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ukedchat Archive 19 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic & @TimRylands 14:30:01


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Could social media be used for CPD for all teaching staff? It's 2:30pm. Time for #UKedchat at #LFE2012 with ukedchat @timrylands & @ICTmagic. Topic: 'Could social media be used for CPD for all teaching staff? Does anyone have data or an inkling of how many ICTmagic educators engage with social media, but not for CPD? #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Good luck to @ICTmagic flying the cardiffscience flag for #ukedchat at #lfe2012 RT @ukedchat: Good luck to @ICTmagic flying the eyebeams flag for #ukedchat at #lfe2012 Social Media can be used for all staff like the NOF frogphilp programme worked in the 1990s. i.e. No. it can't. #ukedchat @ICTmagic It is called grey literature at the moment eyebeams point people to research at back of http://t.co/fZzuNGAw #ukedchat How did you begin using social media to develop ICTmagic yourself professional? #ukedchat RT @ICTmagic Does anyone have data or an inkling bellaale of how many educators engage with social media, but not for CPD? #ukedchat @timrylands we are speed tweeting #LFE2012 FredNGingaBuns #ukedchat [Psychology] Psychopaths and success lefouque http://t.co/b9TLy8S8 #ukedchat #homeschooling #gifted Why did you initially start using social media for CPD? ICTmagic Was it something you decided? #ukedchat @ICTmagic I followed @joedale's ready-made list of bellaale MFL tweeters and went from there #ukedchat #mfltwitterati @ICTmagic SSAT Conference 2012 - couldn't attend judeenright every session, obviously, realised I could find out about them via Twitter #ukedchat #ukedchat followed @MartinLittler and DJToadie @Widget_Software and it snowballed from there RT @tomboulter: Hattie -how do we create a culture EmFiges where teachers talk about teaching? #LFE2012 do we not have one? #ukedchat @ICTmagic Also loved timeline as a conference judeenright keynote speaker spoke. Seemed rude, but made it much more engaging. #ukedchat #lfe2012

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ukedchat Archive 19 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic & @TimRylands 14:44:59 14:45



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Could social media be used for CPD for all teaching staff? sbhsmrwilson Nice putting faces to names #ukedchat Can you share examples of ideas & resources ICTmagic found via social media have impacted in your school/class? #ukedchat @ICTmagic once I discovered #ukedchat and reading DJToadie all the links given there it was an obvious decision @ICTmagic Twitter was the first social media I used Jivespin for teaching after I saw it used @thelazyteacher INSET. Never looked back #ukedchat @Penny_Ten: The amazing @timrylands and Penny_Ten @ICTmagic. Aces. #LFE2012 #UKedchat Fond Triptico on Twitter. The best interactive Jivespin whiteboard material ever #ukedchat @ICTmagic came across a few teachers on twitter, data_fiend tried some ideas, liked the results so kept it up and started blogging. Best CPD #ukedchat RT @bellaale: @ICTmagic I followed @joedale's data_fiend ready-made list of MFL tweeters and went from there #ukedchat #mfltwitterati @ICTmagic #ukedchat Resources / ideas from judeenright @fullonlearning @TeacherToolkit @headguruteacher @johntomsett @LearningSpy have had a big impact @ICTmagic #ukedchat ideas for games based tholder81 learning, blogging, AFL, all have come from Twitter and impacted on my class and then sch Just tweeting to get on the screen at #ukedchat GoldfishBowl_MM #lfe2012 @bellaale I told our new MFL HoD about #mfltwitterati data_fiend #ukedchat Twitter is also brilliant for building a wide and varied Jivespin PLN #ukedchat Speed dating in the social media talks #ukedchat SkypeClassroom we're meeting lots of #teachers #LFE2012 RT @GoldfishBowl_MM: Just tweeting to get on the judeenright screen at #ukedchat #lfe2012 cardiffscience @ictmagic explaining #ukedchat Back to basics... How to get started with Twitter in Foodafactoflife education with #UKedchat #lfe2012 @ICTmagic I use the favourite as a bookmark for data_fiend interesting ideas to dip into. 2 minute CPD #ukedchat How you had direct experience of using social media ICTmagic with and by the children? #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 19 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic & @TimRylands 14:53:03















Could social media be used for CPD for all teaching staff? RT @Joe_Moretti: @timrylands @ICTmagic timrylands #UKedchat - it's the sharing - the communication (from Shakespeare's Globe) http://t.co/oEIX14yO RT @nice_ironman: @timrylands some reasons I use timrylands twitter #ukedchat #lfe2012 http://t.co/3Nhnyrv7 RT @judeenright: @ICTmagic #ukedchat Resources / data_fiend ideas from @fullonlearning @TeacherToolkit @headguruteacher @johntomsett @LearningSpy ... #ukedchat all teachers benefit in my school because I FredNGingaBuns discuss the topics & take the ideas back into school My new post: How to make it even worse - Lesson david_obst One http://t.co/MvrnCeqZ #education #ukedchat @SkypeClassroom in the #ukedchat room, will have to nightzookeeper say hello at the end of the session. Sitting in front row, grey jumper Twitter for CPD; the case http://t.co/9YUGv94L neurophilomath #ukedchat I take pics of students work and tell them I am going to Jivespin tweet it. Then I share any responses. Great for showing pride #ukedchat RT @MrsAMcCrory: A Tale of Two Classrooms dmchugh675 #niedchat #edchat #ukedchat #edchatie http://t.co/Nj6t8TMO #Ukedchat 1st saw twitter when one teacher ask for eyebeams help from another teacher who got pupils to make screencast in real time then uploaded RT @MrsAMcCrory: A Tale of Two Classrooms SparkyTeaching #niedchat #edchat #ukedchat #edchatie http://t.co/Nj6t8TMO What if no one responds to a given students work? neurophilomath @Jivespin: I take pics of students work and tell them I am going to tweet it. #ukedchat RT @eyebeams: #Ukedchat 1st saw twitter when one SarahLearns teacher ask for help from another teacher who got pupils to make screencast in real ti ... What I would like my Year 10s and 11s to learn @MrsAMcCrory: A Tale of Two Classrooms EdgbarrowBS #ukedchat #edchatie http://t.co/VHE6Kwu1 Right room. @neurophilomath Then I tweet it again. Usually works Jivespin #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 19 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic & @TimRylands 14:57:16






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Could social media be used for CPD for all teaching staff? RT @judeenright: @ICTmagic #ukedchat Resources / johntomsett ideas from @fullonlearning @TeacherToolkit @headguruteacher @johntomsett @LearningSpy ... @neurophilomath The key is that you have shown Jivespin pride in a student's work and are willing to share it beyond the classroom #ukedchat #ukedchat - Twitter's power lies in the social eyebeams connections at the other end of the devices i.e. the people @ICTmagic realised it's potential after attending smiley1970 Microsoft PIL day. Wouldn't be without it now. Sharing ideas, advice and support #Ukedchat @timrylands is talking about using Lino It at #lfe2012 ICTmagic #ukedchat @eyebeams: #ukedchat - Twitter's power lies in the Jivespin social connections at the other end of the devices i.e. the people - Absolutely! RT @ICTmagic: @timrylands is talking about using eyebeams Lino It at #lfe2012 #ukedchat RT @ICTmagic: @timrylands is talking about using MyICTCloud Lino It at #lfe2012 #ukedchat @eyebeams @ICTmagic it allows you to find answers syded06 and questions your position - leads to more informed decisions #ukedchat @SheliBB @ictmagic level 7 room 728. 10 mins left of nightzookeeper the session...quick! #ukedchat #LEF2012 iPad in schools 101 http://t.co/XtAu8nzy #ipaded ICTEvangelist #mlearning #EdTech #digitalliteracy #UKEdChat #lfe2012 iPad in schools 102 http://t.co/HcMsmRwf #ipaded ICTEvangelist #mlearning #EdTech #digitalliteracy #UKEdChat #lfe2012 RT @MrsAMcCrory: A Tale of Two Classrooms leehasting66 #niedchat #edchat #ukedchat #edchatie http://t.co/Nj6t8TMO @ICTmagic - U, TM's Pinterest @LearningSpy @fullonlearning @thelazyteacher @ianaddison RichardFiona @TheHeadsOffice blogs+blogging SOLO PPPB #ukedchat I have, wherever and whenever possible, tried to turn bellaale Twitter friends into face-to-face friends #ukedchat ukedchat It's 15:15 & this special #UKedchat must close.

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ukedchat Archive 19 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic & @TimRylands

Could social media be used for CPD for all teaching staff? Join the discussion every Thursday evening at 8pm. Thanks to everyone who took part today.

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