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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us



Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/11/23/BlackLeaders-To-Obama-You-Owe-Us)
124 comments 1 minute ago

'Mutual Respect': Obama Greeted Like a Servant by Cambodia's First Lady (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace /2012/11/23/Cambodia-FirstLady-Greets-Obama-as-a-Servant)
481 comments 2 minutes ago


24 Nov 2012, 10:43 AM PDT



Exclusive: Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Populations of 24 States Combined (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/11 /23/Exclusive-Food-Stamp-RecipientsOutnumber-Populations-Of-24-StatesCombined)
458 comments 2 minutes ago

Black voters turned out in record numbers in key swing states like Ohio to reelect President Barack Obama in 2012, and some of the nation's most prominent black leaders are now demanding Obama pay back this support in his second term with policies that favor black and urban communities.
National Urban League President Marc Morial sent (http://www.breitbart.com/system /wire/DA2NJ2VO1) a letter to Obama, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) after the election, urging them to put "a special focus on those communities where unemployment is and remains stubbornly and persistently high." "We who represent the nation's urban communities will demand a seat at the table in these discussions," Morial wrote. Al Sharpton met with Obama last week and said the president heard us loud and clear about raising taxes on those making over $250,000 during the fiscal cliff negotiations and not cutting spending on programs that impact the middle and working class. NAACP President Benjamin Jealous also implied that Obama should raise taxes on the wealthy: we need Republicans to think hard and to pull back from the cliff 98 percent of our families, who make up the bulk of this nation, from seeing our taxes being raised. Nowhere was black voter turnout (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11 /12/Historic-Black-Turnout-Gave-Obama-Margin-Of-Victory-In-Ohio) more important than in Ohio, where a historic turnout (blacks make up 12% of Ohio's population but made up 15% of the state's 2012 electorate) propelled Obama to vicyory: In 2012, blacks made up 15% of Ohio's electorate, and Obama received 96% of their vote to Mitt Romney's 4%.

Union Fail: Walmart Reports Record Sales (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/11/23/Unionfail-Walmart-records-record-sales)

485 comments 23 minutes ago

For Fourth Straight Year, Obama's Thanksgiving Message Doesn't Thank God (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/11/22/ForFourth-Straight-Year-ObamaThanksgiving-Message-God)
930 comments 2 minutes ago


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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us


In 2008, black turnout made up 11% of Ohio's electorate, and Obama won blacks by 95 points (97%-2%) over John McCain. In 2004, black voters accounted for 10% of the vote Ohio. John Kerry received 84% of the black vote, while George W. Bush received 16%, five points above Bush's national average among blacks. In Michigan, black voters made up 16% of the electorate in 2012, up from 12% in 2008. In Virginia, blacks made up 20% of the electorate in 2008 and 2012. According to exit polls, black women in 2008 had the highest turnout rate 69% of all groups. And in 2012, "black women made up 60 percent of the black vote this year and voted 95 percent for Obama. Melanie Campbell, president and CEO of the National Coalition of Black Civic Participation, said the enthusiasm of black women was evident in places like Florida where churches organized "Souls To the Polls" early voting campaigns. She recounted, "countless women stood in line for hours to vote early so they could volunteer to work at the polls," because they were motivated by the Obama campaign's claims that Republicans were trying to suppress the black vote. Blacks voted for Obama in record numbers even though some black leaders worried voters would stay at home because Obama had not improved their economic situations and some thought Obama was not liberal enough. But their worries turned out to be unfounded, as black voters turned out as enthusiastically as they did in 2008, even though Obama's economy has been responsible for unemployment skyrocketing in black communities. According to the Associated Press, black unemployment was 12.7% when Obama took office, peaked at 16.5% a year later, and was at 14.3% in October. Nationally, the current unemployment rate is 7.9 percent.

Raw: White House Christmas Tree Arrives


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Won't happen. They'll be ignored for another 4 years. That's how racist Marxists are.
A LIKE REPLY 2 minutes ago F


A LIKE REPLY 5 minutes ago F


Black voters are no different than the business contributors to political campaigns. However, businesses trade money in expectation of getting the opportunity of working to supply governments with products and/or services that they can profit from and that allows them to employ American citizens. The Black voters, on the other hand, are mostly looking for more entitlements to take advantage of. They certainly don't take advantage of the educational services provided to all American citizens. If they did, they would not need the entitlements they trade their votes for, and then they could trade their votes to improve the standard of living for everyone.
A LIKE REPLY 14 minutes ago 2 Likes F

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11/24/2012 1:58 PM

Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us



There's plenty of room under the Obama bus. Obama doesn't feel he owes anyone anything. Somewhere along the line it's going to dawn on all of his anti-American supporters that hurting America is hurting them. There are ugly and interesting times ahead.
A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago 1 Like F


Screw them. They made their bed by voting for this POS and now they can sleep in their soiled feces covered sheets.
A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago 1 Like F


The greedy fools who voted to re-elect the HNiC say he owes them, and they seem really to believe that he will pay off. Once and for all, they have demonstrated and proven just how monumentally STUPID they are. And, given the chance, I suspect that they would be willing to prove it again in another four years.
A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago 1 Like F


Black voters did not turn out in record numbers. None of the election coverage I saw even showed more than a few black voters. Obama paid for them to vote via the food stamp program, if you were receiving food stamps then you voted for Obama via proxy vote. That is how Obama won the election. The whole election was a hoax, just like the last election.
A LIKE REPLY 19 minutes ago 1 Like F


The racial spoils numbers runners want their vig Barry.Time to see if anyone who actually produces something has anything left to take for them
A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago 1 Like F


"Souls to the Polls" voted for tax payer funded abortions at any stage of fetal development and same sex marriage? Incredulity.
A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago 1 Like F


All those racist black "christians" showed their true colors -- pro-life and pro-marriage on Sunday morning, but whitey-hating scum the rest of the week. What will happen when whitey cuts off the spigot?
A LIKE REPLY 24 minutes ago in reply to dsapp F


Yep Obama has succeded in confirming it as us vs them!

A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago in reply to grepinbee F


Just let them take every middle class persons wealth, and re-distribute it to all of them FINALLY have what he's always strived for, Slavemasters over white Americans!
A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago F

Obama will


To whom it may concern, Hope you got an Air Bag.

A LIKE REPLY 33 minutes ago F


He , obama , knows that there is NOTHING he can do or won't do that will lose their support , because after all that is said and done , he is after all " B L A C K " . And according to old thrill up his leg matthews , that is all that matters.

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us




39 minutes ago


To bad guys, he's to busy bowing to commie friends abroad. Like the big piece of change he gave for green energy to them? Could have been yours........
A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago 1 Like F


And licking Susan Rices A S S.

A LIKE REPLY 31 minutes ago in reply to sicario2012 F


Sharpton and Jealous President Obama thanks you but he really does not need you anymore so in all honesty enjoy your view of underneath the bus.
A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago 1 Like F


Not to argue with you , but they are not under any bus . They are merely on the p l a n t a t i o n where the democrats have always had them.
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to BryanF 1 Like F


It would help them a lot if he would enact policies to get the illegal aliens out of the country and to cut off all legal immigration until all of our citizens are working again.
A LIKE REPLY 41 minutes ago F


A LIKE REPLY 47 minutes ago 1 Like F


He'll throw the gh etto gangs ters under the bus just after the gays and Mexicans. He doesn't need them anymore, and they have no money. He'll pander to the Jews, Hollyweird and his union cronies. Follow the money...
A LIKE REPLY 50 minutes ago 2 Likes F


You sound like a pretty vile person. Have a great Thanksgiving.

A LIKE REPLY 44 minutes ago in reply to Joe W. F


Yea Obama brings out the best in us!!

A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago in reply to Kev9999 1 Like F


I'm thinking liberal troll. Just trying to make us look bad.

A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago in reply to Kev9999 F


And what makes you think I would give one whit what YOU think about anything, you liberal moon bat?? And Thanksgiving is over, pal. I didn't think liberals embraced Godly Holidays.
A LIKE REPLY 34 minutes ago in reply to Kev9999 1 Like F

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us



Liberal troll. Trying to make us look bad.

A LIKE 32 minutes ago in reply to Joe W. F


Vile possible, truthful yes. He no longer needs the black or Latino backing. Besides his roots favor Muslims, but you idiots voted for him.
A LIKE REPLY 38 minutes ago in reply to Kev9999 2 Likes F


Being racist and stupid enough to vote for him, they deserve what he gives them - NOTHING!
A LIKE REPLY 50 minutes ago 1 Like F


Blue-neck mob mentality. FORWARD ya'll.

A LIKE REPLY 34 minutes ago in reply to jim1937 F


This is the ba lack caucus way of saying you white, yellow, red and brown folk can go pound salt..again.....If we are all Americans why do we need a caucus based on race?
A LIKE REPLY 54 minutes ago 2 Likes F


we should start the NAAWP

A LIKE REPLY 38 minutes ago in reply to ONTIME 3 Likes F


Where do I sign up?

A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago in reply to ricci 1 Like F


A call to arms! A call to arms! Every caucausian person should vote for their fellow caucasion candidate in the next election, no matter if they/same are unqualified, incompetent, corrupt, lazy etc. Vote for them anyway, since it's all about the color of the skin. To hell with competence, about repairing the country, about saving the nation from financial/economic ruination etc. Lets all simply vote according to race, religion, ethnicity, etc. Thats the American way, that intelligent etc........no that is whats known as STUPID and we all know what Forrest Gump said about that subject, right???????



55 minutes ago



There are many extremely guilt ridden white people who find it necessary to vote for a person of color due to what they consider an evil United States.
A LIKE REPLY 50 minutes ago in reply to Oldefarte F


Yes, but there are even more who voted for him because they don't want to loose their food stamps, and even a few more who voted for him because Hollywood made it appear cool to do so.
A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago in reply to ackerson F


Yes it's so evil, maybe they should leave.

A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to ackerson F

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us



When the majority have become so under educated that they no longer understand what it takes to keep a society free and what it means to have the opportunity to excel verses the promise of a subsistence existence, they have obviously lost the desire to be free. They will settle for much less. They have never had any skin in the game. The reality is they do not even have the education needed to understand the difference that so many Eastern Europeans know by heart, Socialism does not work. The leftist did a great job with our education system did they not?
A LIKE REPLY 57 minutes ago 3 Likes F


Our educational system is lacking that people can no longer think logically. They think that they won't be affected by excessively taxing the wealthy, but they never stop to think about who puts the money back into the economy. So if you own or work at an upscale restaurant, who gets hurt more if the wealthy cannot afford to eat out as often? The wealthy do just fine. They just get to eat at home more, but what happens when the restaurant starts losing money? Jobs get cut. Everyone always says "boohoo, the rich can afford it." Well yes they can afford it, but they might have to make some spending adjustments. They may postpone the the addition to their house they were planning and it will work out for them just fine. But what about the carpenters and builders who need the job? They are the ones who are hurt. Our education system has clearly failed if people cannot see the obvious consequences of the policies they voted for. It really makes me sad. I don't know how we can educate people who don't want to even listen to the other side. How many people will lose their jobs before they figure it out?
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to Boris_Badenoff 3 Likes F


How many more billions of dollars we don't have can we throw at largely black inner city communities to no apparent effect (except to enrich the professional race hustlers among them)?
A LIKE REPLY 58 minutes ago 1 Like F


Their only function, only, is to rise up every four years and vote themselves another four years of Democrat established misery.
A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago in reply to Rlynh 2 Likes F


Not nice to talk about Detroit like that. But on second thought, yes it is.
A LIKE REPLY 35 minutes ago in reply to Rlynh 1 Like F


totalitarians promise everything until they're elected; obama cares about 1 thing, power, welcome to realville dupes
A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago F


The shame I feel for my nation is overwhelming.

A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago 3 Likes F


So what nation are u not ashamed of. Don't need to tell you more.
A LIKE REPLY 34 minutes ago in reply to clockwatcher F


WHAT Free Food , Free Medical Care, free phones , Free Rent are not enough for you I guess you want Free Drugs too HUH

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us


1 hour ago A LIKE

1 Like F REPLY


After all, MLK did say: Free at last...free at last...free at last!

A LIKE REPLY 51 minutes ago in reply to tcbinc F


You better watch out , you better not cry , you better not pout , I'm tellin you why , b l a c k santa is comin to town. He betrays you when you're sleepin , he lies to you when you're awake. So just keep on voting ,just for votings sake. HO HO HO Barakhobama.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


It seems that the Afican American slave decendants for the most part, will never get off the Democrat Plantation; the very party that enslaved them to begin with! Their ancestors must be turning in their graves! They should be looking to Allen West types for direction, not O'Bummer. O'Bummer is not even from the slave trade tradition, except to say communism. You voted it! You Own it, losers and suckers! Ha ha ha ha!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


O but Obama is....Muslims are big human traffickers. Their women don't fair well either.
A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago in reply to AppalachianHeathen F


So, Mitt Romney was absolutely right. He bought their votes!

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F


He was also dead on about 47% not voting for him due to fears of having their welfare cutoff.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to whitesoxfan 7 Likes F


And in addition to your accuracy, the labor unions [especially the municipal ones representing every local, state and federal worker] instructed them to block vote against Romney [since he would have eliminated many of their jobs by merging, decreasing etc governmental agencies]!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 51 minutes ago in reply to sanman99 3 Likes F


I wish that the naacp clowns would quit including the middle class in their discussions. The fact is that they do not give a damn about the middle class unless they are black. How much is enough for these bigots? Sharpton and crew need to spend a little time in the hoods of America so they can see what their race-baiting extortions has hoisted on the black community. How come nearly all of the race baiting naacp leaders are " reverends" and have not held a job in their lives? I wonder if ole Jesse is proud of what he turned his son into? Of course, the reverend jackson has never held a meaningful job in his whole sleazy, embezzling, extorting life. A pox on them all.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Were they actually saying....."We were racist for you"....it is payback time? What is payback? No need to work ...just make sure we are housed, fed, have HD TV, have Ipad, have cell phones and extra money to gamble.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us



Lottery tickets. They buy lottery tickets which leaves them with even less, and the government with even more. It's crazy.
A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago in reply to politicsisdirty F


Uninformed voters listening to the MSM.. In other words America has degenerated into a land where the majority are a bunch of dumb asses.. It's numbers. plain and simple and we are now on the losing end of the equation..
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Translation: R a c i s t NAACP President Benjamin Jealous (fitting name) also implied that Obama should raise taxes on w h i t e s. Nowhere was b l a c k voter fraud more important than in Ohio, where a statistically impossible turnout helped steal the election for Obama. Melanie Campbell, r a c i s t president and CEO of the National Coalition of B l a c k Civic Participation, recounted, "countless b l a c k women stood in line for hours to vote early so they could volunteer to cheat at the polls," because they were motivated by the Obama campaign's promise of free cell phones. Imaginary b l a c k s voted for Obama in record numbers even though some r a c i s t b l a c k leaders worried voters would stay at home because Obama had not improved their economic situations and some thought Obama was a m u s l i m h o m o. But their worries turned out to be unfounded, as imaginary b l a c k voters turned out more enthusiastically than they did in 2008.



1 hour ago



It's not statistically impossible.

A LIKE REPLY 50 minutes ago in reply to Project33 F


All you obama supporters are about to get just what you wanted, More poverty and division. Congratulations
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 13 Likes F


BINGO But us taxpayers will foot the bill.

A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago in reply to sanman99 F


So Obama used the race card & got the black vote out to the polls again and they saved his butt as less than 400,000 votes total in the combined states of FL, VA, NH & OH turned the whole race and NOW they think he's going to do something for them? BWAHAHAHAHAHA -- he proved in his first term he didn't give a damn about the black community -- enacting policies to keep them unemployed & on the dole. Now that he's got more "flexibility" the black community has NOTHING to hold over his head. You the black community were FOREWARNED -- Romney went to the NAACP convention (something Obama didn't even deign to do in an election year which really shows how little he cares about you) and told you he'd be the best POTUS for the black community. Y'all were too racist to believe him-- suffer.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us



Just another play out of the Alinski playbook is all. Like Mein Kampf , if you read the book, you will know what the next moves are.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


I gots my food stamps. I gots my free cell phone. I gots my AFDC. I gots my Obama care. Now, I wants my paid ( to me ) job training, I wants my government job ( mo money fo nuthin) I wants my free baby sitting service whiles I go clubbing. I wants my reparations. And after I gets all that, I wants free lotto tickets and free 40's delivered to my crib.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


Yesum jus aks em!

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to palidin911 1 Like F


Wait a sec, quid pro quo. Isn't that why Blagoyovich is in prison now?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


We wants our Obama phones and we wants them now.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


To be more accurate it would sound more like this Weeze wanz r Obamaphones and weeze wanz m now, mofo.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to aproudinfidel 2 Likes F


Who is surprised about this? "Gif ts Pro mised, San ta is back for a sec ond term!" "Re pa ra tions for sla very".....who would have thunk....."Mo Fr ee Cell Phones...and by the way there is a call to ban Ha mas from Tw itter, who will The O N E call."
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


After 50 years of Affirmative Action, and freebies, you would think they would say thank you,
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 9 Likes F


No that's a civilized response. Remember the guy in the Nixon Administration who said " all they want is a loose pair of shoes and a warm place to s_it ! " I don't think he ever thought in his wildest dreams any of this would happen.
A LIKE REPLY 26 minutes ago in reply to kevint65 F


know an american largely by the country they are native from 3rd world nation don't get that way by accident yes there are superior and inferior nations because of their people
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to kevint65 2 Likes F


every cell phone user is paying for the "free" Obama Phone when will affirmative action end
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to jagyusa 2 Likes F

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us



A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to kevint65 1 Like F


The black voters have never figured out that they get what they vote for.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 19 Likes F


See Chicago, Detroit, etc. Being Black conservative, it DISGUSTS me how so many Black voters lecture me about being a slave when they keep voting for the true slave owners, the Democrat Party.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to snappercat 8 Likes F


I don't know about you but I don't know anyone who is a slave or had direct relatives who were slaves. Slavery was over more than 100 years ago. Reparations would be better directed to Native Americans.
A LIKE REPLY 31 minutes ago in reply to Frederick Weaver 1 Like F


Can almost hear the cries for reparations from these so-called black leaders. What do you think - if the Democrats (God forbid) take back the house in 2014, can this topic be far off the horizon?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 8 Likes F


Of course they are going to call for reparations. They have been calling for it for years. Never mind that the majority of us and our ancestors had nothing to do with slavery.
A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago in reply to MarkInSavannah 2 Likes F


The alternative outcome in the election would have been a hopeful modification of a trend but by no means definitive. We're struggling with the effects of generations of failed schools which in turn has produced millions of fallen patriots from which we've elected a few hundreds of elitist despots to positions of power. The current administration is not THE problem nor would a change of administration be THE solution. I suggest that a nation's fortunes grow on the surpluses of it's productive. Any work product that exceeds the necessities of sustenance can be traded. Trade gives rise to commerce and commerce encourages the capable and willing to greater effort. The DesPro produces nothing; has no surplus to trade. The DesPro has no friends, only alliances. The DesPro is a parasite sustained by plundering the surplus or even the sustenance of the productive. This 'taxation' is consumed and does not fuel the free exchange of value. Commerce is suppressed, growth is discouraged if not punished, the nation slides into a state of misery that has dominated human history in all but a handful of noteworthy events and the first 200 years or so in the United States. The DesPro is relieved of competing for the favor of consumers for merchantable goods and services. He/she is free to spend 100% of their time figuring out ways to gather the productivity of others unto themselves. One of my favorite authors once penned these words: "Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded here and there, now and then are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. This is known as bad luck. Heinlein's tongue in cheek reference to 'luck' applies here too. We are witness to a planned and well executed failure of several generations of teachers and parents to educate their charges with tools for self-sufficiency in a state of individual liberty with an honorable exchange of value in a nation of just law. I.e. a virtual heaven on earth in the form of a civil society. Romney and Ryan might have slowed our hell-bent ride to destruction but the product of mass and velocity for

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Black Leaders to Obama: You Owe Us


this train will require a great deal more retarding force than these two citizens could be expected to offer. In the mean time more than 51% of our fellow citizens have bought tickets on the train which is gaining mass and velocity as more of them climb on board.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


Welcome to the new Amerika.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 11 Likes F

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11/24/2012 1:58 PM

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