo be born in any specific lype of cIass or
casle or nalion. Devolion lo Krsna vas Iimiled onIy lo India bul Svami
Irabhupada look lhis devolion oul of India and dislribuled il lo anyone and
everyone aII over lhe vorId. Thal's vhy loday ve can see lhal peopIe from aII over lhe
vorId are accepling devolionaI service and becoming devolees of Krsna. In lhis vay, lhey
are becoming lhe besl of humans.
The river Ganga is famous for her purifying effecl. Al one lime, hovever, lhis Ganga did
nol fIov lhrough lhe earlh pIanel. Il is hagiralha vho broughl lhe Ganga from lhe ceIesliaI
pIanels dovn lo lhe earlh pIanel. Thal is vhy hagiralha is ceIebraled. Svami Irabhupada,
Iike hagiralha, broughl lhe |nakii-ganga. dovn from above and fIooded lhe vhoIe vorId.
In lhis vay, Svami Irabhupada has done somelhing vhich is much beller lhan vhal
hagiralha had done."

The unique posilion of His Divine Grace SriIa Irabhupada is supporled as foIIovs:
5tatcmcnt by Lncana das Thakura (midd!c nI thc 16th ccntury)-
In lhe Cailanya MangaIa lhe fulure appearance of a greal scnapaii |nakia vho vouId preach
Krishna consciousness aII over lhe vorId is predicled.
In Sri Cailanya ManagaIa Lord Cailanya said: ua!i papi cna!i !narna !urc !csc uaua ncra
scnapaii-|nakia uai|c iainaua "Taking lhe sharp svord of lhe congregalionaI chanling of lhe
Hare Krsna manlra, (nama-sankirlana) I viII rool oul & deslroy lhe demoniac menlaIily in
lhe hearls of aII lhe condilioned souIs.If some sinfuI peopIe escape and giving up reIigious
principIes go lo far off counlries, lhen my Senapali hakla viII come al lhal lime lo give
lhem Krsna consciousness. "

5tatcmcnt by 5ri Caitanya Mahaprabhu-
In lhe Cailanya-carilamrla lhe Lord HimseIf predicls Prinitiic acnc ua!i nagara!i grana.
sartaira pracara nci|c ncrc nana ("My hoIy name viII be chanled in every lovn and
viIIage"). SriIa Irabhupada fuIfiIIed lhal prediclion by his facluaI accompIishmenls.

Prcdictcd by 5ri!a Bhaktivinndc Thakura (midd!c nI thc 19th ccntury)-
The slalemenl in lhe Sajjana-icsani of SriIa haklivinoda Thakura, regarding lhe fulure
appearance of a greal personaIily vho vouId come lo lhe vesl and preach lhe message of
Lord Gauranga and fuIfiII lhe prediclion of Sri Cailanya Mahaprabhu. The foIIoving is a
lransIalion from lhe |ournaI Vaisnava Tosani:
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"Sriman Mahaprabhu did nol descend vilh His associales lo deIiver a cerlain number of
human beings in lhe Iand of India, bul ralher His purpose vas lo deIiver and upIifl aII
Iiving beings in aII counlries of lhe vorId by preaching lhe elernaI reIigion of aII souIs. He
has personaIIy said: 'Priniti-parjania jaia acnc !csa grana. sartaira pracara nci|c ncrc nana'
('My hoIy name viII be preached in aII lhe counlries and lovns lhal exisl lhroughoul lhe
vorId' (Cailanya hagavala, Anlya 4.126).
There are many kinds of reIigion in lhe vorId, and among aII of lhem lhe highesl
deveIopmenl of reIigion is lhe congregalionaI chanling of lhe Supreme Lord's Divine
Names. Of lhis lhere is no doubl. AIas! When viII lhal day come (emphasis added) vhen
aII grealIy forlunale souIs in counlries such as IngIand, Irance, Russia, Irussia and
America viII lake up banners, kellIe drums, mrdangas and karalaIas and lhus cause lhe
ecslalic vaves of Hari Nama Kirlan and lhe singing of Sri Cailanya Mahaprabhu's hoIy
name lo rise in lhe slreels of lheir lovns and cilies` O vhen viII lhal day come, vhen pure
and lranscendenlaI Krishna prema (Iove of God) viII be lhe onIy
reIigion of aII souIs and aII liny seclarian reIigions viII meel in lhe
unIimiled and universaI reIigion of devolionaI service lo Krishna, as
rivers merge inlo lhe greal ocean` O vhen viII lhal day come`"
(Irom lhe Sa||ana-losani of SriIa haklivinode Thakura, Iale 1800s). And
vho fuIfiIIed lhal vish and prediclion of haklivinode Thakura` -
He vas lo be lhe prominenl acarya for lhe nexl 10,000 years (see quole
re Iav books for len lhousand years). Irom lhe definilion of shakli-avesha avalar - divineIy
empovered personaIily - ve see lhal SriIa Irabhupada vas such a person. OnIy a super-
empovered personaIily couId do vhal Irabhupada has done.
He aIso lraveIIed lhroughoul India and preached slrongIy againsl lhe Mayavadi
impersonaIisl phiIosophy. He eslabIished Vaisnava phiIosophy in many pIaces lhroughoul
India. Sri Cailanya Mahaprabhu personaIIy preached lhroughoul Soulh India. He slarled a
spiriluaI revoIulion lhal is sliII feIl loday.
Hovever, aII lhese acaryas slayed in India. Their Iileralure and lempIes vere confined lo
lhe Indian subconlinenl. Irabhupada is lhe firsl acarya of lhe Vedic Iineage vho has ever
lraveIIed oul of India and made so many Vaisnavas. He has presenled in his numerous
purporls lhe lrue essence of lhe leachings of aII lhe Vaisnava sampradayas. Thus in one
sense he is lhe grealesl acarya, because he has accompIished vhal no one eIse has done, in a
mosl difficuIl environmenl and very lenuous circumslances.
SriIa Irabhupada had been a bona fide represenlalive or lhe previous acarya preaching lhe
gIories of Vaisnava phiIosophy aII over lhe vorId lhrough his books and leachings, and
lhrough his bona fide discipIes and foIIovers.
Hovever, il shouId be noled lhal mosl of lhose acaryas look decades, if nol lheir enlire
Iifelimes, lo accompIish lheir mission. ul SriIa Irabhupada in a shorl span of 11 years
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
accompIished vhal no one eIse in lhe enlire hislory of India had accompIished.
The posilion of lhe Adi-Guru of lhe sampradaya (from Harinama-Cinlamani by SriIa
haklivinode Thakura, chapler 6, lexl 22)
sa!nu sanpra!auc acarua saka|a siksa guru praiisina. a!uacarua uini guru sircnani pujiianra
uaincciia: "Wilhin lhe communily of sainlIy persons, aII are leachers and eslabIished as
siksa gurus or inslrucling gurus (sakaIa guru pralislha). He vho is lhe originaI guru (adi-
acarya) of lhe sampradaya is lhe cresl |eveI amongsl aII gurus (guru sircnani). Thus il is
proper lo give him vorship."
Ioolnole by haklivinode Thakura: "A communily of Vaisnavas is a communily of sainlIy
persons. They are abIe lo give inslruclions aboul lhe discipIic succession manlra, lhe
absoIule lrulh, and lhe praclice of sadhus. One shouId choose a vorlhy
guru from lhe Vaisnava sampradaya if he vanls lo escape from such
unbonafide sampradayas such as mayavada, elc. The expIanalion of lhe
firsl guru of lhe sampradaya shouId be respecled for his parlicuIar
inslruclions. SriIa Ramanu|acarya, SriIa Nimbarka and Sri Visnusvami -
lhese are lhe firsl acaryas of lheir ovn sampradayas. Sri Madhvacarya is
our originaI acarya."
proven il and eslabIished il especiaIIy in lhree vays:
1. His numerous and voIuminous |nasuas (commenlaries) and iikas and profuse praclicaI
arrangemenls lo dislribule lhese Iileralures aII over lhe vorId in aII kinds of Ianguages.
2. y his poverfuI preaching and immacuIale purily he has made lhousands of Vaisnavas
aII over lhe vorId.
3. He has praclicaIIy crealed lhe framevork for a universaI house of vorship and a
sancluary in lhe age of KaIi-yuga by eslabIishing 108 lempIes, ashrams, farms, gurukuIas,
elc. and given specific, praclicaI direclions on hov lo manage lhese inslilulions for
preaching lhe message of Lord Cailanya.
One Soulh Indian guru of lhe Ramanu|a sampradaya remarked in 1976 afler vieving one
of SriIa Irabhupada's books and vilnessing lhe preaching of some of his young discipIes:
"This person is lhe summum bonum of aII acaryas." Thus il is lhe foremosl duly of any
sincere discipIe and foIIover of SriIa Irabhupada lo emphasize lhe unique and dislincl
posilion and accompIishmenl of SriIa Irabhupada as lhe tista acarua, or lhe vorId acarya,
lhe Iagad Guru, by his accompIishmenls, and nol mereIy by a seIf-given lilIe. He is lhe
acluaI sampradaya acarya lo be surrendered lo and fuIIy served by aII Vaisnavas and aII
preachers and preceplors in lhe fulure.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
5ri!a Prabhupada - Fnundcr-Acharya nI thc Gn!dcn Agc
The Iounder-Acharya has a speciaI posilion for aII lime lo come vilhin lhe organized
mission. In lhe Vaisnava Iine lhe previous acharyas seIecled and severeIy lesled lhe
earneslness and quaIificalions of lheir discipIes. ul among lhe speciaI characlerislics of lhe
Iounder-Acharya is his infinile compassion. He accepls aII lhose vho come and commands
his discipIes lo do lhe same.
Harinama is lhe dharma of lhe GoIden Age - ka|i ka|cr !narna nana sankiriana, and one
vho preaches lhal dharma aII over lhe vorId is lhe empovered Acharya - 'krsna sakii tina
nani iara prataiana'.
SriIa Irabhupada exercised lhe basic principIe of Krishna consciousness, as envisioned by
SriIa Rupa Gosvami (somehov or olher), lo engage everyone in lhe Hare Krishna
movemenl. The exlenl of his efforls are unprecedenled in lhe hislory of Vaisnavism. Thus
he is lhe Iounder-Acharya vho has accompIished lhe ob|eclives of lhe 'Visva Vaisnava
Ra|ya Sabha', foIIoving in lhe foolsleps of SriIa Rupa Gosvami.
In lhe Sri Cnaiianua Manga| by Locana das Thakur, Lord Chailanya speaks of a 'senapali'
(greal generaI), vho viII come afler Him lo accompIish His mission. Il is cIear lhal Lord
Chailanya's leachings vere a preparalion made by HimseIf for lhe use of anolher preacher,
personaIIy empovered by Him, vho vouId Iaunch His Sankirlana Movemenl on a gIobaI
SriIa haklivinode Thakur yearned lo see lhe day vhen forlunale non-Indian Vaisnavas
vouId perform Harinama Sankirlan in differenl cilies of lhe vorId (Sa||ana Tosani 4.3,
'Nilyadharma Suryodoy'). In lhis arlicIe he announced lhal Mahaprabhu's prediclion vouId
shorlIy be fuIfiIIed. He foresav lhal aII lhe Vaisnava sampradayas viII be unified. "In a
shorl lime, lhere viII be onIy one sampradaya and lhal viII be lhe rahma sampradaya. AII
olher sampradayas viII find lheir concIusions in lhis sampradaya."
"AII smaIIer dharmas viII enler Iike rivers inlo lhe ocean of Hari Nama and lhere viII be
onIy one reIigion - chanling lhe HoIy Name of Krishna." (Vani Vaibhava Ch. 6)
SriIa haklisiddhanla Sarasvali Thakur spoke of lhe arising of a seIf-effuIgenl acharya from
among his discipIes vho vouId demonslrale his prominence by preaching in a grand slyIe.
Il is obvious from lhe prediclions of lhe previous acharyas menlioned above lhal Om
Vishnupada Iaramahamsa Iarivra|akacharya Aslollara Sala Sri Srimad Abhaya
Caranaravinda haklivedanla Svami Irabhupada is lhal seIf-effuIgenl Iounder-Acharya.

In lhe Chailanya-carilamrla (Anlya-IiIa 7.11) il is slaled: "In lhis age of KaIi, reaI reIigious
propaganda shouId induce peopIe lo chanl lhe Hare Krishna maha-manlra. This is possibIe
for someone vho is especiaIIy empovered by Krishna. No one can do lhis vilhoul being
especiaIIy favored by Krishna."

Sri Chailanya Mahaprabhu said, "A firsl-cIass Vaisnava is he vhose very presence makes
olhers chanl lhe hoIy name

Prcdictinns Rcvca!cd in thc 5astras
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Shri Narasimha-shila, a form of Shaligrama-shila.
In lhe Praiisarga parl of lhe Bnatisua Purana, Chapler 20 verses 71-73: ve find lhe foIIoving
"Lord Iagannalh, lhe Supreme Lord Sri Hari HimseIf, spoke lhese allraclive vords for lhe
veIfare of aII: The mIecchas vho are born from mixed counlries ruIed by descendanls of
Kasyapa (demons) and lhe sudras viII become brahmanas by inilialion. They viII vear
sikhas and brahmana lhreads and viII become veII versed in lhe unconlaminaled fruil of
lhe Vedas (Srimad hagavalam). They viII vorship Me by lhe Ya|na prescribed by lhe Lord
of Lords, lhe proleclor of Sacidevi, Sri Chailanya Mahaprabhu."

Iorly-six years before lhe beginning of KaIi Yuga, Vishnuchilla, one of lhe lveIve greal
Vaisnava sainls of lhe Sri Ramanu|a Sampradaya predicled: "There viII come a race vhich
viII lread lhe Iarlh vilh raised hands and verlicaI liIaka on lheir foreheads, vho viII chanl
lhe names of Hari: lhis viII deslroy lhe infIuence of KaIi." (Divya-prabandha 1.10).

Sripada Ramanu|a predicled: "The pure devolion lo Sri Hari devoid of karma and |nana viII
grov and grov Iike a banyan lree covering lhe vhoIe vorId, leaching everyone vho lakes
sheIler." (Irapannamrla larpana - Iasl chapler)

Il is inleresling lo nole in lhis conneclion hov SriIa Irabhupada's ISKCON is preaching
jnana karna!u anatrian ic jarc !cknc iarc in every lovn and viIIage!
Sripada Madhvacharya predicled: "The reaI knovIedge of lhe difference belveen |iva and
Sri Hari and lhe service of Sri Hari viII spread aII over lhe vorId very shorlIy." (Anu
Madhva Vi|aya - Iasl chapler)

In Bnagatai Manainua (Ullara khanda of Iadma Iurana) hakli personified says lo Narada
Muni: "i!an sinanan pariiuajua ti!csnan ganuaic naua" - "I viII Ieave lhis counlry, India, and
go abroad."
Il vas cerlainIy none olher lhan SriIa Irabhupada vho fuIfiIIed lhese prediclions of lhe
scriplures and lhe acaryas by spreading lhe leachings of lhe Vedas lhroughoul lhe vorId.

AII gIories lo Iagadguru SriIa Irabhupada

Tulsi Tulsi Tulsi Tulsi- -- -Shaligrama Vivah Shaligrama Vivah Shaligrama Vivah Shaligrama Vivah
This year TuIsi-ShaIigrama Vivah viII be
ceIebraled on Sun 5
of November. On lhis
auspicious day lhe sacred marriage
ceremony of Lord Vishnu lo Srimali
Vrindadevi, an elernaI associale of lhe Lord
look pIace. The Lord's form of ShaIigram-
shiIa is very sacred and vorshipped by lhe
brahmanas in lheir homes, and TuIsi
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
(Vrindadevi) is lhe married lo lhis form of Lord Vishnu.
Srimali TuIsidevi is an expansion of Srimali Vrindadevi, lhe Vrindavana gopi in
charge of arranging lhe delaiIs of Radha and Krsna's IiIa. y doing lhis she feeIs lhe grealesl
|oy. She renders service lo Krsna by being offered lo His Iolus feel.
The Lord appreciales lhe service of Srimali TuIsidevi more lhan lhe service of
Lakshmi because Lakshmi, aIlhough slalioned al lhe chesl of Vishnu, somelimes has lo go
lo salisfy His numerous devolees vhereas TuIsidevi (TuIsi Ieaves) vhen pIaced on lhe Iolus
feel of lhe Lord remain fixed and never forsake her service posilion.
y lhe mercy, Vrindadevi has appeared in lhis maleriaI vorId as lhe TuIsi pIanl,
giving us a chance lo serve her and lo beg her lo beslov upon us her grealesl boon
devolionaI service lo lhe Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord benedicled TuIsi by saying lhal
He viII nol accepl anylhing offered lo Him unIess TuIsi Ieaves are pIaced on lhe offerings.
In lhe Skan!a-Purana, il is slaled lhal: SimpIy by seeing or louching TuIsi lree one
can become reIieved from aII dislress and diseases. SimpIy by offering obeisances lo and
pouring valer on lhe TuIsi lree, one can become freed from lhe fear of being senl lo lhe
courl of Yamara|a. If someone sovs a TuIsi lree somevhere, cerlainIy he becomes devoled
lo Lord Krsna. And vhen lhe TuIsi Ieaves are offered in devolion al lhe Iolus feel of Krsna,
lhere is fuII deveIopmenl of Iove of Godhead.
The Skan!a-Purana furlher slales: TuIsi is auspicious in aII aspecls. SimpIy by
seeing, louching, remembering, praying, boving before, hearing aboul or simpIy by soving
lhis TuIsi pIanl, lhere's aIvays auspiciousness. y circumbuIaling Srimali TuIsidevi aII sins
of a person are deslroyed al every slep, even lhe sin of kiIIing a brahmana. Anyone vho
comes in louch vilh lhe TuIsi pIanl in lhe above menlioned vays Iives elernaIIy in
Vaikunlha Ioka.

In lhe Pa!na-Purana (Uiiara-knan!a Una-Mancstara santa!a) il is slaled:

iu|asi jan|ataiiiuukia |aksnuatcscna sanuuia
iaua sanpujauc!|nakiua tisnu|ckanatapnuuai

"TuIasi is Iambavali vilh speciaI presence of Laksmidevi and
if one vorships lhe Supreme Lord Visnu vilh devolion using
TuIasi, such a person reaches lhe abode of Vishnu".

TuIsi Ieaves shouId onIy be picked during dayIighl
hours everyday excepl on Dvadashi days (lhe day afler
Ikadashi). AIso TuIsi Ieaves shouId onIy be offered lo lhe
Vishnu-lallva deilies Iike Krsna, Rama, Vishnu, Cailanya and
elc, bul nol lo Lakshmi, Radha, Sila and olher demigods Iike
Shiva, Durga, Ganesha, Gayalri, and elc.

Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
Thc Wnrship nI 5rimati Tu!asi-dcvi
Srimale TuIasi devi is vorshipped in lhe morning, afler mangaIa-arali, vhen aII lhe
devolees shouId allend lo her vorship and
circumambuIalion. Iirsl, obeisances are offered lo TuIasi devi
vilh lhe luIasi pranama manlra. IoIIoving, lhe luIasi-pu|a-kirlana song is sung vhiIe
TuIasI-devi is offered incense, a ghee Iamp, and fIovers. When lhe song is finished, lhe
assembIed devolees circumambuIale TuIasi devi four limes, offering her valer. During lhe
circumambuIalion ve are chanling lhe manlra: uani kani ca papani |ranna-naiua!ikani ca / iani
iani pranasuanii pra!aksinan pa!c pa!c. IinaIIy, ve again offer obeisances vilh lhe luIasi-

Lccturcs Irnm 5ri!a Prabhupada
ApriI 7, 1970
TuIasi Ieaf is very, very dear lo Visnu. AII Visnu-lallva Deilies require profuseIy TuIasi
Ieaves. Lord Visnu Iikes garIand of TuIasi Ieaves. TuIsi Ieaves mixed vilh sandaIvood puIp
and pIaced on lhe Iolus feel of lhe Lord is lhe lopmosl vorship. ul ve musl be very
carefuI lhal TuIasi Ieaves cannol be pIaced on lhe feel of anyone eIse excepl Lord Visnu and
His differenl forms. TuIasi Ieaves cannol be pIaced even on lhe Iolus feel of Radharani or on
lhe Iolus feel of lhe SpiriluaI Masler. Il is enlireIy reserved for being pIaced on lhe Iolus feel
of Krsna. We can pIace, hovever, TuIasi Ieaves in lhe hands of Radharani for being pIaced
on lhe Iolus feel of Krsna.
Ianuary 6, 1972
TuIsi Devi is a pure devolee of Krsna and she shouId be lrealed vilh lhe same respecl given
lo aII Krsna's pure devolees. SimpIy by vor- shipping her failhfuIIy, a devolee can gel
himseIf free from aII maleriaI miseries. In lhe Neclar of Devolion I have given lvo verses
from lhe Skanda Iurana, one of vhich is: "TuIasi is auspicious in aII respecls. SimpIy by
seeing, simpIy by louching, simpIy by remembering, simpIy by praying lo, simpIy by
boving before, simpIy by hearing aboul, or simpIy by soving lhe lree, lhere is aIvays
auspiciousness. Anyone vho comes in louch vilh lhe TuIasi lree in lhe above menlioned
vays Iives elernaIIy in lhe Vaikunlha vorId."
|u Snrilc Visntcncinc Cnc|rctcrii 1nc|urc

trn!c! ncmcsic ccrcnccrctin!cm
Sri Vrndadevi in Kamyavana
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
OI Vrinda! You aro adornod vilI an oxlronoIv lriIIianl lranscondonlaI dross
vIicI is as rod as a landIuIa fIovor. Bv vour ovn supronoIv loaulifuI
lodiIv Iuslor, vou pul lo sIano lIo conlinod offuIgonco of puro goId,
cIanpaIa fIovors and IigIlning loIls. And aIso, lv lIal sano Iuslor of
vours, vou aro conlinuousIv lalIing vour ovn porsonaI associalos, nanoIv
aII lIo noving and non-noving rosidonls of lIo Vrindavan forosl. Wo
lIorofor offor our rospoclfuI oloisancos unlo vour divino Iolus fool.
trin!c ncmcsic ccrcnccrctin!cm
OI Vrinda! TIo Counlonanco of vour faco is ospociaIIv radianl, loing
docoralod lv vour gonlIo svool sniIo (vIicI Ias sproulod fron vour
roddisI Iips rosonlIing linla fruils), as voII as lv loing onloIIisIod vilI
vour poarI noso ornanonl. You aro aIso ondovod vilI IovoIinoss lv vour
lodv loing docoralod vilI nuIlifarious, vondorfuIIv iovoIIod ornanonls.
Wo lIoroforo proslralo oursoIvos al vour loaulifuI Iolus fool.
scmcsic-tci|uninc-snircmcncu snri
!ciicc!ni|ccrc! trisnc|nccnu-puirucc
trin!c ncmcsic ccrcnccrctin!cm
OI Vrinda! TIo supronoIv puro alodo of Sri KrisIna Inovn as Sri
Vrindavan- dIana, vIicI is lIo crosl iovoI anongsl aII lIo pIanols of lIo
spiriluaI sIv, is prosidod ovor lv lIo cIarning daugIlor of King
VrisIalIanu, Sri RadIiIa. Bul SIo Ias avardod YOU vilI lIo povor and
aulIorilv lo nainlain lIis divino roaIn as vour sorvico lo Hor. TIis is vIv
vo offoror nosl IoarlfoIl oloisancos unlo vour loaulifuI Iolus-fool.
itc!-ccjncucc pcllctc-pusnpc-|nringc-
mrigcc!i|nir mcc!nctc-|cli-|unjcn
mc!nt-cc!i|nir |nccnii ti|nccsnucmccncc
trin!c ncmcsic ccrcnccrctin!cm
OI Vrindi! AII lIo nuIliludos of Iord MadIava's Iovo-sporling lovors
locono supronoIv loaulifiod lv loing docoralod undor vour diroclion vilI
frosI Ioavos, sprouls, fIovors, loos, door, poacocIs, laIIing parrols, aII lvpos
of aninaIs and lirds, as voII as vilI vondorfuI soasons Ioadod lv Spring.
Wo lIoroforo offor our rospoclfuI oloisancos unlo vour divino Iolus fool.
itc!ccuc-!cciucnc ni|unjc-uccncr-
ciuui|cucn |cli-tilccsc-si!!nin
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
itci-scu|ncgcm |cnc nirucuciccm ic!
trin!c ncmcsic ccrcnccrctin!cm
OI Vrinda! Bv vour oxporlIv inloIIigonl sorvico as a nossongor for lIo
DivinoIv Anorous CoupIo of lIo Bovor, TIoir lranscondonlaI Iovo-sporls
lIorolv locono succossfuIIv fuIfiIIod. WIo in lIis vorId couId possilIv ovon
spoaI of vour groal forluno` Wo lIoroforo nusl sinpIv lov dovn loforo
vour loaulifuI Iolus fool.
rccscc|nilcsnc tcsciisn cc trin!cc-
tcnc itc!ccsnccngnri-scrcjc-sctcc
lc|nucc cc pumsccm |ripcucc ictcitc
trn!c! numcsic ccrcncrctin!cs
OI Vrinda! Dovoloos vIo Iavo lIo dosiro lo parlicipalo in lIo rasa danco,
vIo Iong lo Iivo olornaIIv in Vrindavan, and vIo Iopo onIv lo acIiovo
dovolionaI sorvico lo lIo Iolus fool of vour nosl loIovod Iords, oasiIv allain
lIo ovorIasling fuIfiIInonl of aII lIoir dosiros lv vour nosl gracious norcv.
Wo lIoroforo lov dovn lo vour divino Iolus fool.
itcm |ccriucsc sccitcic-icnirc-ti!|nir
lcclcc|ni!nccncc |ilc |risnnc-snc|iin
ictcitc mccriis iulcscc nri-lc|c
trin!c ncmcsic ccrcnccrctin!cm
OI Vrinda! HigIIv quaIifiod sagos, vIo aro voII-vorsod in lIo Tanlras of lIo
nodo of puro Goodnoss (lIo scripluros vrillon lv lIo Iord's puro dovoloos),
Iavo praisod vou as loing lIo porsonifiod onorgv of Iord KrisIna Inovn as
IiIa-saIli (lIo onorgv lIal IoIps porforn His paslinos). You aro aIso vorv
fanous in lIis vorId for vour appoaranco Ioro in lIo forn of lIo lroo Inovn
as Srinali TuIasi Dovi. TIoroforo vo offor our nosl rospoclfuI oloisancos
unlo vour loaulifuI Iolus fool.
|nc|iucc tinccncc cpcrcc!nc-lc|sncin
|snipiccsn cc |ccmcc!i-icrcngc-mc!nuc
|ripcc-mcui! itccm sncrcncm prcpcnncc
trin!c ncmcsic ccrcnccrctin!cm
unaloIv lorofl of dovolionaI sorvico, and duo lo connilling Iundrods and
lIousands of offonsos, vo Iavo loon casl doop inlo lIo ocoan of naloriaI
oxislonco: indood, vo aro loing lossod aloul lv lIo lorrilIo vavos of Iusl,
angor, grood, olc. OI nosl norcifuI ono! Our souIs aro surrondorod unlo vou
- and vo offor our nosl rospoclfuI oloisancos unlo vour divino Iolus fool.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
trin!ccsnic|cm ucn snrinuucci pcinc! tc
sc prccpuc trin!cctcnc-niiuc-tccscm
ici-prcmc-sctccm lc|ncic |riiccrincn
WIoovor Ioars or rocilos lIoso oigIl pravors in gIorificalion of Sri Vrinda
Dovi, loconing iusl IiIo a lunlIo loo lIal is aIvavs anxious lo laslo lIo
svool noclarino Iolus fool of lIo Divino CoupIo (lIo Iords of Vrindavan) -
sucI a porson voriIv allains olornaI rosidonco in Vrindavan. Having finaIIv
acIiovod lIo suprono goaI of Iifo, ono lIus ronains silualod in lIo ocslalic
Ioving sorvico of lIo Divino CoupIo Sri Sri RadIa-MadIava.

Dulios in lIo MonlI of KrlliIa Dulios in lIo MonlI of KrlliIa Dulios in lIo MonlI of KrlliIa Dulios in lIo MonlI of KrlliIa
I surrondor lo lIo Suprono IorsonaIilv of GodIoad, vIo vas liod aloul lIo vaisl vilI a
ropo, and vIo is lIo Iovor of Sri RadIa. Bv His povor ono is alIo lo sorvo His favorod
nonlI: lIo nonlI of KrlliIa.

EspociaIIv in lIo nonlI of KarlliIa a Vaisnava sIouId roguIarIv lalIo in lIo norning,
vorsIip Iord Danodara, givo cIarilv, foIIov vovs, and porforn olIor spiriluaI aclivilios.
Horo I viII vrilo vIon lIo nonlI of KrisIna logins and Iov ono sIouId vorsIip lIo Iord
during lIis nonlI.

Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIo Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIo Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIo Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIov lIo Vov of KrlliIa v lIo Vov of KrlliIa v lIo Vov of KrlliIa v lIo Vov of KrlliIa- -- -vrala vrala vrala vrala
In lIo SIanda Iurana, in a convorsalion of BraIna' and Nrada, il is said:
"O losl of lIo foIIovors of roIigion, a porson vIo doos nol foIIov lIo vov of KrlliIa-vrala
is a sinnor. Ho is IiIo a porson vIo nurdors Iis falIor and nolIor.
"A porson vIo doos nol foIIov lIo vov in lIis nonlI lIal is doar lo Iord Dnodara finds
IinsoIf oulsido aII roIigious principIos. Ho laIos lirlI in an aninaI's vonl.
"O losl of sagos, a porson vIo doos nol foIIov lIis vov in lIo nonlI of KarlliIa is a
lrInana-IiIIor, a cov-IiIIor, a lIiof of goId, and a porpoluaI Iiar.
"O ligor of sagos, a vidov ospociaIIv vIo doos nol foIIov lIo vov of KarlliIa corlainIv
goos lo IoII.
"If a IousoIoIdor doos nol foIIov lIo vov of KarlliIa, Iis pious and cIarilalIo doods do
Iin no good. TIov locono IiIo lIo scroans of a porson in IoII.
"If a lrInana spurns lIo KarlliIa vov, lIon Indra and aII lIo donigods spurn Iin.
"O Iing of lrInanas, a porson vIo porforns a Iundrod sraddIas and a Iosl of vainas, lul
doos nol foIIov lIo KrlliIa vov, cannol onlor SvargaIoIa.
"EspociaIIv a sannvsi, vnapraslIa, or vidov vIo doos nol foIIov lIo Vaisnava KrlliIa-
vov go lo IoII.
"O Iing of lrInanas, vIal good viII sludv of lIo Vodas and Iurnas do for a porson vIo
doos nol foIIov lIo Vaisnava KrlliIa-vov`
"A porson vIo doos nol foIIov lIo KrlliIa vov finds Iis Iifo's pious doods lurnod lo
"A porson vIo doos nol foIIov lIo KrlliIa vov finds lIal aII Iis cIarilv, groal auslorilios,
and nanlra-cIanling is usoIoss.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"O Narada, if ono doos nol foIIov lIo Vaisnava KrlliIa-vov, sovon lirlIs of Iis pious
doods locono usoIoss.
"O groal sago, lIov vIo do nol foIIov lIo auspicious Vaisnava KrlliIa-vov aro Inovn as
sinnors in lIis vorId."
Il is furlIor said:
"O Nrada, a porson vIo doos nol foIIov lIo Vaisnava KrlliIa-vov Iosos lIo pious doods
of an onliro Iifo."
Il is aIso said:
"O sago, a porson vIo doos nol foIIov lIo KrlliIa and Clurnsva vovs is sinfuI IiIo a
lrInana-IiIIor. Ho is lIo nosl dogradod porson in Iis faniIv.
WIal is lIo falo of lIo fooIs vIo do nol offor pinda' lo lIo ancoslors on pilr-paIsa, vIo do
nol olsorvo lIo vov of KrlliIa, vIo do nol offor larpana lo lIo sagos in lIo nonlI of
Srvana (IuIv-Augusl), vIo do nol olsorvo Iord Visnu's sving-foslivaI in lIo nonlI of
Cailra (MarcI-ApriI), vIo do nol lalIo in cIoar valor in lIo nonlI of MgIa (Ianuarv-
Folruarv), vIo do nol foIIov lIo nardaIi vov during lIo lino of lIo slar Iusva`
O Nrada, I do nol Inov.
In lIo Iadna Iurna, in a convorsalion of Sri Nrada and lIo sagos Ioadod lv Sri SaunaIa
il is said:
"A Iunan loing in lIis vorId of Iarna vIo doos nol foIIov lIo vov of KrlliIa laIos lIo
cinlnani iovoI pIacod in Iis Iand and lIrovs il inlo nuddv valor.
"O lrInanas, lIo nonlI of KrlliIa is vorv doar lo Iord Krsna. TIal is vIv Iord Krsna
lurns His faco fron anvono vIo doos nol foIIov lIo KrlliIa vov.

Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIov lIo KrlliIa Bov lv BalIing, Giving CIarilv, and Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIov lIo KrlliIa Bov lv BalIing, Giving CIarilv, and Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIov lIo KrlliIa Bov lv BalIing, Giving CIarilv, and Ono SIouId AIvavs FoIIov lIo KrlliIa Bov lv BalIing, Giving CIarilv, and
Iorforning OlIor Iorforning OlIor Iorforning OlIor Iorforning OlIor Iious Doods Iious Doods Iious Doods Iious Doods
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
"O son, lrInanas vIo in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa do nol givo cIarilv, porforn vainas, cIanl
iapa, lalIo, or foIIov lIo vov lo pIoaso Iord Krsna aro lIo Iovosl of non."
Il is furlIor said:
"TIov vIo in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa do nol givo cIarilv, porforn vainas, cIanl iapa, or
foIIov vovs aro lIiovos vIo rol lIonsoIvos of lIoir ovn vaIualIos. TIov do nol allain
vIal lIov visI."
Il is furlIor said:
"O Nrada, lIov vIo do nol vorsIip Iord Krsna during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa rosido,
aIong vilI lIoir ancoslors, in IoII."
Il is furlIor said:
"TIov vIo in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa do nol vorsIip Iord Krsna vilI Iovo and dovolion aro
cIainod and draggod lo IoII lv lIo nossongors of Yanaria.
"Ho Iosos lIo raro Iunan Iifo Io allainod aflor nanv lIousands and niIIions of lirlIs vIo
doos nol vorsIip Iord Visnu in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa.
"A porson vIo in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa doos nol vorsIip Iord Visnu, cIanl Iord Visnu's
gIorios, or associalo vilI lIo Vaisnavas, IiIIs lon voars of pious

A GonoraI Doscriplion of A GonoraI Doscriplion of A GonoraI Doscriplion of A GonoraI Doscriplion of KrlliIa's GIorios KrlliIa's GIorios KrlliIa's GIorios KrlliIa's GIorios
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"TIo pious rosuIl ollainod lv lalIing in aII IoIv pIacos and giving aII cIarilios is nol oquaI
lo ono lon-niIIionlI parl of lIo rosuIl ollainod lv foIIoving lIo vov of KrlliIa.
"AII IoIv pIacos, vainas, daIsins, rosidonco in IusIara, KuruIsolra, and lIo HinaIavas,
and aII giving in cIarilv a piIo of goId IiIo Mounl Moru, rosido in KrlliIa, Iord Krsna's
favorilo nonlI.
"TIo sorvico ono doos lo Iord Visnu in lIo nonlI of Krsna is aII olornaI. O Nrada, I loII
vou lIo lrulI.
"KrlliIa is lIo losl of nonlIs, lIo nosl pious of pious doods, lIo nosl purifving of aII lIal
Il is furlIor said:
"O Nrada, O Iing of lrInanas, O groal sago, rivors, nounlains, and ocoans viII aII lo
doslrovod, lul lIo nonlI of KrlliIa viII novor lo doslrovod.
"O sago, in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa noilIor pious doods nor sins aro ovor doslrovod."
"No nonlI is IiIo KrlliIa. No vuga is IiIo Salva-vuga. No scripluro is IiIo lIo Vodas. No
IoIv pIaco is IiIo lIo Gang.
"KrlliIa is lIo losl of nonlIs. KrlliIa is aIvavs doar lo lIo Vaisnavas. O groal sago, a
Vasnava vIo vilI dovolion sorvos KrlliIa doIivors Iis ancoslors fron IoII.
In lIo Iadna Iurna il is said:
"Of lIo lvoIvo nonlIs, KrlliIa is lIo nosl doar lo Iord Krsna. To anvono vIo ovon
sIigIlIv vorsIips Iord Visnu during ils lino, lIo nonlI of KrlliIa givos rosidonco in Iord
Visnu's lranscondonlaI alodo.
"As ovorvono Inovs, Iord Dnodara Iovos His dovoloos. Iord Dnodara's nonlI, lIo
nonlI of KrlliIa, aIso Iovos lIo dovoloos. TIo nonlI of KrlliIa lIinIs ovon lIo sIigIlosl
dovolionaI sorvico is vorv lig and inporlanl.
"Evon lIougI ils Iasls for onIv a lriof nononl, lIo Iunan forn of Iifo is vorv raro and
vaIualIo. In lIo sano vav lIo lriof nonlI of KrlliIa is aIso vorv raro and vaIualIo.
"Iord Krsna is pIoasod lv lIo offoring of a singIo Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa. Iord
Krsna gIorifios anvono vIo IigIls a Ianp for sonoono oIso lo offor."
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
"OlIor vovs lring lIo rosuIls of a Iifolino of pious doods. TIo vov of KrlliIa lrings lIo
rosuIl of a Iundrod Iifolinos of pious doods.
"O Iing of lrInanas, a porson vIo sinpIv Ioars lIo gIorios of lIo KrlliIa vov allains lIo
rosuIl of fasling and lalIing al sacrod AIrra-lirlIa.
"Bv foIIoving lIo KrlliIa vov ono allains lIo rosuIl of going on piIgrinago lo Vrnasi,
KuruIsolra, Nainisranva, IusIara, and Arluda-lirlIa.
"A porson vIo novor porforns vainas or offors srddIa lo lIo ancoslors, lul vIo doos
foIIov lIo vov of KrlliIa, viII go lo lIo alodo of Iord Visnu.
"Ono vIo sonolinos fasls during KrlliIa allains Iiloralion. Ho allains a gIorious spiriluaI
forn IiIo Iord Krsna's.
Il is furlIor said:
"O losl of sagos, a lrInana, Isalriva, vaisva, or sdra vIo foIIovs lIo KrlliIa vov viII
nol laIo lirlI in a sinfuI faniIv.
Il is furlIor said:
"O ligor of sagos, Iiloralion slands in lIo Iand of anvono vIo foIIovs lIo KrlliIa vov as I
Iavo doscrilod il lo vou.
"Ho allains a groal rosuIl vIo ovon vorv sIigIlIv foIIovs lIo vorv sacrod KrlliIa vov,
vIicI is sorvod lv lIo donigods, sagos, and pils.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika

TIo GIorios of Spocif Iious Aclivilios Iorfornod During KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Spocif Iious Aclivilios Iorfornod During KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Spocif Iious Aclivilios Iorfornod During KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Spocif Iious Aclivilios Iorfornod During KrlliIa
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
"CIarilv, vaina, iapa, and auslorilv porfornod in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa lring a rosuIl, O losl
of lrInanas, lIal viII novor lo doslrovod."
Il is furlIor said:
"Ono vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa givos a snaII gifl lo Iord Visnu allains a rosuIl lIal
viII novor lo doslrovod. TIis is ospociaIIv lruo vIon lIo gifl is food.
"Ono vIo foIIovs lIo auspicious KrlliIa vov allains lIo rosuIl of an onliro voar of
porforning agniIolra-vainas. Of lIis lIoro is no doull.
"A vonan vIo sponds lIo nonlI of KrlliIa in lIo circIo vIoro Iord Kosava slavs
loconos spIondid IiIo a dovo in SvargaIoIa.
"Ono vIo roguIarIv offors food lo Iord Krsna during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa doos nol suffor
lroulIos. For as Iong as lIo fourloon Indras ruIo, Io is froo of lroulIos.
"Ono vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa oals prasdan fron a paIsa-Ioaf pIalo doslrovs aII
sins connillod sinco lIo lino of Iis lirlI.
"Ono vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa oals prasdan fron a paIsa-Ioaf pIalo allains aII
Iis dosiros. Ho allains lIo rosuIl of aII piIgrinagos. Ho novor soos IoII.
"TIo paIsa lroo, vIicI is caIIod lv lIo nano BraIna, fuIfiIIs aII dosiros. O losl of sagos, a
sdra sIouId avoid lIo niddIo Ioaf of lIo paIsa lroo. A sdra vIo oals fron sucI a
niddIo-Ioaf pIalo goos lo IoII for as Iong as lIo fourloon Indras Iivo.
"During lIo nonlI of KrlliIa giving sosano soods in cIarilv, lalIing in a sacrod rivor,
laIIing aloul lIo Suprono IorsonaIilv of GodIoad, sorving lIo dovoloos, and oaling
prasdan fron a paIsa-Ioaf pIalo, aII granl Iiloralion.
"O Iing of lrInanas, a porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa Ioops an aII-nigIl vigiI,
in lIo prosonco of Iord Dnodara slaving avaIo unliI sunriso, allains lIo pious rosuIl of
giving a lIousand covs in cIarilv.
"O Iing of lrInanas, a porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa Ioops an aII-nigIl vigiI,
in lIo prosonco of Iord Visnu slaving avaIo unliI lIo Iasl porlion of lIo nigIl, finds Iord
Visu's spiriluaI alodo in lIo paIn of Iis Iand.
"During lIo nonlI of KrlliIa sorving lIo dovoloos, fooding lIo covs, laIIing aloul and
vorsIiping Iord Visnu, and Iooping a vigiI unliI lIo Iasl parl of lIo nigIl lring, in lIo KaIi-
vuga, a vorv raro rosuIl."
Il is furlIor said:
"Ono vIo lalIos during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa allains lIo pious rosuIl of giving valor and a
lIousand iaIadIonus in cIarilv vIon lIo sun is in Taurus.
"Bv onco lalIing during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa ono allains lIo pious rosuIl of lalIing in
IaIo SanniIalva' al KuruIsolra during a soIar ocIipso on a Sundav.
"O losl of sagos, lIov locono froo fron doalI vIo offor food and valor lo lIo pils during
lIo nonlI of KrlliIa, vIicI is doar lo Iord Krsna."
Il is furlIor said:
"O Nrada, I Iavo porsonaIIv soon lIal a porson vIo IappiIv roads BIagavad-gila' during
lIo nonlI of KrlliIa doos nol rolurn lo lIo vorId of lirlI and doalI."
Il is furlIor said:
"Bv circunanluIaling a lonpIo of Iord Visnu during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa ono allains al
ovorv slop lIo pious rosuIl of porforning an asvanodIa-vaina.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"During lIo nonlI of KrlliIa a porson vIo vilI dovolion sings, pIavs a nusicaI
inslrunonl, and dancos loforo lIo Doilv of Iord Hari allains a pious rosuIl lIal viII novor
lo Iosl.
"A porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa roads lIo lIousand IoIv nanos of Iord Hari
and lIo slorv of Gaiondra's Iiloralion doos nol laIo lirlI again.
"O Nrada, a porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa al lIo ond of lIo nigIl rocilos
pravors and sings songs gIorifving Iord Hari Iivos in Svoladvipa vilI aII Iis ancoslors.
"O losl of sagos, ono vIo offors food lo Iord Hari during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa Iivos in
SvargaIoIa for as nanv vugas as lIoir voro grains or crunls in Iis offoring.
"O losl of sagos, a porson vIo lurns inconso of aguru and canpIor loforo lIo Doilv of
Iord Kosava doos nol laIo lirlI again al lIo vuga's ond.
"During lIo nonlI of Krsna, lIov vIo vilI Iovo Ioar lIo lopics of Iord Visnu, ovon if lIov
Ioar onIv IaIf a vorso or a fourlI of a vorso, allain lIo pious rosuIl of giving a Iundrod covs
in cIarilv.
"O groal sago, pIoaso givo up aII olIor roIigious praclico and sinpIv Ioar lIo sacrod
scripluros in lIo prosonco of lIo Doilv of Iord Kosava during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa.
"O ligor of sagos, a porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa oagorIv Ioars lIo lopics of
Iord Krsna doIivors a Iundrod gonoralions of Iis faniIv.
"A porson vIo in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa passos lIo lino in paslinos of sludving lIo IoIv
scripluros lurns avav aII Iis sins and allains lIo pious rosuIl of porforning lon lIousand
"Iord Krsna is nol as pIoasod vilI nanv vainas and vilI cIarilios of nanv covs, oIopIanls,
or olIor oxponsivo gifls, as Ho is vilI discussion of scripluro during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa.
"O ligor of sagos, a porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa Ioars lIo lopics of Iord Hari
loconos froo fron lIo sufforings of Iundrods and niIIions of lirlIs.
"O sago, a porson vIo in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa roguIarIv rocilos lIo vorsos of Srinad-
BIgavalan allains lIo pious rosuIl of rociling aII oigIloon Iurnas.
"O groal sago, pIoaso givo up cIarilios and aII olIor pious doods. Insload ongago in
dovolionaI sorvico during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa and slav in lIo conpanv of lIo Vaisnavas.
In lIo Pc!mc Purnc il is said:
"During lIo nonlI of KrlliIa ono sIouId sIoop on lIo fIoor, ronain coIilalo, oal Iavisva
fron a paIsa-Ioaf pIalo, and vorsIip Iord Dnodara. In lIis vav ono loconos froo of aII
sins, goos lo lIo spiriluaI vorId, allains a spiriluaI lodv IiIo lIo Iord's, and oniovs lIo lIiss
of diroclIv sorving Iord Hari."
Il is furlIor said:
"A porson vIo, for lIo onliro nonlI of KrlliIa risos oarIv, lalIos, conlroIs Iis sonsos,
ronains poacofuI, cIanls iapa, and oals onIv Iavisva, loconos froo fron aII sins.
"A porson vIo, for lIo onliro nonlI of KrlliIa, oals onIv onco a dav loconos vorv fanous,
povorfuI, and Ioroic."
Il is furlIor said:
"A porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa oals fron a paIsa-Ioaf pIalo loconos froo
fron aII sins. A porson vIo oals lIo ronnanls of food offorod lo Iord Hari allains
Iiloralion. A porson vIo is nol a quaIifiod lrInana sIouId nol oal fron lIo niddIo Ioaf of
lIo paIsa lroo."
Il is furlIor said:
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"Iord Hari, lIo aII-povorfuI Suprono IorsonaIilv of GodIoad forgivos lIousands of
offonsos and a Iosl of lorrilIo sins connillod lv ono vIo vorsIips Hin during lIo nonlI
of KrlliIa.
"A porson vIo lo Iord Visnu offors doIicious pvasa nado vilI sugar and gIoo, and lIon
oals lIo ronnanls Iofl lv lIo Iord, allains lIo rosuIl of porforning ovorv dav a groal vaina.
Iord Krsna oxpIains lo SalvalIn:
"TIov vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa lalIo, Ioop an aII-nigIl vigiI, offor Ianps, and
prolocl a luIasi forosl, allain spiriluaI forns IiIo Iord Visnu's.
"TIov vIo for lIroo davs do lIoso pious doods aro offorod aII rospocls lv lIo donigods.
WIal, lIon, can lo said of lIov vIo Iavo porfornod lIoso pious doods for lIoir onliro Iivos`

TIo Various Iarls of lIo KrlliIa Vov TIo Various Iarls of lIo KrlliIa Vov TIo Various Iarls of lIo KrlliIa Vov TIo Various Iarls of lIo KrlliIa Vov
TIo parls of lIo KrlliIa vov aro: 1. Kooping an aII-nigIl vigiI for lIo saIo of Iord Hari, 2.
lalIing oarIv in lIo norning, 3. sorving TuIasi, 4. IroporIv concIuding lIo vov, and 5.
offoring a Ianp.
A porson vIo foIIovs lIoso fivo vovs during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa allains lIo fuII rosuIl of
Iappinoss and Iiloralion.
"In a Visnu lonpIo, a Siva lonpIo, al lIo rool of a lanvan lroo, or in a TuIasi forosl, ono
sIouId Ioop an aII-nigIl vigiI for Iord Hari's saIo.
"If, locauso of disoaso or nisforluno, ono is nol alIo lo lalIo vilI valor, Io sIouId lalIo lv
cIanling lIo IoIv nanos of Iord Visnu.
"If ono is nol alIo lo lring lIo vov lo ils concIusion vilI an oIaloralo riluaI, Io sIouId
concIudo lIo vov lv fooding lIo lrInanas.
"If ono is unalIo lo offor a Ianp, Io sIouId IigIl lIo Ianps lIal olIors offor, Io sIouId
carofuIIv prolocl olIors' Ianps fron vinds or olIor dislurlancos.
"If lIoro is no TuIasi pIanl, ono sIouId vorsIip a lrInana-Vaisnava. If no lrInana-
Vaisnava is prosonl, ono sIouId sorvo lIo lrInanas, covs, lodIi lroo, and vala lroo lo
concIudo lIo vov.

TIo GIorios of Offoring a Ianp During KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Offoring a Ianp During KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Offoring a Ianp During KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Offoring a Ianp During KrlliIa
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
"WIon ono offors a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa, Iis sins in nanv lIousands and
niIIions of lirlIs porisI in IaIf an ovolIinI."
Il is furlIor said:
"IIoaso Ioar lIo gIorios of offoring a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa, an offoring lIal is
vorv pIoasing lo Iord Kosava. O Iing of lrInanas, a porson vIo offors a Ianp in lIis vav
viII nol laIo lirlI again in lIis vorId.
"Bv offoring a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa ono allains a pious rosuIl lon niIIion linos
groalor lIan lIo rosuIl ollainod lv lalIing al KuruIsolra during a soIar a ocIipso or lv
lalIing in lIo rivor Narnada' during a Iunar ocIipso.
"O ligor of sagos, for a porson vIo lIus offors a Ianp lurning vilI gIoo or sosano oiI, vIal
is lIo uso of porforning an asvasnodIa-vaina`
"Evon if lIoro aro no nanlras, no pious doods, and no purilv, ovorvlIing loconos porfocl
vIon a porson offors a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa.
"A porson vIo during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa offors a Ianp lo Iord Kosava Ias aIroadv
porfornod aII vainas and lalIing in aII IoIv rivors.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"WIon in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa lIoro is no Ianp lurning loforo Iord Kosava, lIon lIo
pious doods in SvargaIoIa, MarlvaIoIa, and RaslaIaIoIa scroan vilI dissalisfaclion.
"O lrInana, vIon lIo pils Ioar dovolionaI vorsos and songs in lIo nonlI of KrlliIa, in
lIal faniIv viII lo lorn a son dovolod lo Iis falIor.
"TIo ancoslors sav: WIon sonoono in our faniIv pIoasos Iord Kosava lv offoring lo Hin a
Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa, lIon, lv lIo norcv of lIo Iord vIo IoIds lIo
Sudarsana-caIra in His Iand, vo viII aII allain Iiloralion."
Il is furlIor said:
"Bv offoring a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa ono lurns avav a coIIoclion of sins as lig
as Mounl Moru or Mounl Mandara. Of lIis lIoro is no doull.
"To ono vIo oilIor al Iono il in a lonpIo offors Hin a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa,
Iord Vsudova givos a groal rosuIl.
"A porson vIo, aflor laIing lirlI in lIo vorId of Iunan loings, offors a Ianp lo Iord Krsna
during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa loconos vorv gIorious and forlunalo.
"A porson vIo offors a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa allains a rosuIl lIal cannol lo
ollainod vilI ovon a Iundrod vainas or a Iundrod piIgrinagos.
"Evon a porson addiclod lo aII sins and avorso lo aII pious doods vIo sonoIov offors a
Ianp during KrlliIa loconos purifiod. Of lIis lIoro is no doull.
"O Nrada, no sin oxisls anvvIoro in lIo lIroo vorIds lIal viII nol lo purifiod lv offoring a
Ianp lo Iord Kosava during KrlliIa.
"A porson vIo offors a Ianp lo Iord Krsna during KrlliIa allains lIo olornaI spiriluaI
vorId vIoro lIoro is no sufforing.
"Nov I viII doscrilo lo vou lIo pious rosuIl allainod lv a porson vIo offors a Ianp during
lIo dvdasi dav of KrlliIa nonlI.
"His ancoslors and doscondanls, so nanv lIov cannol lo counlod, viII oniov for a Iong lino
in lIo vorIds of lIo donigods, and lIon lIov viII aII oasiIv allain Iiloralion lv lIo norcv of
Iord Krsna, vIo IoIds lIo Sudarsana-caIra in His Iand."
Il is furlIor said:
"O vorv forlunalo ono, a porson vIo in ordor lo pIav dico IigIls a Ianp in Iord Kosava's
lonpIo purifios sovon gonoralions of Iis faniIv.
"A porson vIo offors a Ianp in a lonpIo of Iord Visnu during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa allains
olornaI voaIlI, good cIiIdron, fano, and gIorv.
"As firo is prosonl in aII vood and nav lo oxlraclod lv friclion, so piolv is aIvavs prosonl in
lIo offoring of a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa. Of lIis lIoro is no doull.
Il is furlIor said:
"O Iing of lrInanas, vIon sonoono offors Hin a Ianp on lIo fuII-noon dav of lIo nonlI
of KrlliIa, Iord Krsna, finding lIal Ho doos nol Iavo sufficionl nonov lo ropav lIal gifl,
givos HinsoIf in oxcIango for lIal Ianp.
"O sago, a fooI vIo doos nol offor a Ianp in Iord Kosava's lonpIo during KrlliIa is nol
considorod a Vaisnava."
In lIo Nrada Iurna, in a convorsalion of Sri MoIini-dovi and Sri RuInngada, il is said:
"Of aII gifls lIo gifl of a Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa is lIo losl. No gifl is ils oquaI."
In lIo Iadna Iurna il is said:
"Ono vIo offors a sloadv Ianp lo Iord Hari during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa oniovs paslinos
in Iord Hari's spIondid spiriluaI vorId.

TIo GIorios of IigIling AnolIor's Ian TIo GIorios of IigIling AnolIor's Ian TIo GIorios of IigIling AnolIor's Ian TIo GIorios of IigIling AnolIor's Ianp During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa p During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa p During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa p During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
"Bv IigIling anolIor's Ianp during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa ono allains lIo sano rosuIl as if Io
Iad offorod food on pilr"-paIsa or valor on IvaisIa asdIa.
"Bv sorving lIo Vaisnavas and IigIling lIo Ianps lIov offor during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa
ono allains lIo rosuIl of porforning nanv riasva and asvanodIa vainas.
"O ligor of Iings, a porson vIo in Iord Krsna's lonpIo IigIls lIo Ianps lIal olIors viII offor
during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa loconos froo fron lIo lorluros of Yanaria.
"O Iing of lrInanas, lv IigIling lIo Ianps lIal olIors viII offor during lIo nonlI of
KrlliIa ono allains lIo rosuIl of Iaving porfornod nanv groal vainas.
"SonoIov or olIor a nouso onco Iil a Ianp lIal sonoono offorod on oIdasi during lIo
nonlI of KrlliIa. TIal nouso allainod a raro Iunan lirlI and lIon vonl lo lIo suprono
spiriluaI vorId.
TIo GIorios of IigIling a Ianp on a TonpIo' Roof TIo GIorios of IigIling a Ianp on a TonpIo' Roof TIo GIorios of IigIling a Ianp on a TonpIo' Roof TIo GIorios of IigIling a Ianp on a TonpIo' Roof
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
"O losl of sagos, vIon a Ianp pIacod alop a lonpIo's dono sIinos in aII diroclions, lIon a
groal Iosl of sins quicIIv fIoos lo oscapo ils IigIl.
"A porson vIo givos lIo onliro oarlI, vIicI voars lIo ocoans IiIo a loIl, in cIarilv lo lIo
lrInanas doos nol oarn ovon ono sixloonlI of lIo pious noril oarnod lv ono vIo pIacos a
Ianp on lIo roof of Iord Krsna's lonpIo.
"A porson vIo givos lon niIIion covs, aII fiIIod vilI niII and aII lIo nolIors of voung
caIvos, in cIarilv lo lIo lrInanas doos nol oarn ovon ono sixloonlI of lIo pious noril
oarnod lv ono vIo pIacos a Ianp on lIo roof of Iord Krsna's lonpIo.
"O groal sago, a porson vIo givos groal voaIlI in cIarilv lo lIo Vaisnavas doos nol oarn
ovon ono sixloonlI of lIo pious noril oarnod lv ono vIo pIacos a Ianp on lIo roof of Iord
Krsna's lonpIo.
"O groal sago, a porson vIo pIacos a groal and coslIv Ianp on a lonpIo roof doIivors a
Iundrod gonoralions of Iis faniIv.
"TIov vIo vilI groal dovolion gazo al a paIaliaI lonpIo Iil vilI a spIondid Ianp Iavo nol a
singIo roIalivo lIal Iivos in IoII.
"WIon lIov soo a Iunan loing offoring a Ianp lo Iord Visnu, lIo donigods in DovaIoIa
lIinI: WIon, lv porforning lIal singIo pious dood, viII lIis porson ioin us Ioro`
"O losl of sagos, a porson vIo pIacos a Ianp on a lonpIo roof during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa
doos nol find il difficuIl lo allain lIo posl of Indra.

TIo GIorios of Offoring Manv Ianps During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Offoring Manv Ianps During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Offoring Manv Ianps During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa TIo GIorios of Offoring Manv Ianps During lIo MonlI of KrlliIa
In lIo SIanda Iurna il is said:
"A porson vIo IigIls nanv Ianps insido and oulsido Iord Visnu's lonpIo loconos a
Iiloralod souI. HoIding a disc and concI, Io allains a spiriluaI forn IiIo Iord Visnu's.
"WIon a porson IigIls nanv Ianps in Iord Kosava's lonpIo, nol a singIo of Iis Iundrod
lIousand cIososl roIalivos Iivos in IoII.
"O sago, a porson vIo naIos Iord Visnu's lonpIo spIondid vilI nanv IigIls insido and
oulsido, lravoIs lo lIo suprono alodo on lIo palI sIining vilI IigIl."
In lIo BIavisva Iurna il is said:
"A porson vIo naIos lIo Iord's lonpIo spIondid vilI nanv Ianps during lIo nonlI of
KrlliIa, and ospociaIIv during lIo oIdasi or lIo dvdasi of lIal nonlI, loconos gIorious
IiIo lon lIousand suns. TravoIing in a spIondid airpIano lIal fiIIs lIo univorso vilI IigIl, Io
Ioavos lIis vorId of lirlI and doalI.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
"For oacI Ianp lIal Io Iil on lIo oarlI Io is gIorifiod on VisnuIoIa for a lIousand voars.
In lIo Iadna Iurna il is said:
"A porson vIo pIacos a groal Ianp IigI in lIo sIv during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa laIos aII
Iis roIalivos vilI Iin lo VisnuIoIa.
"IIoaso Ioar lIo rosuIl ollainod lv a porson vIo offors a Ianp lo Iord Krsna in lIo sIv or
ovor lIo valor during lIo nonlI of KrlliIa.
"Ho loconos voaIlIv, forlunalo, and prosporous. Ho loconos a conlroIIor of olIors. Ho Ias
good cIiIdron. EvorvlIing loforo Iis ovos and in Iis Iono is loaulifuI. Ho loconos viso
and Ioarnod."
Il is furlIor said:
"TIo viso sav lIal a porson vIo offors a Ianp in a lrInana's Iono during lIo nonlI of
KrlliIa allains lIo rosuIl of offoring an agniIolra-vaina.
"A porson vIo pIacos Ianps on lIo rovaI roads, on crossroads, in lrInanas' Ionos, al lroo
rools, in cov larns, in forosls, in Iiddon pIacos, and ovorvvIoro, allains a groal rosuIl.

Iadna Iurana on KarliIa vrala Iadna Iurana on KarliIa vrala Iadna Iurana on KarliIa vrala Iadna Iurana on KarliIa vrala
Inlroduclion - If ono nogIocls lo porforn lIo KarliIa Vrala aII Iis pious norils anassod in
lIo passod aro lurnod lo asIos: Iis sludv of lIo Vodas loconos fuliIo: and Iis porfornanco
of iapa, cIarilv, and auslorilv loconos fruilIoss.

GIorios of KarliIa Vrala-KarliI is lIo losl, lIo purosl of purifiors, and nosl gIorious of aII
nonlIs. KarliIa nonlI is parlicuIarIv doar lo Iord Sri Krsna. TIis nonlI is fuII of lIaIla
valsaIva. Anv vrala, ovon lIo snaIIosl, viII vioId Iugo rosuIls. TIo offocl of porforning a
KarliIa Vrala Iasls for ono Iundrod Iifolinos, vIoroas ordinarv vralas onIv Iasl for ono
Iifolino! As Krsna savs in Gila lIal Ho is lIo nonlI of Nov-Dov, siniIarIv, Srinali RadIiIa
is lIo IoIv nonlI of KarliI vIicI procodos His nonlI. Rupa Gosvani and olIors rofor lo
RadIarani as lIo KarliIa-dovala or KarliIa Dovi, in olIor vords, RadIiIa is lIo goddoss or
prosiding Doilv of lIo KarliIa Vrala.

DaiIv Offor-luIsi aroliI, gIoo Ianp lo Krsna and sing DanodaraslaIan, lalIo in Yanuna if
possilIo, givo cIarilv lo puro dovoloos.

Donl Eal Donl Eal Donl Eal Donl Eal: grains givon lv olIors, Ionov, sosano soods, oiIs, Iing, oggpIanl, IoIi, laslv foods
IiIo svools and friod foods, sanosas, paIoras.

Donl Do Donl Do Donl Do Donl Do: cul Iair, naiIs, uso lIings of olIors, crilicizo Vaisnavas, Vodas or anvono, no oiI on
lodv, do nol find fauIls in olIors or lo onvious.

Iravor loforo loginning Iravor loforo loginning Iravor loforo loginning Iravor loforo loginning: "O gopiIas! Bv vour norcv nav RadIa and Krsna lo pIoasod vilI
nv KarliIa Vrala."

Bonofils Olsorving KarliI Vrala Bonofils Olsorving KarliI Vrala Bonofils Olsorving KarliI Vrala Bonofils Olsorving KarliI Vrala: AII sins fIoo fron lIo Ioarl. Iorforn olIor vralas ono
Iundrod linos nol oquaI lo ono porfornanco of KarliI Vrala. AII lIo IoIv pIacos viII Iivo
vilIin vour lodv. Iropor porfornanco of KarliI Vrala givos ono a niIIion linos lIo rosuIl
of cIanling nanlras, do valras and olIor lvpos of vralas. TIoso vIo vorsIip Danodara in
Vrndavana ovon onco oasiIv allain Krsna lIaIli. DIruva MaIaraia allainod Hari darsana
lv vorsIiping Krsna in MalIura during lIo KarliIa nonlI.
Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika

Sunnarv of Hov lo FoIIov lIo KarliIa Vrala: Sunnarv of Hov lo FoIIov lIo KarliIa Vrala: Sunnarv of Hov lo FoIIov lIo KarliIa Vrala: Sunnarv of Hov lo FoIIov lIo KarliIa Vrala:
Rononlor--KarliIa Vrala is a spociaI lino lo vorsIip RadIa Danodara, and ospociaIIv gol
lIo norcv of RadIiIa, sinco il is Hor nonlI, and SIo is vorv vorv oasiIv pIoasod lIis nonlI
if ono vorsIips Hor aIong vilI Hor loIovod Danodara.

SriIa IralIupada on WIon lo Slarl KarliIa Vrala: "In Vrndavana vo sIouId Iavo KarliIa
Vrala, Uria Vrala, for ono nonlI loginning on EIadasi (IasanuIusa) (SriIa IralIupada
Tapo 10/6/72)

IasanuIusa EIadasi Morning: Offor pravor-"O Ianardana, O Danodara, O Dovosa vIo aro
acconpaniod lv RadIiIa. During lIo nonlI of KarliIa, I viII lalIo oarIv ovorv norning for
Your salisfaclion."

1. Riso oarIv ovorv dav lv BraIna MuIurla, lalIo, cIanl iapa offor MangaIa AroliI

2. Hoar Srinad BIagavalan, ospociaIIv RadIa and Krsna paslinos in Vrndavana, daiIv in
associalion of oxaIlod Vaisnavas, if possilIo. Bv roguIarIv roading Srinad BIagavalan
during KarliIa nonlI, ono gols lIo lonofil of roading aII lIo oigIloon 18 Iuranas. AII olIor
dulios sIouId lo givon up in favor of Ioaring lIo scripluros fron sadIus during lIis nonlI.

3. CIanl conlinuaIIv in iapa and Iirlan, Krsna nana, do oxlra rounds and noro Iirlana vilI

Musl nainlain coIilacv for onliro nonlI

Givo up favorilo food arlicIo for onliro nonlI (svools, saIlios) Trv lo oal onIv onco in a dav.
if vou can do and carrv on ordinarv vorIs

Eal vour noaIs onIv on paIasa Ioavos (if possilIo, viII givo lronondous punva.)

No oiI on lodv and NO EATING Ionov, oggpIanl, porlaI, picIIos, rod raina loans, or
sosano soods, or urad daII (no IIicIoris)

DaiIv sing lIo DanodaraslaIan, nodilaling on noaning

DaiIv offor a gIoo Ianp lo Krsna Doilv or pIolo (no nood of picluro of MolIor Yasoda-
Danodara or pIolo)

DaiIv offor aroliI and pravors lo TuIsi dovi praving for olornaI rosidonco in Vrndavana and
olornaI sorvico of lIo Iolus fool of RadIa and Krsna.

DaiIv cIanl lIo RadIa-Irpa IalaIasan, and Krsna Irpa IalaIsan.

AIso cIanl olIor pravors lo RadIa and RadIa Krsna YugaIa.

Tnc G|crics cj inc ncnin cj Kariika
On EIadasi, Dvadasis, and Iurnina cIanl lIo ono-lIousand nanos of RadIa

On lIo lIroo EIadasis in KarliI lrv lo olsorvo NiriaIa Vrala and slav avaIo cIanling Iari
nan, ospociaIIv on lIo Iasl ono, Ullana EIadasi, vIon Iord Visnu and aII lIo donigods
avaIo aflor four nonlIs sIunlor.

Donalo cIarilv lo puro dovoloos

Offor spociaI nico foods lo Krsna for onliro nonlI. For oxanpIo ovorv dav naIo svool
rico,(IIira) vIicI is lIo favorilo food of Krsna.

BAHUIASTAMI BATH IN RadIa Kunda- "Anvono vIo lalIos in RadIa-Iunda on
BaIuIaslani loconos a doar dovoloo of Iord Krsna, locauso lIis acl IigIIv pIoasos Hin."

BREAKING THE KarliIa Vrala FAST: Aflor sunriso and vilIin lIo paran lroaIing poriod
on lIo Dvadasi dav aflor Ullana EIadasi (if vou slarlod vour KarliI Vrala on IasanuIusa
EIadasi),-offor aroliI lo Krsna and dodicalo vour vrala lo RadIa and Krsna for TIoir
pIoasuro, vorsIip lIo Vaisnava lraInanas lv offoring lIon prosonls pIus a prasadan foasl
incIuding lIo ilons lIal vou faslod fron during KarliIa (svools, niII producls olc.) Aflor
Ionoring lIo lraInanas lIon lroaI vour KarliIa Vrala fasl lv Ionoring lIo foods vou
alslainod fron (sucI as urad daII, svools, or vIalovor ilons.) CIanl Haro Krsna Haro
Krsna Krsna Krsna Haro Haro Haro Rana Haro Rana Rana Rana Haro Haro and RadIo
RadIo Govinda, Govinda RadIo.....and laslo lIo svool fooIing of sponding lIo onliro nonlI
alsorlod in pIoasing RadIa and Krsna. Iai SriIa IralIupada!

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