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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference

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OptiX OSN 3500&2500 V100R001

OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference

rafted by: Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Approved by: OptiX OSN 3500 Nesoft Team Date: Date: Date: Date: 2004-10-01

Huawei Technologies Co, Ltd

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Chapter 1 Equipment Management 1.1 Network Element (NE) Properties Management 1.1.1 Initialize all the configuration data of the SCC board: cfg-init-all. 1.1.2 Initialize all the configuration data of the NE: cfg-init-ne 1.1.3 Set the device and subrack type: cfg-set-devicetype 1.1.4 Query the device and subrack type: cfg-get-devicetype 1.1.5 Set the NE name: cfg-set-nename 1.1.6 Query the NE name: cfg-get-nename 1.1.7 Set the NE position: cfg-set-neposition 1.1.8 Query the NE position: cfg-get-neposition 1.1.9 Set the NE memo information: cfg-set-nememo 1.1.10 Query the NE memo information: cfg-get-nememo 1.1.11 Query the NE running status: cfg-get-nestatus 1.1.12 Set the NE test switch status: cfg-set-test 1.1.13 Query the NE test switch status: cfg-get-test 1.1.14 Set the NE service mode: cfg-set-servicemode 1.1.15 Query the NE service mode: cfg-get-servicemode 1.1.16 Set the switch status of the NE configuration data consistency check: cfg-set-bdcheck 1.1.17 Query the switch status of the NE configuration data consistency check switch status: cfg-get-bdcheck 1.1.18 Set the period of the NE configuration data consistency check: cfg-set-bdchecktime 1.1.19 Query the period of the NE configuration data consistency: cfg-get-bdchecktime 1.1.20 Test command of the NE configuration data consistency check: cfg-test-bdcheck 1.1.21 Configuration check: cfg-verify 1.1.22 Set the switch status of the low service optimization: cfg-set-lxcoptmz 1.1.23 Query the switch status of the low service optimization: cfg-get-lxcoptmz 1.2 Basic Board Configuration Commands 1.2.1 Install the board: cfg-add-board 1.2.2 Install all boards: cfg-add-allbd 1.2.3 Delete the board: cfg-del-board 1.2.4 Query the installed logic boards in the subrack: cfg-get-board 1.2.5 Query the type of the inserted physical board in the subrack: cfg-get-phybd 1.2.6 Reset a board: cfg-reset-board 1.2.7 Set the alarm threshold for the board temperature: cfg-set-bdtempth 1.2.8 Query the alarm threshold of the board temperature: cfg-get-bdtempth 1.2.9 Query the board version information: cfg-get-bdversion 1.2.10 Query the detail board version information: cfg-get-bdverinfo 1.2.11 Set the board parameters: cfg-set-bddata 1.2.12 Save the board configuration data to the flash: cfg-backup-bdcfg 1.2.13 Clear the board configuration data in the flash: cfg-clear-bdcfg 1.2.14 Query the board configuration data backup: cfg-get-bdcfg 1.2.15 Set automatic clear: cfg-set-autoclear 1.2.16 Query the automatic clear: cfg-get-autoclear 1.2.17 Query the loop auto clear information of the Ethernet board: cfg-get-ethlooplist 1.2.18 Query the board working status: cfg-get-workstat 1.2.19 Set the FAN running mode: cfg-set-fanmode 1.2.20 Query the FAN running mode: cfg-get-fanmode 1.2.21 Set the FAN speed: cfg-set-fanspeed 1.2.22 Query the manually-set FAN speed: cfg-get-fanspeed 1.2.23 Query the current FAN information: cfg-get-fancurinfo 1.3 Common Configuration Commands for Service Boards 1.3.1 Set the AIS inserting status of the alarm event: cfg-set-alm2ais 1.3.2 Query the AIS inserting status of the alarm event: cfg-get-alm2ais 1.3.3 Set the transmission switch of the overhead byte: cfg-set-tohenable 1.3.4 Query the transmission switch of the overhead byte: cfg-get-tohenable 1.3.5 Set the port loop mode: cfg-set-loop 1.3.6 Query the port loop mode: cfg-get-loop 1.4 Commands for Configuring Line Board Properties 1.4.1 Set vc4 path loopback: cfg-set-vc4loop

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1.4.2 Query the vc4 path loop mode: cfg-get-vc4loop 1.4.3 Set the laser switch status: cfg-set-laser 1.4.4 Query the laser switch status: cfg-get-laser 1.4.5 Set the ALS: cfg-set-als 1.4.6 Query the ALS status: cfg-get-als 1.4.7 Set the ALS time parameter: cfg-set-alstime 1.4.8 Query the ALS time parameter: cfg-get-alstime 1.4.9 Laser ALS constantly in the testing status: cfg-test-als 1.4.10 Set the thresholding-crossing and the degraded threshold of B1B2B3: cfg-set-b1b2b3th 1.4.11 Query the threshold-crossing and the degraded threshold of B1B2B3: cfg-get-b1b2b3th 1.4.12 Set the to-be-sent J0 bytes: cfg-set-stj0 1.4.13 Query the to-be-sent J0 bytes: cfg-get-stj0 1.4.14 Set the receivable J0 bytes: cfg-set-srj0 1.4.15 Query the receivable J0 bytes: cfg-get-srj0 1.4.16 Query the received J0 bytes: cfg-get-rj0 1.4.17 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-set-stj1 1.4.18 Query the to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-get-stj1 1.4.19 Set the receivable J1 byets:cfg-set-srj1 1.4.20 Query the receivable J0 bytes: cfg-get-srj1 1.4.21 Query the received J1 bytes: cfg-get-rj1 1.4.22 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-stj1ex 1.4.23 Query the to-be-sent J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-stj1ex 1.4.24 Set the receivable J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-srj1ex 1.4.25 Query the receivable J1 bytes (suppot AU3): cfg-get-srj1ex 1.4.26 Query the received J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-rj1ex 1.4.27 Set the monitoring status of the pass-through J1/C2 byte: cfg-set-j1c2monitor 1.4.28 Query the monitoring status of the pass-through J1/C2 byte: cfg-get-j1c2monitor 1.4.29 Set the to-be-sent C2 byte: cfg-set-stc2 1.4.30 Query the to-be-sent c2 byte: cfg-get-stc2 1.4.31 Set the receivable C2 byte: cfg-set-src2 1.4.32 Query the receivable C2 byte: cfg-get-src2 1.4.33 Query the received C2 byte: cfg-get-rc2 1.4.34 Set the to-be-sent C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-set-stc2ex 1.4.35 Query the to-be-sent C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-get-stc2ex 1.4.36 Set the receivable C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-set-src2ex 1.4.37 Query the receivable C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-get-src2ex 1.4.38 Query the received C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-get-rc2ex 1.4.39 Set the status of B2EXC and MSAIS (as the clock source switchover condition): cfg-set-alm2clksw 1.4.40 Query the status of B2EXC and MSAIS (as the clock source switchover condition): cfg-get-alm2clksw 1.4.41 Set the to-be-sent N1 bytes: cfg-set-stn1 1.4.42 Query the to-be-sent N1 bytes: cfg-get-stn1 1.4.43 Set the receivable N1 bytes: cfg-set-srn1 1.4.44 Query the receivable N1 bytes: cfg-get-srn1 1.4.45 Query the received N1 bytes: cfg-get-rn1 1.4.46 Set the to-be-sent N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-stn1ex 1.4.47 Query the to-be-sent N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-stn1ex 1.4.48 Set the receivable N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-srn1ex 1.4.49 Query the receivable N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-srn1ex 1.4.50 Query the received N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-rn1ex 1.4.51 Set the overhead extraction function: cfg-set-rohdrop 1.4.52 Query the overhead extraction function: cfg-get-rohdrop 1.4.53 Set the status of TCM: cfg-set-tcm 1.4.54 Query the status of TCM: cfg-get-tcm 1.4.55 Set the status of TCM (support AU3): cfg-set-tcmex 1.4.56 Query the status of TCM (support AU3): cfg-get-tcmex 1.4.57 Set the AIS inserting status of TCM alarm event: cfg-set-tcalm2ais 1.4.58 Query the AIS inserting status of TCM alarm event: cfg-get-tcalm2ais 1.4.59 Set the hardware REG: cfg-set-hardreg 1.4.60 Query the hardware REG permission status: cfg-get-hardreg 1.4.61 Set the VC4 mode: cfg-set-vc4mode 1.4.62 Query the VC4 mode: cfg-get-vc4mode 1.5 Commands for Configuring Tributary board Properties 1.5.1 Set BIP threshold for the path bit error: cfg-set-bipth

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1.5.2 Query the BIP threshold for the path bit error: cfg-get-bipth 1.5.3 Path bit error test: cfg-set-bittest 1.5.4 Set the UNEQ inserting status in the case of LOS or path not in use: cfg-set-almuneq 1.5.5 Query the UNEQ inserting status in the case of LOS or path not in use: cfg-get-almuneq 1.5.6 Query the impedance of the path cable: cfg-get-e1eq 1.5.7 Set the to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-set-stj2 1.5.8 Query the to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-get-stj2 1.5.9 Set the receivable J2 bytes: cfg-set-srj2 1.5.10 Query the receivable J2 bytes: cfg-get-srj2 1.5.11 Query the received J2 bytes: cfg-get-rj2 1.5.12 Set the to-be-sent V5 byte: cfg-set-stv5 1.5.13 Query the to-be-sent V5 byte: cfg-get-stv5 1.5.14 Set the receivable V5 byte: cfg-set-srv5 1.5.15 Query the receivable V5 byte: cfg-get-srv5 1.5.16 Query the received V5 byte: cfg-get-rv5 1.5.17 Set the status of path: cfg-set-pathused 1.5.18 Query the status of path: cfg-get-pathused 1.5.19 Set the path retiming clock: cfg-set-retiming 1.5.20 Query the path retiming clock: cfg-get-retiming 1.5.21 Set the path sending overhead: cfg-set-tpoh 1.5.22 Query the path sending overhead: cfg-get-tpoh 1.5.23 Query the path receiving overhead: cfg-get-rpoh 1.5.24 Set the path master downlink bus: cfg-set-defbus 1.5.25 Query the path master downlink bus: cfg-get-defbus 1.5.26 Query the path working downlink bus: cfg-get-dropbus 1.5.27 Set the reporting mode of the bus alarm: cfg-set-busalm 1.5.28 Query the reporting mode of the bus alarm: cfg-get-busalm 1.5.29 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-set-vc3stj1 1.5.30 Query the to-be-sent J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-get-vc3stj1 1.5.31 Set the receivable J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-set-vc3srj1 1.5.32 Query the receivable J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-get-vc3srj1 1.5.33 Query the received J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-get-vc3rj1 1.5.34 Set the to-be-sent C2 byte of VC3: cfg-set-vc3stc2 1.5.35 Query the to-be-sent C2 byte of VC3: cfg-get-vc3stc2 1.5.36 Set the receivable C2 byte of VC3: cfg-set-vc3src2 1.5.37 Query the receivable C2 byte of VC3: cfg-get-vc3src2 1.5.38 Query the received C2 byte of VC3: cfg-get-vc3rc2 1.5.39 Set the status of the input balance: cfg-set-selreqb 1.5.40 Query the status of the input balance: cfg-get-selreqb 1.5.41 Set the status of the output balance: cfg-set-selteqb 1.5.42 Query the status of the output balance: cfg-get-selteqb 1.5.43 Set the service type: cfg-set-payloadtype 1.5.44 Query the service type: cfg-get-payloadtype 1.5.45 Set the service matching of the tributary board path: cfg-set-tumatch 1.5.46 Query the service matching of the tributary board path: cfg-get-tumatch 1.6 Ethernet Boards Configuration Commands 1.6.1 Set the loop mode of the ethernet path: cfg-set-vcloop 1.6.2 Query the loop mode of the ethernet path: cfg-get-vcloop 1.6.3 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-set-vcstj1 1.6.4 Query the Ethernet to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-get-vcstj1 1.6.5 Set the ethernet receivable J1 bytes: cfg-set-vcsrj1 1.6.6 Query the ethernet receivable J1 bytes: cfg-get-vcsrj1 1.6.7 Query the ethernet received J1 bytes: cfg-get-vcrj1 1.6.8 Set the ethernet to-be-sent C2 byte: cfg-set-vcstc2 1.6.9 Query the ethernet to-be-sent C2 byte: cfg-get-vcstc2 1.6.10 Set the ethernet receivable C2 byte: cfg-set-vcsrc2 1.6.11 Query the ethernet receivable C2 byte: cfg-get-vcsrc2 1.6.12 Query the ethernet received C2 byte: cfg-get-vcsrc2 1.6.13 Set the ethernet to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-set-vcstj2 1.6.14 Query the ethernet to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-get-vcstj2 1.6.15 Set the ethernet receivable J2 bytes: cfg-set-vcsrj2 1.6.16 Query the ethernet receivable J2 bytes: cfg-get-vcsrj2 1.6.17 Query the ethernet received J2 bytes: cfg-get-vcrj2

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1.6.18 Set the ethernet to-be-sent V5 bytes: cfg-set-vcstv5 1.6.19 Query the ethernet to-be-sent V5 bytes: cfg-get-vcstv5 1.6.20 Set the ethernet reveivable V5 bytes: cfg-set-vcsrv5 1.6.21 Query the ethernet reveivable V5 bytes: cfg-get-vcsrv5 1.6.22 Query the ethernet reveived V5 bytes: cfg-get-vcrv5 1.7 Commands for Configuring Clock Board Properties 1.7.1 Query the current tracing clock source: cfg-get-cursyn 1.7.2 Query the current 2M tracing clock source: cfg-get-2mcursyn 1.7.3 Query the current tracing source and the corresponding S1 bytes: cfg-get-cursyns1 1.7.4 Query the 2M current tracing source and the corresponding S1 bytes: cfg-get-2mcursyns1 1.7.5 Query the S1 bytes corresponding to all sources in the system priority list: cfg-get-alls1 1.7.6 Query the S1 bytes corresponding to all sources in the 2M priority list: cfg-get-2malls1 1.7.7 Query the currently existing sources in the priority list: cfg-get-synexist 1.7.8 Set the priority list of the system clock source: cfg-set-synclass 1.7.9 Set the clock source priority list of the 2M phase source: cfg-set-2msynclass 1.7.10 Query the clock source priority list: cfg-get-synclass 1.7.11 Query the clock source priority list of the 2M phase source: cfg-get-2msynclass 1.7.12 Execute the external switch and reset commands of the system clock priority list: cfg-set-synextsw 1.7.13 Execute the external switch and reset commands of the 2M clock priority list: cfg-set-2msynextsw 1.7.14 Query the switching status of the clock source in the system clock priority list: cfg-get-synswstatus 1.7.15 Query the switching status of the clock source in the 2M phase source priority list: cfg-get-2msynswstatus 1.7.16 Set the action for the 2M clock source failure: cfg-set-2mpllsynlosaction 1.7.17 Query the action for the 2M clock source failure: cfg-get-2mpllsynlosaction 1.7.18 Enable/Disable the configured clock source to be used in the switching: cfg-set-synenable 1.7.19 Query the status (enable/disable) of the configured clock source to be used in the switching: cfg-getsynenable 1.7.20 Set the receiving time slot for the external source S1 byte: cfg-set-exts1inslot 1.7.21 Query the receiving TS of the external source S1 byte: cfg-get-exts1inslot 1.7.22 Set the output TS for the external source S1 byte: cfg-set-exts1outslot 1.7.23 Query the output TS of the external source S1 byte: cfg-get-exts1outslot 1.7.24 Enable/Disable switching in the sequence of descending priority: cfg-set-syncnorvt 1.7.25 Query the enabling status of switching the clock source in the sequence of descending priority: cfg-getsyncnorvt 1.7.26 Set the data output mode in the Keep mode: cfg-set-synkeepmode 1.7.27 Query the data output mode in the Keep mode: cfg-get-synkeepmode 1.7.28 Set the working mode for the data output of the external source: cfg-set-outsynmode 1.7.29 Query the working mode of the data output of the external source: cfg-get-outsynmode 1.7.30 Set the data output threshold for the external source: cfg-set-outputth 1.7.31 Query the data output threshold of the external source: cfg-get-outputth 1.7.32 Set maunually the S1 byte clock quality: cfg-set-mans1qua 1.7.33 Query the S1 byte clock quality: cfg-get-mans1qua 1.7.34 Set the waiting time for the clock source recovery: cfg-set-synwtrtime 1.7.35 Query the waiting time for the clock source recovery: cfg-get-synwtrtime 1.7.36 Set ID for the S1 byte clock source: cfg-set-syns1id 1.7.37 Query the ID of the S1 byte clock source: cfg-get-syns1id 1.7.38 Set the input mode for the external source: cfg-set-insynmode 1.7.39 Query the input mode of the external source: cfg-get-insynmode 1.7.40 Set the SSM protocol mode for the S1 byte: cfg-set-s1mode 1.7.41 Query the SSM protocol mode of the S1 byte: cfg-get-s1mode 1.7.42 Permit/Forbid the optical interface corresponding to the clock source to output the S1 byte: cfg-sets1exportmode 1.7.43 Query the status of permitting/forbidding the optical interface corresponding to the clock source to output the S1 byte: cfg-get-s1exportmode 1.7.44 Query the current working mode of the clock board: cfg-get-stgworkmode 1.7.45 Set the quality level represented by QL_UNKNOW: cfg-set-qlunknow 1.7.46 Query the quality level represented by QL_UNKNOW: cfg-get-qlunknow 1.7.47 Permit/Forbid the optical interface to output the clock ID: cfg-set-s1idexportmode 1.7.48 Query the status of permitting/forbidding the optical interface to output the clock ID: cfg-get-s1idexportmode 1.7.49 Enable/Disable the frequency deviation function of the clock source: cfg-set-synbaddetect 1.7.50 Query the status (enable/disable) of the frequency deviation function of the clock source: cfg-getsynbaddetect 1.7.51 Set the condition for the external source failure: cfg-set-lapseterm 1.7.52 Query the condition for the external source failure: cfg-get-lapseterm

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1.7.53 Query the working status and DA value of the current clock source: cfg-get-synstatusda 1.8 EOW Configuration Commands 1.8.1 Set the orderwire number: cfg-set-telnum 1.8.2 Query the orderwire number: cfg-get-telnum 1.8.3 Set the conference orderwire number for the whole network: cfg-set-meetnum 1.8.4 Query the conference orderwire number of the whole network: cfg-get-meetnum 1.8.5 Set the telephone number length: cfg-set-tellen 1.8.6 Query the telephone number length: cfg-get-tellen 1.8.7 Set the call waiting time: cfg-set-reqtime 1.8.8 Query the call waiting time: cfg-get-reqtime 1.8.9 Set the availability of the optical interface in the addressing call: cfg-set-lineused 1.8.10 Query the availability of the optical interface in the addressing call: cfg-get-lineused 1.8.11 Set the availability of the optical interface in the conference call: cfg-set-meetlineused 1.8.12 Query the availability of the optical interface in the conference call: cfg-get-meetlineused 1.8.13 Set the TS and broadcast source of the broadcast data port: cfg-set-dataport 1.8.14 Delete the configuration information of the broadcast data interface: cfg-del-dataport 1.8.15 Query the TS and source of the broadcast data interface: cfg-get-dataport 1.8.16 Set the multiplex port to the com port or the broadcast data port: cfg-set-porttype 1.8.17 Query the port type of the multiplex port: cfg-get-porttype 1.8.18 Set the electrical characteristics of the port: cfg-set-portmode 1.8.19 Query the electrical characteristics of the port: cfg-get-portmode 1.8.20 Set the F1 data port: cfg-set-f1port 1.8.21 Query the configuration of F1 data port: cfg-get-f1port 1.8.22 Delete the pass-through configuration of the F1 data port (See the Set the F1 data port command) 1.8.23 Set the subnet number length: cfg-set-subnetlen 1.8.24 Query the subnet number length: cfg-get-subnetlen 1.8.25 Set the subnet number: cfg-set-subnetbd 1.8.26 Query the subnet number: cfg-get-subnetbd 1.8.27 Set the status (enable/disable) of the auto switch protection: cfg-set-autoswitch 1.8.28 Query the status (enable/disable) of the auto switch protection: cfg-get-autoswitch 1.8.29 Test the telephone ring: cfg-set-ringtest 1.8.30 Test the ring back tone: cfg-set-alerttest 1.8.31 Test the call dialing: cfg-set-dialnumtest 1.9 Commands for Configuring Optical amplifier board Properties 1.9.1 Open/Close the pump laser: cfg-set-pumplasersw 1.9.2 Query the status (open/close) of the pump laser: cfg-get-pumplasersw 1.9.3 Query the type of the optical amplifier board: cfg-get-oatype 1.9.4 Query the performance parameter list of the optical amplifier board: cfg-get-paralist 1.10 Alarm Bolean Management 1.10.1 Set the output status of the alarm relay switch: cfg-set-cskswitch 1.10.2 Query the output status of the alarm relay switch: cfg-get-cskswitch 1.10.3 Set the output status of the auxiliary function relay: cfg-set-extrelayuse 1.10.4 Query the output status of the auxiliary function relay: cfg-get-extrelayuse 1.10.5 Set the relay input mode: cfg-set-onerelayuse 1.10.6 Query the relay input mode: cfg-get-onerelayuse 1.11 Pluggable Laser Module Management 1.11.1 Query the laser module status: cfg-get-lsr-stat 1.11.2 Query the laser module sequence number: cfg-get-lsr-sn 1.11.3 Query the laser module speed: cfg-get-lsr-speed 1.11.4 Query the laser module transmission distance: cfg-get-lsr-distance 1.11.5 Query the laser module HWID: cfg-get-lsr-hwid 1.11.6 Set the HWID for the pluggable laser module: cfg-set-lsr-hwid Chapter 2 Seveice and Protection 2.1 Report of Service and Protection Events 2.1.1 Report switchover events of the ring MS protection group 2.1.2 Report the switchover events of the liner MS protection group 2.1.3 Report the switchover events of the SNCP protection group 2.1.4 Report the switchover events of the TPS protection group 2.1.5 Report the status change events of the TPS protection board 2.1.6 Report the switchover events of the DPS protection group 2.2 Cross Connection Commands 2.2.1 Create the cross connection: cfg-add-xc 2.2.2 Delete the cross connection: cfg-del-xc

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2.2.3 Query the cross connection: cfg-get-xc 2.2.4 Query the actual high order cross connection: cfg-get-xcconnect 2.2.5 Query the high order cross connection route: cfg-get-connect 2.2.6 Cross connection query conditions: cfg-get-condxc 2.2.7 Query the cross connection low order services: cfg-get-bdlowxc 2.3 Linear Multiplex Section Commands 2.3.1 Create a linear MSP Group: cfg-add-lmspg 2.3.2 Delete a linear MSP group: cfg-del-lmspg 2.3.3 Query all the linear MSP groups: cfg-get-lmspg 2.3.4 Set the waiting time for the linear MSP group recovery: cfg-set-lmsattrib 2.3.5 Query the waiting time for the linear MSP group recovery: cfg-get-lmsattrib 2.3.6 Set the signal degrading flag for the protection group: cfg-set-lmssdflag 2.3.7 Query the degrading flag of the protection group: cfg-get-lmssdflag 2.3.8 Set the port mapping relationship of the linear MS protection unit: cfg-set-lmsbdmap 2.3.9 Query the port mapping relationship of the linear MS protection unit: cfg-get-lmsbdmap 2.3.10 Start the linear MS protocol controller: cfg-start-lms 2.3.11 Stop the linear MS protocol controller: cfg-stop-lms 2.3.12 Initiate the external switchover command of the linear MSP group: cfg-set-lmsswitch 2.3.13 Query the switchover status of the linear MS protection group: cfg-get-lmsstate 2.3.14 Query the switchover event logs of the Linear MS protection group: cfg-get-lmsevent 2.3.15 Clear the switchover event logs of the linear MS protection group: cfg-init-lmsevent 2.3.16 Set the switchover holdoff time of the linear MS protection group: cfg-set-lmsholdofftime 2.3.17 Query the switchover holdoff time of the linear MS protection group: cfg-get-lmsholdofftime 2.3.18 Set the k2 mode of the linear MS protection group: cfg-set-lmsk2mode 2.3.19 Query the k2 mode of the linear MS protection group: cfg-get-lmsk2mode 2.3.20 Set the priority of the linear MS SF and SD in the K bytes: cfg-set-lmsklevel 2.3.21 Query the priority of the linear MS SF and SD in the K bytes: cfg-get-lmsklevel 2.4 Ring Multiplex Section Commands 2.4.1 Create a Ring MS protection group: cfg-add-rmspg 2.4.2 Delete a Ring MS protection group: cfg-del-rmspg 2.4.3 Query all the MS Ring protection groups: cfg-get-rmspg 2.4.4 Set the attributes of the MS ring protection group: cfg-set-rmsattrib 2.4.5 Query the attributes of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmsattrib 2.4.6 Set the degrading flag of the MS ring protection group: cfg-set-rmssdflag 2.4.7 Query the degrading flag of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmssdflag 2.4.8 Set the port mapping relationship of the MS ring protection unit: cfg-set-rmsbdmap 2.4.9 Query the port mapping relationship of the MS ring protection unit: cfg-get-rmsbdmap 2.4.10 Start the MS ring protocol controller: cfg-start-rms 2.4.11 Stop the MS ring protocol controller: cfg-stop-rms 2.4.12 Initiate the external switchover command of the MS ring: cfg-set-rmsswitch 2.4.13 Query the switchover status of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmsstate 2.4.14 Query the event Logs of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmsevent 2.4.15 Initialize the event logs of the MS switchover process: cfg-init-rmsevent 2.4.16 Set the protocol type of the MS ring protection group: cfg-set-rmsprotocol 2.4.17 Query the protocol type of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get- rmsprotocol 2.4.18 Set the holdoff time for the MS ring switchover: cfg-set-rmsholdofftime 2.4.19 Query the holdoff time for the MS ring switchover: cfg-get-rmsholdofftime 2.4.20 Query the locking status of the MS ring: cfg-get-rmslock 2.4.21 Set the enabling flag of the MS ring service suppression: cfg-set-rmssquflag 2.4.22 Query the enabling flag of the MS ring service suppression: cfg-get-rmssquflag 2.4.23 Set the node configuration table for the whole MS ring: cfg-set-rmsnodemap 2.4.24 Query the node configuration table for the whole MS ring: cfg-get-rmsnodemap 2.4.25 Add the suppression service for the MS ring: cfg-add-rmsringmap 2.4.26 Query the suppression service of the MS ring: cfg-get-rmsringmap 2.4.27 Delete the suppression service of the MS ring: cfg-del-rmsringmap 2.4.28 Clear the suppression service of the MS ring: cfg-clear-rmsringmap 2.4.29 Query the service suppression status of the MS ring: cfg-get-rmssquflag 2.5 SNCP Commands 2.5.1 Add an SNCP group: cfg-add-sncppg 2.5.2 Delete an SNCP group: cfg-del-sncppg 2.5.3 Query all the SNCP groups: cfg-get-sncppg 2.5.4 Set the revert mode and waiting time for recovery for the SNCP group: cfg-set-sncppgpara 2.5.5 Query the revert mode and waiting time for recovery fot the SNCP group: cfg-get-sncppgpara

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2.5.6 Set the port mapping relationship for the SNCP unit: cfg-set-sncpbdmap 2.5.7 Query the port mapping relationship of the SNCP unit: cfg-get-sncpbdmap 2.5.8 Set the SNCP attributes: cfg-set-sncpattrib 2.5.9 Query the attributes of the SNCP unit: cfg-get-sncpattrib 2.5.10 Initiate the SNCP external switchover command: cfg-set-sncpswitch 2.5.11 Query the switchover status of the SNCP group: cfg-get-sncpstate 2.5.12 Query the SNC node information: cfg-get-sncinfo 2.5.13 Query the diversion of the SNC monitoring point: cfg-get-sncdivert 2.5.14 Enable reporting the SNCP switchover event: cfg-set-sncpreport 2.5.15 Query the enabling status of reporting the SNCP switchover event: cfg-get-sncpreport 2.5.16 Query the SNCP protection group with specified conditions: cfg-get-condsncp 2.5.17 Creat SNCP protection groups on the basis of common services: cfg-convert-xctosncp 2.5.18 Convert the SNCP group to the normal service: cfg-convert-sncptoxc 2.5.19 Add the SNCP protection packet: cfg-add-sncpbindpg 2.5.20 Query information about the protection group in the SNCP protection packet: cfg-get-sncpbindpg 2.5.21 Remove the protection group from the SNCP packet: cfg-remove-sncpbindpg 2.6 TPS Protection 2.6.1 Add a TPS protection group: cfg-add-tpspg 2.6.2 Delete a TPS protection group: cfg-del-tpspg 2.6.3 Query all the TPS protection groups: cfg-get-tpspg 2.6.4 Set the waiting time for recovery for the TPS protection group: cfg-set-tpswtrtime 2.6.5 Query the waiting time for recovery of the TPS protection group: cfg-get-tpswtrtime 2.6.6 Set the mapping relationship between the TPS protection unit and the board: cfg-set-tpsbdmap 2.6.7 Query the mapping relationship between the TPS protection unit and the board: cfg-get-tpsbdmap 2.6.8 Set the switchover priority for the TPS protection unit: cfg-set-tpspri 2.6.9 Query the switchover priority of the TPS protection unit: cfg-get-tpspri 2.6.10 Initiate the TPS external switchover command: cfg-set-tpsswitch 2.6.11 Query the switchover status of the TPS protection group: cfg-get-tpsstate 2.6.12 Query the locking status of the board inside the TPS protection group: cfg-get-tpslockstate 2.6.13 Start the TPS controller: cfg-start-tps 2.6.14 Stop the TPS controller: cfg-stop-tps 2.7 DPS Commands 2.7.1 Query information about the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpspg 2.7.2 Initiate the DPS external switchover command: cfg-set-dpsswitch 2.7.3 Query the switchover status of the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpsstate 2.7.4 Set the switchover revert mode for the DPS protection group: cfg-set-dpsrvtmode 2.7.5 Query the switchover revert mode of the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpsrvtmode 2.7.6 Query the switching times of the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpsswitchtimes 2.7.7 Clear the switching times record of the DPS protection group: cfg-clear-dpsswitchtimes

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference

Keyword: OSN3500&2500 Summary: OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference Abbreviation list: None. Reference list: None. Command

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Chapter 1 Equipment Management

1.1 Network Element (NE) Properties Management
1.1.1 Initialize all the configuration data of the SCC board: cfg-init-all.
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-init-all To clear all the configuration data stored on the SCC board. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-init-all Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. Input Parameters Output Format Example PrePrecautions No parameter. Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-init-all Note: Executing this command will clear all the configuration data stored on the SCC board, and the NE will enter the INSTALLING status. Please be cautious with this command.


1.1.2 Initialize all the configuration data of the NE: cfg-init-ne

Name Function Command Level Availabe to Version Input Format cfg-init-ne To clear the whole NE, including the configuration data stroed on the SCC board and all the service boards. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-init-ne Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. Input Parameters Output Format Example PrePrecautions No parameter. Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-init-ne; Note: Executing this command will clear all the configuration data stored on the SCC board and all the service boards, and the NE will enter the INSTALLING status. Please be cautious with this command.

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1.1.3 Set the device and subrack type: cfg-set-devicetype

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-devicetype To set the device and subrack type for the NE. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-devicetype:NeType,ShelfType Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example PrePrecautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value NeType: Means the device of the OptiX Osn3500 type; adopts the value OptiXOsn3500. ShelfTypes: Adopts the fixed value standard.

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-devicetype:OptiXOsn3500,standard;

1.1.4 Query the device and subrack type: cfg-get-devicetype

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-get-devicetype To query the device and subrack type of the NE. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-devicetype Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter. Return in the table format, with the the relevant fields as: Output Format NE-TYPE: the device type SHELF-TYPE: the subrack type

Input Format

Input Parameters

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Example :cfg-get-devicetype DEVICE-TYPE NE-TYPE SHELF-TYPE OptiXOsn3500 standard

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PrePrecautions Remarks

1.1.5 Set the NE name: cfg-set-nename

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-nename To set the NE name System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-nename: length,nename Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Length of the NE name: 64 bytes (fixed) NE name: A character string not more than 64 bytes. If the character string is oversized, cut at the 64th byte.

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example PrePrecautions Remarks

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-nename:64, OptiX OSN 3500

1.1.6 Query the NE name: cfg-get-nename

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-nename To query the NE name. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-nename Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter.

Input Format

Input Parameters

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Return in thetable format, with the relevant fields as: Output Format NE-NAME NENAME_LENGTH NE-NAME OptiX OSN 3500 Total records :1 :cfg-get-nename

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Example PrePrecautions Remarks

1.1.7 Set the NE position: cfg-set-neposition

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-neposition To set the NE position. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-neposition:neposition Number of parameters 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value NE position description: A character string not more than 32 characters. Use the space to fill in the string if it is less than 32 characters.

Input Format

Output Format Example PrePrecautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-neposition:"ShenZhen HuaWei"

1.1.8 Query the NE position: cfg-get-neposition

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-neposition To query the NE position. System monitoring User level 5.21.01

Input Format


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Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. Input Parameters Output Format No parameter. Return in thetext format, with the relevant field as: NE-POSITION : the NE position :cfg-get-neposition NE-POSITION : ShenZhen HuaWei

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Example PrePrecautions Remarks

1.1.9 Set the NE memo information: cfg-set-nememo

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-nememo To set the NE memo information. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-nememo:nememo; Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value NE memo information: A character string not more than 32 characters. Use space to fill in the string if it is less than 32 characters.

Input Format

Output Format Example Preautions Remarks

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-nememo:"This is OSN 3500 NE"

1.1.10 Query the NE memo information: cfg-get-nememo

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-nememo To query the NE memo information. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-nememo

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Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. Input Parameters Output Format No parameter. Return in thetext format, with the relevant field as: NE-MEMO: the NE memo information :cfg-get-nememo NE-MEMO : This is OSN 3500 NE

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Example Precautions Remarks

1.1.11 Query the NE running status: cfg-get-nestatus

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-nestatus Query the NE running status System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-nestatus Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter. Return in thetext format, with the relevant field as: NE-STATUS: the NE status :cfg-get-nestatus; NE-STATUS : install or :cfg-get-nestatus; NE-STATUS : running

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format


Precautions Remarks

1.1.12 Set the NE test switch status: cfg-set-test

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-test To set the status fo the NE test switch. System debugging Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-test

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Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks NE test switch status: open or close Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-test:open This is an internal command, used for debugging only.

1.1.13 Query the NE test switch status: cfg-get-test

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-test To query the status of the NE test switch. System debugging Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-test Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter. Return in thetext format, with the the relevant field as: NE-STATUS: the NE status :cfg-get-test TEST_SWITCH : open This is an internal command, used for debuggin only.

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

1.1.14 Set the NE service mode: cfg-set-servicemode

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-servicemode To set the NE service mode to the line mode (lucent mode) or the slot mode (HUAWEI mode). System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-servicemode:line or slot Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value Service mode: line: slot: lucent mode HUAWEI mode

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-servicemode:line

1.1.15 Query the NE service mode: cfg-get-servicemode

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-servicemode To query the NE service mode: the line mode (lucent mode) or the slot mode (HUAWEI mode). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-servicemode Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter.

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-get-servicemode SERVICE MODE : slot

1.1.16 Set the switch status of the NE configuration data consistency check: cfg-set-bdcheck
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-bdcheck To set switch status of the NE configuration data consistency check. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-bdcheck:flag Number of parameters 1; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Switch status: enable or disable Default: disable

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Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-bdcheck:enable

1.1.17 Query the switch status of the NE configuration data consistency check switch status: cfg-get-bdcheck
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-bdcheck To query the switch status of the NE configuration data consistency check. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bdcheck Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter.

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example Precautions Remarks


1.1.18 Set the period of the NE configuration data consistency check: cfg-set-bdchecktime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-bdchecktime To set the period of the NE configuration data consistency check. The check is performed on the configuration data of one service board each time. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-bdchecktime;time Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value Consistency check period: 5-30 minutes; Default: 10 minutes.

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-bdchecktime:20

1.1.19 Query the period of the NE configuration data consistency: cfg-get-bdchecktime

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-bdchecktime To query the period of the NE configuration data consistency chenck. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bdcheck Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter.

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example Precautions Remarks


1.1.20 Test command of the NE configuration data consistency check: cfg-test-bdcheck

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-test-bdcheck The test command of the NE configuration data consistency check. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-test-bdcheck:bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Input Parameters

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Bid Output Format Example Precautions Remarks ID of the board for consistency check

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Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-test-bdcheck:9

1.1.21 Configuration check: cfg-verify

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-verify To configure the check command. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-verify Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter. Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-verify

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

1.1.22 Set the switch status of the low service optimization: cfg-set-lxcoptmz
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-lxcoptmz To set the switch status of the low service optimization. System debugging Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lxcoptmz:enable or disable Input Format Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Parameter meaning and value Optimization switch status: enable or disable; Default: disable

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks The default status is disable. :cfg-set-lxcoptmz:enable

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1.1.23 Query the switch status of the low service optimization: cfg-get-lxcoptmz
Name Function Command Level Available to Version :cfg-get-lxcoptmz To query the switch status of the low service optimization. System debugging Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lxcoptmz Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter. Return in thetable format. Table heading: LOWXC OPTIMIZE FLAG :cfg-get-lxcoptmz Example Total records :1 Precautions Remarks

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format


1.2 Basic Board Configuration Commands

1.2.1 Install the board: cfg-add-board
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-add-board To install the logic board. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-board:Bid, BoardType Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 Input Parameters 2 Output Format Example

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Bid: 1~37 (27 and 28 are PIU s; manual installation unnecessary) and 60~67 BoardType: slots supporting these boards

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-add-board:5&6, ssn1sl16 1: The PIU(Power Interface Unit), FAN(Fan Board), AUX(Auxiliary Board) boards and the active SCC board are automatically installed; manual installation unnecessary. 2: The logic board ID is adopted during the board installation; it might be different from the physical slot ID. 3: The active SCC board is installed automatically; the standby SCC board can be installed manually or deleted.



1.2.2 Install all boards: cfg-add-allbd

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-add-allbd One-off installation of all boards. System debugging Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-allbd Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter. Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-add-allbd 1: The NE can execute this command only in the INSTALLING status. 2: This command does not process the automatically installed boards. 3: This command is used to install the logic board only, and the board is in the ADDING status; after this command. Use the cfg-verify command to verify manually the configuration, so as to activate the board. This command is used for development and testing; for internal use only.

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example



1.2.3 Delete the board: cfg-del-board

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-del-board To delete a board. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-del-board:Bid

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Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks The auto-installed boards cannot be deleted manually. Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1~37 (27 and 28 are PIU s; cannot be installed or deleted manually), 60~67

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-del-board:1&&3

1.2.4 Query the installed logic boards in the subrack: cfg-get-board

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-board To query the installed logic boards in the subrack. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-board Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter. Return in thetable format upon success: :cfg-get-board INSTALLED-BOARD Bid BD-TYPE ACTIVE-STATUS 18 nscc active 27 piu active 28 piu active 37 aux active 38 fan active 39 fan active 40 fan active :cfg-get-board

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

1.2.5 Query the type of the inserted physical board in the subrack: cfg-get-phybd
Name Function Command Level cfg-get-phybd To query the type of the inserted physical board in the subrack. System monitoring

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-phybd Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. No parameter.

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Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format

Return in thetable format upon success: :cfg-get-phybd PHY-BOARD Bid BD-TYPE 7 ssn1slq4 8 ssn1sl16 10 gxcsa 11 ssn1sl16 12 ssn1slq4 13 ssn1slq4 18 nscc 27 piu 37 aux 38 fan 39 fan 40 fan

Example Precautions Remarks


1.2.6 Reset a board: cfg-reset-board

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-reset-board To reset a board. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-reset-board:Bid, resetmode Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 Input Parameters 2 Bid: 1~18,37, 60~67 Resetmode: hard: hard reset mode soft: soft reset mode

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-reset-board:4&6, soft

1.2.7 Set the alarm threshold for the board temperature: cfg-set-bdtempth
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-bdtempth To set the alarm threshold for the board temperature. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-bdtempth:Bid, temphighgate, templowgate; Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: the board ID Upper threshold: 600700; unit: 0.1 degree centigrade; 0x7FFF means monitoring unnecessary. Default: 650 Lower threshold: 0100; unit: 0.1 degree centigrade; 0x7FFF means monitoring unnecessary. Default: 0

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-bdtempth:9,650,50 The upper threshold must be higher than the lower threshold. V100R001 supports setting temperature threshold for only the XCS board.

1.2.8 Query the alarm threshold of the board temperature: cfg-get-bdtempth

Name Function Command Level cfg-get-bdtempth To query the alarm threshold of the board temperature. System monitoring

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bdtempth:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Return in thet able format upon success: :cfg-get-bdtempth:10 BD-TEMP-TH TEMP-HIGH TEMP-LOW 650 0 :cfg-get-bdtempth:9 Bid: the board ID Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Output Format



Only the setting value is displayed when using this command to query the temperature; unit: 0.1 degree centigrade. V100R001 supports querying the temperature threshold of the XCS board only.


1.2.9 Query the board version information: cfg-get-bdversion

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-bdversion To query the board version information. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bdversion:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 1~18,37, 60~67 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Output Format

Return the following in the table format upon success: :cfg-get-bdversion:8 BOARD-VERSION Bid BD-TYPE RVER DVER HVER ONLINE-FLAG 8 ssn1sl16 0x02 0x0b 0x9044 online :cfg-get-bdversion:4&6

Example Precautions Remarks

1.2.10 Query the detail board version information: cfg-get-bdverinfo

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-bdverinfo To query the detail board version information. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bdverinfo:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 1~18,37, 60~67 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Return the following in the table format upon success: :cfg-get-bdverinfo:8 Output Format BOARD-VER-INFO BIOS Version : 2.21 Software Version : 2.11 Logic Version : (U17)200 :cfg-get-bdverinfo:4&6

Example Precautions Remarks

1.2.11 Set the board parameters: cfg-set-bddata

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-set-bddata To resend all the configuration data to the board. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-bddata:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Bid: 1~16(40G XCS)/17(80G XCS),37, 60~67 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-bddata:1&6&8 The SCC and the Ethernet board do not support this command; the board must be connected.

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.2.12 Save the board configuration data to the flash: cfg-backup-bdcfg
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-backup-bdcfg To save the board configuration data to the flash. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-backup-bdcfg:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Bid: 1~16(40G)/17(80G),37 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-backup-bdcfg:4

1.2.13 Clear the board configuration data in the flash: cfg-clear-bdcfg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-clear-bdcfg To clear the configuration data of the designated board in the flash. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-clear-bdcfg:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Bid: 1~16(40G)/17(80G),37 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-clear-bdcfg:4

1.2.14 Query the board configuration data backup: cfg-get-bdcfg file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-bdcfg To query the board configuration data backup. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bdcfg:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 :cfg-get-bdcfg:8 Output Format Bid: 1~16(40G)/17(80G),37 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

BDCFG-STATUS Bid BDCFG-FLAG TIME-INFO 8 yes 2004-11-5 17:27:9

Example Precautions Remarks


1.2.15 Set automatic clear: cfg-set-autoclear

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-autoclear To set the automatic clear of an operation. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-autoclear: AutoClearType, AutoClearStatus, AutoClearTime Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

1 Input Parameters 2

AutoClearType: portloop or au4loop

AutoClearStatus: disable or enable (default) AutoClearTime: 1~2880 minutes, 5 minutes by default Fill 0 minutes for AutoClearTime when AutoClearStatus is disable.

Output Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-autoclear:portloop,enable,5

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1.2.16 Query the automatic clear: cfg-get-autoclear

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-autoclear To query the automatic clear of a specified operation. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-autoclear:AutoClearType Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 AutoClearType: portloop or au4loop Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following in the table format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-autoclear:portloop AUTOCLEAR TYPE AUTOCLEAR AUTOCLEARTIME portloop enable 5 :cfg-get-autoclear:portloop

Example Precautions Remarks

1.2.17 Query the loop auto clear information of the Ethernet board: cfg-get-ethlooplist
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-ethlooplist To query the loop auto clear information of the Ethernet board, and to return the current Ethernet board information in the loop auto clear link list. System monitoring Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-ethlooplist:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value

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Bid (Ethernet board ID): 1~8,11~16(40G)/17(80G); support the parameter 0 (querying all the boards).

Return the following in the table format upon success: :cfg-get-ethlooplist:0; ETH-LOOP-LIST BID ACL_TYPE LOOP_TYPE 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 1 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 2 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 3 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 4 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 5 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 6 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 7 5 vc3loop vc3path 1 8

Output Format

PORT PATH OVERTIME 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Example Precautions Remarks


1.2.18 Query the board working status: cfg-get-workstat

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-workstat To query the working status of a board. System monitoring Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-workstat:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 1~18, 37 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following in the table format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-workstat:8 BD-WORK-STATUS BID WORK-STAT 8 working

Example Precautions Remarks


1.2.19 Set the FAN running mode: cfg-set-fanmode

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-fanmode To set the FAN running mode. System operation Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-fanmode:FanMode Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

FanMode: auto: The FAN adjusts the speed automatically according to the entironment temperature. manu: The FAN runs in the manually-set speed.

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-fanmode:manu

1.2.20 Query the FAN running mode: cfg-get-fanmode

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-fanmode To query the FAN running mode. System monitoring Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-fanmode Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

Input Parameters

No parameter.

Return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-fanmode FAN-MODE : auto :cfg-get-fanmode

Example Precautions Remarks

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.2.21 Set the FAN speed: cfg-set-fanspeed
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-fanspeed To set the FAN speed. System operation Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-fanspeed:FanSpeed Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value FanSpeed: the FAN speed: high: full speed mid: middle speed low: low speed stop: stop

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Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-fanspeed:mid This command is effective only when the FAN mode is manu.

1.2.22 Query the manually-set FAN speed: cfg-get-fanspeed

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-fanspeed To query the manually-set FAN speed; not the current FAN speed. System monitoring Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-fanspeed Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

Input Parameters

No parameter.

Return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-fanspeed FAN-SPEED : high :cfg-get-fanspeed


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Precautions Remarks

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This command can only query the manually-set instead of the current FAN speed. Use the cfg-get-fanspeed command to query the current FAN speed.

1.2.23 Query the current FAN information: cfg-get-fancurinfo

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-fancurinfo To query the current FAN information. System monitoring Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-fancurinfo Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

Input Parameters

No parameter.

Return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-fancurinfo Output Format Online online online online Total records :3 :cfg-get-fancurinfo The current FAN information includes the FAN status, alarm status and the current speed. FAN-CUR-INFO AlmStat CurSpeed 0 high 0 high 0 high

Example Precautions Remarks

1.3 Common Configuration Commands for Service Boards

1.3.1 Set the AIS inserting status of the alarm event: cfg-set-alm2ais
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-alm2ais To set whether the alarm event inserts AIS. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-alm2ais:Bid, Pid, AlmEid, Flag

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Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

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Input Parameters

AlmEid: roof,hptim,hpslm,hpuneq,hplom,b1exc,b1sd,b2exc,b2sd,b3exc,b3sd, lptim,lpuneq,lpslm,bipexc; Flag: disable or enable Default: disable

4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-alm2ais:6&8,1, msais&msrdi,enable This command applies to the line board, tributary board and the Ethernet board.

1.3.2 Query the AIS inserting status of the alarm event: cfg-get-alm2ais
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-alm2ais To query whether the alarm event inserts the AIS. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-alm2ais:Bid, Pid, AlmEid Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AlmEid: roof,hptim,hpslm,hpuneq,hplom,b1exc,b1sd,b2exc,b2sd,b3exc,b3sd, lptim,lpuneq,lpslm,bipexc;

Input Format

Return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-alm2ais:8,1,auais&aulop ALM2AIS-STATUS Bid Pid ALARM-EID AIS-ENABLE 8 1 auais enable :cfg-get-alm2ais:8,1,auais&msrdi This command applies to the line board, tributary board and Ethernet board.

Example Precautions Remarks

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.3.3 Set the transmission switch of the overhead byte: cfg-set-tohenable
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tohenable To enable/disable setting the transmission switch of the overhead bytel. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tohenable:Bid, Flag Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Flag: disable or enable Default: disable

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-tohenable:1&2,disable This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected. This command applies currently only to the tributary board; the line board does not support the transmission configuration of the overhead byte.

1.3.4 Query the transmission switch of the overhead byte: cfg-get-tohenable

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tohenable To query the transmission switch status of the overhead byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tohenable:Bid Number of parameters: 1; repetitive prameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS)

Input Format

Input Parameters

Return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-tohenable:2 TOH-ENABLE-STATUS Bid TOH-ENABLE 2 disable

Total records :1

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-tohenable:6 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected.

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This command applies currently only to the tributary board; the line board does not support the transmission configuration of the overhead byte.

1.3.5 Set the port loop mode: cfg-set-loop

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-loop To set the port loop mode of the optical, electrical and tributary port. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-loop:Bid, Pid, loopmode Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) loopmode: loopin,loopout or noloop Default: noloop

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-loop:6&8,1,loopin This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected.

1.3.6 Query the port loop mode: cfg-get-loop

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-loop To query the port loop mode. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-loop:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 Input Parameters 2 Output Format

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return in the table format upon success, with the relevant fields as: Bid, Pid and LOOP-MODE :cfg-get-loop:4,1

Example Total records :1 Precautions Remarks

LOOP-STATUS Bid Pid LOOP-MODE 4 1 noloop

This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected.

1.4 Commands for Configuring Line Board Properties

1.4.1 Set vc4 path loopback: cfg-set-vc4loop
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vc4loop To set vc4 path loopback. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vc4loop:Bid, Pid, AU4Id ,loopmode Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) loopmode: loopin or loopout or noloop Default: noloop

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-vc4loop:6&8,1,1,loopin This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected. The N2-series boards do not support VC4 loopback because of the chip defect.

1.4.2 Query the vc4 path loop mode: cfg-get-vc4loop

Name cfg-get- vc4loop

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Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format To query the vc4 path loop mode. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get- vc4loop:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-vc4loop:11,1,1 PATHLOOP-STATUS Bid Pid AU4Id LOOP-MODE 11 1 1 noloop Total records :1 :cfg-get- vc4loop:4,1,1 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected. The N2-series boards do not support VC4 loopback because of the chip defect.

Example Precautions Remarks

1.4.3 Set the laser switch status: cfg-set-laser

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-laser To set the status of the laser switch (The system defaults it as open). System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-laser:Bid, Pid, status Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X is according to the board type.) Status:open or close Default: open

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-laser:6&&8,1,close This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected.

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1.4.4 Query the laser switch status: cfg-get-laser

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-laser To query the status of the laser switch. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-laser:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-laser:11,1; Output Format Total records :1 LASER-SWITCH-STATUS Bid Pid LASER-STATUS 11 1 open

Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-get-laser:6&&8,1 This command is effective to the optical board only. This command is delivered directly to the board, therefore the board must be connected.

1.4.5 Set the ALS: cfg-set-als

Name cfg-set-als To set ALS. A technique (procedure) to automatically shutdown the output power of laser transmitters and optical amplifiers to avoid exposure to hazardous levels. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-als:Bid, Pid, Flag


Command Level Available to Version

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Input Format Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Flag:disable or enable Default: enable

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-als:6&&8,1,enable This command applies to the optical service processing board and the optical amplifier board. ALS(automatic laser shutdown, ITU-T G.664)

1.4.6 Query the ALS status: cfg-get-als

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-als To query the ALS status. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-als:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-als:6,1; ALS-STATUS Bid Pid ALS-ENABLE 6 1 disable

Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-get-als:6&&8,1&&2; This command applies to the optical board only.

1.4.7 Set the ALS time parameter: cfg-set-alstime

Name cfg-set-alstime

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Function Command Level Available to Version To set the ALS time parameter. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-alstime:Bid, Pid, opentime, closetime, testtime Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 4 5 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) opentime: 0-65535; unit: 10ms; default: 200 (2s) closetime: 0-65535; unit: 10ms; default: 6000 (60s) testtime: 0-65535; unit: 10ms; default: 9000 (90s)

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-alstime:6,1&2,200,6000,9000 This command applies to the optical board only.

1.4.8 Query the ALS time parameter: cfg-get-alstime

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-alstime To query the ALS time parameter. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-alstime:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success:




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Bid Pid OPEN-TIME CLOSE-TIME TEST-TIME 6 1 200 6000 9000 Total records :1 Precautions Remarks This command applies to the optical board only. The set value (unit: 10ms) is obtained through query using the command line.

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1.4.9 Laser ALS constantly in the testing status: cfg-test-als

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-test-als The laser ALS is constantly in the testing tatus. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-test-als:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-test-als:6,1&2 This command applies to the optical board only. This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected. Set the time for the constant testing status of the laser LAS in the time parameter setting; defaulted as 90s.



1.4.10 Set the thresholding-crossing and the degraded threshold of B1B2B3: cfg-set-b1b2b3th
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-b1b2b3th To set the threshold-crossing and the degraded threshold of the B1B2B3 error. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-b1b2b3th:Bid, Pid, th-type, exec_th, sd_th Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 2

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) th-type: b1th (B1 threshold) or b2th (B2 threshold) or b3th (B3 threshold) or b3iec(B3-IEC threshold) exec_th: 1 (1.0E-9) or 2 (1.0E-8) or 3 (1.0E-7) or 4 (1.0E-6) or 5 (1.0E-5) or 6 (1.0E-4) or 7 (1.0E-3) Default: 7 Sd_th: 1 (1.0E-9) or 2 (1.0E-8) or 3 (1.0E-7) or 4 (1.0E-6) or 5 (1.0E-5) or 6 (1.0E-4) or 7 (1.0E-3) Default: 4

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-b1b2b3th:6&&8,1&2,b1th,7,4 The threshold-crossing must be higher than the degraded threshold. According to the ITU-TG.783 recommendation, the detection start and end time vary according to the threshold of the inserted error. Generally, every lower level has a ten times increase in the time. Take the default situation for example: Insert the b1 error at the rate of 1E-4, and the b1sd alarm terminates the time the insertion is completed. If setting the threshold of b1over to 1E-5 and that of b1sd to 1E-7, insert the b1 error at the rate of 1E-4, and the b1over alarm terminates the time the insertion is completed. However, the b1sd alarm will be generated successively, which will last around 10s.


1.4.11 Query the threshold-crossing and the degraded threshold of B1B2B3: cfg-get-b1b2b3th
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-b1b2b3th To query the threshold-crossing and the degraded threshold of the B1B2B3 error. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-b1b2b3th:Bid, Pid, th-type Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

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2 Input Parameters 3

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) th-type: b1th (B1 threshold) or b2th (B2 threshold) or b3th (B3 threshold) or b3iec(B3-IEC threshold)

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-b1b2b3th:6,1,b1th; B1B2B3-TH Bid Pid TH-TYPE EXEC-TH SD-TH 6 1 b1th 7 4 Total records :1 :cfg-get-b1b2b3th:6&&8,1&2,b1th

Example Precautions Remarks

1.4.12 Set the to-be-sent J0 bytes: cfg-set-stj0

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stj0 To set the to-be-sent J0 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stj0:Bid, Pid, J0mode, J0value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) J0mode: Input Parameters 3 Value Meaning 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J0 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode Default: 1 4 Output Format Example J0 (Value: a character string not more than 16 bytes). Default: HuaWei SBS

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stj0:6&&8,1&2,1," HuaWei SBS "

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Precautions Remarks This command applies to LU boards only. Defaut: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end)

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1.4.13 Query the to-be-sent J0 bytes: cfg-get-stj0

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stj0 To query the to-be-sent J0 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stj0:Bid, Pid Number of parameters 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-stj0:6,1; STJ0 Bid Pid J0MODE J0VALUE 6 1 1 HuaWei SBS Total records :1

Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-get-stj0:6&&8,1&2 This command applies to LU boards only.

1.4.14 Set the receivable J0 bytes: cfg-set-srj0

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-srj0 To set the receivable J0 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-srj0:Bid, Pid, J0mode, J0value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 2

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) J0mode: Value Meaning: 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J0 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode Default value: 1 J0value: a character string not more than 16 bytes Default: HuaWei SBS

Input Parameters

4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-srj0:6&&8,1&2,1," HuaWei SBS "

This command applies to LU boards only. Default value: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end).

1.4.15 Query the receivable J0 bytes: cfg-get-srj0

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-srj0 To query the receivable J0 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srj0:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; receivable parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-srj0:6&&8,1&2 This command applies to LU boards only.

1.4.16 Query the received J0 bytes: cfg-get-rj0

Name cfg-get-rj0

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Function Command Level Available to Version To query the received J0 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rj0:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rj0:6&&8,1&2 This command applies to the in-position LU boards only.

1.4.17 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-set-stj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stj1 To set the to-be-sent J1 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stj1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, J1mode, J1value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Input Parameters 4 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) J1mode: 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J1 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Default value: 1 J1value: If the j1 protocol mode adoapts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string

Input Format

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not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Output Format Example

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stj1:6&&8,1,1&&16,1," HuaWei SBS "


When the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, the j1 character string can be more than 16 bytes. However, only the first 16 bytes are valid. Default: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end) The to-be sent J1 string can be set for the VC12 service. In terms of the VC3 service, the lower oder sevice can be set while the higher order service cannot.


1.4.18 Query the to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-get-stj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stj1 To query the to-be-sent J1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stj1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-srj1:6&&8,1,1&&16

1.4.19 Set the receivable J1 byets:cfg-set-srj1

Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-set-srj1 To set the receivable J1 byets. System maintenance User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-set-srj1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, J1mode, J1value Number parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) J1mode: 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J1 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Default: 1 J1value: If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-srj1:6&&8,1,1&&16,1," HuaWei SBS "

1.4.20 Query the receivable J0 bytes: cfg-get-srj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-srj1 To query the receivable J1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srj1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-srj1:6&&8,1,1&&16

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1.4.21 Query the received J1 bytes: cfg-get-rj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rj1 To query the received J1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srj1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rj1:6&&8,1,1&&16 This command appies to the in-position line board only.

1.4.22 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-stj1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stj1ex To set the to-be-sent J1 bytes (support AU3). System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stj1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id, J1mode, J1value Number of parameters: 6; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 2 3 4

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 1-3 J1mode: 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J1 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Default: 1 J1value: If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stj1ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1,1," HuaWei SBS "

1.4.23 Query the to-be-sent J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-stj1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stj1ex To query the to-be-sent J1 bytes (supportAU3). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stj1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-stj1ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1

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Precautions Remarks

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1.4.24 Set the receivable J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-srj1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-srj1ex To set the to-be-received J1 bytes (support AU3). System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-srj1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id, J1mode, J1value Number of parameters: 6; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 4 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 1-3 J1mode: Value Meaning 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J1 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Default: 1 J1value: If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Input Format

Input Parameters 5

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-srj1ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1,1," HuaWei SBS "

1.4.25 Query the receivable J1 bytes (suppot AU3): cfg-get-srj1ex

Name Function cfg-get-srj1ex To query the receivable J1 bytes (support AU3).

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Command Level Available to Version System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srj1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-srj1ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1

1.4.26 Query the received J1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-rj1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rj1ex To query the received J1 bytes (support AU3). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srj1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 1-3

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rj1ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1 This command applies to the in-position line board.

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1.4.27 Set the monitoring status of the pass-through J1/C2 byte: cfg-set-j1c2monitor
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-j1c2monitor To set the monitoring status of the pass-through J1/C2 byte. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-j1c2monitor:Bid, Pid, Flag Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Flag: 3

Input Format

disable (not monitor) enable (monitor) Default: disable

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-j1c2monitor:1&2,1&&4,enable

1.4.28 Query the monitoring status of the pass-through J1/C2 byte: cfg-get-j1c2monitor
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-j1c2monitor To query the monitoring status of the pass-through J1/C2 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-j1c2monitor:Bid, Pid Number of parameters 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-j1c2monitor:1&2,1&&4

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1.4.29 Set the to-be-sent C2 byte: cfg-set-stc2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stc2 To set the to-be-sent C2 byte. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stc2:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, C2value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) C2value: Value Meaning uneq singal uneuipped unsp non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s singnals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C--4 atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping fddi FDDI ppp PPP synsdl Simple data link mapping of the SDH selfsynchronizing scrambler laps LAPS setsdl Set and reset the simple data link mapping of the scrambler enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp Changeable topological data connection mapping resv Reserved resvn1 Reseerved for the national use resvn2 Reseerved for the national use test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for serial connection only) Default: tugs

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-stc2:6&&8,1,1&&16,tugs

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1.4.30 Query the to-be-sent c2 byte: cfg-get-stc2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stc2 To query the to-be-sent c2 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stc2:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-stc2:6&&8,1,1&&16

1.4.31 Set the receivable C2 byte: cfg-set-src2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-src2 To set the receivable C2 byte. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-src2:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, C2value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

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2 3

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) C2value: Value Meaning uneq Signal unequipped unsp Non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s signals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C-4 atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping fddi FDDI ppp HDLC/PPP signal mapping resvn3 Reserved laps HDLC/LAPS signal mapping resvn4 Reserved enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp GFP mapping resv Reserved resv1 Reserved for the national use resv2 Reserved for the national use test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for serial connection only) Default: tugs

Input Parameters 4

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-src2:6&&8,1,1&&16,tugs

1.4.32 Query the receivable C2 byte: cfg-get-src2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-src2 To query the receivable C2 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-src2:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-src2:6&&8,1,1&&16

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1.4.33 Query the received C2 byte: cfg-get-rc2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rc2 To query the received C2 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rc2:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rc2:6&&8,1,1&&16 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected.

1.4.34 Set the to-be-sent C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-set-stc2ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stc2ex To set the to-be-sent C2 byte (support AU3). System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stc2ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id, C2value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 2 3 4

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 1-3 C2value: Value Meaning uneq Sinal unequipped unsp Non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s signals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C--4 atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping fddi FDDI ppp HDLC/PPP signal mapping resvn3 Reserved laps HDLC/LAPS signal mapping resvn4 Reserved enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp GFP mapping resv Reserved resv1 Reserved for the national use resv2 Reserved for the national use test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for the serial connection only) Default: tugs

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stc2ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1,tugs

1.4.35 Query the to-be-sent C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-get-stc2ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stc2ex To query the to-be-sent C2 byte (support AU3). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stc2ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

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2 Input Parameters 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-stc2ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1

1.4.36 Set the receivable C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-set-src2ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-src2ex To set the receivable C2 byte (support AU3). System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-src2ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id, C2value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 4 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 1-3 C2value: Value Meaning uneq Sinal unequipped unsp Non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s signals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C--4 atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping fddi FDDI ppp HDLC/PPP signal mapping resvn3 Reserved laps HDLC/LAPS signal mapping resvn4 Reserved enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp GFP mapping resv Reserved resv1 Reserved for the national use resv2 Reserved for the national use

Input Format

Input Parameters

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test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for the serial connection only) Default: tugs Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-src2ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1,tugs

1.4.37 Query the receivable C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-get-src2ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-src2ex To query the receivable C2 byte (support AU3). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-src2ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-src2ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1 Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3

Input Format

1.4.38 Query the received C2 byte (support AU3): cfg-get-rc2ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rc2ex To query the received C2 byte (support AU3). System monitoring User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-get-rc2ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rc2ex:6&&8,1,1&&16,1 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be connected.

1.4.39 Set the status of B2EXC and MSAIS (as the clock source switchover condition): cfg-setalm2clksw
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-alm2clksw To set the status of B2EXC and MSAIS (as the clock source switchover condition). System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-alm2clksw:Bid, Pid, AlmEid, Flag Nubmer of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AlmEid: msais b2exc

Input Format

(Multi-Section Alarm Insert Signal)

Flag: disable enable Default: disable

Output Format Example Precautions

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. cfg-set-alm2clksw :1&2,1&&4,b2exc&msais,enable

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1.4.40 Query the status of B2EXC and MSAIS (as the clock source switchover condition): cfg-getalm2clksw
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-alm2clksw To query the status of B2EXC and MSAIS (as the clock source switchover condition). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-alm2clksw :Bid, Pid, AlmEid Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AlmEid: msais b2exc

Input Format

(Multi-Section Alarm Insert Signal)

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-alm2clksw :1&2,1&&4,b2exc&msais

1.4.41 Set the to-be-sent N1 bytes: cfg-set-stn1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stn1 To set the to-be-sent N1 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stn1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, N1mode, N1value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

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AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) N1mode: Value Meaning 0 CRC verification mode (The bit7 of the first byte in theN1 byte sequence is 1, and the bit7 of other bytes is 0.) 1 CRC verification mode (Adopt forcibly CRC verification to generate the first byte.) Default: 1

Input Parameters

5 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

N1value: a character string not more than 16 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stn1:1&2,1,1&&16,1," HuaWei SBS "

1.4.42 Query the to-be-sent N1 bytes: cfg-get-stn1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stn1 To query the to-be-sent N1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stn1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-stn1:1&2,1,1&&16

1.4.43 Set the receivable N1 bytes: cfg-set-srn1

Name cfg-set-srn1

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Function Command Level Available to Version To set the receivable N1 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-srn1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, N1mode, N1value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) N1mode: Value Meaning 0 CRC verification mode (The bit7 of the first byte in theN1 byte sequence is 1, and the bit7 of other bytes is 0.) 1 CRC verification mode (Adopt forcibly CRC verification to generate the first byte.) Default: 1

5 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

N1value: a character string not more than 16 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-srn1:1&2,1,1&&16,1," HuaWei SBS "

1.4.44 Query the receivable N1 bytes: cfg-get-srn1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-srn1 To query the receivable N1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srn1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

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2 Input Parameters 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-srn1:1&2,1,1&&16

1.4.45 Query the received N1 bytes: cfg-get-rn1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rn1 To query the received N1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rn1:Bid, Pid, AU4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rn1:1&2,1,1&&16

1.4.46 Set the to-be-sent N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-stn1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-stn1ex To set the to-be-sent N1 bytes (support AU3). System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stnex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id, N1mode, N1value

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Number of parameters: 6; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 3 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3 N1mode: Value Meaning 0 CRC verification mode (The bit7 of the first byte in theN1 byte sequence is 1, and the bit7 of other bytes is 0.) 1 CRC verification mode (Adopt forcibly CRC verification to generate the first byte.) Default: 1

6 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

N1value: a character string not more than 16 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stn1ex:1&2,1,1&&16,1,1," HuaWei SBS "

1.4.47 Query the to-be-sent N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-stn1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stn1ex To query the to-be-sent N1 bytes (support AU3). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stn1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-stn1ex:1&2,1,1&&16,1,1

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1.4.48 Set the receivable N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-set-srn1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-srn1ex To set the receivable N1 bytes (support AU3). System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-srn1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id, N1mode, N1value Number of parameters: 6; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 4 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 1-3 N1mode: Value Meaning 0 CRC verification mode (The bit7 of the first byte in theN1 byte sequence is 1, and the bit7 of other bytes is 0.) 1 CRC verification mode (Adopt forcibly CRC verification to generate the first byte.) Default: 1 6 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks N1value: a character string not more than 16 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-srn1ex:1&2,1,1&&16,1,1," HuaWei SBS "

1.4.49 Query the receivable N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-srn1ex

Name Function cfg-get-srn1ex To query the receivable N1 bytes (support AU3).

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Command Level Available to Version System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srn1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 0-3

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-srn1ex:1&2,1,1&&16,1

1.4.50 Query the received N1 bytes (support AU3): cfg-get-rn1ex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rn1ex To query the received N1 bytes (support AU3). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rn1ex:Bid, Pid, AU4Id, AU3Id Number of parameters 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) AU3Id: 1-3

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rn1ex:1&2,1,1&&16,1

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1.4.51 Set the overhead extraction function: cfg-set-rohdrop

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-rohdrop To set the overhead extraction function. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rohdrop: Bid, Pid, RohdropNum, Rohdroppos, muldepth Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) RohdroppNum: 0~4 (0 stands for no extraction; the followed parameters are invalid.) Rohdroppos: Location of the Y(1-4) overhead. The high 4bit stands for the row number of the overhead in the SDH frame (1~9), and the low 4bit for the line number of the extraction in the SDH frame (1~9). muldepth: Multiplex depth of the Y overhead (Value range: 1-N; N stands for the optical interface rate STM-N; the max N is 64.)

Input Format


2*(Y+1)+1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. cfg-set-rohdrop

1.4.52 Query the overhead extraction function: cfg-get-rohdrop

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rohdrop Query the overhead extraction function. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 cfg-get-rohdrop:Bid,Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-rohdrop:6,1

1.4.53 Set the status of TCM: cfg-set-tcm

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tcm To set the status of TCM. System operation User level 5.21.01 cfg-set-tcm:Bid,Pid,Au4Id,N1Pos,Flag Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 4 5 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) N1Pos: sourcedest(destination) Flag: disable, enable Default: disable

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-tcm:1&2,1&&4,1&2,source,enable Only the N2-series boards support TCM. TCM (abbr. Tandem Connection Monitoring)

1.4.54 Query the status of TCM: cfg-get-tcm

Name Function Command Level cfg-get-tcm To query the status of TCM. System monitor

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 cfg-get-tcm:Bid,Pid,Au4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Output Format

:cfg-get-tcm:8,1,1 TCACTIVITY Bid Pid AU4ID SrcEnable DstEnable 8 1 1 enable disable :cfg-get-tcm:8,1,0 Only the N2-series boards support TCM. TCM (abbr. Tandem Connection Monitoring)

Example Precautions Remarks

1.4.55 Set the status of TCM (support AU3): cfg-set-tcmex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tcmex To set the status of TCM (support AU3). System monitor User level 5.21.01 cfg-set-tcmex:Bid,Pid,Au4Id,Au3Id,N1Pos,Flag Number of parameters: 6; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 4 5 6 Output Format Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au3Id: 1-3 N1Pos: sourcedest (destination) Flag: disable, enable Default: disable

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-tcmex:1&2,1&&4,1&2,1,source,enable Only the N2-series boards support TCM. TCM (abbr. Tandem Connection Monitoring)

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1.4.56 Query the status of TCM (support AU3): cfg-get-tcmex

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tcmex To query the status of TCM (support AU3). System monitor User level 5.21.01 cfg-get-tcm:Bid,Pid,Au4Id,Au3Id Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au3Id: 0-X TCACTIVITYEX Bid Pid AU4ID AU3ID SrcEnable DstEnable 8 1 1 1 enable disable

Input Format

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-get-tcm:8,1,1,1 Only the N2-series boards support TCM.

1.4.57 Set the AIS inserting status of TCM alarm event: cfg-set-tcalm2ais
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tcalm2ais To set the AIS inserting status of the TCM alarm event. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tcalm2ais:Bid, Pid, Au4Id, Flag Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks.

Input Format

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Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Flag: disable or enable Default: enable

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-tcalm2ais:1&2,1&&4,1&4, enable

1.4.58 Query the AIS inserting status of TCM alarm event: cfg-get-tcalm2ais
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tcalm2ais To query the AIS inserting status of the TCM alarm event. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tcalm2ais:Bid, Pid, Au4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-tcalm2ais:1&2,1&&4,1&4

1.4.59 Set the hardware REG: cfg-set-hardreg

Name Function Command Level cfg-set-hardreg To set the hardware REG. System operation

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-hardreg:Bid, Pid, hardreg Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) hardreg : Enable Disable

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-hardreg:6,1,enable This command applies to the 10G/2.5G SDH line board.

1.4.60 Query the hardware REG permission status: cfg-get-hardreg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-hardreg To query the hardware REG permission status. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-hardreg:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-hardreg:6,1

1.4.61 Set the VC4 mode: cfg-set-vc4mode

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vc4mode To set the VC4 mode. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vc4mode:Bid, Pid, Au4Id, vc4mode Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) vc4mode: term (terminal) pass (pass) auto (automatic) default value:auto

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-vc4mode: 4,1,1,term

1.4.62 Query the VC4 mode: cfg-get-vc4mode

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vc4mode To query the VC4 mode. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vc4mode:Bid, Pid, Au4Id Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Au4Id: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16 (40G XCS); 1-8, 11-17 (80G XCS)

Input Format

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-vc4mode:4,1,1

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1.5 Commands for Configuring Tributary board Properties

1.5.1 Set BIP threshold for the path bit error: cfg-set-bipth
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-bipth To set BIP threshold for the path bit error. This command is applicable to the tributary boards and Ethernet boards. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-bipth:Bid, Pid, th-type,over-th,sd-th Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) th-type (Threshold types): vc3b3th bip2th over-th (see Remarks): 2-7 (for VC3B3) 3-7(for BIP2) Default: 71.0E-3 sd-th (see Remarks): 1-6 (for VC3B3) 2-6(for BIP2) Default: 4 1.0E-6

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-bipth:4,1&2,bip2th,6,3 The OVER threshold must be higher than the SD threshold. Threshold level for the bit error: 1>1.0E-9 2>1.0E-8 3>1.0E-7 4>1.0E-6 5>1.0E-5 6>1.0E-4 7>1.0E-3


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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.5.2 Query the BIP threshold for the path bit error: cfg-get-bipth
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-bipth To query the BIP threshold for the bit error. This command is applicable to the tributary boards and Ethernet boards. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bipth:Bid, Pid, th-type Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

Page 80 of 243

Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) th-type (threshold type): vc3b3th bip2th Parameter meaning and value BID (Board id) PATHID (Path id) TYPE (Threshold type) OVER (OVER threshold ) SD (SD threshold)

Parameter location 1 2 Output Format 3 4 5 :cfg-get-bipth:4,1,bip2 PATH BIP THRESHOLD BID PATHID TYPE OVER SD 4 1 bip2th 6 3


Precautions Remarks

1.5.3 Path bit error test: cfg-set-bittest

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-bittest To test the path bit error. System maintenance User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-set-bittest:Bid, Pid, action, dir,mode,time Number of parameters: 6; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Action: 0 (stop) , 1 (start) dir (Test Direction): 1 (corss direction) 2 (TU / LIU direction) mode (Test Mode): 1 (Short time test: report the test result every second) 2 (Long time test: report the test result every minute) time (Test Time): 0-255(Unit: second for the short time test; 10 minutes for the long time test)

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-bittest:4,1,0,1,1,5 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be in position.

1.5.4 Set the UNEQ inserting status in the case of LOS or path not in use: cfg-set-almuneq
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-almuneq To set the UNEQ inserting status in the case of LOS or path not in use. This command is applicable to the tributary boards and Ethernet boards. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-almuneq:Bid, Pid, Eid, Flag Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2~5, 13~16 Pid: 1-16 (for TU boards), 1-8 (for Ethernet boards) Eid: Value Meaning talos 2M analog signal lost (caused by cases like loose cable) pnouse path not in use rlos Received singal lost (for Ethernet boards)

Input Format

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4 flag: Value Meaning disable (not insert UNEQ) enable (insert UNEQ) Default: disable

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-almuneq:11,5,pnouse,enable Set that Path 5 of Slot 11 is not in use, and insert LP_UNEQ into the path.

1.5.5 Query the UNEQ inserting status in the case of LOS or path not in use: cfg-get-almuneq
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-almuneq To query the UNEQ inserting status in the case of LOS or path not in use. This command is applicable to the TU boards and Ethernet boards. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-almuneq:Bid, Pid, Eid Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 569-1215-1821-24 (for TU boards) 569-12 (for Ethernet boards) Pid: 1-16 (for TU boards) 1-8 (for Ethernet boards) Eid: Value Meaning talos 2M analog signal lost (caused by cases like loose cable) pnouse path not in use rlos Received singal lost (for Ethernet boards) Parameter meaning and value BID (Board id) PATHID (Path id) ALM FALG (Inserted flag): Value Meaning disable (not insert UNEQ) enable (insert UNEQ)

Input Format

Parameter location 1 2 Output Format 3


:cfg-get-almuneq:10,1,pnouse TU-INS-UNEQ BID PATHID ALM FLAG 10 1 pnouse enable

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Precautions Remarks V1.0R002 supports the Ethernet network.

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1.5.6 Query the impedance of the path cable: cfg-get-e1eq

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-e1eq To query the impedance of the path cable. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-e1eq:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Output Format

:cfg-get-e1eq:4,1 TU E1EQ BID PATHID E1EQ 4 1 75ohm

Example Precautions Remarks


1.5.7 Set the to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-set-stj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stj2 To set the to-be-sent J2 bytes. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stj2:Bid, Pid, tj2 Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks.

Input Format

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Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) tj2: default value: " HuaWei SBS "

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stj2:4,1&&2" HuaWei SBS " Default: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end) The board software determines that the bit7 of the first byte of J2 is 1; the bit7 of the last 15 bytes of J2 should not be 1.



1.5.8 Query the to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-get-stj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stj2 To query the to-be-sent J2 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stj2:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

:cfg-get-stj2:2,1 Output Format Total records :1

TU-STJ2 Bid Pid J2VALUE 2 1 HuaWei SBS

Example Precautions Remarks


1.5.9 Set the receivable J2 bytes: cfg-set-srj2

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-srj2 To set the receivable J2 bytes. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-srj2:Bid, Pid, rj2 Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks.. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

Page 85 of 243

Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) rj2: receivable J2 bytes; default value: " HuaWei SBS "

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-srj2:4,1&&4" HuaWei SBS " Default: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end) The board software determines that the bit7 of the first byte of J2 is 1; the bit7 of the last 15 bytes of J2 should not be 1.



1.5.10 Query the receivable J2 bytes: cfg-get-srj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-srj2 To query the receivable J2 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srj2:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 :cfg-get-srj2:2,1 Output Format Total records :1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

TU-SRJ2 Bid Pid J2VALUE 2 1 HuaWei SBS

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-srj2:2,1

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1.5.11 Query the received J2 bytes: cfg-get-rj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rj2 To query the received J2 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rj2:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks


1.5.12 Set the to-be-sent V5 byte: cfg-set-stv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-stv5 To set the to-be-sent V5 byte. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-stv5:Bid, Pid, Stv5 Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

Input Format

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2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) V5

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-stv5:4,1&&40x04

1.5.13 Query the to-be-sent V5 byte: cfg-get-stv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stv5 To query the to-be-sent V5 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stv5:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter location 1 Output Format 2 3 Example Precautions Remarks Pid V5 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid

Input Format

1.5.14 Set the receivable V5 byte: cfg-set-srv5

Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-set-srv5 To set the receivable V5 byte. System operation User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-set-srv5:Bid, Pid, Srv5 Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

Page 88 of 243

Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) V5

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-srv5:4,1&&40x04

1.5.15 Query the receivable V5 byte: cfg-get-srv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-srv5 To query the receivable V5 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-srv5:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter location 1 Output Format 2 3 Example Precautions Remarks Pid V5 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid

Input Format

1.5.16 Query the received V5 byte: cfg-get-rv5 file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rv5 To query the received V5 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rv5:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter location 1 Output Format 2 3 Example Precautions Remarks Pid V5 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

Page 89 of 243

Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid

1.5.17 Set the status of path: cfg-set-pathused

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-pathused To set the status of path (use or unuse). System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-pathused:Bid, pid,flag Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type; repetitive parameter blocks.) flag: use or unuse Ddefault: use

Input Format

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-pathused:4,1&&16,use

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1.5.18 Query the status of path: cfg-get-pathused

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-pathused To query the status of path (use or unuse). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-pathused:Bid,pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format :cfg-get-pathused:4,1 TU-PATHUSED BID PATHID FLAG 4 1 use Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type; repetitive parameter blocks.)

Input Format


Precautions Remarks

1.5.19 Set the path retiming clock: cfg-set-retiming

Name cfg-set-retiming Set the path retiming clock. This function mainly applies to places with poor tributary signal clock quality, and thus needing to use an external clock imported by the cross-connect board as the retiming clock for the tributary paths. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-retiming:Bid, pid,flag


Command Level Available to Version

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Input Format Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) flag: flag: noret Not use retiming clock liu Use the LIU clock as the retiming clock xc Use the cross-connect (external) clock as the retimingclock Default: noret

Output Format Example Precautions

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-retiming:4,1,xc Applicable to PQ1 and PQM. The tributary mapping chip provides the user an optionalPDH signal to output the retiming FIFO. Instead of using the clock outputted by the internal phase-locked loop, the user can choose to use the external clock ReTimingClk (imported by the cross-connect board) or the uplink 2M clock TxClk (from the tributary board) of each tributary path as the standard clock for outputting E1 signals.


1.5.20 Query the path retiming clock: cfg-get-retiming

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-retiming To query the path retiming clock. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-retiming:Bid,pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter location 1 2 Output Format Retiming clock: Value Meaning noret Not use retiming clock liu Use the LIU clock as the retiming clock xc Use the cross-connect (external) clock as the retiming Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Parameter meaning and value Bid Pid

Input Format

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:cfg-get-retiming:40,1 PATH RETIMING CLOCK BID PATHID CLOCK 4 1 xc

Precautions Remarks

1.5.21 Set the path sending overhead: cfg-set-tpoh

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-tpoh To set the path sending overhead bytes V5, N2 and K4. This command is applicable to the TU boards and Ethernet boards. System debugging Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tpoh:Bid, pid,level,ohpos,value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Path level: vc12, vc3 Ohpos: v5,n2,k4 (for VC12) c2,g1,f2,f3,k3,n1 (for VC3) Value: 0-255

5 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-tpoh:4,1,vc12,v5,4 The value of V5 can only be used to set b5b6b7. V1.0R002 supports the Ethernet network.

1.5.22 Query the path sending overhead: cfg-get-tpoh

Name cfg-get-tpoh

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Function Command Level Available to Version To query the path sending overhead bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tpoh:Bid,pid,level,ohpos Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-tpoh:4,1,vc12,v5 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be in position. This command is applicable to the tributary boards and Ethernet boards. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

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Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Path level: vc12, vc3 Ohpos: c2,g1,f2,f3,k3,n1,v5,n2,k4

1.5.23 Query the path receiving overhead: cfg-get-rpoh

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rpoh To query the path receiving overhead bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rpoh:Bid,pid,level,ohpos Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example :cfg-get-rpoh:4,1,vc12,v5 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Path level: vc12, vc3 Ohpos: c2,g1,f2,f3,k3,n1,v5,n2,k4

Input Format

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Precautions Remarks This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be in position. This command is applicable to the tributary boards and Ethernet boards.

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1.5.24 Set the path master downlink bus: cfg-set-defbus

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-defbus To set the path master downlink bus. System debugging Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-defbus:Bid, pid,bus Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Bus: a (bus A) b (bus B) Default: a

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-defbus:4,1&&16,b

1.5.25 Query the path master downlink bus: cfg-get-defbus

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-defbus To query the path master downlink bus. System debugging Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-defbus:Bid,pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16

Input Format

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2 Output Format :cfg-get-defbus:4,1 PATH DEFAULT BUS BID PATHID BUS 4 1 b

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)


Precautions Remarks

1.5.26 Query the path working downlink bus: cfg-get-dropbus

Name cfg-get-dropbus To query the path working downlink bus. In the circumstances with path protection, the actual downlink bus used by the path (namely, the working bus) might be inconsistent with the mastery bus. That is, path switchover occurs. System debugging Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-dropbus:Bid,pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format :cfg-get-dropbus:4,1 PATH DROP BUS BID PATHID BUS 41a Parameter meaning and value Bid: 2-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)


Command Level Available to Version

Input Format


Precautions Remarks

1.5.27 Set the reporting mode of the bus alarm: cfg-set-busalm

Name Function Command Level cfg-set-busalm To set the reporting mode of the bus alarm. In normal circumstances, the board reports the working bus alarms only. However, the non-working bus alarms can also be set for debugging and maintenance. System maintenance

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Available to Version Input Format Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-busalm:Bid, pid, flag Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5, 13-16

Page 96 of 243

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) flag: both- Enable alarms of the two buses. drop- Enable the working bus alarms. (Default) nodrop- Enable the non-working bus alarms. abus- Enable the A (UP) bus alarms. bbus- Enable the B (DOWN) bus alarms.

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-busalm:9,1&&16,both Enable the alarms of the two buses of the paths 1~16 on Slot 9. This command requires that the board be in position.

1.5.28 Query the reporting mode of the bus alarm: cfg-get-busalm

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-busalm To query the reporting mode of the bus alarm. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-busalm:Bid,pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-busalm:10,1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

1.5.29 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-set-vc3stj1

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vc3stj1 To set the to-be-sent J1 bytes of vc3. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vc3stj1:Bid, Pid, J1mode, J1value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5, 13-16

Page 97 of 243

Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) J1mode: 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J1 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Default1 J1value If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default Huawei SBS

Input Parameters

Output Format Example

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set- vc3stj1:6,1,1&&16,1," HuaWei SBS "


If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, the length of the j1 character string can be more than 16 bytes, while only the former 16 characters are valid. default HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end) The to-be-sent J1 bytes can be set for the VC12 service; for the VC3 service, the low order services can be set while the high order services cannot.


1.5.30 Query the to-be-sent J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-get-vc3stj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get- vc3stj1 To query the to-be-sent J1 bytes of vc3. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vc3stj1:Bid, Pid

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Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5, 13-16

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-srj1:6,1,1&&16

1.5.31 Set the receivable J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-set-vc3srj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set- vc3srj1 To set the receivable J1 bytes of VC3. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set- vc3srj1:Bid, Pid, J1mode, J1value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) J1mode: 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J1 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Default1 J1value If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default Huawei SBS

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-vc3srj1:6,1,1&&16,1," HuaWei SBS "

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.5.32 Query the receivable J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-get-vc3srj1
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vc3srj1 To query the receivable J1 bytes of VC3. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vc3srj1:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5, 13-16

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Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get- vc3srj1:6,1,1&&16

1.5.33 Query the received J1 bytes of VC3: cfg-get-vc3rj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vc3rj1 To query the received J1 bytes of VC3. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vc3rj1:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5, 13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-vc3rj1:6,1,1&&16 This command applies to the LU boards only.

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1.5.34 Set the to-be-sent C2 byte of VC3: cfg-set-vc3stc2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set- vc3stc2 To set the to-be-sent C2 byte of VC3. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set- vc3stc2:Bid, Pid, C2value Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) C2value: Value Meaning uneq singal uneuipped unsp non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s singnals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C--4 atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping fddi FDDI ppp PPP synsdl Simple data link mapping of the SDH selfsynchronizing scrambler laps LAPS setsdl Set and reset the simple data link mapping of the scrambler enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp Changeable topological data connection mapping resv Reserved resvn1 Reseerved for the national use resvn2 Reseerved for the national use test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for serial connection only) Default: tugs

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-vc3stc2:6,1,4

1.5.35 Query the to-be-sent C2 byte of VC3: cfg-get-vc3stc2 file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vc3stc2 To query the to-be-sent C2 byte of VC3. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vc3stc2:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16;

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Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-vc3stc2:6,1

1.5.36 Set the receivable C2 byte of VC3: cfg-set-vc3src2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vc3src2 To set the receivable C2 byte of VC3. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vc3src2:Bid, Pid, C2value Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) C2value: Value Meaning uneq singal uneuipped unsp non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s singnals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C--4

Input Format

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Input Parameters

atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping fddi FDDI ppp PPP synsdl Simple data link mapping of the SDH selfsynchronizing scrambler laps LAPS setsdl Set and reset the simple data link mapping of the scrambler enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp Changeable topological data connection mapping resv Reserved resvn1 Reseerved for the national use resvn2 Reseerved for the national use test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for serial connection only) Default: tugs

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-vc3src2:6,1,tugs

1.5.37 Query the receivable C2 byte of VC3: cfg-get-vc3src2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vc3src2 To query the receivable C2 byte of VC3. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vc3src2:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-vc3src2:6,1

1.5.38 Query the received C2 byte of VC3: cfg-get-vc3rc2

Name cfg-get-vc3rc2

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Function Command Level Available to Version To query the received C2 byte of VC3. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vc3rc2:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vc3rc2:6,1 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be in position. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16

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Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

1.5.39 Set the status of the input balance: cfg-set-selreqb

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-selreqb To set the status of the input balance. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-selreqb:Bid, Pid, Reqb Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Reqb: unbalance (default) or balance Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-selreqb:2,1,1 Only some tributary boards support this command.

1.5.40 Query the status of the input balance: cfg-get-selreqb file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-selreqb To query the enable/disable status of the input balance System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-selreqb:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-selreqb:2,1 Only some tributary boards support this command. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16

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Input Format

Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

1.5.41 Set the status of the output balance: cfg-set-selteqb

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-selteqb To set the status of the output balance. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-selteqb:Bid, Pid, Teqb Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Teqb: 1- Cable length (0~250m) 2- Cable length (250~500m)

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-selteqb:2,1,1 Only some tributary boards support this command.

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1.5.42 Query the status of the output balance: cfg-get-selteqb

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-selteqb To query the status of the output balance. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-selteqb:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-selteqb:1,1 Only the tributary boards ssn1pqm, ssn1pl3 and ssn1pd3 support this command.

1.5.43 Set the service type: cfg-set-payloadtype

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-payloadtype To set the service type. System operation User level 5.21.01 : cfg-set-payloadtype:Bid, Pid,Type Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Type: e1: E1 services t1: T1 services (PQM supports both E1 and T1, but adopts T1 as the default.)

Input Format

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e3: E3 services t3: T3 Services (PL3 and PD3 support both E3 and T3, but adopt T3 as the default.) e4: 140M services stm1: STM-1 services (SPQ4 supports both e4 and stml, but adopts e4 as the default.)

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. : cfg-set-payloadtype:1,1,t1 Only some boards support this command.

1.5.44 Query the service type: cfg-get-payloadtype

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-payloadtype To query the service type. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get- payloadtype:Bid, Pid Number of parameters: 2; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get- payloadtype:1,1 Only some boards support this command.

1.5.45 Set the service matching of the tributary board path: cfg-set-tumatch
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tumatch To set the service matching (transparent transmission/butting/frame structure) of the tributary board path. System operation User level 5.21.01 : cfg-set-tumatch:Bid,Pid,E1T1Cnct,T1Struct,E1Struct

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Input Format Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 4 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) E1T1Cnct: pass/connect/ connect-watch T1Struct: tu-t1: d4, esf, slc96, f4, t1-unframed,t1-null E1Struct:

tu-e1: pcm30, pcm31, pcm30crc, pcm31crc, e1unframed,e1-null

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-tumatch:2,1,connect,d4,pcm31 Only the PQM board in R1 supports this command.

1.5.46 Query the service matching of the tributary board path: cfg-get-tumatch
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tumatch To query the service matching (transparent transmission/butting/frame structure) of the tributary board path. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 : cfg-get-tumatch:Bid,Pid Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-5,13-16 Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Output Format

:cfg-get-tumatch:4,1 PATH PAYLOAD MATCH BID PATHID CONNECTMODE INTERFACE-FRAME MAPPING-FRAME 4 1 connect d4 pcm31crc :cfg-get-tumatch:4,1 Only the PQM board in R1 supports this command.

Example Precautions Remarks

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1.6 Ethernet Boards Configuration Commands

Note: The name and format of some Ethernet properties commands are the same as that of the line board or tributary board commands described above. These commands include:

cfg-set-laser Query the laser switch stutus: cfg-get-laser Set the laser ALS switch status: cfg-set-als Query the laser ALS switch status: cfg-get-als Set the laser ALS time parameter: cfg-set-alstime Query the laser ALS time parameter: cfg-get-alstime
Set the laser switch status: Set the laser auto judgement of consistant testing status: cfg-test-als Set the path BIP threshold: cfg-set-bipth Query the path BIP threshold: cfg-get-bipth

1.6.1 Set the loop mode of the ethernet path: cfg-set-vcloop

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vcloop To set the loop mode of the Ethernet path. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcloop:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, LoopMode Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be in position. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3 path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2, 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 LoopMode: loopin, loopout or noloop Default: noloop

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-vcloop:7&8,vc3path,1&&12,loopin

1.6.2 Query the loop mode of the ethernet path: cfg-get-vcloop

Name Function cfg-get-vcloop To query the loop mode of the Ethernet path.

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Command Level Available to Version System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcloop:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board must be in position. :cfg-get-vcloop:7,vc3path,0 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 0~48 for ssn1egs2, 0~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths)

1.6.3 Set the to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-set-vcstj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vcstj1 To set the Ethernet to-be-sent J1 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcstj1:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, J1mode, J1value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Input Parameters J0mode: Value Meaning 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J0 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0

Input Format

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Default: 1

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J1value: If the j1 protocol mode adoapts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Output Format Example

:cfg-set-vcstj1:7,vc3path,1&&12,1," HuaWei SBS "


If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, the length of the j1 character string can be more than 16 bytes. However, only the former 16 bytes are valid. Default: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end)


1.6.4 Query the Ethernet to-be-sent J1 bytes: cfg-get-vcstj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vcstj1 To query the Ethernet to-be-sent J1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcstj1:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths)

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcstj1:7&8,vc3path,0

1.6.5 Set the ethernet receivable J1 bytes: cfg-set-vcsrj1

Name Function cfg-set-vcsrj1 To set the Ethernet receivable J1 bytes.

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Command Level Available to Version System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcsrj1:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, J1mode, J1value Number of parameters: 5; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48(vc3path) for ssn1egs2 1~24(vc3path) for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 J0mode:

Input Parameters 4

Value Meaning 0 SDH mode (The bit7 of the first and only the first byte of the J0 byte sequence is 1.) 1 SDH mode (Adopt forcibly the CRC verification to generate the first byte.) 2 SONET mode (Configure the J1 value to 64 bytes.) Default: 1 J1value: If the j1 protocol mode adoapts 0 and 1, J1 is a character string not more than 16 bytes. If the j1 protocol mode adopts 2, J1 is a character string not more than 64 bytes. Default: Huawei SBS

Output Format Example

:cfg-set-vcsrj1:8,vc3path,1&&12,1," HuaWei SBS "


If the j1 protocol mode adopts 0 and 1, the length of the j1 character string can be more than 16 bytes. However, only the former 16 bytes are valid. Default: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end)


1.6.6 Query the ethernet receivable J1 bytes: cfg-get-vcsrj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-vcsrj1 To query the Ethernet receivable J1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcsrj1:Bid, XcLevel, PathId

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Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcsrj1:7&8,vc3path,0

1.6.7 Query the ethernet received J1 bytes: cfg-get-vcrj1

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vcrj1 To query the Ethernet received J1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcrj1:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcrj1:7&8,vc3path,12 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0

Input Format

1.6.8 Set the ethernet to-be-sent C2 byte: cfg-set-vcstc2

Name Function cfg-set-vcstc2 To set the Ethernet to-be-sent C2 byte.

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Command Level Available to Version Input Format System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcstc2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, C2value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 C2value: Value Meaning uneq singal uneuipped unsp non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s singnals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C--4 atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping fddi FDDI ppp PPP synsdl Simple data link mapping of the SDH self-synchronizing scrambler laps LAPS setsdl Set and reset the simple data link mapping of the scrambler enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp Changeable topological data connection mapping resv Reserved resvn1 Reseerved for the national use resvn2 Reseerved for the national use test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for serial connection only) Default: tugs

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Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks


1.6.9 Query the ethernet to-be-sent C2 byte: cfg-get-vcstc2

Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-get-vcstc2 To query the Ethernet to-be-sent C2 byte. System monitoring User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcstc2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcstc2:7&8,vc3path,0

1.6.10 Set the ethernet receivable C2 byte: cfg-set-vcsrc2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-vcsrc2 To set the Ethernet receivable C2 byte. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcsrc2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, C2value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0

C2value: Value Meaning uneq singal uneuipped unsp non-specific payload equipped tugs TUG structure tulock Lock TU asyn 34.368Mbit/s and 44.736Mbit/s singnals, asynchronously mapped into C-3 develop Mapping to be developed a140 139.264Mbit/s signal, asynchronously mapped into C--4 atm ATM mapping man MAN (DQDB) mapping

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fddi FDDI ppp PPP synsdl Simple data link mapping of the SDH self-synchronizing scrambler laps LAPS setsdl Set and reset the simple data link mapping of the scrambler enet 10G Ethernet network signal mapping gfp Changeable topological data connection mapping resv Reserved resvn1 Reseerved for the national use resvn2 Reseerved for the national use test 0.181 test signal ais VC-AIS (used for serial connection only) Default: tugs

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks


1.6.11 Query the ethernet receivable C2 byte: cfg-get-vcsrc2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-get-vcsrc2 To query the Ethernet receivable C2 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcsrc2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcsrc2:7&8,vc3path,0

1.6.12 Query the ethernet received C2 byte: cfg-get-vcsrc2

Name cfg-get-vcrc2

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Function Command Level Available to Version To query the Ethernet received C2 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcrc2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc3path PathId: 1~48 for ssn1egs2 1~12 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcrc2:7&8,vc3path,0

1.6.13 Set the ethernet to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-set-vcstj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vcstj2 To set the Ethernet to-be-sent J2 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcstj2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, J2value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 J2 value: A character string of 16 bytes Default: Huawei SBS

Input Format

Input Parameters

4 Output Format

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Example :cfg-set-vcstj2:8,vc12path,1, " HuaWei SBS "

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Default: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end) The board software determines that the bit7 of the first byte of J2 is 1; the bit7 of the last 15 bytes of J2 should not be 1.


1.6.14 Query the ethernet to-be-sent J2 bytes: cfg-get-vcstj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vcstj2 To query the Ethernet to-be-sent J2 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcstj2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcstj2:7&8,vc12path,0 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Input Format

1.6.15 Set the ethernet receivable J2 bytes: cfg-set-vcsrj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vcsrj2 To set the Ethernet receivable J2 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcsrj2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, J2value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 2 Input Parameters 3

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 J2 value: A character string of 16 bytes Default: Huawei SBS

4 Output Format Example :cfg-set-vcsrj2:8,vc12path,1," HuaWei SBS "


Default: HuaWei SBS (One space at the beginning and five spaces at the end) The board software determines that the bit7 of the first byte of J2 is 1; the bit7 of the last 15 bytes of J2 should not be 1.


1.6.16 Query the ethernet receivable J2 bytes: cfg-get-vcsrj2

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vcsrj2 To query the Ethernet receivable J2 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcsrj2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcsrj2:7&8,vc12path,0 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Input Format

1.6.17 Query the ethernet received J2 bytes: cfg-get-vcrj2

Name Function cfg-get-vcrj2 To query the Ethernet received J2 bytes.

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Command Level Available to Version System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcrj2:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcrj2:7&8,vc12path,1 XcLevel: vc12path Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS)

PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0

1.6.18 Set the ethernet to-be-sent V5 bytes: cfg-set-vcstv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vcstv5 To set the Ethernet to-be-sent V5 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcstv5:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, V5value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 V5: 0~13 Default: 2

Input Format

Input Parameters

4 Output Format Example Precautions :cfg-set-vcstv5:8,vc12path,1&&63,3

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1.6.19 Query the ethernet to-be-sent V5 bytes: cfg-get-vcstv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vcstv5 To query the Ethernet to-be-sent V5 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcstv5:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcstv5:7&8,vc12path,0 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Input Format

1.6.20 Set the ethernet reveivable V5 bytes: cfg-set-vcsrv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-vcsrv5 To set the Ethernet receivable V5 bytes. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-vcsrv5:Bid, XcLevel, PathId, V5value Number of parameters: 4; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and

Input Format

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ssn1efs0 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-vcsrv5:8,vc12path,1&&63,3 V5: 0~13 Default: 2

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1.6.21 Query the ethernet reveivable V5 bytes: cfg-get-vcsrv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vcsrv5 To query the Ethernet receivable V5 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-vcsrv5:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcsrv5:7&8,vc12path,0 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

Input Format

1.6.22 Query the ethernet reveived V5 bytes: cfg-get-vcrv5

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-vcrv5 To query the Ethernet received V5 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-get-vcrv5:Bid, XcLevel, PathId Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-vcrv5:7&8,vc12path,0 Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) XcLevel: vc12path PathId: 1~252 for ssn1egs2, 1~63 for ssn1efs4 and ssn1efs0 (Full query supported; 0 for all paths.)

1.7 Commands for Configuring Clock Board Properties

Name Function Command Level Available to Version

Query the current tracing clock source: cfg-get-cursyn

cfg-get-cursyn To query the current tracing clock source. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-cursyn:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

Input Parameters 1

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-cursyn:9 CUR-SYN : 0xf101 :cfg-get-cursyn:9 This command requires that the board be in position.

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.2 Query the current 2M tracing clock source:

Name cfg-get-2mcursyn


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Function Command Level Available to Version To query the current 2M tracing clock source. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-2mcursyn:Bid,SynTbl Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

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Input Format

SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-2mcursyn:9,fir-2m-tbl 2M-CUR-SYN : fir-2m-tbl 0xf101 :cfg-get-2mcursyn:9,fir-2m-tbl This command requires that the board be in position.

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.3 Query the current tracing source and the corresponding S1 bytes: cfg-get-cursyns1
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-cursyns1 To query the current tracing source and the corresponding S1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-cursyns1:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-cursyns1:9 Output Format Total records :1 CUR-SYN-S1 SYN-SOURCE S1-VALUE 0xf101 QL_DNU

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-cursyns1:9

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1.7.4 Query the 2M current tracing source and the corresponding S1 bytes: cfg-get-2mcursyns1
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-2mcursyns1 To query the 2M current tracing source and the corresponding S1 bytes. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-2mcursyns1:Bid, SynTbl Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list

Input Format

Input Parameters

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-2mcursyns1:9, fir-2m-tbl 2M-CUR-SYN-S1 SYN-TABLE SYN-SOURCE S1-VALUE fir-2m-tbl 0xf101 QL_DNU Total records :1 :cfg-get-2mcursyns1:9, fir-2m-tbl

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.5 Query the S1 bytes corresponding to all sources in the system priority list: cfg-get-alls1
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-alls1 To query the S1 bytes corresponding to all sources in the system priority list. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-alls1:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-alls1:9 ALL-SYN-S1 SYN-SOURCE S1-VALUE 0xf101 QL_DNU

Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-alls1:9

1.7.6 Query the S1 bytes corresponding to all sources in the 2M priority list: cfg-get-2malls1
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-2malls1 To query the S1 bytes corresponding to all sources in the 2M priority list. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-2malls1:Bid, SynTbl Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list

Input Format

Input Parameters

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-2malls1:9,fir-2m-tbl ALL-2MSYN-S1 SYN-TABLE SYN-SOURCE S1-VALUE fir-2m-tbl 0x0701 QL_DNU fir-2m-tbl 0x0d01 QL_DNU Total records :2 :cfg-get-alls1:9,fir-2m-tbl

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.7 Query the currently existing sources in the priority list: cfg-get-synexist

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synexist Query the currently existing sources in the priority list. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get- synexist:Bid, SynTbl Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

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Input Format

SynTbl: The clock source priority list syn-tbl: The system clock priority list fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-synexist:9,syn-tbl SYN- EXIST-VALID SYN-TABLE SYN-SOURCE syn-tbl 0xf101 Total records :1 :cfg-get-synexist:9,syn-tbl

Example Precautions Remarks


Set the priority list of the system clock source: cfg-set-synclass

cfg-set-synclass To set the priority list of the system clock source. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-synclass:Bid, SyncNum, Sync1, Sync2,... Number of parameters not specified; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SyncNum: Number of clock sources: N; 1-59(40G XCS)1-95 (80G XCS)

Function Command Level Available to Version

Input Format

Input Parameters 2

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3 ... N+2 Output Format Example

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Number of No. 1 clock source: See Precautions for the value. ... Number of No. N clock source: See Precautions for the value.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-synclass:9, 2, 0x0501, 0xf101


1. Rules for numbering the clock sources: Every clock source is a double-byte hexadecimal number starting with 1. The high byte indicates the line board ID (0x01~0x11), while the low byte for the optical interface number. The number of the No. 1 external source is 0xf001, and 0xf002 for the No.2 external source; the number of the internal source is 0xf101. 2. Please pay attention to the difference between the hexadecimal and the decimal system. For example, the No. 15 board ID is expressed as 0x0f.
3. The board with the board ID corresponding to the clock source number must be installed and in the ACTIVE status. 4. In terms of boards with multiple optical interfaces, it is not allowed to adopt different optical interface as the clock source in different priority lists (such as the two-path 2MPLL priority list and the system clock source priority list). For example, assume that the board with ID as 1 has four optical interfaces, and the No.1 optical interface is configured as the clock source. If the clock source 0x0101 is configured when creating the system clock priority list, it is not allowed to configure the No. 2, No.3 or No.4 optical interface as the clock source when creating the priority list exported by the external retiming clock. However, 0x0101 can be configured as the clock source.


1.7.9 Set the clock source priority list of the 2M phase source:
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-set-2msynclass


To set the clock source priority list of the 2M phase source. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-2msynclass:Bid, SynTbl, SyncNum, Sync1, Sync2,... Number of parameters not specified; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list SyncNum: Number of the clock sources: N1-59(40G XCS) 1-95(80G XCS) Number of No.1 clock source: See Precautions for the value. ...

Input Format

2 Input Parameters 3 4 ...

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N+3 Output Format Example

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Number of No.N clock source: See Precautions for the value.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-2msynclass:9, fir-2m-tbl, 2, 0x0501, 0x0601

1. Rules for numbering the clock sources: Every clock source is a double-byte hexadecimal number starting with 1. The high byte indicates the line board ID (0x01~0x11), while the low byte for the optical interface number. The number of the No. 1 external source is 0xf001, and 0xf002 for the No.2 external source; the number of the internal source is 0xf101. 2. Please pay attention to the difference between the hexadecimal and the decimal system. For example, the No. 15 board ID is expressed as 0x0f. 4. Requirements of the 2M phase source: The clock source in the 2MPLL priority list can only be the line source or internal source. Please note that the line source and internal source cannot coexist in the priority list. 5. The 2MPLL priority list and the system clock priority list are mutually independent. The numbering of the clock source can be the same as that in the priority list for configuring the system clock. The priority list exported by the external retiming clock adopts the internal source by default.
6. In terms of boards with multiple optical interfaces, it is not allowed to adopt different optical interface as the clock source in different priority lists (such as the two-path 2MPLL priority list and the system clock source priority list). For example, assume that the board with ID as 1 has four optical interfaces, and the No.1 optical interface is configured as the clock source. If the clock source 0x0101 is configured when creating the system clock priority list, it is not allowed to configure the No. 2, No.3 or No.4 optical interface as the clock source when creating the priority list exported by the external retiming clock. However, 0x0101 can be configured as the clock source. Remarks 3. The board with the board ID corresponding to the clock source number must be installed and in the ACTIVE status.


1.7.10 Query the clock source priority list: cfg-get-synclass

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synclass To query the clock source priority list. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-synclass:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-synclass:9 SYN-CLASS : 3 0x0701 0x0d01 0xf101 :cfg-get-synclass:9

Example Precautions

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1.7.11 Query the clock source priority list of the 2M phase source: cfg-get-2msynclass
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-2msynclass To query the clock source priority list of the 2M phase cource. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-2msynclass:Bid, SynTbl Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list

Input Format

Input Parameters

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-2msynclass:9, fir-2m-tbl 2M-SYN-CLASS : fir-2m-tbl 1 0xf101 :cfg-get-2msynclass:9, fir-2m-tbl

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.12 Execute the external switch and reset commands of the system clock priority list: cfg-setsynextsw
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-synextsw To execute the external switch and reset commands of the system clock priority list. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-synextsw:Bid, SwitchCmd, SynId Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

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SwitchCmd: external switch command 2 Input Parameters

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Value Meaning 0 Reset the external switch commands (auto switch mode) 1 Manual switch 2 Force switch SynId: ID of the clock source with switch

3 Output Format Example

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-synextsw:9,1,0x0101 The clock source should be that recorded in the priority list. When the external switch command is 0 (namely, Reset the external switch commands), the followed clock source parameters are invalid.



1.7.13 Execute the external switch and reset commands of the 2M clock priority list: cfg-set2msynextsw
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-2msynextsw To execute the external switch and reset commands of the 2M clock priority list. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-2msynextsw:Bid,syn-tbl,SwitchCmd,SynId Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list SwitchCmd: external switch command 3 Value Meaning 0 Reset the external switch commands (auto switch mode) 1 Manual switch 2 Force switch SynId: ID of the clock source with switch

Input Format

2 Input Parameters

4 Output Format Example

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-2msynextsw:9, fir-2m-tbl,1,0x0101 The clock source should be that recorded in the priority list. When the external switch command is 0 (namely, Reset the external switch commands), the followed clock source parameters are invalid.


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1.7.14 Query the switching status of the clock source in the system clock priority list: cfg-getsynswstatus
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synswstatus To query the switching status of the clock source in the priority list, including the switching mode and the switched clock source. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-synswstatus:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-synswstatus:9 SYN-SWITCH-STATUS SWITCH-STATUS CURRENT-SYN syn-auto 0xf101 Total records :1 :cfg-get-synswstatus:9

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.15 Query the switching status of the clock source in the 2M phase source priority list: cfgget-2msynswstatus
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-2msynswstatus To query the switching status of the clock source in the 2M phase source priority list, including the switching mode and the switched clock source. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-2msynswstatus:Bid, SynTbl Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

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Input Parameters 2

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SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-2msynswstatus:9, fir-2m-tbl 2MSYN-SWITCH-STATUS SYN-TABLE SWITCH-STATUS CURRENT-SYN fir-2m-tbl syn-auto 0xf101 Total records :1 :cfg-get-2msynswstatus:9, fir-2m-tbl

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.16 Set the action for the 2M clock source failure: cfg-set-2mpllsynlosaction
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-2mpllsynlosaction To set the action for the 2M clock source failure. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-2mpllsynlosaction:Bid, SynTbl, Action Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list Actions in the case of 2MPLL failure: 0: The S1 byte output by 2M is not usable (Send 0X0F) 1: Send AIS 2: Disable the output

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-2mpllsynlosaction:9,fir-2m-tbl,1

1.7.17 Query the action for the 2M clock source failure: cfg-get-2mpllsynlosaction
Name cfg-get-2mpllsynlosaction

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Function Command Level Available to Version To query the action for the 2M clock source failure. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-2mpllsynlosaction: Bid, SynTbl Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

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Input Format

Input Parameters

SynTbl: Clock source priority list of the 2M phase source fir-2m-tbl: The first 2M phase source priority list sec-2m-tbl: The second 2M phase source priority list

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-2mpllsynlosaction: 9, fir-2m-tbl 2MPLL-SYNLOS-ACTION : fir-2m-tbl 2 :cfg-get-2mpllsynlosaction: 9, fir-2m-tbl

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.18 Enable/Disable the configured clock source to be used in the switching: cfg-set-synenable
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-synenable Enable/Disable the configured clock source to be used in the switching. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-synenable:Bid, SynId, Flag Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example SynId: Clock source ID Flag: disable or enable Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-synenable:9,0x0101, disable

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Precautions Remarks The clock source must be that recorded in the priority list instead of the internal source.

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1.7.19 Query the status (enable/disable) of the configured clock source to be used in the switching: cfg-get-synenable
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synenable To query the status (enable/disable) of the configured clock source to be used in the switching. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-synenable:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-synenable:9 SYN-ENABLE SYN-SOURCE ENABLE-FLAG 0xf101 enable

Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks


1.7.20 Set the receiving time slot for the external source S1 byte: cfg-set-exts1inslot
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-exts1inslot To set the receiving time slot (TS) for the external source S1 byte. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-exts1inslot:Bid, SynId, S1Slot Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

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2 SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002 S1Slot: Receiving TS of the S1 byte Input Parameters 3 value TS 0 > 4 1 > 5 2 > 6 3 > 7 4 > 8

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-exts1inslot:9,0xf001,1

1.7.21 Query the receiving TS of the external source S1 byte: cfg-get-exts1inslot

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-exts1inslot To query the receiving TS of the external source S1 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-exts1inslot:Bid, SynId Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-exts1inslot:9,0xf001 EXT-SYN-S1-SLOT EXT-SYN S1-SLOT 0xf001 0 Total records :1 :cfg-get-exts1inslot:9,0xf001

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.22 Set the output TS for the external source S1 byte: cfg-set-exts1outslot
Name cfg-set-exts1outslot

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Function Command Level Available to Version To set the output TS for the external source S1 byte. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-exts1outslot:Bid, SynId, S1Slot Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002 S1Slot: Output TS of the S1 byte value TS 0 > All TS s 1 > 4 2 > 5 3 > 6 4 > 7 5 > 8

Page 136 of 243

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-exts1outslot:9,0xf001,1

1.7.23 Query the output TS of the external source S1 byte: cfg-get-exts1outslot

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-exts1outslot To query the output TS of the external source S1 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-exts1outslot:Bid, SynId Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-exts1outslot:9,0xf001

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Output Format Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks EXT-S1-INSLOT SYN-SOURCE S1SLOT 0xf001 0

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1.7.24 Enable/Disable switching in the sequence of descending priority: cfg-set-syncnorvt

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-syncnorvt Enable/Disable switching in the sequence of descending priority. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-syncnorvt:Bid, Flag Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 Flag: disable or enable

Input Format

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-syncnorvt:9,disable

1.7.25 Query the enabling status of switching the clock source in the sequence of descending priority: cfg-get-syncnorvt
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-syncnorvt Query the enabling status of switching the clock source in the sequence of descending priority. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-syncnorvt:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-syncnorvt:9 SYN-RVT-MODE : disable :cfg-get-syncnorvt:9

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.26 Set the data output mode in the Keep mode: cfg-set-synkeepmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-synkeepmode Set the data output mode in the Keep mode. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-synkeepmode:Bid, KeepMode Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 KeepMode: Data output mode Value and meaning: 0 for normal data output mode; 1 for keeping the final data.

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-synkeepmode:9,1

1.7.27 Query the data output mode in the Keep mode: cfg-get-synkeepmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synkeepmode Query the data output mode in the Keep mode. System monitoring User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-get-synkeepmode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-synkeepmode:9 24HOUR-KEEP-MODE : 0 :cfg-get-synkeepmode:9

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.28 Set the working mode for the data output of the external source: cfg-set-outsynmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-outsynmode To set the working mode for the data output of the external source. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-outsynmode:Bid, ExtSyn1Mode, ExtSyn2Mode Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks ExtSyn1Mode: bit>2Mbit; hz>2Mhz ExtSyn2Mode: bit>2Mbit; hz>2Mhz Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-outsynmode:9,hz,hz

1.7.29 Query the working mode of the data output of the external source: cfg-get-outsynmode
Name Function Command Level cfg-get-outsynmode To query the working mode of the data output of the external source. System monitoring

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-outsynmode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-outsynmode:9 EXTSYN-OUT-MODE EXT1-MODE EXT2-MODE bit bit Total records :1 :cfg-get-outsynmode:9

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.30 Set the data output threshold for the external source: cfg-set-outputth
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-outputth To set the data output threshold for the external source. Cut the clock output when the local clock quality is lower than this threshold. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-outputth:Bid, SynId, ThValue Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002 ThValue: Output threshold Input Parameters Value Meaning 0 > Threshold not activated (QL_DNU) 1 > Not lower than the SETS clock (QL_SEC) 2 > Not lower than the G.812 clock of the local exchange (QL_SSUB) 3 > Not lower than the G.812 clock of the transit exchange (QL_SSUA) 4 > Not lower than the G.811 clock (QL_PRC)

Input Format

Output Format

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-outputth:9,0xf001,2

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1.7.31 Query the data output threshold of the external source: cfg-get-outputth
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-outputth To query the data output threshold of the external source. System monitoring Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-outputth:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-outputth:9,0xf001 EXT-OUTPUT-TH EXT-SYN EXT-OUT-TH 0xf001 0 Total records :1 :cfg-get-outputth:9,0xf001

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.32 Set maunually the S1 byte clock quality: cfg-set-mans1qua

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-mans1qua To set manually the S1 byte clock quality. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-mans1qua:Bid, SynId, S1Quality Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 2 Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: Clock source ID S1Quality: S1 byte clock quality Input Parameters 3 Value 0x00 0x02 0x04 0x08 0x0b 0x0f 0xFF

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Meaning Synchronous quality unknown Signal of the G.811 clock Signal of the G.812 transit exchange clock Signal of the G.812 local exchange clock Signal of the synchronous device timing source Not used for synchronization Manual configuration cancelled

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-mans1qua:9,0x0501,0x02 The clock source should be that recorded in the priority list; the internal source should not be set to unusable.

1.7.33 Query the S1 byte clock quality: cfg-get-mans1qua

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-mans1qua To query the S1 byte clock quality. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-mans1qua:Bid, SynId Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: Clock source ID 0 means to query all the clock sources for which the S1 byte is configured manually in the priority list.

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-mans1qua:9,0 MAN-S1-QUALITY SYN-SOURCE S1-QUALITY 0x0701 0x02 Total records :1 :cfg-get-mans1qua:9,0x0401 The clock source should be that recorded in the priority list. If no manually-configured S1 byte is available, NSERR_CFG_GET_NULL will be returned.

Example Precautions

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1.7.34 Set the waiting time for the clock source recovery: cfg-set-synwtrtime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-synwtrtime To set the waiting time for the clock source recovery. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-synwtrtime:Bid, WtrTime Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 WtrTime: Wait time for recovery Value and unit: 0-12 minutes Default: 5 minutes

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-synwtrtime:9,5

1.7.35 Query the waiting time for the clock source recovery: cfg-get-synwtrtime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synwtrtime To query the waiting time for the clock source recovery. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-synwtrtime:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-synwtrtime:9 SYN-WTR-TIME : 5

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-synwtrtime:9

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1.7.36 Set ID for the S1 byte clock source: cfg-set-syns1id

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-syns1id To set ID for the S1 byte clock source. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-syns1id:Bid, SynSubNetId, SynId, NodeId Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynSubNetId: Subnet ID of the clock source SynId: Clock source ID NodeId: ID of the S1 byte; value range: 0x00-0x0f; 0 means no ID configuration.

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-syns1id:9,1,0x0401,0x01 The clock source should be that recorded in the priority list.

1.7.37 Query the ID of the S1 byte clock source: cfg-get-syns1id

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-syns1id To query the ID of the S1 byte clock source. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-syns1id:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-syns1id:9 Output Format SYN-NODE-ID SYN-SUBNET SYN-SOURCE NODE-ID 1 0x0701 0x01 1 0xf101 0000 Total records :2

Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-get-syns1id:9 If the ID of each clock source is 0x00, NSERR_CFG_GET_NULL will be returned for no result.

1.7.38 Set the input mode for the external source: cfg-set-insynmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-insynmode To set the input mode for the external source. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-insynmode:Bid, ExtSyn1Mode, ExtSyn2Mode Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 ExtSyn1Mode: Input mode of the first external source Value and meaning: bit>2Mbit hz>2Mhz ExtSyn2Mode: Input mode of the second external source Value and meaning: bit>2Mbit hz>2Mhz

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-insynmode:9,bit,bit

1.7.39 Query the input mode of the external source: cfg-get-insynmode

Name Function cfg-get-insynmode To query the input mode of the external source.

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Command Level Available to Version System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-insynmode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-insynmode:9 EXTSYN-IN-MODE EXT1-MODE EXT2-MODE bit bit

Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks


1.7.40 Set the SSM protocol mode for the S1 byte: cfg-set-s1mode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-s1mode To set the SSM protocol mode for the S1 byte. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-s1mode:Bid, S1Mode Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 S1Mode: S1 byte protocol mode disables1: SSM protocol not activated expands1: Expanded SSM protocol mode standards1: Standard SSM protocol mode

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-s1mode:9, standards1

SSM: Synchronization Status Message

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.7.41 Query the SSM protocol mode of the S1 byte: cfg-get-s1mode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-s1mode To query the SSM protocol mode of the S1 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-s1mode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-s1mode:9 S1-MODE : disables1 :cfg-get-s1mode:9

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.42 Permit/Forbid the optical interface corresponding to the clock source to output the S1 byte: cfg-set-s1exportmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-s1exportmode Enable/Disable the optical interface corresponding to the clock source to output the S1 byte. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-s1exportmode:Bid, SynId, Flag Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format SynId: Line source ID Flag: permit or forbid Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-s1exportmode:9,0x0401,permit

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1.7.43 Query the status of permitting/forbidding the optical interface corresponding to the clock source to output the S1 byte: cfg-get-s1exportmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-s1exportmode To query the status of permitting/forbidding the optical interface corresponding to the clock source to output the S1 byte. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-s1exportmode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-s1exportmode:9 S1-EXPORT-MODE SYN-SOURCE ENABLE-FLAG 0x0701 forbid Total records :1 :cfg-get-s1exportmode:9 If the line source or external source with configured S1 byte output is not available, NSERR_CFG_GET_NULL will be returned.

Example Precautions Remarks

1.7.44 Query the current working mode of the clock board: cfg-get-stgworkmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-stgworkmode To query the current working mode of the clock board (tracing/keeping/free mode). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-stgworkmode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Suceeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-get-stgworkmode:9

1.7.45 Set the quality level represented by QL_UNKNOW: cfg-set-qlunknow

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-qlunknow To set the quality level represented by QL_UNKNOW. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-qlunknow:Bid, QlUnknow, QlUnknow Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 QlUnknow: Quality level of the clock source QL_PRC,QL_SSUA,QL_SSUB,QL_SEC,QL_DNU QlUnknow: Quality level of the clock source QL_PRC,QL_SSUA,QL_SSUB,QL_SEC,QL_DNU

Input Format

3 Output Format Example

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-qlunknow:9, QL_PRC, QL_SSUA The value of the clock source quality must be in the upper case and consecutive. Set two reference levels, and define the QL_UNKNOW level between these two reference levels. When these two reference levels are the same, define the L_UNKNOW level equal to this level; when they are consecutive, define the QL_UNK level between these two levels.



1.7.46 Query the quality level represented by QL_UNKNOW: cfg-get-qlunknow

Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-get-qlunknow To query the quality level represented by QL_UNKNOW. System monitoring User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-get-qlunknow:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-qlunknow:9 Output Format QL-UNKNOW QLUNKNOW-VALUE QLUNKNOW-VALUE QL_DNU QL_DNU Total records :1

Example Precautions Remarks


1.7.47 Permit/Forbid the optical interface to output the clock ID: cfg-set-s1idexportmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-s1idexportmode Permit/Forbid the optical interface to output the clock ID. System maintenance Customer service level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-s1idexportmode:Bid, SynId, Flag Number of parameters: 3; repetitive parameter blocks. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks SynId: Line source ID Flag: permit or forbid Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-s1idexportmode:9,0x0401,permit The clock source can be the line source only.

1.7.48 Query the status of permitting/forbidding the optical interface to output the clock ID: cfgget-s1idexportmode file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-s1idexportmode Query the status of permitting/forbidding the optical interface to output the clock ID. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-s1idexportmode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-s1idexportmode:9 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

If the line source with configured clock ID output is not available, NSERR_CFG_GET_NULL will be returned.

1.7.49 Enable/Disable the frequency deviation function of the clock source: cfg-set-synbaddetect
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-synbsynaddetect Enable/Disable the frequency deviation function of the clock source. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-synbaddetect:Bid, Flag Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-synbaddetect:9,enable Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 Flag: disable or enable

Input Format

1.7.50 Query the status (enable/disable) of the frequency deviation function of the clock source: cfg-get-synbaddetect file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synbaddetect Query the status (enable/disable) of the frequency deviation function of the clock source. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-synbaddetect:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-synbaddetect:9 Bid: 9 or 10 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

1.7.51 Set the condition for the external source failure: cfg-set-lapseterm
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-lapseterm Set the condition for the external source failure. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lapseterm:Bid,SynId,LapseTerm,Flag Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10 SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002 LapseTerm: AIS or LOF Flag: disable or enable

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-lapseterm:9,0xf001,AIS,enable

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.7.52 Query the condition for the external source failure: cfg-get-lapseterm
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lapseterm Query the condition for the external source failure. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lapseterm:Bid Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-lapseterm:9,0xf001,AIS SynId: 0xf001 or 0xf002 LapseTerm: AIS or LOF Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

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Input Format

1.7.53 Query the working status and DA value of the current clock source: cfg-get-synstatusda
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-synstatusda To query the working status and DA value of the current clock source. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-synstatusda:Bid, PllType Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 PllType: PLL type 0: 38M digital PLL 1: 155M digital PLL Parameter meaning and value Bid: 9 or 10

Input Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-synstatusda:9,0

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SYN-STATUS-DA PLLTYPE STATUS DA 0 2 2047 PLLTYPE: Phase souce type STATUS: Locking status 0: Tracing suceeded 1: Tracing failed 2: Others (keeping or free mode) DA: DA value of the phase source :cfg-get-synstatusda:9, 0

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Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

PLL: Phase-Locked Loop

1.8 EOW Configuration Commands

1.8.1 Set the orderwire number: cfg-set-telnum
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-telnum To set the orderwire number; support the one route addressing call only. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-telnum:Bid,TelNo,TelNum Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 TelNo: Telephone sequence No., only support 1; TelNum: 100~99999999; should meet the number length requirement.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-telnum:37,1,101 The first figure of the number should not be 0, which is invalid as the first figure. Set the number length before setting the orderwire number; otherwise, you can only set a number with three figures (the default length). If you set an overlong number, the host will return a length error message. The initial number is 0x101 before setting.



1.8.2 Query the orderwire number: cfg-get-telnum

Name Function cfg-get-telnum To query the orderwire number.

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Command Level Available to Version Input Format System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-telnum:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-telnum:37 TELE-NUMBER TEL-No TELE-NUMBER 1 101

Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-telnum:37

1.8.3 Set the conference orderwire number for the whole network: cfg-set-meetnum
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-meetnum To set the conference orderwire number for the whole network. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-meetnum:Bid,MeetNum Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 MeetNum: 100~99999999, 999 by default; should meet the length requirements for telephone numbers. Besides, set 0XFFFFFFFF to reset the local telephone number.

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-meetnum:37,999

1.8.4 Query the conference orderwire number of the whole network: cfg-get-meetnum file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-meetnum To query the conference orderwire number of the whole network. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-meetnum:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-meetnum:37 MEETING-NUMBER : 999 :cfg-get-meetnum:37

Example Precautions Remarks

1.8.5 Set the telephone number length: cfg-set-tellen

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-tellen To set the telephone number length. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tellen:Bid, TelLen Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 TelLen: Length of the telephone number; value range 3~8; adopt 3 by default.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-tellen:37,3 After changing the length of the telephone number, it is necessary to reset the orderwire number and the whole network conference call number. For the network elements sharing the same orderwire, the length of the orderwire number should be the same.



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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.8.6 Query the telephone number length: cfg-get-tellen
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-tellen To query the length of the telephone number. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tellen:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37

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Input Parameters

Output Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-tellen:37 TELE-NUMBER-LEN: 3 :cfg-get-tellen:37

Example Precautions Remarks

1.8.7 Set the call waiting time: cfg-set-reqtime

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-reqtime To set the call waiting time. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-reqtime:Bid, ReqTime Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 ReqTime: Call waiting time, 1-9 seconds; 9 by default.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-reqtime:37,5

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 1.8.8 Query the call waiting time: cfg-get-reqtime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-reqtime To query the call waiting time. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-reqtime:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

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Output Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-reqtime:37 REQ-TIME : 9 :cfg-get-reqtime:37

Example Precautions Remarks

1.8.9 Set the availability of the optical interface in the addressing call: cfg-set-lineused
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-lineused To set the availability of the optical interface in the addressing call. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lineused:Bid, DstBid, PortId, LineUsed Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 DstBid: 1~8,11~16(40G)/17(80G) PortId: Optical interface ID LineUsed: used, unused

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-lineused:37,2,2,used

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Precautions Remarks

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1.8.10 Query the availability of the optical interface in the addressing call: cfg-get-lineused
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-lineused To query the availability of the optical interface in the addressing call. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lineused:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

Output Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-lineused:37 TELE-LINE-USED EowBid IuBid PortId LineUsed 37 7 1 unused 37 7 2 unused 37 7 3 unused 37 7 4 unused 37 12 1 unused 37 12 2 unused 37 12 3 unused 37 12 4 unused 37 13 1 unused 37 13 2 unused 37 13 3 unused 37 13 4 unused Total records :12 :cfg-get-lineused:37

Example Precautions Remarks

1.8.11 Set the availability of the optical interface in the conference call: cfg-set-meetlineused
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-meetlineused To set the availability of the optical interface in the conference call. System operation User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-set-meetlineused:Bid, DstBid, PortId, LineUsed Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 DstBid: 1~8,11~16(40G)/17(80G) PortId: Optical interface ID LineUsed: used, unused

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Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-meetlineused:37,1,16,used

1.8.12 Query the availability of the optical interface in the conference call: cfg-get-meetlineused
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-meetlineused To query the availability of the optical interface in the conference call. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-meetlineused:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

Output Format

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-meetlineused:37 MEETING-LINE-USED EowBid IuBid PortId LineUsed 37 7 1 unused 37 7 2 unused 37 7 3 unused 37 7 4 unused 37 12 1 unused 37 12 2 unused 37 12 3 unused 37 12 4 unused 37 13 1 unused 37 13 2 unused 37 13 3 unused 37 13 4 unused Total records :12 :cfg-get-meetlineused:37

Example Precautions

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1.8.13 Set the TS and broadcast source of the broadcast data port: cfg-set-dataport
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-dataport To set the TS and broadcast source of the broadcast data port. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-dataport:Bid, Slot, Src, DstNum, Dst,Dst,Dst..... Number of parameters not specified; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 Slot: Overhead bytes S1-S4; value 1-4. Src: Master interface No.; double-byte hexadecimal number. For the opetical interface, the high byte stands for the board ID, and the low byte for the optical interface number. The number of the four data interface is respectively 0xff01~0xff04. DstNum: Number of the slave interface Number of No.1 slave interface: The numbering rules are the same as those of the master interface number. Number of No.N slave interface:

3 Input Parameters 4 5 N+4 Output Format Example

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-dataport:37,1,0x0401,2,0x0501,0x0601 The board number and optical interface number reflected by the master and each slave interface should exist and be consistent with those of the actually installed devices. The number of the optical interface should not be higher than 8. The number of the internal slave interfaces of each overhead byte should be different from each other; the number of the master and slave interfaces should also be different. The data interface number should be consistent with the overhead byte number.



1.8.14 Delete the configuration information of the broadcast data interface: cfg-del-dataport
Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-del-dataport To delete the configuration information of the broadcast data interface. System operation User level

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Version Input Format 5.21.01 :cfg-del-dataport:Bid, OhSlot Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37

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OhSlot: Overhead byte S1-S4; value is 1~4.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-del-dataport:37,1

1.8.15 Query the TS and source of the broadcast data interface: cfg-get-dataport
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-dataport To query the configuration information of the broadcast data interface at the designated timeslot. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-dataport:Bid, OhSlot Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 OhSlot: Overhead byte S1-S4; value is 1~4. 0 means to query all the overhead bytes.

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-dataport:37,1 DATA-PORT : 1 0xff01 2 0x0701 0x0c01 :cfg-get-dataport:37,1

Example Precautions Remarks

1.8.16 Set the multiplex port to the com port or the broadcast data port: cfg-set-porttype
Name Function cfg-set-porttype Set the multiplex port to the com or broadcast data port.

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Command Level Available to Version Input Format System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-porttype:Bid, Port1, Port2 Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Port1: data or com Port2: data or com Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37

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Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-porttype:37,com,data

The multiplex port 1 is corresponding to the com port 1 or the data port 1; the multiplex port 2 is corresponding to the com port 2 or the data port 2.

1.8.17 Query the port type of the multiplex port: cfg-get-porttype

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-porttype To query the port type of the multiplex port. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-porttype:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-porttype:37 PORT-MULTI-TYPE COM1 COM2 data data

Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-porttype:37

1.8.18 Set the electrical characteristics of the port: cfg-set-portmode file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format Cfg-set-portmode Set the electrical characteristics of the port. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-portmode:Bid, PortName, Mode Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37

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PortName: com1, com2, data1, data2, data3 or data4 Mode: rs232 or rs422

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-portmode:37,data2,rs232

1.8.19 Query the electrical characteristics of the port: cfg-get-portmode

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-portmode Query the electrical characteristics of the port. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-portmode:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-portmode:37 DATA-PORT-WORKMODE EOW-Bid Port WorkMode 37 data1 rs232 37 data2 rs422 37 data3 rs232 37 data4 rs232 37 com1 rs232 37 com2 rs232 Total records :6

Output Format

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-portmode:37

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1.8.20 Set the F1 data port: cfg-set-f1port

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-f1port To set the F1 data port. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-f1port:Bid,F1id,InputPort,OutputPort Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 F1ID: 1~60 InputPort: Number of the uplink port; see Precautions for the value. OutputPort: Number of the downlink port; see Precautions for the value.

Input Parameters

4 Output Format Example

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-f1port:37,1,0xff00,0x0101 Rules for setting the port number: 1. For the optical port, the high byte stands for the line board ID, and the low byte for the number of the optical port. 2. The line board corresponding to the optical port must have been installed, and the number of the optical port should not be higher than the max optical port number of the corresponding line board. 3. Use 0xFF00 to represent the F1 port. 4. If both the uplink and downlink ports are 0, it means to cancel the F1 pass-through configuration.



1.8.21 Query the configuration of F1 data port: cfg-get-f1port

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-f1port To query the pass-through configuration of the F1 data port. System monitoring User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-get-f1port:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-f1port:37 F1-PASSTHROUGH F1_ID INPUT_PORT OUTPUT_PORT 1 0xff00 0x0701 Total records :1

Example Precautions Remarks


1.8.22 Delete the pass-through configuration of the F1 data port (See the Set the F1 data port command) 1.8.23 Set the subnet number length: cfg-set-subnetlen
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-subnetlen To set the length of the subnet number. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-subnetlen: Bid, SubnetLen Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid:37 SubnetLen: 1~2

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-subnetlen: 37,1 When the length of the subnet number changes, the system will automatically clear all the configured subnet number served by the optical ports, in case that the length of the subnet number conflicts with the subnet number served by the optical ports. All the subnet number corresponding to the optical ports are reset to 0.



1.8.24 Query the subnet number length: cfg-get-subnetlen

Name cfg-get-subnetlen

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Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format To query the subnet number length System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-subnetlen:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

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Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-subnetlen:37 SUBNET-LEN : 1 :cfg-get-subnetlen:37

Example Precautions Remarks

1.8.25 Set the subnet number: cfg-set-subnetbd

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-subnetbd To set the subnet number served by the optical ports. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-subnetbd:Bid, IuBid, Pid, SubnetId Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 IuBid: 1~8,11~16(40G)/17(80G) Pid: Optic port ID SubnetId: See Precautions for the value.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-subnetbd: 37,5&6,1,0x01 0 (default) means that this optical port does not belong to any subnet. When the subnet number is not 0, the value should be consistent with the configured subnet number length. When the subnet number length is 1, the value of the number should be one from 1~9; when the length is 2, the subnet number should be one from 10~99. The subnet number should be composed of figures 0~9.


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1.8.26 Query the subnet number: cfg-get-subnetbd

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-subnetbd To query the subnet number served by the optical port. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-subnetbd:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid:37 Parameter meaning and value

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: :cfg-get-subnetbd:37 Output Format PORT-SUBNET-ID Bid PortId SUBNET-ID 7 1 0x01 12 1 0x01

Total records :2 Example Precautions Remarks


1.8.27 Set the status (enable/disable) of the auto switch protection: cfg-set-autoswitch
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-autoswitch To set the status (enable/disable) of the auto switch protection. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-autoswitch:Bid, Flag Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 Flag: disable or enable

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-autoswitch:37,enable

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1.8.28 Query the status (enable/disable) of the auto switch protection: cfg-get-autoswitch
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-autoswitch To query the status (enable/disable) of the auto switch protection. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 cfg-get-autoswitch:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Bid: 37 Parameter meaning and value

Return the Failed! message upon failure; return the following in the text format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-autoswitch:37 AUTO-SWITCH : enable :cfg-get-autoswitch:37

Example Precautions Remarks

1.8.29 Test the telephone ring: cfg-set-ringtest

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-ringtest To test the telephone ring. System debugging User level 5.21.01 :cfg-eow-ringtest:Bid, TelNo, Flag Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 TelNo: 0 Flag: 1 for ringing; 0 for stopping ringing. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37

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Output Format Example :cfg-eow-ringtest:37,0,1

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This command is used to activate or deactivate the ringing. The returned error shows only wehter the software succeeded in setting the hardware. Users have to judge by themselves whether the ringing is activated or not.


1.8.30 Test the ring back tone: cfg-set-alerttest

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-eow-alerttest Test the ring back tone. System debugging User level 5.21.01 :cfg-eow-alerttest:Bid, TelNo, Flag Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example :cfg-eow-alerttest:37,0,1 This command is used to activate or deactivate the ring back tone. The returned error shows only whether the software succeeded in setting the hardware. Users have to judge by themselves whether the the ring back tone is activated and whether it is correct. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 TelNo: Data port number, 0~2; only 0 can be used in OSN 3500/OSN 2500. Flag: 1 for ringing; 0 for stopping ringing.



1.8.31 Test the call dialing: cfg-set-dialnumtest

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-eow-dialnumtest To test the call dialing. System debugging User level 5.21.01 :cfg-eow-dialnumtest:Bid, TelNo Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive.

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example :cfg-eow-dialnumtest:37,0 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37

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TelNo: Data port number, 0~2; only 0 can be used in OSN 3500/OSN 2500.


The user dials a number randomly before using this testing interface. The return parameter para[2]~para[5] returns the telephone number dialed by the user just now. The default destination number is 0xffffffff; it is an invalid telephone number. Load the testing commands.


1.9 Commands for Configuring Optical amplifier board Properties

1.9.1 Open/Close the pump laser: cfg-set-pumplasersw
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-pumplasersw To open/close the pump laser. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-pumplasersw:Bid,Pid,PathId,LaserSts Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1~2 PathId: 1 LaserSts: open or close

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-pumplasersw:2,1,1,close This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the optical amplifier board must be online.

1.9.2 Query the status (open/close) of the pump laser: cfg-get-pumplasersw

Name Function cfg-get-pumplasersw To query the status (open/close) of the pump laser.

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Command Level Available to Version Input Format System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-pumplasersw:Bid,Pid,PathId Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value

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Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) (same as the line board ID) Pid: 1~2 (for the optical amplifier board) PathId: 1 (At present, the optical amplifier board in the SDH devices has only one pump laser, which is generally defaulted as 1.)

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-pumplasersw:2,1,1 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the optical amplifier board must be in position.

1.9.3 Query the type of the optical amplifier board: cfg-get-oatype

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-oatype To query the type of the optical amplifier board. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-oatype:Bid Number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 :cfg-get-oatype:11 Output Format Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-oatype:2 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the optical amplifier board must be in position. Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) (same as the line board ID)


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1.9.4 Query the performance parameter list of the optical amplifier board: cfg-get-paralist
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-paralist To query the performance parameter list of the optical amplifier board. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-paralist:Bid,Pid Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 :cfg-get-paralist:11,1 OAPARALIST Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) (same as the line board ID) Pid: 1~2 (number of the optical port)

Output Format

Bid Pid LSRNUM INPWRCUR OUTPWRCUR LSRNO RWC MCC 11 1 1 280 146 0 250 2000 0 18 0 250 Total records :1





Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-get-paralist:2 This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the optical amplifier board must be in position.

1.10 Alarm Bolean Management

1.10.1 Set the output status of the alarm relay switch: cfg-set-cskswitch
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-cskswitch Set the output status of the alarm relay switch. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-cskswitch:Bid,CtrlMode,Relay0Flag,Relay1Flag Number of parameters: 4; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 37 CtrlMode: pmuauto, pmumanual Default: pmuauto

Input Format

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3 Input Parameters 4

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The status of the common alarm relay includes open and close: open means to open the path (to close the Bolean); close means to close the path (to shut down the Bolean output). The default status is close. The status of the servere alarm relay includes also open and close: open means to open the path (to close the Bolean); close means to close the path (to shut down the Bolean output). The default status is close.

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-cskswitch:18,pmumanual,open,open The configuration delivered by this command is invalid in the auto control mode.

1.10.2 Query the output status of the alarm relay switch: cfg-get-cskswitch
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-cskswitch To query the output status of the alarm relay switch. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-cskswitch:Bid Defining the location; number of parameters: 1; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Slot ID Parameter meaning and value

Output Format

Return the error message on failure; return the following in the table format on success: CSK-SWITCH CONTROL-MODEK 0-STATUSK 1-STATUS <Relay control mode > <Status of the common alarm relay ><Status of the servere alarm relay > :cfg-get-cskswitch:18 open means to open the path (to close the Bolean); close means to close the path (to shut down the Bolean output).

Example Precautions Remarks

1.10.3 Set the output status of the auxiliary function relay: cfg-set-extrelayuse
Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-set-extrelayuse Set the output status of the auxiliary function relay. System operation User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-set-extrelayuse:Bid,ExtRelayNo,ExtRelayUsed Define the location; number of parameters: 3; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Number of the configured auxiliary function relay Parameter meaning and value Slot ID

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Input Format

Status of the configured auxiliary function relay: open and close

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-extrelayuse:18,1,close

1.10.4 Query the output status of the auxiliary function relay: cfg-get-extrelayuse
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-extrelayuse To query the output status of the auxiliary function relay. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-extrelayuse:Bid,ExtRelayNo Define the location; number of parameters: 2; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Slot ID Number of the configured auxiliary function relay

Input Format

Output Format

Return the error message on failure; return the following in the table format on success: EXT-RELAY-USE ExtRelayNo ExtRelayStatus <Number of the auxiliary function relay output ><Status of the auxiliary function relay output > :cfg-get-cskswitch:18,1

Example Precautions Remarks

1.10.5 Set the relay input mode: cfg-set-onerelayuse

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-onerelayuse Set the relay input mode. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-onerelayuse:Bid,RelayNo,UseStatus,AlmSwitch Define the location; number of parameters: 4; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Slot ID Number of the configured auxiliary function relay

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Input Format

Input Parameters

The relay status includes enable and disable; the default status is disable. The status of the alarm switch includes open and close: open refers to the alarm when the relay is on; close refers to the alarm when the relay is off. The default status is close.

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-onerelayuse:14,1&&8,enable,open

1.10.6 Query the relay input mode: cfg-get-onerelayuse

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-onerelayuse Query the relay input mode. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-onerelayuse:Bid,ExtRelayNo Define the location; number of parameters: 2; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Slot ID Number of the queried auxiliary function relay

Input Format

Output Format

Return the error message on failure; return the following in the table format on success: INPUT-RELAY-USE

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Bid InputRelayNo InputRelayStatus InputRelayAlm <Bid> <Number of the input relay > <Relay working status > <Alarm switch status> Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-onerelayuse:18,1

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1.11 Pluggable Laser Module Management

1.11.1 Query the laser module status: cfg-get-lsr-stat
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lsr-stat To query the laser module status (in position or not). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lsr-stat:Bid,Pid Number of parameters: 2; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Input Format

Return the following in the table format upon success: :cfg-get-lsr-stat:8,1 Output Format LSR-ONBOARD-STATUS BID Pid OnBoard Status 8 1 1

Total records :1 Status: 1 (for in position) and 0 (for not in position) Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-lsr-stat:8,1

1.11.2 Query the laser module sequence number: cfg-get-lsr-sn

Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-get-lsr-sn To query the laser module sequence number. System monitoring User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lsr-sn:Bid,Pid Input Format Define the location; number of parameters: 2; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS)

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the following in table format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-lsr-sn:7,1 LSR-SN Bid Pid LSR-SN 7 1 45E487C00158

Total records :1 Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-lsr-sn:7,1

1.11.3 Query the laser module speed: cfg-get-lsr-speed

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lsr-speed To query the laser module speed. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lsr-speed:Bid,Pid Input Format Define the location; number of parameters: 2; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the following in table format upon success: :cfg-get-lsr-speed:8,1 Output Format LSR-SPEED BID Pid LSR Speed info(Mb/s) 8 1 622 Total records :1



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Precautions Remarks

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1.11.4 Query the laser module transmission distance: cfg-get-lsr-distance

Name Function cfg-get-lsr-distance To query the laser module transmission distance.

Command Level

System monitoring

Available to Version

User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lsr-distance:Bid,Pid

Input Format

Define the location; number of parameters: 2; the second parameter repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the following in table format upon success: Output Format :cfg-get-lsr-distance:8,1 LSR-DISTANCE BID Pid LSR Distance info 8 1 15000 Total records :1 :cfg-get-lsr-distance:8,1

Example Precautions Remarks

1.11.5 Query the laser module HWID: cfg-get-lsr-hwid

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lsr-hwid To query the laser module HWID (HuaWei Identity). System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lsr-hwid:Bid,Pid Input Format Define the location; number of parameters: 2; the second parameter repeated.

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS)

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Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

Return the following in table format upon success: :cfg-get-lsr-hwid:8,1 LSR HWID Bid Pid LSR HWID 8 0 Example Precautions Remarks

Output Format


1.11.6 Set the HWID for the pluggable laser module: cfg-set-lsr-hwid
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-lsr-hwid To set the HWID (HuaWei Identity) for the pluggable laser module. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lsr-hwid:Bid,Pid,HWID Define the location; number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-16(40G XCS),1-8, 11-17(80G XCS) Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) HWID: Contain the following information (separated by **); the total length not exceed 122 bytes. 1: HWID 2: The model of the laser 3: BOM code 4: Descriptions of BOM in chinese 5: Descriptions of BOM in english

Input Format

Output Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-lsr-hwid:8, 1, " Huawei SBS ** SCP6861-H1BNE**34060282**-ESFP()-1550STM1-0dBm--5dBm--37dBm-LC-80km**abc**"



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Chapter 2 Seveice and Protection

2.1 Report of Service and Protection Events
2.1.1 Report switchover events of the ring MS protection group
Name Function Command Level Available to Version EVENT-MSSPR-SWITCH-EX To report the switchover events of the ring MS protection group in the suppression mode. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 EVENT-MSSPR-SWITCH-EX PG-ID WEST-SWREQ WEST-SWSTA WEST-SWFLAG EAST-SWREQ EAST-SWSTA 1 SF_P S OFF NR I EAST-SWFLAG WEST-REQTYPE EAST-REQTYPE NODE-STATUS SQUELCH-STATUS OFF LOCAL-REQ LOCAL-REQ NO-LONE NO-SQUELCH

Output Format

2.1.2 Report the switchover events of the liner MS protection group

Name Function Command Level Available to Version EVENT-LMS-SWITCH To report the switchover events of the linear MS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 EVT-LMS-SWITCH PG-ID PU-ID SWITCH-REQUEST SWITCH-STATUS 1 1 LPS_SF S

Output Format

2.1.3 Report the switchover events of the SNCP protection group

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Output Format EVENT-SNCP-SWITCH To report the switchover events of the SNCP protection group. System debugging/System management/System maintenance/System operation/System monitoring User level 5.21.01

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Example Precautions Remarks

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2.1.4 Report the switchover events of the TPS protection group

Name Function Command Level Available to Version EVENT-TPS-SWITCH To report the switchover events of the TPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 EVENT-TPS-SWITCH PG-ID SWITCHED-WORK-UNIT SWITCH-STATUS 1 1 tps-force

Output Format

2.1.5 Report the status change events of the TPS protection board
Name Function Command Level Available to Version EVENT-TPS-PROTECT-CHANGE Report the status change events of the TPS protection board. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 EVENT-TPS-PROTECT-CHANGE STATUS 1 1 PG-ID PROTECT-BID-

Output Format

2.1.6 Report the switchover events of the DPS protection group

Name Function Command Level Available to Version EVENT-CFG-DPS-SWITCH To report the switchover events of the DPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 EVENT-CFG-DPS-SWITCH PG-ID MASTER-BD BACKUP-BD 1 9 10

Output Format

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2.2 Cross Connection Commands

2.2.1 Create the cross connection: cfg-add-xc
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-add-xc To create the cross connection. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-xc:xc-id,src-bid,src-pid,src-auid,src-pathid,dst-bid,dst-pid,dst-auid, dst-pathid,xc-level Number of parameters: 10; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 2 3 4 Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value Cross connection sequence number: 03526: 0 refers to the auto distribution of the host software; 1~376(for high order services); 377~3526 (for low order services) Source Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.) Source Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type installed on this board.) Source high order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board, while 1-X when the board is of other types. Determine X according to the board type installed on this board. Source low order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board or when XcLevel is high order; otherwise, adopt the corresponding low order PathId (VC12 or VC3). Destination Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.) Destination Pid: 1-X (Determin X according to the board type installed on this board.) Destination high order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board, while 1-X when the board is of other types. Determine X according to the board type installed on this board. Destination low order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board or when XcLevel is high order; otherwise, adopt the corresponding low order PathId (VC12 or VC3). Cross connection level: vc12, vc3, vc4, au4-4c, au4-8c, au4-16c, au4-64c, au3

Input Format

5 6 7 8

9 10 Output Format


:cfg-add-xc:0, 4, 1, 1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, vc4 (high order) :cfg-add-xc:0, 4, 1, 1, 1, 11, 1, 0, 0, vc12 (low order) :cfg-add-xc:0, 6, 1, 1, 1&&16, 3, 1&&16, 0, 0, vc12 (low order)

Precautions Remarks

2.2.2 Delete the cross connection: cfg-del-xc

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-del-xc Delete the cross connection. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-del-xc:src-bid,src-pid,src-auid,src-pathid,dst-bid,dst-pid,dst-auid,dst-pathid,xc-level Number of parameters: 9; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Source Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is supported only by 80G capacity.) Source Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type installed on this board.)

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Source high order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board, while 1-X when the board is of other types. Determine X according to the board type installed on this board. Source low order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board or when XcLevel is high order; otherwise, adopt the corresponding low order PathId (VC12 or VC3). Destination Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.) Destination Pid: 1-X (Determin X according to the board type installed on this board.) Destination high order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board, while 1-X when the board is of other types. Determine X according to the board type installed on this board. Destination low order PathId: Adopt 0 for this parameter when the board is a tributary board or when XcLevel is high order; otherwise, adopt the corresponding low order PathId (VC12 or VC3). Cross connection level: vc12, vc3, vc4, au4-4c, au4-8c, au4-16c, au4-64c, au3

Input Parameters

4 5 6 7

8 9 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-del-xc:6, 1, 1, 1&&63, 7, 1, 1, 1&&63, vc12

2.2.3 Query the cross connection: cfg-get-xc

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-xc Query the cross connection. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-xc:src-bid,dst-bid

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Input Format Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value

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Source Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the source boards. Destination Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the destination boards.

Output Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: ID : ID SRC-BD : Source board ID SRC-PORT : Source port ID SRC-AU : Source high order PathId SRC-TU : Source low order PathId DST-BD : Destination board ID DST-PORT : Destination port ID DST-AU : Destination high order PathId DST-TU : Destination low order PathId LEVEL : Cross connection level STATUS : Current status :cfg-get-xc:0,0


CROSS-CONNECTION ID SRC-BD SRC-PORT SRC-AU SRC-TU DST-BD DST-PORT DST-AU DST-TU LEVEL STATUS 1 7 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 vc12 adding 2 5 1 1 0 6 1 1 0 vc4 adding 3 5 2 1 vc3 adding 4 5 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 vc12 adding Total records :4

Precautions Remarks

2.2.4 Query the actual high order cross connection: cfg-get-xcconnect

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-xcconnect To query the actual high order cross connection. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-xcconnect:src-bid,dst-bid Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Source Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the source boards. Destination Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the destination boards.

Input Format

Input Parameters

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: ID : Cross connection ID SRC-BD : Source board ID SRC-PORT : Source port ID

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SRC-AU : Source high order PathId SRC-TU : Source low order PathId (Return 0) DST-BD : Destination board ID DST-PORT : Destination port ID DST-AU : Destination high order PathId DST-TU : Destination low order PathId (Return 0) LEVEL : Cross connetion level STATUS : Current status :cfg-get-xcconnect:0,0

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Output Format


ACTUAL-CROSS-CONNECTION ID SRC-BD SRC-PORT SRC-AU RSV DST-BD DST-PORT DST-AU RSV LEVEL 1 13 1 4 0 11 1 4 0 vc4 2 2 13 1 5 0 11 1 5 0 vc4 2 3 13 1 6 0 11 1 6 0 vc4 2 4 13 1 7 0 11 1 7 0 vc4 2 5 13 1 8 0 11 1 8 0 vc4 2 6 13 1 9 0 11 1 9 0 vc4 2 7 13 1 10 0 11 1 10 0 vc4 2 8 13 1 11 0 11 1 11 0 vc4 2 9 13 1 12 0 11 1 12 0 vc4 2 10 13 1 13 0 11 1 13 0 vc4 2 Total records :10


Precautions Remarks

Query this command directly on the cross connection unit.

2.2.5 Query the high order cross connection route: cfg-get-connect

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-connect Query the high order cross connetion route. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-connect:src-bid,dst-bid Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Source Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the source boards. Destination Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the destination boards.

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: G1In G1 G1Out : Level-1 cross connection matrix G2In G2 G2Out : Level-2 cross connection matrix G3In G3 G3Out : Level-3 cross connection matrix Src: Source index CC : Concatenation service type BC : Broadcast service type GnIn and GnOut stands for the input and output VC4 granule of the Level-n cross connection matrix (n=1-3); G1, G2 and G3 are the numbers of the cross connection modules.

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:cfg-get-connect:0,0 CLOS_CONNECTION G1In G1 G1Out G2In G2 G2Out G3In G3 G3Out Src CC BC 0 0 0 0 0 152 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 32 0 1 152 8 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 153 1 0 2 2 1 1 3 0 33 1 1 153 9 0 3 3 1 1 Total records :4 Query this command directly on the cross connection unit.

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Precautions Remarks

2.2.6 Cross connection query conditions: cfg-get-condxc

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-condxc To provide conditions for querying the cross connection. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-condxc:src-bid,src-pid,src-auid,dst-bid,dst-pid,dst-auid,xc-level Number of parameters: 7; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 4 5 6 7 Parameter meaning and value Source Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the source boards. Source Pid: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type installed on this board.); 0 refers to all the optical ports. Source high order PathId: 1-X (Determine X according to the type of the optical port.); 0 refers to all the high order paths. Destination Bid: 1-811-1617 (Slot17 is only supported by the cross capacity of 80G.); 0 refers to all the destination boards. Destination Pid: 1-X (Determin X according to the board type installed on this board.); 0 refers to all the optical ports. Destination PathId: 1-X (Determine X according to the type of the optical port.); 0 refers to all the high order paths. Value of XcLevel: vc4,vc4c,vc8c,vc16c,vc64c,vc12,vc3,au3,all-level

Input Format

Output Format

ID : Cross connection ID SRC-BD : Source Bid SRC-PORT : Source optical Pid SRC-AU : Source high order PathId SRC-TU : Source low order PathId SRC-MAPAU : In bus ID of the orresponding low order cross connection chip DST-BD : Destination Bid DST-PORT : Destination optical Pid DST-AU : Destination high order PathId DST-TU : Destination low order PathId DST-MAPAU : Out bus ID of the orresponding low order cross connection chip (reserved; always 0) LEVEL : Cross connection level STATUS : Add/Delete operation status

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:cfg-get-condxc:5,1,1,6,1,1,all-level CROSS-CONNECTION Example ID SRC-BD SRC-PORT SRC-AU SRC-TU SRC-MAPAU 1 5 1 1 1 1 DST-BD DST-PORT DST-AU DST-TU DST-MAPAU LEVEL 6 1 1 1 0 vc12 active Total records :1

Page 188 of 243


Precautions Remarks

2.2.7 Query the cross connection low order services: cfg-get-bdlowxc

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-bdlowxc Query the cross connection low order services. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-bdlowxc:txc-bid,in-au4bus,out-au4bus Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Parameter meaning and value Bid of low order cross connection chip: Meaningless Source bus (VC4) ID: 0-32 (0 refers to all source VC4 s.) Destination bus (VC4) ID: 0-32 (0 refers to all destination VC4 s.)

Input Format

Output Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: ID : Low order service ID BID : Bid of low order cross connection chip SRC-MAPAU : Source bus ID SRC-TU : Source low order PathId DST-MAPAU : Destination bus ID DST-TU : Destination low order PathId LEVEL : XcLevel :cfg-get-bdlowxc:2,1,1


BDSIDE-LOW-XC BID ID SRC-MAPAU SRC-TU DST-MAPAU DST-TU LEVEL 2 1 1 1 1 1 vc3 Total records :1 Query this command directly on the cross connection unit.

Precautions Remarks

2.3 Linear Multiplex Section Commands

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 2.3.1 Create a linear MSP Group: cfg-add-lmspg
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-add-lmspg To create a linear MSP group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-lmspg:PgId,ProtType,WorkChnNum,RvtMode,OpMode Number of parameters: 5; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value Protection Group ID: OSN 3500:1~40 OSN 2500:1~12 Protection type: Value Meaning 1j1 1+1 1pn 1:N Number of working paths: 114 Revert mode: Value Meaning rvt Revert mode norvt Non-revert mode Uni-/bi-directional mode: Value Meaning uniend Uni-directional mode biend Bi-directional mode

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Input Format

2 Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions

:cfg-add-lmspg:1,1pn,1,rvt,biend This command is used when the protection group does not exist, or when restoring the deleting operation. It is not allowed to use this command to creat multiple linear protection groups by repeating the parameters. For 1j1, you can choose the revert or non-revert mode, the uni-directional or bi-directional mode; while for 1pn, you must choose the revert mode and the bi-directional mode. The protection group will be valid when the mapping configuration for all the optical port is completed.


2.3.2 Delete a linear MSP group: cfg-del-lmspg

Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-del-lmspg To delete a linear MSP group. System maintenance User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-del-lmspg:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-del-lmspg:1&2 The deleting action is effective when the verification is performed successfully. protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

2.3.3 Query all the linear MSP groups: cfg-get-lmspg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmspg To query all the linear MSP groups. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmspg Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID: Protection group ID PROT-TYPE : Protection type WORK-CHN-NUM : Number of working paths REVERT-MODE : Revert mode OP-MODE : Uni-directional/Bi-directional mode ACTIVE-FLAG: Current status(adding/deleting/active) :cfg-get-lmspg: LMS-PROTECTION-GROUP Example PG-ID PROT-TYPE WORK-CHN-NUM REVERT-MODE OP-MODE ACTIVE-FLAG 1 1pn 3 rvt biend adding Total records :1

Input Format

Output Format

Precautions Remarks

2.3.4 Set the waiting time for the linear MSP group recovery: cfg-set-lmsattrib
Name Function cfg-set-lmsattrib To set the waiting time for the linear MSP group recovery.

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Command Level Available to Version System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lmsattrib:PgId, WtrTime Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-lmsattrib:1, 300 This command supports modifying the active protection group. Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40

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Input Format

Waiting time for recovery: 6~720 second; the default value is 600 seconds.

2.3.5 Query the waiting time for the linear MSP group recovery: cfg-get-lmsattrib
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmsattrib To query the waiting time for the linear MSP group recovery. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmsattrib:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Output Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID : Protection group ID WTR-TIME : Waiting time for recovery :cfg-get-lmsattrib:1 LMS-WTRTIME PG-ID WTR-TIME 1 300 Total records :1 Return in the unit of second.


Precautions Remarks

2.3.6 Set the signal degrading flag for the protection group: cfg-set-lmssdflag file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-set-lmssdflag To set the signal degrading flag for the protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lmssdflag:PgId,EnableFlag Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID : 1~40 SD flag: Vlaue Meaning enable Enable the SD switch disable Diable the SD switch Default: enable

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Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-set-lmssdflag:1&2&&5,enable This command supports configuring the active protection group.

2.3.7 Query the degrading flag of the protection group: cfg-get-lmssdflag

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmssdflag To query the degrading flag of the protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmssdflag:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: Output Format PG-ID: Protection group ID SD-ENABLE : SD switch flag :cfg-get-lmssdflag:1 LMS-SD-ENABLE PG-ID SD-ENABLE 1 enable


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Total records :1 Precautions Remarks

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2.3.8 Set the port mapping relationship of the linear MS protection unit: cfg-set-lmsbdmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-set-lmsbdmap To set the port mapping relationship of the linear MS protection unit. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lmsbdmap:PgId,PuId,Bid,Pid Number of parameters: 4; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40 Protection unit ID: 0~14 (0~1 for the 1j1 LMS; 0~N for the 1pn LMS; 0 is the protection unit, and others are working units.) Board ID: 1-8, 11-161780G XCS board; 1-8, 11-16 40G XCS board Port ID: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type installed on this board.)

Input Format

Input Parameters

4 Output Format Example Precautions :cfg-set-lmsbdmap:1,0,5,1

The board must be installed before the configuration; pay attention to the board type and the optical port level; make sure the optical resources are available. This command does not support configuring the active protection group. The added protection group is valid when the mapping configuration of all the optical ports is completed.


2.3.9 Query the port mapping relationship of the linear MS protection unit: cfg-get-lmsbdmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmsbdmap To query the port mapping relationship of the linear MS protection unit. System monitoring User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-get-lmsbdmap:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-lmsbdmap:1&2 Report the multiple protection units in various messages. Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

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2.3.10 Start the linear MS protocol controller: cfg-start-lms

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-start-lms To start the linear MS protocol controller. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-start-lms:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-start-lms:1&2 When excuting this command, the relevant protection group must be in the active status. Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

2.3.11 Stop the linear MS protocol controller: cfg-stop-lms

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-stop-lms To stop the linear MS protocol controller. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-stop-lms:PgId

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Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-stop-lms:1&2 Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

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When excuting this command, the relevant protection group must be in the active status. The alarm of stopping the MS protocol will be reported when this command is configured successfully.

2.3.12 Initiate the external switchover command of the linear MSP group: cfg-set-lmsswitch
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-lmsswitch To initiate the external switchover command of the linear MSP group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lmsswitch:PgId,PuId,SwCmd Number of parameters: 3; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40 Protection unit ID: 0~14 (0~1 for the 1j1 LMS, and 0~N for the 1pn LMS.) External switchover command types: value meaning lms-lock Lock the protection channel lms-unlock Unlock the protection channel lms-force Force switch lms-forceclr Clear the force switch lms-man Manual switch lms-manclr Clear the manual switch lms-exer Exercise switch lms-exerclr Clear the exercise switch

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions

:cfg-set-lmsswitch:1,1,lms-force The relevant protection group is in the active status. The lms-lock command applies to the protection channel only; the lms-force and lms-man commands can apply to both the working and protection channels; the lms-exer command applies to the working channel only.


2.3.13 Query the switchover status of the linear MS protection group: cfg-get-lmsstate file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmsstate To query the switchover status of the linear MS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmsstatus:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Return the following relevant fileds in the table format: Output Format PG-ID: Protection group ID PU-ID: Protection unit ID SWITCH-REQUEST: Switchover request SWITCH-STATUS: Switchover status :cfg-get-lmsstatus:1 LMS-SWITCH-STATUS PG-ID PU-ID SWITCH-REQUEST SWITCH-STATUS 1 0 LPS_LP S Total records :1


Precautions Remarks

2.3.14 Query the switchover event logs of the Linear MS protection group: cfg-get-lmsevent
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmsevent To query the switchover event logs of the linear MS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmsevent:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: Output Format PG-ID: Protection group ID EVENT-NO: Event ID EVENT-VALUE: Event value

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EVENT-PARA: Event parameter DATE-TIME: Date and time TIME-STAMP: Time stamp Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-lmsevent:1&2

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2.3.15 Clear the switchover event logs of the linear MS protection group: cfg-init-lmsevent
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-init-lmsevent To clear the switchover event logs of the linear MS protection group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-init-lmsevent:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-init-lmsevent:1&2 Protection group ID: 1~40 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

2.3.16 Set the switchover holdoff time of the linear MS protection group: cfg-set-lmsholdofftime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-lmsholdofftime To set the switchover holdoff time of the liner MS protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lmsholdofftime:PgId,holdofftime Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection Group ID: 1~40

Input Format

Input Parameters

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks 2 :cfg-set-lmsholdofftime:1,100

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Hold-off time : 0 ~100 (Default: 0; unit: 100ms)

2.3.17 Query the switchover holdoff time of the linear MS protection group: cfg-getlmsholdofftime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmsholdofftime To query the switchover holdoff time of the linear MS protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmsholdofftime:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format

Return the following relevant field: HOLDOFF-TIME: Reporting time for the switchover delay :cfg-get-lmsholdofftime:1 HOLDOFF-TIME : 100

Example Precautions Remarks

2.3.18 Set the k2 mode of the linear MS protection group: cfg-set-lmsk2mode

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-lmsk2mode To set the k2 mode (whether the last three bits of k2 indicate the uni-/bi-directional mode) of the linear MS protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lmsk2mode:PgId,k2mode Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated.

Input Format

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Input Parameters Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40

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Whether the last three bits of K2 indicate the uni-/bi-directional mode: value meaning indicate Indicate the uni-/bi-directional mode noindicate Not indicate the uni-/bi-directional mode Defaule: noindicate

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks


2.3.19 Query the k2 mode of the linear MS protection group: cfg-get-lmsk2mode

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmsk2mode To query the k2 mode (whether the last three bits of k2 indicate the uni-/bi-directional mode) of the linear MS protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmsk2mode:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format

Return the following relevant field: K2-MODE: Whether the last three bits of k2 indicate the uni-/bi-directionalmode. :cfg-get-lmsk2mode:1 K2-MODE : indicate

Example Precautions Remarks

2.3.20 Set the priority of the linear MS SF and SD in the K bytes: cfg-set-lmsklevel
Name Function cfg-set- lmsklevel Set the priority of the linear MS SF and SD in the K bytes.

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Command Level Available to Version System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-lmsklevel:PgId,klevel Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40 Priority of SF and SD in the K bytes: Value Meaning k_high High level k_low Low level Default: k_high

Page 200 of 243

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-set-lmsklevel:1,k_low This command is only used in interconnection with devices of other manufacturers. Please be cautious with this command.

2.3.21 Query the priority of the linear MS SF and SD in the K bytes: cfg-get-lmsklevel
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-lmsklevel: Query the priority of the linear MS SF and SD in the K bytes. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-lmsklevel:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 K-LEVEL: Priority of SF and SD in the K bytes :cfg-get-lmsklevel:1 K-LEVEL : k_low This command is only used in interconnection with devices of other manufacturers. Please be cautious with this command. Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~40

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example

Precautions Remarks

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2.4 Ring Multiplex Section Commands

2.4.1 Create a Ring MS protection group: cfg-add-rmspg
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-add-rmspg To create a ring MS protection group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-rmspg:PgId,Type Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12 Protection group types: value meaning 2fbi Two fiber bidirectional ring 2funi Two fiber unidirection ring 4f Four fiber ring

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-add-rmspg:1&2, 2fbi This command is used when the protection does not exist or in restoring the deleting operation. After adding the protection group, perform the verification when the mapping configuration for all the optical ports is completed; otherwise, error may occur.

2.4.2 Delete a Ring MS protection group: cfg-del-rmspg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-del-rmspg To delete a Ring MS protection group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-del-rmspg:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-del-rmspg:1&2 The deleting action becomes effective after the verification. Protection group ID: 1~12

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2.4.3 Query all the MS Ring protection groups: cfg-get-rmspg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmspg To query all the MS ring protection groups. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmspg Number of parameters: 0; parameters not repetitive. Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID: Protection group ID TYPE : Protection group type ACTIVE-STATE: Protection group status (adding/deleteing/active) :cfg-get-rmspg MSSPR-PROTECTION-GROUP PG-ID TYPE ACTIVE-STATUS 1 2fbi adding 2 2fbi adding Total records :2

Input Format

Output Format


Precautions Remarks

2.4.4 Set the attributes of the MS ring protection group: cfg-set-rmsattrib

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-rmsattrib To set the attributes of the MS ring protection group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rmsattrib:PgId, LocalNode, WestNode, EastNode, WtrTime Number of parameters: 5; parameter blocks repeated.

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Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12 Local node ID: 0~15; the default is 1.

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Input Parameters

West node ID: 0~15 (The old protocol node ID must be consecutive, and the east node ID must larger than the west node ID); the default is 0. East node ID: 0~15 (The old protocol node ID must be consecutive, and the east node ID must larger than the west node ID); the default is 2. Waiting time for recovery: 6~720 seconds; the default is 600 seconds.

5 Output Format Example :cfg-set-rmsattrib: 1, 2, 3, 4, 200


The ID of the local, east and west nodes should be mutually different; the ID can be configured following certain regularity; for example, to dynamically configure the attributes of the protection group in the clockwise direction; to activate a protection group is taken as modification.


2.4.5 Query the attributes of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmsattrib

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmsattrib To query the attributes of the MS ring protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmsattrib:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: Output Format PG-ID: Protection group ID LOCAL-NODEID : Local node ID WEST-NODEID : West node ID EAST-NODEID : East node ID WTR-TIME: Waiting time for recovery :cfg-get-rmsattrib:1 MSSPR-PG-ATTRIBUTE PG-ID LOCAL-NODEID WEST-NODEID EAST-NODEID WTR-TIME 1 2 3 4 200 Total records :1


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Precautions Remarks

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2.4.6 Set the degrading flag of the MS ring protection group: cfg-set-rmssdflag
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-rmssdflag To set the degrading flag of the MS ring protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rmssdflag:PgId,Flag Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12 SD flag: value meaning enable Enable the SD switch disable Disable the SD switch Default: enable

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks


2.4.7 Query the degrading flag of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmssdflag
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmssdflag To query the degrading flag of the MS ring protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmssdflag:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format:

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Output Format PG-ID: Protection group ID SD-ENABLE: SD flag MSSPR-SD-ENABLE PG-ID SD-ENABLE 1 enable Total records :1

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Precautions Remarks

2.4.8 Set the port mapping relationship of the MS ring protection unit: cfg-set-rmsbdmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-rmsbdmap Set the port mapping System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rmsbdmap:PgId,PuId,Bid,Pid,AuTable Number of parameters: 5; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12 Protection unit ID: Value Meaning w1 west1 w2 west2 e1 east1 e2 east2 SDH board ID: 2~811-161780G XCS board 2~811-1640G XCS board Port ID: 1~X (X is the max number of the optical ports on an optical board; determined according to the board type.) AU4 utilization flag: Determined according to the port level.

relationship of the MS ring protection unit.

Input Format

2 Input Parameters 3

4 5 Output Format Example :cfg-set-rmsbdmap:1,w1,5,1,1&&4&8


1. The configuration requires the installation of the board; the board type is specified to the line board; the optical resources must be available. The optical port with the rate level as STM-1 should not be the protection unit of the two fiber bi-directional ring MS. 2. The Metor 3500 boards of two rate levels (STM-64 and STM-16) support the configuration of shared optical channel. That is, a 10G optical port can be used as two (one uplink 5G and one downlink 5G) optical ports, and can also be used as a single 10G optical port; a 2.5G optical port can be used as two (one uplink 2.5G and one downlink 2.5G) optical ports, and can also be used as a single 2.5G optical port. 3. The AU4 utilization flag should not exceed the number of actual VC4 channels of the optical port. 4. If the protection group is of two fiber bi-directional type, the AU4 utilization flag should not be any channel among

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the latter half channels of the optical port currently in use. Remarks

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This command does not support configuring the active protection group. After adding a protection group, perform the verification when the mapping configuration for all the optical ports is completed; otherwise, error may occur.

2.4.9 Query the port mapping relationship of the MS ring protection unit: cfg-get-rmsbdmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-get-rmsbdmap To query the port mapping relationship of the MS ring protection unit. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmsbdmap:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: Output Format PG-ID: Protection group ID PU-ID: Protection unit ID BOARD-ID : SDH board ID PORT-ID : Port ID AU4-MAP: AU4 utilization flag :cfg-get-rmsbdmap:1 PG-ID PU-ID BOARD-ID PORT-ID AU4-MAP 1 west1 5 1 1&&8&16&&32 1 east1 5 1 1&&8&16&&32 Report the multiple protection units in various messages.


Precautions Remarks

2.4.10 Start the MS ring protocol controller: cfg-start-rms

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-start-rms To start the MS ring protocol controller. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-start-rms:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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Input Parameters Output Format Example Precautions Remarks 1 :cfg-start-rms:1&2 The relevant protection group should be in the active status. Protection group ID: 1~12

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2.4.11 Stop the MS ring protocol controller: cfg-stop-rms

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-stop-rms To stop the MS ring protocol controller. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-stop-rms:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-stop-rms:1&2 The relevant protection group should be in the active status. Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

2.4.12 Initiate the external switchover command of the MS ring: cfg-set-rmsswitch

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-set-rmsswitch To initiate the external switchover command of the MS ring. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rmsswitch:PgId,SwDir,SwCmd Number of parameters: 3; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

Input Format

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2 Switch direction: Value Meaning w1 west e1 east

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Input Parameters 3

Types of extrernal switchover commands: value meaning rms-lock Lock rms-unlock Unlock rms-sforce Section force switch rms-sforceclr Clear the section force switch rms-rforce Ring force switch rms-rforceclr Clear the ring force switch rms-sman Section manual switch rms-smanclr Clear the section manual switch rms-rman Ring manual switch rms-rmanclr Clear the ring manual switch rms-sexer Section exercise switch rms-sexerclr Clear the section exercise switch rms-rexer Ring exercise switch rms-rexerclr Clear the ring exercise switch

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-rmsswitch:1,w1,rms-rman The relevant protection group should have been started.

2.4.13 Query the switchover status of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmsstate
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmsstate To query the switchover status of the MS ring protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmsstatus:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID: Protection group ID WEST-SWREQ: West switchover request WEST-SWSTA: West switchover status WEST-SWFLAG: West switchover flag EAST-SWREQ: East switchover request EAST-SWSTA: East switchover status EAST-SWFLAG: East switchover flag :cfg-get-rmsstatus:1

Output Format


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Example PG-ID WEST-SWREQ WEST-SWSTA WEST-SWFLAG EAST-SWREQ EAST-SWSTA EAST-SWFLAG 1 SF_R S ON SF_R IDLE OFF Total records :1 The relevant protection group should have been started.

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Precautions Remarks

2.4.14 Query the event Logs of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get-rmsevent
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmsevent To query the event logs of the MS ring protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmsevent:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID : Protection group ID EVENT-NO: Event No. EVENT-VALUE: Event value EVENT-PARA: Event parameter DATE-TIME: Date and time TIME-STAMP: Time stamp :cfg-get-rmsevent:1&2

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

2.4.15 Initialize the event logs of the MS switchover process: cfg-init-rmsevent

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-init-rmsevent To initialize the event logs of the MS switchover process. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-init-rmsevent:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-init-rmsevent:1&2 Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

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2.4.16 Set the protocol type of the MS ring protection group: cfg-set-rmsprotocol
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-rmsprotocol

To set the protocol type of the MS ring protection group.

System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set- rmsprotocol:PgId,Flag Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12 Protocol type flag: old - old protocol type; new - new protocol type; the default is new.

Input Format

Input Parameters

1 2

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-set- rmsprotocol:1&2new Stop the protocol before changing the protocol type of the protection group.

2.4.17 Query the protocol type of the MS ring protection group: cfg-get- rmsprotocol
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get- rmsprotocol To query the protocol type of the MS ring protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get- rmsprotocol:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated.

Input Format

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

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Output Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID: Protection group ID PROTOCOL-TYPE : Protocol type :cfg-get- rmsprotocol:1 MSSPR-PROTOCOL-TYPE PG-ID PROTOCOL-TYPE 1 old Total records :1


Precautions Remarks

2.4.18 Set the holdoff time for the MS ring switchover: cfg-set-rmsholdofftime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-rmsholdofftime To set the holdoff time for the MS ring switchover. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rmsholdofftime:PgId,holdofftime Number of parameters: 2; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 :cfg-set-rmsholdofftime:1,100 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12 Holdoff time: 0 ~100 (Default: 0; unit: 100ms)

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

2.4.19 Query the holdoff time for the MS ring switchover: cfg-get-rmsholdofftime
Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-get-rmsholdofftime To query the holdoff time for the MS ring switchover. System operation User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmsholdofftime:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Return the following relevant field: HOLDOFF-TIME: Hold off time :cfg-get-rmsholdofftime:1 HOLDOFF-TIME : 100 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

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Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

2.4.20 Query the locking status of the MS ring: cfg-get-rmslock

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmslock To query the locking status of the MS ring. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmslock:PgId Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-rmslock:1 This command applies to the old protocol only; it does not support the new protocol. Protection group ID: 1~12 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

2.4.21 Set the enabling flag of the MS ring service suppression: cfg-set-rmssquflag
Name Function Command Level Available to cfg-set-rmssquflag To set the enabling flag of the MS ring service suppression. System operation User level

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Version 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rmssquflag:PgId,Flag Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

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Input Format

Input Parameters

Service suppression enabling flag: value meaning enable Enable the service suppression disable Disable the service suppression Default: enable

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks


2.4.22 Query the enabling flag of the MS ring service suppression: cfg-get-rmssquflag
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmssquflag To query the enabling flag of the MS ring service suppression. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmssquflag:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format

Return the following relevant field: SQUELCH-ENABLE: Enabling flag of the MS ring service suppression :cfg-get-rmssquflag:1 MSSPR-SQUELCH-ENABLE PG-ID SQUELCH-ENABLE 1 enable Total records :1


Precautions Remarks

2.4.23 Set the node configuration table for the whole MS ring: cfg-set-rmsnodemap

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-rmsnodemap Set the node configuration table for the whole MS ring. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-rmsnodemap:PgId,NodeCnt,Node1,Node2..Node8 Number of parameters: 10; single parameter repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Output Format Example :cfg-set-rmsnodemap:1&2,16,0x0001,0x0203,0x0405,0x0607,0x0809, 0x0a0b, 0x0c0d, 0x0e0f Parameter meaning and value Protection group: 1~12 Number of nodes on the whole ring: 2~16

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Input Format

Input Parameters

Node number parameter 1: Each parameter stands for two nodenumbers; value range for each node number is 0~15. Node number parameter 2: Same as above. Node number parameter 3: Same as above. Node number parameter 4: Same as above. Node number parameter 5: Same as above. Node number parameter 6: Same as above. Node number parameter 7: Same as above. Node number parameter 8: Same as above.

Precautions Remarks

Nodes on the whole ring should be configured according to the actual networking, from west to east; otherwise, the configuration will not work. Deliver this command only when the protection group is in the active status.

2.4.24 Query the node configuration table for the whole MS ring: cfg-get-rmsnodemap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmsnodemap To query node configuration table for the whole MS ring. System operation User level 5.21.01

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Input Format :cfg-get-rmsnodemap:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Return the following relevant fields: NODE-CNT: Number of nodes on the whole ring NODE: Node number Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

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Input Parameters

Output Format


:cfg-get-rmsnodemap:1 MSSPR-NODEMAP PG-ID NODE-CNT NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE 1 0 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff Total records :1

Precautions Remarks

2.4.25 Add the suppression service for the MS ring: cfg-add-rmsringmap

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-add-rmsringmap: To add the suppression service for the MS ring. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-rmsringmap:PgId,Dir,Vc4Id,SrcNode,DstNode,IsLowVc4Used Number of parameters: 6; single parameter repetitive. Parameter location 1 2 3 4 5 6 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-add-rmsringmap:1,west,1,1,15,0 Deliver this command only when the protection group is in the active status. Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12 Service direction: west or east VC4PathId: 1~64 Source node number: 0~15 Destination node number: 0~15 Utilization flag of the low order service: Reserved byte

Input Format

Input Parameters

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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 2.4.26 Query the suppression service of the MS ring: cfg-get-rmsringmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmsringmap To query the suppression service of the MS ring. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-rmsringmap:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

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Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format

Return the following relevant fields: PG-ID: Protection group ID DIR: Suppression service direction AU4ID: VC4PathId SRC-NODE: Source node number DST-NODE: Destination node number LOWVC4-USED: Utilization flag of the low order service (currently unusable) :cfg-get-rmsringmap:1


MSSPR-RINGMAP PG-ID DIR AU4ID SRC-NODE DST-NODE LOWVC4-USED 1 west 1 1 15 0 1 east 2 5 1 0 Total records :2

Precautions Remarks

2.4.27 Delete the suppression service of the MS ring: cfg-del-rmsringmap

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-del-rmsringmap To delete the suppression service of the MS ring. This command deletes only one designated suppression service. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-del-rmsringmap:PgId,Dir,Vc4Id Number of parameters: 3; single parameter repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

Input Format

Input Parameters

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2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-del-rmsringmap:1&2,west,1 Deliver this command only when the protection group is in the active status. VC4PathId: 1~64

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Suppression service direction: West or east

2.4.28 Clear the suppression service of the MS ring: cfg-clear-rmsringmap

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-clear-rmsringmap To clear the suppression service of the MS ring. This command deletes all the sppression services (including that of the MS) of the protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-clear-rmsringmap:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~12

Input Format

Input Parameters Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-clear-rmsringmap:1&2 Deliver this command only when the protection group is in the active status.

2.4.29 Query the service suppression status of the MS ring: cfg-get-rmssquflag

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-rmssqustatus To query the service suppression status of the MS ring. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get- rmssqustatus:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Input Parameters

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1 Protection group ID: 1~12

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Output Format

Return the following relevant fields: SQUELCH-STATUS: Service suppression status of the MS ring (suppress or not) NODE-STATUS: Node status (isolated or not) :cfg-get-rmssqustatus:1 MSSPR-SQUELCH-STATUS PG-ID SQUELCH-STATUS NODE-STATUS 1 NO-SQUELCH NO-LONE Total records :1


Precautions Remarks

2.5 SNCP Commands

2.5.1 Add an SNCP group: cfg-add-sncppg
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-add-sncppg To add an SNCP group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-sncppg:PgId, RvtMode Number of parameters: 2; parameters repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~1184 Input Parameters 1 Parameters repeatitive; the max number of protection groups is 1184. Revert mode: rvt or norvt

Input Format

2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-add-sncppg:1&2,rvt Use this command when the protection group does not exist or when recoverying the deleting operation.

2.5.2 Delete an SNCP group: cfg-del-sncppg

Name Function Command Level cfg-del-sncppg To delete an SNCP group. System maintenance

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-del-sncppg:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Protection group ID: 1~1184 Parameters repetitive; the max number of protection groups is 1184.

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-del-sncppg:1&2

The deleting action becomes effective after the verification.

2.5.3 Query all the SNCP groups: cfg-get-sncppg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-sncppgp To query all the SNCP groups. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncppg PG-ID : Protection group ID REVERT-MODE : Revert mode ACTIVE-FLAG : Current status (active/adding/deleting) :cfg-get-sncppg SNCP-PROTECTION-GROUP PG-ID REVERT-MODE ACTIVE-FLAG 1 rvt adding Total records :1

Output Format


Precautions Remarks To query the ID, revert mode and activating status of all the protection groups.

2.5.4 Set the revert mode and waiting time for recovery for the SNCP group: cfg-set-sncppgpara
Name Function Command Level

cfg-set-sncppgpara To set the revert mode and waiting time for recovery for the SNCP group.
System operation

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-sncppgpara:PgIdRvtMode WtrTime Number of parameters: 3; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~1184 Revrt mode: rvt or norvt

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Input Format

Waiting time for recovery: 6~720 seconds; the default is 600 seconds.

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-sncppgpara:1&2,rvt,300

2.5.5 Query the revert mode and waiting time for recovery fot the SNCP group: cfg-getsncppgpara
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-get-sncppgpara

To query the revert mode and waiting time for recovery for the SNCP group.
System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncppgpara:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~1184

Input Format

Input Parameters 1

Output Format

Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID : Protection group ID REVERT-MODE : Revert mode WTR-TIME : Waiting time for recovery :cfg-get-sncppgpara:PgId

Example Precautions Remarks

2.5.6 Set the port mapping relationship for the SNCP unit: cfg-set-sncpbdmap file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-sncpbdmap To set the port mapping relationship for the SNCP unit. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-sncpbdmap:PgId,PuId,SrcBid,SrcPid,SrcAu4Id,SrcPath,DstBid,DstPid,DstAu4Id,DstPath,XcLevel Number of parameters: 11; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~1184 Parameters repetitive; the max number of protection groups is 1184. Protection unit ID: Value Meaning work Working unit backup Protection unit Source board ID: 1-8, 11-1617 (80G XCS board) Source port ID: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Source high order path ID: 1-X (Determine X according to the port level of this board type.) Souce low order path ID: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.) Dest board ID: 1-8, 11-1617 (80G XCS board) Dest port ID: 1-X (Determine X according to the board type.)

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Input Format

3 4 5 Input Parameters 6 7 8 9 10

Dest high order path ID: 1-X; determined by the optical port level; adopt 0 if the board is a tributary board. Destination low order PathId: 1-63; determined by the board type; adopt 0 if the board is a tributary board. Service level: Value Meaning vc12 Commom vc12 traffic vc3 Common vc3 traffic vc4 Common VC4 traffic au4-4c Concatenation traffic au4-8c Concatenation traffic au4-16c Concatenation traffic au4-64c Concatenation traffic


Output Format Example Precautions

:cfg-set-sncpbdmap:1,work,5,1,4,0,6,1,2,0,vc4 Install the board before the configuration; pay attention to the board type and the optical port level; make sure the optical port resources are available. It is necessary to send the cfg-verify command. Refer to the cfg-add-xc command (Create the cross connection) for setting the input from 3 to 11.


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OptiX OSN3500&2500 V100R001 Nesoft Configuration Command Line Reference 2.5.7 Query the port mapping relationship of the SNCP unit: cfg-get-sncpbdmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-sncpbdmap To query the port mapping relationship of the SNCP unit. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncpbdmap:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value PgId: 1~1184 Parameters repetitive; the max number of protection groups is 1180.

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Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format

:cfg-get-sncpbdmap:1 SNCP-PU-MAP PG-ID PU-ID SRC-BID SRC-PID SRC-AU4 SRC-PATH DST-BID DST-PID DST-AU4 DST-PATH XC-LEVEL 1 work 5 1 4 0 4 1 2 0 vc4 1 backup 2 1 1 0 4 1 2 0 vc4 Total records :2 :cfg-get-sncpbdmap:1

Example Precautions Remarks

Report the multiple protection groups in various messages.

2.5.8 Set the SNCP attributes: cfg-set-sncpattrib

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-sncpattrib To set the SNCP attributes. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-sncpattrib:PgId,PuId,OptCondition,DelayTime Number of parameters: 4; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~1184 Parameters repetitive; the max number of protection groups is 1180. Protection unit ID: Value Meaning

Input Format

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work Working unit backup Protection unit The PP mode does not support setting separately the attributes of the working and protection channels; reserve this parameter. Monitoring condition: SNCP: hpuneq, b3sd, hptim, b3exc PP: lpslm, lpuneq, lptim, bipexc, bipsd Holdoff time: 0~100; unit: 100ms; default: 0. The PP mode does not support setting the holdoff time; this parameter is invalid, and the host does not detect this parameter.

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Support the dynamic configuration. The PP mode does not support setting separately the attributes of the working and protection channels; only the configured attributes of the working channel are valid. :cfg-set-sncpattrib:1,work,hpuneq&b3sd&hptim&b3exc,100 :cfg-set-sncpattrib:2,work,lpslm&bipexc,0

2.5.9 Query the attributes of the SNCP unit: cfg-get-sncpattrib

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-sncpattrib To query the attributes of the SNCP unit. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncpattrib:PgId,PuId Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value PgId: 1~1184 The max number of protection groups is 1180. PuId: work or backup

Input Format

Input Parameters

2 :cfg-get-sncpattrib:1,work PgId : 1 PuId : work OpCondition: b3sd DelayTime : 100 :cfg-get-sncpattrib:1,work

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

The PP protection does not support the holdoff time; return 0.

2.5.10 Initiate the SNCP external switchover command: cfg-set-sncpswitch file://D:\CD\Technical Document\trshome\temp\trs_tmp30_24576.htm 9/25/2007

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-sncpswitch To initiate the SNCP external switchover command. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-sncpswitch:PgId,ExtCmd,SwDir Number of parameters: 3; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value PgId: 1~1184

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Input Format

1 Input Parameters 2

The max number of protection groups is 1184. ExtCmd: External switchover command sncp-lock, sncp-clear, sncp-force SwDir: Switch direction w2p: Working to protection p2w: Protection to work

Output Format Example Precautions

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-sncpswitch:1,sncp-force,w2p


The relevant protection group is in the active status. In terms of the SNCP protection group configured with the revert mode, the switchover will fail if first switching it to the protection unit and then to the working unit using the force or manual switchover; in terms of the SNCP protection group configured with the non-revert mode, the clear command will becomes invalid after switching it to the protection unit using the force or manual switchover. The non-revert SNCP protection group is in the DNR status; therefore, the clear command does not work.

2.5.11 Query the switchover status of the SNCP group: cfg-get-sncpstate

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-sncpstate To query the switchover status of the SNCP group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncpstatus:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Parameter meaning and value PgId: 1~1184 The max number of protection groups is 1184.

Input Format

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:cfg-get-sncpstatus:1 SNCP-SWITCH-STATUS PG-ID SWITCH-SATAE 1 sncp-idle Total records :1 :cfg-get-sncpstatus:1

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Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

2.5.12 Query the SNC node information: cfg-get-sncinfo

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-sncinfo To query the SNC node information. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncinfo:Bid, PageNo, PgId, PuId Number of parameters: 4; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 1-8, 11-161780G XCS Switchover page: 0~3 (0 for the current page; 1 for the east switchover page of the MS ring; 2 for the west switchover page of the MS ring; 3 for the switchover page of the MS segment. PgId: 1~1184 PuId: work or backup

Input Format

Input Parameters

3 4 :cfg-get-sncinfo:4,0,1,work SNC-INFO Output Format

BID PAGE-NO PG-ID PU-ID PID AU4ID SNC-ATTR DELAY-TIME SNC-STATUS 4 0 1 work 1 1 1 0 sncp-sf Total records :1 :cfg-get-sncinfo:4,0,1,work This command is delivered directly to the board. Therefore, the board should be in position. This command applies to the SNCP high order protection only. There is no return when querying the PP protection groups.

Example Precautions Remarks

2.5.13 Query the diversion of the SNC monitoring point: cfg-get-sncdivert

Name Function cfg-get-sncdivert To query the diversion of the SNC monitoring point.

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Command Level Available to Version System monitoring Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncdivert:PgId Number of parameters: 1 Parameter location Input Parameters 1 :cfg-get-sncdivert:4 SNC-DIVERT Output Format Protection group ID: 1~1184 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format




Precautions Remarks

This command applies to the SNCP high order protection only. There is no return when querying the PP protection groups.

2.5.14 Enable reporting the SNCP switchover event: cfg-set-sncpreport

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-set-sncpreport To enable reporting the SNCP switchover event. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-sncpreport: flag Number of parameters: 1 Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Parameter meaning and value flag: enabledisable Default: enable

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message.

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Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-sncpreport:enable

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2.5.15 Query the enabling status of reporting the SNCP switchover event: cfg-get-sncpreport
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-sncpreport To query the enabling status of reporting the SNCP switchover event. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncpreport Number of parameters: 0 Parameter location Input Parameters Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

SNCP-REPORT : disable :cfg-get-sncpreport

2.5.16 Query the SNCP protection group with specified conditions: cfg-get-condsncp
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-condsncp To query the SNCP protection group with specified conditions. System monitoring Internal level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-condsncp:Bid,Pid,BidAttr,XcLevel Number of parameters: 4 Parameter location 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Bid: 0-8, 11-1617 (80G XCS) (0 refers to all boards.) Pid: 0-X (Determine X according to the type of the board installed on this board) (0 refers to all optical ports.) BidAttr: Board attributes

Input Format

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3 Input Parameters

value meaning srcwork SNCP source working board srcbackup SNCP source protection board dst SNCP destination board any any board XcLevel: vc12vc3vc4au4-4cau4-8cau416cau4-64call-level

4 :cfg-get-condsncp:1,0,srcwork,all-level PG-ID RVTMODE 1 rvt 2 rvt :cfg-get-condsncp:1,0,srcwork,all-level

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

2.5.17 Creat SNCP protection groups on the basis of common services: cfg-convert-xctosncp
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-convert-xctosncp To create SNCP protection groups on the basis of common services. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-convert-xctosncp:XcId,SrcBid,SrcPid,SrcAu4Id,SrcTuId,DstBid,DstPid, DstAu4Id,DstTuId,XcLevel,PgId,ProtSrcBid,ProtSrcPid,ProtSrcAu4Id,ProtSrcTuId Number of parameters: 15 Parameter location 1 2 3 4 Input Parameters 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter meaning and value XcId: Service ID, 1-3526 SrcBid: Source board ID corresponding to this service SrcPid: Souce port ID corresponding to this service SrcAu4Id: Source high order PathId corresponding to this service SrcTuId: Source low order PathId corresponding to this service DstBid: Destination Bid corresponding to this service DstPid: Destination optical Pid corresponding to this service DstAu4Id: Destination high order PathId corresponding to this service DstTuId: Destination low order PathId corresponding to this service XcLevel: XcLevel corresponding to this service

Input Format

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11 12 13 14 15 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-convert-xctosncp:1,2,3,4,0,3,4,5,0,vc4,10,4,5,6,0 PgId: 0-1184 (0 for auto distribution) ProtSrcBid: Bid of the SNCP-protected protection source ProtSrcPid: Pid of the SNCP-protected protection source ProtSrcAu4Id: High order PathId of the SNCP-protected protection source ProtSrcTuI: Low order PathId of the SNCP-protected protection source

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2.5.18 Convert the SNCP group to the normal service: cfg-convert-sncptoxc

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-convert-sncptoxc To convert the SNCP group to the normal service. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-convert-sncptoxc:PgId,PuId,XcId Number of parameters: 3 Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-convert-sncptoxc:1,work,0 PuId: work or backup XcId: 0-3526 (0 for auto distribution of service ID) Parameter meaning and value PgId: 1-1184

Input Format

2.5.19 Add the SNCP protection packet: cfg-add-sncpbindpg

Name Function cfg-add-sncpbindpg To add the SNCP protection packet.

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Command Level Available to Version Input Format System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-sncpbindpg:GroupId, GroupType, PgNum, PgId1, PgId2,... Parameter location 1 2 Input Parameters 3 Parameter meaning and value GroupId: 1-1184

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GroupType: Virtual concatenation group 3 (support the virtualconcatenation group only) PgNum: Number of protection groups to be added; value range: 1-1184. PgId: Id of the protection groups to be added; value range: 1-1184.

4 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-add-sncpbindpg:1,3,2,1,2

It is required that the protection groups to be added are of the same level, share the same attributes, and are all SNCP-protected and in the ACTIVE status.

2.5.20 Query information about the protection group in the SNCP protection packet: cfg-getsncpbindpg
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-sncpbindpg To query information about the protection group in the SNCP protection packt. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-sncpbindpg:GroupId Number of parameters: 1; parameter repeated. Parameter location 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-get-sncpbindpg:1 Parameter meaning and value GroupId: 1-1184

Input Format

Input Parameters

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2.5.21 Remove the protection group from the SNCP packet: cfg-remove-sncpbindpg
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-remove-sncpbindpg To remove the protection group from the SNCP packet. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-remove-sncpbindpg:GroupId, PgNum, PgId1, PgId2,... Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-remove-sncpbindpg:1,3,2,1,2 Parameter meaning and value GroupId: 1-1184 PgNum: Number of the protection groups to be removed; value range: 1-1184. PgId: ID of the protection groups to be removed; value range: 1-1184

2.6 TPS Protection

2.6.1 Add a TPS protection group: cfg-add-tpspg
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Cfg-add-tpspg To add a TPS protection group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-add-tpspg:PgId,WorkBdNum Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value protection group ID: 1~3 Number of working unit: Determined by the protection type; 1~8 for the 2M service, and 1~3 for the 34M, 140M and 155M services.

Input Format

Input Parameters

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-add-tpspg:1,5

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The protection group will be valid when the mapping configuration of all the boards is completed.

2.6.2 Delete a TPS protection group: cfg-del-tpspg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-del-tpspg To delete a TPS protection group. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-del-tpspg:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-del-tpspg:1&2 The deleting action becomes effective after the verification. Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

2.6.3 Query all the TPS protection groups: cfg-get-tpspg

Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-tpspg To query all the TPS protection groups. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tpspg Return the following relevant fields in the table format: PG-ID: Protection group ID WORK-UNIT-NUM: Number of working unit ACTIVE-FLAG: Current status flag :cfg-get-tpspg

Output Format



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1 Total records :1 Precautions Remarks 5 adding

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2.6.4 Set the waiting time for recovery for the TPS protection group: cfg-set-tpswtrtime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tpswtrtime To set the waiting time for recovery for the TPS protection group. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tpswtrtime:PgId,WtrTime Number of parameters: 2; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-set-tpswtrtime:1&2,300 Configure dynamically the protection group attributes; activating a protection group is taken as modification. Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~3 Waiting time for recovery: 6~720 seconds Default: 600 seconds

Input Format

2.6.5 Query the waiting time for recovery of the TPS protection group: cfg-get-tpswtrtime
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tpswtrtime To query the waiting time for recovery of the TPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tpswtrtime:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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Output Format PG-ID: Protection group ID WTR-TIME: Waiting time for recovery :cfg-get-tpswtrtime:1 CFG GET TPS WTRTIME PG-ID WTR-TIME 1 600 Total records :1

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Precautions Remarks

2.6.6 Set the mapping relationship between the TPS protection unit and the board: cfg-settpsbdmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tpsbdmap To set the mapping relationship between the TPS protection unit and the board. System maintenance User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tpsbdmap:PgId,PuId,Bid Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1~3 Protection unit ID: Value Meaning 0 Protection unit board ID 1~X Working unit board ID X is the number of working units specified when creating the protection. Board ID: Service type value 3500: 2M 1~5 and 13~16(Pprotection unit board ID: specified to 1.) 140M/155M/34M 3~5(Protection unit board ID: 2) or 13~16 (Protection unit board ID: 16) 2500: 2M 5~7 and 12~13(Protection unit board ID: 5) 140M/155M/34M 6~7(Protection unit board ID: 6) or 12~13 (Protection unit board ID: 13)

Input Format

Input Parameters

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-set-tpsbdmap:1,0,1 1 Not support dynamic configuration; the added protection group become valid when the mapping configuration for all boards is completed.

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2.6.7 Query the mapping relationship between the TPS protection unit and the board: cfg-gettpsbdmap
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tpsbdmap To query the mapping relationship between the TPS protection unit and the board. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tpsbdmap:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 PG-ID: Protection group ID PU-ID: Protection unit ID Bid: Board ID :cfg-get-tpsbdmap:1 Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Output Format


Total records :9 Precautions Remarks

TPS-PUMAP PG-ID PU-ID Bid 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 4 5 1 5 13 1 6 14 1 7 15 1 8 16

Report the multiple protection units in various messages.

2.6.8 Set the switchover priority for the TPS protection unit: cfg-set-tpspri
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tpspri To set the switchover priority for the TPS protection unit. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tpspri:PgId,PuId,Priority Number of parameters: 3; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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1 Protection group ID: 1~3

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Input Parameters

Protection unit ID: Value Meaning 1~X Working unit X is the number of working units specified when creating the protection. Switchover priority: 1~X; the highest priority is 1; the default is 1.

3 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Support the dynamic configuration. :cfg-set-tpspri:1,1,5

2.6.9 Query the switchover priority of the TPS protection unit: cfg-get-tpspri
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tpspri To query the switchover priority of the TPS protection unit. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tpspri:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 PG-ID : Protection group ID PU-ID : Protection unit ID PU-LEVEL: Switchover priority :cfg-get-tpspri:1 Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Output Format


Total records :8 Precautions Remarks

TPS-PU-LEVEL PG-ID PU-ID PU-LEVEL 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 8 1

2.6.10 Initiate the TPS external switchover command: cfg-set-tpsswitch

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Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-tpsswitch To initiate the TPS external switchover command. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-tpsswitch:PgId,PuId,ExtCmd Number of parameters: 3; parameters not repetitive. Parameter location 1 Parameter meaning and value Protection group ID: 1 ~ 3

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Input Format

2 Input Parameters

Protection unit ID: Value Meaning 0 Protecion unit board ID 1~X Working unit board ID X is the number of working units specified when creating the protection. Switch command: Value Meaning tps-lock Lock tps-unlock Unlock tps-fs Force switchover tps-cfs Clear the force switchover tps-ms Manual switchover tps-cms Clear the manual switchover

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

:cfg-set-tpsswitch:1,0,tps-lock The protection unit cannot deliver commands related to the force switchover, clearing the force switchover and the manual switchover. The relevant protection group should be in the active status.

2.6.11 Query the switchover status of the TPS protection group: cfg-get-tpsstate
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tpsstate To query the switchover status of the TPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tpsstatus:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

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Output Format PG-ID : Protection group ID SWITCHED-WORK-UNIT: Switched working unit SWITCH-STATUS: Switchover status :cfg-get-tpsstatus:1 TPS-SWITCH-STATUS PG-ID SWITCHED-WORK-UNIT SWITCH-STATUS 1 0 tps-idle Total records :1

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Precautions Remarks

2.6.12 Query the locking status of the board inside the TPS protection group: cfg-gettpslockstate
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-get-tpslockstate To query the locking status of the board inside the TPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-tpslockstatus:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 PG-ID: Protection group ID PU-ID: Protection unit ID BOARD-ID: Board ID LOCK-STATUS: Locking status :cfg-get-tpslockstatus:1 TPS-LOCK-STATUS PG-ID PU-ID BOARD-ID LOCK-STATUS 1 0 1 tps-unlocked 1 1 3 tps-unlocked Total records :2 Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Output Format


Precautions Remarks

2.6.13 Start the TPS controller: cfg-start-tps

Name Function Command Level cfg-start-tps To start the TPS controller. System operation

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-start-tps:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-start-tps:1&2 The relevant protection group should be in the active status. Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

2.6.14 Stop the TPS controller: cfg-stop-tps

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-stop-tps To stop the TPS controller. System operation User level 5.21.01 :cfg-stop-tps:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks :cfg-stop-tps:1&2 The relevant protection group should be in the active status. Protection group ID: 1~3 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

2.7 DPS Commands

2.7.1 Query information about the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpspg
Name Function Command Level cfg-get-dpspg To query information about the DPS protection group. System monitoring

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Available to Version User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-dpspg:PgId Number of parameters: 1; parameter blocks repeated. Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection Group ID: 0~2 Parameter meaning and value

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Input Format

Output Format

PG-ID: Protection Group ID BOARD-NO1: OSN3500: 9 or 10 (Protection group ID: 1); 17 or 18 (Protection group ID: 2) OSN2500: 80 or 81 (Protection group ID: 1); 82 or 83 (Protection group ID: 2) BOARD-NO2: OSN3500: 9 or 10 (Protection group ID: 1); 17 or 18 (Protection group ID: 2) OSN2500: 80 or 81 (Protection group ID: 1); 82 or 83 (Protection group ID: 2) PROT-TYPE: Protection type FUNCTION-TYPE: Function type ACTIVE-FLAG: adding or deleting or active :cfg-get-dpspg:1




The OSN 3500 DPS protection management module supports two protection groups: the XCS active-standby protection group and the SCC active-standby protection group. These protection groups are created automatically by the system, with the ID is respectively 1 and 2. This command supports full-scale query.


2.7.2 Initiate the DPS external switchover command: cfg-set-dpsswitch

Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-set-dpsswitch To initiate the DPS external switchover command. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-dpsswitch:PgId,DstBid Number of parameters: 1 Parameter location 1 Input Parameters 2 Parameter meaning and value Protection Group ID: 1~2 Destination board ID: OSN3500: 9 or 10 (Protection group ID: 1); 17 or 18 (Protection group ID: 2) OSN2500: 80 or 81 (Protection group ID: 1); 82 or 83 (Protection group ID: 2)

Input Format

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Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-dpsswitch: 1,9

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2.7.3 Query the switchover status of the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpsstate
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-dpsstatus To query the switchover status of the DPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-dpsstatus:PgId Number of parameters: 1 Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Protection Group ID: 1~2 Parameter meaning and value

Output Format

PG-ID: Protection Group ID MASTER-BOARD: Current active XCS or SCC board SLAVE-BOARD: Current standby XCS or SCC board :cfg-get-dpsstatus:1 Adopt 0 for the SLAVE-BOARD parameter if the standby XCS or SCC board is not in position.

Example Precautions Remarks

2.7.4 Set the switchover revert mode for the DPS protection group: cfg-set-dpsrvtmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format Cfg-set-dpsrvtmode To set the switchover revert mode for the DPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-set-dpsrvtmode:PgId,rvtmode,wtrtime Number of parameters: 3 Parameter location Input Parameters 1 2 Parameter meaning and value Protection Group ID: 1 Revert mode: rvt - revert mode; norvt C not revert mode Default: norvt

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Waiting time for recovery: 6~720 (in the rvt mode); 0 (in the norvt mode) Default: 0; unit: second

Output Format Example Precautions Remarks

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-set-dpsrvtmode:1,rvt,300

Only the XC active-standby protection supports this command.

2.7.5 Query the switchover revert mode of the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpsrvtmode
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-dpsrvtmode To query the switchover revert mode of the DPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-dpsrvtmode:PgId Number of parameters: 1 Parameter location Input Parameters 1 :cfg-get-dpsrvtmode:1 DPS-RVT-MODE PG-ID RVT-MODE WTR-TIME 1 norvt 0 Total records :1 e :cfg-get-dpsrvtmode:1 PgId: Protection Group ID, 1 Parameter meaning and value

Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

Only the XC active-standby protection supports this command.

2.7.6 Query the switching times of the DPS protection group: cfg-get-dpsswitchtimes
Name Function Command Level Available to Version Input Format cfg-get-dpsswitchtimes To query the switching times of the DPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-get-dpsswitchtimes:PgId Number of parameters: 1

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Parameter location Input Parameters 1 :cfg-get-dpsswitchtimes:1 DPS-SWITCH-TIMES PG-ID SWITCH-TIMES 1 0 Total records :1 :cfg-get-dpsswitchtimes:1 Protection Group ID: 1~2 Parameter meaning and value

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Output Format

Example Precautions Remarks

Only the XC active-standby protection supports this command.

2.7.7 Clear the switching times record of the DPS protection group: cfg-clear-dpsswitchtimes
Name Function Command Level Available to Version cfg-clear-dpsswitchtimes To clear the switching times record of the DPS protection group. System monitoring User level 5.21.01 :cfg-clear-dpsswitchtimes:PgId Number of parameters: 1 Parameter location Input Parameters 1 Output Format Example Precautions Remarks Only the XC active-standby protection supports this command. PgId: Protection Group ID, 1~2 Parameter meaning and value

Input Format

Return the Succeeded! or Failed! message. :cfg-clear-dpsswitchtimes:1

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