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Name:__________________________________ Persuasive Essay Rubric Grade:__________/50 points __________

Category Above Standards Meets Meets Below Standards

Standards Standards
Introduction -strong great beginning -introduction has a great -introduction has a weak or -introduction lacks a great
-clear, strong thesis stating the beginning that is interesting boring great beginning beginning or is irrelevant
author’s position on the topic and relevant -thesis statement is present -thesis statement has an
-important, relevant background -clear thesis stating the -background information is unclear opinion or not present
information author’s position on the topic rambling or unfocused -background information is
_______ / 10 pts
-focused background irrelevant or not present
Body -includes 3 body paragraphs with -includes 3 body paragraphs -includes 3 body paragraphs -less than 3 body paragraphs
relevant main points supporting with relevant main points with main points or has similar main points
the thesis supporting the thesis -main points are supported -lacks viable evidence
-main points are supported with -main points are supported with evidence -lacks counterarguments or
logical evidence with viable evidence -counterarguments anticipates irrelevant counterarguments
-counterargument anticipates the -counterargument anticipates the reader’s concerns and is -missing or irrelevant
_______ / 20 pts reader’s concerns and is strongly the reader’s concerns and is rebutted rebuttals
rebutted logically rebutted -transitions used -ineffective or missing
-variety of transitions are used that -variety of transitions used transitions
show how ideas are connected
Conclusion -conclusion leaves the reader -restated the thesis without -restated the thesis with -the writer’s position is
solidly understanding the writer’s repetitive vocabulary repetitive vocabulary or restated unclearly,
position -clear call to action sentence structure inaccurately, or not at all
-accurate restatement of thesis -weak call to action -missing call to action
without repetitive vocabulary or
_______ / 10 pts
sentence structure
-call to action asks for strong
reader reaction
Sentence -most sentences are well- -many sentences are well- -sentences are well- -sentence structure is basic
Structure & constructed with varied structure constructed with varied constructed but unvaried and unvaried
Vocabulary -sophisticated vocabulary used structured -repetitive vocabulary but -repetitive, below grade level,
correctly -variety of vocabulary used used correctly or incorrectly used
-few spelling errors correctly -spelling errors that do not vocabulary
_______ / 5 pts
-few spelling errors distract the reader -distracting spelling errors
Grammar -few errors in grammar, -few errors in grammar, -errors in grammar, -grammar, capitalization, and
capitalization, punctuation capitalization, punctuation capitalization, and punctuation errors that
_______ / 5 pts -exceptionally easy to read due to -errors do not distract reader punctuation that interrupt the distract and interrupt the flow
few errors flow of the reader of the reader

50.47 A 44 B+ 41-40 B- 38 C
46.45 A- 43-42 B 39 C+ 37-36 C-

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