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the lionorable Birch BaYh Chei:=,ian, Select Coi-;'nittee on fntelligence United Sta-,-es Sena-'e *.=ni"eton, D-c- 20510
Dear }lr. Chairnan:


On 18 Januarv Lg79 I sent you a report gf gtt Proqressrr'ho miEni. rvith the pr"gi"* lo iden-.ify pei.sons-having beenhave suffered' subjects' fron harnful long:term aftereffecti of drug research many ,itf-ro,rt their knorvledge or consent,I nentioneC that fn that iiterim \re:r-< -r ' "or r---: aclo- ccnvenrence, lv'e report had' treated the :'IKULTF-I Program oE. purpcses at in trvd parts, one oart ijealing rvith res.earch Prograns York in Nerv institutions and' the other with the safehouses

San Francisco. r am pleased norv. to subnit to you an6 iit'-""a of the-pro?5ar" our final report of the instititionalablepart report finally on to to inforn you that I expect to be within the next 30 to 45 in. prograin part of ;;";;;r.r.t"iiu=

Ianhappytonotethat,themorel\'ehaverevieryedthe priv.t: - ins titutions, research condu-cted, rvith crA iunding at our earlier fears rvere t'iat lh; nore confiient r.re have'.grdivninstances in which (.re have There are greaily "*.gg=i.t.aknowledge been frustrated in our efforts to acquire adcitionaladd' anything institutions to of ..=..i.1,..= or ii-l:-,"-inability overall records- Hoiuever, the picture that eilergesin a to Agency lvas perforned' con'ducted is one in which the t.="'ith consistently it aPPears lh3{i1*:ir**#+.:': Rather ."r',t"tr.=por-rsible the tyge and subjects of rcsearch were volunteers and that Lo have caused anount of drugs administered t'eie not 1ikeIybuttresseC by the i.ong- term af tiref f ects - it,.=. f inclings are conCucted under lhe fact that the vartous tt-""'tigations tere Cirection and control of t.=p6.,tible insti$:tions and inves tigators I believe it to be a significant obscrvatibn that in r:rost institut'ions uould' cases the research coniu.tea'ae private crA funis- TyBically, rave gne for.sard without-rupport fron

t.l:' '- ;


:esearch prograns h'r initiatea and s_3onsorec by'the ins'titution itself prior to sucDor'.r-ng being nade avai.leble f :on e:<ternal contributors. "unis In nanv cases, procr(-rins invoJ.ving CIA funds were funied previously, ccncrrrrently or subsecuently by- other contrrbutors - rn gener-al, then, the reseaich r.'as ccnceived, planned and carriei' out j-n accordance ryith institutional pro-.ocol and, proceiu;es, r+i-thout direction or control by CfA. fn those cases in wirich the knorv]edge to be acquired. \r'ES Cefinei by CfA,. the ne:rois e-nployed a;rd procedures follor;e4 nonetheLess reilrained, under '.he control of the institution or inciividual researcher- our revierv iiscloses no case, in which the research conductec stanis out as a ie:arture fron professional and ethical standaris of -.he iine- Results h'ere available generally to those in'.ereste.j, rvith concealnent onJ.y of the *-act of CIA interest ani supportForrvarded, hererviih are co:ies of pertinent Cociurentation, the Cevelopment of which has'led us 'uo the conclusion that no further action is rec_ur'.red, rvith respeci: to.that oart of tne i-i.{ULTRA progra.irl cond,jcted at privatl ins-.it"Ii""iYours si:rcere1y, lel Stensiield 'iurnei
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