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ENGLISH SENTENCES. 1. l. Whats your name? My name is Cul es tu nombre? Mi nombre es... 2. Who are you?

I am Quin eres t? Yo soy... 3. Whats this? Its a ruler. Qu es esto? Es una regla. 4. How old are you? I am eight. Cuntos aos tienes t? Yo tengo ocho aos. 5. Are you my friend? Yes, I am. Eres t mi amigo? S, yo soy. 6. Whats the weather like? Its sunny. Qu tiempo hace? Hace sol. 7. Is the ruler under the book? Yes, it is. Est la regla debajo del libro? S, est. 8. Where is my book? Its on the desk. Dnde est mi libro? Est encima del pupitre. 9. Has Sarah a bird? Yes, she has. Tiene Sara un pjaro? S, ella tiene. 10. Is your memory good? Yes, it is. Es tu memoria buena? S, es. 11. Who are these people? They are my friends. Quines son esta gente? Ellos son mis amigos. 12. Have you number three? Yes, I have. Tienes t el nmero tres? S, yo lo tengo. 13. What can we do at Christmas? We can sing carols. Qu podemos hacer nosotros en Navidad? Nosotros podemos cantar villancicos. 14. What can you see in the zoo? I can see a monkey. Qu puedes ver t en el zoo? Yo puedo ver un mono. 15. Whos that woman? She is my mother. Quin es esa mujer? Ella es mi madre. 16. Whos that boy? He is my brother. Quin es ese chico? l es mi hermano. 17. Where are you from? I am from Antequera. De dnde eres t? Yo soy de Antequera. 18. What are they doing? They are working. Qu estn haciendo ellos? Ellos estn trabajando. 19. Can you read a story? Yes, I can. Puedes t leer una historia? S, yo puedo. 20. Has Kelly got a ball? Yes, she has got. Tiene Kelly una pelota? S, ella tiene. 21. Whose is this? Its mine. De quin es esto? Es mo. 22. Do you like football? Yes, I do. Te gusta el ftbol? S, me gusta. 23. What do they eat? They eat some cheese. Qu comen ellos? Ellos comen un poco de queso. 24. What do they drink? They drink a glass of water. Qu beben ellos? Ellos beben un vaso de agua. 25. Does he sleep well? Yes, he does. Duerme l bien? S, l duerme. 26. How much is there? There is a lot of sugar. Cunto hay? Hay mucha azcar. 27. How many are there? There are seventy boys. Cuntos hay? Hay setenta nios. 28. What time is it? Its three oclock. Qu hora es? Son las tres en punto. 29. What time do you get up? I get up at eight oclock. A qu hora te levantas t? Yo me levanto a las ocho en punto. 30. When do you play football? I play football in the evening. Cundo juegas t al ftbol? Yo juego al ftbol por la tarde. 31. Do they eat a sandwich? Yes, they do. Ellos se comen un bocadillo? S, ellos comen.

32. What do they do? They do homework. Qu hacen ellos? Ellos hacen los deberes. 33. What does he do? He does homework. Qu hace l? l hace los deberes. 34. What are you doing? I am looking at you. Qu ests haciendo t? Yo te estoy mirando. 35. Do you want some sugar? Yes, I do. Quieres un poco de azcar? S, quiero. 36. Do you want any apples? Yes, I do. Quieres algunas manzanas? S, quiero. 37. Can I have a cup of tea? Yes, you can. Puedo tomar una taza de t? S, t puedes. 38. How are you? Fine, thank you. Cmo ests t? Bien, gracias. 39. How many apples are there? There are twelve apples. Cuntas manzanas hay? Hay doce manzanas. 40. Whats the time, please? Its two oclock. Qu hora es, por favor? Son las dos en punto. 41. Will you play with me? Yes, I will. Quieres jugar conmigo? S, quiero. 42. Whats his name? His name is Matthew. Cul es su nombre? Su nombre es Mateo. 43. Whats her name? Her name is Christine. Cul es su nombre? Su nombre es Cristina. 44. Whats your telephone number? My telephone number is 973-0124 (nine, seven, three, ou, one, two, four). Cul es tu nmero de telfono? Mi nmero de telfono es el 973-0124. 45. Are you eight? Yes, I am. Tienes t ocho aos? S, yo tengo. 46. Are you Beth? No, Im not. Eres t Isa? No, yo no soy. 47. Are you eleven years old? No, I am not. Tienes t once aos de edad? No, yo no tengo. 48. Whats your job? Im a shop assistant. Cul es tu trabajo? Yo soy un tendero. 49. Excuse me, where is the museum? It is on the left. Disclpeme, dnde est el museo? Est a la izquierda. 50. Have you got a cinema in your town? Yes, we have. Tenis vosotros un cine en vuestro pueblo? S, nosotros tenemos. 51. Is there a hospital in your town? Yes, there is. Hay un hospital en tu pueblo? S, hay. 52. Are there cinemas in your town? Yes, there are. Hay cines en tu pueblo? S, hay. 53. Have you got a bicycle? Yes, I have. Tienes una bicicleta? S, yo tengo. 54. What are you doing now? Im having breakfast. Qu ests haciendo t ahora? Yo estoy desayunando. 55. Are there any pencils at school? Yes, there are some pencils at school. Hay algunos lpices en la escuela? S, hay algunos lpices en la escuela. 56. What can I do for you? I need a bag. Qu puedo yo hacer por ti? Yo necesito una mochila. 57. How much is it? Its sixteen pounds. Cunto es? Son diecisis libras. 58. Where do you live? I live at 3 (three) Carpenter Street. Dnde vives t? Yo vivo en la Calle Carpintero, N 3. 59. Whats your address? My address is 2 (two) Rosendale Square. Cul es tu direccin? Mi domicilio es Plaza Rosendale, N 2. 60. What do you see? I see you. Qu ves t? Yo te veo a ti.

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