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The application must exemplify those three methods of conversion of natural numbers (repeated division, substitution and the

use of an intermediary base, usually 10) between two bases different than 10, quick conversions between power of two bases (2, 4, 8, 16) and arithmetical operations in a base p (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with/to a digit), without converting the number in base 10 and computing there the result (p{2,3,...,9,10,16}) For instance: two numbers, in different bases and a third base are given, in the third base the numbers are summed. Suggestions: the number from a small base is converted trough substitution in a big base, and the number from a big base is converted by repeated division in a small base, and such, only 1 digit multiplications/divisions are used. is recommended to keep the numbers in computers memory by their array of digits The executable form and the code of the application will be written on the Group CD, in which every student will have a personal folder. The documentations will be delivered to the seminar teacher together with the group CD in the first week of December. The documentation will follow the same structure as the Programming Fundaments documentations, and it must contain at least: the problem statement for the implemented application, the used algorithms in pseudo-code, implementation considerations and test data.

The mark is computed in the following way: 10%: by default 70% : the application (the authors name will be found in code and will be visible at run too) 1p the repeated division conversion algorithm (executable form) 1p the substitution conversion algorithm (executable form) 1p the intermediary base conversion algorithm (executable form) (the marks are halved if the above conversion methods mandatory have base 10 as starting base or destination base, without the possibility to start from a different then 10 base and have as destination base another different then 10 base; and a quarter is lost if the above conversion methods cannot have as starting or destination base the base 16) 2p quick conversion algorithms (executable form) from base 2 into base 4, 8 or 16 and reverse 1p addition of two numbers in a base 1p subtraction of two numbers in a base

1p multiplication of a number with a digit in a base 1p division of a number to a digit in a base 1p code quality (indentation, use of comments, suggestive variables names) Remark: - if the executable file is missing or is not working, then the application mark will be 2 - if in the execution, the messages are missing (what and how must be inserted, and of course, the results must be clear exposed and explained, then the application mark will be 4. 20%: documentation (the authors name must be clear written, the documentation is a writing-hand one, excepting the special cases) 1p problem statement 1p sub-algorithms diagram 1p used data type specification 3p specification and pseudo-code for the important algorithms used (input, output, preconditions, post-conditions -1p; pseudo-code 2p) 3p at least a set of test data for the complete application, more data sets where is needed 1p documentation clearness (structured, well written, ...)











(http://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/string_similarity/) with another one from this year or a previous year of study, the electronic homework will not be corrected at all (neither the documentation), and the corresponding points are lost.

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