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Predisposing Factors: Young adult 19 y/o Geographical area (lives in a tropical area- Pangasinan, Philippines)

Precipitating factors: Washing of hand inadequately Drinking unpurified water Eating contaminated foods Improper handling of food

Ingestion of food/fluids contaminated with salmonella typhi

Bacteria enters stomach

Bacteria invades payers patches of the intestinal wall in the small intestines where it attach

S. typhi has a VI capsular antigen that avoids neutrophil based inflammation. It includes host macrophages to attract more macrophages causing inflammation

Bacteria is within the macrophages and survives Spread via the lymphocytes while inside the macrophages

Perforation and destruction of mucosal lining of the intestinal wall, can lead to persistent inflammation

s/s: abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting

Induced macrophage apoptosis breaking out in the blood stream and cause systemic infection


*Hyperthermia r/t inflammatory response *Risk for Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements

Bacteria grow and multiply


Bacteria spread further through the bloodstream

Bacteria spread to other body tissues and organs Bacteria reach the brain

Bile is infected and typically shed in the stool and are then available to infect others

Has toxic effect on the brainstem (especially the corticospinal tract which is responsible for the bodys motor response/ movement) * Self care deficit related to body weakness and easy fatiguability

*Activity intolerance related to body weakness Risk factor: on the same room with a patient diagnosed with pneumonia (hospital setting)

Inability to move extremities

May lead to immune compromised state

*Impaired mobility related to body weakness and easy fatiguablility

Development of nosocomial infection (hospital acquired pneumonia)

s/s: Presence of productive cough, shortness of breath, use of oxygen, using of accessory muscle, presence of crackles upon auscultation at the Right and left lower lung fields.

* Ineffective airway clearance related to retained secretions in the trachea bronchial tree

*Risk for aspiration related to NGT feeding

Meningeal infection

Through bloodstream as a consequences of other infections

S. Pneumoniae /meningitis

Enter nasopharynx

Transmitted by secretion or aerosol contamination Enter the bloodstream

Crosses the blood brain barrier Inflammatory reaction in the meninges Inflammation of the subarachnoid space and pia matter Sign and symptoms: Headache ,lethargy, petechial rash

Increases Intracranial pressure

Sign and symptoms: Decreases level of consciousness, focal motor deficit

Increasing the CSF cell count

Late sign: Shock and disseminated intravascular Coagulopathy

Complication: Visual, Impairement, Deafness, Seizures ,Paralysis ,And septic shock

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