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FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #1 Literate Community Students participate as members of a 21 century literate community by creating,

comprehending, and responding purposefully to a range of media, images, and texts. (Aligns with Standards 1.4, 5.14)
Literate Community
- Self-select reading materials of personal interest and reading ability -Participate in discussions about text offering comments related and referring explicitly to the text



Power Indicators

Common Local Assessment

Active Listening

Reading Extensively

-Read four or more familiar books, charts or poems every day

-Ask clarifying questions -Restate information -Respond appropriately in a variety of modes

-Individual and Class Reading Logs? -Teacher Observations?

Reading Widely and In-Depth

- Read or listen to at least three different genres/ kinds of text and a variety of authors as in the following: literary texts: poetry, plays, fairy tales, fantasy, realistic fiction; informational: content trade books, childrens magazines practical/functional texts: classroom schedules, simple directions, labels, invitations

-Be responsive, respectful to the speaker -Extend and apply -Make connections

-Share knowledge and perspectives -Show awareness of audience by adapting language & style -Respond effectively to audience -Use language expressively -Speak clearly with appropriate pacing and volume -Assume roles in group communication tasks

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #2 Reading Strategies Students effectively apply a combination of word identification, vocabulary, monitoring, & broad comprehension strategies to help them read.
Auditory recognition of language Early Reading Skills & Strategies Phonological Awareness Concepts of Print
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

Phonological/Phonemic Awareness

-Identify initial and final consonant sounds -Count syllables in one to four syllable words -Blend and segment phonemes in one-syllable words -Identify initial and final consonant digraphs including: th, sh, wh, ch, ck and blends -Create new words by manipulating individual phonemes

Word ID/Vocabulary
Apply phonological knowledge and decoding skills (including blends, digraphs, short and long vowels) and use resources to identify and understand unfamiliar vocabulary words.

^F & P Phonograms Word List (2) ^F&P Letter/Sound Recognition ALL Upper & Lower Case

Concepts of Print
-Recognize the function of upper case letters -Use finger pointing to establish voice to print matching -Identify basic punctuation marks and their usage (question marks, periods, quotation marks) -Identify key parts of a book: title, author

(act of reading)
Visual recognition of print

Aligns with Standards 1.1, 1.13, 1.14, 1.18, 1.19, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 2.9, 3.2

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

Word Study/Word Identification/Phonics

Word ID/Vocabulary
Apply phonological knowledge and decoding skills (by blending onset and rimes) and use resources to identify and understand

Word identification

-Read sight word vocabulary, including contractions

Analyzing word structure

-Identify uppercase and lowercase letters -Identify suffixes including: ed, ing, s, ly -Begin to read compound words

unfamiliar vocabulary words

Sound-symbol correspondence

-Recognize sound/symbol relationship for: consonants, blends, vowels (long & short), vowel digraphs -Demonstrate letter-sound correspondence -Identify initial and final consonant digraphs including: th, sh, wh, ch, ck and blends -Recognize the effect of silent e on short vowel sounds

-Apply onset/rime (word family concepts) to decode

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

Word patterns

-Begin to apply spelling patterns in daily work

-Segment and blend one syllable words Syllables -Read 2-syllable words including endings -Begin to break words into syllables


Word ID/Vocabulary
Apply phonological

Identifying meaning of words

-Use prior knowledge and context clues to unlock meaning of new words -Ask questions during read aloud and text reading

knowledge and decoding skills (by blending onset and rimes) and use resources to identify and understand unfamiliar vocabulary

Relationship of words (e.g. synonyms, antonyms)

-Identify synonyms and antonyms to connect new words to known words -Describe words in terms of categories -Use analogies with known words to identify unknown words


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

Comprehension Applying reading strategies to understand text

Broad Comprehension While reading and/or listening to text, students:

-Predict and make simple text-based inferences -Ask clarifying questions -Construct sensory images (visualize) -Make connections (text to self, text to text, and text to world) -Use strategies in response to comprehension questions or prompts -Participate in a conversation and or group discussion about text Construct meaning of varied texts by activating prior knowledge, predicting, inferring, making connections, visualizing, and asking questions while reading

^F & P Text Level I

Monitoring Context and SelfCorrection Strategies

-Self-correct using meaning/structure/visual cues -Using context clues to identify unfamiliar words

Monitor and adjust reading by selfcorrecting using


& P Text

Level I

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

-Monitor own reading and self-correct

sentence structure and context cues.

Monitoring and Adjusting Strategies

-Notice whether words make sense or sound right in context -Adjust rate and strategy use for different types of text by recognizing problems with understanding - Reread or ask questions as needed

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #3 Reading Accuracy Students read grade appropriate text with accuracy and fluency in a way that makes meaning clear
Rate & Accuracy Accuracy & Fluency ^F & P Benchmark Assessment
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

- Read grade appropriate material with at least 90%

accuracy at the end of grade 1 - Read previously introduced or previously read grade-appropriate text with oral fluency at a rate of at least 50-80 correct words per minute.

Accuracy: Read
material appropriate for the end of grade 1 within the instructional range of 90-94% accuracy.

Text Level I

(Instructional Level)

^F & P High Frequency Word

Aligns with Standard 1.2

Fluency: Oral reading
- Read grade-appropriate text in a way that makes Phrasing (e.g. expression, punctuation) meaning clear by: ^reading with correct phrasing ^using good expression ^paying attention to punctuation of material appropriate for end of grade 1 demonstrates phrasing, expression and attention to text features at rates of 5080 correct words per minute (cwpm).


^Fluency Measure

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #4 Reading Comprehension Students read, understand, interpret and analyze informational texts.
Initial Understanding of Informational Text
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

When reading text, students will be able to cite evidence from the text to:
-Obtain information using text features such as title and illustrations -Use explicitly stated information to answer questions -Find answers in the text -Identify the topic of the text by rereading the title

-Use text features (title and illustrations) to answer literal and inferential questions about what the book is about -Make inferences and provide evidence to answer a question -Identify the topic and communicate learning

F & P Text Level I (Instructional Level)

Aligns with Standards 1.15, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.11

and identifying key words -Make basic inferences or draw basic conclusions based on text -Make distinctions among a variety of types of text and their purpose

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

Analysis & Interpretation of Informational Text/Citing Evidence

When reading text, students will be able to cite evidence from the text to:
-Identify topic -Discuss prior knowledge of topic -Tell what was learned with reference to the text and/or pictures -Make basic inferences or draw basic conclusions about the text -Reread and find evidence in the text to support inferences, conclusions and predictions

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #5 Reading Comprehension Students read, understand, interpret and analyze literary texts.
Initial Understanding of Literary Text (Comprehension)
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment


When listening or reading text, students will be able to cite evidence from the text to:
Identify characters and their physical and personality traits Identify the setting of a story Retell the beginning, middle, and end of the story Reread, recall relevant details, and find answers to literal questions Recognize literary devices/authors craft (e.g. rhyme and repeated language)

Define physical and personality traits of characters Recall beginning, middle and end Recall details in order to respond to literal questions about what was read Make predictions and connections based on evidence from text Recognize literary

Text Level I

(Instructional Level)

Aligns with Standards 1.3, 1.15, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.11

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


devices such as rhyme and repeated language

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


Analysis and Interpretation of Literary Text/ Citing Evidence

When listening or reading text, students will be able to cite evidence from the text to:
Explain physical characteristics or personality traits of main characters Identify possible motives of characters Make inferences about problems and solutions Identify and/or infer authors message/lesson and purpose Make predictions based on illustrations or story and tell why they were made Make connections to other texts and personal experiences (text-to-text, text-to-self) -Generate a personal response to what is ready by comparing stories or other texts to related personal experience, prior knowledge or books

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #2 Writing Dimensions/ Process Students apply the processes of writing including drafting, revising, editing, and critiquing to create a written product for the purpose of communication, discovery, or expression.
Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing
In addition to previous:
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

Generate and share ideas on a given topic or focus using a visual organizer

PS #4 (response to informationa l text OR report)

Pre-write - Use background knowledge and experiences to generate ideas for writing (with or without prompting) - Determine purpose and audience before writing Draft -Write a message that communicates the writers purpose - Construct a written text including details to convey an idea or story using complete sentences -Express information in a logical, sequential way
Begin to:

Develop a specific topic or focus by giving details through words and/or sentences

PS #5 (narrative)

None at this level

Revise -Reread own writing to check for meaning Edit -Check for capital letters and ending punctuation Publish -Create final piece to share with an audience

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #3 Writing Conventions & Structures Students demonstrate command of the structures of English language by writing with appropriate English grammar and conventions.
Concepts of Print, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Spelling, Handwriting
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

In addition to previous:
Concepts of Print - Distinguish between letters, words, and sentences Grammar/Usage/Mechanics (GUM) -Use end punctuation -Use capital letters for I, names, and to begin a sentence - Write a simple sentence Spelling - Applies knowledge of phonics to spell independently - Use correct initial and final consonant to spell Represent consonant sounds and short vowels accurately -Spells grade-appropriate, high-frequency words correctly Handwriting

Students will build meaning with

Words separated by spaces, capitals with names and first words, and periods

Students will edit for clarity

Reading their words out loud.

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


- Form most letters correctly - Begin to print legibly on standard lined paper

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1 Power Standard #4 Informational Writing Students will write informational pieces with purpose, organization, voice and details in order to show thinking through analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Reports - Identify details/information relevant to topic and/or given focus using pictures with captions, words, sentences, or some combination - Use process writing to produce three sentences to convey detailed information on a single topic/focus Purpose, Voice, Organization, Details Response to Informational Text -Generate a response to text that includes a controlling idea and supporting evidence from a book (in a group setting) -Use prior knowledge or references to text to support a given focus using pictures, words, sentences, or some combination
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

Formative Purpose: n/a

PS #4 (response to

Voice: n/a

informationa l text OR report)

Organization: Use a
template for initial organization.

Details (Elaboration):
Use prior knowledge to a

and/or details

reference to support

text in order to provide given focus.

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 1

Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

Power Standard #5 Expressive Writing Students will write creatively with purpose, organization, voice and details in order to express identity, their own thoughts, ideas and feelings.
Poetry - Create a rhyming pattern Expressive Writing: Purpose, Voice, Organization, Details (Elaboration) Narratives - Create a clear understandable story line using words or pictures or both, when given a structure - Add details in the form of words and/or pictures - Describe character(s) - Use process writing to produce three or more sentences in narrative with basic story elements including details and character(s)

Write and/or draw to create a clear understandable story line.



Use a given structure.

Details (Elaboration):
Use details to create setting, characters and simple plot.

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade One Fall 2010


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