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I. MAESTRIAS Y DOCTORADOS 1. Becas de la Cooperacin Internacional Belga 2. Becas Vctor Hugo 3. Becas PGSM para Master en Ciencias Matemticas 4. Becas de postgrado PRONABEC 5. Becas para Cursar Estudios de Doctorado en la Universidad Estadual Paulista 2013 6. Becas Chevening II. BECAS DE INVESTIGACION 1. 2013 Disability Rights scholarship program 2. Programa de becas de investigacin para cientficos de pases en vas de desarrollo 3. John Carter Brown Library Research Fellowships 4. Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology

I. MAESTRIAS Y DOCTORADOS 1. Becas de la Cooperacin Internacional Belga Auspicia: Cooperacin Internacional Belga Temas: 1. Apoyo a la poltica de aseguramiento universal en salud. 2. Desarrollo econmico sostenible y gestin estratgica de los recursos naturales. 3. Consolidacin democrtica de la sociedad y derechos humanos. Lugar: Per, Amrica Latina y Blgica Idioma: espaol, francs Modalidad: presencial Dirigido a: - Peruanos a nivel nacional, se priorizan a las personas que trabajen en: Ayacucho, Apurmac, Huancavelica, Junn, Pasco, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, San Martn, Cusco y Cajamarca. - Profesionales que laboran en el sector pblico, en los temas priorizados por la Cooperacin Belga. - Bachilleres de universidades pblicas. Requisitos: Requisitos para las becas Grupales: a. En el caso de las becas grupales, el expediente presentar los mismos requisitos de las becas individuales para cada uno de los integrantes del grupo, adems incluir la presentacin para todo el grupo de un expediente de: b. Carta de motivacin de la institucin en la que explique cmo la formacin contribuir al refuerzo de sus capacidades organizacionales mediante capacitacin de su personal c. Tres cotizaciones que brinden informacin de la formacin que ha elegido. d. Carta indicando el motivo por el cual selecciona a la institucin formadora. e. Las formaciones cortas y pasantas no tienen lmite de edad. Requisitos para las becas individuales en Per y Amrica Latina: a. Ser de nacionalidad peruana b. Para estudios de ms de 10 meses de duracin, tener menos de 45 aos. c. Formularios de postulacin debidamente llenados (ver los formularios como anexo a la convocatoria) d. Currculum vitae no documentado. e. Copia del DNI f. Copia del DNI + copia del pasaporte (Postulaciones para Amrica Latina) g. Copia simple legalizada o fedateada por la misma universidad del diploma de bachiller y del ttulo, de ser el caso. Copia simple de la constancia de notas obtenidas durante el pregrado legalizada o fedateada por la misma universidad. h. Constancia de experiencia laboral de mnimo 02 aos en temas vinculados al desarrollo humano sostenible. El postulante puede consignar varias constancias para demostrar el mnimo de experiencia laboral requerido. Presentar la descripcin del estudio a seguir incluyendo: informacin, cronograma, costos as como el folleto con la descripcin de la malla curricular. i. Contar con la constancia de inscripcin al estudio elegido. En caso de no contar con ello indicar cundo iniciar y/o culminar el proceso de admisin. Requisitos para las becas individuales en Blgica: j. Aplican los mismos requisitos que en el caso anterior (Becas individuales en Per y Amrica Latina). Adems se exige una constancia de conocimiento de idiomas extranjeros (ingls o francs). Para el caso del francs presentar el certificado DELF B2 y para el ingls examen TOEFL de 250 puntos en la prueba computarizada y/o su equivalente en la prueba del IBT.

Notas: El postulante elige el tema, la institucin de formacin y gestiona personalmente su preadmisin, la cual ser justificada mediante una carta en la que la universidad confirma la preadmisin. Para las becas a nivel nacional: Estas contemplan el pago del 100% de los gastos de enseanza, incluyendo los gastos de matrcula e inscripcin. Los tipos de estudios a financiar son: maestras, pasantas y cursos cortos como diplomados. Estn excluidos los doctorados de tipo clsico, los vinculados al refuerzo acadmico y los cursos de idiomas. Para las becas en Amrica Latina: Al igual que en el caso anterior, el postulante elige el tema, la institucin de formacin y gestiona personalmente su pre-admisin. Esta beca cubre los gastos de formacin (inscripcin, matrcula y enseanza) adems de un pasaje de ida y vuelta otorgado por nica vez. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 1 de febrero de 2013 Mayor informacin: http://www.diplomatie.be/limaes/default.asp?id=36&mnu=36 becasbelgica2012@gmail.com Regresar

2. Becas Vctor Hugo Auspicia: Universidad del Franco Condado Lugar: Francia Idioma: francs Modalidad: presencial Duracin: ao acadmico 2013-2014 Beneficios: Las becas Vctor Hugo cubren los gastos de matricula a la Universidad, la alimentacin (2 comidas diarias en el restaurante universitario), el alojamiento en cuarto individual (con bao y ducha) en la residencia universitaria, la suscripcin al servicio de Internet en la residencia durante 12 meses formacin intensiva en lengua francesa durante dos meses (julio y agosto) en el CLA Centro de Lingstica Aplicada de la Universidad del Franco Condado. Requisitos: Tener nacionalidad de uno de los pases de America Latina de lengua espaola o portuguesa, mas Hait. Residir en uno de estos pases al momento de la candidatura. Tener menos de 35 anos de edad para master Para doctorado, estamos dispuestos a aceptar estudiantes de cualquier edad con muy buen expediente acadmico y proyecto slido de investigacin. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 15 de diciembre de 2012 Mayor informacin: http://www.univ-fcomte.fr/pages/fr/menu1/la-mobilite-des-etudiants---venir-etudier-a-lufc---bourses-victor-hugo-6-13622.html http://www.univ-fcomte.fr/download/partage/document/dri/bourses-victor-hugo/guia-deinformacion.pdf Regresar

3. Becas PGSM para Master en Ciencias Matemticas Auspicia: Paris Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences (PGSM) Tema: matemticas Lugar: Francia Idioma: francs Modalidad: presencial Dirigido a: Los estudiantes egresados de bachiller en matemticas e informtica fundamental de universidades extranjeras. Beneficios: Los laureados del programa de PGSM International reciben una ayuda de 1100/mes. La Fondation Sciences Mathmatiques de Paris toma tambin en cargo el seguro social estudiantil y el pago del derecho de inscripcin a la universidad. Los estudiantes de PGSM International benefician de alojamientos con condiciones preferenciales y benefician de tarifas estudiantiles para los almuerzos universitarios. La beca cubre tambin el precio de un viaje ida y vuelta por ao desde el pas de origen (el pasaje debe estar en clase econmica). Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 31 de enero de 2013 Mayor informacin: http://www.perou.campusfrance.org/actualidad/becas-pgsm-para-master-en-cienciasmatematicas http://www.sciencesmaths-paris.fr/fr/pgsm-96.htm http://www.sciencesmaths-paris.fr/fr/appel-doffres-pgsm-international-2013-2014-382.htm Regresar

4. Becas de postgrado - PRONABEC Auspicia: PRONABEC Temas: - Fsica, Qumica, Matemtica, Farmacia y Bioqumica. - Biologa, Biotecnologa, Nanotecnologa, Agricultura, Silvicultura, Acuicultura, Zootecnia, Ganadera, Pesca, Ciencias Marinas y Recursos Hdricos. - Ingenieras: Civil, de Minas, Mecnica, Metalrgica, Informtica, Electrnica, Elctrica, Qumica, de Sistemas, de Telecomunicaciones, Geologa e Industrias Alimentarias. - Ciencias de la vida, Camlidos, Cultivos Nativos y de Exportacin, Bosques y Tecnologas de alimentos. - Ciencias de la Tierra y Medio Ambiente, Ciencias Forestales. - Tecnologa, Energa Nuclear. - Polticas Pblicas, Gestin Pblica, Gerencias Social o Gestin de Proyectos, Urbanismo. - Educacin y Economa. Lugar: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Espaa, Mxico, Francia, Holanda, Estados Unidos, Australia y Nueva Zelanda Idioma: espaol, ingls Modalidad: presencial Dirigido a: Profesionales de las diversas reas, profesores de instituciones educativas pblicas, oficiales de las fuerzas armadas y policiales, egresados de universidades peruanas que tengan grado acadmico de bachiller y/o licenciatura e inters en realizar estudios de maestra o doctorado en reconocidas universidades extranjeras.

Requisitos: Poseer nacionalidad peruana. Contar con carta de aceptacin a una maestra o doctorado en carreras de ciencia y tecnologa en las universidades de: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Espaa, Mxico, Francia, Holanda, Estados Unidos, Australia y Nueva Zelanda*. Poseer grado acadmico o ttulo profesional. El postulante a Maestra, no debe haber realizado estudios de Maestra. El postulante a Doctorado, no deben haber realizado estudios de Doctorado. Tener Insuficientes Recursos Econmicos, para lo cual deber llenar una Ficha Socioeconmica tipo Declaracin Jurada, la misma que se verificar.

Notas: Se recomienda a los postulantes que deben obtener OBLIGATORIAMENTE la Carta de Aceptacin a un programa de maestra o doctorado en las reas establecidas. Para ello, deben coordinar directamente con la universidad elegida, la cual solicitar los documentos correspondientes y el proyecto de investigacin que desarrollar. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 15 de febrero de 2013 Mayor informacin: becadepostgrado@minedu.gob.pe http://www.pronabec.gob.pe/inicio/becas/becas_postgrado.html Regresar

5. Becas para Cursar Estudios de Doctorado en la Universidad Estadual Paulista 2013 Auspicia: Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Temas: Agronomia http://www.feis.unesp.br/instituicao/administracao/..... Agronomia (Agricultura) http://www.pg.fca.unesp.br/agricultura/ Agronomia (Cincia do Solo) http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#121,121 Agronomia (Entomologia Agrcola) http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#163,163 Agronomia (Gentica e Melhoramento de Plantas) http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#187,187 Agronomia (Horticultura) http://www.pg.fca.unesp.br/horticultura/ Agronomia (Irrigao e Drenagem) http://www.pg.fca.unesp.br/irrigacao/ Agronomia (Produo Vegetal) http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#236,236 Agronomia (Proteo de Plantas) http://www.pg.fca.unesp.br/protecao/ Anestesiologia http://www.pg.fmb.unesp.br/index.php?codPG=1 Aqicultura http://www.caunesp.unesp.br/pg/index.php Biocincias e Biotecnologia Aplicadas Farmcia http://www.posgraduacao.fcfar.unesp.br/biociencias/index.php Biologia Animal http://www.ibilce.unesp.br/posgraduacao/.... Biologia Geral e Aplicada http://www.ibb.unesp.br/posgraduacao/... Cincia da Informao http://www.marilia.unesp.br/posci Cincia e Tecnologia de Materiais http://web.fc.unesp.br/#319,319 Cincia Odontolgica http://www.foa.unesp.br/pos/strictosensu/... Cincias Biolgicas (Biologia http://omega.rc.unesp.br/bcm

Celular e Molecular) Cincias Biolgicas (Gentica) http://www.ibb.unesp.br/posgraduacao/.... Cincias Cartogrficas http://www4.fct.unesp.br/pos/cartografia/ Cincias da Motricidade http://www.rc.unesp.br/ib/pos/cmh/ Cincias Fisiolgicas (2) http://www2.ufscar.br/interface_frames/... Cincias Odontolgicas http://www.foar.unesp.br/ciencias_odont... Design http://www.faac.unesp.br/#42,42 Doenas Tropicais http://www.pg.fmb.unesp.br/index.php?codPG=3 Educao http://www.marilia.unesp.br/posedu Educao Matemtica http://www.rc.unesp.br/igce/pgem/ Educao para a Cincia http://web.fc.unesp.br/#320,320 Engenharia e Cincia de http://www.ibilce.unesp.br/po... Alimentos Engenharia Eltrica http://www.dee.feis.unesp.br/pos/ Engenharia Mecnica http://www.feg.unesp.br/pos-graduacao/... Estudos Lingsticos http://www.estudoslinguisticos.ibilce/ Estudos Literrios http://www.fclar.unesp.br/#583,617 Fsica http://www.ift.unesp.br/posgrad/ Fisiopatologia em Clnica Mdica http://www.pg.fmb.unesp.br/... Gentica e Melhoramento Animal http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#364,364 Geografia (Campus Presidente Prudente) http://www4.fct.unesp.br/pos/g... Geografia (Campus Rio Claro) http://www.rc.unesp.br/igce/... Ginecologia, Obstetrcia e Mastologia http://www.pg.fmb.unesp.br/index.php?codPG=6 Histria http://www.assis.unesp.br/#535,535 Letras http://www.ibilce.unesp.br/posgraduacao/letras/index.php Lingstica e Lngua Portuguesa http://www.fclar.unesp.br/#585,656 Medicina Veterinria (Campus Botucatu) http://www.fmvz.unesp.br/PosGraduacao/MedVet/... Medicina Veterinria (Campus Jaboticabal) http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#309,309 Microbiologia Agropecuria http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#337,337 Odontologia http://www.foar.unesp.br/odontologia/... Odontologia Restauradora http://www.fosjc.unesp.br/pg_ Patologia http://www.pg.fmb.unesp.br/... Qumica http://fi.com.br/projetos/unesp/index.php Reabilitao Oral http://www.foar.unesp.br/reabilitacao/ Zootecnia (Campus Botucatu) http://www.fmvz.unesp.br/PosGraduacao/Zootec/Apresenta Zootecnia (Campus Jaboticabal) http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#389,389 Lugar: Brasil Idioma: portugus, espaol Modalidad: presencial Duracin: 48 meses Dirigido a: Profesores e investigadores no brasileos vinculados a Instituciones de Educacin Superior de pases iberoamericanos (incluidos Espaa y Portugal), preferentemente asociadas a la AUIP, que estn interesados en cursar alguno de los programas de doctorado, relacionados anteriormente, ofrecidos por la UNESP durante el ao acadmico 2013.

Beneficios: Las becas tienen una dotacin de R$ 2.000 (dos mil reales brasileos) mensuales por un plazo mximo improrrogable de 48 meses. No existen gastos de matrcula ni tasas de inscripcin. En caso de que el becario ya est matriculado en el curso de Doctorado, la beca ser concedida solamente para el perodo de tiempo restante hasta la finalizacin del programa. Una vez que el candidato realice la matricula en la UNESP recibir una ayuda adicional de R$ 2.000,00 (dos mil reales brasileos) para los gastos iniciales de instalacin. El pago de la beca, as como la ayuda adicional, se iniciar cuando el beneficiario haya comenzado sus estudios en la UNESP. El abono ser efectuado mensualmente, a travs de transferencia a una cuenta bancaria brasilea cuyos datos debern ser facilitados por el becario a su llegada a la UNESP. Requisitos: Ser profesores o investigadores no brasileos vinculados a universidades de paises iberoamericanos, preferentemente asociadas a la AUIP, y contar con el aval expreso de su institucin. Estar en posesin de un ttulo de Master o equivalente. Con carcter excepcional, podrn ser admitidas solicitudes de personas que solamente tengan un ttulo de licenciado o equivalente, siempre y cuando en su pas se sea el ttulo que da acceso a doctorado, preferentemente en un rea de conocimiento afn al programa solicitado. Enviar el formulario de solicitud y la documentacin requerida en el plazo estipulado en esta convocatoria.

Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 15 de marzo de 2013 Mayor informacin: https://auip.org/index.php/es/component/content/article/616 Regresar 6. Becas Chevening Auspicia: Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Temas: Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Environment Transport & Urban Planning Economics & Business Public Policy & Administration Science & Technology International Law & International Relations Conflict Resolution & Management Lugar: Inglaterra Idioma: ingls Modalidad: presencial Beneficios: payment of tuition fees; travel to and from your country of residence by an approved route for you only; an arrival allowance; a grant for the cost of preparation of a thesis or dissertation (if required); an excess baggage allowance; the cost of an entry clearance (visa) application for you only; a monthly personal living allowance (stipend) to cover accommodation and living expenses. The monthly stipend will depend on whether you are studying inside or

outside London. It is currently 917 per month outside London and 1134 per month inside London (subject to annual review). Requisitos: - Demonstrate that you have achieved a minimum English language requirement (set out below) at the time that you submit your application - Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country at the time of applying for the award, and intend to return there at the end of the period of study - Hold a degree that is equivalent to at least a good UK second-class honours degree. Further information on UK degree equivalency can be found from UK NARIC - Have completed at least two years' work or equivalent experience by 30 September 2012 Notas: Please note that there are new english language requirements for 2013/14 applicants and you MUST have a valid English language certificate BEFORE applying for a Chevening Scholarship. If you do not have an existing eligible test certificate you should book an English language test NOW. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 02 de enero de 2013 Mayor informacin: http://ukinperu.fco.gov.uk/es/working-with-peru/chevening-scholarships/ Regresar III. BECAS DE INVESTIGACION 1. 2013 Disability Rights scholarship program Auspicia: Open Society Foundation Tema: Derecho Idioma: ingls Modalidad: presencial Beneficios: - tuition and mandatory university fees; - monthly stipend for room, board, and other living expenses; - program-related travel; - accident and sickness insurance during the program; - funds for educational materials and professional development; - all costs associated with pre-academic summer program and annual conference. The fellowship does NOT provide funding for dependent family members. Requisitos: The Program does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Candidates with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply. The competition is merit-based and open to those meeting the following criteria: - Citizen and legal resident of an eligible country at the time of application (Nepal; Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe; Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Colombia); - work experience in legal profession or advocacy focusing on human/disability rights; - excellent academic record with a Bachelor's degree in Law (in exceptional circumstances, those without a law degree but with substantial experience may be considered); - demonstrated leadership in field of disability rights; - proficient in spoken and written English or French and able to meet university-designated minimum scores on standardized language tests; - able to participate in an intensive academic writing program in Summer 2013; - able to begin the graduate program in August or September 2013; - able to receive and maintain visa or study permit required by host country;

- clear commitment to return to home country to aid ongoing disability rights work. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 10 de diciembre de 2012 Mayor informacin: http://www.osisa.org/proposal/general/regional/2013-disability-rights-scholarship-program


2. Programa de becas de investigacin para cientficos de pases en vas de desarrollo Auspicia: Centro de Ciencia y Tecnologa del NOAL (NAM S&T Centre) Temas: India has a vast and excellent infrastructure for Education and Research in Science, Technology and Engineering. There are over 550 Universities, around 3400 Engineering & Technology Institutes, ~45,000 Science Colleges and an extensive network of ~2500 R&D Institutions, mostly Government supported, which cover virtually every branch and facet of research and technology. For this year, a number of R&D and academic institutions of excellence in India have agreed to provide joint research opportunity to the scientists of the developing countries in the following areas: 1 Agricultural Sciences: Genetics & Plant Breeding; Plant Pathology, Microbiology; Post Harvest Technology; Biotechnology, Entomology (Integrated Pest Management, Understanding Climate Change Effects on Pests, Natural Enemies and Pollinators); Plant Genetic Resourse Management, Genetically Modified Crop Detection Techniques, Dairy Research (Animal Biotechnology, Scientific Animal Farming, Dairy Technology, Dairy Microbiology); Soil Salinity Research; Rice Research (Breeding, Farming and Drought Management, Nutritional Quality of Rice, Genetic Diversity); Plywood Industries Research 2 Biological and Medical Sciences: Integrative Medicine, Traditional Medicines and Natural Products Chemistry; Infectious Disease Immune Biology, Pharmacology, Cancer Research; Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Toxicology, Virology (Epidemiology, molecular evolution, immunology and pathogenesis of the viruses of public health importance); Nanomedicine, Clinical Research and Trials, Drug Delivery Systems; Dentistry 3 Chemical Sciences: Pharmaceutics & Drugs, Chemical Biology, Fluoorganics, Lipid Science & Technology, Polymer & Functional Technology, Membrane Technology; Electrochemistry (Corrosion, Bio-sensors, Fuel Cells); Petroleum Research (Downstream Sectors in Hydrocarbon Industry, Alternative Fuels and Fuel Conservation) 4 Physical Sciences and Mathematics: Organic Solar Cells, Condensed Matter Physics, Liquid Crystals, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Radiation Biology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Biophysics, Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Research 5 Earth Sciences: Antarctic and Ocean Science; Marine Living Resources and Ecology; Ocean Technology (Deep Sea Mining, Gas Hydrates, Marine Biotechnology, Desalination); Himalayan Geology, Groundwater, Earthquakes and Tsunami 6 Engineering: Surface Engineering and Tribology; Manufacturing Technology; Carbon Nano Tubes, Robotics & Automation; Agro and Biomedical Instrumentation; Optical Design and Spectroscopy, Computational Instrumentation 7 Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy: Non-destructive Evaluation, Mineral Characterization and Processing, Hydrometallurgy, Nanocomposite Materials, Nanobiotechnology

8 Science, Technology and Development: S&T Policy and Indicators, Technology Foresight, Assessment & Demand, Strategy Mapping, S&T for Rural Development, MSME and Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property Lugar: India Idioma: ingls Modalidad: presencial Duracin: The Fellowship will be for a period of 6 months, but small variation in the duration may be allowed with prior approval of the NAM S&T Centre depending on the actual requirement of the research project as mutually agreed to between the Fellow and the host institution. Beneficios: 1. Full financial assistance will be provided to the selected Fellows which will include the following:a. Round trip international airfare by excursion/economy class and by shortest route from the international airport in the home country to the international airport nearest to the host institution. b. A consolidated Fellowship amount of Indian Rupees (INR) 35,000 per month (non-taxable) [about US$650 per month at the current exchange rate] for accommodation, meals and other miscellaneous expenses. c. One-time grant of INR 15,000 [about US$280 at the current exchange rate] for domestic travel for airport transfers and visiting research institutions, attending scientific /events and field-trips within India. The allowance as in (b) and the actual expenditure as in (c) will be disbursed to the RTF-DCS Fellow through the host institution. The Host Institution will arrange appropriate accommodation for the Fellow on payment basis. 2. The selected Fellow will take an appropriate policy for health insurance coverage for the period of stay in India, and a copy of such policy must be made available to the NAM S&T Centre before departure from the home country. 3. Individual Fellow, or his/her government / institution, is required to bear the following costs: a. All expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for passport and visa, expenditures towards medical examinations and vaccinations as may be required and other miscellaneous expenses such as internal travel to/from the international airport of departure in the home country. b. Salary and other related allowances in the home country, if applicable, during the Fellowship period. c. Cost towards the medical insurance to cover the period of Fellowship in India. 4. Neither the NAM S&T Centre nor the host institution in India will assume any responsibility whatsoever for the following expenditure of the Fellows during the tenure of the Fellowship: a. Insurance, medical bills or hospitalisation fees. b. Compensation in the event of death, disability or loss of personal belongings or compensation for damage caused by climatic or other conditions. c. Travel and other costs incurred by the dependents, who might accompany the Fellows. Requisitos: 1. Applicant should possess at least a Masters Degree in any Natural Sciences subject or equivalent degree in Engineering or Medicine and allied disciplines. 2. Applicant should be working in a National R&D/Academic Institution in his/her home country. The application should be endorsed by the Head of the institution with a confirmation that if selected, he/she will be sanctioned leave for the Fellowship period and will join his/her duties back in the institution on completion of the Fellowship in India. 3. The upper age limit for the applicant is 40 years on the last date for submission of application. 4. Researchers of Indian Nationality are not eligible to apply for the Fellowship. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 07 de diciembre del 2012

Mayor informacin: http://www.namstct.org/ http://portal.concytec.gob.pe/index.php/fondecyt-becas/becas/becasinternacionales/oportunidades-de-becas/486-becas-de-investigacion-gobierno-de-laindia.html Regresar 3. John Carter Brown Library Research Fellowships Auspicia: John Carter Brown Library Tema: Historia de Amrica Lugar: Estados Unidos Idioma: ingls Modalidad: presencial Duracin: 1 de julio, 2013 30 de junio, 2014 Beneficios: Short-term John Carter Brown Library Fellowships are available for periods of two to four months and carry a stipend of $2,100 per month. These Fellowships are open to Americans and foreign nationals who are engaged in pre- or post-doctoral, or independent, research. Graduate students must have passed their preliminary or general examinations at the time of application. Long-Term Fellowships are for five to ten months with a monthly stipend of $4,200. These include NEH Fellowships, for which an aplicant must be an American citizen or have lived in the United States for the three years preceding the application deadline. For other long-term fellowships, all nationalities are eligible. Graduate students may not hold JCB Long-Term Fellowships. Requisitos: Application consisting of the following three parts, saved as a single pdf, and sent as an attachment to JCBL_Fellowships@Brown.edu : 1. A single page with name, affiliation, status, and 100-word abstract of the research proposal. 2. A narrative description of the proposed project (not to exceed 1200 words), including an explanation of its historiographical significance, progress to date on the project, identification of specific materials to be consulted at the JCB, and plan for work to be completed while in residence. 3. Applicants current curriculum vitae. Letters of recommendation: Three for long-term awards; two for short-term awards. The letters should be sent from scholars acquainted with the applicant's JCB Fellowship research proposal and speak specifically to its merits. The letters may be transmitted electronically either on institutional letterhead and scanned or sent directly from the academic or institutional email address of the referee to JCBL_Fellowships@Brown.edu. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 15 de diciembre de 2012 Mayor informacin: Jcbl_fellowships@brown.edu http://www.brown.edu/academics/libraries/john-carter-brown/fellowships/descriptionfellowship-program Regresar 4. Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology

Auspicia: NASA/Library of Congress Tema: Astrobiologa Beneficios: The Astrobiology Chair holder will be appointed on an annual basis by the Librarian of Congress on the recommendation of a selection committee consisting of representatives from the academic community jointly selected by NASA and the Library of Congress. The stipend will be $13,500 per month for an appointment of up to 12 months. Requisitos: The NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology is open to persons of any nationality. This is a residential fellowship, and the Chair is expected to be in full-time residence (for up to 12 months) at the Kluge Center within the Library of Congress while conducting research at the Library. The Chair holder will be provided with research space and support in the Kluge Center and is expected to engage in the life of the Center while in residence. Using research facilities and services at the Library of Congress, the holder of the Astrobiology Chair is expected to engage in research and to give at least one public presentation at the Library for the Washington, D.C. area. Applications require a single-paragraph summary of the proposed research, a statement of the proposed research project (no more than seven double-spaced pages), an indication of the kinds of materials at the Library of Congress that will be of use in the research, a curriculum vitae demonstrating evidence of prior scholarly work and publication, and three letters of recommendation from colleagues, administrators, employers, and others having knowledge of the applicant's project and scholarship. Applicants should also include as part of their proposal detailed plans and a budget (no more than three pages) for such auxiliary activities as workshops, symposia, or small conferences, explaining how these activities would support the research and/or contribute to any public presentation of the human implications of astrobiology. Fecha lmite para presentar candidaturas: 17 de diciembre de 2012 Mayor informacin: scholarly@loc.gov http://www.loc.gov/loc/kluge/fellowships/NASA-astrobiology.html

SIDUEP Servicio de Informacin de Universidades y Estudios de Postgrado Sala de Referencia de la Biblioteca Central Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Per Atencin: Lunes a viernes de 8:00am a 10:00pm Sbados de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm siduep@pucp.edu.pe

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