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The big question that I want to ask you today, its very simple but very important and the question is WHY? What is you motive? You are in youth ministry, I understand that but why are you here? The reason that I think that its imperative to talk about this, before moving to all the whats and hows (how you do a super event?, what means real discipleship?, how ?...) before all this its imperative to ask this question and answer it in our hearts: WHY?! Why are you doing the cellgroup, why are you doing a super event, why are you doing Because I have seen through years in the scripture, but also in some friends in my life, its not only the What you do? or how well you do it? Its the WHY? And if the why isnt right, if the motives are not right from the very beginning, it doesnt matter what are you doing, or how well you are doing it, eventually you will get out of track, you will abort the call that God has on your life and that will also affect the call He has on the people that he wants or wnated you to minister to. WHY are you and I in youth ministry? Before moving on, or before moving to the next session, we need to answer this: WHY? We all know the story of Judah, (resumen: he was the man that sold Jesus for 30 coins, and then killed himself, he betrayed his relationship with the creator of the world for some coins) we know how the story ends, but do we know how it starts. The children of Israel had been under the dominion of the romans, some get accustomed by that, but inside of all this groups, but there was this one group that there only mission in life was to see the messiah come back, so that he would over run the roman empire, and set the Kingdom of God and rule eternally, they were called Zealots, there goal in life was.. Inside of this zealots groups were the ultra-zealots, they were the crazies, the people with the wild look in their eyes, they will get up every morning looking for their messiah, they were so ready to the messiah to came and they wanted to be ready to fight the romans at any moment so they carried a small dagger on the hips everywhere they went, they carried a stager and people called themselves the dagger men and in those days the word to refer to this phrase was scary iscariot. And if you read the bible, Judah went with the name Judah the Iscariot, this guy was appasioned, he wanted more than anything in his life, he wanted the Romans to be enthroned. Judas the Iscoriot, and while he was going in his life with his little dagger in his hips, and w Thats him! Thats the messiah! That the guy! Im in. he got so in that he start doing all the things, he was totally in, he decide that What was not good was the reason that judas decided to He thought that man will give me all I want ,

But when the days start

9 MONTH PROGRAM 1 Month: TRAINNING Memorize 1 verse every month We are serious about the commitment you are making and you should be serious too. They sat with their team, with their coach. And in a small lesson will learn: Week 1: Purity before Position. - Because you are a leader in ministry, it does not give you the permission to do whatever you want with your heart and with your body, because you have a responsibility. Week 2: Race the bar on who you are. - You got to read Gods word on a regular basis, and you have to think Gods word on regular basis, so ultimately you will life Gods word in a regular basis. And if you do that you will raise the bar on who you are and God will elevate you because you are elevate Him. Week 3: The real world rules. - Basic small principles: A. small are big, the small things make up the BIG things, and how you make sure that the small things you do. B. God honors character over talent. That doesnt matter how talented you are, if you dont have character is worthless, the importance of character: Who you represent, why is important that you have character and integrity in your life. C. a servant heart will take as far as possible, the kingdom of God its kind like upside down in terms on how the world view things, the world says Every man himself should climb the ladder but in God society, in God system its totally different, first you put others and then you will be rewarded. D. You get nothing, you earn everything. Many times they thing, I dont have that hard and a scholarship will come or an amazing work will came, but its not true, you have to work, and work hard, because its a biblical principal, the hands of the diligent will be proper, and if not, will come to poverty. Week 4: Mooch training. - We bring them all in a same room and I read a passage and then I say, Ok, guys get out your journals and start journaling, what verse stood up to you? What is God trying to tell you? How does this apply to you? How these apply to those around you? And what are you going to do to apply this in your life now? let them journal 5 minutes approx.

THE PROGRAM EACH MONTH (9 months): 2 weeks they get in a group, they have a Bible session and discuss with each other. 2 weeks, they just attend to oneighty, but they are not a consumer anymore, they are now a contributor. Once a month they serve. The serving part is a important, at first we thought to them serve every week, but sometimes, they had nothing to do because they were so much, so now we are doing a monthly serving program. Time to time, we will get them serving in some serve project (cleaning the bus, or tear something down after an event, etc.)

2 Month: TOPIC: SALVATION AND REDEMPTION What really means, because many of them know that are safe but doesnt know why or how, and we make a 2 main Verses: Romans 10:1-14 and 2 Peter 1:1-10 For the first 2 weeks they will read the passages and we will met once and discuss the passages, and the main 4 questions are the ones we said, before what is God saying in this passage, what does it means to you personally, what means to the world around you and how can you apply this to your life this week. The Bible verse for memorization is Ro. 10:9-10. 3 Month: 4 Month: 5 Month: 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month

Format of registration Name: Number: Why you want to be in the youth program?:

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