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Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza



Romney Adviser: Far Right At Fault For Romney Loss (http://www.breitbart.com/BreitbartTV/2012/11/18/Romney-AdviserWe-Lost-Because-Far-RightHas-Taken-Party-to-Place-It-DoesntBelong)
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13 Apr 2012




Obama in Burma: 'I Wish I Could ... Impose My Will on Congress' (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace /2012/11/19/Obama-in-BurmaCongress)
405 comments 5 minutes ago

Against GOP objections, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that the Obama administration is sending $147 million in funding to the West Bank and Hamas-run Gaza.
Despite (http://www.nationaljournal.com/nationalsecurity /clinton-overrules-republican-lawmaker-s-hold-on-palestinianaid-20120411) a hold by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., the administration is arguing the money needs to be sent on humanitarian grounds. They did not, however, explain how they plan to force Hamas to use the money for humanitarian purposes. And while administrations generally do not disburse funding over the objections of lawmakers on relevant committees, those associated with Obama have proven more than willing to sidestep Congress to place American tax-dollars in the hands of their friends throughout the world. It was, after all, just last month that the administration circumvented Congress (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/03/21/obamabypasses-congress-gives-1-5-billion-to-muslim-brotherhood) and gave $1.5 billion in aid to the Muslim Brotherhood-run Egyptian government. The bottom line is that President Obama, who claims he will act if Congress refuses to act domestically, has now begun applying that

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857 comments 22 minutes ago

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


same philosophy to international affairs. And the problem with this is that the Founding Fathers placed many of our nations purse strings in the hands of Congress in order to place a check on executive power. Thus the solution for an impasse between the legislators and the executive branch is to either seek compromise or for one governmental branch to convince the other of the validity of their argument. But the solution isnt for the president to bypass Congress and send money to whomever he wishes, whenever he wishes, with impunity. On another note, I wonder if Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu feels a bit taken aback by all this? After all, the Obama administration got Israel to promise not to bomb (http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-to-hold-off-iran-strikeuntil-after-us-election/) Iran until after our presidential elections, right before they announced this aid to Hamas.



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He sure knows how to make Congress irrelevant, and how not to be stopped. Jeez.
A LIKE REPLY 1 day ago 3 Likes F


What worries me is that terror groups and terror sponsors are acquiring a massive amount of arms & artillery to go after Israel. American tax dollars are funding Israel haters. The President and his entourage are on the wrong side.
A LIKE REPLY 3 days ago 3 Likes F


For humanitarian reasons we should send them $147 million in pork scraps from Tyson's processing plants.
A LIKE REPLY 1 day ago in reply to LoriGirl 4 Likes F


Well, We know they won't be feeding the populus or building any communities with that $$$. I wonder how many IEDs and RPGs Obamao's buddies in the Hammy can buy with that 147 Mil? Sorry Israel, Our mistake will be rectified in November, but be patient... He'll be hanging in there like an unwanted turd until late January!!!
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago F


GOD BLESS The UNITED STATES of AMERICA!! The so-called "prez"

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


got re-elected~UUUUUUUUGH!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 1 day ago in reply to koropokkur F


And some are whining that Romney is not this or that or the other. What does against GOP objections mean. Are they bystanders ? This is how the Imperial President thinks he will operate after Jan '13.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 1 Like F


why can't the senate do something, i am soooooo sick and tired of this type of bull _hit
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 1 Like F


Where did he get the money? Congress? China? Soros? Wherever he got it to send to those crimminals.....he shouldn't have.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 3 Likes F


With a foreign terrorist as president, what's a few hundred million among his friends.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 4 Likes F


Since when was stealing American taxpayer money to support Muslim terrorists a crime? No more O in '12!
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 5 Likes F


Gee, and here I thought any extra money the Obumers had was going to reduce the deficit, improve the economy or help educate the children. Oh wait...we don't have any extra money
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 6 Likes F


Obama is placing money in the hands of terrorists??????? Is there any question as to where he stands on the Israeli issue???? The fact that he would bypass Congress is another example of his disregard for the Constitution and its system of separation of powers and checks and balances. Just as Hamas is a lawless terrorist organization, the Obama Adminstration is proving it has no respect for the rule of law.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 7 Likes F


We want the Muslim world to behave democratically then we get upset when they elect their popular terrorist parties.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago F in reply to wesley69 1 Like


Doesn't mean we have to send them money. I don't want my tax dollars going to them..
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 3 Likes F in reply to fencesitter

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza



I agree dude. I'm sure if someone looked into it though, we're probably sending money to every country in some shape or form.
A LIKE 7 months ago 1 Like F in reply to RonwasRT


I know it killed Obama to send that money to Hamas when he and wife could use it to book several more lavish vacations on the taxpayer's dime.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 2 Likes F


A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 6 Likes F


Not until Jan 2013.... then his ass is going back to Chicago... hopefully forever. Question is how much more damage will he do between now and then? Israel is completely fed up with his B.S. and who can blame them? They are not only forced to defend themselves unilaterally but against weapons that were paid for by their own allies. You can't make this shihite up....
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago F in reply to williamak 6 Likes


"The bottom line is that President Obama, who claims he will act if Congress refuses to act domestically, has now begun applying that same philosophy to international affairs." What we got here is the makings of a dictator, WTF happened to our "Republic?" Congress, you have officially become irrelevant, "The Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers," is walking all over you, WAKE UP !!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 8 Likes F


147 million dollars worth missiles landing on innocent Israeli citizens, courtesy of the US government. All dollars sent to any foreign or domestic entity by the executive branch should only be allocated after passing through the appropriation committee and voted on and passed by congress, period. get the handcuffs
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 7 Likes F


Wow! Now the tax payers are being forced to be funding the terrorists who want to wipe Israel and America off the face of the earth. I bet liberal Media never reports this one.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 10 Likes F


>>>>I bet liberal Media never reports this one.>>>>> No room for trivial stories like this one when the Brad and Angie engagement are topping the headlines of the MSM.

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


7 months ago A LIKE

in reply to khutch1965 REPLY



Israel? Hello? McFly?

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 1 Like F


Did he pay in cash.... or missles and suicide vests? Serious question. He sent the Mexican Drug Cartels guns after all.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 8 Likes F


More US $ down a rat hole! They hate us now and will tomorrow.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 8 Likes F


$147 million to Hamas, and the man has the audacity to push for tax increases! Obama is exactly who our Founders warned us about.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 14 Likes F


Now we are paying for rockets to shoot at Israel?

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 8 Likes F


What's Israel got to worry about?.. Remember.. Obama's got their back! What he says, and what he does are completely opposite things.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 8 Likes F


Two snubbings of Netanyahu, while Dear Leader meets with the Muslim Brotherhood (committed to the destruction of Israel) and now this. Any Jew that would vote for these Democrat would have voted for the National Socialists in 1932 Germany!
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 10 Likes F


Dear United States Government: GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK...

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 14 Likes F


This is why this dude doesn't need four more years. A disgusting traitor if there ever was one. Will American Jews vote for this fraud again? Probably.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 12 Likes F


This is an example of what he plans to do if there is a 2013 for this administration. And why hie is not helping the DNC caimpaign for a majority. He thinks he will not need them. The little dictator gives millions to an enemy. How does that strike you; NY Jews.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 10 Likes F


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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


Just tell Vladimir wait until after the election I will have more flexibility then....
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 4 Likes F in reply to democratsarefools


Obama: from dictator wannabe to neophyte dictator.

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 6 Likes F


Mmmm mmm mmm Barack Hamas 0bama. Got to wonder exactly how much of that 147 million will be put back into the 0bama coffers by way of giftcards towards his campaign.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 11 Likes F


the dems seem to be in love with islam...hmmm and they say they,re christian during thier re election campaigns...
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 7 Likes F


As far as Isreal goes. The Lord promised He would bless those that bless them and curse those that drop them.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 12 Likes F


A LIKE REPLY 21 hours ago 1 Like F in reply to Cali4niaPatriot


A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 10 Likes F


yeah and Obama has Israels back. what a disgrace this piece of trash president who hates Israel sends money to a terrorists. and dont let the Republicans off the hook either because they should be screaming their heads off from capitol hill to every news outlet about how outrageous this is.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 13 Likes F


Impeach Clinton and Obama!!! Where is The House Committee on Oversight and its Chairman Issa?
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 18 Likes F


I was wondering the same thing, where are they?

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago in reply to JoeB 9 Likes F


Where is Congress and the Senate? Where is the news media? We are political allies with Israel and we are giving money to support Israels worst enemy. This is like giving your best friends enemy brass knuckles whilst saying "it's ok I

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


got your back"

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 11 Likes F


Until January of next year the biggest sponsor of terrorism will be residing in the white House
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 11 Likes F


Oh I get it...Obama killed Bin Laden in an effort to replace him! Brilliant!

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 3 Likes F in reply to DanielShays


Can it be as simple as to stop the check? When are the impeachment hearings going to begin??? Hamas is a terrorist organization right?? What are our reps doing while all these illegal activities are occuring??? just asking!
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 11 Likes F


Do they have legal ground to do such a thing?

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 8 Likes F


Does it matter with this adminiatration? I said a while back that this President shows more disdain, if not outright hatred, than any man to hold the office. Including Nixon. I should have added that they are the most flagrant violators of our American laws. At least Nixon's administration covered up the stuff that they did...
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 7 Likes F in reply to LoudBlackCat


Yeah I can't wait till O is put up for war crimes for starting the Iraq War. Oh wait...
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago F in reply to BodieInSD


Are you a fence sittier or is the pole shoved up your A@@?

A LIKE 7 months ago 2 Likes F in reply to fencesitter


I'd have to be up a pole to remain above the fray. From up here all I see is lunacy, to the left and right.
A LIKE 7 months ago 1 Like F in reply to RonwasRT



A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 12 Likes F


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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


Wow. So while Obama demagogues the budget Paul Ryan presents to SLOW DOWN the increases to our deficit, he is funding terrorists whose stated goal is to destroy Israel. What kind of idiot do you have to be to support Obama?
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 21 Likes F


A progressive, humanity hating, anti-American idiot. Thought that should be pretty obvious by now...
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago F in reply to clarityinla 9 Likes


Yup...time to fire up those offshore campaign phone banks



7 months ago



obama stabs our allies in the back, bows to terrorists and gives the same terrorists money. WAKE up people.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 16 Likes F


What part of these people want us dead does this administration not understand? What part of these people want Israel destroyed does this administration not understand? I'm not an expect on history but during WWII didn't everyone around the world ignore what the Nazi's were doing to the Jews? The world just closed their eyes to what was happening - guess if it isn't acknowlogied it isn't happening. Are we, the American people, going to let it happen again. Or is this administration trying to bring the US down to a level that we are not in a position to stop it? Or is Obama himself part of the let's destroy Irsael crowd? Obama has said himself - he will choice Muslims over others. Guess that means the US as well.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 17 Likes F


From the National Journal 4-11-12 article linked to above: "A State Department official said that a letter was delivered on Tuesday ... " Gee, wasn't that when everyone was all focused on the other Hillary? Just asking. Nothing is a coincidence with this group. Once again the Executive branch tyrants run over the Congress.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 17 Likes F


Two words: "Constitutional Scholar". How about we try to have one in the White House in 9 months and one week? I'm sure Romney can find an ACTUAL one somewhere.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago in reply to tmo 6 Likes F


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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


I can't believe we are now supporting terrorism! Why is this guy still in office?
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 23 Likes F


Lazy americans that he gives welfare handouts to and hollywood california freaks.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 22 Likes F in reply to tinker_thinker


Massive national debt that we cannot pay and we are funding terrorist, wtf ! http://www.usdebtclock.org/
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 19 Likes F


At what point do we just call it for what it is? (I hesitate to say "call a spade a spade" but I guess I just did) "We have seen the enemy and it is us (O)."
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 17 Likes F


Private citizens can and are arrested for funding terrorism. Obama does, and no issue. These folks are terrorists, but they are muslims and to obama funding mulim terrorists is just fine. Nobama 2012/ Romney.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 32 Likes F


That's one reason that you don't want to define your enemy, on a national level, as a "terrorist." Our enemy is "Radical Islam," we are fighting it. Plan A convince them to do what they can to reform and join the world in peace. Plan B is vaporize them, they may do plan B to themselves. Or they may force us to by nuking one of our cities or port . . . for the record I would have gone to plan B on September 12, 2001 . . . March 28, 2012 Dear President Obama, Do you know that the divorce rate is through the roof. Ever wonder why? Truth in advertising. Or a lack there of. Marriage and elections are very similar. The candidates woo us into thinking one thing and convince us to walk, in your case, run into our polling place and vote. Then a few years pass and we get an understanding as to how things will actually be then we look around and think this s u c k s time to go. Like I said in about a dozen letters ago the American people want a divorce, and in 2010 we filed the paperwork. In 2012 we sign the papers. Because marriage is a risky endeavor. You could end up with a Ms. Fluke, or seen from the other perspective, a Mr. Blagoiavich. In some cases husbands and wives suffer through it for the benefit of the children. They try to make arrangements like old Newt baby did, or they just go completely bonkers and leave because one can only take a lying sack of no good excrement and they just want out. That would be your category and the American people. Why? Well, Mr. Obama, for three years now weve watched all you have done and reconciled it with what you have said. Further, we feel the economic pain on our economy and we are wondering when, and if, it

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


will stop. Weve watched you take every opportunity not to cobble a fractured society together, but drive it apart; if it would further your political goals. Weve watched in horror as Obamacare has gone from a nightmare in some ones head, to the Supreme Court where it now resides. Weve seen Libya. Weve seen Egypt. Weve seen all of it and more. We want no part of it. We want the next Trayvon Martin not to happen because he is to busy becoming the next doctor, engineer, or entrepreneur. Never ceases to amaze me how any child can rise to meet a challenge or sink to meet societies subterranean expectations. One would think we have had enough of children killing children. I guess liberals have more innocent blood to spill in order to obtain their political objectives. Where have I seen that before? Thats right. Terrorists . . . Respectfully, Joe Doakes
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 18 Likes F in reply to oregontea


He is the enemy within. He wears a mask of smiles, but the knife is in his hand. Friends will be ruined. Chaos will be produced.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 21 Likes F


Chaos HAS been produced already.

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago F in reply to johnvidi 13 Likes


hamas is a terrorist organization...if you or i gave millions to them...we would be arrested and tried for giving aid to a terrorist organization... obama just slides on by...not even a suggestion of a crime this has to end...they are not above the law...stop congress and the DOJ from ignoring these issues
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 23 Likes F


They NEED the money! Weapons to kill Jews & infidels are expensive.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 9 Likes F


Disclaimer: I am Jewish. That said... Jews are DUMBASS LIBTARDS and would support anyone wearing the liberal label. The Clintons are proven anti-Semites, and Hillary is the worst of the two by FAR -- and yet, BLIND SUPPORT! I guess that WWII was so extreme, that now Jews will support the underdog no matter what -- hence their support for Obwana, who demonstrably DESPISES Jews and Israel. I guess I'm a pariah to Jews, as Herman Cain and Allen West are "Uncle Toms" to coloreds.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 18 Likes F


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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


My guess is that Herman Cain, Allen West and you will find yourself in much better company as pariahs...
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 7 Likes F in reply to Tasmanian_Devil


You continue to be a voice for your people. Our people, all people. Nevermind what the stupid do, they are worthless. Keep your voice loud and strong.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 13 Likes F in reply to Tasmanian_Devil


Next Obwana and the Clinton bitch will overrule the rest of the WORLD and send our nuclear secrets to Iran!
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 12 Likes F


This is how he supports Israel and they are silly enough to support him and the rest of the Jackass Democrat party. I've said it before and say it again. You people help keep this jerk in office and you'd better learn to swim real well.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 17 Likes F


Why isn't every Rabbi appalled? Why isn't every American Jew furious? There is no ambiguity: our president is aiding Israel's enemies.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 33 Likes F


He is aiding people that want to see all Jew's and American's dead.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 22 Likes F in reply to QuackQuack


yeah I'd like to see him get posted in Gaza personally, maybe we should build a white house over there for him .. and see how many more bumps in the road we get then ..
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago in reply to HarlyLove7 F


Because american jews are not concerened with Israel. They are money hoarders here in america and obama gives them what they want, handouts.
A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 10 Likes F in reply to QuackQuack


Disclaimer: I am Jewish. That said... Because Jews are DUMBASS LIBTARDS and would support anyone wearing the liberal label. The Clintons are proven anti-Semites, and Hillary is the worst of the two by FAR -- and yet, BLIND SUPPORT! I guess that WWII was so extreme, that now Jews will support the underdog no matter what -- hence their support for Obwana, who demonstrably DESPISES Jews and Israel. I guess I'm a pariah to Jews, as Herman Cain and Allen West are

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza


"Uncle Toms" to coloreds.

A LIKE REPLY 7 months ago 19 Likes F in reply to QuackQuack


You are completely wrong. I am ACTUALLY Jewish and from the sound of it, I would say you are not or you're just completely secular. I would say every religious Jew I know voted for Mitt Romney because they know how terrible Obama is for Israel. American Jews are extremely concerned for Israel... every single one of my American friends who went to the Israeli army and have already finished their 3 years of service have just dropped everything in their lives to go back to Israel and fight for their country. If that's not concern, I don't know what is.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to Tasmanian_Devil F

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11/20/2012 6:00 AM

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