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WATER AND STEAM SYSTEM As the steam being used should be free from impurities like minerals, silica,

oxygen, Iron etc. in order to insure Safe and Efficient working of Steam turbines and Boilers. For this purpose Raw Water is physically and chemically treated and finally supplied to Steam Generation Plant from Ammonia plant. This water is called Boiler Feed water which is further heated to 240 C by the flue Gases and taken to Steam Drum. Steam Drum Acts as storage tank and also separates water from the steam at 315 C and1 0 6 k g / c m2 p r e s s u r e wa t e r t he n e n t e r s t h e R i n g H e a d e r f o r me d a t o n t h e b o t t o m o f outside the furnace and rises by gravity through water wall tubes on the all the four sides,taken heat from furnace and enters steam drum as a mixture of steam and water . FLUE GAS SYSTEM The products of combustion in the furnace consist of carbon-di-oxide, nitrogen,ash, oxygen and sulphur-di-oxide. After leaving the furnace the heat Of these gases called FLUE GASES, is utilized at various levels.First the steam from steam drum is heated in two super heaters to get the required temperatures of 495 0 C and then feed water in BANK TUBES is also heated and the gasesl e a v e b a n k tubes at around 497 0 C n e x t t h e h e a t i s u t i l i z e d t o h e a t f e e d wa t e r i n t h e E C O NO M I Z ER a n d g a s e s a r e c o o l e d d o wn t o 3 2 0 0 C. These gases are further cooled down to 150 0 C in ROTARY AIR HEATER where the air is required for combustion andconveying the coal is heated up. Temperature is not reduced further because at lower t e mp e r a t u r e o x i d e s o f s u l p hu r p r e s e n t i n f l u e g a s e s a r e c o n v erted t o A C I D wh i c h d a ma g e s t h e d o wn s t r e a m e q u i p me n t s . Th e s e g a s e s t h e n p a s s t h r o u gh E L EC TR O STATIC PRECIPITATOR (ESP) where ash is removed.15 CAPTIVE POWER PLANT INTRODUCTION:

National Fertilizers Limited has set a Captive Power Plant (CPP) at their complexat BATHINDA, to ensure availability of stable, uninterrupted power and stream to theAmmonia and Urea plant. This will minimize the tripping of the Fertilizer Plant due totransit voltage dips and power cuts.Since inception, Bathinda unit was drawing electric power from Punjab StateElectricity Board (P.S.E.B). Electricity is the main driving force after steam in the plant, being used for moving auxiliary equipments. The unit requires 27MW of power/hr whenrunning at full load. There are two 15 MW turbo generators to generate power. Under normal running conditions of the plant and healthiness of the P.S.E.B. grid, we generallyr u n i n s yn c h r o n i s m w i t h t h e g r i d me r e l y d r a wi n g t h e p o we r c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o t h e minimum charges to be paid to state electricity board. In case of any disturbance in the grid, our system gets isolated from the grid automatically. With both generators running,we are able to feed power to the whole plant, thus production is not affected. In case onlyo n e t u r b o g e n e r a t o r i s i n l i n e a n d g r i d c u t s o f f , u r e a p la n t i s c u t o f f a u t o ma t i c a l l y t o balance the load with one generator. As soon as th e grid becomes stable, the generatorsare again synchronized with it. The power generation of each generator can be variedwith 2 MW to 15 MW maximum, provision exists to run the generator on 10 % extra loadcontinuously for one hour only.O p e r a t i o n o f C .P .P . i s b a s e d u p o n mi c r o p r o c e s s o r b a s e d c o mp u t e r i z e d instrumentation which allows automatic operation, start up, shut down of the whole or part of the plant.Latest instrumentation has been used in this plant. It allows controlling processvariables like flow, pressure, temperature, power factor, voltage, frequency, etc. There iso p e r a t o r i n t e r f a c e u n i t ( I OU ) Li k e a TV s c r e e n o n wh i c h v a r i o u s p a r a me t e r s c a n b e 16

displayed and controlled. It allows fully automatic start-up, shut-down of boiler, turbineand other auxiliaries. NEED FOR C.P.P: I t wa s t h o u g h t t o i n s t a l l a c a p t i v e p o we r p l a n t i n w h i c h e l e c t r i c p o w e r f o r o u r r e q u i r e me n t s h a l l b e g e n e r a t e d i n a C O A L F I R E D B OI L ER . Th e b e n e f i t s e n v i s a g e d were: 1. Any disturbance in the PSEB grid used to trip the whole plant. Lot of money waslost due to this as each re-startup costs around 40 to 50 lakhs rupees.

Moreover,frequent trippings had an ill effect on machines and equipments extending the re-startup period. 2. Three boilers of 150Te/hr steam capacity were initially installed in SGP to keep 25 boilers running and one stand by as designed steam requirement was less than 300Te/hr. but in actual operation steam requirement was more and all three boilers had to be runand there was no breathing time for their maintenance. As new boiler was to be installedf o r C P P , i t s c a p a c i t y wa s s o d e s i g n e d t h a t i t c o u l d e x p o r t a r o u n d 6 0 Te o f s t e a m f o r process requirement so that only 2 boilers of SGP would be run keeping the 3 rd as stand by.With these points in mind CPP was installed. The functioning of CPP can be sub-divided into parts: BOILER AND ITS AUXILIARIES : F o r g e n e r a t i o n o f h i g h p r e s s u r e s u p e r h e a t e d steam. TURBO-GENERATOR AND ITS AUXILIARIES : To generate power, using steamfrom the boiler.Operation of CPP is based upon microprocessor based computerized instrumentationwhich allows automatic operation, start up, shut down of the whole or the part of the plant.17 BOILER The basic principle of this boiler is the same as discussed earlier for SGP boiler that is formation of steam by heating boiler feed water inside furnace fired by coal andheavy oil, utilization of heat of the gases and venting these gases at a safe height. Maindifferences between the two boilers are:SGP boiler is tangentially fired where as CPP boiler is front fired with 6 coal burners and 6 oil gun fixed inside the coal housing.SGP boiler can be loaded up to 30% load with oil firing only whereas CPP boiler can be fully loaded with oil alone.Height of combustible zone in CPP boiler is more and it has residence time of 1.5 secwhere SGP boiler has 1.0 sec.Mills used for pulverizations of coal in SGP are negative pressure bowl mills whereas inCPP ball tube mill are used which are positive pressure mills.Due to more residence time and better pulverization the efficiency of CPP boiler isabout 4% higher.Boiler feed water required for steam generation can be fully generated in CPP itself.A part of the steam generated is exported for process use in ammonia plant andrest is utilized for power generation in turbo generators as described below: DESCRIPTION

MITSUI RILEY TYPE BOILER Maximum evaporation 2, 30,000kg/hr D e s i g n p r o c e s s f o r b o i l e r 1 2 4 k g / c m 2 GS t e a m t e m p a t o u t l e t 4 9 5 0 CHeating surface 1250M 2 18 POWER GENERATION: In C.P.P. two generators of 15MW capacity generate a voltage of 11KV which isfed to the two transformers in the yard. The rating of the transformers is 31.5/25 KVA,these two values depend upon the cooling which we provide, as here 25KVA capacity iswh e n c o o l i n g is o i l n a t u r a l a i r n a t u r a l a n d 3 1 .5 K VA c a p a c i t y i s wh e n c o o l i ng i s o i l natural air forced. Both these transformers step up the voltage level to 132KV. From thetransformers the three phases pass through the lightning arrestors (LA). After this they pass on to the isolator. After this the two lines pass on to the TRANSMISSION polecalled DOUBLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION. Then these lines go to the M.R.S. i.e.main receiving station. TURBINE: The turbine used is supplied by M/S SGP of AUSTRIA. It is condensing cumextraction turbine designed as single casing reaction turbine with single control stage andhigh pressure (HP), mild pressure (MP) and low pressure (LP) reaction parts.Th e t u r b i n e i s f e d wi t h h i g h p r e s s u r e s t e a m a t 1 0 0 k g f r o m b o i l e r a n d f l o ws t h r o u g h various control valves for normal and emergency operation. It gets high velocity throught h e n o z z l e g r o u p a n d t h e n p a s s e s o v e r t h e imp e l l e r s f i x e d o n t o t h e r o t o r a n d f i x e d diffusers thus rotating the turbine. The enthalpy of steam is utilized in steps. Steam is alsoextracted from various stages. HP 1 at 10.4kg/cm 2 , HP 2 at 8.1kg/cm

2 , feed water bleed at4.3kg/cm 2 and LP bleed at 0.9kg/cm 2 .The exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed in a condenser maintained under vacuum to extract maximum steam enthalpy. The output of the turbine depends on flowof steam and heat difference that is on condition of steam at the main steam valve and the p r e s s u r e a t t h e t u r b in e o u t l e t o r c o n d e n s e r p r e s s ur e . Th e t u r b i n e i s c o n n e c t e d t o t h e generator through speed reducing gears.The exhaust steam is condensed in a condenser using cooling water. The resultingcondensate can be fed back to LP heater but is normally sent to the polishing water plant.As shall be clear from the attached block diagram various bleeds from the turbineare utilized for heating purpose. HP 1 and HP 2 are used for heating boiler feed water in19 HP 1 and HP 2 heaters. Feed water bleeds is used for heating the feed water tank and LP bleed is used for heating the polish water make up to the feed water tank.A lubrication system is also there to lubricate the various bearings of the turbine,gears and generator. Normally the oil pump driven by the turbine shaft supplies oil butauxiliary motor driven pumps are used for start up and during shutdown. A turning gear has been provided for slow cooling of turbine rotor.Latest instrumentation has been used in this plant. Baileys net work90mi c r o p r o c e s s o r b a s e d i n s t r u me n t a t i o n s ys t e m i s b e i n g u s e d . Th e NETWORK 90SYSTEM is a distributed process control system. Using a series of integrated controlnodes. The network 90 system allows controlling process variables like flow, pressureand temperature according to a control configuration. There is operator interface unit(OIU) like a TV screen

on which various parameters can be displayed and controlled. Itallows fully automatic start-up/shut-down of boiler, turbine and other auxiliaries. DESCRIPTION:Make Simmering Graz Panker, AustriaType Multifunction (28 stages)Capacity 65 T/H at 15 MWR P M 6 7 8 9 a t 5 0 H z Critical speed 32003600 RPM GENERATORS C P P i s h a v i n g t wo n u mb e r t u r b o g e n e r a t o r s o f c a p a c i t y 1 5 M W e a c h . Th e generators are type SAT three phase, 50Hz, 11kV, 984amps, at 0.8 power factor ratingsupplied by M/S JEUMONT SCHNEIDER OF FRANCE. These are totally enclosed self ventilated type with two lateral airs to water coolers for cooling. The alternators are ableto bear 10% overload for one hr with an increase in temp. of 10 0 C while maintaining thevoltage as near as possible to the rated one. The excitation is compound and brush lesswi t h e x c i t e r r o to r a n d R e c t i f i e r B r i d g e mo u n t e d o n t h e e x t e n d e d ma i n s h a f t o n n o n driving end. The excitation is controlled automatically with automatic voltage regulator 20

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