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nOX (A) - General Instructions

Am;:hibioos Phas<J of tho ()per-
- ations for tho Capture of the
Southern Port.ion of IITUSHU).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
anchorage, an area for limited seaplane operations in KOSHIX1
RETTO; tho softenirl up of KYUSHU defenses by air and ship
'bard.lnoot and beach preparation; minesweeping; and tho capture
of other outlying islands, to tho south c.nd southlii'Us:i; of KYtlSHU,
for necutrali.zation of OOElnJ' forces and for too otltablishment of
air warning an::i fighter dir,,;ctor stations. During tho operations
by the Amphibious Advance Force (for the period from m:in'US
EIG1T to 0600(I) .L'VJ Dey) the Commanders of ths 'l'RIRD, FIFTH,
and Fire Support Groups (CTG 4l,J., CTG 41/5 and CTG
41. 7) will, under ths authority of the Coiml8J1der of the Advance
Force (CTF 41), axerciso command in their own sectors over all
forces engaged in gun.fire, air bombardment, minell'!eeping and
its supr;ort, and in underwater demolitions and th0 support
that activity. (See 9(d)(l)). CTG 42.2 will exer-
cise similar comma.nd in tho vicinity of the Southern Islands
and KOSHIKI :t2T'ro prior to arrival of CTF 42, but under th8
coordim ting dL- ection of CTG 41.5. 3GgLrlning XRAY_ minus FIIJC;
Day th() Western ;.ttack Force with the 40th L'1fantry Division
embarked, is charged with the, capture of the following islands:
UJI GUN TO, KU5.'J;;J(I E}!IJ.L\, KU:iO an::i KUCHINOEfu..OO E}!Df:,;
and beginning X."'.i,Y minus FOUR Day with the ce:pture of KOSHIKI
RETTO. From .Li.:cY minus FIVE Day the l58th RCT (in TF 44), afloat
in the OKD::.':J .. /.rea, wi 11 be prepared to capture
.SHIL., on order; ::nd beginning XRAY plus THR.::E Day, aJ;loat L'1 the
objective area, will be prepe.red to reenforce the SIX'lli :!!1
ashore as dirBctc-d. The organization of the f.m;:;r.ibiJUs R.dvance
Force is shown in .. ppendix (I). Task Force 41 'fl"ill be .roorged
with Task Force 40 at 0600(I) on X3.AY Day, though certain units
will retain Task Forco 41 numbers.
(b) Operati:ms by t.he !!!nphibious Force and attachod troops, air-
craft, and ships, begirming L"'U,Y Day, for tr.e o.f
the tasks listed b para_;raph 2. The organization of the
ious Force is srmm in ,:,.ppendix (II). responsibility
am authority of Con:Jill.iJ.ndcrs is se.om in paragraph 9.
5. The major :11; nd.ings on KYUSHU rill be made on .L'L.Y Day, now esti-
mated to be 1 Novooilier, 1945, ?:astern Longitude date, ?relinrlna.ry, sub-
sidary, or postponed ILaj or landings will be made on dates ro.terred k>
X:.'iAY Day; i.e., "XH.AY minus FOUR Day", plus FIV:a: Dey", et.c,
6. Landing tii!Ias are lettered hours (such a.s "ABlE Hour"), using
minus MINE (Item} 'f:Lne. To avoid confusing la.rrling times in 006
area nth the landing timas in other areas, Attaek Force an::i 3ea&"fe.
( . \ ')
ill-45 (Annex (A) - General Instructions for the
Amphibious Phase of the Oper-
ations for the Capture of the
Southern Portion of KYUSHU).
Force Comnanders are each assigned four letters w:,ich :they rill employ
to indicate d.ifferent hours of landing, whe'!lher on the initial or sub-
sequent days. These letters may.be used a second or any number of
ti.Ires, but when so used, a sub-number shall be prefixed. For example,
the letters ABLE, B . ..KER, G.IXi DCG lfill be assigned to the eo..
marxier Western .;.ttack Force. His planned first landing hour rill be
named "l.BLE Hour", his pla.nned se,cor:rl landing hour (if at a d.ifferent
hour) will be !'1!UOOd '
l?cA.K.BR Hour", etc. If five separate landings at
different hours are made J his fifth landing hour nll ba named 11();3
h.BIE Hour", etc.
7. Letters for naming hours are assigned as follows:
(a) Westerr. J,ttack Forc<J -:-ABU, R,K.iJ;R, Cl-L..RLIE, OCG.
(b) Southern Attack FOX, GEORGE, HOH, ITE&::.
(c) THIRD Attack Force JIG, KING, IDVE, MIKE .
(d) FIF'IH ..... ttack Force - NlJI, OBOE, FST2J, Ql'"EElL
(e) Attack Force - I()GER, Sl'GiR, T .t1E, UNCLE.
(f) Reserve Force - VICTOR, WILLLM, YOK:S,
8, It frequently becor::l'ls necessary to retard the HOW (or other
lettered) Hour (never to advar,ce it, after it has once been set). 'Nhec
. retarded, all concerned must be promptly informed by radio by the Com-
marxiers of the . .:.ttack Forces concerned. The form of tho despatch will
be the full designation of the'" now HOW Hour, and not r::erely the amount
of delay For example, i.f the original HOW Hour of 0000 is retarded
30 minutes, the despatch shall read
H::r.': Hour is 0030", and NOT "H01.
Hour is delayed 30 minutoslf.

Operation Plan
ComPhlb sPac No. All-45
--- -------
(Annex (A) .. - General Inatruct.ioru; f&r. the
Amphibious Phase of' the Oper-
ations for the Capture of the
Southern Portion of KYUSHU),
{a) CoJ!i!llal'rl er
Amphibious Force (ComGenSII'IHArmy also embarked in

(l) In general charge of amphibious arrl associated operations
in, and is SOFA of, the objective area.
(2) Controls all nava::: operations in 'the objective area not
directly UL'lder ComFIF'Ytl.Fleet,
(3) Controls the operations of all friendly aircraft wit''1in
the objective area except those of search aircraft of FAIR-
VITNG ONE; and controls the movements of all aircraft, dele-
gating control of o:)erations and moven:ents to Attack Force
or Fire Sup;;,ort Group Commanders as indicated elsewhere.
Exercises, through C0mASCU, control of the Central TCA?,
aircraft .SF, air-sea rescue, and all air strikes within
the objective area except those delegated to Attack Force
or Fire Support Group Commanders for direct tto.op support.
(4) Allocates aircraft, gurdire vessels, mir.ecraft, and log-
istics, repair, and salvage vessels to Force Cosnanders as
required. J.!onitors allocations of screen vessels by Comman-
der Screenirl;r 8:roup,
(5) Controls defensive operations by ships ant:1 aircraft
assigned to tne Amshib'ious Force, includirl the control of
general air :.lerts in tile objective area. Local air alerts
aro controlled by ComGenSII'IHArmy and by Naval Attack Force
and Corps Comnanders; or, before XP.AY Day, by tire Supp:?rt
Group Com.'l\Bnd::rs; provided local air alerts ordered are HO'I'
of a lower order than tLe general alert.
(6) =ve:ne:nts of vessels of all co.tegories to ar:d
from the objective area l'lh<ill north of the latitude of RiCKNER
BAY, OKIK2Jl'A; except rr.overc1<mts of t:'1ose vessels ,fuectly
under ComFIFTHF l0 ;:;t ,
(?) Directs the disposition of dwcaged vossels unable t0
continue rtvrmal duties.
(8) In general charge of logistics for naval vessels of the
Amphibious Force. (At the objective this responsibility is
exercised by Cooman:L:r Service and Salvage Group (CoaServDiv
103) and his representatives with the various Attadc Force
Genera.l lnstl'11ctioos tor t.he.
Amphibioos Pha&e of the Oper-
ations for the capture of the
Southern Portioo of KIU.SHU)
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coomander s.) Ca.ll.s forward in appropriate coavoys, logistic
vessels of ServRon m1 as requested by C<li!ii!IWlda- Service a.nd.
Salvage Group to supply fleet units in the objective area,
COOl!!lBirlder Service and Sa.lvage Group rill arrange direct with
ComServRon SlX to &end in necessary logistic ships of that
group to the objective,
( 9) Arranges with ComServRon SIX for logistic replenishment
of ships of the Amphibious Force at sea in areas c ~ r than
within the transport screens. In the case of the Escort
Carrier Force and the G\mfire and Covering For.xe this res-
ponsibility ls delegated to the cOO'llllanders of those forces.
(10) On request of ComGenSII'IBArmy, or the Sub-Area Petroleum
Officer, KYUSHU, respectively, orders forward fol1ow-up and
re-supply echelons, and vessels carry'.illg bulk petroleum prod-
ucts for sharEr-based elements,
(ll) Directs general action to be takc;n by the Amphibious
Force in case of heavy weather.
( 12) Arranges general measures for evacuation of casualties,
and orders forward AH
s and APH' s on reqoost df Attack Force
Gorm.aond er s.
(13) Arranges for mail service to all r.aval vessels w the
objective area.
(14) W.l'len no longer required by TF 40, delivers to SIXTHArmy
the NaV'.f landiRg boats, barges, causel'lays, and otiH3r harbor
facilities to be used by Army Forces as arranged between
CinCPac and CinCAFPac.
(15) Coordinates activities of the Naval Public Information
Officer a.nd correspondents accredited to the xavy that are
assigned to naval units of the Amphibious Force,
(b) G o ~ e r s THIRD, FIFTH, and S.JW.L!}lJlli Attack Forces (Co!l!Ger.s
XI A:ry Corps, V Amphi.b i ous Corps, and i iy:'l!l;1 Co rpa also 61110arlu;d
in reapective flagships).
(1) In general charge of amphibious and associa.ti operations
in, and ia SOPA of, the appropriate .Ut.ack Foree area,
(A.) - 6
ComPhibsPa.c 10. (Annex (A) - General Inatr'!x: !ar Uie ..
Arophi.b1.ou.s Phase of the OpEr-
ations for the Capture of the
So t h P
_.. < of v.,-r rcrrn )
u .. ern 0 ""on v-o<w
-.. ..
(2) Controls all na:val operations and JllOVero>ents in the force
area not under direction of superior authority. Directs force
(3) Supports op;rati:Jns of adjacent friendly forces and of
tl1e Gun.i'ire and Goverinp Force, as rc;qui.red,
(4) EJcerci.ses, through Attack Force CoroASCU, control over the
force area TCAP
when essential, over th;;, aircraft ASP;
and, through ScreM Area Comnan:iers, over the surface screen
in the; force are:a.
(5) Protects tho Attack Force, and employs aircraft and naval
vessels for interdicting the movement of enG!JJY forces into
and within the force sea are;a a.nd thil corresponding land area.
( 6) Control local air alerts in the for C> area and the inDed-
iately adjacont land area, subject to gen':'ral air alerts
ordered by Cori:h::ander A.rnphi bious Force,
(7) Sails outbound convoys and AE
s a._s directed by
Amphibious Force.
(8) In tne force are2. c::Jnducts hydrographic surveys and e:rects
navig.tional c.ids; arranges inter-area movements, logistics,
rep2ir, and salvage of vessels (except boats); effects sea
rescue in tht:: forCe area; dirGcts forc0 c.ction in case of
heavy weather; ;;,nd performs ather general SOFA. dutias.
(9) Monitors of Transport Group and ?i.i-e Supx:ort
Group Go!ll!Yende:rs, cond is prepared to assu.oe th,; duties of
ei tr,er.
(c) Comrlandcr s TEL1D, FIFTH, and SEVENTH Transport Groups.
(1) Dir-octs and coordinat66the la11ding of troops, e.quip!!l"!lt
an:! supplies; the improvem:mt of beaches an4 approachces and
the construction of pontoon nnd earth the opera-
tion of LCT, b;;rge, and boat pools; and the rCcepe.ir and sal-
vage of boats.
(2) Frovides boats, craft and personnel for special services,
sueh as transi)Ort a:rea flan.k protection and patrol, ROll.
press and -sengc.er service, pilot ser,vice, ;i!mOke cover, eto..
, . '
m..;.q.5 (.Mnex (A) .... Gellefal Instructions .!Oit' the
Amphibious Phase of the Oper-
ations for the Ca.pti.J:Nj of the
Southern Portion of !UUS{U).
. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(3) In charge of preparation for and use of sooke apparatus
afloat and as:,ore, an:i of sooke logi. sties.
(4) Assi.gns landing ships and craft for AA protection of
lightly defended. ships, and of exposed f1at1ks of transfort
( 5) Controls the evacuation of casual ties from sb.ore to
shic:s, e:.'"ld th.ir assigrllll;OOt to AJ1
s; APH
s F-'"ld APA' s, and.
operates rocaiv,:ing ships for naval survivors, casualties,
and casuals.
(6) Assigns anchorages, and supervises actions of port di-
(7) Maintains liaison with Shore Party, Corps G-4, and the
Troops Base Cor:r.a'"ld; arre..nges or:::.er of unloading ships a.nd
provides water transport ns required by G-4; arra11fes with
G-4 as to &'".ips to include in later e<:helor.s and dates of
arrival, and reports this inforrration, and unloading prog-
ress and expected readiness of ships to depart, to the Force
who passes the request, after ap;:Jroval, to Com-
rr,and ar <l!!1Ph:ili i ou s For c e
(8) Monitors circuits of Force Uld Fire Support Group Com-
manders and maintains readiness to take over duties of
FIFTH, and Si1V.c;TH Fire Support Groups.
(A) Prior to I:?J.-...Y. Day under control of the Comwuxim- Ampr1i.bious
Force: "--
(1) Performs appropriate duties in the force areas that are
assigned respectively to Co=rrlers Tiii?tD, and SE'lDITH
Attack Forces, beginning XRAY Day. In addition, i11 th.es<;
areas contNls the delivery of preli.rn.inary air and ahip bo!ll-
bardments; controls and covers minesweeping; and controls and
supports UDT operations. ,,J.oo arranges for the pbotograpby
required ror late intelligence, and delivers negatives and
prints, z,nd delivers UDT reports, to the commanders listed
(B) Beg;i.nniag xru.I Dey at OOJO(I), the control of Attack
(A) - 8
(Amex (A) ,... General I.nstructiJ,m" foi .the
Amphlbious Phase o! the
ations !or the Capture of the
Southern Portion o.f KniSHU),
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(2) Provi.des and controls air and .-gunfire support for the
landings and for subsequent troop support, and control:;; and
directs a.ir a."'td ship counterbattery fire, Ill flycatcher" oper-
ations, interdiction, harassment, and destructive fire
against shore targets and boats and hide outs in the ar-<Ja,
both within and without the troop combat rone.
(3) Makes request direct to assigned carriers aui sr:ore-
based air commanders for aircraft required..
(4) Controls the operations of assigned fire support vessels,
except o! those withdrawn for operations under Collll'll8.Ilder
Attack Force or Co1illllllander Gunfire and Covering Force.
(5) Monitors circuits of Commanders Attack Force and Trans-
port Group, and is prepared to assl..liOO the duties- of either.
( 6) Co:m.ander FIFTH Fire Support Group, when and i.f decision
is made to make the Contingent Landing on .Soutnr..rUShu turns
over his duties, when directed, to Commander FIFTH Attack
Force for re-assignment, and t11ereafter performs duties
silnilar to ti-.ose listed in this paragraph in support of the
lan:lings by Task Force 4B.
(C) From the beginning of the operation:
(7) 1aintair1s accurate ;'L:lffiliDition records for all fire sup-
port vessels, and arran;es for tir;cely replenishment. In
charge of replenishment ir, own area.
10, The tactical plan of maneuver of the SIXTH Army is saO'Mn ir,
Appendix (III), and.is as follows:
(a) XRAY FIVE, seize southern
KOSHIKI RET'fO, and, if necessary, the northern part of T.iu\IEGA
(b) Begi.nnillg XRAY Day, seize three corps beachhead$;
(c) Clear the southern end of KYUSHU of enemy troops, to permit
the use of KAOOSH:Dtll. ViAN and ARIAKE WAN as major unloading port-a;
(d) About X?.J.:f. plus FOUR Day, land part or all the force,
O!l KADI{)ffi!IE Beach;
(.Annex (A) - General Instroetioo:a fol"" tne
Amphibioos of the Oper-
ations for the Capture o! the
Southern Portion of IYUS:!U).
- ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(e) Drl ve northward ani secure the line ge."iera..l.ly from 'i'SUNO to
SENDAI, destroying enany forces south of that line.
(f) Establish and operate 1irfields as soon as possible;
(g) Establish Army and Navy ports and bases as d.irected in
superior orders.
ll. An essential supporting feature of th troop tactical pl.an is
the interdiction of enemy troop movements overland fro!:!. North to South
KYUSHU; and interdiction of the movement of enemy troops to K'.fc SHU from
the other n;w.in JAP,JiESE islands by tunnel or vessel. Interdiction 111ill
be accompli.shed by air and ship bombardment.
12, Major ground combat units have been assig.'1ed by
- .for embarkation as shown below, Rehearsals will then be held in HJ..llfAII,
the YARL\.N A5, and the PHILIPP INL;S.
Main hssault Forces (XRAY Day) General Krueger
SIXTH A..=y Hq and Army Troops
THIRD Attack Force Vice h.dm. Wilkinson
XI A.-my Corpe Hq and Corpe Troops Lt. C-Bn. Hall
lst Cav, Div. Rein.f.,
Americal L'1f. Div.
43rd Infantry Division
FIFTH Attack Force
V Phib Corps Hq and Corps Troops
2nd J.farirae Division
3rd Marine Division
5th Warine Division
SEVm1 Attack Force

I Corpe Hq and Corpe Troops
l.!aj. (}en. lfudge
Yaj, Gen. W .H . .:nold
Yaj Gen. Wing
Vice dim. Hill
Maj.Gen. Schmidt
Maj.Gen, Hunt
Maj .Gen. Erskine
J.faj Gen. Bourke
Vice ham. BarbeJ
Yaj Gen Si!i!t
ft.\- 1(1

J.!ARiiJlf ;..s
l!Wl.L"Jl A.S

Operation Plan
ComPhibsPac lo. All-45
(AI'l.nex. (A) - la.strustiaru;'tor the.
. .
Amphibious Phas-e of the Oper-
ations for the Captur-e of the
Southern Portion of !ITUSmJ}
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
25th Infantry Division.
3Jrd IrJantry Division
41st Infantry Division
Reserve Force
Maj, Gen. )dlll H ns
Maj,Gen, Clarkson
Maj.Gen. Doe
. ear JWm. rtO'"gers
P.rrny Reserve ,.float (Part or Mai:'. r.ssault Force)
IX krey Corps Hq and Corps Troops Maj .G<ln. Ryder
8lst Infantry Division
98th Infantry Division
77til Ir1antry Di visio:'.
Western Attack Force
40th Ir1antr-; Division
Southern .\ttc.ck Force
Yaj,Gen. Mueller
Maj, Gen. Harper
Maj .Gen. Bruce
Rear Adrn. :Jwis
Brig. Gn. Myers
Roar .. Brisco{]
158th RCT Brig. Gen. Madiider LUZON
Reenforcer:.eent Force
11th A/B Division (c.bout X + 20)
Other follow-up echelons
Rear Adm. Str-utle
Maj Gen. Swing
A.FP.i.C Reserve (when attached by CinC.-il?ac)
Three desigr.ated Infantry Divisions
13. Supportir..g a.'lid additional service units are to er;:bark Lr'l m.u:nerous
places in the Pacific Ocean and South1!1'est Pacific .u-e2.s as diN!cted in
correspondence, beth for the Assault and Follow-up Forces.
14. Pacific Floot naval forces assignd for the operation 'rill be
dividoo into the THIRD Fleet, the FIFTH Fleet, the Submari.ne Foree, the
RYUKYUS Naval Forces, the J.11.i:I.t.NAS Force, the Foree,
and Serv"_c e Squadron ml".
15. The THIRD Fleet, re-enforced by components of the British Pae-itic
Fleet, will con.aiat principally of !aat carrier t.as:k with
(!.ollex (A) - Geilel'al Iristru\Ctioos for
Amphibious Phase of the Oper-
ations for the CaptU!re of the
Southern Portion of KYUSHU).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
supporting vessels. A logistical support group will be attached. The
'I'HIRD Fleet will base at :ilHlfE'l'OK. Its talk dll ba to provide stra-
tegic support by raiding HONSHU and HOKKAIOO.
16. The FIFTH Fleet will consist of fast carrier task groups and
supporting vessels; the !:!!JPnibious Force; the Wnfire and Covering
Force of OBB, cruisers, and DD; the Escort Carrier Force; the l&ine "
Force; and Fleet Air Wing O.NE. J... logistical group rill be
attached. The FIF'lh Fleet rill base at OKlliAi'iA, the PHILIPPINES, and
the MA.IUdE.S. The .r'lF'TH Fleet will conduct the operations connected
with the seizure and occupe.ti::m of beachheads in Soutr,em KYU!ilU.
17, Other 02.jor naval forces will execute their usual sup,:orting,
covering, and scouting tasks. -,
lB. ,lir operations .of land-based &ircraft in co:mection with the
operations e.re expected to be 2.s follows, in continuation of present
tasks, intensi.fying them as much as possible begirll1ing about ::cru.Y minus
(a) The Strategic nir Force will conduct operations against
dustrial JAPA-14, and wi.l1 pBrform sup;::ort missions as directed
by the Chiefs of Staff.
(b) The Far Eastern hir Force will neutralize ar:.;cy air ba5GS in
FCilliOSA, N.u"i.SSI SHOW, KYUSh'U, rmd the NINGFO-SH.lJlGlli.I nrea;
destroy col:lti:lUnica tions in HONSHU, l\.'YUSh'U, KOR.E:,, SrL-Ji'l"J11G, and
KI.J;GSU; directly and ger,orally support the assault; md pro-
vide .air cover along the NANSEI SHOTO chi:. in,
(c) The Fleet f,ir ':'lings will conduct searches and will attack
shipping in :lssigned aroas; support naval oporatior,s;
and provide ASif, photograpr,ic, and dumbo services,
(d) The First J.i.arine Air Wing will bro based first in the RYUKYUS
and then in KYUSHU, 'illd will provide support to troops an<i to
the Fleet. The Second Marine Air Wing in OKlliAW:, will defend
OKINJA, protect sh.ipping, and support Pl.:;et ill Wing . 'J:'he
Third at1d Fourth l.iarine ii.ir Wings will execute Force arJd area
tasks assigned,
19., Ps.gragraphs 20 to 30 constitute agre6.1ents between CinC...FPac and
Operation Pla.n
Co:mPhibsPo.c No , ill""45 (An."lex (A) - wneral Instructions for too
Amphibious Phase of the Oper-
ations for the Capture of the
Southern Portion of KYUSHU).
20, During the a.mphibi.ous phase of the operation, whilo control is
exercised by CinCFac, land-based c;ir elooents operating in the objec-
tive area will be controlled by CinCPac, through a com!M.!l.der design!-
ted by him. The instructions of tf'ds co=.ander, wherever practicable,
will be transmitted to the appropriate la"ld-based air echelon
an .''J:'TIJY air controller who accompanies the Naval air coailne..nder desig-
21. Si.nd.l.?trly, after lE.nd-based air forces are est2blished in the
objective area and responsibility for air O}Xlrations passes to CinCA.F-
Pac, control of carrier based 'lir elements operatin5 in the objective
area will be b,:;' the Co:lllGenFE.AF, 1herever throug,:
a Navy air cont!'olJ.er at the obj active area. of carrier based
air to be available for operations in the objective area and the dur-
ation of such sup:oort 1'1ill be established in the plan fo'I' the opera-
22. During the amphibious phase, the air elenents of trcose il.IT!J.Y Air
?orces operating in the objective area will be controlled by CL"\CPac,
through Co:mFhib sPa.c as outlined above. After these forces are estab-
lished at the objective area and when responsibility for air opera-
tions has passed to CinChFPac, control of these air elements 'Ifill be
exorcised by Co!rlGenFE.rl.F,
2.3, During tho 2ILpnibious phase, air elenents of l!arine Snore-3-ased
Air Forces operating in the obj octi ve area will be controlleD. by Co;::l-
FIFTHFleet through CooPhibsPac as outlined above. After elenents of
these forces (Marine Air Wing ONE) are established in the objective
ar3a. and when Nsponsibility for air operations has passed to Cin-
Ch.Ff'ac, control of these eleroonts wLLl be exercised by Co:mGeru"'E.il.F,
rmen agreed to by CinC?ac and CinCAFPac certain eleBents of these
forces established in the objective area will pass to the operational
control of for use in the protection of shipping en-
route to and from the objective area.
24. During the amphibious phase, air Gler.::ents of Carrier BasGd Air
Forces operatL'lg in the objective area will be controlled by Co:mF'IFTH-
FlE;et trhough ComPhibsPac. When responsibility for e.ir operations has
passed to CinCAFPac, control of those carrier aircraft operating in
the objective area will be exercised by ComGenFz..'J' as outliruld above.
Except for those carrier aircraft operating in tho objective area,
oPerational control of the Fast and Escort Carrier Task Forees rill
remain with the Fleet
(Annex (A) - General Instructions for the
Amphibious Phase of the C{per-
ations !or the Captu."e of the
Southern Portion of KYlJSi-iU).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - .IIIII'.,_ - - - -
2S. ComF'IrnfFleet 1rill control the amphibious moveoent and landing
through ComPhibsPae, llho in turn will control the Attack Foree or
Group Commanders lilho are responsible for the amphibious operatione
at their respective objectives,
26. Control of forces aslwre will pass to the Comra3.J'.der of each
Assault Division or each separate Landing Force, after :CJ.s arrival and
establishment ashore, and upon rJ.s notification to the of
the corresp:mding Naval Attack Force that he is. ready to asS1.llll6 coo-
rr.and of his forces ashore, The Commander of each Assault Division and
separate Lan::ling Force and the of each Naval Attack Group
Will promptly report to his next senior ground or Naval Coirill8nder the
time he assu:'les or relinc'u:'..shes control of forces ashore,
2:7. Control of forces ashore l'lill pass to each Corps Cocr:ander within
his respective area of operation after b..is arrival and establishnent
ashore a..nd upon l-.is n.::Jtilicati.on to the Cor:.m.a.nder of c-er'resp:::>n.d:i.ng
Naval Attack Force he is ready to control of-his forces
Jl.shore. Each C<lrps C<lMnander and the corresponding Naval Attack Force
;Commander will promptly re;-ort. to the Cor!J!}enSIXTI'.Arrcy, anC: Coz::Phibua.c:
(a) The Division and separate IP-nding Force its
correspondir..g Naval Attack Group Commander ascu;r,es or reli,nqu.ishes
control o! the forces ashor-e.
(b) The ti.:Je he h:ir...self assu.""&3s or relinquishes control of the
forces asl:-.ore.
28. Division, se;>arate Landing Force, and .Corps Corrananders -.,ho have
assumed control af their forces ashore will continue under control of
the next senior Naval Attack Force or Group Commander until their nBxt
senior Army asSUf!l8s control of forces ashore,
29. Control of forces asb,.oz'e will pass to Co.aiZenSIXTIIArmy upon his
announcement to ComPhib!J,?ac that he is ready to assu1oo conmand of the
forces ashore. and CornPhibsPac will promptly report
to CinCAFPac, CipGPac and CooFIF'lliFlE:oet the tL"le of a&S\.lD:ption of con-
trol of force_.s- ashore by ComGenSIX'lliArmy,
30. in tn.is ty_pe procedure li.a.its the two
under t,r,eir g'.noral responsibilities such controls 11..8
_nt.raor<iina.ry or unforseen circu.mstances may necessitat-e,
/ '

All-45 (Ann.ex (A) - General Instructions for t.'le
Amphibious Phase of the Oo()l'-
ations for the Ccpture of the
Southern Portion of l\.YuSHU).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31. It is enjoinad upon ship, unit, group, and force coiill::landersthat
every possible opportunity lmlBt be seized for tra.ini.ng ships' co.mpanies
and tactical units in all of the lines of effort tnat are in
battle. In particu.lar, boats' crews, hatch and winch tenders, guns'
crews, damage control crews, and navigation, radar, lookout, and com-
nrunication personnel r:JUst be carefully tr'ined by coomanding officers
of ships so that they can discharge their duties under dii'ficult cir-
cumstances. Superior comman:ier s will arrange schedules a.'1d inspections
to ensure the adequate executi.on of training. Units will be exercised
at every opportunity ir, te.ctics, day and night, using flag a:.d vcice
signals as appropriate.
32. ComrJanaers of Attack Forces THrlEE, FIVE, and SEVili, ar.d Comr.an-
ders Amphibious Groups TffiEE, ro:Jii, F'IV.J:;,S'JNJ!'N, EIGHT_, NTh'E, EL::<.v.t:NJ
THIRTl!EN, and FOl:R'I'E.B}I have been directed to contact the
Generals of troops with whom they arB to bB assocJated; and thB Ccm-
manders of Am:chibious Groups, Transport Squadrons, and other units
assigned them, nth a view to concerting detailed plans for the oper-
$ion. General screening, fire su.oport, and SOPA plans will be issued
by ComPhibsFnc, but the det:;.ils :::-f the preparation ar,d the execution
of these plans, will be decentraiized as much as XJSsible. For example,
it is intended that fir,e support vessels, loce.l TCAP, ar.d local ASfl
planes be =re or less ?Srr.illl.ently assigned to At tack Force Comr..ancier s
nth ComPhibsPac having a central TCAP under his control, and havir.g
the right of of extra requests. The general plan for the
Area Screen, anti-small-boat screen, aircraft ASW screen, flank inter-
diction forces, ar.d salvage units will be prescribed in general terms
by ComPhibs?ac, but tne Force Commanders will have responsibility for
their local operation and logistics. Upon arrival at the objective of
the AmPhibious Force on LW Day, ComPhibsPac and Ccrr:Goo.SIITHArmy will
remain in the A.'Ut.im Area unless conditions require their mvemeot
elsewhere. The Second in Gonr.-,and of the Amphibious Force is designated
as Vice Acb-iral Wi1Jd.r1son, and the in Co=nd as Vice Adl?liral
Barbey. The Second in Co=d of the Advance Force is Vice Admiral
Oldendorf. Force COIDi:l::r.ders will designate Second and T:uN:is in Co4ll-
mand, and inform CoreFhibsPac, CcmFIFT'nFleet, CinCPac, 'l.f,d CinCAFFac,
and ComGenSll'l.'Hil.rl!l!y, by .despatch,
33. The TEIRP and SEVENTH Attack Forces, the Reserve Force,
Western Attack Foree, the Southern Attack Force, and the Reenforcement
Foree, have been directed to hold final rehearsals in the PHILlPPDiES;
and the Fil"'lli Attack Force in the }!.\Rlf..NAS. Responsibility for load-
ing and traini.ng iavo'!l Garrison Forces will be separ11tely directOO..
(lmnex (A) - General. Inat.ruc\iops for the
Junphibious Phase o! the Oper-
ations !or the o! the
Southern Portion of liTUSIDJ)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
34. Preliminary hydrographic surveys will be pres.criboo b.r ComPl:libs-
Pac and assigned tor execution to Attack Force
35. Each A.ttack Force and the Reserve Force Colllllanders, except the
Commander Southern attack Force, will be assigned repair and salvage
units for the execution of usual tasks in their area;s In general,
it is desired that d&"!laged ships be sent as soon as possible to OKDIAWA
for necessary repairs, rather't.han to attempt repeirs locally. This
particularly applies to the TIURDa.nd S""V<'TH Forces.
}6. AppBndix (Fl) gives the designation of la,11ding 'ooaches and beach
zones in Southern KYUSHU.
37. Close cooperatLm should be effected between opposite n1.lliiDers of
the troops and the supporting elements of the Navy, l?eroonal confer-
ences are considered essential between officers of the various services
whose plans require coordination. This close personal coordine.tion
should extend a.ll the way froo tho top echelons down 'to and include
boats' crews and tl":>ops. It is most important that Beach Party and
Shore Party CoJ:Eai:ders prepare joint plarJ.s, and engage i.'l joint tr9.in-
ing. These officers =d at least nucleii of thui r .carties should be
embarked in the same vessels whenever possible.
38. CornGBnSIXTHf,.rmy, through appropriate subordinates, nas the res-
ponsibility for organizing and instructing the Shore Parties and Trans-
portation Corps Port Units. Garrison Beach Battalions are to be assem-
bled, organized and trained by Service Force Pacific F:::._eet; t.he ."\Ssault
Beach Organizations of Beach Parties will be trained under Cod'hibsPac.
Shore Parties, ooach Bat ta.lions and h.ssault Beach Parties should be
given col!lbined traL'ling during rehearsals, Those parties which will
man the assault beaches will 'm,ove to the objective with the A.ssault
Forces, Nucleii of tne Shore and ''ssault Beach Parties will land in
scheduled assault waves preferably No. 4. The full parties shou.ld land
as soon as condi. tions justify their presence on the teaches. Elements
of the Garrison Beach Battalions will be landed srortly after the
assault and will pre pare to relieve the Msault Beach Parties prior to
withdrawal of the tran.sports. Fort Direct.or Units will be provided
and trained by CooServPac, Md will go forwa.rQ with the Attack Forces.
39 .6mbarked troops are responsible to the Officars of
V(;s.s'els for guarding m111 property against tMft or loss. Cooman-
ding ,Officers o! vessels and troops will ensure that e!f&eti'fe steps
are _taken to prevent such loss, and will make reports in
lofsaes ooeur. After debarkation of troops, CoGlmanding Officers o! shipe
. .\
(Almex (A) - Ger;oral. !'*'the
Amphibiou.s the Oper-
ations for tile Capture of the
Southern Po:tion of IIUSHU).
will cause a very careful search to be made to eroure that troop PI'O!>-
arty left on board is colleetOO and safegunrded for return to the
propGI' organizations, DiEcipli!'..c'U'Y measures will be institut<l<i 111here
4[), .till naval corr::.anders, in advance of tho operation, will take
steps to indoctrinate ?.ll han:ls against pillage and souvenir-hunting.
Commanders of troops arc expected to establish necessary .military
police 1il1es and pfltrols, for the purpose of preve.nting misdemeanors
of this character on shoro by naval and merchant marine p0rs.onnel.
U. S. Navy,
Corrwander T .F. 40 nnd 41, l1.lT:phibious Force,
cnd ComPhibsFac.
(I) - Orga.'liz at ion of tho Amphibious Jl.dvance Force,
(II) -Organization of Amphibious Force.
(III) - Troop Tactical Plan, KYUSHU.
(IV)- Diagrc.n; of Beach Designations'for agninst KYlJSHU.
{A.) - 17

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