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Breath of Fire Kundalini Yoga Breathing Exercise Video

Yoga Pranayama Video 1

The article Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise which is chapter 1 of the Free Online Breathing Exercises (Yoga Pranayama) EBook gives copious details on this powerful and important Kundalini Yoga pranayama. The Breath of Fire is a key component of Kundalini Yoga Kiryas and as its been detailed heavily in that chapter already, I dont want to rehash the information here. Instead, I will just highlight the most important aspects of this yoga pranayama and move ahead to the video. This king kong of pranayamas helps you detoxify your system, oxygenate your blood, magnify the benefits of the Kundalini Yoga exercise you are doing and generate terrific energy within. If you suffer from heat related issues or high blood pressure, you should use caution when practicing Breath of Fire. The yoga instruction video below goes over these details and more. Here are some quick highlights of what the video covers:

Detailed instructions of the beginner, intermediate and advanced versions of Breath of Fire. Discussion of the most common mistakes and difficulties when doing Breath of Fire and demonstration of how NOT to do this kundalini yoga pranayama. General guidance on this powerful breathing exercise. Hi La Vonne, Glad to know you enjoyed the video. It was our first so am happy it has come across well. Great question too :-). The article Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise has these details, but I will summarize quickly below.

If you are doing a set such as the Kundalini Yoga Morning Wake Up Series, it has Breath of Fire built in so you dont need to practice extra, but if you are doing Breath of Fire as a separate exercise I suggest to start gently and build up to 1 minute per day. From there you can increase to 3, 5 and even 11 mins at a stretch. Remember not to overdo it and only move forward when you can do so without excessive strain. You can also take breaks in between and then continue when ready. Breath of Fire is great to use right before a set to get your energy going. 2 minutes is perfect for that. Let me know if you run across any issues. All Good Wishes, Anmol

1. Dear Key, Yes, it is normal to sweat during Breath of Fire. If you have high blood pressure or suffer from acid/heat related stomach issues, then you need to only do this pranayama lightly. You should not eat at least 2-3 hours prior to doing Breath of Fire. Specially not a big meal, a small snack is ok. You should sip water as required during the yoga practice, but afterwards you should drink plenty of water. This is because the kundalini yoga sets and pranayamas are designed to detoxify your system, and the toxins that are released from deep within your tissues need to be flushed out of your system after the set. So drink plenty of water after you are done with your practice. Further guidelines can be found in the following article as well 10 Important Guidelines to Kundalini Yoga Practice Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

Charka Balancing Yoga Pranayama Video2

Chakra Balancing Yoga Pranayama Video (Anuloma Viloma)

The article Chakra Balancing Yoga Breathing Exercise is the second pranayama in the Free Online Breathing Exercises (Yoga Pranayama) EBook. That article gives a great deal of detail on this pranayama, so here I will just give a high level overview of it to introduce this video. Chakra Balancing Yoga Pranayama is more commonly known as Anuloma Viloma Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing. This is a fundamental yoga breathing technique, which is an important aspect of all the various schools of yoga. Its origins are in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and it is a key part of Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga practice. The yoga instruction video below is quite detailed, but please also check the article referenced above for more information. Here are some quick highlights of what the video covers:

Detailed instructions of the beginner, intermediate and advanced versions of Anuloma Viloma Pranayama. Discusses the general rules for doing yoga breathing exercises and gives guidelines for the practice of this pranayama. Gives an overview of the Kundalini Yoga Chakra system, the Nadis and how this particular pranayama helps to purify and balance this system.

I have decided to upload a Short Version of the pranayama video as well, as the full version is pretty long. The short version video is about 4 minutes, while the full version video is about 15 minutes. So if you want just a quick demonstration of Anuloma Viloma pranayama, watch the abridged video, if you want to hear all the goodies go for the big one.


Free Online Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama Video 3

Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama Video for Health & Healing

The incredible yoga breathing exercise Kapalbhati (Kapal Bhati) pranayama was extensively detailed in the article Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama for Optimum Health and Healing. To help make sure you are practicing it correctly and thus getting maximum benefit from this extraordinary pranayama, I have created a video demonstrating this breathing exercise. This online yoga video is the third entry of our Free Online Yoga Pranayama Video Series. Kapalbhati pranayama, which has recently been revived and raised to new heights by Ramdev Swami, is an excellent breathing exercise to improve your respiratory system, digestive system and help purge your body of negativity. This negativity can be in the form of physical ailments, negative emotions or even unwanted mental habits and behaviors. This negative debris is often the cause of blockages in the energetic, psychic pathways which then leads to blockages in the flow of energy and internal imbalances. To assist Kapalbhati in purging the system of these blockages, you should engage the mind when practicing this pranayama and visualize the negativity being expelled from your system as you do the breathing. Although the video gives an overview of Kapalbhati pranamaya, I suggest you do refer to the original article for all the details. Here are some quick highlights of what the video covers:

Demonstration of the right posture and mudra to take in order to practice Kapalchati. Discussion of how Kapalbhati helps purge your system of negativity. Demonstration and detailed instructions on how to practice this yoga pranayama.

Yoga Deep Breathing Exercise Video4

4 Part Deep Breathing Kundalini Yoga pranayama is our fourth entry in the Online Yoga Pranayama Video Series. This video complements the article, 4 Part Yogic Breathing for Vitality found in the Online Yoga Breathing Exercises Book. This particular deep breathing exercise can be done using various hand positions (mudras) and in the video is it taught using Namaste Yoga Pose. This pranayama is perfect for starting out your yoga set or Kundalini Yoga kriya with as it is designed to awaken your energy and get the system going. If 4 sniffs is too much for you, then you can reduce the number of sniffs you use for the inhalation and exhalation portions to 3 or even 2. You can also take a break, if you start to feel strained or dizzy and then return to the breathing exercise once you feel ready again. In fact, this technique of starting and stopping is a nice way to build up your lung capacity. 4 Part Yoga Deep Breathing Video Contents:

Use and application of this pranayama. Demonstration of the correct posture and mudras to use. Demonstration of 4 part deep breathing exercise.

This is a great breathing exercise to have in your repertoire and one which I find myself using often in my yoga classes.

Hatha Yoga Breathing Exercise Video

Sheetali Yoga Pranayama Video 5.

Sheetali pranayama is the next video of your Online Yoga Breathing Exercises Video Series. This is yoga video number 5 and is a demonstration of the calming, cooling breath. Sheetali breathing exercise is a part of Sage Patanjalis Hatha Yoga pranayamas, and due to its effectiveness it has been incorporated into all the various schools of yoga. You will find extensive details on this pranayama in the article Sheetali Breathing Exercise for Stress and Anger Mangement, which is precisely what this breathing exercise is very good to treat. So use this yoga exercise if you have any heat related issue, whether that be emotion or physical in nature. The pranayama counteracts "pitta" (heat: See Introduction to Ayuveda) in the system. The breathing exercise also bestows calmness and helps reduce stress, anger and irritation. Below is a brief overview of what this video covers. Sheetali Hatha Yoga Pranayama Video Contents:

Overview of Sheetali breathing exercise. Benefits of this cooling pranayama. Demonstration of the breathing technique and discussion of variations you can use

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