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Aging :

Aging All diseases run into one - old age. Emerson Ralph Waldo To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable. Oscar Wilde

Aging :
Aging I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying. I'm not afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens. Woody Allen

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What are the Effects of Aging? :

What are the Effects of Aging? Decrease Immune Function Decrease in Muscle Mass Decrease in Bone Mass Decrease in cellular Protein Synthesis Increase in risks for Diseases

Age Related Disabilities :

Age Related Disabilities Weakness Impaired Mobility Poor Strength and Endurance Loss of Energy Loss of Desire Reduction in a Sense of Well-being

Results of Physical Frailty :

Results of Physical Frailty Falls Fractures Impaired activity Loss of independence Chronic debility Poor quality of life

Goal of Anti-Aging Medicine :

Goal of Anti-Aging Medicine Increase healthspan not just lifespan No one wants to live forever with debility, chronic illness, or cognitive impairment

Anti-Aging Medicine :
Anti-Aging Medicine Traditional medicine Treats the outcomes of aging. Anti-aging medicine Focus on prevention

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine :

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine The science of anti-aging medicine is truly multidisciplinary. Not only represented by advances in the fields of biochemistry, biology, and physiology, the field is enhanced by contributions from mind/body medicine, sports medicine, molecular genetics, and emerging medical technologies. Anti-aging medicine is evidence-based, clinically sound health care.

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine :

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine The science of anti-aging medicine is truly multidisciplinary. Not only represented by advances in the fields of biochemistry, biology, and physiology, the field is enhanced by contributions from mind/body medicine, sports medicine, molecular genetics, and emerging medical technologies. Anti-aging medicine is evidence-based, clinically sound health care.

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine :

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Anti-aging medicine is the newest clinical medical specialty, the "optimum" of wellness and longevity profound paradigm shift in the way the medical establishment views aging

Anti-Aging Basics :
Anti-Aging Basics Diet Exercise (physical and mental) Vitamins, Anti-oxidants, Minerals, Nutritional Supplementation Bio-identical Hormones Neurotransmitters

Diet :
Diet Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable deaths Annually Causes at least 300,000 excess deaths in the U.S Costs the country more than $100 billion Medical risks associated with obesity Type 2 diabetes , Hypertension, Osteoarthritis, Cardiovascular disease , Sleep apnea, High cholesterol, Cancer, Gallbladder disease and Impaired respiratory function

Diet :
Diet Mediterranean Diet: A notably low incidence of chronic diseases and high life expectancy rates is present in populations living along the Mediterranean Sea (particularly Greeks and southern Italians): Grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, nuts), good fats - olive

oil and omega-3 fatty acids (fish), occasional red meat Okinawan Diet: Elderly Okinawans have among the lowest mortality rates in the world from a multitude of chronic diseases of aging and as a result enjoy not only what may be the world's longest life expectancy, but the world's longest health expectancy: Low caloric intake, high vegetables/fruit consumption, higher intake of good fats omega 3 and monounsaturated fat, high fiber, high flavonoid intake (citrus, gingko, tea, wine, chocolate)

Trauma :
Trauma Trauma kills more people between the ages of 1 and 44 than any other disease or illness: Nearly 100,000 people of all ages in the United States die from trauma each year - roughly half of them in automobile crashes Each year in the US: 8 to 9 million individuals suffer disabling injuries More than 3 million people suffer permanent disabilities

Smoking :
Smoking Tobacco use, particularly cigarette smoking, is the single most preventable cause of death The most significant cause of lung cancer and the leading cause of lung cancer death in both men and women Responsible for most cancers of the larynx, oral cavity, and esophagus and highly associated with the development of bladder, kidney, pancreatic, and cervical cancers and contributes to coronary disease Is responsible for lung cancers in several thousand nonsmokers each year [US Environmental Protection Agency]

Exercise :
Exercise Reduces the risk of heart disease Maintains healthy weight, cholesterol levels, blood pressure Prevents bone loss Boosts energy, reduces stress, tension, anxiety, depression, improves sleep and self-image Increases muscle strength Helps delay or prevent chronic illnesses and diseases associated with aging and maintains quality of life and independence longer

Social Interaction :
Social Interaction Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons: Study group with highest leisure activity had 38% lower risk of dementia University of Florida: More than physical activity, social interaction leads to more satisfaction with life. Any pursuit that brought people together proved beneficial for promoting positive self-image and personal fulfillment

Mental Exercise :

Mental Exercise The brain must be exercised in order to stay in peak form Memorization strategies can encourage the brain to work more effectively and reduce aging-related memory loss Challenge yourself with activities such as hobbies, adult education, and volunteering

Healthy Sex :
Healthy Sex Results of an eighteen-year study by Scottish researcher: Having sex helps the body produce growth hormones that produce lean muscle tissue and decrease body fat Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors (Feb. 2002) - Age is no barrier to having an active sex life: worldwide, 80% of men and 60% of women ages 40 to 80 responded that sex remained an important part of their lives 70% of those surveyed reporting that their physical relationship with their partner was very or extremely pleasurable also reported being in excellent health

Stress Reduction :
Stress Reduction Reduce responsibilities Reduce expectations Meditate Visualize Take one thing at a time Exercise Hobbies Healthy lifestyle Share your feelings Avoid arguments Be flexible! Go easy with giving and receiving criticism

Sleep :
Sleep Sleep is Necessary for survival. Necessary for proper nervous systems function Rejuvenates brain nerve cells Promotes brain function Deep sleep Coincides with the release of growth hormone in children and young adults Promotes increase production of cells and reduces breakdown of proteins in cells

Alcohol :
Alcohol Drinking one or two alcoholic drinks each day could help reduce the risk of developing dementia. [The Lancet 2002; 359:281-286] Light, and even fairly moderate drinking, appears to protect the elderly from developing small blockages in the blood vessels of the brain known as "silent strokes, therefore lowering stroke risk. [Stroke 2001 32: 1939-1946] Dark beer contains large amounts of disease-fighting antioxidants. Beer prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). [University of Scranton (PA), reported by www.yahoo.com 22nd December 2000

Free Radicals and Oxidative StressAll cells & tissues are constantly subjected to highly sensitive molecules called free radicals. This is termed oxidative stress.These hostile, damaging molecules are normal byproducts of lifes

metabolism of food substances or oxidative metabolism.Free radicals are also produced by smoke, radiation, air pollution, chemicals, toxic metals, oxidized fats. :
Free Radicals and Oxidative StressAll cells & tissues are constantly subjected to highly sensitive molecules called free radicals. This is termed oxidative stress.These hostile, damaging molecules are normal byproducts of lifes metabolism of food substances or oxidative metabolism.Free radicals are also produced by smoke, radiation, air pollution, chemicals, toxic metals, oxidized fats.

Immunity :
Immunity Infectious diseases are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. claiming more than 100,000 Americans lives annually costing more than $30 billion in direct treatment expense Infectious diseases are responsible for 1/4 to 1/3 of the 54 million deaths globally each year since 1973 New evidence is mounting to support the theory that degenerative diseases of aging may be due from the effects of infectious disease rather than illnesses.

Water :
Water Replenish lost fluids with an intake of eight to twelve ounces of water every day 53 million Americans drink water from municipal water supplies containing potentially dangerous levels of chloro- and fluoro-chemicals, lead, fecal bacteria as well as pesticides and other impurities associated with cancer and metabolic dysfunction

Alkaline, Inonized Water? :

Alkaline, Inonized Water? Increases Hydration Balance Body ph Increase Blood Oxygenation Neutralize Free Radicals Clinically, supports colon health, reduces yeast infections and chronic pain, helps weight loss, improves skin integrity, and decreases depressive symptoms Ray Kurzweil, Ph.D. www.fantastic-voyage.net

Nutraceuticals :
Nutraceuticals There is strong scientific evidence from large and respected clinical trials that have confirmed the safety and efficacy of nutraceuticals.

Nutraceuticals :

Nutraceuticals Essential Nutrients: Beta carotene Vitamin C & Vitamin E Selenium Zinc Cysteine Endogenous Compounds: Glutathione Sulfhydryl groups Lipoic Acid CoQ10

Nutraceuticals :
Nutraceuticals Dietary Compounds: Bioflavinoids (Citrus, tea, gingko, onions, parsley, dark chocolate) Proanthocyanidins (apples, red wine, black and green tea, etc.) Antioxidants recharge each other and are synergistic or additive.

Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) :
Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) Antioxidant nutrient in mitochondria Protects DNA from oxidative stress Improves insulin sensitivity & hyperglycemia Required for use with statins which block production of CoQ10 Beneficial in CAD and angina

Vitamin E :
Vitamin E Key lipid soluble antioxidant Cardio-protective effects - 41% reduction in heart disease in Nurses Health Study 800 IU reverses fibrocystic breasts 800 IU enhances immune function & blocks peroxidation of fats leading to formation of free radicals

Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid :

Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Vit C first line of defense against oxidative stress Vit E main lipid phase antioxidant Vit C main aqueous phase antioxidant Both boost free radical scavenging ability of superoxide radical.

Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid :

Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Beneficial for aging skin available topically Promotes healthy immune function-enhances interferon Dose 2,000-4,000 mg daily in divided doses

Niacin (Vitamin B3) :

Niacin (Vitamin B3) There are two decisively proven uses of pharmacological doses of niacin. These are for heart disease and skin conditions Extensive evidence combining known biochemical functions of vitamin B3 - controlled trials and clinical observations indicate that doses of niacin above the RDA speed wound healing and help the immune system fight off viral infections

Vitamin A :
Vitamin A Essential for: Normal vision Bone growth White blood cells Resist infections Normal immune function Skin protection Body converts beta carotene into Vit A 10,000 IU to 25,000 IU daily

Serum Carotenoids :
Serum Carotenoids 600 Carotenoids found in nature; fruits & vegetables Beta Carotene has been shown to reduce CAD and MI Lutein and Zeaxanthin prevent macular degeneration Modify LDL oxidation Found in green, yellow, & orange fruits & vegetables 25,000 I.U. daily

Flax Seed :
Flax Seed Lignans - major class of phytoestrogens - act as antioxidants. Reduces risk of CVD, breast CA, osteoporosis, menopause symptoms

L-Carnitine :
L-Carnitine Antioxidant Clinical considerations: Heart disease Weight loss Mental performance Liver disease

CoQ10 and L-Carnitine :

CoQ10 and L-Carnitine CoQ10 enhances utilization of fatty acids while L-carnitine transports fatty acid into mitochondria. Support cardiovascular function Preserve mitochondrial membrane

Proanthocyanidins Grape Seed Extract :

Proanthocyanidins Grape Seed Extract More potent than Vit C and Vit E Prevents lipid peroxidation Inhibits superoxide radical Inhibits oxidation of LDL French Paradox

Resveratrol :
Resveratrol Antioxidant activity found in grapes, wine, blueberries, cranberries, and peanuts Anti-cancer Anti-inflammatory Lowers blood sugar Cardiovascular benefits

Garlic :

Garlic Reported to reduces cholesterol, reduces BP, decreases platelet adhesiveness 2007 NIH funded trial found no effects of raw garlic or garlic supplements on LDL, HDL, or triglycerides

SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine) :

SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine) Antidepressant Increases glutathione for hepatic protection Arthritis supplement Fibromyalgia

Glutathione :
Glutathione Natures master antioxidant and detoxifying agent Consists of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine Best given IV, but cysteine, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), N-acetylcysteine, and whey protein orally can increase tissue levels

Alpha Lipoic Acid :

Alpha Lipoic Acid Very potent antioxidant Regenerates glutathione, Vit C, Vit E Chelates metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic Decreases skin photoaging and carcinogensis as a cream

Glucosamine :
Glucosamine Anti-inflammatory & anabolic properties Works well with Omega 3 Fatty Acids, SAMe, and MSM (methylsulfanylmethane) for arthritis and joint health

Vitamin K :
Vitamin K Essential for normal blood clotting Supplementation good for osteoporosis Recently has been shown to protect against CVD

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) :
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) Required for normal calcium absorption and maintaining normal blood levels of calcium. Ultraviolet light produces vitamin D in the skin High levels can be toxic, ? be careful of excess supplementation People not exposed to sunlight may have low levels Dose 400-800 units/day

Ginkgo Biloba :

Ginkgo Biloba Strong antioxidant in CNS Prevents platelet aggregation & acts as anticoagulant Promotes CNS circulation and function

Calcium/Magnesium :
Calcium/Magnesium 1500/750 mg per day Necessary for bone, muscle, heart, nerve conduction Lowers BP Good for nighttime leg cramps Everyone loses magnesium and needs to supplement

Herbs :
Herbs VALERIAN ROOT Natural sleep enhancer, mild Non-addicting Smells terrible, dont open capsules KAVA KAVA Mild sedative, anti-anxiety

St. Johns Wort Hypericum :

St. Johns Wort Hypericum Mao inhibitor that raises serotonin, mild Antidepressant effect at 300 mg tid For mild depression only

Minerals :
Minerals Most minerals form cofactors (essential ingredients) to many enzymes compounds that are necessary for making chemical reactions occur. They are therefore necessary nutritional elements. Examples are calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, selenium, iodine, and when we are young, iron & copper.

Minerals :
Minerals Chromium facilitates action of insulin; maintains normal blood sugar 200-800 mcg/day Vanadium facilitates action of insulin Zinc: cofactor in many enzymes, super oxide dismutase Beneficial for prostate health Decreased cancer risk 30-100 mg / day

Probiotics :
Probiotics Lactobacillus, Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. Maintain normal intestinal flora and function Used in intestinal dysbiosis, diarrhea, irritable colon, ulcerative colitis Use along with antibiotics to prevent change in intestinal flora

Anti-Inflammatory :

Anti-Inflammatory Prostaglandin E2 (inflammatory) increased by: Omega 6 FA High glycemic foods Polyunsaturated fat Saturated fats Prostaglandin E3: protects against inflammation increased by Omega 3 FA

Anti-Cancer :
Anti-Cancer Green Tea - contains powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols CoQ10 300-600 mg Soy Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) glucosinolate from cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower ? 2 hydroxylation of estrogen = less cancer secondary to estrogen ? 16 ? hyroxylation = which causes cancer

Arthritis :
Arthritis Omega 3 Fatty Acids MSM 2-4 gms/day (methylsulfanylmethane) Organic sulfur compound Maintains connective health SAMe stimulates synthesis of proteoglycans in articular chondrocytes

Osteoporosis :
Osteoporosis Isoflavone increases bone density Cal-Mag Vit D3 Vit K Boron

Prostate Protection-BPH :
Prostate Protection-BPH Saw Palmetto - an oil from a berry that grows in the Everglades Used for symptoms of BPH, prostate enlargement, decreased urine flow Pygeum - African evergreen tree bark relieves BPH Nettle - root that also shrinks prostate size Lycopene - clinically proven to decrease incidence of prostate cancer - found in tomatoes and tomato products

Immunity :
Immunity Echinacea herb that enhances white cell activity Commonly used for routine colds, infections-most widely sold herb Anti-viral, antibacterial, antifungal Olive leaf extract another antioxidant that enhances WBC function Grapefruit seed extract: for Candida (yeast) and intestinal overgrowth syndrome

Micronutrient Testing :
Micronutrient Testing SpectraCell (Houston, TX) www.spectracell.com Measures the biochemical function of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants via blood test

Functional intracellular testing with targeted nutrient repletion recommendations for vitamins and minerals found to be deficient Very advanced and sophisticated technique

Micronutrient Testing :
Micronutrient Testing Genova Diagnostic (Asheville, NC) www.gdx.net A comprehensive nutritional evaluation to identify specific imbalances of vitamins, nutrients, and essential cofactors. This profile also provides assessment of gastrointestinal dysfunction and detoxification impairment via urine testing

Dr. Birkens Protocol :

Dr. Birkens Protocol Multiple Vitamins Vitamins A, C, D3, E, K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Folate, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Boron, Vanadium, Choline, Inositol, Bioflavanoids,

Dr. Birkens Protocol :

Dr. Birkens Protocol Niacin-SR 500mg sustained release one per day

Dr. Birkens Protocol :

Dr. Birkens Protocol Omega 3 Fish Oil Marine Fish Concentrate, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 1000mg twice per day

Dr. Birkens Protocol :

Dr. Birkens Protocol Glucosamine 750 mg twice per day

Dr. Birkens Protocol :

Dr. Birkens Protocol Probiotic 3.0 billion viable microorganisms as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Bifidobacterium longum twice per day

Dr. Birkens Protocol :

Dr. Birkens Protocol Whey Protein Powder Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, L-Alanine, LArginine, L-Aspartic Acid, L-Cysteine, L-Glutamic Acid, Glycine, L-Histidine, L-Isoleucine, LLeucine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Proline, L-Serine, L-Threonine, LThreonine, L-Tyrosine, L-Valine, L-Carnitine (as L-carnitine tartrate) one scoop per day

Dr. Neal Rouziers Program :

Dr. Neal Rouziers Program Basic multiple Formula Vitamins Vitamin C 1000 mg Vitamin E mixed, natural 400 IU Flax seed oil 1 Tablespoon CoQ10 100 mg, Lipoic acid 100mg Proanthocyanidins 500 mg Glucosamine 500 mg Protein Shake Flaxseed & Psyllium

Hormones :
Hormones Estrogen Progesterone (not synthetic progestin) Testosterone Thyroid DHEA

Hormones :
Hormones Hargrove in Infertility and Reproductive Medicine, 1995 The metabolic footprints of foreign steroids causes a variety of side effects not seen with the natural steroids. Therefore natural steroids seen preferable for long term replacement.

Estrogen :
Estrogen Estrogen affects tissue growth and metabolism in breasts, vaginal tissue, bones, blood vessels, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, skin, and brain; can increase energy levels, sexual performance, cognition, emotions, sleep, and decreases the risk of colo-rectal cancer.

Estrogen :
Estrogen Decreases risk of osteoporosis Relieves hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia Decreases risk of development of cardiovascular disease Improves mood & psychological well-being Preserves skin collagen and youthful appearance

Estrogen :
Estrogen The WHI trials should not be regarded as truth and all other research discarded (NAMS) A recent study from Australia showed estrogens protective effect against dementia and Alzheimer disease Four other recent studies and meta-analyses show a protective effect of HRT on cognition, dementia, CAD

Estrogen :
Estrogen WHI results cannot be applied to the majority of women who initiate HRT around menopause There is overwhelming evidence that the anti-atherosclerotic effect of HRT depends on the time of initiation Early initiation is protective!

Progesterone :
Progesterone American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1999 Unexpected feeling of well being was observed when progesterone was added to estrogen - Provera did not improve wellbeing. The incidence of side effects on estrogen alone were reduced when natural progesterone was added.

Progesterone :
Progesterone Mayo Clinic study evaluated benefits of natural progesterone over synthetic progestins Progesterone reduced hot flashes, depression, abnormal uterine bleeding. Quality of life and satisfaction with HRT greatly improved with progesterone over Provera. Source of problems with progestins is metabolic breakdown products causing side effects; none with progesterone (Mayo Clinic, 1999)

Progesterone :
Progesterone Provera (medroxyprogestin) causes PMS-like symptoms, fluid retention, mood swings High dose MDA is poorly tolerated by most women

Progesterone :
Progesterone Provera up regulates estrogen receptor sites: breast pain, swelling, ? thickness on mammogram, breast CA Progesterone down regulates receptor sites = none of the above side effects

Progesterone :
Progesterone Neurobiology of Sexual Behavior, 1999 Adequate female sexual response requires adequate levels of progesterone Progesterone up-regulates nitric oxide synthase activity in vaginal tissue and plays an important role in vasocongestion during sexual arousal.

Hormone Replacement Conclusions :

Hormone Replacement Conclusions HRT at menopause associated with: Enhanced skin firmness & elasticity Reduced urogenital atrophy; vaginal dryness Reduced hot flashes Reduced mood disorders & depression Reduced risk of heart disease Reduced risk of osteoporosis Reduced risk of Alzheimers Disease

Thyroid :
Thyroid Common symptoms that respond to thyroid supplementation: Fatigue Depression Weight gain Dry skin Brittle nails Thin hair Memory and concentration Constipation Hyperlipidemia

Thyroid :
Thyroid Major portion of thyroid function is due to Free T3, therefore it is important to have optimal levels of Free T3, not low normal levels Psychiatrists are usually credited with bringing people back to life with T3. Many patients have low thyroid symptoms with midrange TSH, T4 & T3 levels Symptoms usually resolve with increased doses of thyroid

Testosterone :
Testosterone Men and women lose significant amounts of testosterone with age Testosterone replacement therapy is safe and provides dramatic results

Testosterone :
Testosterone Low testosterone results in: Increased body fat Decreased well being Decreased sexual function Increased risk of cardiovascular disease Increased risk of osteoporosis

Testosterone :
Testosterone Testosterone reduces fatigue produces a sense of well being and higher levels of energy Many patients are able to stop anti-depressants after being treated Testosterone

DHEA Produced by the adrenal gland as a precursor to other hormones Improves metabolism Reduces cardiovascular risk by breaking down fat Improves mood Decreases cholesterol In vitro studies reveal a possible anti-cancer effect

Human Growth Hormone :

Human Growth Hormone Increased lean body mass Decreased visceral fat Improved bone density Enhanced immune system Protects cardiovascular system Improves cognitive function Decreases insulin sensitivity and improves glucose tolerance Circumstantial evidence that GH deficiency and aging overlap but very controversial!

Hormone Testing :
Hormone Testing Can be done by blood, urine, or saliva Greater accuracy with blood testing Usual protocol: Prefer Labcorp over Quest Estradiol Progesterone Testosterone (Free) TSH, T4 and T3 (Free) DHEA-S Estrogen Metabolites

Hormones Summary :
Hormones Summary Estrogen protects against heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, Alzheimers, and memory disorders as well a decreasing fatigue, depression, mood changes, enhancing libido, reducing wrinkles, colon cancer, and dental cavities Progesterone protects against breast cancer, osteoporosis; it has natural anti-anxiety and helps sleep

Hormone Summary :
Hormone Summary Testosterone increase muscle mass, strength, endurance, well being, and mood stability, and libido. Protects against cardiovascular disease and arthritis as well as improving skin texture and tone Thyroid increases fat breakdown, aids in weight reduction, lowers cholesterol, as well as decreasing heart disease and cognitive impairment

Hormone Summary :
Hormone Summary DHEA increases metabolism, reduces cardiovascular disease by increasing fat breakdown, improves libido, mood, and immunity HGH, while controversial, does stimulate tissue repair, healing, cell rejuvenation, bone strength, metabolism, cardiovascular health, brain function, and energy. Could prove to be the best anti-aging hormone.

Hormone Summary :
Hormone Summary Bio-identical hormones are biological identical to human molecules safe, effective, and the cornerstone to age management. BHRT are not drugs! Synthetic hormones are different and potentially dangerous

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Chemicals that serve as messengers between the brain and organs Analogous to the bodys internal telephone system Must have adequate levels to be healthy

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Physical effects: Cardiac function Metabolism Sleep Mental Effects: Focus Attention Ability to learn Emotional Effects: Mood Behavior Social Attitude

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Clinical studies suggest that the incidence of neurotransmitter imbalances in the population is very high. Imbalances related to High stress Poor diet Neurological toxins (air and water pollution, heavy metals, industrial cleaners) Genetics

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Imbalances lead to the following clinical problems: Insomnia Weight Problems Depression Fatigue Migraines ADD/ADHD/Autism Anxiety OCD Behavioral Issues

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Excitatory neurotransmitters: Energizing Motivating Focus Rev up the system Glutamate, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, PEA, Histamine, Aspartic Acid, Dopamine

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Inhibitory neurotransmitters: Calming Relaxing Sleep inducing Slow down the system GABA, Serotonin, Glycine, Taurine, Dopamine, Agmatine

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Sleep Problems: Low serotonin levels Elevated levels of one or more excitatory neurotransmitters Hormonal imbalances (progesterone) Low melatonin High cortisol

Neurotransmitters :

Neurotransmitters Acute vs. Chronic Stress Acute stress causes a rise, then fall, in the stress hormones and neurotransmitters Chronic, day-to-day stress results in a system that is always in overdrive

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Chronic Stress leads to burnout Anxiousness Wired but tired Sleep disruptions Low mood Headaches Ready to snap Fatigue Loss of control Inability to lose weight Little motivation Poor libido

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Problems Imbalances in brain chemistry can lead to inattentive and hyperactive behaviors

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Medications used for ADHD: Ritalin Strattera Concerta Adderall Neurotransmitters affected: Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, PEA

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Weight and Metabolism Neurotransmitters control the following: Appetite control Fat storage Carbohydrate storage Metabolic rate

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Serotonin - Low levels associated with carbohydrate (sugar) cravings Epinephrine Low levels decrease fat burning Norepinephrine Low levels associated fatigue and reduce motivation PEA Low levels associated with brain fog and unclear thinking

Neurotransmitters :
Neurotransmitters Diet - Neurotransmitters are made from protein foods low sugar intake prevents rapid loss of neurotransmitters Exercise - raises the levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin

Neurotransmitter Testing :

Neurotransmitter Testing Neuroscience (Osceola, WI) www.neurorelief.com Imbalances are addressed through the use of specific amino acid supplementation that raise neurotransmitter levels

NeurotransmittersSummary :
NeurotransmittersSummary Imbalanced neurotransmitter levels lead to many clinical conditions including: Fatigue Weight problems Anxiety Depression Insomnia

Neurotransmitters Summary :
Neurotransmitters Summary Neurotransmitter levels are affected by: High levels of stress Poor diet Environmental toxins Genetic predisposition

NeurotransmitterSummary :
NeurotransmitterSummary Neurotransmitter imbalances can be detected through a non-invasive urinary test and can be corrected through natural amino acid supplements.

Age Management Summary :

Age Management Summary Optimal health and longevity requires proper diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation, bio-identical hormone replacement, and optimal neurotransmitters Physical deterioration is not a requirement of growing older! It is now possible to stop much of the undesirable symptoms of aging as well as diseases associated with aging

Anti-Age Medicine :
Anti-Age Medicine The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959) You're never too old to become younger. Mae West (1892 - 1980) The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. Lucille Ball (1911 - 1989)

Anti-Aging Medicine :
Anti-Aging Medicine Randy A. Birken, MD Clinical Assistant ProfessorBaylor College of MedicineBirken Medical Aesthetics www.birkenmedicalaesthetics.com info@birkenmedicalaesthetics.com 281-419-3231

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