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Who is behind ChemTrails (the dumping of Biochemical Weaponized Polutants) on the people of over 50 Nations and why?

[I'll improve as I get time - meat and potatoes are here... dig deeper... the truth is out there...] As you begin digging deeper and deeper you will realize that insane Psychopaths plague our world today. They have over the last 100 plus years taken control of most of the important Public Offices in the governments of what people think of as sovereign countries. As you dig deeper you will start to realize that all roads lead to Rome. You will further discern that the so called US Military/USAF is an extension of the One World Government Military that replaced the Vatican Military of old [ Santos Bonacci gets in to this here: http://www.rtr.org/videofeed/MEu2_AYZLrM ]. What you thought was the military associated with your nation has not been protecting you or what you think of as your country (UNITED STATES, UK etc etc). They are here to expand the agenda of the Psychopaths that now run the planet BIS/IMF/UN (Rothschilds/UN/Crown Syndicate/Vatican) which is an old boys network of

ZIONazi Psychopaths/Sociopaths that have been working on creating a One World Slave Planet for hundreds of years. Some of you have already figured out that these Psychopaths want 90% of the global Population dead which they figure will enable them to again get a grip on the people again and mold those left in the Planetry system of control that they want to create one in which they rule over everyone and everything (Google Georgia Guide Stones). For those of you who do not know, the UNITED STATES (like UK, FRANCE, SPAIN et al) are Privately Controlled Corporations that were overthrown by a private cabal. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION was created in 1871 and it secretly overturned the lawful The United States of America for a Private Corporation created to rule over the District of Columbia. It was created by traitors of the Republic. It today rules over the Free and Independent States which are foreign to it. Note that the ALL CAPS STATES (two Letter Commercial States) are NOT the FREE and INDEPENDENT STATES created under the Original Jurisdiction! These later fictional STATES are what is known as a FEDERAL overlay. They are not the physical states on the land. They are an extension of the DISTRICT of Columbia which 311,000,000 people were unknowingly contracted to by a highly creative scheme of fraud engineered by the attorneys. Those Psychopaths that perpetuate this fraud are now known to the whole world and an increasing number of the American People. It is the awakening to this scheme of fraud that the Psychopaths wish to stop .... by killing off Billions of People they obviously believe they can stop the awakening masses oust them from power! Consider that all the wars the UNITED STATES has entered in to in recent times were they orchestrated to protect the American people or expand the political ends of the Corporate Elite running the District of Columbia Corporation - the UNITED STATES Inc (Virginia Corporation). You guessed it to expand the Corporations influence over the rest of the world at the cost of the American People and all Free people!

The reality is that the 1871 UNITED STATES CORPORATION was created by Psychopaths/Sociopaths to exist in a state of perpetual war. This has been the case since the Civil War. These wars have ensured that those behind the Virginia Corporation (UNITED STATES Inc) are able to expand the Corporate Interests of the CROWN / VATICAN and expand their evil empire. By the act of destroying these nations the VATICAN and its Banksters (Rothschilds Bank) gets to install yet more Fiat Money Ponzi schemes and enslave more and more of the remaining Free People of the World. You have probably realized that all wars were deliberately orchestrated USING LIES PROPAGANDA to remove anyone that stands as a Free and Independent Nation opposed to the Psychopaths running DC, City of London and the Vatican (Crown Temple Syndicate)! Like a cancer the US Military Industrial Complex now is being used to extinguish that which funded its creation - the American People. The act of dumping chemical and biological chemicals on an innocent unknowing American People is an act of WAR on the People! The pathetic cowards hide behind planes that drop their poisons from 40,000 feet! Over the last 150 years those controlling America deliberately created institutions that have dumbed down the American People and deliberately turn out people that they have USED to turn on other Free People of the World. Now they do the same to the American People. Their schemes required men and women to staff their Corporations the US military that would plunder the commercial energy of all people, to steal their resources of the planet for the benefit of the ruling Oligarchy without asking why were they doing what they were doing! The end goal of the Psychopaths/Sociopaths/Megalomaniacs was to use the resources of the planet to erect a slave planet and that is what they have done. By controlling the land, law and printing /controlling the Money (debt notes) of all nations they have captured control of the Institutions that run the world. The Federal Reserve System is king pin of their ponzi scheme, a PRIVATE institution that was created Unlawfully/illegally by the Psychopaths behind the curtain!

It must be apparent to those paying attention that those supporting the NWO are engaged in attempting to cull all people by any means necessary, so as to make the numbers of people more manageable for them to control and enslave. Their final solution appears the dumping of bio-chemical weapons on an unknowing populous from 40,000 feet. This will cause a slow death of those most vulnerable members of the planet [Google Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars - http://www.whale.to/b/silentweapon.html] and all life forms that cannot deal with nano aluminum particles. This is in addition to other schemes of deliberate poisoning that they have been inflicting on the people like body scans, Vaccines, GMO's, Water Fluoridation, Poisoning of our food, Irradiation, EM Pollution etc. The irony of what we all know is going on is that the American military personnel are being used to commit genocide on the American people and other NATO (Rothschilds/Crown/Vatican) controlled nations. The Psychopaths have trained their sheep to no longer question what they are being asked to do to innocent people. Those carrying out these crimes don't appear to question whether the acts of dumping chemical and bio toxins on their own families violates the Geneva Convention - The Constitution! It apparently does not trouble their own basic sense of morality. One can conclude that it appears that USAF/RAF/NATO pilots are cool with murdering their own wives and children from 40,000 feet and they are ok with other pilots dumping toxins on their own people! Perhaps some of them think that when they are hauled before the peoples courts in chains like has been done to the Banksters in Iceland they may think that their saying - I was just doing my job is going to save them! Those brought before the Nuremberg style hearings tied the same. Many were shot/hung that tried this explanation for their crimes against humanity. Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it Said Hitler! The lie is Anthropogenic Global Warming! The ZIONazis (CROWN / VATICAN assassins, agents and assigns ) want you to think this is all being done because your benevolent loving government cares about you

and does not want you to be harmed by the planet warming up (they would hate for you to know that all the other planets in the solar system are warming up despite the lack of human activity on each of those other planets). They want you to believe that their fabricated myth about Manmade global warming is actually a threat to you and that they have to protect you from GW by dropping nano particulates containing Barium, Aluminum, Strontium, fungi and other deathly toxins on you that will eventually kill you if this insanity continues unabated! GW is the excuse that the Psychopaths behind the NWO (Crown, Vatican, Council 300, Bilderbergers, CFR et al) are using to commit genocide on the American people and other nations; and we/YOU are letting them get away with it - even though we can see what they are doing above us day in and day out!

They get away with it because what they do is to unbelievable for most to accept (Cognitive dissonance)! Even though its going on right now most cant see it! As I write this their are three military jets blotting out the Sun over the San Francisco bay area! The entire Sky was already been sprayed with a milky white haze from horizon to horizon by the time the people awoke this

morning! The People are out there now walking their babies, running, shopping under a sea of Toxic Soup dumped on us by the USAF, NATO and other ZIO-NAZI Psychopath sympathizers! As you probably concluded - this program is costing billions and is being carried out in as many as 50 Countries simultaneously! Does this fact alone not tell you anything about the myth of banking, our nation being broke (See www.cafr1.com), and other lies that relate to our Nation, money, government, law.... ! At the end of the day - the pilots and everyone involved in this insanity are ALL committing High Treason and they should all be hung from the neck until dead! No if or buts - they should know that what they do is a crime against humanity! If they do not know what they are doing or that what they are doing violates their oaths of office, or that the people have not consented to them being fed Biological-Chemical Toxins then these people are simply too stupid to be running around in the daylight. They should be banged up in padded cells for their own protection! Here is a historical context for you on what is going on today! When the first Psychopaths / Sociopaths came on to the shores of America under direction of the Vatican in the early 1500's (including those who were found lost at sea by the native Americans). Those troubled travelers came on to the land proclaiming something called the Requirmento. The Conquistadors walked on to the land set up a desk and read out their Requirmento proclamation putting the Native American people on notice that if they did not accept the the Insane Will of the Sociopaths at the Vatican then they would be enslaved and killed. We all know what happened to those did not agree with the Lunatics over the years and in previous centuries: http://www.spirituallysmart.com/inquisitions.html The text from the Requirmento ought to inform you who is really behind the Vatican and those that have aligned with them to bring about a One World Government. Such an institution is not a benevolent institution! Read the Requirmento here:https://featherfolk.wordpress.com/2008/10/22/documentsof-colonization-the-requerimiento-1513/ We all know that millions of native

Americans were wiped out - many through disease that was introduced by the European Assassins. Those of us bringing you the information found on 'ChemTrails Over America' will probably begin to realize that the same band of Psychopaths / Sociopaths that murdered millions of native peoples around the planet over millennia now think they have reached the point in time where they need to again massacre millions / Billions more innocent people. What you may not yet know is that they already enslaved you on their commercial plantations ( See:http://www.scribd.com/doc/115106243/WHAT-HAPPENED-TO-THECONSTITUTION and this news is getting out to the world! Check the video in the notes section that goes with the document). These Psychopaths want to Own and Control everything and they will not rest until they do! It does appear that the Psychopaths believe that they can now get away with wiping out 90% of the American and you will not do anything to stop them! Think about this for a minute a few thousand Psychopaths think that they can murder of 90% of the Population and the 7.9 Billion will not rise up to stop the Psychopaths! That takes some balls to have such a conviction does it not! Lets us be clear - if they are not stopped they will attempt to snuff out billions of people as they have already done in the past thousand years! The ZIONAZI's - Those who refer to themselves as the High Contracting Powers in the Secret Treaty of Veronahttp://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/secret_treaty_of_ver ona.htm - never meant for you to be free and Independent or for America to be Free and Independent. ## Excerpts - THE SECRET TREATY OF VERONA: The undersigned, specially authorized to make some additions to the tr eaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective crede ntials, have agreed as follows : ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people wi

th the high divine right, engage mutually in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced in those coun tries where it is not yet known. ART. 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press is t he most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the right s of nations to the detriment of those princes, the high contracting parti es promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own states but also in the rest of Europe. [96% of all mass media controlled by 3 Corporations]. ART. 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most po werfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they o we to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their int ention to sustain in their respective States those measures which the cl ergy may adopt, with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, so inti mately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes ; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope fo r what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperatio n in their views of submitting the nations. . ART. 5. In order to establish in the Peninsula the order of things which existed before the revolution of Cadiz, and to insure the entire e xecution of the articles of the present treaty, the high contracting parties give to each other the reciprocal assurance that as long as their view s are not fulfilled, rejecting all other ideas of utility or other measure to be taken, they will address themselves with the shortest possible delay to all the authorities existing in their States and to all their agents in f oreign countries, with the view to establish connections tending toward t he accomplishment of the objects proposed by this treaty. ART. 6. This treaty shall be renewed with such changes as new ci rcumstances may give occasion for, either at a new congress or at the court of one of the contracting parties, as soon as the war with Spain shall be terminated. ART. 7. The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exc hanged at Paris within the space of six months.

Made at Verona the 22d November, 1822. ## The Psychopaths / Sociopath / Parasite class have worked to undermine every notion of a free and Independent people since the idea was first established. Under the Articles of Confederation this concept was firmly embraced by the People who declared themselves Sovereign to make them equal the Monarchs at the time so no one would ever be able to claim authority over the American People ever again! The Articles established the Free and Independent States in perpetuity (forever)! It can be shown that The Constitution was created by agents of the CROWN to undo the the Free and Independent States and enable a future BIG Federal Government that could be infiltrated and overturned to enable the High Contracting Powers to Overthrow a government of the People By the People! It recently came to the attention of the world - that the chain of title behind the Declaration of Independence, Articles Of Confederation, Treaty of Paris and the Con-stitution was fraud. Fortunately for the American people - there is no statute of limitations on fraud. The errors can be corrected and the fatal flaws deliberately created to undermine the Organic Acts have been corrected in favor of We the People. If you read the treaty of Verona you will realize that the so called High Contracting Powers collectively decided that they had to put a stop ordinary people rising up and declaring their independence from the Parasite classes. They proclaimed themselves Sovereign and equal to the Monarchs of that time, Free and Independent! This must have really rubbed them the wrong way ;-) You can see why - Why would anyone stay in a system subservient to parasites when they could go to a nation where they were regarded by their peers as equal to all others and the Monarchs of the old world! With such options everyone would rightly leave the rule of parasites and eventually wish to declare themselves to be Free and Independent as the founders of this nation did then do! The system they set up here was a booming success until it was deliberately infiltrated by the Rothschilds agents! They could not have what America was becoming be an example to the rest of the world it would have been the end of them!

The Crown/Vatican agents and others working for the high contracting powers soon figured out how to corrupt and control America from behind the curtain and as time passed they got pretty good at it! Undermining of the de jure constitution, the original 13th amendment, Suspending the de-jure Republic and creating the de-facto UNITED STATES Corp with a fraudulent new constitution in 1871, Putting America Under Emergency War Powers Control since the Civil War, creation of the Federal Reserve System, enacting Trading with enemy Act, Treatys of Geneva around 1930, The 1933 Bankruptcy of the UNITES STATES Corporation, Bretton Woods Accord et al... Since that time the controllers have used the American people to create the foundation of the slave planet all while allowing the American People to think they are Free and Independent and that they live in a constitutional republic under the Original Organic Law form (which is a lie). In case you did not know America was invaded by an invisible army! This invisible army was used to introduce a foreign law form in to America and then undermine all public offices in the nation so that the nation could be further undermined. I refer to the Private Closed Shop Attorneys pledged to the BAR. An organization which believe it or not is managed by the Crown Middle Temple from London! Crown Agents were originally banned from entering America! In 1811 the House of Representatives voted 65 to 64 to not to renew the Charter for the National Bank. In the Senate the vote was deadlocked at 17 to 17 and the Vice President George Clinton broke the tie when he voted against renewing the Charter. This action infuriated the Mayer Amschel Rothchild and he swore that he would instigate a war that would be financially devastating to the United States. In an effort to prevent the British and other foreign power from meddling in our affairs Congress voted 26 to 1 in the Senate and 87 to 3 in the House to propose an Amendment that would prevent agents from foreign governments from being elected to office or from accepting bribes from foreign powers . Anyone accepting or retaining a Title of Nobility or Honor or anyone receiving compensation for political favors would be stripped of their citizenship and their right to vote or hold office.

The Crown (Not England or the English people - a private enclave of the Vatican in London) knew that if this Amendment were to become law in the United States, they would be forever unable to control money and banking in the United States. With 26 of the 27 Senators voting in favor of the Amendment and with 87 out of the 90 Representatives in the House voting for the Amendment, the British knew that the would need to do everything in their power to see to it that the proposed amendment was not ratified. On February 7, 1812 Virginia became the 12th state to ratify the amendment and only one more state was needed for ratification. In June of 1812, the war that had been predicted by the Rothchilds began. The British knew that they could not conquer us militarily but they could control us financially if they could control money and banking in the United States. The purpose of the War of 1812 was to re-establish a National Bank and to allow the Rothschild Family to regain control over the monetary system in the United States. Rothschilds finally got their way with the The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve, and informally as the Fed) which is the PRIVATELY held central banking system of the United States Private Corporation established by enemies of the Republic in 1871 to rule over the ten square miles of the District of Columbia. It was created on December 23, 1913 and it bankrupted the UNITED STATES Corp between 1930 (Treatys of Geneva) and 1933 - The National Emergency - The Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES at which point in time the FED stole the Gold... (Google HJR 192 and Public law 73-10)... Today the Commercial US Plantation is controlled by an insanely corrupt Oligarchy - a de facto government (by force) - whose tentacles were recently exposed in the New Scientist,http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354.500-revealed--thecapitalist-network-that-runs-the-world.html. As explained above the agents of the Crown saw to it that this Nations Organic law form was replaced such that the people could be placed in to a

Commercial Admiralty Jurisdiction which has been used to inflict heinous crimes against the American People since the 30s. The laws that the parasite class creates (now 60,000,000 of them) are increasingly used to enable more and more Codes that have been used to incarcerate millions of American People who have in actuality NOT violated a law that is subject to a prison term! Millions of people who have been incarcerated have no business being in jail! They are there so that the Oligarchy can profit from the people while they are in jail under a system of Peonage/indentured servitude which was banned! This will give you a sense of how the so called lawmakers achieved this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME7K6P7hlko It will take everyone one of us to unlearn re-educate and to expose the insane acts being perpetrated on us by Psychopaths! They can be stopped and they will be stopped. Despite the dumbing down of the American people over the last two hundred years, many are waking up and have realized that we were duped - that everything we have been told about our status, standing and capacity; money; law; banking; science; American and World History is an absolute lie! It is now time to throw away the TV, MASS Media, the talking heads - start bringing the so called State/Federal Representatives, Governors, Board of Supervisors talking heads and their minions in the armed forced before the courts in their Private Capacity and answer to you for your grievances! Challenge them on what gives them the right to poison you - the land - the water - your children! Hold them accountable for what is going on for if they do not stop it they are supporting it! Form local groups to take on these issues! Educate yourself on how to issue those poisoning you a commercial Bill for subjecting you to their biochemical experiments against your will and in absolute violation of the Organic Law of this Nation. Hold your Public Officers to their Constitutional Oath and if they wont affirm that they will swear to their oath and bond have them thrown out of OUR offices!

At the end of the day despite what the Psychopaths want you to think you are Free and Independent with unalienable rights! Find people that can tell you how to reclaim dominion over your world and to exit the matrix! You will find many groups of Freedom loving people that know who they are that would be pleased to guide you on leaving the Plantation and on how to start overturning unlawful presentments and challenging those who are violating your unalienable rights! People must stop supporting the corrupt corporations, paying unlawful taxes and funding the Corporations that are intent on harming you stealing from you and overthrowing everything that America Once Stood for. We do not to for one moment suggest all people in our armed forces or public offices know what is going on today or do they know who they really are! They do not like most of the people most have been deliberately duped, lied to and dumbed down! IT is up to you to help educate them thats what this channel and others linked to it are all about! To educate the people and expose the ZIONazis Psychopaths Parasites - Sociopaths in our midst and ALL OF THEIR LIES especially the one about those are just con-trails! Read the Requiremento if you have any doubt as to what is going on and how insane the people are that have been manipulating the planet for way too long! Time to unlearn - re-educate ... start here:https://featherfolk.wordpress.com/2008/10/22/documents-of-colonizationthe-requerimiento-1513/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/115058929/The-American-State-Papers-1834Titles-of-Nobility http://www.scribd.com/doc/115058923/Congress-Lamar-Smith-Letter http://www.scribd.com/doc/115058920/LAW-Original-Constitution-of-theUnited-States http://www.scribd.com/doc/115058909/Mary-Websters-Separation-of-Powers http://www.scribd.com/doc/115058808/1825-Military-Laws-of-the-UnitedStates

http://www.scribd.com/doc/115058820/DUOLOCRACY-IN-AMERICA http://www.scribd.com/doc/115106243/WHAT-HAPPENED-TO-THECONSTITUTION (Video that goes with this document is in the notes attached to the document)

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