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Nama : Aie Sugandiawati

A Introduction in the csmpus 3 sabili with new friends

Aie Munandar Aie Munadar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie : My name is Aie. Whats yours ? : Im Munandar, but my friends call me Ndar : Hi, Ndar. What book is that? : This is side by side Book two. : Is it the book for this Level three class ? : Yes, it is. It isnt too expensive. Its a good book. : Do you go to work after class ? : No, I dont. but I need a job . Im a farmer. : Im a teacher. I work until 10.00 pm. : Thats interesting . Do you have a lot of student ? : Yes, We do. We have a lot of good student . : I want part time job. I want to learn more English. : Whats day do you work? : I work two day a week . Its part time job. : My brother is cook . He has a pretty good job. : Where does he work? : He works downtown. : I never go downtown. I work in village. : are you Married ? : Yes, Iam. My wife work as teacher. : Does she study English too? : Yes, she does. : Do you have any children ? : We have one son. We want another child. : Do you have any brother or sister ?

Nama : Aie Sugandiawati

Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar

: Yes, I do. I come from large family. : Really ? How many brother or sister do you have ? : I have to brother and eight sister. : Wow. You certainly have a large family. : Most of them are here in the bandung barat. They live in different Part of city. : Do any of your sister. Live in gununghalu ? : Yes, My sister Nining lives here.she studiestat SLTP 2 Gununghalu. : Does she speak sunda ? : Yes, she does. She speaks sunda very well. : Does she speak any other languages ? : She speaks a little English too. How about your sister ? does she married ? : Yes, she does.shes married and has two daughter s. : How old are they ? : They are twelve and thirteen. : Do they go to scholl ? : Yes, they both go to Horace Munn Middle school. : Do her children like school ? : They Like school very much. They have excellent teachers. : What do they usually do on weekend ? :They like to visit their ucle. He has a big : My sistrer has three kids. They dont go to school. They re too young : Does she work ? : What do you mean ? she has three kids. Shes a full time mother. : How far do you live from this campus ? : I live about to miles from here. I have to take the ojeg (Motorcycle). How about you You ? TV

Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar

Nama : Aie Sugandiawati

Aie Munandar Aie

: I only live a few block from sabili Campus. I usually walk. : You look Healthy. : I try to eat well and get exercise. I walk a lot, and also ride my bicycle when I can. : I try exercise, but I dont always have time. : A little exercise is good for you. : I enjoy walking and badminton. : Does this class meet Sunday ? : Yes, It does. This is a morning class. : By the way . Nice to meet you. : Nice to meet you too.

Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar Aie Munandar

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